Home What do dreams mean Why does a deceased loved one not dream. Why the dead son does not dream

Why does a deceased loved one not dream. Why the dead son does not dream

Incredible Facts

Mystics claim that the world of our dreams is a connection with other worlds that are inaccessible to our waking consciousness, therefore it is no coincidence that since ancient times it was believed that dreams are about bygone people This is an important sign that should not be ignored.

The dead come to us with a message, advice, or warning that must be correctly interpreted in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and not make mistakes. With the help of "spiritual" research, it has been revealed that there are psychological and spiritualistic reasons why deceased loved ones come to us in a dream.

In 30 percent of cases the cause is psychological, in the remaining 70 percent it is spiritualistic.

Psychological reasons are the presence of guilt or regret in a person due to the fact that he did not spend enough time with a loved one, or he has some kind of concern about this departed loved one.

In this case, the arrival of a deceased person in a dream is a surge in our subconscious.

There are two spiritual reasons. One of them is that subtle body dead man needs help in afterlife and tries to contact his descendant or relative. Another reason is an attempt at revenge and the desire to take at least someone with them.

Dead in a dream

However, let's take a closer look at the mystical point of view and try to understand what messages can be brought to us by people who are now alive only in our memories and can only speak to us through dreams.

Modern dream books often do not pay enough attention to many important nuances. For example, they do not take into account how a dead person looks in our dreams, whether he is dead in the grave, or whether he came to us alive and happy. Or maybe he comes to life right before your eyes? Or in a dream we do not remember at all that this person is not among the living?

Interpretation of dreams about a dead person

It is generally believed that if you dream of a dead person (you talk to him, listen to his advice or do what he says), then this is a sign of unexpected news or changes in life.

Christian dream books explain dreams involving departed people by saying that the soul of our deceased relative or friend has not yet found peace, and give advice to conduct some additional ceremonies or fulfill a person’s request (for example, if the deceased asks for water).

Pagan interpretations of dreams that have come down to us recommend doing whatever a dead person asks for in order to avoid the wrath of the gods. And even though dreams with dead people can sometimes be scary, they are still a good omen.

For example, if in a dream you see how the resurrection of a dead person takes place, this may mean that something lost will soon return (money, things, or even social status).

Another book of dreams interprets dreams about dead people as a sign that something very happy will happen soon in the family, for example, a wedding or the birth of a child. However, seeing the deceased on the eve of the wedding is an unfortunate sign of a bad future for the union. The marriage will be unhappy, and the children born in it will be sick and weak.

Seeing a dead person in a dream

But what about if the dreaming deceased is a close relative?

At the moment, there is no consensus, so many factors must always be taken into account. But most interpretations regarding dead relatives in a dream, especially parents, indicate a warning of a problem.

Sometimes dreams in which a person communicates with his dead parents for a long time help him find his inner world, gain self-confidence, and even affect business success and family well-being.

It is also believed that a person cannot, at will, see a departed relative in a dream. It is absolutely useless to try to do this, since it is not we who call them, but they decide when and to whom to come.

Dead relatives in a dream

There is another classification of the causes of dreams about deceased loved ones, which divides them into three groups:

1) "Regular visit"

2) "Aspect of self"

These are dreams that give you relief, help you emotionally heal from some problems, or help you overcome some difficulties in the dream world so that you can then deal with them in reality.

3) "Memories"

These dreams are a reminder of a person with whom you enjoyed or, on the contrary, avoided this relative. Also in these dreams, a dead person may indicate your strength or weakness, which you may have forgotten about, and which can help you solve your current problem.

Our dreams are sacred access to the place where we existed before we were born and where we will return after this life. And this place is filled with departed loved ones who are waiting for us. Love is something that we can take with us and give freely.

Existing relationships with deceased relatives can cause a person to constantly see them in a dream. What did the dead son of his mother or father dream about, and what could this dream have to do with future life vision owner?

If a mother or father dreamed of a dead son, it is worth thinking about the relationships that existed in the family. Perhaps the child is offended by something, and with the help of visions he is trying to communicate this to the living. You should not be afraid of a dream, because with the correct interpretation, a person will be able to understand in time what the deceased needs.

If in a dream a child appears in a coffin lifeless, then in the future family members will face serious shocks or illnesses. You should carefully monitor your well-being, because a deceased son can warn of the development of serious diseases.

If a mother sees in a dream how she cries over the body of her dead son, then in real life problems will recede for a while, allowing the family to forget about all the tragedies. Such a dream has a good interpretation and often means that the mother will get better in her personal and professional life. Also, this vision can be interpreted from the position that the mother simply misses her son and prays for his return.

If a father dreamed of such a son, then positive changes in the career plan should be expected. Perhaps the financial affairs in the family will go uphill, allowing you to forget about all other problems.

Dead people in dreams are guides from a completely different, distant world for the living. Usually dead relatives they try to warn their loved ones about impending problems, and therefore it is necessary to remember in detail for a reliable interpretation.

If in a dream the deceased son talks to his parents and seems alive, then the child is trying to inform his relatives about something. Such a dream rarely has a negative interpretation, but the details of the vision should be remembered in as much detail as possible. Perhaps the speeches of the son will testify to future changes in the family.

If a son in a dream speaks of illness or death, then serious problems should be expected in family life. Perhaps close relatives will quarrel, and this will cause the final interruption of their relationship.

When a mother sees a laughing son in a dream, positive changes in life should be expected. Most likely, relatives expect positive discoveries, sudden good news. Such a dream should be treated exclusively positively.

A negative interpretation has a dream in which a dead son leads his parents into the darkness. Such a dream usually means that the parents will become seriously ill and find themselves with one foot in the grave. You should carefully monitor your health to prevent such a development of events.

What portends a dream in which a parent does not see his own son, but only hears his voice? Usually such a vision portends bad news that is about to reach the parents. In such a situation, one can only mentally prepare for future upheavals.

If in a dream the son behaves strangely, almost does not talk and does not look at others, then the owner of the dream harbors a grudge against one of the relatives. It is better to resolve this situation as quickly as possible, because vain grievances do not benefit anyone.

If the deceased son lies in a coffin with his eyes open, serious problems in family life should be expected. Perhaps the deceased child is trying to communicate about the dangers that await his parents in the future. Closing the eyes of a dead son is also a bad sign, meaning illness and death.

Caution should be taken in dreams in which the son hugs both mother and father. In some dream books, this means that the real life of the living will develop in the best way possible. Perhaps career success will allow parents to forget about all previous mistakes and sorrows. In other dream books, this vision is interpreted more pessimistically. Usually it means diseases that are about to overtake either the mother or the father.

Many people are not enthusiastic about interpretation own dreams believing that nothing good will come of it. In fact, the correct interpretation of visions involving a dead son will help prevent trouble in real life by changing your future for the better.


Why can't I dream about my dead son? When do they dream? Other dead people sometimes dream, but he has never dreamed



the son does not dream, so he is good there. And you do not worry about him, go to church, light a candle for the repose of the soul. You need to go to the cemetery only on memorial days - you don’t need to disturb the dead once again - they have their own life there - you have your own.

Valentina Fryshko

sometimes you need to remember them, so you dream

I'm not here

dream when you start to forget.


Dreams are information in the brain and nothing more. dream characters live ONLY in the brain. As for the desire to see them (deceased relatives), this is a very real possibility in the real earthly world. Just as real as the possibility of tomorrow, maybe more real. But only in due time and subject to certain actions of the willing. The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult trials in life. jw.org

figusya siskin

You can see a deceased loved one in a lucid dream. It just seems to me that you don't need it. If he does not dream, then he rests in peace and he is well there.

Tatiana xxx

Perhaps in a dream you and he are at different vibrational levels.
The dead have their tasks. Sometimes they are even unhappy if they are disturbed by the living.
Don't worry. They have their lives and we have ours. Leave with peace and love.

The dead son dreams of being alive

Dream Interpretation Dead son dreams alive dreamed of why in a dream the dead son dreams of being alive? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a dead son dreams of being alive by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life and if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. the dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If the deceased in a dream is naked, then in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Qur'an says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Have you not renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out of there, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. a deceased person longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son beautiful and healthy in a dream portends news of his happiness and well-being. But if in a dream you see that he is sick, injured, pale, etc., then expect bad news or trouble.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune. The dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern for his well-being. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child has excellent health and your worries are groundless. If in a dream your son is calling you, then soon he will need your help. If you dream that you have a son, although in fact you have no children, then you will have to courageously endure future troubles or material losses. Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that your son was born portends unrest and worries.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. IN popular belief"to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Son

To see your son healthy, beautiful, vigorous - to success and health for you and for him.

If you do not have a son in reality, a dream about a son predicts good luck in some kind of enterprise or a happy marriage.

If you dream that your son has died, expect a joyful event.

The behavior of a son in a dream means for a woman the attitude of her husband towards her, and for a man - the resumption of some kind of relationship and affairs or his own behavior and condition.

If a woman does not have a husband and children, a dream about a son characterizes her love affair or her feelings and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

You hug your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

The death of a son - speaks of a verbal quarrel.

The son of a concubine is dreaming under the wall - portends career growth.

Son of heaven, the rightful ruler will grant you permission to sit in his presence - there will be wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors.

If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, then you should be afraid of some kind of trouble.

If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of a well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that she will have a lot of grief. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as a pretty and well-mannered boy, in real life this means that your career will go uphill and this will become your pride. You will be striving for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking, suffers from some kind of deviations, then in reality beware of trouble.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and pleading for help portends grief and failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Son

A dream in which you see yourself as a woman in labor and they announce to you that your son was born means that you will be able to oppose your will and determination to evil intentions, thereby preventing tragic events. If you have a freak son, this is to painful experiences and bitter disappointment; handsome strong son - safely arrange your wedding.

To experience strong anxiety for the fate of your son in a dream means that you will have to learn things that you would prefer never to hear.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (this prophetic dreams about his own death!).


what is the dream of a dead son who brings to his mother to wash clothes and ask


Lilac fairy


And no one needs scientific explanation this fact from a specialist in the neurophysiology of the brain, so I do not count on anything, but I will say.
Dead people rot in the ground, their consciousness (soul, as an invisible body of thought) does not move anywhere, like the light of a burnt out light bulb, and our brain works on electrical activity, which is confirmed by the EEG that doctors do to you.

Your dead, whom you buried, remained alive in your memory.

You upload information to the computer's memory and it is stored there. The brain works even harder and not at the click of a mouse.

While you were burying them, you were very worried and clusters of neurons (clusters of nerve cells) formed in your brain. electr. activity during sleep is almost zero, but energy disks rotate like a plate and touch these accumulations.

In science, this phenomenon is called post-stress syndrome.

Afghans dream of war and they jump up in fear.

Those who have been in an accident also experience car accidents in a dream.

The plot of a dream can be anything that your imagination draws.
You remember him not only in the coffin, right?

According to the dream book: to a change in the weather.


Seeing a dead person alive in a dream suggests some kind of change in your real life, and judging by the plot, you need to get rid of something, that is, "erase" it (((

Only yours..

it is necessary to fulfill the request of the deceased, he wants to warn you about something, say something, listen to this dream. go to his grave, commemorate him or put a candle in the church for the repose of his soul


For a change in the weather.

Natalia Maksimova

give towels to someone for a wake

Dead son in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur deceased son. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation, written for free by the interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of the Dead Son mean, or what it means to see the Dead Son in a dream.

Dead in a dream

My late mother often dreams of me. Last night, in a dream, my uncle accuses me of stealing money, I say that I don’t have it, but when I open my wallet, it’s exactly the money that he lost.

I myself had three thousand. My late mother is standing next to my uncle and says: “My daughter is not a thief”, then in tears I give my mother the three thousand that were mine and say that they are ours so that she takes them, and who else is the money to me - tossed it.

Mom takes them, and I squeeze her hands.

What could this mean? Thank you in advance.

Dead mother in a dream

Background: A week ago I left a man whom I love very much and with whom I have been together for several years. She left because he is married, has two children, and I myself am married, I have a child. He could not or did not want to leave the family, so I left him.

Today I dreamed about my mother, who died three years ago. I was in a dream with my beloved (from whom I left) at home, we talked about our relationship. And then my mother came, I didn’t see her image in a dream, but she knew that she went into the corridor, undressed, I seemed to be talking to her, but there was no conversation (or I don’t remember), she sees my man, but is not surprised and not upset that this is not my husband.

She goes to the kitchen, does something there, my man and I also go to the kitchen, on the way I went into the bath, and he went to my mother in the kitchen. I remember only his words "and you are comfortable here."

What did it come up with?

And the day before yesterday, my mother also had a dream. She baked pancakes, more like cupcakes - very tall, tasty, appetizing. In both dreams, my mother was calm, I won’t say that she was cheerful, but not sad either, she was normal.

In general, I very rarely dream of her, but here twice in a row. I already lit a candle for the repose after the first dream ...

The deceased husband in a dream said that he was leaving for another

The deceased husband in a dream came to my apartment where I now live (they used to live with him in another). I began to warm up food, and he goes out onto the balcony to talk on the phone, I try to listen to who and what he is talking about, but I can’t hear anything. Then he goes to the next room, but not to mine. And in the next room there lives a young man (he is from Kaluga) with whom we begin to build relationships. I mean, I follow him into this room and ask in surprise why he is in this room, and not with me, and with whom did he even talk on the phone? What's happening? To which he replies: I'm leaving! I ask: I mean, where? He: I'm leaving for another, I met her at work, she is from Kaluga and everything is fine with her. At this moment, I feel such pain and resentment. At the same time, I have a feeling of guilt and shame, as if I had betrayed him, although when we lived together I never had a relationship on the side. In a dream, I try to calm myself down and I think the main thing is not to hysteria and tell him well, this is your choice, but I can’t. And I tell him you know you will have to help me with money, because. It will be very difficult for me alone with a child, to which he says I would take the child with me, but now I don’t have a roof over my head, they say I leave the apartment to you. I woke up in such shock and horror that he left me, it was the resentment of the abandoned woman for a second even confused reality with my dream. I want to understand what he wanted to tell me when he came to me in a dream. Earlier, when I dreamed about him, we hugged, kissed, made love, told each other that we missed him. True, I had a dream about him for almost a year, and then such a dream just when I decided on a new relationship.

Dead cat in a dream

Today I had a dream, closer to the morning, that my mother sends me to one of the rooms located near our house in order to bring something, at the moment when she says this, our recently deceased cat appears, to which I was strongly attached and who was strongly attached to me, if he sat in his arms, then only with me. So, then I went to this room, the cat along with me, and another cat who lives with us. We approach it, on the door we put a rusty, rusty lock, I open the door, go in and see a large number of black cats sitting peacefully around the entire perimeter of the room. I try to disperse them, but they still come out from everywhere. What does this mean? Thank you in advance.

Dead father in a dream

I dreamed that my younger sister, me and our friend found the things of the deceased father, which we did not see in his lifetime, including the clock, which of us started them. Everything happens in unfamiliar place, where we also see an unfamiliar black man. What does it mean?

Dead parents took me away in a car in a dream

I was in some house where I was in serious danger: they were chasing me, it seems, to kill me. But my parents, who had died earlier, appeared and saved me: we left with them in a car. The father was driving. We drove at a speed of about 200 km and at one of the turns the car was carried off the highway. But someone (maybe I), as if being outside the car, in an enlarged size, with the palm of his hand directed it back. We flew back onto the highway and overtook all the pursuers.

Thus, we were out of danger and arrived in some city. I take my parents as if to my home. On the way we pass two apartment buildings with yards overgrown with garden trees and beautiful flowers. And across the road - another house, but only with a well-groomed yard: a garden, flower beds, a fountain. I say that we should go to the left. There will be my home. But the father seems to be looking for my brother (who also died) and enters the entrance of some house (not one of those that we saw). Mom says: "Look what he's doing there" or "Go get him." I go, and opening the doors, I understand that there is a drug den. I go inside, but there, the room is clean, there are benches. My father is sitting on one of them, his back to me. There are red, painful spots on his skin. I go up to him, we start talking - I don’t remember what, but I remember that I persuaded him to come with me. And he shows me the next room, which already leads us to the street, rather to the promenade overlooking the sea. I understand that it will not be possible to take him with me and I wake up

A deceased mother with the face of a person I love now in a dream

I ask you to explain the meaning of my dream - I rarely dream of anything, but today's dream disturbed me.

I dreamed of my mother, who died in 1996. We are with her in the school corridor, I am sitting on the floor in front of the TV, and she is on the left side of me, and as if she wants not only to say something, but rather so that I see and understand - and her face is not hers, but the face of the person with whom I now fall in love more and more in real life. And she is dressed in his leather jacket. I noticed the clothes at the moment when my mother turns away from me for a while, but then looks at me again. And I look at her, I see very clearly his sweet face, pleasant to my heart, and I start, throwing my head back, laughing happily, and at the same time, inside the dream, I realize that my mother has the face of my beloved, and I am very pleased to see him like that It's clear.

This is the whole dream. But the question is also that in real life I fell in love in absentia, on the Internet, he never saw me. A person is generally from another country, and if you think sensibly, such relations cannot have any development, well, even if they can, then the chance for this is very small, almost weightless. It is hard to think that this dream portends the loss of this person for me. I ask you to tell me though bitter, but the truth. I so want to hope for love with this person - in my life my heart has never been so close to anyone ...

Dead grandmother in a dream

Recently dead grandmother in the courtyard of her house she communicates with her friends and I see how she changes: old, then young, aging again. Then in the house, in the bathroom, she asks me to put on a dress, to which I refused, and my grandmother insisted on her own. How to understand this dream?

Dead grandmother children village hair in a dream

I have a dream that I am in the village with my grandmother, but for some reason I am 10 years old there. In fact, my grandmother died a long time ago. I never dreamed of her before. In general, I’m sitting near the house on a bench, it seems like it started to rain, everything was covered with gray clouds, and some children climb into our garden, I don’t know why, it was like 2 guys and 1 girl, the same age as me in a dream. Grandmother saw this and ran after them, probably to catch them.

The boys ran away by jumping over the fence, and the girl did not quite have time to escape, jumped over the fence, but her grandmother caught her by the hair, but in the end the girl broke free and ran away, after that the grandmother comes up to me with a piece of blond hair in her hands like a blonde and says here the bastards ran away anyway. The hair in her hands was about 25-30 centimeters hanging from her fist, then I woke up, because. A little scared.

Dead grandmother in a dream

On the 4th day after death, they buried my paternal grandmother, and at night I dreamed about her. She was the closest to my soul out of all my relatives. Before her death, she was seriously ill for the second year, her joints ached, three days before her death, she ended up in intensive care, then fell into a coma and died. I take her death hard, also because I am in another country and could not even come to the funeral. I dreamed that she was lying in a hospital bed in a ward among the same grandmothers. She lies, tosses and turns, she is not comfortable, scolds the doctors: "What kind of doctors, they don’t know how, they don’t know, they only make it worse." It’s as if I see it all from the outside, I’m not around, it’s as if they are showing her to me, but I really want to help her, I want to take her away from there, but I can’t. Then I see a photograph showing my grandmother (my father's mother) and my mother. Although the faces are not theirs, for some reason I know that they are. These faces are very similar, you can say the same thing, only one is older (grandmother), the other is younger (mother), they are not sad, even probably smiling (although during their lifetime grandmother and mother did not like each other) Grandmother died at an advanced age of 70, and in the photo she is 45-50 years old. Mom is now 53, and in the photo she is young. (I'm with my mom bad relationship, and we don’t communicate, usually when I dream about her, something unpleasant happens). In the photo, they are sitting in the corridor of the medical facility, at the table. (Grandma worked as a midwife for more than 40 years.) And under the photo there is a caption that she is: the head of the maternity hospital. Immediately after my death, I asked my grandmother to come to me even in a dream to talk, to say goodbye, but she did not contact me personally in a dream. There were only those words about doctors.

Help to recognize the meaning of sleep.

Dead in a dream

Good afternoon, for two weeks I have been tormented by one dream. Please tell me what it means. Let me tell you the backstory first. I had a friend, very close, with whom I could share all the troubles and sorrows, and suddenly there was a break in relations. We both accepted everything with dignity and didn’t communicate for a month and suddenly a dream .... I have a dream about his dad (he died a little more than 10 years ago - he committed suicide, but I know for sure that he was a very good person, just very lonely in a large family and it was very hard for him) he came to my house, hugged me and asked me not to give up his son, but to help him and asked me to pass 2 small paradise apples, and when I woke up and went to that place, an icon fell there and lies on place of apples. The dream is so real, his voice is still in my head and I can’t forget his warmth, some kind of monstrous reality he so sincerely asked ... I began to be afraid, I sleep with the light. In the morning after sleep, I immediately wrote to my friend, but he does not make contact. He is a very kind, sympathetic person, but here, like a wall, I ask for a meeting, he does not want to. I do not want and cannot tell my friend about the dream. How can I be, what does this dream mean?

Dead sister in a bath of water in a dream

I dreamed that my sister (who died last year) was sitting in a bath filled with water, and water was still pouring from the tap. The water is clear, but there is so much of it that it seems that it is about to overflow.

I tell her - do not pour more water, you will pour it. And she smiles and is silent.

It starts to sway in the bath, waves are created, quite high. But the water does not pour out, as if held by some force.

And after that, we ride the bus with her, I tell her something. And she abruptly gets up and gets off the bus, saying that she has already passed her stop.

And she was a little sad in a dream.

Please tell me why I dreamed about it. I attach great importance to dreams, they help to prepare for something, to avoid something. But I can't solve this dream... Thank you in advance!

Dead dad in a dream

I dreamed that dad was painting pictures and he had an art gallery. Although he did not paint during his lifetime. In the paintings of cats and snakes and flowers. He also conducts master classes. During his life he was not a teacher. Why sleep?

Dead father in a dream

Railway station. Dad, mom, and I buy train tickets. Dad died over ten years ago. I tear my ticket into four parts. We all pass through the first turnstile, they let me through with a torn ticket. Mom swears, smokes. Papa is silent. Only mom and dad are allowed through the second turnstile, they leave and leave me.

Dead grandmother in a dream

From Monday to Tuesday. I dreamed that I was in an apartment with friends in one room, and in another grandmother, who had already died for 5 years, and with her 3 more women, 2 older, one younger, I didn’t recognize them, only one seemed to me like someone, she had a black coat. Grandma first lay on the sofa under the covers, and those women seemed to be looking after her.

Then my friend (my former young man with whom we now began to communicate a little) went out into the corridor and I heard one of the women, as it seemed to me, a brunette was talking to him. She “Go away we don’t need you”, he “I can’t, I got attached to her”, she “you couldn’t get attached to her, go anyway, we don’t need you”. Then, as if something had fallen and I went out to look, there was no one in the corridor.

I went to my grandmother and she said that she wanted to talk to me about something, and I replied that I was going to the next room now, and then we could go out to the balcony and talk there. She looked a little upset, but nodded. And when I looked at her more closely, it first caught my eye that she was very thin, and then I thought that the body looked more like the body of a thin young girl, only with the face of a grandmother.

Then I went into the next room and remembered that my friend and I needed to go on business. And then my eyes stung, I looked in the mirror and saw that all the capillaries burst in my eyes, the whites became very dark, a little reddish, and also covered with some kind of mucus. I began to take it out, it was completely transparent and was removed almost in layers. I managed to clear one eye and told my friend that we didn’t have time to go anywhere and would go later.

Then my grandmother came into the room and stood on the threshold, and my friend said that she had bought gifts for my relatives. I saw that in the corner there were a lot of paper bags with different bottles for washing and body. I asked my grandmother what she wants out of it. She refused bath foam and shower gel and said she wanted shampoo. But no matter how much I searched for shampoo, I could not find it.

At some point, a huge tall hunting dog appeared in a dream, and I knew that there were two of them, but I saw only one, she was dark in color, did not pay any attention to me, just stood in the room, and as if my friend left in the end walk them.

I woke up from the alarm clock, I didn’t have time to talk with my grandmother. Now a strange feeling haunts me.


The husband is not happy, he does not pay attention to you. But you tried so hard all day to clean up the house, cook food, and he is an ungrateful pig 🐷. It's a shame? Yeah. It's a shame. Just tell me, when you met, was he attracted to you by an unbridled passion for cleaning up and cooking? Or did he see a beauty filled with sexual energy and forms, ready for fertilization? What kind of attention do you think is given to a person who has been cleaning all day and ...


Marat, due to youth and / or excessive hormonality, you exaggerate the role of boobs-pussies in family life. Moreover, I will tell you - for this, a family is not needed at all. From the word "absolutely"

Wedding dress, is that you?! I recognized you :)

Please let me know if it makes sense to go to a lawyer. There lived a husband and wife. Acquired property. The wife of relatives / heirs has no one except her husband. The wife is dying. She was issued a piece of land with an unregistered house (did not have time), bought in marriage. A year has passed since the death. The husband, for a number of personal reasons, does not want to inherit, he wants to abandon the inheritance in favor of his own! nieces. Is it possible? After all, his niece is not the heiress of his wife no ...


If the husband and wife were registered at the same address, then there is no problem, he goes to the notary himself or by proxy someone else and draws up for the husband. Only then will he give it to his niece or will it go to her if the husband has no other relatives. If he was not registered with his wife, then the notary will not issue, then in court it is possible to prove the fact of acceptance of the inheritance. If he lived with his wife. Then he accepted the inheritance in any case, since all her things remained with him. In addition, half and so it. If purchased in marriage

One goes to a notary, writes out a power of attorney, who will do everything for him and receive a certificate of inheritance, then also by proxy will give everything to his niece. The one who needs it is doing it, spending his time and money.

Girls, for several days in a row my parents have been filming (they have been gone for a long time). It would be nice to just act in film, so then I wake up and immediately roll over memories of how hard it was for me then: (((As a father, a cancer patient, suffered and died at home for six months, like a mother, paralyzed for 3 years, at home in my arms, plus a one-year-old child, and I started to drink valocordin, I don’t say anything to my husband, but my cat’s soul is scratched, I went to the cemetery, tore out the grass, I didn’t go to church ...


If you are baptized and a believer, read the psalter, it helped me. Dad often dreamed. I told the priest in the temple and he advised me to read. Honestly, I don’t understand much there, the language is Church Slavonic, but apparently it’s not about understanding, but about something else, I can’t judge. But when it rolls like this, I take a book and read everything in a row.

the dead for a change in the weather, it's okay, hand out sweets to the kids on the street, the kids remember well

Why men do not understand women and cannot bear women's tears

Causes of cheating: women love with their ears, men do not have enough sex
... “I will never forgive. Treason is the end, I’ll leave right away, ”theorists of the issue most often say. When it comes to practice, thoughts change. I'm not looking for excuses for traitors. I want to help those who had to learn about the betrayal of a partner. Why cheat on husband and wife. Causes of betrayal The most common reason for both men and women is the lack of love. The second half is busy with work, a child, friends; there is no time for each other, it is impossible to have a dialogue, there is no sex - the most frequent components that make up this cocktail. At this moment, a person becomes an easy victim: a sweet girl is...

Why men do not show empathy and do not like to talk during sex

Do not laugh, n-ta, she herself is not superstitious even once, but, as they say, even at the old woman ... I dreamed of my dead husband. There was sex in a dream, he left money, he said he would come back in a week. In the morning I can’t find a place for myself, why is this? PS; 7 years since he died, he hasn’t dreamed for a long time, and so - never at all.

Today I dreamed that the fascists were penetrating into our city through vegetable gardens, along an abandoned construction site. The war begins ... And recently I dreamed that my husband and I were filming a film. he plays the Alien) he had such a funny costume)) with flashing lights)) And more recently, some kind of young genius. And then it turns out - this is my son ... Andr told me today: you need to write down your dreams, there will be an interesting book. For psychiatrists :)) but seriously, I know that sometimes I have dreams that are like a sign from some ...


Oh, I didn't sleep at all last night. I dreamed of such nonsense. I woke up 3 times in a cold sweat from horror: (I still can’t come to my senses, I walk like a bruise.
First, my husband killed three people and we are driving away from the chase in the car, I sob, I say they will put us in prison, but what about the children. And I have such a fear for the children: (((
The second time I went to work, I left my daughter at home and realized this in a day. I ran, looking for a phone, I could not find it. Then a policeman tried to arrest me in the subway, I explained to him, but he did not hear. And again, such a fear for my daughter rolled up: (((
In the morning I walked through a dark forest and could not find a way out. Again, everything about the children was thinking, how are they without me.
That's what it's all about...

My husband has all sorts of dreams))) Indeed, you can write a book! Adventure!

if a long-dead friend dreams in a dream - he dreams for several nights and calls with him: what does this mean? get scared? : (actually, the sensations are not very pleasant, to be honest ... but, what can this mean? Threat a candle has already been lit in the church ...


For a very long time (several years) I dreamed about my mother (she died when I was 8 years old), but she didn’t call, and every time in a dream it was played out that she hadn’t died and some kind of stupid misunderstanding had happened ... It was very bitter to wake up ..
Now this is how a friend who died two years ago is dreaming (she was a very close and dear little man, like a sister to me) ... But she doesn’t call either, but rather like a living person comes ...

06/05/2006 00:29:16, stray bird

yes it doesn't mean anything. Mind games...
my beloved deceased granny dreams from time to time that she is alive ... so I break off when I wake up: (((

It is delayed, it works ... I tell him to call at 10 pm if it is delayed and say that it will come at ... 12 at night, 2 at night ... so that I can sleep peacefully. It's already 11 am and no call. I don’t call myself: I don’t want to be a grazing wife. How do you solve this issue?

Often there are statements like: "Such a shameless woman, she took my man away, broke her family as soon as the earth wears it!" This is very surprising to me! You can, of course, understand the pain and humiliation of the abandoned wife, but, excuse me, but where does the homeowner?! Did she swear to you in love to the grave? Should she become your own grandmother and solve all your problems? why on earth? This is a stranger to you. She loves a man, and she doesn't care if he's your husband, someone else's or nobody's... And why should she...


I was also his mistress, then I became his wife, divorced him ... now I know that he has a girlfriend, and I immediately had a lover. Now a second one has appeared on the horizon. Plotnenko cares so much, with a cultural program;))

This short description. And if with details, then:

1. When I was a mistress, I understood a lot about my man. I had no illusions who I was marrying.

2. I knew that he would have a mistress, and the fact that he held on for almost 10 years - I think that this is almost a feat :) Although, I admit that I did not know anything during these 10 years :)) But, Now I KNOW.

3. I treat everything pragmatically :)). So, if you (wives / mistresses) are in a situation that you do not like, then the best thing is to get the most out of it. Wait, using my own example, I’ll say that I learned from the fact that my husband has a mistress.
- I have a new intimate haircut :) My husband wanted to. It's clearly his girlfriend's haircut, but I like it.
- something in sex varied. I picked up a couple of new angles from him. And our sex has never been boring and monotonous.
- I used the fact that he was in love with the fact that he had gone into the shadows, and began to communicate less with him on MY initiative. He wants to communicate - please. During this time, while he was not up to me, I learned something new in an area that is significant to him. I won’t write details :) And when, after six months, his feeling on the side became dull, he was surprised to find that his wife was snapped up, the phone was torn, the men complimented him, everyone congratulated me and him on my achievements. He became more proud of me :)

To be honest, I would have mastered this business if we communicated as tightly as before. Still, it takes a lot of time and effort for my beloved, and then I got half a year - a time out, and realized at a fast pace a SIGNIFICANT goal for myself and weighty in HIS eyes.

I took a lover, which gave me strength and sexual release. Only lovers I choose married :) I don’t need problems :) I can write a course on how to find a lover :)

I know that my husband will stay with me. And the lover, and the second one too, are all very worthy people, pleasant in communication, helping, some with connections, some financially. Yes, yes ... I take gifts, I go with them (of course, they think that each of them is the only one, hee hee :)) to concerts, to interesting places. Each of my lovers without fail has children, and when we talk about these topics, we enrich each other with knowledge, circles, good rehearsals and teachers.

men are generally stunned when, after the very first dates, when even about the bed, no, no ... I immediately put an end to it, i.e. I say that meetings are possible only if no harm is done to the families. A load falls from them and they are overwhelmed with gratitude to me and fate, which gave them such a wonderful, understanding woman ... beating with hooves .. well, you understand :))

I believe that it is unnecessary to blame anyone in life, well, except for those for whom the criminal code is crying. We cannot change the world, we can only change ourselves, change our perception of current events. This does not mean that I urge everyone to have lovers and so on. this is my way. You just need to know that everyone has their own path, and he cannot depend on someone (husband, his mistress, ..) If you are dependent, then this is your weakness. If you realize this, then you are ready to bear the hardships that follow from this dependence. Well, and of course to receive those pleasures that are there. Everything in this life has 2 sorons, at least :)

These are just sensations ... inside yourself. So around, everything is just good, if not great. but something inside says that the trouble will be? Mom has dreams with dead friends - dad. They call her to her place, I dreamed of a friend (he has been gone for 12 years). True, we drank beer with him, and then he left ... (in a dream) Calm me down, tell me that this is PMS or that I snickered with a good life ... Or is it a reaction to the fact that soon there will be no dad for a year?


I sometimes also dream of my grandmother and aunt who are dead. But I never associated it with trouble or any kind of sign. You remember them when you are not sleeping, so in a dream you also remembered them. And the fact that they dream and call to themselves, there are so many conversations around this topic, so the subconscious in a dream gives it out in this form.
Never mind it doesn't mean anything, just a dream.

The deceased will take off for a change in the weather .... here it is getting colder here ... just talk about it, remember, put a candle in the cemetery.

Why I left Good Morning

"Where is Irina Muromtseva now?" - viewers are wondering, wondering where their favorite TV presenter, who for 8 years has been waking up the whole country, has disappeared - in the program “Good morning, Russia!” paired with host Vladislav Zavyalov. The presenter also spent the entire second pregnancy on the air - and left the filming for the maternity hospital. But as of this week, viewers no longer meet her in the morning. Today, Irina Muromtseva, in her blog on 7ya.ru, sums up the results of the outgoing year and talks about a new round of her ...

How to succeed? We make an assistant out of a husband


Why would anyone think if two lines below it says that there are men who have a natural fatherhood talent? Do you even read what you write? :)

C “I am the master of the house” there is such an ambush: what the husband offers, the wife violently rejects. And then he finishes off "Well, solve this issue at last, YOU ARE THE OWNER!" And everything seems to be correct, everything is as taught. Or "You can't solve a single question!"

Or: "Well, decide something already!" (this is perhaps the best, I personally observed :))) The husband is in an absolute dead end.

It is better to immediately solve those issues that are not ready to be left at the mercy of her husband. Let him not be such a master, but without false phrases. And do not wait for the husband to solve ALL problems, including insoluble ones, and then complain that he is ** not the owner **.

We do, we train. And then they wonder what their men are leaving

DAY ONE Hurrah! Almost on the calendar.

DAY ONE Hurrah! It's almost spring on the calendar! Everything is fine, I'm getting ready for the spring mood, I'm starting to come up with a blooming wardrobe. In dreams, but in some kind of sleepy, lethargic state, I run to work. I blame my fatigue on spring vitamin deficiency, hibernation and PMS. The last one should be here. I'm thinking of running on the way to the pharmacy for hygiene products. After all, it has been “smearing” for the second day. Here it goes, I think. The commute to work is very long today. Sent to training. Learn...

Why do we choose a double bed and not separate bedrooms


My husband is falling apart, it's hot with him in the summer, etc., etc. But I can't sleep without it. When I sleep with him, I wake up well-rested and with good mood. One of my friends, who is fond of parapsychology, told me that in a dream a man and a woman exchange energies. I don’t know if this is true or not, the husband’s nose is much more pleasant to sleep than one

my husband snores - it interferes with sleep, I wake up several times at night, it's better to sleep alone.

It happened. We came to visit the father-in-law, where my husband's younger brother lives. (32 years old, 2nd high school, own business, height 2 m, 54 r.) Husband's brother "hit" his wife, there was almost a scuffle. The wife jumps away from her brother, the husband flies into the room shouting at his wife "don't shut my brother's mouth!" and then "poked around" in the corridor, not even wondering how his wife was doing? Maybe they hit you already? The husband did not logically address the words to his wife, there was not even a hint of "plugging". The wife is not pleased that her husband was "sniffing", the aggression of his brother and ...


wife gallop to the endocrinologist, just gallop.

Husband all the time "poking around". What does this word mean? By context - is something hiding?
Basically, I haven't been visiting my father-in-law for years. precisely because the father-in-law, when he drinks (he doesn’t drink, but when we came to visit about the DR or the holidays, he seemed to drink in moderation, but became aggressive), he began to make claims to me for any reason. It was like "get out and have fun". My husband was meditating at the table at the moment :), like I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything. It always ended in a scandal, at home the eternal question: why were you silent when they insulted me? Answer: you were not insulted, it seemed to you (and eyes to the side :))). I haven't been going to them for 10 years. And we live quietly, they are at home, we are at home. My husband communicates with them every day by phone, often visits (we live in a couple of tram stops)

Aggression in the family: how to eliminate the causes of outbursts of rage in adults and children


Anger is completely natural. The question is how to control it. You need to exercise self-control. Love is the key to happiness, but only love is not just emotions or feelings. This is the principle of behavior, the inner core that can withstand any difficulties in order to save the family.

Life without sex: cheating, fatigue or hormonal levels?


I like advice like "go to the dance", "make eyes", "go somewhere together". A husband around the clock at work, but not at one, a wife around the clock with a child, pots, diapers - this is the most common story. Add here the absence of assistants in the face of grandmothers and nannies and a restless child who does not sleep day or night. So it turns out that young parents, with all their desire, find it difficult to find time and energy for sex.

after the birth of a child, my husband and I forgot about sex altogether

If you want to marry the chosen one - act! Siege, ambush and caution - these are your trump cards on the way to female happiness. This fortress cannot be taken by storm. Dust in the eyes, or Rule Three All men brag, but each does it in his own way: someone has a beautiful wife, someone new car, and someone by the number of books read. When a woman admires a man, he feels special. And at this moment a miracle happens: a simple guy suddenly grows wings behind his back. Now he is Superman and ready to kill the villain, in the sense of coping with any problem. Therefore, admiration is what every representative of the forces subconsciously expects and dreams of...


Oh those men!!!

And, you know, if you praise a man when he does nothing, and tell him that he is a super duper, then he will think, why am I lying, not doing anything and they admire me so much .... Will continue with the same success to sit and do nothing. And if you start praising him for something, for some kind of deed, then I think he will feel the difference.

On Friday it will be a year since my mother passed away. It's Friday, I'm going home from work to my mother in the suburbs, and I won't be there until 20-21 hours. Father says that we need to gather people, cook something ... But there is no one to cook, everyone will arrive late. And is it worth celebrating at night. And in general, I don’t really understand what it means to celebrate an anniversary? Wake? People, as I understand it, are going to come. And if on Friday morning I just go to church, and gather people calmly on Saturday, and go to the cemetery? It's like accepted...


We collected the next weekend, mothers consulted with friends in advance - when it was convenient for them. Everyone was just grateful for it. They prepared the usual feast, only additionally bought pancakes (blini-bon, quite decent in taste), warmed up and put on the table + sour cream, butter and honey. People gathered to remember the person, and not to evaluate - how much I correspond to some traditions.

Love will suddenly come... What to do with someone else's husband? Psychologist's advice.


I will say one thing. There are few men in the world and more women than we would like. You are all beautiful snatched up men. What about the rest of you??? not have children?? So they take for love for their lives. After all, everyone is the same as on the same face of a woman. Everyone wants happiness and everyone thinks that she is the one and only. I was also a wife three times. And now I'm the mistress of my second husband. Yes, it's a shame to feel sorry for yourself. BUT, alas, I simply didn’t find better than him, I tried and was married after him. And then If the war in the Caucasus had not separated us. I wouldn't leave him for anything. Now fate has brought us together again. And I don’t give a damn that he has a wife somewhere in another country. For me it doesn't exist. I know one thing that he loves me all my life. If we had not lost each other for 13 years, we would never have parted. And there, of course, the woman is not to blame for anything. And there’s nothing to leave her for. They don’t have children, and thank God they won’t. When others tell me that they say I’ll take him away from you. I always answer. You can go ahead. Only the one who can pick him up has not yet been born. That woman takes care of his mother and sick brother. And it also suits me that I do not do this. In life, you have to live for yourself. I don't think that anyone will feel bad. that happiness cannot be built on someone else's happiness. I live once and for myself.

I met a married man, began to correspond in networks. He writes candid messages, and his wife is pregnant. Not on my own, my heart is dumb.


I read it, the article seemed painfully familiar.
It was like reading about myself.
My situation was that when we first met, my future husband behaved just like in a fairy tale. In the second month, he asked me to marry him. I didn't have a shadow of a doubt then. I believed that I was his only one.
Four months after the marriage proposal, we played a wedding, the money was back to back. I then remember telling him that let's, they say, postpone the wedding for later. He refused.
And after the wedding .... We lived in a rented apartment, literally six months of our lives were beautiful, and then patience started. My patience.
Began very frequent drinking, and joint. When I stopped drinking the next day, he went for a "!hangover" and went into a coma again.
He had his own small gold business. Within two years, he faded away. My husband blamed me.
"Tried" to go in another direction, to earn money. But due to the fact that he took a large amount for the promotion of this project and the wrong approach, everything went bankrupt. Again, it's all my fault. He began to blame me, to blame that having appeared in his life - his life went awry.

At the same time, from the day we met until the end of our joint days lived, I remained working at the same job. Initially, of course, the salary was low. But now I have an average income. The work suits me.

They lived together for a little less than three years. For three years there were betrayals, he even filmed his betrayals. Correspondence in social networks with other girls. Meeting other girls (I know about them for sure).
There were 2 abortions. I was ready to give birth, I wanted to. But the husband said that he would not pull. Therefore, I went for an abortion, in the hope that someday he would be able to "pull" our baby.
How I hated myself then. I blamed myself for not being able to do anything. She closed her eyes to everything.
It took me a long time and sleepless nights to realize that enough was enough. Stop being humiliated.
He forbade me to communicate with friends. Go to restaurants, etc.

How to behave if you caught your husband cheating - advice from a psychologist.

Imagine a situation. You see your man on the other, let's say you know that this is his mistress or he is in love with her and she reciprocates. What is the first impulse? Gouge out her eyes or him? If that is figurative. But my reaction is somehow directed specifically against the man, and until now it was strange for me to accuse that very mistress of something. I ask for several reasons. Not so long ago I had a dream, my husband was on the other. And when I saw this, I began to beat my husband in the face, I don’t care about the girl ...


By the way, when I was in a mistress situation and my wife caught me in the process, she rushed at her husband. Although maybe it's because I'm a head taller than her? But there was a difficult situation, she got married knowing that we had no points. And so a month after the wedding was the case.

Tango is danced together.

As a result of the topic about a husband who does not love his wife, and wants to leave the family. I read the answers. To be honest, I was stunned ... How strong is our policy of double standards! A woman who declares that she does not love her husband and wants to cheat on him / go to her mother / get a divorce simply meets with a sea of ​​​​approval: you are strong, you are great, you can handle it, but why live with the unloved, etc. And a man leaving his unloved wife, leaving her an apartment and a financial allowance - a goat and a damned traitor? :) I'm genuinely interested...


I’ll tell you right away - I didn’t read the original topic, but in principle, like Spring, they are not inclined to believe tryndez, which is not confirmed by deeds at all, and the husband leaving his wife, who continues to sleep with her (this is me pregnancy), in general, sorry, raises more questions than answers...


Do grateful men exist?

Today I had another fight with my husband. AND Last year this happens for the same reason: I'm on maternity leave, my child is two years old, I took on most of my life. Thank God my mother actively helps me, without her it would be unbearable for me. Every time my husband comes home from work, he looks for a reason to complain about the cleanliness of the apartment. I am tormented by the question, why didn’t he care about it before, and now, even some toy left uncleaned after the child becomes my “jamb”? Let me explain. When we started living together...


Thanks a lot to everyone for the feedback. My mother's example still taught me, and in any case I won't be left without a penny. From September, my daughter will go to kindergarten, and there I will go to work and my husband’s quiet home life will end. Under no circumstances will I hire a nanny, this is my subjective opinion.
For those who do not quite understand me, I want to explain: doing household chores with all the household appliances, of course, is not catarrh, but I don’t want to do it every day. When, for the whole day, you have time to do a lot of things with the child and the doctors and around the house, and to the store and something else to sew for your child, and to work out in sports. And by the time your dad returns, you are satisfied with yourself, if not admiration, then at least some kind of gratitude, but instead you hear: “That’s it? I could have done it all in 3 hours, but was it difficult to clean it here?” It ends with nothing but a scandal, and after that I don’t want to have sex, warmth, or even talk.

An example of my mother’s life (. She didn’t really get out of the decree with me. But there were musicians, a ballet artist, etc. The institute and everything is in order. My father provided VERY well. But ... as I grew up, he from time to time he started a conversation with me about why my mother does not work (apparently, he was counting on what I would tell her. I did not dare to open such a topic ..). I know for sure that money did not play any role. Father received a lot (a high rank in the army) and at the same time was very intangible. He needed the social status of his wife. Exactly the same beautiful mother is my friend. Her husband is a wealthy oriental man. my husband and things are slowly but surely moving towards divorce, most likely ((. Well, there are such men. Although women too .. I can’t imagine that I can fall in love with * a householder *, even if he is rich.

07/11/2012 02:47:42 PM, songbird...

Married for almost 10 years, has a child. Everything is fine with us except for one thing, the wife believes that she has the right to flirt with other men. She does this either by phone or by ICQ. And she flirts, tried to speak, does not reach. She believes that this is an innocent prank, that she needs it to keep herself in shape, etc. All this makes me wildly nervous, although I am not a jealous person by nature, but there are limits. What to do?


I read the title of the topic and thought that the problem was the opposite - that the wife wants her husband to flirt with other men))))
On the topic, I disagree with the majority.
The problem of jealousy of the husband is the concern of the wife.
A wife can do anything as long as her husband is calm and happy.
IMHO, her behavior should be such that her husband was confident in her, so that he knows who she loves the only one and who belongs to the soul and everyone else.
Then any pranks will get away with a well-fed husband, a satisfied cat, will watch his beloved and only enjoy the games of his pussy.
If husbands and wives had the intelligence to calm their halves, to assure them of love and devotion, everyone would have much more happiness and freedom.
On vporos "What to do" - do not respond. A jealous man who reacts in this way to flirting seems weak. Bans won't help. Because this option did not work and this game is already lost. Need more details for advice. But if the wife wants to "be in good shape", not to lose the skills of a hunter, she must be treated like men who have played too much - causing reciprocal jealousy. It is enough to show your independence, confidence and your own importance.
Let her train on her husband and win again, so that it doesn’t itch anywhere and the tone of the house doesn’t fall.

Change your attitude towards the problem. Let her do it.

03/01/2011 13:39:08, Outraged!!

Dear wives, please tell me, if you use your husband only as a nurse with a child, a money-making machine, you don’t give affection, sex, or love, you don’t simply cook .... Why do you then torture two people who, in principle, feel good together? The situation is simple: together 13 years, married 7 years, child 6 years old. I am not the first woman with whom I escape from "family squabbles." Wife only needs comfort...kicked her husband out of the house after she caught us (sitting in ambush!) a couple of times...


Honestly, I don't care if a man is married or not. Why should I think about someone. I only think of myself. I like it, I will meet, I don't like it, I won't. And I'm kind of on the drum. Wife children. Let his wife think. Why does her man walk to the left

06/08/2017 03:13:12, Mily111

I am also the mistress of a married man... For many years now. You spelled it right - love! Not a girl, not a lover, not a wife! And a mistress. And believe me, you will always remain in this category! To tell you about a bad relationship, he can do a lot with his wife. And in fact, it's not like that at all. This, by the way, does not do him any credit! Well, imagine a different picture: he comes to you and says, I have such a golden wife, and cooks and cleans and super in sex, etc., etc. Well, what will he get from you? A rolling pin on the head? Silly. He won't tell you anything else about his wife.
And especially since you are not the first with him. If he is so good with you, why hasn't he divorced yet? Take off your rose-colored glasses and enjoy sex with him. And in parallel, look for a normal man. And for one thing, when you find and live with him for 10 years, let's see what kind of tenderness, love, sex and hot meals you will give him. And how will you use it...
It's funny to read this... Don't expect anything from him ever.

Lost feelings for his wife, there is no attraction. What to do? Marriage on the verge of divorce. I can't help myself. In terms of potency, everything is OK, but with a desire ... Maybe something can be done? Thanks in advance for advice.


You can already create a separate section in the conf for you :)) And you will compose your sentimental stories there :)))
At least you can filter your topics :)

AAA. IT'S BACK... :-)))))))
Tyapnitsa, it's mother then ...

I recently found out that my good friend is leaving her husband. Together they lived for more than 10 years, both have a second marriage, have a common son. From the outside, they seemed almost an ideal family, and suddenly this. But speech, in principle, not about them. I told my husband about this and to my question "Why is it like this?" received an unexpected answer "She (my friend) is too active." This phrase made me think about the topic. It turns out that men do not need active wives? They are getting married (I'm considering...


I also realized that they are not needed. Why? Because such "activists" climb into all holes, not allowing them to show themselves anywhere. They have everything - "I myself." Well, what for? Of course, it’s better with a passive one when she just sits, and you try for her

16.05.2016 18:11:29, Mikhail86

You don’t see yourself!” At first, L. only learned to sigh and meekly change clothes. Then he found an ingenious solution. It’s called “point the finger.” I have to specifically say what he should wear today. my clothes, only praises. I wonder why? I'll go and ask ... He says you are always well dressed ... I get comments from him for things out of place, for a loud voice on the bus. More about men's peace of mind. Very often wives use a potent remedy: they create a feeling of guilt in the husband. It is so easy to take and be offended because of some trifle; you can always find a reason. The result is wonderful: a guilty husband hurries to appease his wife, becomes wonderful, just perfect. On this potion, a man you can keep up...

Dreams of pregnant women (part 1)

What incredible dreams do not dream of women during pregnancy! Some of them are pleasant and joyful, others are sad and even scary. Often, after such a dream, a woman cannot recover for a long time ...


I had a dream that I gave birth to 4 children. Three girls and one boy... It's not clear who to expect.... Now the second pregnancy and I still don't know who will be. But I was so happy that I now have 5 children) in general, can anyone guess who my second will be a girl or a boy?)

And they put my mind at ease, thank you. I had my first themed dream at 5 months. I dreamed that my favorite tummy was my sister's child, that now it was her girl. And I'm worried, how is it - I was pregnant, and the child is definitely hers. It's a pity and there's nothing you can do.

By the way, she also dreamed that my child was a boy, only he had something wrong with his face.

I can’t wait until we go to the ultrasound, I want to see who I have as soon as possible and whether everything is fine with the sun. We call the tummy so far just a child (it turns out masculine). Hm...

How to build a relationship between husband and wife
... And three times, of course, I would talk about trifles (and not only about trifles) with colleagues and superiors. I sincerely wonder why most men do not have such an apparently useful habit. You spend half a day, and you get the admiration of your wife, and she gets the admiration of her friends and a smart leader. Why don't men do such simple things? If a wife has a conflict at work, why not talk to her superiors? Politely, sympathetically, offer your help... Won't it help? What will not help, work? But it will help your relationship! And you will not surprise us with work, there is enough of it in Rus'. If the conflict does not subside, the man should do everything to help his wife find a new job. Drop everything and do only this, you will get more than lost (supposedly) money -...
... What will happen to a man if he hides his fear from the woman he loves? There is no mystery here, he will die pretty quickly. When I hear that N. was not sick with anything and suddenly died, I understand: N. was sick, but did not talk about his illness. It does not happen that a healthy organism suddenly dies. I have never heard of a healthy woman dying suddenly. There are no such conversations, not a single woman will keep inside herself the state secret of her illness; this is the lot of narrow-minded men. She will immediately begin to consult, read, call, discuss, and most importantly, act in order to preserve her beauty and health. You do not become weaker in her eyes when you talk about your doubts - do not forget ... Discussion

Gone. Good man was and still is. She left because - love withered, did not get used to everyday life, too different views on life.

Yes, other reasons:
1. does not pay attention
2. not satisfied with sex

however, for other women, there may be other reasons, such as
1. does not give gifts
2. does not help around the house
3. earns little
and so on. etc.

Do you believe in dreams? I'm at a crossroads ... The fact is that in my last pregnancy (ZB a year ago), my mother dreamed of her dead uncle. Who came to visit her, and then said, well, it's time for me to feed the boy. And I was in her dream, white and stone, like a mummy. Whether there was a boy or not, I don’t know, but he left me, and I had such complications in the ST field that I really looked like a mummy. So, this time, as soon as I saw 2 strips on the test, I called my mother and asked ...

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