Home Horoscope for tomorrow When will the Age of Aquarius come and what does it promise us? Christianity as a phenomenon generated by the Age of Pisces. Alexander Khersonov When the era of Aquarius ends

When will the Age of Aquarius come and what does it promise us? Christianity as a phenomenon generated by the Age of Pisces. Alexander Khersonov When the era of Aquarius ends

The presented work is the third in a series of publications united by a common theme. “Planet Earth, cosmic energy and the evolution of humanity”(see Adamant from 18.07. and 24.07).

Next, the reader will be introduced to a comprehensive work entitled “Cosmo-energy model of human development”, where the inextricable connection will be shown between the quality of cosmic energy of each of the 12 periods of human development spanning 2160 years and the evolutionary paths of development caused by the originality of cosmic energies in the Era of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc.

Allegory of Manly Hall.

The esoteric writer Manly P. Hall, in the chapter of “The Age of the Zodiac,” writes: “During this period, the Sun is said to incarnate in the huge organism of the constellation and from that corner of the Heavens directs its forces to Nature. Human affairs are directed according to the qualities and properties of the sign in which the Sun is located.” And further: “Thus, the movement of the Sun through all eras shows the course that humanity will follow in its evolution of society and race. Just as in a year there are months for sowing and harvesting, so in the great sidereal year there are periods in which humanity has different paths of development.”. But what does Manly Hall's mysterious phrase mean? “The sun is embodied in a huge constellation organism”? It means that solar-cosmic energy, passing as if through a “filter” of the Constellation, each time acquires a new energetic quality characteristic of this Constellation. What quality is this? Astrologers are well aware of this, since the energy of the Zodiacal Constellations is symbolically expressed in the peculiar characteristics of the Zodiac Signs. So, planet Earth and humanity go through 12 periods of evolutionary development of 2160 years each, each time being under the influence of characteristic cosmic energy. This is the main thesis of our constructions. We will talk about the ways of religious development of humanity during the Age of Pisces. The author intends to associate the birth of Christianity with the advent of the Age of Pisces, represented by the Sign of Pisces, which in astrology corresponds to the XII house of the horoscope, as well as the planet Neptune that rules the Sign. There is no doubt that number 12for planet Earth and humanity as a whole is a sacred number and is determined by the nature of the Earth’s movement in outer space. Earlier in the author's works it was shown that the number 12 is a “fundamental” number in the historical cycle of development of Rus'-Russia.

The beginning and end of an era

If we rely on the written sources of E. I. Roerich, then the onset of the Age of Aquarius during the period of maximum confrontation between two antagonistic cosmic energies should be attributed to approximately 1915-1924. Let us count from the designated time point of the influence of the Age of Aquarius in equilibrium with the Age of Pisces, namely from 1915, back and forth for 2160 years and we will discover the approximate beginning of the previous and subsequent Era.

See table.

Sign Period Planet Keyword Motto
Aries - 2505 - 245 Mars Renewal Exist
Pisces - 245 + 1915 Neptune Cleansing I Believe
Aquarius + 1915 + 4072 Uranus Hope Knowing

As we see, in the Era of Pisces, which is ending in the 20th century, humanity is only "believed" but in the coming Age of Aquarius in the 21st century, humanity will have to “know” the unknown. Which is quite consistent with the emergence during the Age of Pisces of such a phenomenon as Christianity. Note that most other world religions appeared towards the end of the Era of Aries, the era "renewal and existence." It is curious that N.K. Roerich’s closest associate Z.G. Fosdick left the following entry in her diary dated September 1, 1924: “Roerich says that Christ is, as it were, a symbol of the displacement of one religion by another”. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

Christianity today<

Christianity(from the Greek Χριστός - “anointed one”, “messiah”) - an Abrahamic world religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, described in the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Christians do not doubt the historicity of Jesus Christ. Christianity is the largest world religion, both in terms of the number of adherents, of which there are about 2.3 billion people, and in terms of geographical distribution - in every country in the world there is at least one Christian community. The largest movements in Christianity are Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Christianity is faith in Christ, the Son of God, our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, this is “the victory that has overcome the world, this is our faith.” Christianity accepts the Old Testament tradition, dating back to Abraham, of the veneration of one God (monotheism), the creator of the Universe and man. At the same time, the main directions of Christianity introduce into monotheism the idea of ​​the Trinity: three hypostases (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), united in their divine nature.

Neptune is the god of the seas. But not only…

How do we intend to connect the phenomenon of the emergence of Christianity with the onset of the Age of Pisces, noting that both evolutionary phenomena arose in the same period of time? Which, of course, is important in itself. So, according to calculations, for 245 years BC, the Age of Pisces began, The era of water poetry and the planet Neptune, The era of a peculiar energetic impact on planet Earth, a huge period of life with the keyword "cleansing" and motto “I believe!”.

The sign "Pisces" is ruled by the planet Neptune. How did the famous thesis “Neptune - the god of the seas” turn out to be manifested in the history of mankind? During the Age of Pisces, namely with the beginning of our era, humanity increasingly began to explore the water spaces of the planet: rivers, seas, oceans. During this period, fishing arose and economic methods of using water developed. This is understandable, since the coming Era was ruled by the “water” planet Neptune. This trend was especially pronounced in the “mature” thousand-year Era of Pisces, from 500 to 1500. It was a time of great geographical discoveries related to navigation, especially Portugal and Spain, the opening of sea routes to America and India, and southern Africa. In the year 1000, North America was discovered by the Icelandic navigator Life Erikson. Finally, in 1492-93, the great geographical navigator Christopher Columbus took place, “giving” America to the world. Let us note that the exploration of America by pioneers - Europeans - began a century later, when, according to theoretical calculations, the first signs of the influence of new cosmic energy, the energy of the Age of Aquarius, could appear on planet Earth. For example, from the 16th century in Florida, Spain had several small outposts, the most important of which was founded in 1565 St. Augustine, whose founding date coincides with the theoretical arrival of the Age of Aquarius energy on the planet.

More about Neptune

Astrologers traditionally associate keywords with the planet Neptune, which, as we will see, are fully consistent with the content of Christianity formed by the planet. What are these words? The most significant definitions for us are highlighted in red.

In relation to personality: abstraction, dreams, fantasies, illusions, inspiration, ambiguity, spirituality, unnaturalness, idealism, dedication, idealization, sacrifice, myths, national dreams and ideals, art, occultism. In human relationships: atonement, self-sacrifice, lies, suffering, uncertainty, drug addiction, alcoholism, ecstasy, compassion, temptation, delusion, sympathy, deception. IN public relations: inflation, decay, blurring of boundaries, chaos, decay, entry beyond restrictions, attenuation, decay, evasion, disguise, confusion, counterfeits, surrogates, slaves, orphans, isolation, illegal activities, espionage.

Regarding nature: bankruptcy, uncertainty, unreality, diffusion, entropy, the unknowable, secrets, hospitals, chemical industry, gases, liquids, poisons, chemicals, solvents, cinema, ocean, dissolution, erosion, merging, mixing.

Based on the key words of the planet Neptune, characterizing the Age of Pisces, can we say that the coming Age of Pisces could be beneficial and prosperous for humanity? In no case! As we see, with the advent of the Age of Pisces, a period of difficult life trials was about to begin for humanity. Two millennia of the Age of Pisces under the auspices of the planet Neptune is predicted by astrologers “a time of struggle between soul and body, suppression of self-expression, special sensitivity, unconscious absorption of ideas, contradictory duality, the desire to give up the struggle and adapt to circumstances, showing fatigue and timidity.” With the advent of the Age of Pisces, humanity awaited a time expressed in the feeling of mystery of what was happening, deception of oneself and others, perception of the world in a distorted form. The time has come for the birth of intuitive people, telepaths, magicians, sorcerers, magi, servants of the occult sciences, people who abuse cosmic energy, who are indiscriminate, who tend to feed on other people’s energy. The time has come for opportunistic people, fatalists, floating with the flow of life.”(6).

Alas, the time of people aimed at achieving results, pioneer fighters, is left in the past, in the Era of fiery Aries, which will be discussed further.

Criticism of Christianity by H. P. Blavatsky

Blavatsky's criticism of Christianity is fully consistent with the relationship between the emergence of Christianity and the astrological content of the Age of Pisces. The great founder of the world Theosophical Society wrote: “If we believe in the New Testament, then it is impossible to believe in the Old Testament. Jesus and the Old Testament with all these ancient books completely contradict each other. Christ's Sermon on the Mount (see Gospel of Mark) sets forth a teaching that is diametrically opposed to the Ten Commandments given at Sinai. We can easily encounter revealing and sometimes the harshest criticism of Christianity in its various aspects during the Neptune period in many of Blavatsky’s publications. Anticipating attacks for criticizing Christianity, Blavatsky clarified: “My books are not against religion, not against Christ, but against the cowardly hypocrisy of those who torture, burn at the stake, kill in the name of the Almighty Son of God from the very first moment after he died on the cross for all humanity, for sinners, especially for the fallen, for the pagans, for the fallen women and the lost - and all this is happening in His name! Where is the Truth? Where can I find her?

However, we note that two millennia of the Age of Pisces and the era of Christianity are also the time of birth of people of art: poets, musicians, artists, actors. This is the time of the birth of theater, ballet, and cinema. In a word, the art of Neptunian illusions, which even today marches victoriously around the world. And here is another feature of Christianity. It “clarifies the imagination, awakens dreams and fantasies, generates dreams, the intersection of the personal and unconscious in life, unfocused intuition, true mediumship, selfless giving without any conditions to everyone in need”. It follows that at the beginning of the twentieth century, after the end of the active phase of the Age of Pisces and the transition to an inertial state, humanity begins to say goodbye with passive contemplation and lack of will, a receptive psyche and weakened energy. The era of uncertainty and delusions, anxiety and stubbornness, mental anguish and perseverance, but at the same time capriciousness, and most importantly, is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. bloodshed...

Blavatsky writes: “...The more you study the ancient texts, the more you become convinced that the foundation of the New Testament is the same as the foundation of the Vedas, Egyptian theogony and Mazdaist allegories. Atonement through blood - blood pacts and the transfer of blood from gods to people, and people to gods, as a sacrifice - is the main tone in any cosmogony or theogony; soul, life and blood were synonymous words in any language, and above all among the Jews; and the giving of blood was the giving of life."

Blavatsky clarifies that “God the Father is the Universal Soul, the creative force that created and continues to create everything that exists in all worlds; God the Son is the world that permeates all creation, that is, the Spirit in the flesh, the pure and visible manifestation of the invisible creative power...”. (Letter to Fadeeva 2).

“Fullness of time” is necessary...

As you know, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born from the Holy Spirit and the Most Pure Virgin Mary when she came "fullness of time" But what kind of “fullness of time” are religious books talking about? It is important. About the time of manifestation on planet Earth of the evolutionarily matured energy of the Age of Pisces? That's it! The conception of the Age of Pisces began around 245 BC, but according to the law of cosmic inertia,“Fish” traits could only appear at the beginning of our era, when they finally lost the influence of the energy of the Age of Aries. It was then, 200 years later, On the threshold of two thousand years, the god-man Jesus Christ was incarnated on planet Earth (12-4 BC). Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah and Son of God, the Savior appeared on the threshold of the Age of Pisces, and appeared more than in a timely manner, since humanity was already on the threshold of difficult evolutionary trials. That is why Christians have every right not to doubt the historicity of Jesus Christ... In this regard, it is not superfluous to mention the “fall” in the legal field of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which occurred while defending a dissertation in which it was argued that “Christ was not the founder of the Christian religion; some other scientists created it under His name”. Even a genius could not get away with such sedition, and Goethe’s dissertation was rejected. In our times, thanks to the new religious Teaching of Living Ethics, the “scientists” whose existence the inquisitive Goethe once suspected are well known - these are the Teachers of the White Brotherhood, representatives of the Higher Cosmic Mind...

Christ was indeed sent to planet Earth with the goal of bringing to humanity a new religious teaching, called Christianity after his name. A teaching designed to help humanity survive the difficult times of the Age of Pisces. As a hypothesis, it can be assumed that at the beginning of each Era, with the renewal of cosmic-energetic influence, an updated religious teaching appears on planet Earth. Probably, such a teaching existed in the Age of Aries, which preceded Christianity, and earlier in the Age of Taurus, etc. But this is a topic for a separate study. Two millennia after the advent of Christianity, with the advent of the Age of Aquarius, a new messiah, a bearer of a new religious teaching, a harbinger of new knowledge, was incarnated on planet Earth, namely N.K. Roerich, whose family, under the guidance of the Supreme Cosmic Mind, brought the teachings of a new time to humanity , The Teaching of Living Ethics...

P.S. The author's hypothesis that the advent of not only the Age of Pisces, but also, in particular, the Age of Aquarius, was accompanied by the coming to Earth of the Messiah, a highly spiritual historical figure called upon to “blow the trumpet” to humanity of the coming of the New Time, received unexpected confirmation. When the material had already been published in “GE”, the author in P. F. Belikov’s book “Roerich. The Experience of Spiritual Biography" (ICR, Master Bank, Moscow, 2011) found the following evidence on pp. 100-102: "In 1910 year N.K. began to sign paintings with a monogram combining the first and last letters of the Roerich surname: R/H. As follows from the letter to V.A. Shibaev dated April 30, 1922, This letter combination did not appear by chance. N.K. reported in a letter: “We had a 2-volume edition by S. Doss, but M (ahatma) M. ordered to buy a three-volume one and there indicated many of the symbols previously shown to his wife in visions, pointed to the Tibetan legend, pointed out the meaning of my signature under the paintings R/H, which appeared since 1910.” In the first centuries of Christianity, instead of an image of Christ, a monogram of His Name was usually used. The oldest form of monogram was a combination of the Greek letters X and P and just in the form R/H. This form is similar to the Egyptian cross, which served as a sign of life: R/H.

Monogram R/H was depicted in many paintings and objects of religious significance until the Middle Ages.” What follows from the above? The author's hypothesis should be confirmed: apparently, already from 1910, N.K. Roerich was fully aware of himself as a person who would bring humanity the news of the advent of the New Time, namely the Age of Aquarius, which was subsequently embodied in the creation of the books of the Teaching of Living Ethics . Thus, at the beginning of the twentieth century, N.K. Roerich fulfilled the same mission as Jesus Christ two thousand years ago.

Let's turn to numerology.

But let's return to Christianity. The period of human development in the Era of Pisces correlates with the number 7 and the number 8 (according to the order of the eras). Are the indicated Pythagorean numbers manifested in the history of human development during the Neptune period? Judge for yourself. The number 7 is the most spiritual number, the principle of the birth of a new spirit that has descended into the material world, a cosmic mystery. It was for this reason that during the period of two “fish” millennia, religious life began to develop rapidly, and the teachings of Christ came to pagan Rus' from Byzantium. As for the number 8, the Age of Pisces is also “reflected” in this number, since the number 8 is the number of “human justice”, and the number 888 is the number of Jesus Christ with the mission of the savior of the world. The number 8 is a strong number associated with money, and this, among other things, means that the Era of trade and the “golden calf”, profit and huckstering has arrived... . It can be assumed that in the Era of Pisces the principle of Saturn (number 8) was supposed to manifest itself, and probably in the “Pisces” millennium, humanity was to create a certain form, a structure of existence, and an inertial desire to preserve what had been created. This is probably also why humanity has such a hard time parting with the energy of the Age of Pisces. To understand the essence of Christianity, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with astrological creature of the Sign of Pisces and the XII house of the horoscope, which traditionally symbolizes the hardships and suffering of humanity, hides secret ill-wishers.

Keys of Pisces and the 12th house.

Let us designate the key words of the Sign of Pisces and the XII house of the horoscope as they are accepted in astrology. This: divine harmony, chaos, blurriness, uncertainty, compassion, mercy, isolation from society (voluntary or forced), hospitals, prisons, shelters, churches, unconscious contents of the individual (intuition, dreams, premonitions), secrets...

In order to confirm that Christianity belongs to the Sign “Pisces” and the XII house, again, let us turn to the authoritative opinion of Blavatsky: “Of the 260 copies of the Old and New Testaments - in Hebrew, Greek and other languages ​​- there are not two identical versions. Should we be surprised? . As we have seen, Christianity was indeed born and developed on the cosmic-energetic “soil” of Neptune. And along with it, on the basis of “coercion and restrictions, anxiety, hostility and captivity, self-destruction (remember self-flagellation), on a field with the symbolic name “Prison”, “Enemies”, “Evil Spirit”. In this aspect, personal freedom is voluntarily and forcibly limited (churches, monasteries). On this same “field” persecution, pressure, coercion unfold, criminal trials are conducted, which adversely affect personal energy. This also includes losses, resignations, illnesses, intrigues, secret enmity.

Evidence-based examples from the history of Christianity.

You don't have to look far for historical examples. The first century is usually called the apostolic century. After the destruction of Jerusalem, the importance of the church center passes to the capital of the empire - Rome, consecrated by the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul. With the reign of Nero, a period of persecution begins. Some of the most famous “apostolic men” include: Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, condemned to death during the persecution of Emperor Trajan, and the holy martyr Polycarp of Smyrna, who was burned at the stake during the persecution of Emperor Marcus Aurelius († 167). An apology appears (from ancient Greek justification) or a word of intercession sent to the persecuting emperors. More examples. The Ante-Nicene period ended with the largest period in the history of Christianity. “Diocletian persecution” (302-311), the goal of which was the complete destruction of the Church. However, persecution only contributed to the establishment and spread of Christianity. But most of all, the Doctrine of the Sacraments correlates with the “fish” concept of Christianity. Since there is nothing more mysterious than the planet Neptune...

From Jesus Christ to Nicholas Roerich.

Let us repeat the most important thing: several centuries before our era, planet Earth entered an unfavorable cosmic-energetic period of development, which prepared serious trials for humanity. Here is the answer to the question why, on the threshold of humanity’s trials, the Cosmic Mind sent its son, the god-man Jesus Christ, to the planet with the mission of spreading a new religion... A religion that, having entered the consciousness of people, would help them adapt to difficult living conditions. This was the cause-and-effect relationship of the emergence of a new religion, the religion of Jesus Christ, at the turn of the millennium. Thus, we have established a relationship between the birth of Christianity and the energetic essence of the evolutionary period of the Age of Pisces. In addition to what has been said, we note that “Fish” is a symbol of Christ, a word consisting of the first Greek letters “Jesus the Savior”. In the Age of Pisces humanity was divided into two parts. The symbolism of the evolutionary period is as follows: “One Fish headed up, towards the surface, towards the light, towards the abundance of life, the other Fish sank into the depths, went to the bottom, towards darkness and lifelessness.” A small part of humanity followed the path of spiritual growth (the influence of the co-ruler of the Sign of Pisces, blessed Jupiter), but the majority of humanity, showing natural energetic weakness, fell into the refuge of vice and debauchery, adapted to energy hunger, showed attachment to material wealth, a desire to live for today . Designated "fish" the attitudes of the past, as a residual phenomenon, are still strong in our time and, according to calculations, will finally disappear only by 2136.


1. Manly Hall “Astrology is the key to knowledge”, Sfera, M., 2004.
2. Magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, No. 6, 2012.
3. E. I. Roerich “At the threshold of a new world”, ICR, M., 2007.
4. Z. G. Fosdick “My teachers”, Sfera, M., 2002.
5. Encyclopedia "Wikipedia". Christianity.
6. F. K. Velichko “Encyclopedia of Horoscope Houses”, “Rost”, M., 2006.
7. Blavatskaya E. P. Letter to N. Fadeeva. // In the book. Blavatsky E. P. Letters to friends and collaborators. M. Sfera, 2002.
8. Blavatsky E. P. Esoteric character of the Gospels. M.: Sfera, 2000.
9. Cairo “Book about fate and happiness”, “Korun”, M., 1995.
10. Conrodi K. O. “Goethe. Life and art". In 2 volumes. M.: Raduga, 1987.

The Age of Aquarius is a phrase that has gained particular popularity over the past decade. It is pronounced in different contexts, but almost always with the brightest aspirations and hopes. There is a well-known theory that peace and prosperity will reign in Russia during this period. So what is the Age of Aquarius and when will it begin? You can read about this in this article.

To answer this question, we need to step back a little. It has long seemed to people on Earth that it is not our planet that moves around the Sun, but vice versa. In this case, the luminary moves along a narrow strip, which scientists call the ecliptic, while passing through the twelve symbols of the Zodiac circle.

The foundations of astrology were laid in Old Babylon. The inhabitants of this country named the signs of the Zodiac in honor of real constellations. By observing the Sun, astrologers discovered that it moves through certain groups of stars once a year. For example, in the spring it crosses the constellation Aries, and in the fall it ends up in the constellation Libra.

Vernal equinox

The beginning of the astrological year is considered to be the moment called the spring equinox. At this time, the Sun passes through the celestial equator (that is, an imaginary line dividing the sky into the southern and northern halves). Moreover, on Earth the length of the night is equal to the length of the day. This phenomenon corresponds to the term equinox, which is translated from Latin as “equal night.” There are two equinoxes during the year: autumn and spring. The first marks the arrival of autumn, the second - the beginning of spring. The period of the spring equinox coincides with the beginning of the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). The autumnal equinox brings with it the period of influence of the seventh astrological sign (Libra).

Zodiac signs and real constellations

In early astrology, the spring equinox was considered the time of the Sun's entry not only into the symbol of Aries, but also into the constellation Aries. Then these concepts did not differ. However, over time, astronomy and astrology became separated from each other. Zodiac signs no longer correspond to specific constellations. This means that when an astrologer talks about Taurus, he talks about a specific group of stars that form a constellation. If an astronomer speaks about Taurus, then he means only an astrological symbol, that is, a thirty-degree section of the Zodiac with a specific set of characteristics, associations and symbols.


A Greek astrologer named Hipparchus in the 2nd century BC discovered a phenomenon called the displacement of the equinoxes, or precession. The scientist saw that the earth's axis was slowly changing its position in relation to the stars. This process resembles the vibration of a rotating disk. The Earth's poles do not always remain stationary; they are subject to slight fluctuations from side to side. Over the course of many centuries, this tilt of the planet changes the position of the celestial equator, which is supposed to be in the same plane as the earth’s. All of the above explains that over time, the spring equinox found itself in a different constellation. The slow change in the inclination of our planet is called precession, because over many years the equinox points very slowly cross all the signs of the Zodiac circle in reverse order.

So, when the ancient Babylonians calculated the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological year (spring equinox) was located in the constellation Aries. At the beginning of our era, during the birth of Christ, it moved to Pisces. Nowadays, the spring equinox should move to the constellation Aquarius.

The beginning of a new era

Many people are interested in when the Age of Aquarius began. It's a difficult question. Some astronomers insist that this happened around 2000, while others say that this event should be expected recently. The fact is that the equinox points move slowly along the Zodiac. The rate of this phenomenon is 1 degree over 71.5 years. One astrological symbol of the equinox takes 2150 years to pass. And all twelve of them will intersect in 25,820 years. This period of time is usually called a majestic year. The length of time during which the equinox points pass one symbol of the Zodiac is called a great month, era or epoch.

For the last 20 centuries, humanity has existed in the Age of Pisces. Now comes the Age of Aquarius. The beginning of a new era is difficult to determine with an accuracy of one year, since we are talking about huge intervals of time. Some astronomers believe that the dawn of a new era was the end of the 2nd World War. And a very distinguished astrological association called the “Church of Light” insists that the Age of Aquarius began back in 1881. Caple McCutchen (a renowned astronomer) argues that we entered a new era in the 1970s. And Carl Jung (psychologist) together with Charles Jane predicted that this period would begin in the 1990s. Other experts, such as Cyril Fagan, have a different opinion when asked when the Age of Aquarius will begin. So, they believe that this fateful event will occur no earlier than 2300. However, most astronomers unanimously agree that already in 2000 a new era began - the Age of Aquarius.

Peace and justice

What will this period be like in the life of mankind? Many have great hopes for him. The clue must be found in the characteristics of the sign. Usually, he personifies humanity and brotherhood. Some astronomers expect that in the future era separate countries will disappear, and people will unite into one people that does not recognize division into nationalities. The myth of the Age of Aquarius says that at this time we will achieve peace in the world. The privileges of the nobility and the rich will be a thing of the past. The common man will become the rightful master of life, and the most enlightened and successful people will be considered aristocrats.

Flights to the stars

Aquarius is the patron of radio waves. It is a symbol of inventions and scientific discoveries. It is still impossible to imagine what discoveries await us in the next two thousand years. But astronomers predict that space travel will definitely be among the scientific achievements. People will be able to penetrate far beyond the boundaries of the solar system and even their galaxy. They will create settlements on planets suitable for life and large-scale space ferries. The world of the Age of Aquarius will become an era of cosmic achievements for man. It will fly to the stars, the closest of which is located 4.3 light years from planet Earth. By comparison, Pluto is only five light minutes away from us.

Technical progress

A person of the Aquarius era is a thinking and very practical person, capable of wisely managing the natural resources of his planet. In the future, incredible mental breakthroughs will be made. New technologies will help solve the problem of depletion of minerals and energy resources of the Earth. Electronics, nuclear energy, aviation will bring enormous benefits to humanity. Aquarius is a practical symbol, so gaining knowledge in this era will not be an end in itself, but a way to obtain real results.

Astrology - the science of the future

Many modern astronomers treat the sign of Aquarius with particular warmth, because it is directly related to this old science. The surge in enthusiasm for it in recent years is obvious. Some even called astrology the religion of a new generation. It is assumed that the Age of Aquarius will make it not a secret of the initiated or an absurd superstition, but a full-fledged and respected science, accessible to everyone. Such hopes may seem unrealistic to many. However, Aquarius is a symbol of desires and hopes. Therefore, astronomers hope that the acquired knowledge will help people discover new truths.

Negative configurations

The above predictions come from the positive properties of Aquarius. However, signs of a new era can be selfishness, inflexibility and indecision characteristic of this zodiac sign. Humanity in its development has not yet overcome negative properties and the emergence of a new race, free from hesitation and prejudice, is still very far away. People have serious problems to solve. We are threatened by famine and epidemics, global wars, and overpopulation. We are drawing on natural resources without restrictions, depriving the Earth of its ability to support life. The greatest danger is nuclear energy. It can destroy the entire planet and the people themselves. Learning to use this natural resource well and wisely is another task that must be solved in the progressive era of Aquarius.

Russia is a symbol of revival

These days there is a lot of talk about the spiritual renewal of humanity. Some experts believe that it will come due to the influence of the Russian ethnic group, which coincides as closely as possible with the symbolism of Aquarius. What arguments are not given in favor of this version. Here are some of them:

  • The mysterious and freedom-loving Russian soul, glorified by poets and prose writers, can stir up all the best in humanity.
  • Russia produced excellent scientists (Kurchatov, Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Popov) who made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization. And this is completely consistent with the spirit of the future era. This means that the Age of Aquarius for Russia is the most beneficial time.
  • Our country is constantly under a glass slide in the laboratory of the universe. All experiments (social, economic, social) were carried out specifically in Russia.

Mission of Russia

Astronomers call the main task of our country in the new era to unite all people into a single government, the abolition of all borders and national differences. Material values ​​will lose priority and be replaced by spiritual ones. Ultimately, humanity must achieve maximum mutual understanding and harmony. The Age of Aquarius for Russia is an opportunity to show itself worthily on the world stage. Whether this is true or not, time will tell. In any case, the forecast for the development of our country in the new era is very favorable. “The Russians harness slowly, but drive quickly,” said Bismarck. I would like these words to become prophetic.

Sadhana of the Age of Aquarius

This spiritual practice was proposed by Yogi Bhajan in 1992, June 21st. It should be done once a day for 20 years. During this time period, the Earth transitions into a new era. Morning sadhana traditionally begins with silence. The first words spoken during the ritual are lines from the sacred text written by Jab Ji Sahib. Participants in the process can simply listen or read the text together with the guru. This is followed by a kundalini yoga class to prepare the mind and body for the next stage of sadhana - meditation. It lasts sixty-two minutes and is done without stopping between mantras. While singing, you need to keep your back straight and do a neck lock. This is necessary so that energy can freely penetrate into the head. This spiritual practice is carried out under the guidance of a Guru. It promotes maximum physical and spiritual cleansing.

Difficulties of transition

The Zodiacal constellations do not have clear boundaries; they have different lengths. That is why astrological eras do not change immediately, but gradually. The change of seasons occurs in approximately the same way: spring defeats winter, and autumn wins back its rights from summer. The entire twentieth century became the harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. Throughout the next century, the era of Pisces will remind itself of itself before fading into history. The same long transition period awaits the end of the Age of Aquarius, when, after 2000 years, it will also sink into oblivion.

Any astrological era carries within itself various personal characteristics. Over time, they become the predominant, main background for the development of humanity. The symbolism inherent in the dominant sign completely prevails in morality, value system, way of thinking, structure of societies, worldview, science, mythology, culture and religion. Therefore, the new era will come into its own after it overcomes the remnants of the Pisces era. Then, when most of the social structures and humanity as a whole are reorganized to other value guidelines, the Age of Aquarius will begin.

The advent of a new era gives people hope. The patron of this sign is Uranus. It promotes scientific inventions, stimulates technological progress, and favors humanitarian achievements. Uranus is also the planet of unaccountable goals and will. Humanity has a chance to build a new, more perfect and equipped world. Or, on the contrary, lose everything it has. Time will tell how we will be able to use this opportunity.

Unlike a person, the real surrounding reality does not stop for a moment in its spontaneous development. And now, throughout the entire Earth, the time has come for huge systems to change: the laws of interaction with the Universe and with each other. The long-awaited spiritual transformation of the world begins. Discoveries are being made in physics, psychiatry, medicine and in the search for methods of natural healing. The world is becoming increasingly divided, and there is a struggle between “good” and “evil.” The eternal search for my “god”, the search for my purpose - who I am and where I came from, where I should go - becomes the goal of every individual. The Age of Pisces has ended and the Age of Aquarius has begun, and first we will draw parallels between these time periods in order to better understand evolutionary patterns and the time of today's changes.

Epochal patterns

“Pisces personifies higher, but not formalized into a system, knowledge, mystical, meditative and intuitive thinking - thinking that is not tied to specific logic, but is subject to inspiration and revelations. The entire experience of the Pisces zodiac gives rise to the highest ethical acceptance, reaching the point of indiscriminateness between good and evil, which, in some cases, leads Pisces to self-deception, self-intoxication and daydreaming. At the same time, the control of Neptune (the planet Neptune rules Pisces) gives many manifestations of Pisces a color of fanaticism, and the second control of Jupiter often implements this fanaticism in the field of philosophy and religion.

Traditionally, the beginning of the era of Pisces is associated with the birth and formation of Christianity - comprehending the essence of the Creator in a typical way for Pisces: through faith, mystical revelations and visions. Many points connect the symbolism of Christianity with the symbolism of Pisces. Thus, the first Christians recognized each other by drawing two arcs of the Pisces symbol. The Greek word itself (ichtheos - Fish) was perceived by them as an abbreviation for the expression Jesus Christ "god". It is the fishermen Simon and Peter, James and John, who become the first disciples of Christ - “fishers of men.” The baptismal ceremony is performed in a water font (Pisces is a water sign), which in Catholicism is called piscina, which can be translated literally as a fish pond. In Christianity you can find many more symbolism of Pisces. However, the history of the era is not only the history of Christianity, but also the history of rationalism, materialism and atheism.

"Tragedy" of the Age of Pisces

The basis of development and tragedy of the era of Pisces lies in its internal contradiction caused by the confrontation between Pisces and Virgo (the opposite sign of the Zodiac). Pisces, being a highly unformed sign in its manifestations, in this regard constantly loses to the opposing Virgo, an extremely formalized sign of the zodiac, so that, in the end, the period of Pisces is replaced by the period of the influence of Virgo. At all times of the era, the mysticism and idealism of Pisces collided with the rationalism and materialism of Virgo. Outbreaks of religious fanaticism were followed by periods of atheism, and a widespread passion for mysticism was followed by a passion for science. It was this era that gave rise to the desire to test the Faith with material practice, to support it with material miracles and signs. And there was a hint for people in the Bible, Jesus warned: “An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him” (Matt. 12:39). It was this era that gave birth to the so-called “fundamental question of philosophy” about the primacy of matter or idea, as well as the antagonism of religion and science, but at the same time a strange monster - a hybrid of faith and science - theology. To the extent that the ideas of the Christian religion correspond to the spirit of Pisces, so does modern Western science, formed during the Virgo period, correspond to the ideas of Virgo. It was in the era of Pisces that formal logic, which originated in the previous era of Aries, flourished. As a product of Virgo, scientific thinking is based on its inherent methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and only recently have the beginnings of a systematic approach been formed in science, but this is already the birth of Aquarius science.

The trouble is that in the era of Pisces, science was constantly opposed to religion and replaced it; constant attempts were made to use scientific approaches and results to refute religious truths, which is methodologically incorrect. Such attempts include a primitive, but very revealing attempt to prove the absence of “God” by the fact that he was not found by aircraft either in the sky or in space. The history of the last era, however, is not only a struggle between religion and science, it is also a struggle within religion, caused by a dispute over religious rules and regulations (in which we see a manifestation of the rationalism of Virgo) and embittered by the religious fanaticism of Pisces. The polarization of the Age of Pisces also caused a strong polarization in the methods of comprehending the world by individuals. People appeared with imaginative, right-hemisphere thinking (stronger influence of Pisces) and abstract, left-hemisphere thinking (stronger influence of Virgo). The concepts of science and art are clearly distinguished.

Age of Aquarius - features

After such a lengthy description of the previous eras, we can try to describe in more detail the coming times - the era of Aquarius, replacing the era of Pisces. However, here it is necessary to make some clarifications. When analyzing an era, we take into account not only the influence of the “epochal” constellation, but also other key points of the Zodiac - the solstices and the autumn equinox. In the case of Egypt in the era of Aries, one felt the opposition of Scorpio - the personification of that mystical knowledge that, with the mystery and closeness characteristic of Scorpio, was developed by the Egyptian priests and connections with the “gods” - cosmic civilizations. For Rome it was Libra, which gave us the Roman concept of jurisprudence and justice. For Pisces, Virgo became such a constellation (from about 350 AD), which manifested itself so strongly that it practically masked the manifestation of Pisces. Virgo is precisely industry, science, work as such. The predominance of the opposition sign is one of the paradoxes of our era, and it is very important for understanding the upcoming changes. The constellations on which the Sun is projected at the time of the equinoxes do not change simultaneously, with the exception of the Taurus-Scorpio line. The constellation Virgo is more extensive than the constellation Pisces, and will still be active when the age of Aquarius can be considered to have begun. Therefore, the era of Aquarius in its “pure” form will be able to manifest itself when Leo stands in opposition to it (this will not happen soon, we will not live to see it). This means that the legacy of the Age of Pisces will continue to influence all of humanity for a long time.

The Age of Aquarius is a combination of incompatible

The sign of Aquarius is associated with the air element in its third manifestation and is ruled by two planets: the first ruler is Uranus, the second is Saturn. The dual control of planets that are fundamentally opposite in concept explains to a large extent the character of this extremely contradictory sign. If Saturn symbolizes the highest stability, structure, any system, time, then Uranus symbolizes destruction, transformation, breaking of all connections and timelessness. As noted above, Aquarius is a sign of the beginning of the destruction of the Idea that was finally embodied in Capricorn, generated by Aries from the chaos of the waters of Pisces. Saturn in Aquarius symbolizes the structure that remains from the previous Capricorn (which is why astrologers say that Saturn usurps Aquarius) and strives for self-preservation. Uranus symbolizes the forces that destroy the Saturn system, at the level of breaking system connections. The constant struggle between Saturn and Uranus leads to the fact that Aquarius is an unstable combination of incompatible things - the unity and opposition of Uranian and Saturnian properties.

Aquarius symbolizes all phenomena at the level of catastrophe, fracture, explosion (compression of the spring, tension at the fracture), the combination of incompatible things, irrationality and, as a consequence, the absurdity and illogicality of actions. At the same time, in the dialectical circle of the zodiac, each destruction of an old phenomenon determines the birth of a new one, continuing the old on a new level.

Society in the Age of Aquarius

We can only guess what exactly society will become in the Age of Aquarius. It is also difficult to describe the future because for many of the phenomena inherent in it, our language does not have adequate concepts, and this gives rise not only to the difficulty of describing, but also of understanding them. Therefore, all further presentation of our topic will be only an attempt to roughly describe the general trends in the development of history, without taking into account specific forms of manifestation. Thus, our ancestors foresaw the appearance of flying machines, but, at best, endowed them with bird-like wings. For them it was absolutely fantastic.

So, what will the society of the future be like, and where will the new civilization be born? The idea of ​​Pisces was compassion in the name of cleansing from sins. The main idea of ​​the new era will be the spiritual growth of the individual and the fulfillment of each person’s destiny.

Where will the new society of the Age of Aquarius be born?

Without a doubt, history will take its new epochal turn on the territory of Russia, because it is under the control of this air sign, which has always manifested itself in the most absurd way. For now, this sign is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, planets that are more than contrasting in their manifestations. This is what is called “the Russian harnesses slowly, but drives quickly.” Saturn presupposes strict structure and orderliness, and Uranus cannot tolerate anything like that, and this is the answer to the mysterious Russian soul, which can endure for a long time until it explodes with terrible force: “Russian rebellion is senseless and merciless.”

It is here that a fundamentally new civilization in earthly history will arise, possessing all the characteristic Aquarian properties. In “its” era, this mysterious and incomprehensible sign will be able to manifest itself more clearly, and hopefully, harmoniously.

He will erase all the boundaries that separate people and states, and connections between people will be built on completely new principles. There will be no structure, but there will be a single information field of universal exchange. This blurring of boundaries can also erase interpersonal barriers, which will fulfill the long-standing dream of a public that is higher than the personal. Aquarius will also produce a kind of technical, including industrial revolution, which occurs with the change of any era. The era of Aries was marked by the invention of iron, Taurus - copper and bronze, Pisces - used finer matter, which can, with some convention, be called the “Age of Chemistry”. Aquarius will transfer the creativity of humanity to an even more “subtle material” - to information, and the rapidly “mad” computerization of everything that is possible, the creation of computer networks and artificial intelligence is one of the signs of the approaching era. This will be an era of insights, just as the era of Pisces could be called the era of revelations, the era of Aries - strength and aggression, Taurus - plasticity and form-creation.

The principle of uniting people in the Age of Aquarius

In the future, people will be united into groups not according to gender, as in Taurus, not according to territorial and personal characteristics, as in Aries, not according to property, as in Pisces, but precisely according to intellectual and ideological. The tendency to unite according to ideological interests is already so strong today that we are ready to consider this unifying principle to be eternal: however, this is far from the case, as history testifies.

It is still necessary to clarify what kind of ideology we mean: after all, the concept of ideology itself is so broad that it can include almost any expression of human views and interests, including complete unprincipledness. Ideology existed in primitive society, and in slave-owning, and in feudal, and in capitalist. But in any of these societies, ideology was a secondary unifying principle, born from the first unifying principle, which we have already discussed. In Aquarius, ideology, as an expression of the most general views of people, will itself become the fundamental principle of their unification, and in this regard, it is in this era that human society will free itself from the yoke of matter dictating its will. In general, the ideology of Aquarius people will be the ideology of this sign.

The collectivity of Aquarius is so strong that it will lead to the almost complete dissolution of the individual personality into the personality of the collective: we have already seen the first glimpses of this process in our country during the twentieth century - socialism (this was a deliberate preparation). In addition, groups of intellectuals will stand out and acquire special social significance. Division by level of intelligence will form the basis of the social division of society, however, it will be expressed to a much lesser extent than in previous eras.

Thinking in the Age of Aquarius

For a person of the Aquarius era, an intuitive type of thinking will be characteristic, which differs from the modern analytical type of thinking in a fundamental feature. Modern thinking is largely based on formal logic, which leads from one judgment to another through certain inferences that ultimately determine a new judgment. With this kind of thinking, different reasoning can lead to different final judgments, of which the correct one will not be found immediately. Intuitive thinking is associated with the ability of the human brain to simultaneously carry out a significant number of conclusions, each of which individually is not controlled by consciousness, but immediately leads to the correct solution to the problem, which comes as an insight. New principles of thinking will define a new type of science. Science will no longer be as permeated with reductionism and determinism as in our time. A systematic approach and organicism (consideration of a phenomenon in its entirety) will be of particular importance. In this regard, science will merge with occultism and astrology - teachings about the universality of the connections of the universe. Naturally, information systems and artificial intelligence will become especially important. Computerization, as such, will contribute to the birth of a new philosophy and a new language of thinking. The creation of a language specifically designed not so much for communication as for thinking will be a revolutionary event in the Age of Aquarius. Artificial intelligence will replace the human factor to a greater extent, which will eliminate corruption and other components of our time.

"End of the world"

The change of eras is always a difficult event for humanity. Humanity is faced with fundamentally different tasks for which it is not ready. The matter is further complicated by the fact that the point of the vernal equinox moves against the natural sequence of zodiac signs, so each subsequent era turns out to be objectively the previous one. Naturally, when humanity is faced with those tasks that, in theory, should be solved earlier, a stressful situation arises, which can quite reasonably be called the end of the world. This determines that humanity, for the most part, does not understand and does not accept the ideas of Aquarius (it is not for nothing that the end of the second millennium AD is associated with the end of the world - this will be the end of the ideas of Pisces, but not the end of the World).

The change of eras will lead, as it happened every time, to a change in all systems of values, philosophy, morality, religion, concepts of good and evil, duty and honor. In the end, even science, which now seems unshakable to us, since it is based on the objective laws of nature, will become different. The goal of modern astrologers, philosophers and those masters who came to Earth as guides for humanity is to, to some extent, describe the coming era and prepare people for these changes.

During the transitional era, a lot of disasters occurred, both natural and social in nature. As an example, it is worth recalling what marked the transition from the era of Aries to the era of Pisces. The only thing that has not been forgotten is that during this transitional period the Savior came and Christianity appeared. But everything that accompanied the formation of Christianity does not always come to mind, because it was not limited to the crucifixion of Christ, and it is no coincidence that Christianity existed for a long time as a secret sect, the symbol and password of which was the mark of the sign of Pisces. After all, how many early Christians were torn to pieces in Roman amphitheaters then! Other troubles also occurred: the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, seismic activity intensified, pestilence and famine (famine - author's note) claimed many lives in the territories ruled by Aries and Pisces. At the same time, Nero started his famous fire of Rome. All these events, in the well-founded opinion of Renan Ernest, are described in the Revelation (in Greek - Apocalypse) of St. John (Renan "Antichrist").

Symbols of a past era

"Revelation" is an occult and astrological work, so it does not only refer to past times; this is a universal description of the transitional era that we are experiencing today. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” says the first chapter, and this can be understood as an indication of the description of the beginning and end of the passing era of Pisces. The previous era of Aries, a sign of the fire element, with Mars as its ruler, correlates with the Roman Empire, campaigns of conquest, bloody spectacles, the cult of strength, and individualism. It was these Mars and Aries properties that manifested themselves most actively and negatively at the time of the transition to the era of Pisces. Thus, the passing era is not just passing away, it is also showing itself and, as it were, summing up.

The Age of Taurus correlates with ancient Egypt. Taurus is a sign of the earth element, its ruler is Venus. Accordingly, as it passed away, this era should have manifested itself more in the area of ​​the earthly element. (The ancient civilization of the Indus Valley died after exhausting its clay reserves). From the era of Cancer, we are left only with the memories of the Great Flood, which well cleaned up the remains of the previous eras. These eras also existed, and using the occult methods of astrology, it is possible to restore their features and chronology. It is also possible to look into the future, relying on the past, so that there are no illusions about the imminent arrival of the “Golden Age”. The Flood was given to us as a gift at the end of the Age of Cancer (somewhere around 7500 BC). Don’t be confused by the fact that we are going beyond the biblical creation of the world; the legend of the flood, according to researchers, was introduced into the Holy Scriptures from more ancient sources, and the content of the first book of Genesis is reminiscent of post-flood times. Cancer is a sign of the water element, its ruler is the Moon, the patron of water spaces, sailors and navigation. This is the most “watery” sign in the sense of corresponding to the concept of the element of water, and water as a substance. Therefore, the flood was realized in the form of a major flood.

All water signs symbolize purification before a new birth. And in this sense, the transitional era from a water sign to an air sign presents the most significant “end of the world.”

And many of us have already been reborn, leaving behind the symbols of the past era. For some reason, by “the end of the world” people usually mean a global event that can destroy the Earth. But this is not the case, as is clear from the previous examples. For example, it could be a catastrophe that could wipe out an existing race from the face of the earth, as was the case with Atlantis.

Spiritual poisoning

In our case, to characterize the upcoming trials, it is enough to recall the characteristics of the sign of Pisces. Neptune is related to toxic, hallucinogenic substances, and to chemistry in general, so an environmental disaster on a global scale is a more than real threat that can significantly reduce the population. Neptune is responsible for the world of spirits, the spiritual world. It is difficult to imagine “spiritual poisoning,” but seeing what is happening today, you believe it.

Neptune is a great deceiver and tempter, and many utopian theories, worldviews, ideologies generated by Neptune have more than once brought different peoples to the brink of the grave. They were always born in the name of the common good and justice, but when taken by fanatics to the point of absurdity, they led to completely opposite results. Christianity is the teaching about Christ, presented as the teaching of Christ, inspired by Neptune. Communist ideas are the ideas of Aquarius, transformed by Neptune. All Neptune-Pisces properties must manifest themselves before the Age of Aquarius comes into its own. The earth must be cleared of the accumulations of the passing era, and it is the water element that is called upon to cleanse itself before rebirth.”

Left behind from the Age of Aquarius

Unfortunately, today there are a huge number of people on Earth who are hopelessly behind, but everything is karmically determined, they themselves chose this interesting, but difficult experience on planet Earth, perhaps they simply did not calculate their strength. But there are people who are slightly below the level. These are those people who have lagged behind the requirements of the current time, but are still able to eliminate their lag. Many souls purposefully chose to incarnate on Earth in order to accelerate the development of their soul. The most important thing is that they remember that on Earth there are many specially created “traps” - obstacles that lead them away from the true path. Now to sit with folded hands in old dogmas, ancient foundations, relying on knowledge - “textbooks” of the first grades - is a crime against oneself, or rather one’s soul. The soul constantly requires development, and that’s what it comes here for. Society and the physical body inhibit the personality as much as possible, and the soul constantly overcomes these obstacles, becoming wiser.

Completely retarded

For this category on Earth, a tough exam has been prepared for the title of a person of the Aquarius era and the opportunity to reincarnate on Earth. That is why strong temptations and distorted values ​​of life have now been created for such people (distorted worldview systems, drugs, sexual excesses, perversions, alcohol, embezzlement, temptation by power, and others). If this exam is not passed, then such souls will go to worlds with minus polarization, where everything goes in circles until they learn the lesson, coming to the realization that they need to live in accordance with other values.

Personality formation in the Age of Aquarius

People are accustomed to the fact that in life you can deceive, cheat, using various loopholes and techniques, ignoring human laws. But the laws of the Cosmos are fair and inflexible, they need to be known, understood and obeyed without grumbling or doubt, this is what the new era dictates. Whether we like it or not, we did not create this world, and we have no right to declare that the world is unfair. Everything is in balance, and there is a deep Higher meaning in everything.

In the era of Aquarius, most of the ready-made population of the Earth will become not consumers pulling the blanket over themselves, but co-Creators with Higher Powers. Progress in all spheres of human life will develop by leaps and bounds. And today, keeping up with the times is not even enough, you need to run after it. Are you ready for this? That is why there is a growing need to understand the stages of human evolution and take urgent measures, change your thinking and your reactions to life, and find your place on this path in order to correspond to the new era.

How is the Age of Aquarius different from the Age of Pisces?

So, let's sum up the era of Pisces and the coming era of Aquarius.
1. The idea of ​​Pisces was compassion in the name of cleansing from sins. The main goal of the new era will be the spiritual and moral growth of the individual and the fulfillment of each person’s destiny. Thus, the new era proclaims the cultivation of goodness, universal unconditional love and harmony in oneself in the name of individual happiness, where everyone will receive their well-deserved share depending on their personal creative contribution.
2. In the era of Pisces, all responsibility for sins was shifted to the Higher Powers. The Messiah will come who will save and take upon himself all the sins of men. The Age of Aquarius requires a person to be highly aware and responsible for every action, for all his thoughts, emotions, words, actions and deeds.
3. In the era of Pisces, each person was more dependent on the established moral norms (often contrary to life itself) of the social group. In the era of Aquarius, freedom and independence will be proclaimed, the opportunity to walk your own path in self-knowledge and the realization of your abilities in accordance with the Laws of the Cosmos.
4. The Age of Pisces was characterized by a person’s belonging to a certain religion. The Age of Aquarius involves going beyond any dogma, including religious ones.
5. The Age of Pisces was a time of disunity between peoples and states. The Age of Aquarius brings universal globalization, unity into one friendly Organism with common values ​​and aspirations: creativity, altruism, sincere communication; friendliness and cooperation.
6. In the era of Pisces, logical thinking prevailed; in the era of Aquarius it will become more intuitive. Intuition will come first, and logic will process information received from the subconscious; the latter is always connected with the Ecumenical Information Data Bank.
7. The Age of Pisces dictated that a person fight his “dark side” of his essence (instincts). The Age of Aquarius will require you to set priorities: developing your best qualities and strengthening your weak ones (70/30%) to achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.
8. The family of the Pisces era was dominated by patriarchy. In the era of Aquarius, equality will be formed at all levels of society: family, work team, management system. Even children will have an equal voice with adults, because special children are being born now, their souls are very mature and have vast experience from past incarnations. Those. the soul of a child may be older, and therefore wiser, than the soul of his grandmother or grandfather.
9. In the Age of Pisces, individual activity prevailed. In the Age of Aquarius there will be a desire for collective creativity. Each team member will work to achieve the best overall result. The team's win will be above all!

From the comparative analysis it is already clear that it will be important for each person to quickly adapt to the vibrations of the new era in order to move into it more harmoniously. Therefore, it is worth discarding old stereotypes and starting to switch to a new value system.

In the Age of Aquarius, only those who understand the main principles of the Age of Aquarius - no one owes anything to anyone, by and large, except evolutionarily and karmically; whoever works for bestowal without expecting gratitude will keep pace with evolution and the Laws of the Universe. The Great Transition means the transition of our Earth and humanity into a new, more perfect mental-spiritual state, corresponding to a higher level of consciousness. The Age of Aquarius is the era of collectivism, and any team is, first of all, an egregor. And every literate person needs to know the basic laws of interaction with egregors. This book provides the first steps towards understanding the general meaning of interaction with egregors (field societies). The author will talk about them in detail in the book “Rules of the Game of the Universe”.

New vibration frequency of human consciousness

“The vibrational frequency of a planet changes as it completes a huge cycle and transitions into a new one. Some call this new cycle the “Age of Aquarius.” It is like going through a course of study in a school with various combinations of energies affecting the Earth and predetermining different eras and life experiences for those who are chosen to be here at this time. The planet's main resonant frequency of vibration, known as Schumann's Void Resonance, was discovered in 1899 and remained fairly constant until the mid-1980s, when it began to rapidly increase in frequency. Since then it has continued to increase, and the effect of such rapid vibrations is that it seems that “time is running faster and faster.” (David Icke, Children of the Matrix)

How to trust the Universe?

That is why it is important for each of us to consciously change our worldview, worldview, picture of the world and life activity; this changes our internal frequency range to a higher one. Thus, we rise up (relatively! up) * The Higher Mind cannot descend to our level, it has a different frequency of vibrations, only we can rise gradually to its level, but we must want it. At higher levels of knowledge, more complex things of the World Order become clear, and the human mind grows and strengthens. The connection with a higher level of consciousness of the Cosmos increases, a person becomes clear about his Higher Plan, the meaning of this incarnation becomes clear. The world opens up in a completely different way, it becomes more multifaceted. A person trusts the Universe and rejoices in everything that happens to him, because he knows that behind all the events of existence is the Great Plan of the Creator! And if you know that this is so, it means you trust the Universe and gratefully accept life in all its manifestations; Life immediately becomes very interesting. And the main slogan in the life of such a person for any, even the most difficult life task, sounds like this: “I wonder how I will be able to cope with this?” And inside a person there is emotional peace and grace, since his calm reaction is the key to a quick resolution of his “problem”, which the author calls a “task”. Why is it resolved so quickly? Read about this in the book “Rules of the Game of the Universe”. Thus, the life of every earthling on the planet is filled with joy, happiness, harmony; a person lives consciously, develops in his favorite work - creates and harmonizes on Earth without fear and suffering! This author described our wonderful future - this is how we will live when our consciousness reaches the fifth level of measurement.

How else can you convince a person to live morally in unison with the Age of Aquarius?

It's probably hard for the egg to turn
into a bird, but it is incomparably difficult for him
learn to fly while remaining an egg. We
with you at present are like an egg.
But we can't stay forever
just an ordinary egg,
a decent egg. Our choice: either we
let's hatch from it, or it will spoil.
(Sergey Chernyaev)

  • Useful

The Age of Aquarius is a phrase that has gained particular popularity over the past decade. It is pronounced in different contexts, but almost always with the brightest aspirations and hopes. There is a well-known theory that peace and prosperity will reign in Russia during this period. So what is the Age of Aquarius and when will it begin? You can read about this in this article.

Movement of the Sun

To answer this question, we need to step back a little. It has long seemed to people on Earth that it is not our planet that moves around the Sun, but vice versa. In this case, the luminary moves along a narrow strip, which scientists call the ecliptic, while passing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac circle.

The vernal equinox

The beginning of the astrological year is considered to be the moment called the spring equinox. At this time, the Sun passes through the celestial equator (that is, an imaginary line dividing the sky into the southern and northern halves). Moreover, on Earth the length of the night is equal to the length of the day. This phenomenon corresponds to the term equinox, which is translated from Latin as “equal night.” There are two equinoxes during the year: autumn and spring. The first marks the arrival of autumn, the second the beginning of spring. The period of the spring equinox coincides with the beginning of the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). entails a period of influence of the seventh astrological sign (Libra).

Zodiac signs and real constellations

In early astrology, the spring equinox was considered the time of the Sun's entry not only into the sign of Aries, but also into the constellation Aries. Then these concepts did not differ. However, over time, astronomy and astrology became separated from each other. Zodiac signs no longer correspond to specific constellations. This means that when an astronomer talks about Taurus, he talks about a specific group of stars that form a constellation. If an astrologer speaks about Taurus, then he means only an astrological sign, that is, a thirty-degree section of the Zodiac with a specific set of characteristics, associations and symbols.


A Greek astronomer named Hipparchus in the second century discovered a phenomenon called the shift of the equinoxes, or precession. The scientist noticed that the earth's axis slowly changes its position in relation to the stars. This process resembles the vibration of a rotating disk. The Earth's poles do not remain stationary all the time; they are subject to slight fluctuations from side to side. Over the course of many centuries, this tilt of the planet changes the position of the celestial equator, which is supposed to be in the same plane as the earth’s. All of the above explains that over time, the spring equinox found itself in a different constellation. The slow change in the inclination of our planet is called precession, because over many years the equinox points very slowly cross all the signs of the Zodiac circle in reverse order.

So, when the ancient Babylonians calculated the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological year (vernal equinox) was located in the constellation Aries. At the beginning of our era, during the birth of Christ, it moved to Pisces. Ours should move to the constellation Aquarius.

The beginning of a new era

Many people are interested in when the Age of Aquarius began. It's a difficult question. Some astrologers insist that this happened around 2000, others say that this event should be expected in the near future. The fact is that the equinox points move slowly along the Zodiac. The rate of this phenomenon is 1 degree over 71.5 years. One astrological sign of the equinox takes 2150 years. And all twelve of them will intersect in 25,820 years. This period of time is usually called the great year. The period of time during which the equinox points pass one sign of the Zodiac is called a great month, era or epoch.

For the last twenty centuries, humanity has existed in the Age of Pisces. Now comes the Age of Aquarius. The beginning of a new era is difficult to determine with an accuracy of one year, since we are talking about huge intervals of time. Some astrologers believe that the dawn of a new era was the end of World War II. And a very authoritative astrological association called the “Church of Light” insists that the Age of Aquarius began back in 1881. Caple McCutchen (renowned astrologer) states that we entered a new era in the 1970s. And Carl Jung (psychologist) together with Charles Jane predicted that this period would begin in the 1990s. Other experts, such as Cyril Fagan, have a different opinion when asked when the Age of Aquarius will begin. So, they believe that this fateful event will occur no earlier than 2300. However, most astrologers unanimously admit that already in 2000 a new era began - the era of Aquarius.

Peace and justice

What will this period be like in the life of mankind? Many have high hopes for him. The clue must be looked for in the characteristics of the sign. Typically, it represents humanity and brotherhood. Some astrologers expect that in the coming era separate states will disappear, and people will unite into one people that does not recognize division into nationalities. The myth of the Age of Aquarius says that at this time we will achieve the Privileges of the nobility and the rich will be a thing of the past. The common man will become the rightful master of life, and the most enlightened and successful people will be considered aristocrats.

Flights to the stars

Aquarius is the patron of radio waves. This is a sign of inventions and scientific discoveries. It is still impossible to imagine what discoveries await us in the next two thousand years. But astrologers predict that space travel will definitely be among scientific achievements. People will be able to penetrate far beyond the solar system and even their galaxy. They will create settlements on planets suitable for life and large-scale space ferries. The world of the Age of Aquarius will become an era of cosmic achievements for man. It will fly to the stars, the closest of which is located 4.3 light years from planet Earth. By comparison, Pluto is only five light minutes away from us.

Technical progress

A man of the era of Aquarius is a thinking and very practical person, capable of wisely managing the natural resources of his planet. There will be incredible intellectual breakthroughs in the future. New technologies will solve the problem of depletion of minerals and the Earth. Electronics, nuclear energy, aviation will bring enormous benefits to humanity. Aquarius is a practical sign, so acquiring knowledge in this era will not be an end in itself, but a way to get real results.

Astrology - the science of the future

Many modern astrologers treat the sign of Aquarius with particular warmth, because it is directly related to this ancient science. The surge of interest in it in recent years is obvious. Some even called astrology the religion of a new generation. The Age of Aquarius is supposed to make it not an insider's secret or an absurd superstition, but a full-fledged and respected science accessible to everyone. Such hopes may seem unrealistic to many. However, Aquarius is the sign of desires and hopes. Therefore, astrologers expect that the acquired knowledge will help people discover new truths.

Negative changes

The above predictions come from the positive qualities of Aquarius. However, signs of a new era can be selfishness, inflexibility and indecision characteristic of this zodiac sign. Humanity in its development has not yet overcome negative qualities and the emergence of a new race, free from hesitation and prejudice, is still very far away. People have serious problems to solve. We are threatened by famine and epidemics, global wars, and overpopulation. We are drawing on natural resources without restrictions, depriving the Earth of its ability to support life. The greatest danger is nuclear energy. It can destroy the entire planet and the people themselves. Learning to use this natural resource competently and wisely is another task that must be solved in the progressive era of Aquarius.

Russia is a symbol of rebirth

These days there is a lot of talk about the spiritual renewal of humanity. Some experts believe that it will come due to the influence of the Russian ethnic group, which coincides as closely as possible with the symbolism of Aquarius. What arguments are not given in favor of this version. Here are some of them:

  • The mysterious and freedom-loving Russian soul, glorified by poets and prose writers, can stir up all the best in humanity.
  • In Russia, brilliant scientists were born (Kurchatov, Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Popov), who made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization. And this is completely consistent with the spirit of the coming era. This means that the Age of Aquarius for Russia is the most beneficial time.
  • Our country is constantly under a glass slide in the laboratory of the universe. All experiments (public, economic, social) were carried out in Russia.

Mission of Russia

Astrologers call the main task of our country in the new era the unification of all people into a single state, the abolition of all borders and national differences. Material values ​​will lose priority and be replaced by spiritual ones. As a result, humanity must achieve maximum mutual understanding and harmony. The Age of Aquarius for Russia is an opportunity to show itself worthily on the world stage. Whether this is true or not, time will tell. In any case, the forecast for the development of our country in the new era is very favorable. “The Russians harness slowly, but drive quickly,” said Bismarck. I would like these words to become prophetic.

Sadhana of the Age of Aquarius

This spiritual practice was proposed by Yogi Bhajan in 1992, June 21st. It must be done daily for twenty-one years. During this time period, the Earth transitions into a new era. Morning sadhana traditionally begins with silence. The first words that are spoken during the ritual are lines from the sacred text written by Jab Ji Sahib. Participants in the process can simply listen or read the text along with the guru. This is followed by a kundalini yoga class to prepare the mind and body for the next stage of sadhana - meditation. It lasts sixty-two minutes and is done without stopping between mantras. While singing, you need to keep your back straight and do a neck lock. This is necessary so that energy can freely penetrate into the head. This spiritual practice is carried out under the guidance of a Guru. It promotes maximum physical and spiritual cleansing.

Difficulties of transition

The Zodiacal constellations do not have clear boundaries; they have different lengths. That is why astrological eras do not change immediately, but gradually. The change of seasons occurs in approximately the same way: spring defeats winter, and autumn wins back its rights from summer. The entire twentieth century became the harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. Throughout the next century, the era of Pisces will remind itself of itself before fading into history. The same long transition period awaits the end of the Age of Aquarius, when, after 2000 years, it will also sink into oblivion.

Each astrological era carries with it different individual characteristics. Over time, they become the predominant, main background for the development of humanity. The symbolism inherent in the dominant sign completely prevails in morality, value system, way of thinking, structure of societies, worldview, science, mythology, culture and religion. Therefore, the new era will come into its own after it overcomes the remnants of the Pisces era. It is when most of the social structures and humanity as a whole are reorganized to other value guidelines that the Age of Aquarius will begin.

The advent of a new era gives people hope. The patron of this sign is Uranus. It promotes scientific inventions, stimulates technological progress, and favors humanitarian achievements. Uranus is also the planet of unconscious goals and will. Humanity has a chance to build a new, more perfect and comfortable world. Or, conversely, lose everything it has. Time will tell how we will be able to use this opportunity.

Surely everyone has heard that we live in the era of Pisces, which is coming to an end and gives way to the era of Aquarius. One can even say that she has already given in because... According to some sources, the Age of Aquarius began in the middle of the last century.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Element - Air, planet ruler - Uranus.

It is more correct to say that the era of Pisces-Virgo gives way to the era of Aquarius-Leo, because that which is above is like that which is below, to accomplish the wonders of the one thing.


The map shows , repeating the outlines of the number 11.

11 is the favorite number of Masons, so you shouldn’t immediately spit and say that this is completely evil.

Freemasonry came from Atlantis and preserves ancient wisdom, and anyone can speculate on this topic.

I’ll go through old topics where I wrote about the number 11:

1)The Statue of Liberty stands on Fort Wood in the form eleven pointed star
2) Metal statue copper - alchemical metal of Venus.
3) , which is confirmed by the 11th Arcana Tarot
4)11 - female sign. the number of Daena (in astrology - the planet Proserpina). The symbol of Proserpina is two Moons, left and right, facing each other with their convexities, between which there is a center, a point. Yin and Yang.

Two are the essence of one.

The next chapter is taken from the book “Spiritual Astrology” by E. Krishnamacharya.

Aquarius, the most sacred sign of the zodiac, is the fourth of the fixed signs and the third in the air triad. It represents the affirmation of man on the fourth plane and in the third state of air, spiritual air. The fourth stage of affirmation is when the person is in the para state of vac. It is the utterer himself, in which the vac exists as himself. "In the beginning was the Word" - a state that precedes "and the Word was God." Therefore, in the para state of vak there is no difference between the word and God. For the Word there was no God, and for God there was no Word. This state can only be described by the negation of all other things, because it has no place in language. Even the Veda describes it as “there was no non-being, but there was no being, this was the basis of both.” Even the great Shankaracharya called it “not two” (advaita). Lord Krishna mentions this as something that “is, is not, and is the basis of both.” Therefore he defined it as “beyond that and conceivable only as that which.” The sign of Aquarius represents this state, if it can be called a state at all. There are potentially two forces hidden in it: “there is and there is not.” They descend in the form of two magnificent forces from the supercosmic plane. They are the “measuring” and the “understanding” (Mitra and Varuna). Both of them conceive a great inhabitant of the supercosmic plane, on this plane he is Vasishtha, and on the cosmic plane he is Agastya. These two rishis head the spiritual inhabitants of their respective planes. They are above the spiritual level. “The highest group of the hierarchies of creation consists of the so-called divine flames, and they are also spoken of as the fiery lion and the lions of life... They are formless Fiery Breaths...” says H. P. Blavatsky about the inhabitants of these planes. This can be somewhat understood if we remember that Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius, and Aquarius represents the more subtle principles of Leo, located in sushumna, while Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac (the sign of children). Nothing more can be described.

Mitra and Varuna of the supercosmic plane descend as twin winged horses (these are the Ashvins, two complementary parts of the Divine Breath and two divine healers). From the divine breath they form immeasurable expressions of time and space, but they themselves form special measures of creation on the cosmic plane. Therefore, the Mahabrarata defines them as “vimana” (immeasurable measures). They are also called "nasatya" ("not unreal" beings, since they are beyond the real and the unreal).* On the solar plane they descend as two winged birds, which together constitute only one (suparna). One of them descends to the planetary plane and rejoices by eating the fruit of the tree. The other rests on the solar plane and receives pleasure only by looking in bliss. In the glyph of this sign they are very close and parallel to each other - like two sparks of lightning.

symbolize also the principles of light and sound before their differentiation, understood on the solar plane. On a planetary level, when we read them through the sign of Libra, they are differentiated. Sound creates space and light creates time as the solar and lunar principles within the cosmic plane. In this function they stand like two vertical columns, and this can be understood with the help of the Gemini glyph. This is the relationship between the signs of the air triad, which is the first emanation of the zodiacal principles. These three signs are the oldest in the order of their formation around any planetary body in expression. The first movement is the Aquarius principle. The first way out occurs through the Gemini principle. The first manifestation is through the principle of Libra.

* Nasatya, more precisely na-asatya - not being untrue and unreal - approx. lane

The position of Aquarius in the zodiac as the eleventh sign indicates that it rules the affairs of the eleventh house. The realization of ideals is the main tone of both this house and the sign. The ideal of humanity as a whole is the goal of the Hierarchy. For centuries it has been realized in the heart lotus of the World Teacher of our Earth.

The passage of the equinoxes through Aquarius is called the Age of Aquarius in lesser cycles. This makes a person "radioactive". The achievement of man of this era will be the mastery of space and time without movement. There is a sudden acceleration of human evolution on all planes. Hierarchies will be externalized, that is, revealed. Discipleship and initiation on a large scale are carried out through group contacts. Religions, which exist as inevitable restrictions in the minds of people, are crumbling into pieces with which the “single path” will be paved. The concepts of races, nations and governments are undergoing great upheavals, making way for the one Kingdom of God where man will live as a citizen of the world. Mixing of races is necessary to fuse all the principles of the planet into one perfection. A new race will emerge, incorporating all these refined principles, and it is being prepared at the group level under the influence of Leo. Vaivasvata Manu, the celestial prototype of the perfect man, assumes the role of ruler of this new race, and Maitreya works as the World Teacher. They carry out all this work with the help of their main students. They themselves act as forces connecting people of the new race with the inhabitants of the cosmic plane. The seven stars of Ursa Major, the Pleiades, Sirius, Castor, Pollux and the stars of the judges are connected with the new race through the Rishis Agastya and Vasishtha. Narada will appear like a star and will help Sanat Kumara lead his disciples along the path of bhakti. http://ru.teopedia.org/hpb/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0

Many other details of this era are thoroughly elaborated in the concealing allegories of the Puranas and the encrypted sayings of the Vedas. The sign ruling India will change from Capricorn to Aquarius, and this will happen through the experience of great pain, troubles, hardships and trials characteristic of the Kali Yuga. The morality of the people of India is declining to the lowest level (as predicted in the Puranas) and this will continue to happen until the sign changes. Crude materialism, unbelief, lawlessness, disorder, revolution and bloodshed - these are the features of India in the age of Kali before the sign changes. The coming of a new race under the rule of Manu will be marked by a spiritual marriage between India and France. (Note that the ruling sign of France is Leo).

Some astrologers argue, defending the opinion that the current period lies only in the first quarter of the Kali Yuga. They claim this due to the fact that the Kali Yuga lasts for 432,000 years and it began after the Mahabharata war. However, there is a substitution here. The duration of the Yugas given in the Puranas is not at all false, but the main secrets are contained in the number of zeros in these figures. They are based on certain hidden truths of astronomical phenomena and their corresponding consequences in the form of astrological influences. The required number of zeros depends on the purpose and method of application at each level of understanding. The value of 432,000 years given in the Puranas for the Kali Yuga indicates a cycle related to the geographical and geological phenomena of the Earth and not to the races and peoples of mankind. The entire calculation is based on the fact that within larger cycles there are cycles of shorter duration. The shortest is 432 years, the next longest cycle is 10 times longer, and so on. Each of these sub-periods or cycles is applicable to races, sub-races, peoples, families, as well as to individuals, to their cycles of reincarnation. For now it is enough to discover that the number 432 followed by one zero gives the end of the sub-period. This date marks the new opening of a spiritual school on this Earth. Teachers at various levels resumed their positions and began work. If we add a tenth of it as the cusp period to the above number, we get the end of the Kali Yuga subcycle. This period is notable for the great reforms and the advent of the World Teacher. The end of the era of Pisces and the beginning of the era of Aquarius is already in the next subcycle. This makes it possible for a new race of people to come.

By the way: 432: =6

The sign of Aquarius is completely ruled by Uranus. In the present era, it provides a sudden expansion of man's various concepts. The horizons of each system of thought expand. Man gains mastery over the physical plane and enters into the mysteries of the cosmos. Both scientists and spiritualists discover the highest purpose of sound and light. The spiritual core in a person is stimulated and spiritual evolution is accelerated. The rise of matter into spirit is symbolized by the evaporation of water to form clouds in the sky. This is called "uttarayana", or the upward path of the waters, and is accomplished by the action of Aquarius. Agastya of the cosmic plane is that Lord who drinks up the oceans to kill the demons of the lower regions. The waters of Scorpio, the third fixed sign, are raised and purified by Aquarius. An Aquarius student can easily gain control of his sexual impulses and then abide in the lotus within the sushumna, which is located between the heart and throat centers. He can acquire mastery over the five states of matter within and without. Part of his path consists of meditation on the absolute without any color, number or image. When his conscious mind is asleep, he can learn new things and receive instructions, initiations and training through group contacts. He can live in a state of samadhi, being active on all subject levels, including the performance of duty towards his fellow men. “The conscious existence of a person on all planes at the same time” - this is the definition of yoga for him. The work of this path will not at all interfere with the fulfillment of domestic and social duties. Just the thought of the guru through a sound call will create a connection at the group level and carry out the yoga action to perfection.

Aquarius has a numerical strength unknown to most of humanity. It exists in time-space in a dormant state, beyond the comprehension of the mind. It is located between the numerical powers of nine and one. It is mistakenly considered zero. The general idea of ​​it as zero carries a negative impression of this number. Its exact knowledge makes a person the creator and destroyer of atoms. This means that a person will be able to create any simple or complex substance from space, as well as destroy it. This number force bridges the gap between atoms and space. The atoms of all planes are connected to space, and space to the Cosmic Mind by the power of this very number, which forms the numerical force of Aquarius. This number is called "purnam" (filling) by the Vedic rishis. "This (zero) is purnam. This (one) is purnam. It extracts itself from itself, and yet remains itself" is an encrypted description of this number that can be given. “Positive fullness is not negative immobility,” says the great rishi. Meditation on this difference can, although very rarely, reveal this number to an adept of a very high order. The arithmetic of space-time calculations in the decimal system with all known numbers is as infinite as the universe. The reason for this is the “action” of the power of that number, which the adepts presented and described as purnam. The Kumbha, the symbol of this sign, which is a partially open ball, is significant.

The color of this sign is a shade between deep blue and violet, but the naked eye sees it as colorless. Only the mental sense of color, when trained by the guru, can focus on that color.

There is a plane of consciousness in the human mind on which color and sound are one. This plane finds expression through Aquarius and is called the Gandharva plane in the Vedas. Vedic hymns mention Vena, a musician who spans the entire cosmos of 7x solar systems and cheerfully sings the “song of light.” He is also the ruler of this sign for a group of adepts who are trying to establish a connection between our spatial globe and another. The entire activity of the solar systems follows the pattern of the activity of this supercosmic deva. Due to the decline of science in the Middle Ages, Apollo came to be mistakenly identified with the Sun God, but he is none other than the Vena of the Vedas. Through its influence the principles of sound and the principles of light of the cosmic, solar and planetary planes are expressed on identical scales. By establishing a connection with the work of this deva, one can give shape to the material existence of the universe in the required manner. Adepts of this level form a group of devas who stand above the evolution of all planes, and since this level is unattainable for adepts of the path of black magic, the entire universe inevitably moves towards the better always. This corresponds in mood to the sankalpa of the Supreme Lord of the Worlds. On the plane of this Gandharva one can enjoy the music of the cosmic spheres. Narada and Tumbura chant the glories of the Supreme Lord in tune with the music of the Veda. Music forms one of the paths of yoga. But it is not the music of voice sounds that is controlled by Aquarius - it is the music of the expression of souls. However, vocal music can take a musician to this level if he uses its vibrations for this purpose.

During the building of the antahkarana by the student of the spiritual path, the “third eye” opens. It is located in the center of the head above the Ajna Chakra. It is distinct from both the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. This eye forms the highest bridge in the antahkarana and exists like a spark in an arc lamp connecting two coals. This third eye is the joint activity of Pisces and Taurus. A person also has one more eye, which is called the “eye of Shiva”. The third eye is the ability of an advanced person, while the eye of Shiva is the divine ability revealed through man. It is located between the third eye and the head center. Purnam, the number of Aquarius, is hidden in this eye of Shiva. Towards the end of the worlds (pralaya) this eye opens. This happens both for the student and for the cosmos - this marks the pralaya of all activity. "All the creative forces enter the eye of the student and disappear. There is a pause. Then the whole process goes in reverse order. The parasha and damaru of the Mahadevs appear (the ax and the drum as emblems of the spark of light and the emanation of sound). All the chandasas (meters or sizes), all the devas (creative forces), and all the Rishis (consciousnesses or gurus of Wisdom) emanate from this eye, glorifying the Lord of the Eye." "Varuna absorbs into this eye the entire universe on the cosmic plane through the activity of Uranus. As Mitra-Varuna, he again emits everything from this eye through the activity of Neptune. Gandharva Vena continues to live during this interval.*
All numbers, as we know, act in a sequential series, but the number of the sign of Aquarius works with all of them at once. It is known as the number of simultaneity, or that number which represents the eternal now. Solar systems, universes and beings, one after another, pass through the influence of other numbers, and just as consistently emerge from under it. But when this number operates, everything disappears and appears again immediately, along with its sequence of affairs. This intermediate gap is the "flood" in its true sense. The Lord, who is the counterpart of Mahadeva (the lord of the eye of Shiva), at this flood saves the universe like a great fish, and again begins the whole drama of the universe “in its proper and ancient form.” The Devas, who after this opening of the temple discover that they exist, find the instruments of the Ritual of Creation lying next to them as eternal beings. Then they "sacrifice the victim by copying it." "The Devas stood up after the discovery. Then how can anyone know about it?" - says the Vedic hymn describing this night. The closing and opening of the whole drama is symbolized by Aquarius and Pisces respectively. Smaller discoveries are made by the horseman, and larger ones by the fish god. The symbol of the first is Jupiter, and the symbol of the second is Neptune. Gandharva Vena is the link, he is Markandeya Puran. Living in the creation, he is called Gandharva, and living in the interval - Markandeya.

There is a correspondence between the phenomena of “Virgo-Scorpio” and “Pisces-Capricorn” - the second is an inverted first. During the breakup there was only Aquarius. Then Pisces separated and the cosmic sun began its ascent. This means that Aquarius existed from the beginning, and the other two signs appeared simultaneously at the beginning of a new creation. This is the activity of a plane that is beyond and above cosmogenesis. The activity of Virgo-Scorpio is a manifestation of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis.

17 Arcana Tarot - Star

Maybe this is a hint

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