Home Horoscope for tomorrow Natalia Pravda about attracting success. Strong prayer to attract money and good luck Natalya Pravdina. How to achieve success and realize your desires

Natalia Pravda about attracting success. Strong prayer to attract money and good luck Natalya Pravdina. How to achieve success and realize your desires

I attract success

How to achieve success and realize your desires,

Having fun

Practical guidance from a Feng Shui master, a specialist in consciousness transformation

“Natalia’s books are distinguished by a special, bright energy - as if you are falling into a life-giving spring. They give hope, self-confidence and simply make you jump out of your seat and immediately put all ideas and methods into practice. These books are a wonderful gift for friends and anyone who needs hope for a better life. Thank you for the joy and inspiration!”
N. Shlyapnikova. Saint Petersburg

“I was lucky enough to meet Natalia Pravdina at one of the most difficult moments of my life. Thanks to the system she developed, I was able to correct the negative situation within two weeks. Feng Shui helps to harmonize the space around a person, and working with the subconscious, or internal Feng Shui, recreates harmony in the person himself. This beneficial combination allows you to achieve results twice as fast. People have an expression: “If you want to be happy, be happy.” On my own behalf, I would add: “And healthy, and rich, and loving.” You just need to understand the rules of the game.
My heartfelt thanks to Natasha for so generously sharing knowledge that ten to fifteen years ago were simply inaccessible to many of us, for her sensitivity, attentiveness, and for the light that she brings to people.”
Irina Medvedeva

“This is an amazing book! The wisdom contained in it can bring all the gifts and riches of the Universe into your life. The experience of Natalya Pravdina and her many followers around the world, of which I am one, confirmed the truth of what the book teaches.”
V. Kharitonov (painter)

“We all love fairy tales and miracles. You start reading and you become convinced that everything can be changed for the better. You start taking action and see positive changes. I bought this book without any prospects at work and in my personal life. After several months of working on the method of changing consciousness and Feng Shui, my salary was increased and interesting men began to appear around me. I'm very happy. Long live the New Life!
Olga Koroleva

“By studying according to the methods of Natalia Pravdina and applying the knowledge of Feng Shui, I gained the opportunity to act consciously and improve what can be improved, neutralize what can harm. When you begin to change yourself, your inner world and your home according to the laws of Feng Shui, the Universe responds to this and confirms the correctness of our actions, sending us what we need. Life becomes harmonious.
I am eternally grateful to Natasha for the fact that she brings this knowledge to people in an accessible, easy and joyful way.”
Olga S.

Natalia Pravdina is a professional Feng Shui consultant who conducts seminars on the psychology of success and wealth in the USA and Russia.
Proper application of Feng Shui gives everyone exactly what they need most. Proof of this is not only the success of the author herself, but also the amazing changes in the lives of her followers.
The uniqueness of the author's methodology is that it combines the ancient knowledge of the East and the new positive thinking of the West. By following the proposed program, you will gradually change your consciousness, appearance and life in general. You will learn to attract good luck, create an attractive image, and learn about flirting as the basis for successful relationships.
The book will tell you how to apply the teachings of Feng Shui to achieve recognition and activate the energy that brings success.


The world in which I live is called a dream.
Do you want me to take you with me?
Do you want me to share it with you?
I'll give you love
I'll teach you to laugh
You will forget about sadness and pain
And you will swim in the clouds!
This is my world, how beautiful and bright it is!
Anthem of the New Consciousness (song “My World”)


The book talks about an effective working method for achieving happiness, transformation and prosperity. In a confidential and witty manner, the author introduces the reader to the Universal Spiritual Laws of Success, prolongation and flowering of youth, attractiveness, and also shares his own recipes for beauty, charm and influence on others. The book contains stories of people who have achieved remarkable success thanks to this technique.
Here are some tips to help you make the necessary changes to your home decor to encourage personal growth, prosperity, and abundance. The author pays great attention to positive thinking, an attitude towards success and good luck, and gives many examples of amazing changes in people’s destinies as a result of classes at seminars on the psychology of success and wealth.
The book is distinguished by a fresh outlook on life, bright, colorful language and a special atmosphere of a joyful perception of life. After reading it, you will be able to:
- gain self-confidence;
- radiate success and prosperity, thereby attracting them;
- preserve youth and even “turn back the biological clock”;
- find the way to happiness and enjoyment of life through self-realization and self-improvement;
- correctly use “body language” to convey your messages;
- learn to influence people and consolidate the positive effect of your words and actions;
- use Feng Shui knowledge for career success.


There is one funny thing in life. If you choose only the best, then this is most likely what you will get.
Somerset Maugham

Hello, my dear readers!
I really hope that encountering this book will bring you good luck. It was written with faith and hope that everyone will find in it their own individual path to financial and personal freedom and a new, joyful perception of the world, will gain strength and self-confidence, as I myself and many of my clients, readers and listeners managed to do.
I myself have gone from a weak, sickly girl, whom doctors did not give much chance not only for success, but also for a full active life, to a happy, healthy and successful young woman who loves life and enjoys it to the fullest. The doctors, with all their gloomy forecasts, were wrong. I never believed their threatening diagnoses and lived as if all this did not apply to me, but to someone else who happened to have the same name. Because I didn't believe bad things about myself, I tried to do everything that I could do at the moment and that I liked to do. In other words, I focused on what I had and tried to develop and improve it in every possible way. Now I can happily report that the gloomy predictions of the doctors did not come true! The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes - my health had improved so much. And let’s not even talk about the mood. It is beautiful, joyful all the time and improves every day. As don Juan says in the book by C. Castaneda: “I simply changed the idea of ​​myself.”
I can say with confidence that the New Consciousness can change a person’s life beyond recognition. New, amazing friends appear, and everything that previously seemed an unattainable dream comes true with ease. Success in all endeavors becomes as natural as breathing. Wishes come true.
Moreover, the path opens to a completely new vision of the world and oneself in it. After the first successes, a fabulous feeling of lightness and joyful understanding appears that we really create everything in our lives ourselves. I will tell you how to learn to change your life for the better.
Now, looking back at my path, I understand that I often acted intuitively correctly, as if my Guardian Angel was telling me the right actions.
However, the turning point in my life was meeting and studying with the world famous Feng Shui Master Yap Chen Hai. Of course, this meeting did not happen by chance, since the teacher always appears when the student is ready. I am very grateful to Feng Shui, this amazing science of Earth Harmony. Feng Shui led me to the path that brings endless joy, prosperity and new opportunities in life. The fact is that the use of Feng Shui gives a person what he needs most.
While studying and practicing Feng Shui, I noticed that its goal is almost always to attract money and success, since by dealing with the energies of the Earth, Feng Shui masters manage to “awaken” the earth’s energy to attract success into their lives. Then I assumed that there is an independent energy of abundance. And it turned out to be right!
The next step for me was to carefully study everything that has to do with the energy of money, life success and good luck. I was lucky enough to receive the most valuable knowledge about the high Art of Living. I began to understand that achieving success depends not so much on constant, exhausting, intense work, but on a certain state of consciousness and the mindset for an excellent result.
It was as if the heavenly gates to happiness had opened for me. And the more I learned, the more abundant the information I received about positive thinking, self-love, and the spiritual laws of success became.
The result of more than seven years of practice of Feng Shui and the psychology of success and wealth was my active work in disseminating this wonderful knowledge. Now I practice in the USA and Russia as a professional Feng Shui consultant, conducting seminars on the psychology of success and wealth. My book “I Attract Money”* was recently published. However, I consider my greatest achievement to be the acquisition of absolute harmony and balance in my soul, which in turn attracts people I like, happiness and success.
Many of those who turned to me for help found a way out of difficult situations.

* Pravdina N. I attract money. St. Petersburg: IC "Nevsky Prospekt", 2002.

A wonderful example of Feng-Shup’s creative work was my work with a manufacturing enterprise in St. Petersburg. At the time when I began to make changes in the office of the plant director, things were not going well, there were no orders, the enterprise practically did not work. A year after the introduction of Feng-Shup, production indicators increased in an unprecedented way, the plant worked in three shifts, instead of laying off staff, workers were hired again for the first time in many years] And in 2001, the plant was awarded the high title of one of the hundred best enterprises in Russia!

The combination of New Thinking and the use of Feng Shui techniques gives a stable positive effect. You are simply doomed to success if you use the technique that I offer you.
How to catch luck by the tail? How to experience satisfaction from an achieved goal and happiness from fulfilled hopes? How to rise above the gray everyday life and soar in the shining space of Success?
Previously, only a select few possessed this knowledge, and they did not seek to spread it among the uninitiated. If we compare this spiritual knowledge with rays of light, then very few of them came to Earth; they descended to people in thin rays.
But you and I are extremely lucky, since the flow of knowledge has expanded many times and turned almost into a waterfall of information. “He who has ears, let him hear!” Today there are many books on this topic; it is enough to name the works of the founders of the theory of New Positive Thinking and achieving prosperity and success D. Carnegie, N. Hill, D. Murphy, L. Hay, D. Chopra...
The difference between this book is that I was able to superimpose the American experience on our domestic mentality. I am convinced that we, who love fairy tales and miracles so much, have every opportunity to successfully implement this technique into practice. Moreover, I guarantee you that throughout the entire work on yourself you will experience bright, joyful and pleasant feelings. Numerous examples of my friends and followers are proof of this.
Among the noble teachers of humanity, on whose works and thoughts I relied when creating this book, I would like to mention the founders of the Christian Science Church in the USA, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, the famous authors of books on positive thinking, Louise Hay, and Dr. Deepak Chopra, whose influence on the development of man The new type has yet to be fully appreciated.
With the help of my wise patrons from the Subtle World, I managed to learn, accumulate and apply from my own experience the most valuable information on achieving success and prosperity. I would like to convey this practical experience to you, my dear readers.
I hope that your health will improve every day and you will begin to find more and more positive moments in your life.
I love this amazing miracle - Life and I try to spread this love to everything that surrounds me.
I am sure that you will feel the beauty and charm of success and prosperity through your positive experiences. I wish you good luck and I believe in it.
Sincerely yours Natalia Pravdina

Part 1

Awakening the creative power of consciousness

“When the world tells you, 'It's impossible; no one can do it,” then a person with a disciplined, controlled and purposeful mind says: “It has already been done.”
Joseph Murphy

Chapter 1


I can give you a lot of advice and a lot of wonderful new ideas, but only you hold the power in your hands. You may or may not accept my advice and ideas. The power is in your hands.
Louise Hay

Self-love is the most powerful incentive for the successful process of Creation. However, it has nothing to do with ambition and arrogance. A person who truly loves himself is simply not able to humiliate others. Any manifestation of tyranny and contempt for people stems precisely from a subconscious feeling of self-doubt. Only a weak and complex person asserts himself by suppressing other people. We have already agreed that from now on you, my dear readers, will master the delightful science of self-love, since self-dislike, guilt and fears slow down your movement forward.
If a person does not love himself enough, then deep down he considers himself unworthy of success, which manifests itself on the material plane in the form of failures, problems and complications.
It is no coincidence that I begin our conversation with this. Without sincere, deep and tender love for yourself, it is very difficult to achieve what you want. And you and I have chosen the easy and joyful path, haven’t we?
Let's take the first step...

Congratulations, you have already begun to take the first steps towards success. Do you know why? Because you have a desire. If you didn’t have such a desire, you would hardly be interested in literature on this topic. And since you picked up this book, it means you are already moving in the right direction.
Please do not feel that you have to choose a special day to start classes. You have in your hands the most valuable tool - the power of the present moment. The second magical tool is your words, which have the power to change the future. And finally, the third tool that helps you move in the right direction is the appropriate environment for the occasion. What I mean? And the fact that the Universe really “loves” symbolic gestures. When you precede your further actions with an appropriate ritual, it helps you focus on the end result, and then the intensity of the applied energy becomes significantly higher.
Since you are now starting to change your life for the better, the environment should be appropriate. Choose a time when no one is home except you, or simply ask your loved ones not to disturb you for 15-20 minutes. Many psychological schools even recommend doing a few breathing exercises in front of an open window and wearing light clothes. The choice is yours. Act as your heart tells you. And in general, my dears, I strongly recommend that at any moment in your life you carefully listen to what your heart tells you. It knows what is good for you.
So, we retired, breathed some fresh air, listened to our hearts. Now you can move on to the main thing. Please say out loud, preferably loudly and clearly, that you are a wonderful person, that you:
- approve of all your actions;
- love all of yourself the way your mother loves you (that is, of course, just for being you);
- right now you accept all the values ​​and riches of this world;
- deserve all the best that life on our planet has to offer.
Listen to what is happening in your mind. Do you hear indignant objections, “convincing” evidence of your limitations, inability, etc., etc.? Or did a gloomy thought suddenly creep in that, they say, all these things have been known for a long time, but in reality everything is completely different? Don't be upset, please. This is a completely natural reaction of your consciousness to unusual attitudes. It’s not often that we hear from a person about his sincere love for himself, but this is the most important step on the path to unconditional success in all endeavors.
I recently asked one of my listeners to say out loud the words: “I’m just lovely.” (By the way, these are my favorite words about myself.) The first time he said this phrase, it sounded a little forced. It’s better the second time, and now he, smiling happily, confidently says about himself: “I’m just lovely.” Over the course of a month, he experienced significant changes for the better, he met a charming girl, became much more confident in himself, but this is just the beginning!
Calm down and “enter” the new program again, and then again and again. Be sure: as soon as your language gets used to saying such unusual things, life will begin to change for the better.
One day I was approached by a young pianist who was so inhibited internally that he considered himself too young (inexperienced, untalented, unlucky, etc.) for successful performances. He said that when his parents gave him a luxurious piano, instead of joy and gratitude, he was very sad: after all, his level did not correspond to the quality of the instrument]
He had to work with him a lot before he realized that every human being deserves the most beautiful benefits by birthright. Having finally included himself in the Universal flow of abundance, our musician began to gain popularity, enjoying his favorite activity and rapidly growing fame.

1. Starting today, I confess my love to myself.
2. I quite consciously cultivate a tender, attentive attitude towards my own needs and desires.
3. I approve of myself unconditionally.
I invite you to become a close friend to yourself. In other words, love yourself and admit that there is nothing in the world that would be too good for you. This is such an important idea that I will return to it constantly so that it becomes more firmly embedded in your consciousness.

Remember what we always expected from our mother as children? That's right, consolation and approval. What is stopping you from becoming your own mother? Yes, actually, nothing. You know better than anyone what exactly good things your mother told you. So praise yourself for every success, even the most insignificant. Let's start right now:
- prepared a delicious soup: “Clever, wonderful girl (boy)” (regardless of age);
- got to work on time: “Well, you’re just so lovely to me”;
- they didn’t forget about the mother-in-law’s (mother-in-law’s) birthday: “My darling. You are becoming smarter and smarter every day!”;
- well, if you managed to get a promotion, then don’t spare any kind words that you can come up with.
For example, I really like the address used by Aladdin’s imaginary uncle from the famous fairy tale: “Does the Chosen One of Happiness and the Khan of Luck, Aladdin, live here?” By the way, don't forget to answer yes if anyone asks you that. Let's become for ourselves the chosen ones of happiness and the khans of good luck!
My own mother now, during the most mundane work, tirelessly repeats: “Oh, how wonderful I am, how wonderfully I do all my work!” This is much more useful than grumbling and swearing. Try it - your loved ones will surely appreciate it! It is especially important to encourage yourself and say the most gentle and kind words to yourself if you are tired. Your subconscious will respond instantly, and you will find peace of mind. And with this feeling you can move mountains!
Once, a long time ago, I had to be on duty for myself and for my colleague, who asked to replace her. By an amazing coincidence, the volume of work these days exceeded all imaginable expectations. Moreover, at the end of the working day, it was still necessary to draw up a foreign currency financial report, the slightest mistake in which could be very expensive (it was checked by “comrades” from the special department). I remember how, in a state of insane fatigue, I began to write the report and realized that I had absolutely no strength.
Do you know what I did? I closed my eyes and began to say to myself the most tender words that I could remember and come up with. I called myself a sweetheart, a little kitty, and said that such an amazingly smart person like me could, of course, cope with such a simple report.
As a result, I got to work, filled with my own self-love, and did everything quickly and correctly! Moreover, when I finished, my colleagues treated me to some amazing invigorating drink, and I went home joyful and satisfied.
As soon as the subconscious hears and recognizes “mother’s” affectionate words, it instantly reacts and gives you peace of mind, confidence in the inviolability and safety of the world around you. As a result, you gain inner stability and complex problems are solved faster.
Don’t forget about life-giving kind words to yourself!

Action program for attracting success
1. Starting today, I am setting up a consistently positive attitude towards all my endeavors.
2. In difficult moments, I provide myself with “mother’s” support by uttering kind, gentle words addressed to me.
3. I take every opportunity to praise and encourage myself.


Do you feel like I'm telling you to pay extra attention to yourself right from the start? Absolutely right, because you are the main character in the multi-colored mystery of your life. The final result depends on you, or rather, on your relationship with yourself and with faith in constant Divine support.
Therefore, I encourage you to begin an exciting journey into the world of fulfilled hopes by establishing a close and trusting relationship with the most important person in your life - you!
A person goes through many stages during his life. During childhood, youth and adulthood, we meet and part with different people. They are all sent to us to achieve certain goals in the evolution of our soul, but the only person who always stays with you is yourself. Try to give yourself as much joy and pleasure as possible. You shouldn't expect this from others at all. You know yourself and your tastes better than anyone, so take every opportunity to please yourself.

Exercise “Day of Pleasure”
Tell me, what comes to your mind first when you wake up from sleep? I'm willing to bet that these are most likely frantic thoughts about how not to be late, what needs to be done, getting the children together, feeding the husband... you can continue on your own. Sound familiar? Yes, sure. My dears, a day begun in this way carries precisely these vibrations of vanity, haste and tension. And such a state is completely unsuitable for achieving our lofty goals. Remember the song from the cartoon about Captain Vrungel: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” Let's name our yacht correctly, that is, our beautiful new day!
There is a wonderful technique, in my opinion, that allows you to reprogram your day for pleasure from the very beginning, in the morning.

Try to deliberately evoke thoughts about the pleasures that you can give yourself today. Let these be the most ordinary, but pleasant things for you personally.
Imagine, you are lying in bed and with a blissful smile, planning all sorts of things dear to your heart that you will do for yourself today. For example, get your hair done in the most prestigious salon or allow yourself to just lie down with a mask on your face for half an hour after work. Start with the most “innocent” joys and see where it leads you.
Another variation of this exercise can be performed when you are already standing up and looking at yourself in the mirror. I hope you never say to yourself at this moment: “Oh, what a nightmare!” or something like that. Thought is material, my friends, it is material. Never forget this. It’s not for nothing that the clever Alla Borisovna often repeats: “How beautiful I am. How beautiful I am. HOW BEAUTIFUL I AM!!!”
So, at the moment when you saw your reflection for the first time on this day, say: “My dear swallow, I love you very much and will do everything I can for you today. What do you want? Buy new shoes, go to the sauna, call your beloved friend - my dear, but for you - anything! I will do anything to please you."
You will see that this gives simply amazing results.
Firstly, your subconscious will bask in love all day long, which will lift your mood.
Secondly, this same subconscious will help shape the events of the coming day in such a way that you will cope with everyday responsibilities much easier, calmer and with better results. In addition, you will definitely be able to find time for the pleasures you promised yourself.
And thirdly, an unusual installation will attract unusual results. For example, you may suddenly realize that the day was marked for you by some kind of joyful event or a sharp “leap” in work. The results can be the most unexpected, but always (!) joyful.
As a result, by the evening you will be surprised to notice that you are less tired than usual, those around you have begun to “burden” you with their problems a little less, and your mood is completely different. But it’s all about the program for fun!
Svetlana always went to work, expecting troubles, reprimands from her numerous superiors, and tried to please everyone. Of course, these same bosses “read” Svetlana’s internal attitude towards trouble and always found visible reasons for reprimands. Coming home, the upset woman worked with her whimsical daughter and, exhausted, did all the housework to please her husband. Of course, this pattern of relationships did not bring any joy to either Svetlana or her family, since those around her constantly saw a fussy, downtrodden creature who could be shouted at and receive various benefits.
When Svetlana’s patience finally ran out, she, having attended my seminar on self-transformation, realized that she could change her life. Previously, she put the interests of loved ones and work above her own personality.
Having realized her worth, the woman began to practice the morning mood of pleasure. Starting with the simplest pleasures of life, she moved forward, inventing more and more pleasant things for herself. Soon she noticed that the previously irreconcilable boss “suddenly” himself made concessions and began to praise her more. And since Svetlana began to pay more attention to herself, her mood and appearance changed for the better, which could not but affect relationships in the family.
“Wow, who would have thought that such a simple thing as a morning mood for pleasure brings so much joy!- The beaming Svetlana shared with me.- Now I will tell myself that I am a princess, looked after by an entire army of servants. What if this will help me involve my husband and daughter in household chores?..."
It will help, Svetlana, it will certainly help, because we transmit our idea of ​​ourselves to the world around us, which attracts an appropriate response.

Remember that every time you do violence to yourself, you lose energy. And it just needs to be collected and activated to achieve goals in life. Try to focus and not allow yourself to dissipate your precious creative and vital energy by sitting for many hours in front of the TV, chatting on the phone and communicating with unpleasant people. In general, to achieve joyful success, do not waste the time allotted to you by fate. A person is truly capable of any miracles only if his actions are directed!
Do things that inspire you, communicate with people you like, wear things that make you look attractive and feel comfortable. Give yourself small and big joys as often as possible!
All these steps are absolutely necessary to enter a new life!

Action program for attracting success
1. I begin each new day with gratitude to God and the mental anticipation of the pleasure I can imagine.
2. I am conscious of the people and objects around me and try to improve the quality of my life as much as possible.
3. I try to bring myself as much joy as possible, starting with nice gifts and expanding the atmosphere of happiness as my consciousness grows.

You will do yourself an invaluable service if you learn to approve of all your actions. Don't let self-criticism and worry torment your soul! By criticizing ourselves, we only create obstacles on the path to success. Therefore, make it a rule to control any negative thoughts towards yourself. How to do it? Very simple. Organize a kind of “customs” and strictly control the flow of critical thoughts. Let your customs “give the go-ahead” only to thoughts that support your high self-esteem. It's not difficult at all. Try it and you will see results very soon.
It was after I completely changed my attitude towards myself from critical to understanding and loving that small miracles began to happen in my life. Now they have become the norm in my life, which I constantly tell my loved ones about. A miracle is simply a new way of living. And you create this miracle yourself, using the amazing potential of your consciousness and directed energy.
Please remember that any doubts about your own strengths and luck are “read” by the Universe and are realized. Therefore, be unconditionally confident in success and love yourself!
It often happens that the feelings of inferiority are instilled in us by those closest to us.
One dear lady told me how her own mother constantly inspired in her that all the tasks she took on were beyond her strength. Can you imagine what it's like- constantly hearing from the person closest to you: “You won’t succeed. What are you taking on? You won't succeed." Of course, it is difficult to understand what was guiding my mother in this case,- apparently the usual fear of competition, envy,- She instilled in her daughter a sense of inferiority. Oh, how difficult it was for her to overcome all the complexes laid down by her mother, but she found the strength to do it.

And now this woman enjoys the fullness of life, illuminated by the New consciousness, love and self-respect. By the way, she made a good career. But at the same time, she had to, in her words, “squeeze her mother out of herself” all her life.
Listen carefully to yourself to understand whether you are fulfilling your own desires or whether you are giving in to the desires of others, even close people. Keep in mind that true success only comes if you implement your own aspirations in life!
The 17th-century French philosopher François de La Rochefoucauld wrote: “Do not speak ill of yourself. Your friends will do this for you.” Perhaps the statement is not very optimistic, but I am ready to agree with it. Criticism of yourself and your actions interferes with a happy mood, and therefore interferes with the achievement of your main goals.

Action program for attracting success
1. Starting today, I am freeing myself from all critical thoughts addressed to me.
2. I carefully monitor my thoughts and let only positive and supportive thoughts pass through the mental “customs.”
3. I listen to my words and speak as a confident and influential person.
4. I exclude from my vocabulary all words that humiliate me, including humorous statements like: “What a fool I was,” etc. The Universe has no sense of humor and takes everything at face value.
5. In case of any mistake, I tell myself:
"Everything is fine. This is already in the past, and I am focusing on resolving the problem as quickly as possible.”

We have taken several important steps towards discovering our inner potentials through self-love. Never underestimate the importance of self-respect and high self-esteem. I believe that for you, my dear readers, it has become much more pleasant to live in this world, because peace with yourself is a very attractive thing. You and I just have to take one more step towards preparing our consciousness to fulfill our desires - to get rid of fears and doubts.
I foresee a chorus of indignant voices: “There must be fear in a person! It `s naturally!" etc. Yes, of course, fear, like any emotion,
- part of human physiology, but don’t let it control your actions! I want to emphasize: If an action is based on fear, then it will not lead to anything good!
I really like the words of Ostap Bender in “The Twelve Chairs”: “When they beat you, you will cry!” There is no need to anticipate negative events.
My precious ones, I tell you with confidence: man has nothing to fear at all! There are wonderful words from the famous American writer and preacher of the New Consciousness Shakti Gawain: “Between us and the Lord there is nothing that separates us, since we are the Divine expression of the creative principle. We contain within us the potential for everything.” What should we be afraid of? Imagine what you would do to achieve your dreams if you weren't afraid of failure? What would you dream about if you knew that anything is possible?
The Universe “reads” our fears and insecurities and materializes them in the form of all kinds of failures, obstacles and limitations. And then the person says: “Well, I knew that I would be unlucky,” not suspecting that he himself created such a situation.
Human fears and doubts create an energy cloud of a certain (far from high) vibration, which “links” with similar low vibrations of other people and literally pulls the person down. And vice versa: a strong desire, supported by absolute confidence in success, connecting with vibrations similar to it, grows stronger and helps a person achieve what he wants.
U I have a friend who literally begins every sentence with the words: “Oh, I was so scared!”- to which I always answer her: “Why are you so timid?!” Finally she understood everything and stopped talking like that, which is why her behavior also changed. Now she has self-respect and confidence.
Please remember that you are heard! Every minute, every day, you yourself create your future, your life. Fill it with joy and strength, not fears and doubts!

Exercise “Feathered Helpers”
One of my clients and a wonderful woman says this: “We can do anything with our feathered friends.” Well, is it possible to say it better? If you feel unsure of your abilities, call for help from your invisible but powerful helpers from the Subtle World
- Angels. Don't hesitate - they will come and help.
My grandmother always taught me before going out to say: “My angel, come with me. You go ahead, I'll follow you. Amen. Amen. Amen". And everything will be wonderful!
“Heavenly powers are with me!” - another treatment option.
One important detail: don't forget to thank your wonderful friends for their help or even just for getting home safely. You can say sincere thanks. Rest assured, they will hear!
Living with confidence in your abilities is very pleasant. And making sure that the mindset for success brings success is even more pleasant. Try, at least for the sake of interest, to first live one day without doubting your abilities, then another, and another, and then you will forget what uncertainty, fears and doubts mean.

Action program to attract success
1. From today I control my thoughts and tune in to strength, luck, success.
2. As soon as sad thoughts about my own inadequacy, doubts or fears begin to overcome me, I say the phrases: “I was created for victory”, “I choose only success for myself”, “I am the great power of success”, “I accepted (a) a firm and unshakable resolution to succeed in all undertakings, and all my plans are successful.”
3. In difficult times, I turn to the heavenly powers for help, and help comes. Always. To affirm success, I say: “I am always under the protection of my Guardian Angels.”
4. If before starting something important to me I experience a feeling of fear, then I say: “I know you, fear. I won't let you control my life. I understand that you came to protect me. Thank you. I am always protected." I am aware that before starting something new, fear always comes to keep me in a familiar situation and not let me go into an unfamiliar one. This is completely normal and I let go of fear and doubt from myself.


Chapter 2


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So set sail from the quiet pier. Feel the tailwind in your sail. Move forward. Dream. Open it up.
Mark Twain

God speaks to us every day. We just don't know how to hear Him.
Mahatma Gandhi

...Listen to me: be silent and I will teach you wisdom.
Nov, 33: 33

After reading the first chapter, you have become familiar with the main principles of a joyful and harmonious life, which, in fact, leads to success.
And now we move on to a deeper analysis of your own desires, because without this it is difficult to move on. Fasten your seat belts as we are heading into a new reality where “all my wishes are fulfilled and all my dreams come true.” Ready? Then step on the gas pedal!
To achieve success, you need to find access to your true nature, in other words, learn to love yourself and treat all your desires and aspirations with attention, respect and trust. The realization of desire is precisely the magic staircase along which we ascend to the starry skies of our dreams.
Folk tales are a great example of the benefits of dreaming. What is a dream? This is focused desire! I remember very well how all the poor girls in fairy tales dreamed of being princesses, lovers of fairy-tale princes. And they did! Desire works wonders, especially if it is combined with a pure heart.
Pay attention to your desires, because these are the beacons that point the right path to your improvement, and therefore to happiness, success and well-being.
Unfortunately, almost all of us were brought up in such a way that we are accustomed to suppressing our desires for the sake of the team, family, etc. As a result, we have what we have: dissatisfaction, irritation, which develop into failures and diseases of our body. Quite often we see examples of how a child’s desires and aspirations are suppressed in the family, especially when it comes to choosing a profession. The child wants to study technology, but since there are hereditary doctors in the family, he is forced to study at an unloved institute. Do you think this contributes to the emergence of a talented aesculapian? The answer is obvious. When a person is engaged in a task that his soul is not in, in most cases he achieves nothing. He's just not interested!
So listen to your children! They have not yet lost touch with the Higher Power that created them and often say simply amazing things.
When I was eight years old, the standard question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” - I answered with absolute confidence: “A singer or an astronomer.” My works were always a source of pride for the literature teacher and were read in parallel classes. Unfortunately, neither the first, nor the second, nor the third found proper support in the family, and as a result, I suffered in economics institute, without the slightest ability in mathematics. Of course, success did not await me on the path of economics, since I did not like it at all.
Only after I finally managed to do what I really loved - Feng Shui, psychology, esotericism, writing books - did success come on its own.
And the whole point is that from a very young age I was incredibly excited and attracted by Space with its mysteries and any kind of artistic activity. Many years passed before I finally managed to realize my abilities.
Usually, from a very tender age, children have germs of abilities and desires that, if properly implemented, can bring a person to an incredible level of development. The task of adults is to sensitively and carefully discern these graceful sprouts of future talents and help the child develop them.
The same thing happens with adults. Every inhabitant of the Earth necessarily has some kind of talent. And you definitely have something that you do very well, with pleasure, joy and inspiration. Usually doing our own thing leads us to success, prosperity and - often - fame.
- A completely unique person, Yuri Galtsev, lives in St. Petersburg. Those who are familiar with his work are probably already smiling. For those who don’t know him, I hasten to inform you that Yuri is a phenomenally talented clown and comedian.
Tickets for his concert sell out instantly, the halls are overcrowded. You should have seen the faces of people at Galtsev’s concerts! This is some kind of fireworks of pure human joy, happiness, fun. This “Baltic sailor” evokes just an indescribable feeling in people.
The secret of his success is that he minds his own business. Yuri is a musician by training and played the guitar for a long time until someone told him:
“Listen to what you are doing in the ensemble- You’re a born comedian!” Like this. And he is a table clown, to the delight of himself and people. I don’t think Galtsev’s name would have been so popular if he had stayed in his old place.
Do you feel where I'm going with this? That's right, now you and I will learn to listen to our Higher Self in order to understand our true path.
Achieving true success is only possible if you do things that bring joy to you and those around you. In this case, success comes spontaneously, easily and joyfully. And for this we need to know what, exactly, we want.

I ask you to take this next step very seriously and solemnly. Buy a new beautiful notebook (don’t skimp, you’re doing it for yourself), preferably red, but this is not necessary. Rely on your taste. Take a nice pen. Play music that feels good to you, but if you're into hard rock, try something different this time, like Mozart or some meditative music. Sit down in a comfortable chair. Relax. Take a few breaths in and out without thinking about anything.
And now - the most important thing. Think about what exactly is a joyful and desirable goal for you. Just let this be your goal, and not what someone else thinks about. Ask yourself what you and only you want in your life. Don't be stingy in your dreams!
Determine your desire. Write it down in a notebook specially prepared for this purpose. (The most interesting thing will happen later, in about a year, when, looking into it, you will see what changes have occurred on the path to realizing your dreams.) If problems arise with your imagination and your thoughts run wild, then answer the following questions and be sure to write down the answer all in the same notepad.
-What activity gives you the greatest joy?
- What do you want more than anything in the world?
- How do you see yourself in five, ten, fifteen years?
- What do you want to do, what do you want to be, what do you want to have now and in the future?
- What quality of life would you like for yourself? Don't be shy, imagine the best option for you. Do not limit your imagination under any circumstances. Finally, give freedom to your imagination. You have the wonderful gift of literally creating your future. Believe it.
Imbue yourself with a sense of confidence in your own abilities and that your invisible friends will definitely support you. However, attention! Remember that the Universe has no sense of humor, and it fulfills all our thoughts and desires, so never, even in your imagination, paint your future, the future of your children and our planet in dark colors, agreed?
When I still didn’t know about any spiritual laws, I often said: “Someday I will definitely write a book about my amazing life.” And here you are, I’m already writing a second book. Works]

End of free trial.

Natalya Pravdina - I attract money

“I attract money”: Nevsky Prospekt; St. Petersburg; 2004

ISBN 5‑94371‑069‑8

The book will help you change your thinking pattern, for example, turn a “poverty mindset into a wealth and prosperity mindset.”

By adjusting the decor of your home in accordance with the ancient Chinese art of managing the energy of space, you will begin to attract wealth and abundance and protect yourself from troubles and sudden financial losses.

The book is written easily, cheerfully and is designed for a wide range of readers from businessmen to housewives. The topic is very attractive to all groups of the population, regardless of age and education, and the proposed methods are easy to implement.

Natalia Pravdina was born and received a higher education in economics in St. Petersburg. However, the passion for creativity and free expression that seethed in her did not allow her to devote her life to dull reports and figures.

Natalia created clothing models, was a member of the club of young designers of St. Petersburg, graduated from an acting school, worked at the Fashion Theater, and also studied English, French and psychology.

Liveliness of character and craving for the unknown in the mid-90s. transfers Natalia and her husband to the USA. There, in Los Angeles, she graduates from the Institute of Design.

But Natalia finds her true calling in the study and practice of Feng Shui - the ancient and mysterious teaching of Taoist monasteries. In 2000, a fateful meeting took place in Los Angeles with Grand Master of Feng Shui Yap Chen Hai. Natalia becomes a certified Feng Shui specialist. The Great Master personally blesses Natalia to practice, and from then on her life is predetermined.

Natalia herself admits that since Feng Shui and then New Age psychology appeared in her life, the whole world has become different. “The knowledge sent by our High Patrons can change the life of every person for the better. You just need to be open to goodness and people and realize your own value as an expression of Divine love,” she writes.

Natalia currently conducts consultations on Feng Shui and cosmic abundance in the USA and Russia. She manages to inspire people to creatively rethink their existence. Improving the quality of life, joy, discovering new opportunities and abundance - these are the fruits by which one can judge the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Those listeners who attend Natalia’s seminars in St. Petersburg note significant changes leading to transformation and prosperity.

This book is the result of more than seven years of Feng Shui practice and a new worldview.

“I hope that my readers will also be able to transform their lives for the better, as I and all those who have applied this technique in practice have been able to do.”


I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me create this book. I thank my mentors, teachers and patrons from the Subtle World.

I thank all my family for their enthusiasm and support. I thank Vika, Sasha and Masha for their active participation in the preparation of the book, my husband Konstantin for his understanding and positive thinking, and my father Boris

Nikolaevich for wisdom and patience.

I thank my Persian cats for creating an atmosphere of happiness and complete contentment with life.

Special thanks to my dear mother Tamara Alekseevna, to whom this book is dedicated.


Hello, dear friends. Welcome to the new world, where everything familiar changes its shape, where previous assessments lose meaning and everything blurs and melts, giving way to the new, fresh and shining, whose name is SPIRIT.

And indeed it is! Such a delightful state of movement along with the flow of life is available to everyone, for it is in human nature to clothe one’s aspirations and desires in material form. All this can be learned, which is what we are going to do.

We live in unique times. A new century has begun. A new millennium has begun. The era of Aquarius is coming, and SPIRIT begins to play a dominant role in the life of our beautiful planet.

The time has come for all of us to realize that we are one with the world around us, with grains of sand in deserts and stars in the depths of cosmic worlds. We are all permeated by the deepest Universal Divine wisdom. Every living being, trees and flowers, clouds and oceans play an important role in this great mystery of life. Just as the forces of the Universe maintain entire galaxies and star systems in orderly order, just as our Mother Earth balances giant mountain ranges and incredible thicknesses of the ocean depths, so our home, our ordinary apartment, being part of the universe, maintains us in a state of balance in throughout life. All this vast, inconceivable structure of the Universe lives, breathes, develops and invites us to dance at the boundless ball of Bliss, Delight and Triumph of the Immortal Spirit.

All this is very sweet and romantic, you will notice, but what does the above have to do with the actual presence of rubles and dollars in my wallet? Surprisingly, it is the most direct, and you will see it, I promise. After reading this book, you will be able to:

Change your thinking pattern using the given techniques (for example, turn the “Poverty Thinking into the Wealth and Prosperity Thinking”). Changing your thinking and identifying subconscious blockages will help you open the door to abundance. By the way, if you or your family members are already enjoying the fruits of abundance, or, simply put, are rich and wealthy, then knowledge of the basic spiritual laws will help you maintain the prosperity you have achieved and increase it. After all, it happens that wealth comes... and goes;

Adjust your living space at home and your workplace environment in accordance with the practical recommendations of Feng Shui to achieve maximum success for your company (Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious life). And knowledge of the basic “safety rules” of Feng Shui can protect you from troubles and sudden financial losses;

Realize yourself as a powerful creator of your own world and success. And most importantly, you will experience an amazing and exciting feeling that your life and the lives of your loved ones are beginning to change for the better.

Once you realize this, you will feel boundless inspiration and will generate around you a joyful, pulsating circle of energy of happiness and success, which is extremely attractive to the people around you and to Lady Fortune. And there... only the boundlessness of the triumph of fulfilling desires and possessing everything you want.

Tempting, isn't it? My dears, I have experienced all this myself and I simply want to convey to you what I managed to learn with the help of the Higher Light Forces. So go ahead, my friends, and let the Divine Truth shine on us on our journey into the wonderful world of Success, Wealth and Triumph of the Spirit!

Part 1

Chapter 1


But do I think it will come true? - asked Margarita.

Yes, do it, it’s torture...

M. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita

First of all, we need to realize one very important thing on which we will build our Abundance: “God created us for happiness and pleasure.” Living in Abundance and achieving success is in human nature itself. There is an opinion that success and achievement of wealth are possible only as a result of hard work. It's a delusion. A person who has mastered the power of spiritual laws and reconstructed his consciousness is a receiver of the flow of material wealth.

In order for this system to work, it is necessary to study the spiritual laws by which the Universe lives and apply them in life, just as when working with complex equipment it is necessary to study the instructions for its use. Then the magic will happen - everything will work out easily, joyfully, with the least effort and excellent results. Your life will turn into a constant experience of Miracle, and miracles once they begin, then they cannot be stopped!

We all, of course, read in the Bible that “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all this,” and also: “When the day comes, there will be food.” To those who are aware of these words, they mean a lot. We all receive benefits from a vast, powerful source. It is important to open up to him. You often hear: “I rely only on myself” or: “With my husband I’m like behind a stone wall.” In reality, everything is different. Neither a profitable marriage with a wealthy partner, nor parents, nor a job, nor a business can guarantee a life filled with benefits. The only guarantee is a person’s ability to establish a strong connection with the Divine Source of Abundance and realize oneself as part of the universe and a manifestation of the Immortal Spirit in physical matter.

Yes, my friends, we are all particles of the Great Information Field (Spirit) during the period of experience in the human body. Knowing this fact gives us endless possibilities. Since each of us has particles of the Divine Spirit, in its name we can create absolutely anything we want. We must recognize ourselves as children of God and, accordingly, His heirs, capable of materializing our dreams in physical form. The fulfillment of all your deepest desires is possible!

The highest degree of mastery of the power of our consciousness is the materialization of objects, which was demonstrated by such great people as Count Saint-Germain, Cagliostro in past centuries and Sathya Sai Baba in our time. Yes, and we, if you think about it and analyze the situation, constantly materialize our desires, simply without realizing it, and each of you can give examples of such materialization.

The most important thing is your mindset for success. Set yourself up for success - you will achieve success. Set yourself up for failure - failure will not keep you waiting.

If you strive for success, but subconsciously do not believe in your strength, doubt yourself, these negative thoughts and emotions will manifest themselves in life. Be absolutely, impenetrably convinced of the inevitability of success in all your endeavors, and so it will be!

To master the “Psychology of Wealth”, first of all you need to believe in yourself, in your strength. And for this you will have to conduct a small audit of your subconscious.

Not a single thought, not a single word goes unnoticed by the subconscious. It is absolutely sure that this is exactly what you want, and it begins to implement what you put into it.

Think about whether you are familiar with such negative thoughts and attitudes:

I can't do anything;

I'm too old to succeed. Wealth is for the young;

I'm never lucky;

I can't do anything;

I am constantly being deceived;

This can't be true;

I no longer believe in anything;

I'm too tired of this life;

I can not do it anymore;

If I weren't so fat...;

Well, what can I do with my health...;

It's too difficult for me.

Familiar words, aren't they? If you are imbued with such beliefs and even express them out loud, they begin to come true in your life. This is what you don’t want at all, but nevertheless it is exactly so. There are people who just love to whine, deep down not believing what they say, but in the end they get it all in life.

A very significant incident occurred in my life, after which I never doubted the great power of words. Our family lived in the country in the summer, and all newly arriving family members considered it their duty to bring as much food as possible from the city. The possibilities of the refrigerator are far from limitless, and one day my mother, having no idea where she could place the next portion of food, begged: “Don’t bring me more meat. I don’t need any more meat!” - she said, and very emotionally.

The next morning it was discovered that all the meat that was in the house had been stolen from our veranda!

Everything is natural - we don’t need it, but someone else does. Now we very carefully monitor not only our speech, but also each other’s speech.

To effectively master the Psychology of Wealth and its application, create and cultivate a new, positive image of yourself... Often a person receives pennies for his work precisely because in his subconscious he has formed his own image of a martyr-loser, doomed to forever pull the burden.

Or, when applying for a job, a top specialist is simply “embarrassed” to demand a high salary due to the deep-seated belief in the subconscious that he will not be paid much anyway, since he is always unlucky. And this really happens, because the Universe always responds to our thoughts.

So let's think to ourselves, talk about ourselves and wish for ourselves only the good, the beautiful, the magnificent and the wonderful!

When you begin to control your words and thoughts, then half the battle is already done. Remember the saying: “If a woman feels like a queen, then she looks like a queen”? So try treating yourself with as much respect as if you were already a millionaire - and you will immediately have more money!

Remember; that you are absolute power and energy. The quality of the world around you depends on you and only you.

PRACTICAL EXERCISES I offer exercises that will help you change your self-image, replace a negative or simply neutral self-image with a bright, lively one, radiating good luck and prosperity.

1. Start by controlling your thoughts and words about yourself. Every time you catch yourself having a negative, sad, dreary thought, immediately replace it with a positive one.

At first it will not be easy, but then you will be captivated by the process itself and every day it will become easier and easier.

Here is a sample list of positive thoughts - affirmations.

Everything works out just great for me. Every day I enjoy life.

I'm very lucky. I am always lucky in everything. I attract success to myself.

I can do anything and am not afraid of anything.

I trust people.

Anything is possible if I want it.

I believe in my lucky star.

My life is wonderful and getting better and better.

I am filled with energy and joy of life.

Everything turns out easy and simple for me.

My health is excellent.

2. Praise yourself as often as possible. Don't be shy to talk to yourself about love. Encourage yourself, praise yourself, sing songs of praise and love to yourself.

3. Remember that you are not alone. Many invisible helpers and friends are eagerly awaiting your request for help and support. Do not hesitate to contact your Guardian Angels. They are always with you, and all you need to do is turn to them. Know that the more often you turn to the Higher Helpers, the stronger they become!

It is very useful to meditate on your Guardian Angels and imagine what they look like. Perhaps at this moment you will feel a light touch of an angel's wing. Always end your message or meditation with a sincere thank you to your wonderful helpers.

4. Listen only to those people who have achieved success themselves. Imagine what a person who has nothing can teach.

5. Never, under any circumstances, speak badly about yourself, even jokingly. Remember: the Universe has no sense of humor, so don’t say anything about yourself and your loved ones that could scare away luck, wish only what you would like to receive in life.

6. Eliminate typed words from your vocabulary completely. The terrible effect of swearing on the molecular structure of the cells of the human body has already been scientifically proven! And on a subconscious level, so-called “strong words” can destroy all positive endeavors on the path to success and prosperity.

7. Learn to spread love wherever you go.

You may find these exercises difficult or tedious at first. Don't give in to the first feeling of mistrust. Try it!

Tune in only to the positive result of working on yourself, and when you see the first positive results, it will inspire you to further improve.

Respect and love for yourself will immediately cause others to treat you accordingly. They will also begin to treat you differently.

The most important thing: convince yourself that you are truly worthy of any money, and you will feel that money appears in your life much more easily than it did before.

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Who is the poorest of the rich and who is the richer of the poor? Of the rich, the poorer is the one who is dissatisfied with what belongs to him and suffers from anxiety because the fortunes of others increase. And among the poor, the richest is the one who is satisfied with what he has been given and does not worry about whose income is growing.

Avesta. Ancient teachings of Zoroaster

Another type of manifestation of a negative attitude towards money, that is, the psychology of poverty, is envy of those who have more material wealth. For some reason, it is in Russia that envy of rich people is very common. Is this why there are so many poor people here?

Sharikov’s principle: “Take everything and divide it” did not work either during the revolutionary upheavals or in our days. Do you know why? Because if you take everything away from the rich and give it to the poor, then after a certain amount of time everything will return to normal. The poor will become poor and the rich will become rich again. For the state of wealth is in the heads, not in the pockets. There are countless examples of this. If a beggar gets his hands on money, he immediately squanders it in order to return again to a subconsciously comfortable state of poverty.

It is known that such experiments were carried out with homeless people in America. Charitable organizations picked up the poor and disadvantaged from the streets, provided them with decent living conditions, provided them with money, trained them, and even employed many of them.

And what? As a result, the vast majority of these blessed homeless people returned to the streets within a month. I was bringing money. Without decent clothes. Out of employment. But still with the same hostility towards prosperous people. Everything the charities gave them was squandered in one way or another. When journalists asked why, many answered that living on the street is much calmer for them (!) than getting used to someone else’s life, where they have to be responsible for everything.

A poor and envious person is simply unable to manage money correctly and wisely, because his consciousness is not tuned to abundance, but to lack. A man determined to succeed will always prosper, while his brother tormented by envy will always be poor. Moreover, all negative thoughts directed at prosperous people serve as a brake on the wealth of the person experiencing such thoughts. The more you resent the sight of luxury foreign cars flying through the streets, the less natural your ability to attract money to yourself is. Embrace abundance. Very soon it could be yours.

I can confess to you that in any period of the state of the economy, I was always envied by my friends and those around me. From a very young age, when I had no idea about the existence of the energy of abundance, I had the feeling that I could literally highlight beautiful things and other attributes of prosperity. It turns out that everything is correct, and not only I am able to materialize wealth for myself. This is available to everyone. You just need to feel rich1.

The famous American billionaire Donald Trump lost his entire fortune several times, and yet he succeeds again. This man knows that he is essentially a millionaire.

We are responsible for our choice of wealth or poverty. If a negative attitude towards money and success (including other people’s) prevails in your mind, then most likely money will avoid you. The power of consciousness is limitless. Control your thoughts, otherwise they will control you!

It’s hard to admit that you envy someone, but, honestly, does your heart overflow with wild joy at the news that your best friend has “hooked up” a wealthy husband and left for the Canaries?

My dears, it is precisely this unpleasant feeling that appears somewhere in the soul and brings a feeling of one’s own failure, and then a spoiled mood, that is envy. Envy, anger and fear are the feelings that stand in the way of success. Your task is to learn to recognize these negative feelings and consciously change their polarity. As soon as you feel envy of someone, immediately change your attitude and affirm that you are happy with the success and abundance of other people, that there is a huge amount of money in this world and enough for everyone, including you.

Even if not immediately, but gradually your subconscious will get used to the new type of thinking, and a positive program will be laid that will attract success and prosperity to you. Accumulate your positive potential, which will eventually turn into a wide flow of abundance in real life. It even becomes interesting - to catch yourself in envy and translate this ignoble feeling into a fruitful channel for your own luck.


1. Never allow yourself to worry about other people's success. Remember: there is more than enough material wealth in this world, including for you. If you don’t receive something right away, rest assured that your Heavenly Father has a special plan for you and you will receive everything at the right time.

Envious people are immediately visible, and of course, they do not inspire sympathy. Do you know how you can instantly recognize whether a person is jealous of you or not? Tell him some good news about you (for example, that you are going abroad) and look him in the eyes. An envious person will immediately lower his eyes to hide the storm of indignation in his soul. At the same time, he can say all sorts of good things, but you know that in fact this person is not your friend.

Everything would be fine, but in addition to his own soul, the envious person also harms you. He sends poisoned arrows of negatively charged energy in your direction, and these arrows can interfere with the implementation of your plans. I recommend that you do not talk about your plans and desires out loud to envious and unfriendly people. There are such people in my own circle, too, and I try not to talk about my successes and plans, because I know how strong psychic energy is, and I don’t need obstacles at all.

Agree, it often happens that our plans are upset for reasons that seem to be beyond our control, and the fault lies with some “well-wisher” who has successfully worked here. There are quite effective methods of protection against such harmful effects.

After communicating with people, it is very useful to wash your face with running water and at the same time say any prayer or simply ask the Lord to cleanse you from all evil, all bad thoughts and words, ask the water to wash you and take away all the bad things to Mother Earth. Do this wash three times.

Ask for holy water or holy oil at church. Wash your face with water, especially in the evenings, and with oil draw crosses on your face, neck, arms and all exposed parts of the body. At the end of the procedure, thank the Higher powers for your help and say “Amen” three times.

It is very useful to place a glass of water at your head at night. Even better, add a tablespoon of coarse salt to the water. This great cleanser helps get rid of all bad energy, improves sleep and takes away all sad and anxious thoughts. I highly recommend trying it!

A simple chicken egg works similarly if you break it into a glass of water. Just be careful not to damage the yolk. Ask someone close to you to move a glass of water and an egg around your head three times with any prayer, and then place the glass at your head before you go to bed.

1. When you find yourself in places with large crowds of people, for example, on public transport or at a social event with famous bankers, try to mentally surround yourself with a luminous cylinder of Divine protection. This is especially true for women. We are so beautiful! And this, unfortunately, is not always liked by people who do not know spiritual laws and are ready to do as much harm as possible with their envy. Therefore, surround yourself with an impenetrable energy shield and repeat to yourself: “I am safe here and always.”

2. Consciously cultivate a friendly attitude towards people. Be generous with a kind word, smile, approval. Observe greedy and envious people - as a rule, they are stingy not only with money, but you will also never get praise or a compliment from them. On the contrary, the happiness and prosperity of others causes them real suffering, but if you are unlucky, their faces bloom with flattering, malicious smiles.

Don't be like them! Cultivate a sense of joy not only for your own, but also for the successes of others. Thus, you fill your aura with the light energy of love and constant, enduring happiness. The peculiarity of such an aura is the attraction of useful people, joyful events and, of course, money.

So being kind is beneficial.

3. If you still feel jealous of someone’s success or position, imagine yourself as a wonderful and generous god. Your wealth is incalculable.

Mentally gift your friend with all the treasures of the Earth: precious stones, luxurious castles and stunning limousines. I assure you that it will become easier for you.

Strengthen your success with an affirmation:

My wealth is limitless, like the Universe;

This world is mine;

I enjoy the flow of abundance;

I am always completely safe.

Is a beautiful butterfly jealous of another? No, she just flies and enjoys the flow of air and the scent of flowers and spins along with other butterflies in a beautiful divine dance of eternal life and harmony. Let's be like her and be light and joyful!

Chapter 4


If you want to be happy, be it!

Kozma Prutkov

Listen to yourself. What do you say, what do you think, what songs do you sing? The excellent psychologist and clever American Louise Hay says: “If people knew the power of words, they would only speak in positive affirmations.” Never say: “This is not for me. This is for the rich." By doing so, you are saying “no” to the flow of abundance. Affirm that you are rich, happy, satisfied. In fact, money by itself does not bring happiness. First a person becomes happy, and only then abundance comes. That's exactly it, and not the other way around!

Find happiness and bliss in the simplest manifestations of life, and your life will become incomparably richer. Enjoying every moment of life, the simplest actions, seeing the manifestation of Divine wisdom in everything that surrounds us - this is the path of the sage. Feel life in all its fullness, give thanks for every moment you live - and a miracle will happen.

As strange as it may sound, happiness is not really the goal. It is already within us. A state of happiness accelerates the realization and manifestation of your innermost desires! I express my deep gratitude to those bright teachers of humanity who revealed this truth to me and many others.

Is it possible to learn to be happy? Of course - yes, even if now your life is far from ideal, just your decision to become happy here and now will set in motion the invisible forces of the Subtle World, and your desire will come true.

You just always have to start from the present moment. Decide for yourself that from now on you are a happy person, and everything around you will instantly (but unnoticed by you) change. What is it for? To achieve our main goal - absolute abundance in all areas of life. When a person radiates joy, fun, and enjoys the simple pleasures of life, he shows his complete acceptance of this world. Then material wealth: houses, cars, jewelry, etc. - comes easily and without much effort.

As a result, you and I will achieve such a blissful and powerful state of consciousness when all our desires come true by themselves, and at the same time we do not have to work hard to achieve them. The only thing that is required of us is to clearly define our desire. You will find specific recommendations in the third part of the book.

I would like to quote here the absolutely stunning words of Lao Tzu: “A complete being knows without studying, sees without looking, and achieves without doing.” Our task is to become just such a holistic being. Do not you mind?

I can boast that I have already made quite significant progress in this direction. From the simplest - singing my favorite songs on the radio, when I just name the right melody, to more serious ones. For example, when I was still studying Feng Shui on my own, I was overcome by a passionate desire to meet the amazing Feng Shui Master - Yap Chen Hai. At that moment there were no opportunities for this meeting, since he lives in Malaysia and I very vaguely imagined myself in this country, talking with the Master. But I continued to really want this meeting.

About a year later, my husband accidentally discovered information on the Internet that a great Master was coming to Los Angeles, where we live, and conducting a series of Feng Shui classes there. That's not all. Classes take place at a hotel located ten minutes by car from our home. Anyone who has ever been to Los Angeles knows that it is a gigantic metropolis, stretching for tens of kilometers in all directions, and that a ten-minute drive is just a hit from space, honestly.

But that's not all. Our seminar fell just on my birthday, that is, I spent my entire birthday with one of the greatest Feng Shui masters and for some reason it was then that Yap Chen Hai decided to bless our group with special Buddhist mantras.

And even that's not all. There were about twenty people in our group. Everyone came from different countries of the world - from Australia, Germany, France - and from different parts of the USA. But from Los Angeles, where about thirteen million (!) people live, I was alone!

That is, the great Master Yap Chen Hai came to me himself!

When I told him about this, he laughed and said: “You have good karma!”

This case is an excellent illustration of our topic. Spread the energy of happiness, joy and peace around you, and luck will find you.

If you want positive changes in your life, learn to appreciate what you have. For example, you dream of a new apartment and say: “I can’t see this shack,” meaning the old apartment. Thinking this way will not attract your dream home, not at all. Put love into the home you have, keep it perfectly clean and be grateful that it was with you when you needed it.

Cleanse it, speak about it with love and gratitude, and then you will open the way to receive new things.

What we think and say comes back to us in an amplified form. That is why you cannot create anything new by complaining and lamenting. It is only when we change our thinking towards the psychology of wealth that we begin to have everything we need. Create a world of joy and approval within yourself. Feel the strength of your spirit. Watch your posture and facial expression. Respect, love and take care of your body. It, the body, is a wonderful gift presented to you with love by your parents and the Creator. Your body was created by love Divine and human. Therefore, it responds very gratefully to any manifestation of self-love.

Among successful people in America, and even in Russia, there is a real cult of health and fitness. Actually, to enjoy wealth, you also need to be healthy, otherwise it loses its meaning, doesn’t it? It is believed that if a person cannot organize his life in such a way as to keep himself in great shape, then, most likely, he is unlikely to succeed in business. It is not without reason that many important meetings take place in sports clubs and golf courses. By the way, in America there is a belief that the smaller the ball a person plays with, the richer he is.

It's funny, but golf is actually the game of successful people!

Taking care of your appearance also applies to clothing. Radiate and spread the energy of wealth with the way you dress. At the same time, clothes do not necessarily have to be from famous couturiers.

Elegance, grooming, good taste, neatness and sophistication of clothing create energy that attracts wealth. Feel at your best in any environment. Never appear in public, or even alone, looking sloppy.

Feng Shui masters teach that a person should always look as if he is ready to welcome good fortune into his life right now. Be bright and joyful so that luck finds you!

Worn jeans with holes in the knees and fringes attract failure, poverty and provoke problems between parents and children! Don't let children wear jeans with holes. It’s better to buy jeans decorated with embroidery or lace for girls, and with rivets or chains for boys, but not ones with holes.

If funds are limited, it is better to buy one or two things of good quality than five at a flea market. If you wear something with pleasure and really like yourself in it, it becomes a source of very strong energy for you. Madame Fortuna is a spoiled lady, and in order to please her, you need to make an effort.

Never use cheap perfume. It is better to buy expensive soap and deodorant than cheap perfume. Like attracts like. Don't skimp on yourself. Pamper yourself, please yourself, and then you won’t notice how abundance will become the norm in your life.

In a rather difficult period from a financial point of view, the phrase “You must be a very rich woman!” addressed to me was an excellent compliment for me. I, of course, answered: “Yes, that’s true!”

It was a real victory. I was able to project the world around me, an atmosphere of prosperity and contentment. Needless to say, things started looking up from then on!


I attended several of Natalia’s seminars on money and abundance. The atmosphere at the seminars is amazing and, of course, a huge amount of valuable information. After reviewing this book, I was not disappointed. Almost everything that Natalya gives at the seminars is here. And besides, a lot of information from other seminars.

Diana, Ekaterinburg

Each page is a training, exercise, ritual or meditation

I’ve been reading Natalia Pravdina’s books for a long time. I was very happy when I had the opportunity to get acquainted with another creation of this amazing woman. The book is very rich. Each page is a training, exercise, ritual or meditation. The choice is huge - many options for fulfilling your cherished desire. I am not very good at meditation, but I have found other practices and enjoy doing them.

Tamara, Lipetsk

Natalya is a real fairy. At first I didn’t believe it, but this book convinced me that I have a chance to become happy. Every word here is imbued with positive energy. I performed several rituals for just a week and immediately got results - the man I liked asked me out on a date.

Elizaveta, Kemerovo

A lot of useful information

A huge number of different techniques, rituals, meditations, affirmations. What not! Everything is simple and clear. You read, choose what you like, and do it. No gimmicks or long discussions. Just what you need if your goal is to quickly change your life for the better.

Tatiana, Kaluga

This book helps you become happy!

The book literally charges with optimism; Natalia Pravdina’s warm words filled with love and light help you look at the world differently!

Anastasia, St. Petersburg

I read it and my life changed!

I myself didn’t notice how I began to think completely differently, became kinder, softer, femininity returned to me, which I always tried to suppress, because it prevented me from building a career and going ahead. The book restored my faith that I could be happy.

Ekaterina, Perm

Words change consciousness, and consciousness changes life!

After this book, I had such faith in my strength, that I could be loved, rich, that I could do anything. It’s amazing how words change our consciousness, and consciousness changes our lives.

Tatyana P., Moscow

The people around me have changed too!

I didn’t really believe in such practices. I started reading because I had nothing better to do. But I couldn’t tear myself away. I changed, I began to treat people differently, and the most beautiful thing is that the people around me also changed. My family relationships have improved, I was finally able to find a common language with my family, and the quarrels stopped.

Svetlana I., Volgograd

You start to think differently!

I have wanted to attend a seminar with Natalya Pravdina for a very long time. I heard a lot that after the seminar people change and their lives change dramatically. I was very happy when this book came into my hands. Of course, it will not replace live communication, but the book has already done a lot. Everything is written so simply and at the same time inspiring. Immediately you gain faith in your strengths, you begin to think differently.

Natalia, Novoulyanovsk

This book saved me!

The divorce came as a surprise to me... it seemed that my happy life was over. The book came back to life. I realized that separation was inevitable, and with the help of the techniques that Natalya Pravdina gives, I was able to accept this change in my life. And new relationships were not long in coming.

Svetlana, Arkhangelsk

My dear readers, I am very glad to meet you again. In each of my books, I strive to convey to you not only invaluable knowledge, interesting findings regarding improving life, but also a piece of my energy, my desire to bring you joy and positivity. After all, it’s one thing to have knowledge, and it’s completely different to know for sure that it all works, and works great!

Why do you think I write books, conduct seminars and trainings, travel around Russia and many foreign countries, telling people how to become happy, rich, loved, how to learn to fulfill desires, how to change their fate for the better? Yes, because I want to convey this information to everyone who cares, who is looking for new paths, who is ready to open new doors and step into the unknown.

Thousands of people come to me and take away from these meetings knowledge that changes their lives. The only thing that is required of you is to get together and actually do all (or at least most) of these exercises, meditations and rituals. Just reading is not enough! Your action is needed, your participation is needed. Are you ready for magical changes in your life? If yes, then go ahead!

I receive a huge amount of positive feedback from my listeners that all my practices and exercises work! It is a great happiness to give people a chance for a better life! And now, on the pages of this book, I want to give this chance to you too!

In this book I have collected the best practices, exercises, meditations, affirmations - in a word, what I talk about at meetings, what I teach, what has already been tested by hundreds, thousands of people!

The book consists of four sections: practices for love, for money and wealth, for luck and for finding happiness. In each section you will find a wide variety of ways to help you get closer to your desired goal. Choose what suits you, what you like, because people are different, and what is great for one may not work for another. You can read this book in order, or you can select the exercises, meditations, prayers or mantras you need from the content and do exactly what is required at a particular moment in your life. Think about what you need most right now and start reading here.

Act with faith in yourself and that you have enough strength, optimism and passion to fulfill your desires. I sincerely believe that every person can become happy, rich, loved and successful if he really wants it and makes every effort to achieve what he wants. I hope that the recommendations in this book will help you turn your life into a fairy tale. The main thing is to believe in yourself and don’t just read the recommendations, but actually work through them. What exactly will help you - find out for yourself, agreed? Then you will definitely see the result, and quite quickly! I believe in your luck and your lucky star, because you are already holding this book in your hands!

With love,

your Natalia Pravdina

Practices, meditations and rituals to attract love

In our pragmatic times, romantic love seems like something transcendental, beautiful, but unattainable. Dating now takes place more and more on the Internet, and we have learned to express feelings and emotions with a whole series of emoticons.

But real love, with hugs, kisses and devotion, is becoming less and less. It's time to change this trend and declare - we are worthy of love! We are not afraid to assert that both women and men need each other, like night and day, like the moon and the sun, like summer and winter. You can live alone, whiling away the rapidly passing time at the computer, but why? Even ten of the best cats cannot replace a sincere conversation or passionate hugs. After all, living with a good person is much better! Do you agree?

Step one: First you need to love money. Of course, everyone loves them, but it is necessary to tune in to reciprocity, to earn their love. It all starts with mutual respect and the right attitude. Try to rid yourself of unnecessary thoughts and wrong attitudes that hold back your luck and block interaction with the general energy field of the Universe.

Step two: be patient. Success and wealth will not come to you immediately, because everything in the Universe has its place and its time. It's a long journey, and it's hard at the beginning. Deal with your fears and demons, and then it will be much easier. Push away all doubts and all prejudices - this is the best way to align yourself with your desire.

Step three: away with negativity. Learn to avoid envy, the inability to forgive and radiate happiness. Interaction with the energy of space involves a two-way exchange, so give the people around you your love.

Step four: Remember to be grateful. Any of your successes should not be accompanied by greed. If someone, by the decree of fate, helped you in something, repay him in kind.

Step five: Imagine that you have already become richer and more successful. Visualize your success. Tune your brain to the desired wavelength so that it works not against you, but for you. The psychology of love for money is very similar to the psychology of love for people.

Affirmations for attracting money

Once you feel ready to take the plunge, choose the affirmations that resonate most with you from the list below. Affirmation is a motivational program, phrases that you need to repeat to yourself every day. They should become for you not just a sound, but the meaning of life.

  • I'm ready to become rich.
  • I succeed because I want it.
  • Everyone deserves to be rich and successful.
  • I'm always lucky because luck is with me.
  • Nothing is impossible for me.
  • Nobody deceives me because I trust people.
  • Happiness is real, it is in me, next to me and around me.
  • I'm full of energy.
  • I can do whatever I want.
  • I am free from prejudice.
  • Wealth is easy.
  • I will overcome any difficulties that come my way.
  • My life is wonderful and getting better.
  • My health is excellent.
  • I am overwhelmed with the joy of life.
  • I trust people and they trust me.
  • I'm lucky.
  • Every day I enjoy life.

All the basic affirmations and motivational phrases that are not in the book “I Attract Money” are collected here. Use it to achieve success and get what you have been dreaming about for so long.

Remember that success depends on your mood. Stay in a good mood, try not to become negative and avoid depression. These are the most terrible enemies of any person. Natalya Pravdina wishes you happiness, health and wealth. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me create this book. I thank my mentors, teachers and patrons from the Subtle World. I thank all my family for their enthusiasm and support, for their understanding and positive thinking, for their wisdom and patience. I thank my Persian cats for creating an atmosphere of happiness and complete contentment with life. Special thanks to my dear mother Tamara Alekseevna, to whom this book is dedicated.

about the author

Natalia Pravdina was born and received a higher economic education in St. Petersburg. However, the passion for creativity and free expression that seethed in her did not allow her to devote her life to dull reports and figures.

Natalia created clothing models, was a member of the club of young designers of St. Petersburg, graduated from an acting school, worked at the Fashion Theater, and also studied English, French and psychology.

The liveliness of character and craving for the unknown in the mid-90s brought Natalia and her husband to the USA. There, in Los Angeles, she graduates from the Institute of Design.

But Natalia finds her true calling in the study and practice of Feng Shui - the ancient and mysterious teaching of Taoist monasteries. In 2000, a fateful meeting took place in Los Angeles with Feng Shui Grand Master Yap Chen Hai. Natalia becomes a certified Feng Shui specialist. The Great Master personally blesses Natalia to practice, and from then on her life is predetermined. Natalia consults, conducts seminars, and meets with readers throughout Russia and abroad. Since 2006, Natalia has been studying annually with Grand Feng Shui Master Lilian Tu.

Natalia herself admits that since Feng Shui and then New Age psychology appeared in her life, the whole world has become different. “The knowledge sent by our High Patrons can change the life of every person for the better. You just need to be open to goodness and people and realize your own value as an expression of Divine love,” she writes.

Currently, Natalia conducts seminars and consultations on Feng Shui, positive thinking and spiritual practices in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and Cyprus. She manages to inspire people to creatively rethink their existence. Improving the quality of life, joy, discovering new opportunities and abundance - these are the fruits by which one can judge the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Those listeners who attend Natalia’s seminars note significant changes leading to transformation and prosperity.

“I hope that my readers will be able to transform their lives for the better, as I and all those who put my advice into practice managed to do.”

Natalia Pravdina


Hello, dear friends. Welcome to the new world, where everything familiar changes its shape, where previous assessments lose meaning and everything blurs and melts, giving way to the new, fresh and shining, whose name is SPIRIT.

This book is dedicated to a very burning and attractive topic - money and everything connected with it.

We live in unique times. A new century has begun. A new millennium has begun. The era of Aquarius is coming, and SPIRIT begins to play a dominant role in the life of our beautiful planet.

The time has come for all of us to realize that we are one with the world around us, with grains of sand in deserts and stars in the depths of cosmic worlds. We are all permeated by the deepest Universal Divine wisdom. Every living being, trees and flowers, clouds and oceans play an important role in this great mystery of life. Just as the forces of the Universe support entire galaxies and star systems in orderly order, just as our Mother Earth balances giant mountain ranges and incredible thicknesses of the ocean depths, so our home, our ordinary apartment, being part of the universe, maintains us in a state of balance in throughout life. All this vast, inconceivable structure of the Universe lives, breathes, develops and invites us to dance at the boundless ball of Bliss, Delight and Triumph of the Immortal Spirit.

Knowledge of basic spiritual laws will help you maintain the prosperity you have achieved and increase it

All this is very sweet and romantic, you will notice, but what does the above have to do with the actual presence of rubles, dollars and euros in my wallet? Surprisingly, it is the most direct, and you will see it, I promise. After reading this book, you will be able to:

Changing your thinking pattern using the techniques provided (for example, turning a “Poverty Mindset” into a “Wealth and Prosperity Mindset”), Changing your thinking and identifying subconscious blockages will help you open the way to Abundance. By the way, if you or your family members are already enjoying the fruits of Abundance, or, simply put, are rich and wealthy, then knowledge of the basic spiritual laws will help you maintain your achieved prosperity and increase it. After all, it happens that wealth comes... and goes;

Adjust your living space at home and your workplace environment in accordance with the practical recommendations of Feng Shui to achieve maximum success for your company (Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious life). Knowledge of the basic “safety rules” of Feng Shui can protect you from troubles and sudden financial losses;

* realize yourself as a powerful creator of your own peace and success. And most importantly, you will experience an amazing and exciting feeling that your life and the lives of your loved ones are beginning to change for the better. Once you realize this, you will feel boundless inspiration and will generate around you a joyful, pulsating circle of energy of happiness and success, which is extremely attractive to the people around you and to Lady Fortune. And there... only the boundlessness of the triumph of fulfilling desires and possessing everything you want.

Tempting, isn't it? My dears, I have experienced all this myself and I simply want to convey to you what I managed to learn with the help of the Higher Light Forces. So go ahead, my friends, and let the Divine Truth shine on us on our journey into the wonderful world of Success, Wealth and Triumph of the Spirit!

Part 1
Mastering the Psychology of Wealth

Chapter 1
Where to begin?

– Do I think it will come true? – asked Margarita.

- Yes, do it...

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

First of all, we need to realize one very important thing on which we will build our Abundance: “God created us for happiness and pleasure.” Living in Abundance and achieving success is in human nature itself. There is an opinion that success and achievement of wealth are possible only as a result of hard work. It's a delusion. A person who has mastered the power of spiritual laws and reconstructed his consciousness is a receiver of the flow of material wealth.

In order for this system to work, it is necessary to study the spiritual laws by which the Universe lives and apply them in life, just as when working with complex equipment it is necessary to study the instructions for its use. Then the magic will happen - everything will work out easily, joyfully, with the least effort and excellent results. Your life will turn into a constant experience of Miracle, and miracles once they begin, then they cannot be stopped!

We all, of course, read in the Bible that “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all this” and also: “When the day comes, there will be food.” To those who are aware of these words, they mean a lot. We all receive benefits from a vast, powerful source. It is important to open up to him. You often hear: “I rely only on myself” or: “With my husband I’m like behind a stone wall.” In reality, everything is different. Neither a profitable marriage with a wealthy partner, nor parents, nor a job, nor a business can guarantee a life filled with benefits. The only guarantee is a person’s ability to establish a strong connection with the Divine Source of Abundance and realize oneself as a part of the universe and a manifestation of the Immortal Spirit in physical matter.

Yes, my friends, we are all particles of the Great Information Field (Spirit) during the period of experience in the human body. Knowing this fact gives us endless possibilities. Since each of us has particles of the Divine Spirit, in its name we can create absolutely anything we want. We must recognize ourselves as children of God and, accordingly, His heirs, capable of materializing our dreams in physical form. The fulfillment of all your deepest desires is possible!

Set yourself up for success - you will achieve success

The highest degree of mastery of the power of our consciousness is the materialization of objects, which was demonstrated by such great people as Count Saint-Germain, Cagliostro in past centuries and Sathya Sai Baba in our time. Yes, and we, if you think about it and analyze the situation, constantly materialize our desires, simply without realizing it, and each of you can give examples of such materialization.

The most important thing is your mindset for success. Set yourself up for success - you will achieve success! Set yourself up for failure - failure will not keep you waiting.

If you strive for success, but subconsciously do not believe in your strength, doubt yourself, these negative thoughts and emotions will manifest themselves in life. Be absolutely, impenetrably convinced of the inevitability of success in all your endeavors, and so it will be!

To master the psychology of wealth, first of all, you need to believe in yourself, in your strength. And for this you will have to conduct a small audit of your subconscious.

Not a single thought, not a single word goes unnoticed by the subconscious. It is absolutely sure that your thoughts are exactly what you want, and it begins to implement what you put into it. Therefore, in order to realize the desired joyful events in life, you must first of all carefully analyze your thoughts.

Think about whether you are familiar with the following negative thoughts and attitudes:

I can't do anything.

I'm too old to succeed.

Wealth is for the young.

I'm never lucky.

I can't do anything.

I'm constantly being lied to.

This can't be true.

I don't believe in anything anymore.

I'm too tired of this life.

I can not do it anymore.

If only I weren't so fat.

Well, what can I do with my health...

It's too difficult for me.

Familiar words, aren't they? If you are imbued with such beliefs and even express them out loud, they begin to come true in your life. This is what you don’t want at all, but nevertheless it is exactly so. There are people who just love to whine, deep down not believing what they say, but in the end they get it all in life. Such whiners hope that some Higher powers will hear their groans and complaints and the time of happiness and good luck will begin. But just the opposite happens!

A very significant incident occurred in my life, after which I never doubted the great power of words. Our family lived in the country in the summer, and all newly arriving family members considered it their duty to bring as much food as possible from the city. The possibilities of the refrigerator are far from limitless, and one day my mother, having no idea where she could place the next portion of food, begged: “Don’t bring me more meat. I don’t need any more meat!” – she said, and very emotionally.

The next morning it was discovered that all the meat that was in the house had been stolen from our veranda!

Everything is natural - we don’t need it, but someone else does. Now we very carefully monitor not only our speech, but also each other’s speech.

To effectively master the psychology of wealth and its application, create and cultivate a new, positive image of yourself... Often a person receives pennies for his work precisely because in his subconscious he has formed his own image of a martyr-loser, doomed to forever pull the burden. Or, when applying for a job, a top specialist is simply “embarrassed” to demand a high salary due to the deep-seated belief in the subconscious that he will not be paid much anyway, since he is always unlucky. And this really happens, because the Universe always responds to our thoughts. So let's think to ourselves, talk about ourselves and wish for ourselves only the good, the beautiful, the magnificent and the wonderful!

When you begin to control your words and thoughts, then half the battle is already done. Remember the saying: “If a woman feels like a queen, then she looks like a queen”? So try to treat yourself with such respect as if you were already a millionaire - and then a new, invisible program will turn on, which will ultimately lead to you actually having more money!

Remember that you are absolute power and energy. The quality of the world around you depends on you and only you.


I offer exercises that will help you change your self-image, replace a negative or simply neutral self-image with a bright, lively one, radiating good luck and prosperity.

1. Start by controlling your thoughts and words about yourself. Every time you catch yourself having a negative, sad, dreary thought, immediately replace it with a positive one.

At first it will not be easy, but then you will be captivated by the process itself and every day it will become easier and easier.

Here is a sample list of positive thoughts - affirmations.

Everything works out just great for me.

Every day I enjoy life.

I'm very lucky. I am always lucky in everything.

I attract success to myself.

I can do anything and am not afraid of anything.

I trust people.

Anything is possible if I want it.

I believe in my lucky star.

My life is wonderful and getting better and better.

I am filled with energy and joy of life.

Everything turns out easy and simple for me.

My health is excellent.

2. Praise yourself as often as possible. Don't be shy about telling yourself to love yourself. Encourage yourself, praise yourself, sing songs of praise and love to yourself. This will help your subconscious mind tune into a positive and joyful mood. Don’t be shy, because you are alone with the Universe!

3. Remember that you are not alone. Many invisible helpers and friends are eagerly awaiting your request for help and support. Do not hesitate to contact your Guardian Angels. They are always with you, and all you have to do is turn to them. Know that the more often you turn to the Higher Helpers, the stronger they become!

It is very useful to meditate on your Guardian Angels and imagine what they look like. Perhaps at this moment you will feel a light touch of an angel's wing. Always end your message or meditation with a sincere thank you to your wonderful helpers. Angels love politeness!

4. Listen only to those people who have achieved success themselves. Imagine what a person who has nothing can teach.

5. Never, under any circumstances, speak badly about yourself, even jokingly. Remember: the Universe has no sense of humor, so don’t say anything about yourself and your loved ones that could scare away your luck, say only what you would like to receive in life.

6. Completely eliminate swear words from your vocabulary. The terrible effect of swearing on the molecular structure of the cells of the human body has already been scientifically proven! And on a subconscious level, so-called “strong words” can destroy all positive endeavors on the path to success and prosperity.

7. Learn to spread love wherever you go. Give people smiles, give gifts, pay for a stranger in a cafe. The universe needs to see that you are a good giver!

Wish for yourself only good, beautiful, magnificent and wonderful!

You may find these exercises difficult or tedious at first. Don't give in to the first feeling of mistrust. Try it!

Tune in only to the positive result of working on yourself, and when you see the first positive results, it will inspire you to further improve.

The universe has no sense of humor. Speak only positively about yourself!

Respect and love for yourself will immediately cause others to treat you accordingly. They will also begin to treat you differently. The most important thing: convince yourself that you are truly worthy of any money, and you will feel that money appears in your life much more easily than it did before.

There are a lot of opportunities for communication in the world.

Don't waste your precious time and energy hanging out with people you don't like.

Make room for new acquaintances.

Chapter 2
How to make the love for money mutual

– Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? – asked Ostap. - Just count everything.

“One hundred rubles,” answered Balaganov, regretfully looking up from his bread and sausage.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov. "Golden calf"

The crown of the wise is their wealth, but the stupidity of the ignorant is stupidity.

Book of Proverbs of Solomon: 14, 24

In order for money to love you, you need to take the first step and also truly love money. So who doesn’t love them, you might argue.

However, the whole point is that most people like money from the point of view of scarcity, not abundance. Often the very thought of money evokes so many negative emotions, such a strong feeling of inferiority and discomfort that money begins to avoid a person!

Egor, a wonderful, intelligent young man who has a wonderful and necessary specialty as a massage therapist, drags out a completely miserable existence. He receives a pittance for his hard work, allowing his employers to literally fleece him. At the same time, he often says that he knows many rich people who have a lot of problems, and that he would never change places with them. Once in a conversation I heard the following phrase from him: “Or maybe I don’t need money at all? I'm fine as it is".

With all my sympathy for Yegor, I am forced to note that he is a typical example of a person professing the psychology of poverty. Until he changes his attitude towards money and values ​​himself and his time more, his income will remain at the same low level.

Money loves those who really love it

This truth is as old as time. For example, some people, having found themselves in an expensive store filled with beautiful things, instead of discussing the merits of, say, a luxury car, begin to look for shortcomings in it, irritated at the thought that they cannot afford to buy it.

Money loves those who really love it

Irritation grows, transfers to the world of wealth in general, and as a result, people leave the store in a state of severe frustration. A familiar picture, isn't it? If only they knew that this behavior literally pushes money away from them. There is an “impression” in the Universe that money evokes exclusively negative emotions in these people, and if this is so, then, of course, money begins to avoid them!

So, the most important condition for attracting powerful, magical energy of Abundance is awareness of your Divine origin. We are the heirs of the Abundance of our Heavenly Father, and our inheritance is the whole world with its limitless possibilities!

It is completely natural for us to live in any luxury that we like. The only thing we need to do is relax, join the bright, life-giving source of all life's blessings and allow ourselves to be rich.

If you want to direct the flow of money into your wallets and bank accounts, you need to change yourself, your consciousness. Ask yourself the question: “What negative attitudes of mine can block the flow of money?” It is important to do the inner work and completely free yourself from all negative thoughts regarding money. You have to love money. Money must be attracted. You need to send positive thoughts to money. They will feel it immediately.

Sometimes we don’t even realize how deeply “wrong” thoughts about finances are rooted in us. Some of them were received in the family, some are due to adult experience of life in society, especially among those of our fellow citizens who were raised in the Soviet Union. Then it was “ashamed” to talk about money; when applying for a job, salary was the last thing asked, and the small stratum of the population who had money was called “hucksters” and was usually not favored. This is why it is very difficult to change existing stereotypes, but if you are determined to feel all the sweetness of having money, then it is quite possible.

Recently, young people have appeared on whose consciousness the Soviet past of our country has not left its heavy imprint, and they do not have any complexes regarding money. Result? Fabulous! As a rule, these young guys are perfectly settled in life and in their twenties they have things that their parents never even dreamed of. By the way, in vain. A dream is a very useful thing! Inner freedom allows this truly new generation of Russians to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently. They are well educated, confident in their abilities, and most importantly, they have a wonderful positive attitude towards money, which brings tangible results.

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