Home Magic Year of the Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. Year of the Monkey: what years? What to expect from the Year of the Monkey? Year of the monkey 1932

Year of the Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. Year of the Monkey: what years? What to expect from the Year of the Monkey? Year of the monkey 1932

Eastern and Western traditions of perception and attitude towards monkeys are very different.

Europeans do not take monkeys seriously - they seem to them a parody of a person, and in European mythology and art, monkeys personify the most evil human inclinations and vices. In the East, the monkey has a completely different attitude. She is one of the Divine Beasts and is associated with such traits as dexterity, quick wits, intelligence and cunning. In the year of the Monkey, initiative and smart people who become respected members of society. Years corresponding to the year of the Monkey in the Eastern horoscope: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The nature of people born in the year of the Monkey

The monkey is restless. She has excellent intellectual abilities and an unbalanced, complex character. She is very smart, observant and endowed with excellent flair. And inner anxiety does not allow her to rest on her laurels. It is thanks to the imbalance that the Monkey is always on the move instead of living calmly, although she has her first serious achievements already in her youth and for many people they would be enough for the rest of their lives. The monkey does not go forward alone. A clear mind, charm and fortitude attract like-minded people and friends to her. Outwardly, the Monkey is affable and friendly. She rarely shows her flaws openly. And she has a lot of them: she is envious, not too honest and can change the rules as the game progresses. When people discover this, they most often forgive the Monkey: the good deeds that she has done for others fall on the other side of the scale, and there are a lot of them. The monkey is faithful, reliable, knows how to keep secrets and is ready to actively help those around him. Frequent mood swings and an invariably bright mind, observant and sometimes sarcastic, make the Monkey an extraordinary and interesting person.

People born in the Year of the Monkey love compatibility

Monkey every minute of life is at one stage or another of the next novel. She is temperamental and loving. And she likes the same initiative and easy people. It is easy for her to find an object for love, and her strong bright character helps her win the chosen one. True, these novels do not end happily, because in their choice the Monkey is guided by feelings and passion, not at all paying attention to the nature of the partner and compatibility with him. After parting, she does not feel sad for long and soon gets involved in a new love adventure. There is always love in her life, only the person next to her changes. But she is not reckless. Each time she hopes that now she will be lucky, and she will find her "half". Monkeys are afraid of loneliness and dream of a family. To keep a partner, they are ready to make concessions and do a lot for him. Relationships are usually torn not on their initiative. But in the next novel, the Monkey does not become more circumspect. The happiest families are where the partner is chosen without love, out of long-standing friendly affection. From this union, a good partner family is obtained - with constant mutual respect and support. The monkey is compatible in love with, and another Monkey.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility in friendship

There are always a lot of initiative and energetic people next to the Monkey. With friends, she is united not by common secrets and intimate conversations, but by common plans and deeds. The monkey strives for something new and always easily finds “fellow travelers”. She is loyal to her friends and incredibly reliable. She easily pushes morality aside with strangers, but none of her friends can complain about her: she is not treacherous, not deceitful, obligatory, reliable and knows how to keep secrets. Friends trust her. The monkey takes to heart everything that happens with friends, is ready to advise, help, support and help them out. If she has any luck planned, she will not forget to share it with her friends. Friendship breaks only if a friend lets the Monkey down, acts meanly. The monkey is vindictive, she will cross out the offender from among her friends and will take revenge for a long time and ingeniously. If you are honest with the Monkey, he will remain true friend for life. The monkey is compatible in friendship with everyone except and.

People born in the year of the Monkey: work compatibility

A sharp mind and good trainability make the Monkey successful in any job. She reaches the top in many professions and may not even suspect that her true talents are hidden in completely different areas. Failures in work at the beginning of labor activity are perceived by the Monkey as a challenge and stimulate it to new achievements. Therefore, it is not so important what natural talents she has. It will be good everywhere: in art, in politics, jurisprudence, science, business, administrative work. It is better for her to work in a team or lead - people willingly follow her. Working alone will not be so interesting for her.

With the help of energy channels, I will attract cash flow into your life and remove all kinds of blocks that interfere with your material well-being. The result of the work will be noticeable within a week.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Order of the year of the Monkey according to the elements

February 2, 1908 - January 21, 1909

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

The monkey represents the masculine yang principle, the first triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), the element of metal.

The sign of the Monkey has the talent of a designer, sees the essence of any system, a talented artisan. A great sense of humor and childish immediacy make the Monkey sociable and popular. The ability to be surprised preserves youth until old age. Resourceful in commerce and romantic relationship The Monkey is very inquisitive, active in communicating with all sorts of people. Her ingenuity and excellent response to external challenges contribute to the achievement of success in society. A special mockery and some snobbery allow her to rotate in different circles of society, while maintaining the appearance of her superiority over her surroundings. She is erudite, with a good memory for facts, loves competition and often wins over her rivals, because she knows how to use circumstances and mistakes of a competitor. Resourcefulness and the ability to predict win-win options make the Monkey financially wealthy. But she can outwit herself and remain out of work.

Positive qualities of the sign

Resourcefulness even in extreme situations, ingenuity, intellectual talent. The Monkey is always slightly ahead of the rest of the zodiac in terms of innovation, modernization and innovation. A big fashionista is aware of new style trends. Artistic talent can influence the choice of profession. Acting data contribute to popularity in society. The monkey will always provide support, solve problems in an unusual way, thanks to its connections and the gift of foreseeing the development of events.

Negative qualities of the sign

Arrogance, selfishness and distrust of people push the Monkey to impartial acts. Cunning does not always lead to the desired result. She is capable of deceit. In love, she shows possessive instincts, is suspicious and jealous, which makes partnership sometimes unbearable. Vanity is the other side of ambition, it prevents you from realizing real opportunities. Likes to manipulate, sees weaknesses well human nature and uses them for profit. They often lose the direction of the goal and waste their talents on the little things in life.

In the Year of the Monkey you can take risks and win, introduce new ideas and, in general, strive to update your habits, meet new people, find a new hobby. The danger lies in the thoughtlessness and haste of decisions, in exchanging the main goal for small achievements. Local conflicts and force majeure circumstances while traveling are possible. A good year for Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Dog, Pig and Rooster. Difficult year for the Ox. Neutral year for the Rabbit, Dragon and Snake.

Celebrities of this sign

Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, James Cook, Pope John Paul II, Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, Grigory Rasputin, John Milton, Paul Gauguin, Harry Truman, Georgy Zhukov, Ray Bradbury, Vasily Aksenov, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger. Actors: Tom Hanks, Nikolai Karachentsev, Eric Roberts, Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig, Eric Bana, Aaron Eckhard, Gillian Andersen, Ryan Gosling, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Anna Semenovich, Selena Gomez.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Red Fire Monkey

Differs in ups and downs of activity. The monkey of the element of fire can endure conditions of the highest tension in order to achieve the goal, which alternate with a decrease in vitality almost to zero. She has a developed imagination, is extremely inquisitive and agile, loves traveling, studies and teaches others all her life. Very cunning and enterprising, she achieves success in her career and business. Needs forced rest and a change of scenery so as not to become exhausted. Life in constant stress will negatively affect health.

White Metal Monkey

Thanks to the element of metal, white monkey distinguished by purposefulness, willingness to sacrifice a lot for the sake of career success. Leadership qualities help to achieve authority among equals, to surpass the environment in efficiency and enterprise. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the passion to brag and lack of punctuality. Changeability and capriciousness disturb the peace in the house. Monkey compensates for unpredictability and selfishness with a high status in society and a good income.

Yellow Earth Monkey

Differs in the desire for peace, harmony. He likes to decorate the house, furnish it with the latest technology and style. The Earth Monkey is more prudent and economical, successfully applies broad erudition, helps a partner and loved ones with practical advice and money loans. In the field of love, he does not deny himself pleasures, he seeks fidelity and indulgence for his freedom in a partner. It is pleasant and interesting to live with her, if everyday enthusiasm does not irritate.

Black (blue) Water Monkey

The Black Water Monkey is emotional, sociable, charmingly cunning. He can always get what he wants, even in hopeless situations, he remains profitable. She is capable of long-term affection and passionate feelings for her beloved. The Water Monkey should devote a lot of time to himself, it is especially important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Her well-being and success directly depend on her mood and comfortable environment. The most sensitive to the troubles of others among other elements of this sign.

Green Wood Monkey

Unusual originality is given by the element of wood to this sign. He likes to indulge his weaknesses, strives to make an indelible impression on others, therefore he often behaves in society too eccentrically. Strives to improve the partner, his destiny, the planet as a whole. He works very energetically in this direction, it is good if he chooses a medical specialty. On another occasion, Wood Monkey is ready to join the animal rescue movement and become an environmental activist. Needs approval of their actions and their high appreciation. Ambition borders on vanity. Unforgettable in love and fun.

Career and finances of the zodiac signs

At different periods of the month, career ups and stagnations are planned. One part should be devoted to self-knowledge and personal growth, and the other part should be actively moving your business. People who are more interested in a career should better focus on...

Years of the Monkey:

1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

In China, the Monkey is believed to bring success and protection. In the south of the country and in Tibet, families spoke with pride that they were descended from monkeys.

But at the same time, the Chinese believe that unreliable and contradictory people are born this year. Being the most eccentric of all the signs, the Monkey, nevertheless, always remains the soul of society: she has humor, she is sly and cunning.

It seems that the Monkey gets along with all the signs, but this agreement is often just a tactic. She is selfish. Playful, even helpful, the Monkey covers his opinions of others with undeniable friendliness. In fact, she despises all other signs and considers herself superior to the rest.

She is very persuasive and enjoys speaking and participating in discussions. Her friendliness and confident manners help win admirers. She is always happy to help useful advice, although she herself prefers to rely only on her own judgments.

The monkey is smart and well-read; has an outstanding memory, which can only be envied. She is able to remember the smallest details of what she saw, read or heard. Ultimately, she needs this memory, because everything is in a mess with her.

The monkey is unique, has a rich imagination. There are practically no problems for her. She is an optimist, and her life is rich in events and adventures. Having a well-developed survival instinct, she will be able to get out of the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Many Monkeys are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Real monkeys living in packs raise a cry in case of danger, throwing twigs and nuts from the enemy trees. So it is with people. If the Monkey has an enemy, she will not fight him alone. She will convene all her relatives and friends and, having created a “support group”, she will feel confident, climb onto a branch and from an unattainable height she will drop “coconuts” on the enemy, that is, she will fight him from a distance.

Monkey careerist. And she has all the data to succeed. This is an invaluable worker, but wayward, with a strong character. There is almost no field of activity where she could not succeed. However, she is easily distracted and persuaded. She wants to do everything right there, this minute. The easiest obstacle can spoil her mood, bring down her plans.

Thanks to their artistry and ability to work with information, they make good artists, journalists, mediators, secretaries, administrators. They can find their calling in the theater, cinema, television. And they will be happy and successful in this field. Commercial activities will also bring them success.

Monkeys feel the mood of the people around them well, they know how to find the weaknesses of others and use this to achieve their goals. Many Monkeys are skillful schemers, swindlers and charlatans. They are completely devoid of conscience and remember it only when they themselves are treated unfairly. They don't need morality.

The monkey is not scrupulous and can easily lie if it is necessary for the case. It can commit dishonest acts if it is sure of impunity, but the Monkey is easy to catch. Such a flexible consciousness leads some Monkeys to theft, but this cannot be called a rule.

Monkeys are prone to narcissism. They are mesmerized own reflection in the mirror. But with all these negative traits(vanity, deceit, lack of scrupulousness) they are not too angry with the Monkey, since she has succeeded very much in the art of pleasing.

With a variety of talents, she knows how to make money and knows their price, but she loves a chic life too much to deny herself something.

The overactive and active Monkey is actually a melancholic. She has a skeptical view of the world. And where there is skepticism, there is always a training of the intellect. So, with a general non-systematic thinking, the Monkey is by no means stupid. Rather, it can be called abstruse. Her thinking lacks simplicity, and everything else is more than enough.

The symbolism of this sign is multifaceted. Denoting lower forces, darkness, unconscious activity, the Monkey can be both a destroyer and a creator. It all depends on where she directs her strength, which is beyond logic and reason.

The first part of her life will be happy. The second is stormy, vague, her plans will often collapse. The third part will be quiet.

Monkey-man. Characteristic

The Monkey Man is ambitious, resourceful, not devoid of talents. The main property is the incredible physical strength of the Monkey men.

Those born under this sign are mostly careerists. They are especially good at jobs that require communication with people. They are successful in large enterprises, in financial transactions, as well as in all areas where quick wit and awareness are required. Sometimes they are ready to make a deal with their conscience. But in general, they can succeed in any field. Politics, diplomacy, commerce, industry is no secret to them - they can take on everything, afford everything, especially if they have a higher education.

The Monkey Man can achieve fame if he follows his calling. He only has to avoid verbal outpourings that can tire people.

As a rule, Monkeys do not develop relationships with the opposite sex. He himself does not know how to love, and it is difficult to love him. His inner qualities are not conducive to this. He is superficial and selfish, for him the main thing is to be loved. As a rule, the Monkey becomes a dictator in the family. The Monkey man is aggressive, likes to suppress and impose his will. Behind his rigidity and desire to completely control family members are self-doubt, internal instability, low self-esteem and all kinds of fears.

Monkey woman. Characteristic

The Monkey Woman needs a man as the support of life. In them, she is attracted by material security, reliability and intelligence. If family life seems monotonous to her, she easily goes to treason. Woman - Monkey is very touchy. She does not like to listen to the truth in her address.

The main advantages of Monkeys in the field of traditional female values ​​are beauty, peace, comfort, tenderness, care, bottomless eyes, depth and beauty, born of inner peace. After the boundless, irrepressible, sometimes very strange activity of the Monkey men, the female evenness and smoothness are amazing. Balance, harmony, sense of proportion and the abyss of taste. Nothing pathological, no shocking, no defiant gestures.

At the same time, she is inventive and original to the extreme and is able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. But, if she does not immediately begin to implement her ideas, she quits halfway through.

Being very diplomatic and cunning, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. Most Monkeys have absolutely no patterns in behavior, in family relationships in communication with the outside world. It is difficult to catch them by the tail, although you know for sure that they can lie at any moment. Posturing and an irresistible craving for entertainment - this is how you can define its inner essence. She madly loves noisy parties and holidays, where you can show off non-existent virtues. The monkey always tries to be in the center of attention and for the sake of this it is ready to climb out of its skin.

She is independent, and nothing can be imposed or inspired on her.

She will not find happiness in love. Relations between a man and a woman will be bad. Passionate, she will easily find a hobby for herself, but she will quickly get fed up and will look for another love. Unfortunately, these searches will be in vain. Her relationship is unstable.

Innate humor saves her from despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw conclusions accordingly.

To keep a life partner, the Monkey tries to have children. But in most Monkeys, paternal and maternal feelings are poorly developed.

Monkey Varieties

Metal Monkey (1920, 1980, 2040)

Water Monkey (1932,1992, 2052)

Wood Monkey (1944, 2004, 2064)

Fire Monkey (1956, 2016)

Earth Monkey (1908, 1968, 2028)

Born in the Year of the Monkey

Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Rene Descartes, Giordano Bruno, George Byron, Benedict Spinoza, John Milton, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexandra Kollontai, Alexander Herzen, Yegor Ligachev, Boris Polevoy, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Georgy Chicherin, Anton Denikin, Joseph Chamberlain.

The Year of the Monkey is the ninth sign in the Chinese (Eastern) horoscope. Eccentricity, cunning, cunning, sociability - these are all the qualities that are inherent in people born in the year of this funny animal.

This kind and devoted animal endows all its wards with a huge arsenal of spiritual qualities. In our article, we will take a closer look at the Year of the Monkey. What years fell under its influence, and what did this intelligent animal present to the world?

General characteristics

People born in the year of the Monkey are quite selfish. Kind, flirtatious, playful, a little helpful, she hides her true opinion of others, hiding behind these qualities.

The monkey is an intelligent person. She always wants to learn and explore the world from all sides. And her confidence that not a single event will pass without her participation always annoys those around her.

People born in the Year of the Monkey most often have higher education. They are erudite and have an excellent memory. Monkeys are quite inventive and can instantly solve a problem that many simply cannot do.

By nature, the Monkey is an individualist. It is impossible to impose someone else's opinion on her, because she has long had her own version in store.

People born in the year of the Monkey are born careerists, and despite the fact that for the most part they have negative qualities(falsehood, vanity, stinginess), many seek rapprochement with them because of their penetrating mind.

Important Events in the Year of the Monkey

Many fateful events took place in the Year of the Monkey. What years were under her patronage, and what this funny animal gave to people, we will consider below.

According to Eastern calendar The Year of the Monkey occurs every 12 years. And despite the fact that this animal is quite calm and with a soft, easy-going character, fateful historical events during the period of the "reign" of this animal, they nevertheless occurred.

So when was the Year of the Monkey? What years and events were important for world history? This, for example, is 1944, when the world was under the onslaught of fascist invaders.

After that, the Monkey showed itself already in 1956, when the Soviet expedition first landed on the shores of Antarctica. In 1968, a Soviet submarine sank, killing about 105 sailors with it. Also, this year was important for our television, because then for the first time the program “In the World of Animals”, “Time”, as well as the famous film by Gaidai “The Diamond Arm” was released. Here it is so versatile - the year of the Monkey. What other years were under the influence of this intelligent beast? 1980 - it became important for the Soviet cosmonauts, because this year Soyuz-36 was launched.

In 1992, a declaration of completion was signed cold war between the USSR and the USA. important event is also the fact that the world-famous maniac Chikatilo was found guilty of 52 murders.

In 2004, Vladimir Putin was re-elected for a second term. Also during this period, the world was shocked by a terrible event: militants seized a school in Beslan, resulting in the death of more than 300 people, 187 of whom were children. In 2004, the "Orange Revolution" took place in Ukraine.

In the same year, the most terrible earthquake was recorded in the Indian Ocean.

2015 for the Monkey

These 12 months for the “wards” of the Monkey will fly by quite quickly and easily. This year, the Monkeys will achieve prosperity in their careers, learn successful fateful changes and, finally, meet their soul mate. In 2015, people born in the year of this animal will discover their hidden talents and learn something new and useful. Horoscope "Monkey" for 2015 promises a significant advancement in life, new pleasant acquaintances and successful business. Therefore, strive for your goal, no matter what, and do not pay attention to all kinds of difficulties, because these 12 months only portend you good luck.

Horoscope for 2015 according to the signs of the zodiac

What the stars portend for all zodiac signs born in the year of the Monkey, and what they should beware of in 2015, we will find out further.

Aries - Monkey

It should be remembered that this year, Aries should not just squander their

Personal life will be calm and peaceful if you spend more time with your family.

Taurus Monkey

The Monkey horoscope for 2015 suggests that this is just the perfect combination both in career and in love. If you prove yourself, then this year will fly by in one breath. But do not be greedy and greedy, because in a few years you may be rewarded.

Gemini Monkeys

This year, the Gemini will not have to work hard and put effort into improving their financial situation, because the money will be in their wallet anyway. Personal life will be quite eventful, so be careful with connections on the side.

Cancer Monkey

2015 for Monkey-Cancer promises to be restless. Constant problems, conflicts arising from the inability to restrain their emotions will accompany her throughout the year. But everything can be changed if you are a little calmer.

Lion Monkey

This year promises to spend time in pleasant companies. But do not rush to rejoice at the forecast, because this can affect relationships with your loved one. The stars advise not to make mistakes and spend more time with your family.

Virgo Monkey

The horoscope for the Monkey-Virgo speaks of an increase in career ladder and good luck in business. The work will not only bring noticeable profit, but also bring great pleasure.


To achieve good luck, the stars are advised to show their abilities and demonstrate their success.

Scorpio Monkey

This is perhaps the most successful combination for business and career advancement for men. So says the Monkey horoscope 2015. A woman at this time should be careful, because the slightest mistake in work can lead to dismissal or distrust on the part of her superiors.

Monkey Sagittarius

This year, Sagittarius will have to find good friend or other half. The stars advise: do not be afraid of changes in life.

Capricorn Monkey

An ideal year for building relationships, concluding a marriage union and having children. This is what the horoscope says.

The year of the Monkey for Capricorns will be successful if more time is devoted to love, and not to a career. Otherwise, you will have to wander the world in search of your love for a long time.

Monkey Aquarius

You should not be too self-confident, otherwise you can be left with nothing. Do not invest in dubious projects and do not enter into unverified deals.


This year is a time of choice. During this period, you should decide several times - who is more important: family or friends, a favorite job or a well-paid unloved business. The stars say: do not rush, you should think everything over carefully.

The first part of the life of those born in the year of the Monkey, as a rule, proceeds calmly and quietly, unlike the second, which will be filled with various events. The third part will take place in peace and happiness, memories and love. Therefore, we can say with confidence that life will not be lived in vain.

When wondering what the Year of the Monkey means according to the eastern calendar, you need to understand that this is a sign of strong energy, the direction of which each Monkey chooses for himself.

As a rule, the representative of this sign is endowed with strong curiosity and has a well-developed imagination. The value of the year of the Monkey according to the Chinese calendar suggests that a person born at this time is distinguished by an analytical mindset and love of freedom.

What Year of the Monkey can be?

People born in the Year of the Monkey

Year of birth of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004. The presented sign in the western horoscope corresponds to zodiac sign A lion. A person born in one of these years will be distinguished, on the one hand, by inconstancy and unreliability, and on the other, by intelligence and dexterity.

According to the characteristics of those born in the year of the Monkey, representatives of the sign are inventive and active, thanks to which they are able to achieve success in almost all their endeavors. In any case, failures can upset the representative of the sign in earnest.

The fact is that people born in the year of the Monkey want to get everything at once. Nevertheless, the Monkey can be easily distracted from negative thoughts.

If we consider love relationship this person, we can conclude that in this matter he is inclined to be in constant search. A person's preferences are strongly influenced by the year of the Monkey; what years of birth give rise to such fickle, freedom-loving and eccentric people?

Chinese horoscope Monkey

According to Chinese horoscope Monkeys, the childhood of the representative of the sign will pass happily and without any problems.

At a more mature age, this person will be able to achieve great success in his career. Old age will be the most difficult time, as there will be a risk of being alone, away from family members.

The eastern horoscope of the Monkey says that the representative of the sign is eager to be in the spotlight and is ready to do a lot for this: he learns quickly, exudes optimism and loves intellectual conversations.

The representative of the sign needs to keep an amulet made of Monkey stone - opal, which will help to achieve harmony in relationships.

Characteristics of the sign Monkey

According to the characteristics of the year of the Monkey, the sign gives a person sociability and the ability to get along with everyone around. However, the Monkey zodiac sign is a sign of somewhat envious people who are painfully concerned with the successes and victories of others.

If we consider the love relationship of a representative of the sign, it is necessary to understand that the characteristic of the Monkey sign is as follows: this person is capable of the most deep and sincere feelings, but because of its inconstancy, it can set off in search of a new object of admiration.

Video: Year of the Monkey on the Chinese calendar

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