Home Signs and beliefs Energy of love. The energetic connection between a man and a woman How to use the energy of your love

Energy of love. The energetic connection between a man and a woman How to use the energy of your love

The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the central topics that, one way or another, affects each of us. Here are some secrets that will allow you to take a different look at this phenomenon, as well as expand your understanding of what relationships are, how to build them correctly and what to do to create and keep a happy union for many years.

Today you will find out

Secrets of relationships

  1. In a relationship, everyone seeks attention.

    If either party doesn't receive enough attention, the relationship is doomed to fail. Nothing puts your relationship at risk more than lack of attention. Negative actions, bad character or bad habits are small things compared to this.

    There are two forms of attention- male and female. A woman is expected to listen to her interlocutor, being completely absorbed in what he involves her in. The female form of attention does not resist or contradict; she unconditionally agrees with everything that a man offers. This is the type of attention a man looks for in a woman. He needs his girlfriend to always be attentive, understanding and interested in everything he says or offers, and also to always agree to have sex with him.

    The male form of attention is involvement in the process. A man tries to involve those in whom he is interested in the process of forming new impressions. He tries to set a direction in everything, as well as offer something new - something that, in his opinion, is worthy of attention. If a woman stops paying attention to such things, a man loses interest in her.

  2. There is a connection between a man and a woman at the energy level.
    An invisible channel appears between people who have been in a relationship for some time. When people break up, it continues to function, pumping energy into one of the partners and causing suffering in the other. Therefore, at a distance, a man and a woman will alternately feel worse and better.

    When breaking up, it is very important to forgive the person, thank him for everything and let him go. Then the connection will begin to gradually dissolve.

  3. Before starting a relationship with a woman, a man needs to divorce his mother.
    Mom is the very first woman in a man’s life. Each boy is in close contact with her until the age of 12. Then comes a period when the child comes under the jurisdiction of the father, who must teach him to be a man. But this does not always happen. Sometimes a man remains in close contact with his mother until later in life.

    Such a mother may sometimes not let her son go, much less she will not give him to some girl. Instead, she will rule him and his life, not giving him the opportunity to take a step on his own. Let's face it, such a person cannot be called a real man, and a relationship with him is unlikely to bring anything good.

  4. Often a woman subconsciously wants to deprive a man of his masculinity so that he will never leave her.
    Nature placed the burden of discoverer, explorer and innovator on men's shoulders. Masculinity manifests itself when it is necessary to overcome obstacles, introduce new orders, explore new things, and bring prey into the house.

    A woman is like a riddle that a man solves over and over again. This is what attracts him to her. But sometimes a woman begins to worry that her lover will want to explore someone other than her.

    In such cases, the woman interrupts the man’s desire to know anything, and he turns into an obedient son who satisfies her needs for someone to study and serve her. But, alas, this is no longer a real man, because in such situations all his masculinity, as a rule, comes to naught.

  5. A man's status is directly proportional to the female love he receives.

    In order for a man to be successful in everyday life and achieve more and more, give him a lot of support and love. This applies not only to wives, but also to mothers.

    If you notice that you don't have enough money or something else, you need to make sure that the man receives enough energy and support from his woman. With her faith in him, she must make him believe that she is unsurpassed and that he can handle anything. In this state, a man is guaranteed to achieve and earn more.

  6. Love is closely related to the development of each person in a couple. If there is no development, there is no love.

    If your significant other speaks negatively about your desire to study, work and learn something new, you should think about the fact that there is most likely no love in this relationship.

    Provided both receive enough attention, such disagreements should be cause for concern. If your significant other does not allow you to go to work, courses or a seminar, does not allow you to read or buy books, and also prohibits other activities that you like and develop you, most likely you are in a codependent relationship where there is no place for love. This is more like a relationship between victim and executioner, which very often suits both partners due to their internal traumas and predispositions.

  7. A man is a woman's mirror. If you are not happy with something about him, look for the reason in yourself.
    If the second person does not develop you and makes you suffer, and you do not break up, then this relationship is beneficial for both.

    If you are in this situation, think about what your partner gives you. This could be anything - an opportunity to sort out some issues for yourself or the implementation of a generic scenario.

  8. To win a woman, a man needs to win in her eyes. To defeat a man, a woman must lose to him.

    Feminine energy is horizontal, and male energy is vertical. A man needs to grow upward and achieve greater and greater heights, while he will become stronger and more successful. As for a woman, if she chooses the vertical path, while defeating men, she will be exhausted and tired at the end of the game. Such a woman becomes more lonely and unhappy the more victories she wins.

    Having chosen a horizontal path of development, a woman seems to admit her defeat to men and does not strive to defeat them. But at the same time, she gains peace and balance, the right people come into her life, she feeds her energy to a man who achieves his goal for her sake. Such a woman wins as a result.

  9. A man wants to turn his woman into a Queen, and a woman needs a ready-made King.

    A woman dreams of her man helping her to know herself. So that he does not pass by her various phenomena and helps her become better. Only the King, who has already dealt with his childhood fears and calmed the spirit of his ancestors, is capable of this.

    To make a King out of a man, you need to treat him like a King, recognize his merits and dignity. And next to such a man, a woman is always in a state of happiness and abundance.

  10. A woman loves with her ears, so it’s not so important WHAT a man says, what’s important is HOW.

    A man's voice greatly influences a woman's condition. If he speaks to her in a tone that is unpleasant for her, then the woman will most likely refuse the man’s attention. And lack of attention will discourage success from a man. Therefore, the King knows that for faster progress in business and a good atmosphere at home, he needs to speak kindly to his woman.

These 10 secrets are a great opportunity to review yours and take them to a whole new level. With their help, you can put in order not only your family affairs, but also significantly advance financially. So don't miss your chance!

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Along with questions about how to free yourself from energy bindings, magicians are often asked how, on the contrary, to strengthen them, and whether it is possible to do this independently and safely. The answer is - it is possible! I will be only glad if the practices that I give you are useful to you. I once received them myself from my teachers, and now I am happy to tell the readers of my blog about them. So, how to establish a strong energetic connection with your loved one? There are many ways to do this, and not necessarily magical ones. The main thing is to know the basic principle of the formation and existence of these connections.
At the moment of acquiring a new relationship or to maintain existing ones, you need to invest your inner warmth and energy into them. Each person has his own “account” in the “bank of emotions” of another person. It is on this principle that all relationships between people are based. You are for me, and I am for you. Any relationship is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two partners. Whether you like it or not, you need to accept this axiom so that you can move forward successfully.
The main tool in creating or strengthening an energetic connection is the subconscious.
Plus, of course, you will need some patience. The material world is inert and slow to change, so it takes time to fulfill your desire. To do this, allocate at least five to ten minutes a day. The best time for this is at night, when you have already gone to bed and closed your eyes. Another favorable time is the morning, when you have just woken up and have not yet had time to open your eyes. In this relaxed state, you are between sleep and wakefulness. At this moment, the gates of the subconscious are most open to influence.
1. Merger. Imagine your lover standing in front of you. Unite with him in complete love, let your imagination merge your bodies and souls into one. Penetrate each other, connect every cell of your bodies, become one whole at the energy level. Imagine that real diffusion of your cells has occurred. You penetrated each other with your whole body, your whole being. Now imagine that rose and lotus petals are falling on you from the sky and surrounding you with a magical, beautiful aroma. Both of you are engulfed in a golden and green glow that gets brighter and brighter. This light becomes so bright that it floods everything around. At the moment of visualization, it is necessary to maintain concentration on the Anahata (heart) chakras, and at the moment of unification on Svadhisthana (the area below the navel), and also evoke a feeling of love, tenderness and interpenetration. This will replenish your emotional “balance” in your partner’s account and will constantly refresh your feelings.
In real life, do not forget to replenish this balance by giving your lover various nice things and gifts, massages and various services, this strengthens the relationship and adds love.
2. Love telepathy. How to convey to your partner the necessary thoughts, feelings and emotions about you and your harmonious union. To do this, take a photo of the person to whom you want to convey your “message”. If you don’t have a photograph, you can draw an object on paper, write its name and date of birth. Try to feel his presence. All people constantly unconsciously receive and emit subtle information in the form of energy impulses-waves. Everyone is on their own wavelength. To tune in to the wave of the person you want to attach to you, you need to focus on him and feel him nearby.
- plunge into a light trance and relax your body muscles;
- look carefully at the photograph (drawing) of this person, 1-3 minutes. Focus on it;
- close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically;
- mentally say the words that you want to convey to him;
- imagine how your thoughts move to the frontal chakra, Ajna (third eye, area of ​​the bridge of the nose) and radiate from there in the form of a golden ray of energy;
- this golden ray reaches this person, penetrates through his third eye into his head and is fixed there with light, bright - yours! - images.
It sounds difficult, but in fact it is all easy, especially if you practice. The time to perform this practice is 5 minutes every day. To make the effect stronger, you can do this 3 times a day.
3. "Night mail". Forming energy connections during sleep is especially effective. Therefore, you can transmit your thoughts and images when he (she) is sleeping. When a person sleeps, during REM sleep, the conscious mind exchanges information with the subconscious. At the same time, programming of the brain occurs (behavior, instincts, metabolism). At this time, the words you put into his mental stream will be very powerful.
4. Solar circle. Helps ignite the flame of love in the heart of the one you like.
This practice can be done anytime and anywhere if you want to win the heart of your loved one. Performed in close contact or at a far distance. Works for both men and women. It is also advisable to perform it at night, when your lover is sleeping.
- close your eyes and imagine both of you in a certain outlined circle, the boundaries of which can be any;
- imagine the shining Sun above you;
- now focus on the feelings of love for this person;
- put all your love and your image into this Sun;
- then order the Sun to fly to this person, penetrate into his very heart and kindle a fiery love for you there;
- hold the Sun and your image in its heart for 3-5 minutes;
- imagine that the boundaries of the circle have moved a little, thus bringing this person closer to you. Then let go of the vision.
Repeat daily for 28 days and soon you will notice that the person has become indifferent to you.
It works very effectively and is not a love spell. The sun does not leave negative consequences and the love from the sun is strong and pure.
By the way, all the practices listed above are not a love spell. They work exclusively on the energy of desire and intention. Which, in general, is, in essence, the magic that every person owns. Well, if something suddenly doesn’t work out, you don’t have enough patience or time, then you can always entrust the fulfillment of your desires to professionals.
Good luck!

Probably, each of us, sooner or later, begins to worry about the question: how to build an ideal relationship with your soulmate? It turns out that it’s all about energy, which can be both feminine and masculine. To answer such a difficult question, you first need to understand the differences between these two types of energy.

Shaping the energy of love

The love energy field appears in the form of a luminous ball in which there is a couple united by a huge number of light rays. This ball glows brighter the stronger the love. Tides of feelings for a partner are reflected on the surface of the field with flashes and radiance. The ball darkens when negative emotions arise. Negative energy has a destructive effect on the ball, and over time it splits, as a result of which relationships between people are destroyed.

Lovers are united with each other through seven main chakras, corresponding to certain areas of their lives: with money, with creativity and sexuality, with the state here and now, with love, with understanding in communication, with the idealization of a partner, with spiritual unification. The main thing is that interaction occurs across all chakras. Then the couple will be closed, and the energy filling both will be powerful. However, in practice, people often do not pair up, even though they live together.

Women's energy of love

The inner world of a woman is a world of feelings. There is an infinite amount of love in him, which she can give to anyone she wants. Therefore, a woman with a developed heart chakra loves easily, without making any effort and without convincing herself to do it. If such a chakra is not open for her, then it is very difficult for her to love someone.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to meet a woman who sincerely loves and is truly happy in such love. In most cases, the heart chakra turns out to be closed, so even if she falls in love, she makes unimaginable efforts on herself. Often this happens due to fear. A modern woman is afraid to let a man into her heart, she is afraid to make a mistake and be left with nothing. It is for this reason that warm relationships do not develop, and therefore the emergence of simple love becomes almost impossible. In such cases, women need a push, a first step on the part of a man, proving his feelings. Most of these women spend their whole lives waiting, since the man does not take this step, without feeling any sympathy on her part. But the woman is simply afraid.

A man specifically chooses a woman who lights him up, inspires him to take action and achieve some kind of achievement. This is especially evident at the beginning of a relationship. Therefore, when a man wants to act, he is influenced by love from a woman.

It turns out that a man draws from a woman’s love the strength necessary to move forward. This is all the invisible force of love energy. If a man does not receive the necessary norm of this bright feeling, then he becomes lack of initiative and inactive.

Men's energy of love

By nature, every man has a wonderful ability - the ability to create. However, not everyone knows how to use it. This is due to a blockage of the material chakra, which, like in women, occurs due to fear. Here the main thing for a man is to realize his phobias, free himself from them and, no matter what, act. After all, a man needs the ability to earn money not only to conquer a woman, but also for himself. After all, he feels confident only when he is successful in business and earns enough to provide well for his family.

A woman, in turn, must be able to accept what her partner has created for her. Therefore, the matter of providing for the family (and if the woman also earns), primacy, should be left to the man. In this regard, many women make certain mistakes that prevent the male material chakra from opening up. Therefore, in such couples, the man either loses the ability to earn money or does not send the money he earns to the couple. Similar female mistakes are combined into a number of behavioral models:

  1. A woman seeks control over a man;
  2. A woman does not want to be a dependent;
  3. A woman wants to be better, more capable than a man;
  4. A woman wants to be independent.

For women who correspond to any of the above models, interaction in a couple with the help of the first chakra does not occur and the couple does not close. Consequently, energy metabolism is disrupted. It should be remembered that male and female energy cannot be equalized. Each is a leader in their field, and only interaction will enrich both. Everything is in the hands of people, because the decision they make is to fight for leadership or develop, love and be happy.

The mysterious energy of love - meditation, video

Energy of love

Love allows a person to move to a new, higher harmonious energy level. To love is the same individual human ability as absolute pitch or the ability to do mathematics. Many people are not capable of love, and not because they are some kind of flawed or undeveloped people, it’s just that their body is designed in such a way that the feeling of love is inaccessible to them. Such people may experience love, affection, gratitude for another person, but they cannot love. Love rebuilds the energy of the body, completely changing the energy parameters of a person. It does not matter at all whether the feeling of love is mutual or unrequited.

The energy of love sharpens all other feelings and abilities of a person, dramatically increases immunity, and the body becomes healthy. But if he cannot cope with the increased energy level, he may “burn out” or even “burn out” completely. Intuitively, a person knows how much energy he needs and calmly gives away its excess to others. When he loves, he wants to embrace the whole world and make it happy, he wants to give the moon to his beloved, he writes poems and sings songs. A loving person shines and radiates light, it is pleasant to be next to him. The best creations of the human spirit are created by loving people. Very rarely does the energy of creativity manage to reach the heights of the energy of love, but the energy of love, on the contrary, always reaches the heights of creativity.

A loving person even sees the world around him more colorful and bright, noticing all the nuances and feeling the slightest changes. The world itself, as it were, helps him realize his desires, because the high energy of love attracts many favorable opportunities to a person.

The energy of love does not tolerate restrictions on freedom by the loving or beloved person himself. Situations like “if you love me, you will move to another job”, or “if you love me, you will not go to visit your mother so often”, “if you love me, then we will go to the theater”, as well as any restrictions on one’s own freedom: “I love her and therefore I won’t watch football, because she asked me to,” “I don’t like washing dishes, but I’ll do it for her sake” - lead to the accumulation of fatigue, irritation and, as a result, a decrease in energy and gradual loss of love. Another option is also possible: loving people will not be able to live together, they will separate and love each other from a distance.

The following conditions sharply reduce energy:

Irritability - a person does not like the actions of his partner and begins to think that he is doing the wrong thing. Hence, constant thoughts about incorrect or untimely actions, which cause feelings of irritation and dissatisfaction, provoke resentment and mutual misunderstanding.

I worked with Lyudmila Sergeevna, a wonderful, calm woman, whose husband was in love with her as in his youth, although they had already celebrated their silver wedding. Three beautiful children doted on their mother and treated her very tenderly, always trying to help whenever possible (two of them already had their own families).

Once a young employee Lenochka, who had recently gotten married, said to Lyudmila Sergeevna: “How lucky you are with your husband, now there are no such things! And your mother-in-law is a wonderful woman. Well, why are some people so lucky, but my husband and I got a lazy and slob, and my mother-in-law just wants to throw me out of the world? Maybe you know some kind of witchcraft?

“I just love and respect my husband, girl.” – Lyudmila Sergeevna answered. – When we got married, I asked Volodya (my husband) to wash the dishes, and I decided to clean the room in order to quickly finish my household chores and go for a walk. He agreed. I quickly cleaned the room and looked into the kitchen. My first instinct was to kick my husband out of the kitchen and do everything myself, but I quickly returned to the room and wiped the dust again to calm down. Maybe this is how they wash dishes in his house? Maybe this is the first time he's doing the dishes for me? I calmed down, and when Volodya brought the washed dishes into the room (we lived in a communal apartment), I sincerely thanked him and kissed him. Since then I have never watched him wash dishes. And Volodya liked washing dishes, he still does it, and I sincerely admire him. My husband is a wonderful person and I love him. Of course, he has shortcomings, but they don’t annoy me and I don’t pay attention to them. I am grateful to my mother-in-law - she gave birth to and raised the person I love. That’s why I never quarreled with her – any quarrel requires two people. We have a calm, even relationship, although she sometimes still reminds us that it would be better if Volodya married Nina, a more thrifty and tidy woman. I “turn a deaf ear” to her words, the main thing is not to succumb to irritation or jealousy. Every year I love Volodya more and more, and he loves me. Of course, we could give vent to our irritation, dissatisfaction or bad mood - quarrel, and then get divorced. Everything happens in life. But we love and value each other too much and take care of our family.

Love itself does not give happiness to a person, I thought. We must not ruin it with our own stupidity and immoderate ambitions. If a person loves and is ready to make concessions, you should not abuse this.

Love can come to a person at any age, but most often we encounter it in our youth, when our energy is most active. Even in the most unfavorable case, the energetic impact remains with a person for life, improving health and discovering new abilities.

It often happens that a loving person is very finely attuned to the object of his love, perceiving his desires and thoughts even before he expresses everything in words.

Once they told me the following story: a girl fell in love with a young man, and she began to have strange dreams. She felt like a man, walked with a girl through an apple orchard, served in the army in another country, won skiing competitions. After she married her beloved, it turned out that she saw his life in her dreams, and the young man did not tell anyone about some of the events from it. A loving soul penetrated the information field and read information about the partner.

Often loving people feel and know what is happening with their other halves. The energy of one such person tunes into the energy of the second and experiences all events with him (some people tune in very well, to the point that they know where the person is and what he is doing, others can only feel their emotional state).

I worked with a woman who was married to a loved one. At some point in their life together, she developed unusual abilities: if she wanted to see what her husband was doing now, she closed her eyes - and she always saw it. It was good that they loved each other and were a single being, more capable and fortunate than each individual, otherwise it would not always be convenient for them.

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Where do you think fairy tales and legends come from? That's right, from life. But did you know that the sacred knowledge and parting words of our ancestors are encoded in fairy tales familiar from childhood?

Fairy tales have been passed down by word of mouth for centuries to preserve important information and encrypted instructions for self-development for future generations.

One of these fairy tales...

We have all been familiar with the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm¹ “The Magic Pot” since childhood. Some people read it themselves, others had their parents or grandmothers read it to them at night... But few people realize that this fairy tale is actually magical, you just need to decipher it correctly.

This fairy tale says that a kind witch gave one girl a magic pot that cooked porridge when asked. The porridge in the pot appeared on its own, without any food...

What is hidden in the fairy tale “The Magic Pot”?

This unique tale contains an energizing method that helps you attract love into your life and make yourself and others happy. How?

Let's imagine that the pot is an ordinary person, just like you and me. What can we “cook”, that is, generate, without needing additional incentives? Of course, our thoughts, emotions and feelings.

In the fairy tale, the pot made everyone joyful and happy, but what makes people truly happy? That's it - love. Only this sincere unconditional feeling can give happiness.

If you imagine that our heart is that magic pot, and give it a mental order to “cook” love, then love will fill your entire body.

Your eyes and skin will shine with love, and the whole space around you will be filled with love. It is enough to simply give yourself an internal command and support it with the necessary thoughts.

It is especially good to fill yourself with the energy of love in the morning, when you just woke up, and in the evening, when your consciousness begins to “fall” into sleep. At this time, our subconscious mind is most sensitive and perceives the orders that we give it.

Try to imagine how the pink energy of love envelops you from the inside. Think about those you love and what makes you happy.

Then mentally give the command to your subconscious to generate the energy of love throughout the night and throughout the next day.

Do this every day and you will be surprised at the changes that will happen in your life!

The energy of love will surround everything!

Filled with the energy of love, you will radiate it into space. Try to consciously direct the pink rays and warmth to your room, home, the food you cook and eat, the objects that surround you, etc.

Give the energy of love to your loved ones, friends and just those you meet along the way. Imagine how a radiant pink haze envelops a person, fills him with love and gives bliss and joy.

How to change reality using the energy of love?

If you have an important meeting or an important interview ahead of you, send the energy of love ahead of you. Try to imagine the place and people you will communicate with and fill them with your love.

Visualize², feel that the flow of love is becoming brighter and more powerful, giving joy and happiness to people and space. This is real magic - the magic of love!

Even before you meet, people will be friendly to you, and when you ask them, they will try to help solve your problems in the best way for you.

The energy of love can protect from troubles!

To do this, just imagine the one you want to protect in a pink haze of love. Think fondly of this person. Tell him mentally: “I love you! I send you the energy of love, let it protect you!”

How to make your sleep healthy and always fill yourself with love?

The bed is the place in which people spend a significant part of their lives. What if you use it to always be charged with love? This is easy to do:

1. You should clean the bed well - vacuum mattresses, shake pillows, wipe off dust (even in the most difficult to reach places), remove old bed linen.

2. Then you need to clear the space above the bed with a lit candle, prayer or mantra. For example, a mantra that works well is OM MANI PADME HUNG³.

4. During this action, you need to imagine how all the negativity and old emotions disappear.

5. After the ritual, it is important to lay out fresh linen with thoughts of love. It is useful to mentally thank the bed for rest and good dreams.

6. In conclusion, you need to saturate the bed with the pink mist of love and put into this energy a mental image of what you want - a great rest, interesting dreams, etc.

The pink mist of love will work even when you are not around, filling the bed with love. It is important to thank the energy of love for its help.

After being filled with such energy, people note that their sleep has become deeper and healthier, and for many the pain has gone away.

Often the events that happen after this practice are pleasantly surprising!

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