Home Horoscope for tomorrow Soulmate for Geminis. Spiritual Relationships: Twin Souls and Soul Mates A beautiful story about twin souls

Soulmate for Geminis. Spiritual Relationships: Twin Souls and Soul Mates A beautiful story about twin souls

Continuation of Yeshua's channeling “Relationships in the New Age”

Twin souls

And now I would like to talk about the concept of twin souls, which may be familiar to all of you. The thought of twin souls is very attractive to you. however, it is potentially quite dangerous because it can be interpreted in such a way that it will increase the pain of birth and emotional dependence on each other rather than relieve it.

This happens when you perceive the concept of twin souls in such a way that there is another person who is a perfect match for you, making you “whole.” This is the concept of the twin soul as your “other half.” Then you recognize that the unity and security that you so deeply lack can be found in someone else, a perfect match for you.

According to this "immature" concept of twin souls, souls are viewed as two halves working together to create a unity. Usually the two halves are male and female, respectively. So, this concept not only implies that you are inferior in yourself, but also necessarily of “female” or “male” [gender]. You can probably see that this concept of twin souls is spiritually unhealthy or unhelpful.

It makes you dependent on someone outside of you. it denies your divine origin, which implies that you are ALL, male and female, that you are whole and complete in yourself. It creates all kinds of illusions that take you far from home. By "home" I mean your own self, the divinity of your "self." No soul was meant to be anyone's soul mate.

Twin souls actually exist; literally, they are what the word means: they are twins. These are souls with the same "feeling tone" or vibration, or you could say born at the same time, as in the case of biological twins. The specific time of birth, this unique moment in time and space, constitutes a uniquely charged sensitive tone within the born souls. They are not dependent on each other in any way. They are neither male nor female. But they are definitely attuned to each other, like kindred spirits.

What is the reason for twin souls? Why do they exist? Ah... you often think that the reason something exists is because of the learning process it (existence) influences. But not in the case of twin souls. The goal is simply joy and creativity. Twin souls have no function within duality. The reason twin souls exist is not to learn anything. You will meet your twin soul when you move beyond duality, when you re-identify with the God within, whole, undivided, capable of taking on any form or appearance. The twin souls meet again on the way back home.

Let's go back to the beginning of the journey for a moment. The moment you leave the state of oneness and become individual, you enter into duality. Suddenly there appears darkness and light, big and small, sick and healthy, etc. Reality is split. You no longer have criteria for who you really are. In the beginning, you identified yourself as “part of the whole.” Now, you are a separate part, separated from the whole. But without your awareness, someone accompanies you, someone who is equal to you, who resembles you more than anything else. You occupied “one space” in the blanket of unity, so close to each other that you didn’t even know there were two of you until you were born.

What connects the two of you is beyond duality, something that precedes the history of duality. This is difficult to put into words because it goes against your normal definitions of identity, in which you are either one or two, but you cannot be both at the same time.

So you both go on a journey, a long journey through many experiences. You have both experienced the extremes of duality to gradually discover that your essence lies not in duality, but outside of it, in something that lies at the core of it. Once you become deeply aware of the underlying unity, you begin the journey back. Little by little you feel less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige. You increasingly understand that the key is not what you experience, but how you experience it. You create your own happiness or unhappiness through your state of awareness. You are exploring the power of your own consciousness.

One day, after going through all the ups and downs of duality, the moment will come when you will meet your twin soul. In the energy and appearance of your twin soul you will recognize the deepest part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and through this recognition you will begin to understand yourself better, you will begin to realize who you truly are. Your twin is your benchmark, taking you beyond the limited beliefs you have been fed and accepted in this and previous lives. You are liberated by seeing yourself reflected in your twin; This is just a reminder, it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Your meeting helps each of you become strong, self-aware individuals expressing your creativity and love on Earth. It speeds up your journey back because... helps you step into a higher level of unity while fully preserving and expressing your self, your unique individuality.

In the end, we are all one. We are supported by the energy that is universal in all of us. But at the same time, each of us has individuality. The twin soul is the link between individuality and unity. It is like a stepping stone towards unity. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy is born from their joint action. This energy always helps to increase the awareness of oneness on a larger scale than just the two of them.

Because they are on the path Home, twin souls seek to anchor the energies of love and unity on Earth; they do this in a way that relates to their unique talents and skills. Thus, the love of twin souls builds a stepping stone on the path between “being one” and “being One.”*

There is a deep inner connection between twin souls, but it does not change the fact that they are complete units in themselves. Their connection causes love and joy, their meeting enhances creativity and self-realization. They support each other without falling into the traps of emotional dependence or attachment. Love between twin souls is not meant to make each other whole, but to create something new: instead of two becoming one, two become three.
* pun: “one” - one, “One” - Single (translator’s note).

Each of us has a twin soul, or twin flame, that was created with us at the very beginning. God created you and your twin flame from a single “white body of fire.” The legend of twin flames said that only highly spiritual people can meet their true soul mate.

What kind of twin soul is she?

You are drawn to this person, but not by passion, but by spiritual closeness, in which case it could be a soul mate. And with a twin flame, everything happens very quickly, sometimes you instantly realize that this is the one, it’s difficult to describe in words, you feel it as much in your heart as in every cell of your body. A twin flame is seen as two halves working together to create oneness. Twin flames form an energetic cocoon, i.e. a single auric egg is the merging of two auras into one. Twin souls very strongly feel the need for each other, because... are one whole, but this connection does not begin to manifest itself immediately.

By merging with your twin flame, achieving the harmony of this fusion, you significantly increase the frequency of your vibration, while simultaneously leaving everything old in the past. The twin soul is the link between individuality and unity. It is like a stepping stone towards unity. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy is born from their joint action. This energy always helps to increase the awareness of oneness on a larger scale than just the two of them.

Your twin is your benchmark, taking you beyond the limited beliefs you have been fed and accepted in this and previous lives. You are liberated by seeing yourself reflected in your twin; This is just a reminder, it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Your meeting helps each of you become strong, self-aware individuals expressing your creativity and love on Earth. It helps you step into a higher level of unity while fully preserving and expressing your self, your unique individuality.

What kind of relationship can there be between you?

The relationship between twin souls exists on a higher platform of reality. Their interactions also vibrate much higher as they contact in a way that souls in higher dimensions do. Their one connection serves to elevate them to a higher platform. Thus the combination of their energies lifts them to a higher vibrating existence. This creates a new network for two. These souls were connected together for a much longer period of time than the other souls they came into contact with. The connection is purer due to the resonance between the two of them. Twin souls come together in the lower dimensions for the purpose of support and strengthening, and thus they are devoted to each other, but they also remember how to play well together. Each reality can have its own twin because each reality has a different purpose and exists in different dimensions. A new reality is a rebirth, a new beginning, and thus it can mean a new soul - a twin, if necessary. But it is indeed exactly the same soul energy at the core of all twin soul connections, even if in different forms.

The emotional bonds that exist between twin souls are what I call “otherworldly.” They do not fit into any box of lower levels of reality, or lower level descriptions of how things work in third dimensional society.

How to find out your twin soul?

You have a deep, strong and keen devotion to each other.

You feel anxious, distraught, and mortally wounded at the thought of separation. You cannot imagine existing without a twin soul, and the thought and experience of this brings deep pain and sadness that cannot be healed.

You come alive when you are together. Everything is suddenly larger than life, and feelings are wonderfully correct and good in a world of magic, high energy, sudden creativity, with rich and bright colors of a marvelous palette. Any other connections are dull in comparison.

You have an unprecedented heart connection. It is an incredible cord that connects your hearts together, and whether you are aware of it or not, you feed each other energy through your heart chakras.

You care immensely for each other's well-being, and always need to know that the other is okay.

You support each other in every possible way, and it's never about you, but about your twin's happiness.

You can communicate telepathically with ease.

You want the same things in life.

When you're in the same space... the same room or even the same city, things happen. Magical synchronicities occur, things manifest out of nowhere, and all your thoughts create the movement of energies in an instantaneous manner.

You smile a lot when you are together, and in addition, you can be depressed at the same time too. Relationships aren't always great between the two of you.

You can't hurt each other's feelings, and if that happens, you make things right immediately.

You don't feel the need to have sex, live together, or start a family. You may not even be physically attracted to each other. You just know that there is a wonderful connection between the two of you, and it has no definition in physical reality. This is a heart connection.

Although twin souls are usually similar in many ways, the ways in which they are different serve to perfectly balance each other. What one lacks, another has in abundance in a completely natural way. So twin souls form a perfect puzzle and complement each other.

Additionally, when twin souls are together, any unbalanced energies within each of them will naturally unfold and come into balance on their own within minutes.

Some pairs of twins before incarnation enter into the following “agreement”: they ask their mentors that after birth protective “shells” (which are layers of lessons and tests) are “inserted” into their biofields for the recognition codes of their twin flame. A difficult concept to explain in “earthly” language, but quite accessible to the soul’s memory.

This means that by vibration this couple will not recognize each other until they go through a series of ego-mind tests together. After successfully completing a series of lessons, protective “shells”, due to the high vibrations of new awareness, are transformed into a component of the energy of creativity, and recognition codes are activated. And here the same recognition of twin souls occurs.

Patricia Joudry, Mowry D. Pressman

Chapter 6. How to recognize a “twin”.

What is special about twin soul kinship? How is their relationship different from any other good relationship? The difference is this: maintaining good relationships between people contributes to their harmonious development and brings different points of view into harmony. As for the relationship between twin souls, they are based on a sense of unity - unity of views, unity of purpose and unity of understanding. If twin souls diverge from each other in their development, then only for a short time and on a personal level. They develop as a single whole, without creating obstacles to each other with the speed and direction of their development. This is the reason why the reunited twin souls are advancing so quickly.

"Twins" have a unity of views. All people, climbing the mountain of evolution, are at different points. Each of them has his own panorama, and what everyone sees is true for him. If people stand on opposite sides of this mountain, then the panorama that opens before them is radically different, but for those whose paths pass nearby, it is almost the same. And only twin souls are both in the same place. They see with one eye - the third eye, which serves as a means of spiritual vision. This does not deny their individual vision of the same panorama. It’s just that the differences between them complement and improve the perception of each individually. If this were not so, the exclusive vision of each of them could not awaken their interest in each other. The balance of creative tension between them is the prospect of spiritual growth and the achievement of final perfection in co-creation.

Twin souls have no doubt that they met not by chance. The reason for this meeting may be revealed to them gradually, and this revelation will occur as a result of their concentrated attention, since in the depths of their souls both "twins" realize that life is more than just the fulfillment of divine purpose. In preparation for the meeting, they gain knowledge of which direction to go. Therefore, having become one, they devote themselves to the service in which they find their purpose.

Twin souls have unity of feelings. It is in love that the unity of twin souls is most obvious, but this love is far from romantic. This is the love of the soul, which goes far beyond the individual and embraces a single whole. The injunction to “love your neighbor as yourself” is truly difficult to follow ideally, because we cannot know for sure how our neighbor feels. There is still a division here. As for twin souls, there is no separation (of course, there are two separate personalities, but, in essence, they are inseparable). Only “twins” who are in unity of feelings with each other can love their partner as themselves, since each half is the essence of the other half.

There is no rivalry between twin souls. There is no desire to surpass each other here: neither of the “twins” seeks to either rise above the other or humiliate the other. A distinctive feature of the love of twin souls is the desire not to harm each other. In this love there is no place for deliberate insults, no reproaches towards the partner, no impulses to take revenge. Even if one inflicts pain on another unintentionally or by mistake, he himself will be the first to feel it. Everyone shows exceptional care towards their neighbor, trying not to cause him pain, and takes this pain upon themselves.

We want to emphasize that the reality of twin souls is an ideal. This is the ideal of any relationship, and it is available to everyone who is ready to follow the path of complete soul realization.

First meeting.

The first meeting of twin souls is always unforgettable. This is a very important event on a spiritual level, and its significance is reflected throughout life. Then follows a series of events marking the "linking" of souls, as reflected by a pair of symbolic rings, which on a higher level in fact always remained linked.

Here is one such example: a woman was introduced at a party to a famous speaker - a scientist whose work she had long admired. She congratulated him on his success and expressed her respect. He looked at her with an almost hypnotic gaze, and suddenly something prompted him to say: “We will work together in the future.” He was surprised because he had never noticed in himself either the gift of predicting the future or any other supernatural abilities. The words seemed to just come out of his mouth. She felt the energy emanating from him, as well as a strange excitement that eventually made them both accept the fact that they were twin souls. They really came together in common work and contributed to new scientific knowledge. The events of this meeting remained in their memory forever.

Drama often accompanies the meeting of twin souls, for this very topic is the essence of the drama. Particularly unforgettable experiences are conveyed in the autobiography of Ingaret Giffard " The Way Things Happen" ("This is how it happens"). Ingaret Giffard, wife of the famous writer Laurens van der Post, describes their first meeting on a ship sailing to South Africa, his homeland: “When we talked, it was difficult to believe that we had just met. On the contrary, it seemed as if we were never apart."

One day they both went down to his cabin and just lay down hugging each other. Here's what she writes about it:

"It was not the indulgence of erotic desires and by no means the expression of physical attraction. It was a human experience, but at the same time something beyond human understanding. Lying in Lawrence's arms, I felt that we had both put our personal signature on one of the most bright pages of life. When we finally rose from the bed, I was already aware that although I remained the same person, a deep difference had arisen between the real me and the old me: I was no longer alone. In fact, I could never Of course, there may have been obstacles along the way, but now I had the opportunity to fully share my experiences with another person, and this changed the nature of my mental suffering, because it was contained within the framework justice our complete community. I know that these words are not enough to express the feeling of inevitability of the turn of fate that was the result of our mutual recognition of each other... It was a state of being and belonging to something that does not concern the world of ordinary relationships."

It is a recognition purely at the soul level that breaks down all mental barriers and overcomes the dependency created by intellectual reasoning. This is the reunion of two individuals, formed from the substance of one soul, breathing the same air and carrying within themselves the deepest memory of their undivided state. This and other common qualities are common to all twin souls.

Common qualities and differences.

“Twins” are identical in their aspirations, in the richness of their being, in their ability to love, in devoting themselves to other people and to their higher principles. They both believe in life, in the good behind all things, because if they did not believe in the superiority of good, they would not be willing to do good to each other. They are similar in their sensitivity, in the perception of beauty and in the acceptance of its opposite. They equally demonstrate perseverance, willpower and resilience when faced with the vicissitudes of fate.

We recognize them by their sameness. The same pattern created by the energies, like the pattern created by the veins of a leaf, will reproduce itself throughout the life of the “twins”. Their balancing of each other is most clearly noted in the choice of their life's work. Our observations have shown that twin souls most often carry out complementary aspects of the same activity.

They can both be healers working in different directions of this sphere, or both musicians, one of them a performer and the other a composer, in order to support and complement each other. They can both deal with language - one of them gives speeches, and the other writes books. In this case, the speaker receives the gift of writing, and the writer receives the gift of oratory. Without a doubt, both of them live by similar interests.

Because the lives of the two “twins” are intertwined, their experiences converge and lead to them working together to realize their best potential.

Both "twins" can join forces in the new educational activities that the churches are now engaged in. They can be agents and impresarios promoting the work of artists and innovators. Perhaps they are both publishers who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of producing new spiritual literature for readers. They may also be teachers, social workers, or business people who promote ethics and responsibility in the business world. Whatever field of activity they are engaged in, they certainly serve humanity.

In general, people can be divided into two categories of intellectual preferences - people with a technical mindset and people with a humanitarian mindset. The examples of twin souls known to us indicate that the “twins” have the same mentality. Observing married couples, we notice that the combination of two different levels of development does not lead to the harmony that arises when both spouses have either a humanitarian or a technical mindset.

Of course, in achieving harmony between “twins” all shades can be present. While the harmony of some couples is based on the identical mentality of the “twins,” other couples find harmony due to complementary qualities, and their love grows from these differences. Their kinship is confirmed by harmony and lasting love.

Even if the professions of the “twins” do not belong to the same field, the “twins” will still share each other’s views. They can achieve the ideal by approaching it from opposite sides. Being fundamentally the same, they constantly expand each other's horizons through the play of their complementary energies. Since they have a common origin, they also have common likes, dislikes, tastes and aesthetic preferences. Usually "twins" like the same music. They complement each other well in their sense of humor and communication skills. Both can love cool weather or, conversely, hot. Both can love the sea or the mountains. Some pairs of “twins” are distinguished by a common love of nature, others by a preference for city life.

From the experience of graphology, which can largely reveal a person’s character, it is known that “twins” even have similar handwritings. In addition, they have very similar palm lines, especially the Mars line, which is responsible for intuition and mental strength. If one of them is characterized by sentimentality, then it is also characteristic of the other. In fact, one should take it as an axiom that twin souls must be good by nature, for the higher the spiritual development, the more joyful the spirit.

They are “twins”, and their “twinhood” runs through their entire lives - in thoughts and in physical structure. The similarities underlying twin souls are paralleled in identical twins who were separated as infants and adopted by different parents. If they date as adults, they often find that they dress alike, have the same hairstyles, have the same professions, and many other similarities, to the point that their spouses also look alike.

The similarities and differences of twin souls are in a balanced ratio. This provides the necessary creative tension, motivation to action, as well as a source of energy for the spiritual advancement of twin souls as a whole.

“Gemini” can be distinguished from each other by the predominance in the nature of each of either reason or emotions. They are both engaged in a friendly contest, and through the incentive to fight, achieve a harmonious expression of their individual selves. Clouds may sometimes gather over this scene. Dark forces are always on guard and seize every opportunity to create discord between the “twins.” In this duel with each other, the “twins” must test their spiritual strength, constantly confirming their equality in strength and becoming even stronger. The sun sets, and in a moment of crisis it is forgotten. But when the sun appears again, there is a surge of joy that gives people fresh spiritual strength.

The gift of twinning.

According to Sufi text, the union of twin souls is a gift. At first, many doubt whether to accept this gift. The realization of “twinhood” is a process, a path of discovery. He reveals himself to the “twins” gradually and leads to recognition of each other. "Twins" may date several times before they truly acknowledge each other. These meetings prepare the “twins” for the encounter with the energy that will open up for them at the moment of mutual recognition, as well as for the life circumstances in which the reunited “twins” sometimes find themselves.

This recognition can begin even before the meeting, on subtle levels. As they get closer to each other, each of the “twins” becomes more and more aware that somewhere nearby there may be exactly the same person. They begin to trust their inner feelings more and more, remaining vigilant and ready to recognize the opportunity life has given them for the upcoming meeting.

When the appropriate moment comes, circumstances arise that create the possibility of the “twins” meeting. Recognition of a twin soul is an extremely impressive event, the moment when a spark flares up between the “twins”, from which a flame ignites, engulfing the separated souls and in one moment making them one.

There is a paradox here: although completion is instantaneous, it is also an evolving process. It takes time for a new consciousness to emerge and establish itself in the complex personalities that contain the single soul of the “twins.” This process is expressed in continuous activity, the results of which constantly accumulate and intensify throughout life.

A trustworthy signal of recognition and acquisition by “twins” of each other is the instantaneous emergence of a feeling of unconditional love - that love that, from the moment of open mutual recognition, they become more and more aware of. This love is apparently the deepest experience at the moment when two twins meet and recognize each other.

It seems incomprehensible where such unconditional love comes from when there was absolutely no time for its development. In fact, this time existed, and this is the time of existence of life on Earth, the time that it took for the soul to develop to such a state. “Gemini” treat each other completely differently than other people: they never see a vicious person in their partner, but always see a pure soul. Each of them “knows” the true essence of the other. The light of purity predominates in their vision, and this light does not blind them, but takes them beyond the duality of approval and disapproval, illuminating all qualities as a whole and making them all desirable.

All twin soul meetings share important common points, although each meeting is unique in its own way.

Here's what one person says about twin souls recognizing each other:

"It's about the same difference between watching a portable black-and-white TV and sitting in a state-of-the-art movie theater watching a movie from start to finish in color and surround sound."

Another person who met his “twin” paints us the following picture:

"It's like you're both on a roller coaster ride, and the experience of being together now is almost literally mind-blowing. The only way to describe the experience is that you're lifted for a while into a state of consciousness that's beyond beyond the boundaries of space and time, and once you have been there, you will never be the same again. For the first time in your life, you have the feeling that your loneliness is coming to an end, and that you have found someone who deeply understands you without the need for complex explanations. You feel that always knew this person. Although there is sometimes some catching up to do on a personal level, you still know that you have come home. There is a great sense of purpose and meaning in the relationship, as if an opportunity for genuine service has arisen. It is also a huge relief after a long preparation and search and above all, the feeling of realizing that the journey has in fact only just begun!”

Mutual recognition.

Is recognition by “twins” of each other always mutual? At the level of the soul it cannot be otherwise. When two "twins" unite, their souls begin to sparkle at the same time. However, for emotional and practical reasons, resistance sometimes arises.

It is quite understandable that a married man occupying a high position in society, who suddenly meets the other half of his soul, immediately faces great obstacles in life. It is possible that in this case he will refuse to recognize his “twin”. But souls find each other to fulfill the destiny of fate. They meet precisely at that stage of their evolution when opposites must connect. The soul does not wait until a clear and straight path opens before it. During the struggle, universal forces bring all elements to a common denominator. Eventually the magnetic attraction between the two “twins” becomes so strong that all obstacles are overcome and a solution comes. A person never faces a test if in the depths of his soul he does not know how to overcome it.

However, there are misconceptions when “twinship” is mistakenly recognized.

Attempts to remake a person so that he corresponds to our idea of ​​a “twin”.

In our desire for completeness, we, fascinated by the ideal of a genuine spiritual union, risk seeing our “twin” in a person who in reality is not one. A person tends to put relationships in the form that he has always dreamed of. We cling to certain similarities between us and our partners, exaggerate them unduly and close our eyes to significant differences that, one way or another, sooner or later we will have to pay attention to. We can easily succumb to fantasy, denial of our purpose, and create the illusion of a “twin.”

Nothing is predetermined: our present fate, which is formed as a result of the karma of past actions, still leaves us some choice. However, our “twin” was intended for us from the very beginning of creation. This is not a matter of choice: here either the person is your “twin” or not. And we cannot change this by any desires or manipulations.

Let's look at fingerprints. Where can we find prints that exactly match ours? Can we take any person at random and try to change his pattern on his fingertips? We do the same thing when we try to reshape another person to fit our idea of ​​a “twin.”

This seemingly insignificant self-deception can lead us into the abyss of complete delusion. This insidious abyss can take a person far away from meeting his real “twin,” perhaps for a whole life, but a person still remains convinced that somewhere his one and only other half exists. The astral forces of delusion are always ready to delay the occasion for the advancement of the soul. Their deceptive light blinds the eyes and distorts vision. Such forces are described in spiritual literature as the light of Lucifer, a light that blinds. Those who find themselves in the power of this light cannot distinguish it from real spiritual enlightenment. Religious fanatics, followers of dubious cults and false prophets have fallen prey to this deceptive light.

The following story may serve as an explanation. The mother of five children came under the hypnotic influence of a charismatic spiritual leader who, in his research, came across the theory of twin souls and convinced this woman that she and he were twin souls. He persuaded her to leave her family and live with him in the community. Very little time passed, and he became interested in another of his followers. He stated that she was also his “twin”, and that on rare occasions souls are divided into three parts rather than two.

Whatever relationships develop between people, each soul strives for its “twin” and for its like-minded people. But our ego strives for something completely different than our soul. Lacking truth, it is unable to express the inner feelings of conviction, contentment and exaltation that indicate true conformity. Martin Israel, a British parish priest who writes books, helps the sick and travels preaching around the world, tells us this about wisdom: “I feel that when people seek the kingdom of God with all their being, they find much more than they expect to find. ", including meeting with the twin of his soul. But if a person focuses too much on finding a twin soul, then this search usually has selfish overtones and distracts the person from fulfilling his immediate tasks."

True correspondence is achieved only when the meeting of twin souls is guided by God. If this is not so, then you can endlessly try to get along with each other, but the attempts will be unsuccessful. For example, you can idealize your partner’s love, going to extremes in your idealization. This is due to the fact that deep down in our souls we carry the ideal of our other half. Driven by loneliness, we can grab onto a willing partner and force the belief that we have met our ideal. To confirm our belief to ourselves, we suppress our own needs and provide a rational explanation for this false perception. And if we sometimes do not see that a given person is not really our “twin,” then others understand this well.

You don't need to be a psychoanalyst to see these illusions, but an experienced observer can understand the reasons that caused them. Mowry Pressman, co-author of this book, talks about a woman he treated for depression. This woman was married for many years and gave birth to three children. All this time, her husband was extremely critical and ruthless towards her. She spoke about this without showing any anger or other emotions. On the contrary, the psychoanalyst listened to how she idealized this man and constantly confirmed that he was always right. It was clear that the patient agreed with the criticism she heard from her husband and suppressed her hostility towards him. Presenting him as perfect, she left herself no reason to be angry and continued to live in the illusion of a happy marriage. By acting in this way, she delayed the progress in life both for herself and for her husband, and also for the twin soul on whom this unawareness was reflected.

No matter whether we take a long or short path to our completeness, we are driven by one goal: to achieve the light of consciousness and rejoice. This is the meaning of our existence, and also the purpose for which in our time on this earth so many twin souls are attracted to each other.

Awareness of purpose.

Many believe that humanity is on the eve of a grand leap of consciousness. Enlightened people prepare themselves for it in their own way. They realize that the time has come for each of us to awaken to our original nature, to our potential, and take responsibility for both ourselves and our planet.

We are convinced that twin souls have a special contribution to make: the many examples of their encounters in our time are of great significance, both at the personal and planetary levels.

When twin souls unite, they create a vortex of energy that appears as a light in the darkness of society's unconsciousness. “Twins” complement each other, becoming a single whole, and this whole is greater than the sum of its two parts: two create a third, and the third is a very powerful force, the force of light and love, manifesting itself at a level of extreme purity. This type of energy is part of the energy of both "twins" and is different from the energy of individuals or even groups of people working together. This is a special offering that the “twins” must make to each other, as well as to all humanity, in their service.

An image appears before your eyes: a dark auditorium, in which more and more lights are lit. Each light represents the conscious and harmonious relationship of twin souls. There are more and more reunited twin souls, and, consequently, lights, and, in the end, so much light and energy is concentrated on the planet that this special energy will manifest itself at any moment as a catalyst and help bring about the long-awaited breakthrough in consciousness .

This image allows us to see that the search for a “twin” is not selfishness, but service. The attraction of twin souls to each other is the first and last hope of the world. How will their lives connect? For one who directs the movement of the universe, this is a very simple question. Everything was set in motion with the first breath of God, and every moving particle, carrying everything else with it into the endless cosmic dimensions, will inevitably receive a signal when this should happen. And the waters will part, and the mountains will move, and all matters of national importance will recede into the background, in order to allow two souls to stretch out their hands to each other when their time comes.

We will really find each other. It was planned that way. The new reality is dictated by the energy of the heart, and this energy overcomes everything. Twin souls are very tightly connected through their hearts. Therefore, they must undoubtedly come together in the new reality, since their existence is supported by all means.

How do we know who our soul twin is and how do we know when we are united?

Twin souls share very similar energy patterns. When they were created, the energies that existed at that time dictated the beam or master blueprint for these souls. Thus, the energetic blueprint, or the way in which these souls conduct energy, will always be the same. Some indicators:

You are both either early morning risers or slower, later risers.

You both come to life at the same time of day, and slowly wind down at the same time.

You have one approach to business, or other matters, in one manner. You can both be aggressive, or you can both have a smooth approach to things.

You communicate with people in a similar way.

You will almost always order the same thing at a restaurant.

You will always have similar situations in your lives, and always at the same time.

It's a natural flow that you share when you're together... you find it easy to be with each other and you never tire of each other's company.

The emotional bonds that exist between twin souls are what I call “otherworldly.” They do not fit into any box of lower levels of reality, or lower level descriptions of how things work in third dimensional society. Some indicators:

You have a deep, strong and keen devotion to each other.

You feel anxious, distraught, and mortally wounded at the thought of separation. You cannot imagine existing without a twin soul, and the thought and experience of this brings deep pain and sadness that cannot be healed.

You come alive when you are together. Everything is suddenly larger than life, and feelings are wonderfully correct and good in a world of magic, high energy, sudden creativity, with rich and bright colors of a marvelous palette. Any other connections are dull in comparison.

You have an unprecedented heart connection. It is an incredible cord that connects your hearts together, and whether you are aware of it or not, you feed each other energy through your heart chakras.

You care immensely for each other's well-being, and always need to know that the other is okay.

You support each other in every possible way, and it's never about you, but about your twin's happiness.

You can communicate telepathically with ease.

You have an unusual connection or closeness with some of your twin's family members, whether you have met them or not.

You want the same things in life.

When you're in the same space... the same room or even the same city, things happen. Magical synchronicities occur, things manifest out of nowhere, and all your thoughts create the movement of energies in an instantaneous manner.

You smile a lot when you are together, and in addition, you can be depressed at the same time too. Things aren't always great between the two of you.

You can't hurt each other's feelings, and if that happens, you fix the situation immediately.

You don't feel the need to have sex, live together, or start a family. You may not even be physically attracted to each other. You just know that there is a wonderful connection between the two of you, and it has no definition in physical reality. This is a heart connection.

You play well together. On some level, you seem to remember that the earth and creation were created for fun, for total freedom, total unceasing joy, and thus you become alive when you naturally jump into play and freedom together when it comes. time. Your natural state of being is activated when you are together, more than with anyone else.

When you are together and everyone is doing well, it is so easy to love, play, frolic and just have fun together with a vibration of joy as you reconnect with the natural states of being when present in each other's lives. This is the way life is meant to be lived, for all beings in form on earth, and being together naturally activates these memories and states of being, as it

places twin souls in perfect alignment with source.

Although twin souls are usually similar in many ways, the ways in which they are different serve to perfectly balance each other. What one lacks, another has in abundance in a completely natural way. So twin souls form a perfect puzzle and complement each other.

Additionally, when twin souls are together, any unbalanced energies within each of them will naturally unfold and come into balance on their own within minutes.

Can we have more than one twin soul? Yes. How can this be if twin souls are by definition “twins”? Why wouldn't they then be a "triplet" of souls, or maybe it's just one big misconception and twin souls don't actually exist?

Each of us was created as a creative spark. We then separated from our original spark and continued to put the many ramifications of our original soul energy into many different forms, diluting it along the way.

We have come to earth at this time to wrap things up and take part in the ascension process. Thus, the energy of our soul was translated into form for this task. During Phase One, we collected most of the "ramifications" that had existed for eons of time. After Phase One of the ascension process was completed, these were our old roles.

Their time was up as they no longer had a purpose and could not be sustained in the new reality. This is one of the reasons we have become so tired... not enough of our original soul energy was present in our old forms, or our old roles. I hope this is clear.

As we move into our new roles of creating a new reality, we become much more pure and original blueprints of our souls, as that is all that remains. We threw out and turned off another aspect of ourselves... an aspect that existed in Phase One. Thus, the more we let go of the old and move into the new, the more life we ​​feel in ourselves.

We can indeed continue to keep some of our soul energy invested in the old forms, and jump back and forth between the steps of ascension if we choose to serve on many different levels, but we cannot remain in the old space for long periods of time.

We will come to understand that most of our soul energy will be present in our new, or indeed original roles... the roles for which we came to the planet in the first place.

So how does all this relate to having more than one twin soul?

In the old world or old reality, we might find that we were indeed already connected to our twin. After arriving in a new reality, we may find that we are no longer connected to that particular person. We may even still be communicating with this twin soul, but feel that this connection is somehow now gone.

“Maybe I was wrong and he/she was never a twin!” - we might think. The twin soul from the old reality may appear empty, gone, and even without a soul or life force.

This is because we have attempted to connect with a twin soul, much of whose soul energy has now gone elsewhere. The pure and primal aspects of that soul have moved into the next dimension where we will truly meet again and be in new and better sync with each other.

If this sounds too confusing and complicated, and sounds like a weird sci-fi story, we can choose to accept another scenario instead: our previous twin soul didn't cross over into another reality like we did.

For some reason, he/she decided to stay behind and decided not to accept his/her new role. By some cosmic miracle we will now receive a completely new twin soul, and it will be much more alive, better suited to us and more in line with what we will do and how to live in the new reality.

This may still feel a little strange since our replacement twin souls have almost the same blueprint and personality traits as the first twin! Same soul, different form.

Soul energy can fill many different forms at the same time. Where we vibrate the most is what manifests into physical form, or rather the task or role that most closely matches what we have become in form.

Thus, our soul twin's energy can come and go in our lives as it manifests in a form that is closest to our own, or the reality we currently live in.

So if our twin soul chooses not to open and expand, but moves in a completely different direction to another reality, we can know that our twin soul will still appear for us, but may arrive in a new form that suits us much better .

And a little more about the nature of twin souls:

The relationship between twin souls exists on a higher platform of reality. Their interactions also vibrate much higher as they contact in a way that souls in higher dimensions do. Their one connection serves to elevate them to a higher platform. Thus the combination of their energies lifts them to a higher vibrating existence. This creates a new network for two.

These souls were connected together for a much longer period of time than the other souls they came into contact with. The connection is purer because of the resonance between the two of them. Twin souls come together in the lower dimensions for the purpose of support and strengthening, and thus they are devoted to each other, but they also remember how to play well together.

Each reality can have its own twin because each reality has a different purpose and exists in different dimensions. A new reality is a rebirth, a new beginning, and thus it can mean a new twin soul if necessary. But it is indeed exactly the same soul energy at the core of all twin soul connections, even if in different forms.

Do you know how our furry companions come back to us in new and different forms after they leave us? They can no longer exist in the same form in the reality where they are. And in order to advance and join us once again, they must be reborn fresh and new in the new reality where we have just arrived.

This is also true of having multiple twin souls, only our previous twin soul does not have to physically die when she moves into a new and higher dimension.

From the book "Creating a New Reality" by Karen Bishop

For humans, many secrets of the universe are still hidden. But this is precisely what gives people an irresistible desire to unravel them and know themselves. After all, it is only for this purpose that all attempts are made to look at the other side of the Universe and understand the great plan that every soul on this planet and many others embodies. It is not immediately that a person comes to understand such things, but the more diligently he works on himself, the higher his chances of fulfilling his task in this world and being reborn again for the sake of experience and spiritual transformation. And we gain the greatest and most significant experience in love relationships. Perhaps this is why people search for their soulmate throughout their lives and expect incredible emotions from meeting her. However, not everyone succeeds in this, which leads to disappointment in love and loss of faith in it.

But esotericists and people involved in spiritual practices know that each of us has our own soul mate. They even have their own special definition - “twin flames”. The signs of their meeting are quite numerous, since this event becomes the most significant in this incarnation of two souls. But esotericists warn that such a meeting brings with it not only pleasant emotions, because it occurs at a certain moment to lead two people to spiritual growth. And this process cannot occur without pain, full disclosure and a series of disappointments. Therefore, if you have met your twin flame and the signs of recognition coincide, then be prepared for the most incredible emotions and transformations that will follow this event. You will have to change completely, and you will never be able to part with the person who is part of your soul. We will tell readers about the signs of a meeting of twin flames, how to recognize this person even from a distance, and what the union of such souls promises.

Source, monads, and a little more about the birth of souls

If you are not strong in esotericism and metaphysics, then you may not understand the signs of twin flames and the terms that are used to describe such meetings. Therefore, it is necessary to delve into some concepts of metaphysics that will reveal to you the deep meaning of the merging of twin souls and their purpose in the current incarnation.

Over the entire existence of mankind, many names for God have been invented. He is called the Creator, Allah, Buddha, but the essence of this creative power does not change from the name given by man. Therefore, in esotericism it is usually called the Source, and each person himself puts a certain meaning into this concept. According to some teachings, the Source also needs to know itself. So one day he gave birth to monads. They can be described as sparks that arise from a strong flame. Monads are part of the whole, but at the same time they are individual. It is difficult to give a clear definition that fits the human mind. Try to imagine a sea wave consisting of billions of drops. Each has its own shape, structure and size, but together they fit perfectly together and form a single wave.

It is believed that a person incarnates on earth only because the monad, having freedom of choice and will, decided to gain a new experience, different from what is available in the upper spheres.

Monads and the soul family

The signs of twin flames are often confused by ordinary people with soul mates. This mistake can be fatal, since the two concepts are completely different. When they meet, they lead souls to various transformations, fulfilling their purpose. You can understand terms that are so similar at first glance by learning exactly how souls originated and how the family ties between them were formed.

As we have already said, the Source gave birth to monads. No one keeps count of these sparks; there were and are a great many of them. But the monads, in turn, created a certain number of souls - twelve. All of them are the highest manifestation of the mind and allow you to gain the necessary experience. However, souls also strive for new knowledge and experience, so they are able to create twelve personalities. In essence, they are still the same soul and represent only its extensions.

So they have the opportunity to incarnate in a person. Having acquired a solid shell in this dimension, the expansion of the soul goes a long way to self-knowledge, and those expansions and souls that originated from one monad help it in this. They represent a kind of family, if you can call it that. At the same time, kindred souls cannot always be incarnated at the same time. Many remain in their dimension to help and guide. But regardless of their location, they are always connected to each other on a spiritual level. If you meet such a soul, you will literally feel from the very first moment harmony, peace and boundless trust in the person. Moreover, age and position do not matter in this case. It is not uncommon for soul mates to incarnate at different times in order to gain a multifaceted experience. However, if you are lucky enough to meet such a person and a romantic relationship arises between you, then know that you will not find a better partner for building a family. Throughout your life, you will be bound by tender and reverent feelings, you will be able to conceive and give birth to beautiful children, and all the difficulties and obstacles will not be able to break your union and cool your feelings.

It’s completely different for two if twin flames meet. For the sake of this event, the soul goes a long way and is reincarnated more than once in different lives. But let's talk about everything in order.

Twin flames: the essence of the concept

As you already know, every monad can give birth to souls. This process has a certain duration, and souls appear gradually. However, during the birth of souls, the flash is so strong that at one point in time two souls appear in the Universe, carrying the same message and being a complete copy of each other. This is exactly how twin flames arise, which will always strive to meet and unite.

Although the two souls are identical, they also have certain differences. Their energy usually carries a masculine and feminine message. Being part of one whole, individually they represent a kind of Yin and Yang, functioning within certain boundaries. And only after the meeting the souls begin to understand the full depth of the life cycle of the Source’s idea.

It is interesting that, regardless of gender in a given incarnation, twin flames always carry feminine and masculine energies, since only by connecting can they feel their integrity. A meeting with such a soul does not happen by chance; each half takes a very long time to reach it and overcomes more than one obstacle along the way. Therefore, by the time they meet, twin flames are completely ready to move to a new level of knowledge. Although they are often called soul mates, twin flames are full-fledged souls who can incarnate more than once, being born and dying, creating families and seeking love. But in any body and time, the soul will look for someone with whom it will find itself and know its true purpose.

It is important that once you meet your twin, you will never be separated from him. In this case, this does not mean physical proximity. Souls will communicate every second. Some even see signs of telepathy in twin flames. It is difficult to prove this phenomenon, but those who are lucky enough to meet such a soul claim that they calmly communicate mentally at a distance and feel the whole spectrum of their partner’s emotions, regardless of his presence nearby.

The purpose of twin flame union

Often people, having met their love and seeing in it all the physical and mental signs of a twin flame, fall into a state of expectation of happiness and harmony. For them, especially if the experience of love relationships previously brought mostly negative things, it seems that now only positive things and a calm life await them. However, in reality, meeting a twin becomes a cause of pain that is incommensurate in comparison with other troubles. This comes as a surprise to many people and causes disappointment in love. If you subconsciously feel that you are on the verge of a fateful meeting, and all the signs of recognizing your twin flame are gradually appearing, then this section of the article will save you from misconceptions about the future union.

Meeting your twin will not save you from problems, but rather, on the contrary, will open up all the old wounds and force you to face your fears. After all, no one knows the dark sides of your soul like a twin flame. And your union will awaken all the good and bad in the hidden corners of your consciousness. Having done the work on yourself, which will continue constantly in a twin relationship, you will be able to reach a new level of spiritual development and, finally, begin to fulfill your mission.

It may consist of different things, but whatever your ultimate goal, you can realize it only by uniting. Moreover, your joint work will bring benefit to all humanity. Thus, twin flames do not live for the sake of each other and creating home comfort, but in order to create something new, large-scale and positively influencing the energy of other people in union. This mission can be completed quickly, but more often than not it takes years. Moreover, souls perform it with pleasure; they are not pushed from above to fulfill it. This desire comes from within, it arises naturally as soon as a fateful meeting with a double occurs. It’s as if a person wakes up and realizes that he has always been waiting for this moment and that all other relationships were preparation for something great and large-scale.

It is important to understand that twin souls (twin flames) do not always form romantic relationships. They may well be if you are suitable in age and gender, but in this incarnation your union may well be spiritual. Your twin flame could be a friend, a mentor from university, or a person living on the other side of the globe with whom you correspond on social networks and have never even met. In any case, great achievements await you, which are your common destiny.

Another interesting fact is that after the first meeting, twin flames will definitely meet in subsequent incarnations. Their connection at the mental level is inextricable. Sometimes your twin doesn't want to incarnate at the same time as you. But the connection exists and you will feel it every second, since the twin flame will become your spiritual protector and helper from birth.

Preparing for the meeting

Those who have already experienced all the mental and physical signs of recognizing a twin flame say that the fateful meeting that completely turned their lives upside down happened at the wrong time. Most often, you and your twin are attracted when a series of negative events happen around you. Moreover, the meeting often takes place at the very climax of problems, when it seems that the whole world is against you and soon the walls remaining around will collapse. And at this very moment you meet a person, next to whom your life will change and turn upside down even more. This does not happen by chance, because twin flames have to overcome a lot together and most often at the first stage there will be chaos around them.

Interestingly, it is not uncommon for both twins to be in pairs. They can be connected by marriage or long-term relationships, which will immediately become fetters for them, since when a twin appears, merging with him occurs almost at lightning speed. The relationship begins immediately, as if you were once together and for some reason broke up for a while.

Despite the fact that today the main signs of twin flames are well known, this meeting is not easy to wait for. Before merging, each soul must go through its own path of mistakes, misunderstandings, joys and sorrows. This is the only way she develops and gains invaluable experience. Twin flames can only do this separately. At some point, the soul reaches the required level, becomes a master, and at the mental level the mark of readiness lights up in it. It is believed that it glows bright purple and constantly signals its readiness to merge.

It happens that one twin is completely ready, but the other is not yet. In this situation, one has to wait for the other, because a meeting is possible only if both souls are fully prepared. Preparation can take place over several lifetimes.

At the same time, only the souls themselves choose what form to clothe their union in. Of course, most often relationships become romantic and this is the highest manifestation of love, about which legends and poems are written.

Twin flame love is something divine that allows souls to connect on a physical and spiritual level. Surprisingly, those who have already met their double say that they seem to see themselves in the other, but with minor changes. And this is true, because twin flames can be recognized even externally.

Very often, at a quick glance at them, a feeling of some kind of duality arises. What remains is the understanding that these two are incredibly similar, but at the same time completely different. This can manifest itself in the same constitution, eye shape, facial features, but in different skin color. The same applies to the qualities and habits of people. Twin flames are meant to complement each other, and therefore one always has qualities that the other lacks. For example, the first may be a workaholic, while the second has difficulty finding a job and quits at the first opportunity. Or one is a rare handsome man and a neat guy, while the other has a completely ordinary appearance and cannot clean up his things in the room. All this is natural and necessary for the transformation that souls will go through together.

When they meet, they will want to become better, cleaner and brighter, and they will take the path of change, which over time will lead to complete fusion and harmony. Interestingly, despite the well-known mental and physical signs of a twin flame, it is very difficult to immediately understand whether this is the meeting you are waiting for. Therefore, there is no need to rush, it is important to look at the relationship in dynamics. Only then will you understand that a seemingly random meeting has changed your life forever. In addition, among the many physical and mental signs of a twin flame, the main one is the duration of the relationship. Even if after the first meeting you had to break up, the connection will not be interrupted and after a few years you will catch yourself constantly thinking about one person. Moreover, fate will again push you towards each other in this incarnation, so that you will never be separated again.

Mental and Physical Signs of Recognizing a Twin Flame

We can talk about this topic for a very long time. Many teachings give a list of these signs by which you can unmistakably recognize your twin. Much attention is paid to this problem in Kabbalah. The entire centuries-old heritage of the Kabbalists is preserved in their main book - the Zohar, the text of which is structured in the form of a conversation between three sages. They discuss controversial passages in the sacred texts of different world religions. The Zohar talks a lot about twin flames. Signs of the meeting are also given there; it is believed that all today's metaphysical and esoteric teachings draw knowledge from this book. Of course, spiritual masters deny this fact, and we will not focus on it.

There are usually 22 signs of twin flame recognition, although in reality there are many more. When souls meet, not all signs may appear, but only a few. We will list the most important ones that most fully reveal the connection between twin flames:

  • the meeting occurs suddenly, in spite of and becomes the result of a chain of accidents;
  • at first glance, there is a feeling of returning home, meeting with a friend and loved one, incredible closeness and love;
  • a real electric discharge runs between people;
  • both enter into a relationship instantly, as if they parted just yesterday and know everything about each other;
  • the past life with its troubles and joys seems to disappear;
  • desire to talk without interruption;
  • when looking into the eyes of a twin flame, there is a feeling of being pulled into a funnel;
  • there is no control and mutual mistrust in the relationship;
  • after the meeting you constantly feel full and believe that you have not lived until this moment;
  • sexual intercourse is the highest expression of love;
  • Mystical things are constantly happening around you, which sometimes makes you think of insanity.

If we characterize all the signs in a few words, we can say that recognition arises in souls. But at the same time, the surging feelings are often discouraging and frightening, so one of the twins may try to abandon the relationship and hide from sight for a while. However, over time, a transformation will occur in him, and the twin flames will unite again to merge into something single.

Relationship stages

We have already written that twin flames go through a difficult journey before they meet. And then they will face many tests, during which they will have to transform almost completely. Naturally, this is a very painful and difficult path, accompanied by negative emotions of varying strength.

Experts identify four stages in a twin flame relationship:

  • Honeymoon. It lasts no more than six months and is accompanied by very vivid emotions. People enjoy each other after a long separation, they literally dissolve in love, new facets of personality are discovered, and all this is complemented by a feeling of undivided happiness. However, at this time it is difficult to fully understand what is happening.
  • Attraction and repulsion. Unfortunately, this phase can last for years and brings a lot of grief to lovers. Although it is natural in the relationship of twin flames, as it leads them to complete fusion. Usually both partners hurt each other, but they do this only in order to get rid of the heavy burden forever. However, it is difficult to understand this with the mind, because the twins are energetically connected and all conclusions can only be drawn at this level. Most often, during this phase, one constantly runs away from the other, trying to abandon the relationship. Having made a revolution, the lovers are reunited, but everything will happen again if they do not dare to face their fears.
  • Separation phase. It is perceived by many as very painful, because it seems that you have lost your love at all levels. But you need to use this stage for your growth and development. Twin flames cannot be lost, they just need to look deeper inside themselves in order to then come to their partner more perfect and fulfilled, completely defeating their ego.
  • Merger. When twin flames meet after separation, signs of recognition will appear even more clearly than before. After all, now both souls are completely devoid of the problems that previously tore them apart. Merger is a very subtle process that will give lovers an understanding of their highest mission. After merging, the two become one and nothing can shake or change their feelings for each other.

Features of fusion and connection of twins

The twin flame connection passes through time and incarnation, so many would like to know at what level it occurs. If you believe the ancient teachings, then a person has other bodies besides the physical. In general, there are seven of them and each performs its own functions. When it comes to twin flames, you need to know that they are initially united on two levels. We will briefly talk about them.

Two souls are connected at the level of the atmanic body, which is the body of the Spirit, the divine principle, ideals and higher powers. The connection is also read at the level of the intuitive body. It is responsible for everything subconscious, as well as for learning about yourself and your purpose. The intuitive body reveals itself especially strongly in the area where a person was born, because its mission is very closely related to the place of birth. Once upon a time, the soul chose it not by chance, and it means that it is here that the insight necessary for inner knowledge will most clearly manifest itself.

Thanks to the connection at these levels, twin flames can live different, but absolutely synchronous lives, communicate with each other and have common goals.

Drawing conclusions

Meeting your twin flame is the highest bliss, a manifestation of love and access to a completely new round of development. There is nothing to compare such sensations with, and only those who are next to their twin can understand this. However, it is not recommended to deliberately seek a fateful meeting. After all, it should happen naturally and only after achieving a certain level of spiritual development.

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