Home Prayers and conspiracies We remove destructive programs: how to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. Negative programs: why they are dangerous and how to get rid of them How to get rid of destructive programs

We remove destructive programs: how to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. Negative programs: why they are dangerous and how to get rid of them How to get rid of destructive programs


ONE GOD, glory to Thee!

I cancel the action of destructive programs with the power of my mind,
attitudes and their negative consequences.

I cancel: love spells, lapels, codes, curses, damage, evil eye,
quarrels with a wish for evil and the attraction of the negative forces of the Subtle World, traumas and theirconsequences, mental trauma, records of negative situations and behaviors, and also all that what prevents me and the members of my Family from living in harmony with myself and the world.

I cancel by the Power of the One God the negative programs and codes created by me, so

and representatives of my Family in the past, past incarnations and for this life.

I cancel by the Power of the One God directed at me, my family members and ancestors
negative programs:to the loss of luck, disbelief in one's own strength, complexes inferiority, guilt complex, fear of the future, etc.

Energies releasedI direct through God
to harmonize their inner worlds and correct all negative
consequences of the past.

Thank God for everything! Let it be so! Want! Fulfilled! This is my will!

Becoming a "Funnel" by cantas

Becoming simple to disgrace, three runes: Hyera, Raido, Hagalaz

The meaning of the stave: Whoever comes to us with a sword, he will receive according to his deeds.

The essence of the stav is to capture the negative, neutralize and send it back, everything is simple and reliable.

Becoming a "Solar Shield"

Algiz, Soulu, Algiz.

Algiz - protection, Soulu - success.

Becoming a "Protective Barrier"

Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz.

And this protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else's negative human energy.

This rune protection is called Mirror.

Runes can be written in a line:


Starting to write with Hagal, then left and right Kenaz, then left and right Isa.

Or here's a knit draw:

It operates on the principle of a mirror: any impact is sent back completely and without change. If you put it correctly, it will become a very powerful tool against various ill-wishers, even secret ones.

But it must be noted that it "mirrors" not only magical effect but also evil of a different nature. What exactly is “evil” in your understanding needs to be specified very clearly. Otherwise, you run the risk of being under the hood - nothing bad, but good does not come to visit.

It is also important to stipulate that she misses any of your influences (well, if you decide to do practical magic). If you put protection on another person, also stipulate that it misses your influences. But from the reviews, I know that even if you stipulate, you still might not miss it. In any case, before installing protection, diagnose whether it suits you and how it will lie.

I do so. I take a photo printed on a b / w printer (naturally, of the one who needs to be protected), absolutely any photo, I don’t know how about prescription - I have new ones. I draw runes on a photo on a little man. It doesn't matter if they go beyond the figure itself or not. I stipulate what I want from the runes.

I close myself from repeated troubles,

Enemies can't break protection from hardship.

I only miss goodness and happiness here

I call on the gods to keep protection.

Ritual and all kinds of activation - I think everyone will come up with their own (I activate with breathing - in principle, in the description of this protection I read just such an activation). If anything, the Internet will help you. And that's it. I put the photo in a special box where I keep such things. A day later, I check how the protection lay down (with a pendulum, runes, I ask a diagnostician friend - in short, whatever).

When the protection "lays down" I have a temporary blurred vision - well, as if you are looking at the world through fogged glasses. When the protection flies, you can also feel it - here everyone has their own feelings. During the “collision” with me, the mirror split, but the negative did not miss. If you suddenly have suspicions that something like this happened - diagnose. Naturally, there are no eternal protections - periodically it is necessary to renew.

For me, the advantage of rune protection over energy ones is that it can be applied and forgotten, and not feverishly sculpt "balls" and "cocoons" with every sneeze in your address. To say that protection is energy-consuming - I can’t, I didn’t feel it.

Today I want to touch on a very deep topic. Let's talk about a person's inner beliefs or, as they are also called, programs. How they affect our lives and why not all people can free themselves from negative beliefs. Read the article to the end and you will find out what is the main secret of the effective transformation of negative programs, which 90% of people are not aware of.

A belief or a program is a subconscious construct that controls our lives, pushes us to make certain decisions, choose certain people. The function of the program is usually to protect us from something bad that our subconscious thinks might happen.

The clearest example of a negative belief or program has to do with money. So, many people in Russia have a negative belief that money is evil. It is this inner conviction of a person that repels money from him and does not allow him to increase his income. But once this program served for the good of the family - it protected the ancestors from a very real danger.

Where do negative beliefs come from?

Someone from your family had a lot of money, but at some point suffered from it. For example, he was dispossessed. This was followed not only by deprivation and humiliation, but even the death of loved ones. The energy field stores all the memory, all the events that took place in the family. And if the event was strong and difficult, it is deeply imprinted in the memory of the whole family.

But new times are coming, no one is killed, because he has more money than others. They don't take away a cow, don't burn down a hut, don't send it to Siberia. But the program “Money is evil” is still stored and operates in the human genetic program. And no matter how you try to increase capital or earn more money, all attempts are in vain. And all because your program acts on you in such a way that you do not earn more money and, accordingly, do not expose yourself and your loved ones to mortal danger. The Money is Evil program protects you in this way.

How to get rid of the negative program?

The very first thing to do is to realize the existence of the program. And then work it out. The easiest and most affordable way to do this is to seek help from theta sessioners or learn the basics of thetahealing yourself.

But even without mastering the Theta Healing method, you can immediately weaken the influence of negative programs. To do this, it is enough to track the repetitive destructive behavior that deprives you of abundance and happiness. Turn on awareness, analyze your life and the lives of relatives you know. Think about how your destinies are similar, what problems unite you, is there anything in common in the trend of your lives. Such work will already give positive progress!

How the genetic program interferes with a person

By now, many people already know about negative impact installations, and even try to work through them. But very often the program reappears. Why is this happening? To answer this question, it is important to know about the genetic memory of the genus. Each program is not only imprinted on the memory of the family, it deprives the family of the opportunity to know HOW it is to live abundantly.

Our minds are very clever. It is much easier for us to think that someone else is to blame for all our troubles. Chance, luck, parents. Anyone but ourselves. The reason for this behavior is often the fear of taking this very responsibility. And also, not knowing how it is to live in full responsibility for everything that happens to you. After all, then it turns out that the man who cut you off is not such a fool. And it turns out that you yourself are to blame for this ... But our mind does not want to put up with this.

The problem of NOT knowing how it is to live in full responsibility for what you do is perfectly solved by uploading feelings. With the help of downloads in thetahealing, we teach our body new feelings that were unknown until now.

Just imagine, several generations live with the “Money is evil” program. From generation to generation this program is transmitted in the form of a genetic program - people do not know how to earn big money, they are not able to attract money luck, their vibrations are not tuned to the flow of accepting opportunities and abundance.

And so one of the representatives of this kind decided to end or cancel the program "Money is evil." But just canceling is not enough! It is also important to teach cells that have no idea how to live according to new, new feelings. Feeling of acceptance, abundance and joy from the opportunity to have big money. If you do not help the cells to rebuild in a new way, then there will be no effect. The program may return again.

That is why very often the development of programs by psychologists does not give a tangible effect. You understood what hinders the arrival of money in your life, but you did not teach the cells how to live richly, happily and abundantly. That is why ThetaHealing gives such fast results. Because we not only remove negative programs, but also teach cells new programs - abundance, joy and happiness.

And after you have trained your cells to feel new feelings, it is important to maintain a high level of energy in order to constantly be in the Stream of good luck and abundance. And to help you transition into this Flow, I'm hosting an amazing event just for women! Follow the link below and find out how to let Abundance into your life and attract what you want easily, playfully and in a feminine way ↓

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Negative attitudes: how to identify everything at once and remove it forever?

Negative attitudes are the most wonderful discovery of psychology. Doubt?

I'm not here, because, each of you will agree that if you know the enemy by sight, you can defeat him!

Knowing that you can identify your negative attitudes and remove them is amazing for all of us. After all, this means that you can change your programs in the subconscious and create a new destiny.

The results are amazing. Everything that we write comes true at the speed of light!!! Don't believe?

Want to practice on your own? Then this article is for you!

What are installations?

Attitudes are our opinions, thoughts and beliefs.

For example, I live in Moscow and I believe that 100,000 rubles is the average salary on which one can exist, but it is difficult to live well. After reading this phrase, a resident of another, less wealthy city will think that I have lost my mind. Indeed, in his city, earning 100 thousand rubles means being rich.

Who among us is right? We are both right. We just live with different belief systems.

Imagine two women in their 40s. One of them has been living in happy marriage With a good husband. They love each other and do everything together. This woman is convinced that there are many interesting smart worthy men in the world who are honest, faithful and sincerely care about their women.

The second woman is not so successful in relationships. She is often unlucky and she sincerely believes (or rather knows) that there are few normal men in the country (all were killed in the war), those who remained are either alcoholics or ladies' men. In general, it is difficult for men to believe, because everyone changes.

Which of them is right? Both. They just have different belief systems.

How these beliefs arise, I wrote already in the article.

How do attitudes shape our lives?

Some of you, dear readers, might think that there is nothing surprising here - one person was lucky to live in Moscow, and as for women, this was fate ...

Reality exists independently of you as long as you agree with it.

In fact, it is not reality that determines beliefs, but quite the contrary. Our belief system literally CREATES our lives.

Our brain is simply not able to see in reality what is not in our belief system.

The effect of cognitive distortions

Thinking errors (limiting attitudes) form a person's ideas about himself and the world.

Imagine a person who is convinced that acting does not make money. He meets up with friends and hears two different stories from them. In one, friends tell him about the success of a classmate who has become a highly paid actor. The other is about how their former colleague quit her job and got burned out on her decision to try an acting career.

Whose story will he believe? More likely the second one. Thus, he will demonstrate one of the cognitive distortions - the tendency to confirm his point of view. Or a person's tendency to seek information that is consistent with their point of view, belief, or hypothesis.

Beliefs often have nothing to do with reality. And instead of making our lives easier and protecting us from frustration and pain, they make us less happy.

Now imagine that he was introduced to that successful classmate who made a career in acting. Will he change his mind, or will he demonstrate the perseverance effect of holding an opinion even when the supporting evidence has been refuted?

Beliefs are formed through experience and information received from outside, they are due to numerous distortions of thinking. Beliefs often have nothing to do with reality.

We only see what is consistent with our beliefs.

Basically we are blind...

Neuroscience about Beliefs

The more often a person repeats a certain action, the stronger becomes the neural connection between brain cells that are jointly activated to carry out this action. The more often a neural connection is activated, the higher the likelihood of these neurons activating in the future. And that means a higher probability of doing the same as usual.

The opposite statement is also true: between neurons that are not synchronized, a neural connection is not formed.

You should know that the synoptic connection between neurons can change. The use of neural connections that represent a certain skill and way of thinking leads to their strengthening. If the action or belief is not repeated, the neural connections weaken.

This is how a skill is acquired: whether it is the ability to act or the ability to think in a certain way.

Remember how you learned something new, repeated the learned lesson over and over again until you achieved success in learning. Changes are possible. Beliefs are changeable.

The Best Technique for Dealing with Negative Beliefs

This practice was shared with me by Oksana Kamenetskaya, here is what she says about the history of the creation of this technique:

One day in 2012, I heard this exercise from Lisa Nichols. She told it very quickly with a beaming smile, and it seemed to me that it was all so easy, somehow funny, and I decided to just take it all and repeat it. I didn’t have a mentor, I didn’t have a coach, I didn’t have anyone to tell me. Accordingly, I just took and did what she said.

We need simple tools. We take a notebook, the most ordinary one from the stationery store. For 18 sheets, no less. You will also need a simple pencil (it is very important to have a regular pencil, not a pen), a pen with red ink and an eraser.

The fundamental point is that the notebook should have at least 16 sheets, not 16 pages, but sheets. You will need this notebook within six next months. She will become your own, amazing dream that will lead you to a new life.

The exercise must be done strictly following the step-by-step instructions.

Imagine that I gave you the recipe for your new life. If you see fit to do something in your sequence, you'll get a different result, but it won't be as fantastic.

How to identify limiting beliefs?

We need to take and write out everything, absolutely all of ourthe limitations in life that we have. But the thing is, it's easy to say this: "You write down your negative beliefs."

And how to write them out, where to find them, where to get them from?

Let's agree on terms. We will talk about whatour limiting beliefs are just ourspersistent thoughts.

This is that internal conversation, internal dialogue with yourself,which we are leading.Very often we do not even notice these thoughts at all, we justso we live. But it is precisely these thoughts, formed over very long years,through long repetitions of the same thing to ourselves, they form our today's life and today's reality.

And the exercise is that this is such a game, this is such a race, hunting. Your task is to find, capture and write down these beliefs with a pencil. And the task of these beliefs is to hide from you.

Which one of you wins, you will live such a life.

We start with the part of the exercise that is not the most positive, but it is the most important.

If you have an inner state now, what to live like thisimpossible if you say to yourself:

Since I live, I can no longer live like this and do not want to. I can no longer live in such relationships or without relationships, I can no longer live in lack of money, I can’t do anything, what I undertake, everything doesn’t add up, notlucky in everything and so on.

If you are ready to change something, remember, today is your day.

How to get rid of negative thoughts?

Very good and important if you are already prepared forthis exercise. Well, if you have been reading my blog for a long time, trying to set goals, trying affirmations.

But the point of this exercise is that if you justread affirmations:

  • I live in a beautiful house
  • I have a good and harmonious relationship
  • I have a good team
  • I travel the world

But internally you think in a completely different way, your internal convictions will win.

Let's take our notebook and a simple pencil or red pen.

On the notebook itself, write today's date and the phrase:Today I start my new life.

Over time, everything is forgotten, and in a year you will look at this notebook and remember how it all began.

We open the notebook. On the first sheet, we write the area of ​​​​life on which we will work. And after that we leave four more sheets.

Then again on top we write the name of another sphere of life and leave four more sheets. And we do the same with the third sphere and the fourth sphere.

If you listened to me and took a notebook with 18 sheets, you will have more sheets left for the fourth sphere.

  1. We take the first sphere, we write: Money, work and business.
  2. Second area: Relationships.
  3. Third sphere: Health.
  4. Fourth area: Personal growth.

This exercise cannot be performed on a computer, it will not mean anything. We work only in a notebook. It is fundamentally. Here is the work of your hand, notebook and subconscious. It is this combination that gives the result.

As for the fourth sphere, Personal growth, many people say: “I won’t even write two lines.” But still, believe me, leave 6 sheets for this sphere. In this area, you can write indefinitely.

You must write the entire notebook, it should not be otherwise.

Step by Step Plan for Finding Negative Beliefs

Under the very first heading "Money, work and business" we write only one phrase in pencil that we think about money. And we do the same in other areas. Pencil.

Attention, we write only one phrase with a pencil. And after each written phrase in each area, we leave, approximately, a paragraph, that is, as much space as the phrase you have already written has taken from you.

Then we write the next phrase that we think about this area, only with a pencil. And again we leave a place after this phrase.

And so we continue to do with all spheres. It is very important at this stage to write everything in pencil at 100%.

Thus, you should have the entire notebook written in pencil. Including the blank spaces that you left after your phrases, there should not be an empty sheet left in the notebook. Write everything in pencil, leaving blank paragraphs after each phrase.

Only after you have written down all your beliefs in all four areas, do you pick up a red pen and do the second part of the exercise.

What are your beliefs now?

Limiting beliefs are something that has been shaped in us all our lives. Usually, these are thoughts that begin with phrases such as: "I believe / I'm sure / ironclad / guaranteed / no doubt."

If you have something to say: yes, it seems to be so, I heard- it is not your conviction.

Expression: "That's what I will not undertake in life - guaranteed to be a failure" - it is your conviction.

“I believe that all the troubles in life are from money” - this is your belief.

You take this notebook and your first thought is: “so, well, what can I dowrite here what my limiting beliefs are?

Don't think about it, don't think about subconscious programs. Justask yourself questions about each area.

Attention! Often, limiting beliefs are heard in our heads as the voice of a parent, grandmother, or strict teacher. If you find yourself too often unworthy of having anything,

How to identify negative attitudes about money, business work?

You have entered the realm of Money. Work and Business. Ask yourself a question: then I think about money and business? What do I think about finance?

You may think:

“Money does not grow on a tree, the rich are evil and cynical people, in order to earn a lot, you need to work for days.”

Remember what you were told as a child about money. And so write:

"My grandmother always said that money does not bring happiness."

Or do you look at your life and think:

“I don’t have enough money to pay for a communal apartment, I don’t have money for a vacation, I always live from paycheck to paycheck.”

You write what you really think. Write short sentences, no need to describe long stories. When you have written all this, proceed to the next area.

Check out this article to see which attitudes are yours.

Negative beliefs about love and relationships

Here we are talking not only about love relationships but also about relationships in the family, with parents and children, with work colleagues, neighbors, and so on.

How to get rid of negative attitudes, see the video

Ask yourself the question: “What do I think about relationships?”

Frequent beliefs about love relationships that live in people are:

  • All men are ko**s
  • All women only want money
  • All my relationships end quickly
  • Nobody loves me
  • Always in a couple someone loves more (and that, of course, is me)
  • If a person sees my love, he immediately leaves

Dig deeper, maybe in your childhood someone said something bad about your appearance, and it stuck in your subconscious.

You can enter your thought about yourself if you think that you are ugly / ugly, your butt is too big, or your legs are short. Write down all such beliefs in a notebook.

Your task is to find all your thoughts on the topic of any relationship and unload everything on paper. They wrote a conviction - they left a place after it. Wrote another - left a place.

Negative health beliefs

Let's move on to health. As it is right, no one wants to write anything in this area. This means that there is a lot to work on, but we hide it. Our task is to be honest to the end.

We write: I have crooked teeth, I don't take care of my health, I don't go in for sports, I drink a lot, I smoke, my eyes hurt because I sit at the computer a lot.

Your personal attitude to medicine, doctors, clinics are also beliefs. If you have a negative attitude towards medical workers all your life, you may have health problems.

And this negativity and fear of not going to the hospital just leads to the fact that you have to go to hospitals and doctors a lot.

And the last area, the largest and most important.

Negative beliefs about yourself and your abilities

Here are some beliefs:

  • I watch too much TV.
  • I spend a lot of time on social networks.
  • I don't read much.
  • I'm not developing enough.
  • I take a lot of courses, but I don't apply what I've learned.
  • I don't understand the power of thought.
  • I am unable to sit still.

While writing these beliefs, you should not have any internal dialogue (Why am I writing this? How will this help me fix my life? What does this have to do with my limitations?).

Also, you don't have to wonder if this thought is good or bad. For example, you think: I earn little. Is it good or bad? Maybe it's good for you that you earn little. It is your right.

We say that we write down all our beliefs on paper. And the more beliefs you write down in a notebook in the sphere of personal growth, the better.

How do you count on your strengths? Do you rely on the help of others, but no one helps you? Do you trust your intuition? Can you set goals? Are you good at managing your time?

All your thoughts about yourself that are not directly related to money, relationships and health - all this you write in the fourth sphere.

If we simply took the general picture of life, we would write very little. And if for ourselves we choose four areas of life, then it is easier for us to think where any thought in our head can be attributed.

You could see your beliefs in my examples. If not, sit down and think about your limitations, what your parents, teachers, neighbors, colleagues, bosses, and so on have told you. Collect all your beliefs and distribute them in a notebook in all four areas.

As soon as you add all this with a pencil, at the very end, be sure totwo things must be done. At the end, write with a pencil a phrase that you somehow formulate for yourself. Something like this: “If I become a successful, happy and rich person, most likely I will not be of benefit to people.

But only you write with a pencil and in the way you see it yourself.

And one more obligatory phrase, which at the end through the distance shouldto be is whether you trust at all higher power. Do you believe in God, do you trust God. You can say - I rely only on my own strength in life and so on.

It is important to identify all settings!

Because if you don't do it now, they will also ruin your life later... I think it's even better not to do it in one day.

First, take the time to write your beliefs in pencil, take a break, and pick up a pen with red ink the next day.

Important advice. When you write with red ink, you do not think at all about what is happening in your life, you forget about what is in your head and what is currently around you.What you write in red ink has nothing to do with your life.You will not need to think anything, you will just come up with new phrases.

So the next day you pick up your red ink pen and start over. But it will be easier here, you don't have to think. Imagine that you just have a creative task. For each phrase that you wrote with a pencil, you simply write a refuting phrase.

In the present tense, she must be positive and she must not use "Not" with verbs.

For example, you wrote in the field of "money, work and business":I am a poor man, I earn little.

You do not need to write in red ink:I am not a poor person.

It won't work. You need to write:I am a rich person, I am a wealthy person, I am a prosperous person.

If you say that “I earn a lot of money” - that’s not necessary either. You need to write:I earn a lot, I have enough money for everything I want.

And this is how we go through all areas. By no means in thisdon't think for a moment:

Well, why am I writing this nonsense, it has nothing to do with what I think and think.

Yes, it has nothing to do with what you think and think. Your task is simply to write everything that is written in pencil nextred paste, refuting, in the present tense, without “not” and be sure to add some kind of emotion of happiness.

For example, you wrote in pencil:

  • "I can't afford to stay in expensive hotels"
  • "I can't afford to buy expensive gifts."

Then below you write:

  • “I am happy and grateful that I rest in the best hotels of the world"
  • "I buy gifts for my loved ones."

And so on until the very end.

The phrase that I recommended you write at the end (about money, that when you succeed, you will not be useful), you change to“I am getting even better, every day I bring more and more benefit to other people, the more money, resources, opportunities I have, the better I become.”

This is a very important program. The subconscious will help you develop more and more.

And very important point where we talk about trusting the universe.

I will share with you a big phrase that I wrote recently and it should be the final one after your whole story in red paste:

A higher power loves me and helps me realize my plans. I trust the divine intellect and convey my request to it. The deep wisdom of my subconscious knows how to realize and bring to life everything I have planned for the benefit of harmony, peace, kindness, health, prosperity for me, my family, other people and nature.

And this will be the conclusion of your entire notebook. This will be on the very last sheet.

How to end negative attitudes forever?

And this is the end of it all. In three days, only in 3 days you will be able to pick up an eraser. Before that, for three days, I recommend that you read your whole story in a row in the morning and in the evening. Everything you wrote in pencil and red ink.

Reading 16 and 18 sheets takes 1 hour. About 1 hour you remember what you wrote. You will start something like wiggles in the head , this happens because you have formed new bonds. They are still unstable, but the brain begins to form new neural connections, and these connections seem to start to move.

The first feeling is that this is normal, it should be so, this is right. The second feeling you will have is something like this:

“Well, why now I read everything that was written in pencil? I no longer want to read it, I only want to read what is written in red ink.”

They should be fixed among themselves in three days. And it looks like this:

The subconscious perceives only what is written in red paste. But first you need to hook it so that the subconscious knows that this is not an affirmation, but that you want to replace the old file with a new one. And then, when you have already read all three days, it looks something like when you want to overwrite files on your computer.

The subconscious asks if we save this file, then the already existing, old file will be deleted forever.

Replace? Replace.

So we're replacing it all. From the moment you erase all the pencil, you will be left with only red paste.

Erase the pencil and all your limitations will disappear.

will remain new picture your life and you begin to read it the same way, every day, morning and evening. This will take you 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening.

And just like that within 6 months.

And that's all that you write, not only will it give you fantastic pleasure, you will gradually begin to introduce these new programs.

In the very first week, you will begin to see unusual events happening in your life.

If you have never been complimented, here you write in red ink:

"I bathe in compliments" and you will receive them.

If you haven't received gratitude, you will start receiving gratitude. If you have not received gifts and surprises, things that have never happened to you will begin to happen to you.

And if you are interested in learning about my experience of visualizing what you want, come to my

It turns out that this is how easy it is to remove all your negative attitudes! Who started writing, share in the comments what you believed in for many years?

We invite you to the 1st level of the "School of Conscious Development", founded by S.I. Losev.

Losev Stanislav Ivanovich - academician, full member of the International Academy of Bioenergy Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy, member of the Writers' Union of Ukraine, author of 10 books.

What is studied at the first level of school:

2. "Breath of life".

Advantages of the proposed processing methods:

1. Easy to learn methods. 2 days is enough to study for most people and just a few weeks to understand all the nuances (directly practicing the methods).

2. Fundamental psychological, esoteric or other knowledge is not needed. Any average person can easily master the techniques.

3. Availability. Seminars are available for people with almost minimal financial income.

4. You study once and then study on your own. You do not need an assistant, psychologist, consultant or some other specialist to solve any issues and situations (“problems”) in your Life.

Watch video presentations of the school and the method:

Briefly about the school of conscious development by S.I. Loseva:

Part of the introductory lecture on the first level of the School of Conscious Development. Maria Krivitskaya, 07/21/2016:

Practice "Eraser" - a simple and effective practice to protect against negativity, to resolve various situations and harmonization of relationships and space around you. This is one of the first level tools:

The illogical method of erasing negative programs from the subconscious:

Tools and techniques:

The "Keyword Therapy" or "No-Logic Way to Erase Negative Programs" tool works with the first three chakras, removing their blockages:

The 1st chakra is blocked through stress, fear, hatred (legs, life energy).

The 2nd chakra is blocked through shame (genitourinary system, kidneys).

The 3rd chakra is blocked through guilt (gastrointestinal tract).

The method is based on accurate knowledge of the capabilities of the human brain.

Features of the Keyword Therapy tool or the Logic-Free Way to Erase Negative Programs:

1. Erase the negative event (death loved one, accident, disaster, lost, theft, fire, divorce of parents), accident (drowned in childhood, bitten by a dog, hit by a car).

2. Imposed programs (fool, fat, brake, ugly, unlucky). People often unconsciously pronounce these programs.

3. Getting rid of negative habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Imagine a part that takes a lot of physical effort. She was given an exact shape (physical training), varnished (psychological training), but it never occurred to any of the specialists to examine her for the presence of the smallest cracks. It is clear that only one such crack at the moment of highest stress can cause destruction and failure. As a rule, there are a great many such cracks in the memory of each person: from severe stress to resentment and everyday life problems. Without a doubt, they need to get rid of.

And it’s worth getting rid of the most powerful shocks of the past and the “Illogical way to erase negative programs” will help in this.

Another tool that is studied at the 1st stage of the "School of Conscious Development" is the "Removal of grievances or revision of relationships" method. This method works with 4th and 5th chakra blockages:

The 4th chakra is blocked through resentment, claims (heart, lungs).

The 5th chakra is blocked through unspoken grievances, deceit (throat, thyroid gland).

Even if you remove all your fears and shocks, thousands of other, smaller cracks will not leave your consciousness. These cracks are resentment, discontent, bad words and thoughts addressed to someone.

Every negative appeal (even a fleeting negative impression) immediately connects you with the object of your discontent. Your energy will now flow in a thin stream, to nowhere. If you put together all these streams, like the thinnest threads, you get a rope that hobbles even an elephant.

Therefore, it is worth starting to practice the “revision of relations” technique, and from event to event get rid of all these threads.

So, At the first level, schools study:

1. An illogical way to erase negative programs.

2. Health practice "Breath of life".

3. Method of revision of relations.

4. Protection against negative inclusions.

At the second level, schools study:

1. Search for the origins of negative programs or relationships.

2. Method "Reversal" (elimination negative impacts, removal of damage, etc.)

3. Channel cutting.

4. Return of one's own will.

5. Method "Self-Healing".

6. Healing of relatives of the direct channel.

7. Work with unborn children (in particular, after abortions, miscarriages, etc.

8. Elimination of settlements and obsessions.

9. Search and erasure of negative episodes of childhood.

10. Development of relations from third parties.

11. Working with cash flow, increasing havingness.

At the third level, schools study:

1. Elimination of the negative well of life (from the moment of conception to the present day). Awareness of personal deep problems.

2. Finding the origins of deep problems using keywords and the method of revisiting relationships.

3. Elimination of deep negative problems. Purification of the personal "I".

4. Eliminate negative generic programs and purification of the genus.

5. Opening of financial flows.

6. Starting a forty-day program of reversal of the negative cells.

At the fourth level, schools study:

1. Deep energy cleansing.

2. Removal of negative character traits.

3. spring-cleaning(work with the family to clean up the energy of the Earth).

4. Entry into the stream of Living time.

5. Asterisk method.

We recommend that you go through the 1st level of the “School of Conscious Development”, study the methods and techniques described above, erase destructive programs from your subconscious, reconsider relationships and start living even more happy and Harmonious Life! The first level is studied in a 2-day live seminar or online.

Training is conducted both by Stanislav Losev himself and by his students (teachers of the method) in different cities and countries. Training is conducted in: Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Sevastopol, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Voronezh, Tyumen and other cities. Groups are also recruited for online training (Skype, microphone and webcam are needed).

We wish you Harmony, full disclosure of Your Creative and Spiritual Potential!

IN modern world every second person has negative programs that dictate to the subconscious what to do. But few know that such actions can lead to big problems in life.

Recently, more and more people have become interested in psychology, track their actions and apply positive thinking. And some are making some headway in this area. In fact, not all negative programs can be easily traced and eliminated. But if you set yourself such a goal, then with the help of special methods it is quite possible to get rid of such installations.

What are negative programs

How to get rid of negative programs

Most of these programs are easy to trace in a simple way. To do this, it is enough to control your thoughts and analyze what is happening around. If some unpleasant situation happened to you, you do not need to immediately panic and blame everyone. Take a few deep breaths and think about why this happened and what behavior you used to attract these events. Of course, such an analysis will not be the most pleasant in your life, but in order to improve the situation and start moving in the right direction, you need to go through it.

There are also deeper negative programs that have been dragging on since childhood. And at first glance, this may seem so insignificant. For example, at school, a classmate pulled your pigtails, thus showing his sympathy. But after such an act, the girl will be offended and decide that all the boys are bad. This negative attitude can strengthen over time and in the future prevent a woman from meeting her soul mate and creating a strong family.

To correct the situation and change the minus to a plus, it is enough to use one of the methods you like, and after a few weeks you can notice significant improvements.

All methods are related to visualization and are a bit like meditation. Getting into a meditative state is quite simple. The main thing is to take the time to practice.

First way

Get into a comfortable sitting or lying position, close your eyes, and turn off your phone. You can also turn on soothing music. This is necessary so that nothing distracts you during the exercise. Take a few deep breaths in and out, think of something pleasant to achieve inner harmony. Only when you reach a state of peace should you begin this practice.

After you completely relax, remember your problem and imagine in detail the situation that happened to you. To change a negative program to a positive one, feel where exactly in the body is the cause that contributed to the creation of this situation. Imagine what it might look like and in what part of the body it is located. The more you can consider it, the easier it will be to work with it further.

When you see a fairly clear picture, imagine how it begins to fade and dissolve. Allow this process to happen at your own pace and take your time. At this moment, everyone can experience different emotions and feelings. Allow yourself to live everything that is so torn out. If you feel like crying, don't hold back. After you feel that the picture has dissolved, and it has become easier for you, you can proceed to the final stage.

Now your body is free empty place to be filled. So imagine something positive. It can be both memories from the past, and your cherished dream. Think about how you will feel when it is fulfilled, what emotions and feelings will accompany it. Stay in this state of happiness for as long as you want. After that, take a few deep breaths in and out and come to your senses.

Second way

This method is directly related to the heart chakra, anahata, which is responsible for opening love and accepting it. Just like in the previous version, you need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax.

When you reach a calm state, imagine that a sphere of golden color forms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and with each breath it increases in size. After that, you need to think about your problem and also see where it might be in the body.

When you find the place where the negative program is located, focus on your breathing. Imagine that you are inhaling air not through your nose, but through your heart chakra, and direct the golden light from your sphere to the part of the body where the cause is located. Let the air come out through it. Breathe like this until you see that the cause of failure has disappeared. After that, you should thank yourself for the work done, and the Universe for the help, and open your eyes.

Despite the fact that some of these methods will seem simple, they are an excellent tool in the fight against negative programs. Use them when you need to change something in your life. And daily affirmations will speed up the process. Believe in yourself, do not stop in the middle of the road and don't forget to press the buttons and

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