Home Fate Numerology Read online the radiance of the higher gods and pitches. Georgy Sidorov - the radiance of the higher gods and the stone smiths. G. A. Sidorov The Shining of the Highest Gods and the Stones

Read online the radiance of the higher gods and pitches. Georgy Sidorov - the radiance of the higher gods and the stone smiths. G. A. Sidorov The Shining of the Highest Gods and the Stones

G. A. Sidorov

Radiance of the High Gods

and stoners

Moscow 2013 (7521)

From the publisher

We constantly hear the tales that the media spread that our civilization is developing, that we live in an era of progress. But a careful observer can easily see the falsity of these statements. Everything is just the opposite! Now we live in a time of degradation and stagnation! Recognition of "scientific and technological progress" is, at least, a mockery and a mockery of common sense. Even with a slight and superficial acquaintance with the problem, one can immediately detect the presence of some unkind Forces that noticeably slow down the development of the technical progress of earthly civilization and sometimes direct the vector of development of our civilization along the wrong path leading to a dead end.

It's no secret that at the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla had already developed in detail the technology for obtaining energy from a vacuum and transmitting it over long distances. But the presence of this evil Force (at that time in the person of MORGAN) led to the fact that all Tesla's inventions were bought up and hidden from the public.

A hundred years have passed, and we still live on the old technologies for obtaining energy from gas, oil, coal. Where is the progress here? Mankind has been marking time almost in place for a century! And because of oil and other minerals, there have been wars for the right to dispose of these natural resources for decades. Iraq, Libya, and now it is the turn of Syria and Iran... and our country has been under external control for decades, precisely because of its rich mineral resources. In these wars, people die by the millions... and in the name of what? This is wildness! Neglect of the development of mankind, in the name of their own selfish interests. It is known that Hitler spent as much money on finding the technologies of ancient civilizations, financing expeditions to Tibet, as on the development of an atomic bomb. He knew for certain that ancient civilizations were technically more advanced than modern civilization today, but they died as a result of a devastating war that thundered over the earth thousands of years ago ...

Of course, we must recognize some development of mankind in technical terms over the past century ... but what kind of development is this? This development is mainly dictated by the task of KILLING and DESTROYING. In most of the world's leading countries, the largest budgets are the military. All the power of our civilization is directed, by and large, against man. Any discovery sooner or later turns into a weapon. This state of affairs does not dare to be called progress.

This book exposes the activity of a secret evil Power. servants of this dark Force our ancestors called Krameshniki. This word comes from Kb(ko)-RA-MIDDLE. Ra- this is the Divine Radiance, purity. And it turns out that the stoners are those who slow down, prevent a person from going to the Divine Light, those who are trying to turn a person into a two-legged animal, just to keep him in their sphere of influence. The modern spelling of this word is somewhat different, but it was decided in this book to write it in its original form, so as not to lose the original image of this word. “He who is warned is armed,” says the wisdom of the ancients. We really hope that the reader will arm himself with many of the knowledge gained from this wise book and apply it in his life to build a happy, harmonious environment, and help his neighbor. Then we will truly see all the spiritual greatness of those who call themselves the Children of God...

Start with yourself, help your neighbor, boldly go forward, for OUR TIME HAS COME.


This book is part of the series "Chronological and Esoteric Analysis of the Development of Modern Civilization". But at the same time, it stands somewhat apart from the line of the series. The fact is that this book is narrowly specialized. It is devoted to the impact of information technology on human genetics. To some, it may seem that the author misspoke. And indeed: how can information change the genetic structures of DNA? From point of view modern science this is impossible. But in my work, I did not rely on modern flawed genetics, but on the knowledge of the ancients. At the end, the process is described in detail, how various changes occur in our DNA under the influence of information and energy pressure. Stop being naive and think that you can convince someone to become a same-sex, pedophile, bestialist, etc. No beliefs will help to turn a person into a psychopath, you need to change his genetics. In this paper, I have shown in detail how this is done. In addition, I was given the reverse process: how to become completely normal from a pervert, a mentally ill person.

In addition to genetic processes, I showed modern information technologies. How do they affect the subconscious? And how can you fight them. In the book, I did not set myself the goal of describing in detail all types of programming. There are too many of them to deal with only them, so I stopped only at the most common and most dangerous. In addition, in the book I told why academic science was created. Whom does it serve and for what purpose? This is especially true of our earthly chronology. Using the example of Svetoslav's war against Byzantium, I showed how easy it is to deal with the falsification of our past. To do this, it is enough to know the psychology of your people and have the rudiments of genetic memory.

In this work, for the first time, unlike many other authors, I have shown what the Vatican is like, that there is nothing Christian in it. It is just camouflage, nothing more. As well as satanic, which is also superficial and rather late.

In the book, I showed the hidden essence of the papacy. It represents the secret temple of Set-Amon. It is not the pontiff or the Catholic cardinals who rule the world of the West. Under the red robes hide the direct heirs of the Theban priesthood. That is why the Pope and his cardinals have a crown on their heads not of anyone, but of Amon himself. In my book, in addition to the mystery of the Vatican, I also told something about the great mystery of Siberia. He touched the pyramids overgrown with forests, ruins, ancient temples and entrances to underground galleries illuminated by a special light. But what is most important: in this book the reader will get acquainted with Siberian Sumeria. He learns that the ancient mysterious Sumerians were close relatives of the Slavs, Germans and other Indo-European peoples. In search of proto-Sumerian ceramics, he, together with the author and his friends, will go on an expedition to the territory of the middle Ob region. Where cities, temples and temples of the ancestors of the modern representatives of the white race once stood.

G. Sidorov

Part one.

Secret methods of krameshnikov

old princess

From early childhood, like any normal child, I loved my father very much and, of course, the unique, most beautiful and smartest mother in the world. If the father disappeared for days at work, then the mother was always there. She was the one who answered my first questions. From her vision of the world, the basis of my early consciousness was formed. The one that I was able to keep for the rest of my life. I not only loved my parents, I idolized them and was proud of them. It is quite natural that any child deifies his relatives and this is normal. But my joy and pride had a basis. Because, playing in the courtyard of the house where I spent my childhood, I heard from many adults about my father's disinterestedness and my mother's responsiveness to the people around me. It was said about his father that he was able to take off his last shirt and give it to those in need. About the mother, the neighbors told about the same thing.

This behavior of my parents brought up in me directness, disinterestedness and cordiality. For a very long time I did not understand what human greed, envy, and the lust for power represent. I have heard about acquisitiveness only in fairy tales. For some reason, in my childhood, greedy people not only made me feel disgusted, but also seemed ridiculous to me. Their pettiness and stinginess in my mind did not correspond to the high rank of a person, it seemed that such people misunderstand a simple thing: no matter how much you save things, all of them will eventually become unnecessary. Because, in fact, these are also toys, only of a slightly different nature. Toys, whatever they are, tend to get bored.

At that cloudless time of my childhood, I knew only from fairy tales that there are strange people on earth who never get bored with things, fortunately there are not so many of them and they live in a different world. That their whole life is dedicated to continuous accumulation. I did not notice real egoists, and for this reason, evil and greedy envious people around me. Yes, they were probably in those days in the environment ordinary people there were so few that they didn’t really shine. That was the end of the great Stalin era. A time of hope and restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war.

G. A. Sidorov

Radiance of the High Gods

and stoners


Moscow 2013 (7521)

From the publisher

We constantly hear the tales that the media spread that our civilization is developing, that we live in an era of progress. But a careful observer can easily see the falsity of these statements. Everything is just the opposite! Now we live in a time of degradation and stagnation! Recognition of "scientific and technological progress" is, at least, a mockery and a mockery of common sense. Even with a slight and superficial acquaintance with the problem, one can immediately detect the presence of some unkind Forces that noticeably slow down the development of the technical progress of earthly civilization and sometimes direct the vector of development of our civilization along the wrong path leading to a dead end.

It's no secret that at the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla had already developed in detail the technology for obtaining energy from a vacuum and transmitting it over long distances. But the presence of this evil Force (at that time in the person of MORGAN) led to the fact that all Tesla's inventions were bought up and hidden from the public.

A hundred years have passed, and we still live on the old technologies for obtaining energy from gas, oil, coal. Where is the progress here? Mankind has been marking time almost in place for a century! And because of oil and other minerals, there have been wars for the right to dispose of these natural resources for decades. Iraq, Libya, and now it is the turn of Syria and Iran... and our country has been under external control for decades, precisely because of its rich mineral resources. In these wars, people die by the millions... and in the name of what? This is wildness! Neglect of the development of mankind, in the name of their own selfish interests. It is known that Hitler spent as much money on finding the technologies of ancient civilizations, financing expeditions to Tibet, as on the development of an atomic bomb. He knew for certain that ancient civilizations were technically more advanced than modern civilization today, but they died as a result of a devastating war that thundered over the earth thousands of years ago ...

Of course, we must recognize some development of mankind in technical terms over the past century ... but what kind of development is this? This development is mainly dictated by the task of KILLING and DESTROYING. In most of the world's leading countries, the largest budgets are the military. All the power of our civilization is directed, by and large, against man. Any discovery sooner or later turns into a weapon. This state of affairs does not dare to be called progress.

This book exposes the activity of a secret evil Power. Our ancestors called the servants of this dark Power Krameshniks. This word comes from Kb(ko)-RA-MIDDLE. Ra- this is the Divine Radiance, purity. And it turns out that the stoners are those who slow down, prevent a person from going to the Divine Light, those who are trying to turn a person into a two-legged animal, just to keep him in their sphere of influence. The modern spelling of this word is somewhat different, but it was decided in this book to write it in its original form, so as not to lose the original image of this word. “He who is warned is armed,” says the wisdom of the ancients. We really hope that the reader will arm himself with many of the knowledge gained from this wise book and apply it in his life to build a happy, harmonious environment, and help his neighbor. Then we will truly see all the spiritual greatness of those who call themselves the Children of God...

Start with yourself, help your neighbor, boldly go forward, for OUR TIME HAS COME.


This book is part of the series "Chronological and Esoteric Analysis of the Development of Modern Civilization". But at the same time, it stands somewhat apart from the line of the series. The fact is that this book is narrowly specialized. It is devoted to the impact of information technology on human genetics. To some, it may seem that the author misspoke. And indeed: how can information change the genetic structures of DNA? From the point of view of modern science, this is impossible. But in my work, I did not rely on modern flawed genetics, but on the knowledge of the ancients. At the end, the process is described in detail, how various changes occur in our DNA under the influence of information and energy pressure. Stop being naive and think that you can convince someone to become a same-sex, pedophile, bestialist, etc. No beliefs will help to turn a person into a psychopath, you need to change his genetics. In this paper, I have shown in detail how this is done. In addition, I was given the reverse process: how to become completely normal from a pervert, a mentally ill person.

In addition to genetic processes, I showed modern information technologies. How do they affect the subconscious? And how can you fight them. In the book, I did not set myself the goal of describing in detail all types of programming. There are too many of them to deal with only them, so I stopped only at the most common and most dangerous. In addition, in the book I told why academic science was created. Whom does it serve and for what purpose? This is especially true of our earthly chronology. Using the example of Svetoslav's war against Byzantium, I showed how easy it is to deal with the falsification of our past. To do this, it is enough to know the psychology of your people and have the rudiments of genetic memory.

In this work, for the first time, unlike many other authors, I have shown what the Vatican is like, that there is nothing Christian in it. It is just camouflage, nothing more. As well as satanic, which is also superficial and rather late.

In the book, I showed the hidden essence of the papacy. It represents the secret temple of Set-Amon. It is not the pontiff or the Catholic cardinals who rule the world of the West. Under the red robes hide the direct heirs of the Theban priesthood. That is why the Pope and his cardinals have a crown on their heads not of anyone, but of Amon himself. In my book, in addition to the mystery of the Vatican, I also told something about the great mystery of Siberia. He touched the pyramids overgrown with forests, ruins, ancient temples and entrances to underground galleries illuminated by a special light. But what is most important: in this book the reader will get acquainted with Siberian Sumeria. He learns that the ancient mysterious Sumerians were close relatives of the Slavs, Germans and other Indo-European peoples. In search of proto-Sumerian ceramics, he, together with the author and his friends, will go on an expedition to the territory of the middle Ob region. Where cities, temples and temples of the ancestors of the modern representatives of the white race once stood.

G. Sidorov

Part one.

Secret methods of krameshnikov

old princess

From early childhood, like any normal child, I loved my father very much and, of course, the unique, most beautiful and smartest mother in the world. If the father disappeared for days at work, then the mother was always there. She was the one who answered my first questions. From her vision of the world, the basis of my early consciousness was formed. The one that I was able to keep for the rest of my life. I not only loved my parents, I idolized them and was proud of them. It is quite natural that any child deifies his relatives and this is normal. But my joy and pride had a basis. Because, playing in the courtyard of the house where I spent my childhood, I heard from many adults about my father's disinterestedness and my mother's responsiveness to the people around me. It was said about his father that he was able to take off his last shirt and give it to those in need. About the mother, the neighbors told about the same thing.

G. A. Sidorov

Radiance of the High Gods

and stoners

Moscow 2013 (7521)

From the publisher

We constantly hear the tales that the media spread that our civilization is developing, that we live in an era of progress. But a careful observer can easily see the falsity of these statements. Everything is just the opposite! Now we live in a time of degradation and stagnation! Recognition of "scientific and technological progress" is, at least, a mockery and a mockery of common sense. Even with a slight and superficial acquaintance with the problem, one can immediately detect the presence of some unkind Forces that noticeably slow down the development of the technical progress of earthly civilization and sometimes direct the vector of development of our civilization along the wrong path leading to a dead end.

It's no secret that at the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla had already developed in detail the technology for obtaining energy from a vacuum and transmitting it over long distances. But the presence of this evil Force (at that time in the person of MORGAN) led to the fact that all Tesla's inventions were bought up and hidden from the public.

A hundred years have passed, and we still live on the old technologies for obtaining energy from gas, oil, coal. Where is the progress here? Mankind has been marking time almost in place for a century! And because of oil and other minerals, there have been wars for the right to dispose of these natural resources for decades. Iraq, Libya, and now it is the turn of Syria and Iran... and our country has been under external control for decades, precisely because of its rich mineral resources. In these wars, people die by the millions... and in the name of what? This is wildness! Neglect of the development of mankind, in the name of their own selfish interests. It is known that Hitler spent as much money on finding the technologies of ancient civilizations, financing expeditions to Tibet, as on the development of an atomic bomb. He knew for certain that ancient civilizations were technically more advanced than modern civilization today, but they died as a result of a devastating war that thundered over the earth thousands of years ago ...

Of course, we must recognize some development of mankind in technical terms over the past century ... but what kind of development is this? This development is mainly dictated by the task of KILLING and DESTROYING. In most of the world's leading countries, the largest budgets are the military. All the power of our civilization is directed, by and large, against man. Any discovery sooner or later turns into a weapon. This state of affairs does not dare to be called progress.

This book exposes the activity of a secret evil Power. Our ancestors called the servants of this dark Power Krameshniks. This word comes from Kb(ko)-RA-MIDDLE. Ra- this is the Divine Radiance, purity. And it turns out that the stoners are those who slow down, prevent a person from going to the Divine Light, those who are trying to turn a person into a two-legged animal, just to keep him in their sphere of influence. The modern spelling of this word is somewhat different, but it was decided in this book to write it in its original form, so as not to lose the original image of this word. “He who is warned is armed,” says the wisdom of the ancients. We really hope that the reader will arm himself with many of the knowledge gained from this wise book and apply it in his life to build a happy, harmonious environment, and help his neighbor. Then we will truly see all the spiritual greatness of those who call themselves the Children of God...

Start with yourself, help your neighbor, boldly go forward, for OUR TIME HAS COME.


This book is part of the series "Chronological and Esoteric Analysis of the Development of Modern Civilization". But at the same time, it stands somewhat apart from the line of the series. The fact is that this book is narrowly specialized. It is devoted to the impact of information technology on human genetics. To some, it may seem that the author misspoke. And indeed: how can information change the genetic structures of DNA? From the point of view of modern science, this is impossible. But in my work, I did not rely on modern flawed genetics, but on the knowledge of the ancients. At the end, the process is described in detail, how various changes occur in our DNA under the influence of information and energy pressure. Stop being naive and think that you can convince someone to become a same-sex, pedophile, bestialist, etc. No beliefs will help to turn a person into a psychopath, you need to change his genetics. In this paper, I have shown in detail how this is done. In addition, I was given the reverse process: how to become completely normal from a pervert, a mentally ill person.

In addition to genetic processes, I showed modern information technologies. How do they affect the subconscious? And how can you fight them. In the book, I did not set myself the goal of describing in detail all types of programming. There are too many of them to deal with only them, so I stopped only at the most common and most dangerous. In addition, in the book I told why academic science was created. Whom does it serve and for what purpose? This is especially true of our earthly chronology. Using the example of Svetoslav's war against Byzantium, I showed how easy it is to deal with the falsification of our past. To do this, it is enough to know the psychology of your people and have the rudiments of genetic memory.

In this work, for the first time, unlike many other authors, I have shown what the Vatican is like, that there is nothing Christian in it. It is just camouflage, nothing more. As well as satanic, which is also superficial and rather late.

In the book, I showed the hidden essence of the papacy. It represents the secret temple of Set-Amon. It is not the pontiff or the Catholic cardinals who rule the world of the West. Under the red robes hide the direct heirs of the Theban priesthood. That is why the Pope and his cardinals have a crown on their heads not of anyone, but of Amon himself. In my book, in addition to the mystery of the Vatican, I also told something about the great mystery of Siberia. He touched the pyramids overgrown with forests, ruins, ancient temples and entrances to underground galleries illuminated by a special light. But what is most important: in this book the reader will get acquainted with Siberian Sumeria. He learns that the ancient mysterious Sumerians were close relatives of the Slavs, Germans and other Indo-European peoples. In search of proto-Sumerian ceramics, he, together with the author and his friends, will go on an expedition to the territory of the middle Ob region. Where cities, temples and temples of the ancestors of the modern representatives of the white race once stood.

We constantly hear the tales that the media spread that our civilization is developing, that we live in an era of progress. But a careful observer can easily see the falsity of these statements. Everything is just the opposite! Now we live in a time of degradation and stagnation! Recognition of "scientific and technological progress" is, at least, a mockery and a mockery of common sense. Even with a slight and superficial acquaintance with the problem, one can immediately detect the presence of some unkind Forces that noticeably slow down the development of the technical progress of earthly civilization and sometimes direct the vector of development of our civilization along the wrong path leading to a dead end.

It's no secret that at the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla had already developed in detail the technology for obtaining energy from a vacuum and transmitting it over long distances. But the presence of this evil Force (at that time in the person of MORGAN) led to the fact that all Tesla's inventions were bought up and hidden from the public.

A hundred years have passed, and we still live on the old technologies for obtaining energy from gas, oil, coal. Where is the progress here? Mankind has been marking time almost in place for a century! And because of oil and other minerals, there have been wars for the right to dispose of these natural resources for decades. Iraq, Libya, and now it is the turn of Syria and Iran... and our country has been under external control for decades, precisely because of its rich mineral resources. In these wars, people die by the millions... and in the name of what? This is wildness! Neglect of the development of mankind, in the name of their own selfish interests. It is known that Hitler spent as much money on finding the technologies of ancient civilizations, financing expeditions to Tibet, as on the development of an atomic bomb. He knew for certain that ancient civilizations were technically more advanced than modern civilization today, but they died as a result of a devastating war that thundered over the earth thousands of years ago ...

Of course, we must recognize some development of mankind in technical terms over the past century ... but what kind of development is this? This development is mainly dictated by the task of KILLING and DESTROYING. In most of the world's leading countries, the largest budgets are the military. All the power of our civilization is directed, by and large, against man. Any discovery sooner or later turns into a weapon. This state of affairs does not dare to be called progress.

This book exposes the activity of a secret evil Power. Our ancestors called the servants of this dark Power Krameshniks. This word comes from Kb(ko)-RA-MIDDLE. Ra- this is the Divine Radiance, purity. And it turns out that the stoners are those who slow down, prevent a person from going to the Divine Light, those who are trying to turn a person into a two-legged animal, just to keep him in their sphere of influence. The modern spelling of this word is somewhat different, but it was decided in this book to write it in its original form, so as not to lose the original image of this word. “He who is warned is armed,” says the wisdom of the ancients. We really hope that the reader will arm himself with many of the knowledge gained from this wise book and apply it in his life to build a happy, harmonious environment, and help his neighbor. Then we will truly see all the spiritual greatness of those who call themselves the Children of God...

Start with yourself, help your neighbor, boldly go forward, for OUR TIME HAS COME.


Be good!!!

This book is part of the series "Chronological and Esoteric Analysis of the Development of Modern Civilization". But at the same time, it stands somewhat apart from the line of the series. The fact is that this book is narrowly specialized. It is devoted to the impact of information technology on human genetics. To some, it may seem that the author misspoke. And indeed: how can information change the genetic structures of DNA? From the point of view of modern science, this is impossible. But in my work, I did not rely on modern flawed genetics, but on the knowledge of the ancients. At the end, the process is described in detail, how various changes occur in our DNA under the influence of information and energy pressure. Stop being naive and think that you can convince someone to become a same-sex, pedophile, bestialist, etc. No beliefs will help to turn a person into a psychopath, you need to change his genetics. In this paper, I have shown in detail how this is done. In addition, I was given the reverse process: how to become completely normal from a pervert, a mentally ill person.

In addition to genetic processes, I showed modern information technologies. How do they affect the subconscious? And how can you fight them. In the book, I did not set myself the goal of describing in detail all types of programming. There are too many of them to deal with only them, so I stopped only at the most common and most dangerous. In addition, in the book I told why academic science was created. Whom does it serve and for what purpose? This is especially true of our earthly chronology. Using the example of Svetoslav's war against Byzantium, I showed how easy it is to deal with the falsification of our past. To do this, it is enough to know the psychology of your people and have the rudiments of genetic memory.

In this work, for the first time, unlike many other authors, I have shown what the Vatican is like, that there is nothing Christian in it. It is just camouflage, nothing more. As well as satanic, which is also superficial and rather late.

In the book, I showed the hidden essence of the papacy. It represents the secret temple of Set-Amon. It is not the pontiff or the Catholic cardinals who rule the world of the West. Under the red robes hide the direct heirs of the Theban priesthood. That is why the Pope and his cardinals have a crown on their heads not of anyone, but of Amon himself. In my book, in addition to the mystery of the Vatican, I also told something about the great mystery of Siberia. He touched the pyramids overgrown with forests, ruins, ancient temples and entrances to underground galleries illuminated by a special light. But what is most important: in this book the reader will get acquainted with Siberian Sumeria. He learns that the ancient mysterious Sumerians were close relatives of the Slavs, Germans and other Indo-European peoples. In search of proto-Sumerian ceramics, he, together with the author and his friends, will go on an expedition to the territory of the middle Ob region. Where cities, temples and temples of the ancestors of the modern representatives of the white race once stood.

G. Sidorov

Part one.

Secret methods of krameshnikov

old princess

From early childhood, like any normal child, I loved my father very much and, of course, the unique, most beautiful and smartest mother in the world. If the father disappeared for days at work, then the mother was always there. She was the one who answered my first questions. From her vision of the world, the basis of my early consciousness was formed. The one that I was able to keep for the rest of my life. I not only loved my parents, I idolized them and was proud of them. It is quite natural that any child deifies his relatives and this is normal. But my joy and pride had a basis. Because, playing in the courtyard of the house where I spent my childhood, I heard from many adults about my father's disinterestedness and my mother's responsiveness to the people around me. It was said about his father that he was able to take off his last shirt and give it to those in need. About the mother, the neighbors told about the same thing.

Georgy Sidorov


The book is devoted to the issue of the impact of information technology on human genetics. The first part of the book shows modern information technologies and how they affect the human subconscious. The author reveals the unseemly role of modern historical science, tells who oversees it and for what purposes the true history of Russia and the whole world is falsified; shows the true face of the Vatican - the successor to the ancient heritage of the Theban priesthood. The second part reveals great mystery Siberia - the ancestral home of the ancient civilization of the Slavs, Germans and other Indo-European peoples. The third part describes the expedition led by G.A. Sidorov to the region of the middle Ob region, where irrefutable evidence of the existence of Siberian Sumeria was found. This discovery is a world-class discovery that radically changes the entire modern historical science. Who and why hides the obvious facts of the existence of Northern Sumeria - the Ancestral home of the ancestors of the representatives of the modern white race? The answers to these and other questions can be found within the pages of this book.

G. A. Sidorov
Radiance of the High Gods
and stoners

Moscow 2013 (7521)

From the publisher

We constantly hear the tales that the media spread that our civilization is developing, that we live in an era of progress. But a careful observer can easily see the falsity of these statements. Everything is just the opposite! Now we live in a time of degradation and stagnation! Recognition of "scientific and technological progress" is, at least, a mockery and a mockery of common sense. Even with a slight and superficial acquaintance with the problem, one can immediately detect the presence of some unkind Forces that noticeably slow down the development of the technical progress of earthly civilization and sometimes direct the vector of development of our civilization along the wrong path leading to a dead end.

It's no secret that at the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla had already developed in detail the technology for obtaining energy from a vacuum and transmitting it over long distances. But the presence of this evil Force (at that time in the person of MORGAN) led to the fact that all Tesla's inventions were bought up and hidden from the public.

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