Home Numerology The layout of the apartment according to feng shui rules. Feng Shui of the apartment: ten golden rules. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The layout of the apartment according to feng shui rules. Feng Shui of the apartment: ten golden rules. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

It can help to achieve wealth and prosperity, health and well-being, peace of mind and balance, success in work and study.

Tempting? And all you need to use in your life the rules of Feng Shui. Next, you will learn how to equip your home according to the principles of Feng Shui, about the talismans that will help you, and about the golden rules of the art of transforming your life.

Basic principles of Feng Shui: house zoning

There are quite a few rules that help to make the hearth cozy and comfortable, but the basic principles boil down to one thing - it is necessary to divide the home into zones and maintain each of them in proper condition. What are these zones - read on.

  1. Luck zone. This is the center of the apartment. The most important place, it needs special care: in order for luck and happiness to reign in the house, this area must always be clean. In addition, this zone contributes to the spiritual growth of people living in the apartment.
  2. . It is located at the end of any room in the apartment in the far left corner. Having defined this zone for yourself, make sure that order always reigns there. Avoid clutter in this area, otherwise you will be in the eternal search for sources of income that will not bring you joy.
  3. Glory zone. This area is located in the southern part of the apartment. If you want to gain fame and recognition from others, put it in order. Do general cleaning throughout the apartment: get rid of unnecessary trash, old and broken things. This will help you build relationships with people, and their judgment of you will become much higher and more positive.
  4. Knowledge Zone. The perfect place is selected intuitively: where you work best, the place is suitable for the zone. Clean it regularly, ventilate the room, provide good lighting.
  5. . Usually this is a hallway and front door. The lighter and cleaner this area is, the easier it will be to penetrate your home. positive energy and spread to all corners of the apartment. The rug at the front door should be clean, things should be neatly hung on hangers, corresponding to the season, shoes should not be dirty. The ideal hallway furniture is lockable cabinets that hide things from prying eyes.

Home zoning: marriage, family, children

Next, consider the zones related to areas such as marital relations, family and children.

  1. marriage zone. The zone is located in the southwestern part of the apartment. Dreaming of a happy relationship with a partner in every sense, full of love, respect and understanding? Then keep this area clean. You can also put a bowl of fruit in the bedroom, this will bring a touch of passion to your love relationship.
  2. Family zone. It is located in the eastern part of the apartment, ideally it is a living room or kitchen. If it is cluttered, do not expect that there will be mutual understanding, participation and support between household members. An unactivated family zone threatens that everyone will demonstrate their own independence from other family members. As a result, the family as a whole will simply cease to exist. You can activate this zone with the help of order, elimination of any malfunctions and breakdowns, enhanced lighting and ventilation.
  3. Children's zone. Usually it's for children. It is difficult to keep this area in order, but necessary. The child should clean up toys in time, put things in order in the closet, on the study table, each thing should take its place. Relationships between children and parents depend on this.

As you can see, compliance with the main rules not only attracts happiness, wealth and love to the house, but also makes it clean, cozy and comfortable, and it is in such a house that you want to return as soon as possible.

Golden rules of Feng Shui for an apartment

In order for the home to have favorable energy, walk around the apartment and carefully see if everything complies with the Feng Shui rules given below:

  • order and cleanliness reign in the apartment, every thing knows its place;
  • there are no faulty things, objects, equipment in the apartment;
  • the apartment is well lit at any time of the day;
  • walls, floors and ceilings are in good condition;
  • dishes and mirrors are intact, without cracks, chips, etc.;
  • there are no heavy objects in the house;
  • the premises in the dwelling are spacious, not cluttered with furniture and other items;
  • the entrances to the rooms are not cluttered;
  • doors open inside the rooms, and in the bathroom and toilet - outward;
  • there are no ceiling beams above the bed in the bedroom and above the dining table;
  • there is no room for unnecessary things in the apartment;
  • you like to be in your apartment, it is cozy in it, and you want to return home.

After inspecting the apartment, you will immediately see what needs to be changed or corrected in your home so that everything is in Feng Shui. If you are absolutely comfortable in the house, this is the first sign that all the basic rules of Feng Shui are observed.

Feng Shui principles for attracting money

As you already know, the wealth zone is located at the end of any room in the extreme left corner. Therefore, it is with this zone that you need to work in order to attract money and wealth. By the way, the same rule applies to your work: define this zone in the office and work with it too. And now let's see what the work with the money zone includes:

  • keep the wealth zone clean: clutter will lead to stagnation of positive energy, which will not contribute to your financial growth;
  • broken things, appliances, furniture, either fix or get rid of them;
  • put a flowerpot with or a container with coins - these are symbols of prosperity, wealth and success;
  • you can put a vase with grapes (live or artificial), a symbol of a comfortable life;
  • it is good to plant indoor plants in this area. Plants with large, round leaves are especially suitable;
  • this zone should be done in shades of green, which symbolize growth, and purple and blue tones, which are symbols of prosperity and wealth;
  • use natural wood furniture for the interior, place bouquets of fresh flowers, it is good to hang a picture depicting mills or nature, in particular water, on the wall. But do not choose images of waterfalls and a raging sea - the water in the picture should be calm, it should not be very much;
  • an important symbol is the fountain. When choosing a fountain, be guided by your own associations: it is the fountain that you associate with money and income that will work for this purpose;
  • aquarium. It is also a very good source of money. But keep in mind that the aquarium should not be large, otherwise it threatens you not with big incomes, but with big problems. In addition, the fish in the aquarium need careful care, because they are also a symbol of wealth. Be attentive to them, otherwise luck may turn away from you. If you are not sure that you will properly care for the fish, it is better to limit yourself to a fountain.

There are a few more rules that will help you solve financial problems and gain well-being:

  • make sure that the taps in the apartment do not flow;
  • trash cans should be located away from the wealth zone;
  • put a figurine of a turtle in the northern corner of the dwelling;
  • in the hallway there should be a lamp that gives powerful lighting;
  • there should be no cacti in the house;
  • ventilate the apartment regularly so that the energy moves freely through it.

Note that for is not limited to financial well-being. This is an intellectual, spiritual, and cultural wealth, without which no person can live fully.

Feng Shui rules for the bedroom

The bedroom is the most important place for spouses. In terms of the relationship between husband and wife, the bedroom is the area that matters the most. There are many rules of Feng Shui for the proper organization of the bedroom. We bring to your attention the basic ones that you can apply on your own, without the involvement of a Feng Shui master.

  • keep the bedroom clean, do not litter it with unnecessary things, let the sunlight into the room, air it regularly;
  • the bed must have one solid mattress;
  • spouses should sleep on the same bed;
  • a round bed is not suitable for a stable marital relationship;
  • the bed must have a solid back;
  • important and: lying in it, you should see the door to the bedroom;
  • never lie with your feet and face the door;
  • do not place the bed under the ceiling beams. If, nevertheless, such beams are present in the room, hide them or rearrange the bed. You can reduce the influence of the beams by attaching bamboo sticks tied with a red ribbon to their edges;
  • the bed should not stand in the middle of the room, that is, some part of it should be in contact with the wall, ideally the headboard;
  • nothing should lie under the bed, make sure that there is also order;
  • it is better that there is nothing in the bedroom but a bed;
  • bedding matters too. It should be clean and fresh, without a pattern, but it should not be black, red, blue;
  • never cry into the pillow you sleep on;
  • do not keep symbols of water and living plants in the bedroom, but a vase of fruit will come in very handy;
  • no need to hang a big clock in the bedroom, but a pyramid-shaped alarm clock will do;
  • there should not be any equipment in the bedroom: a music center, a laptop, a TV - this is Yang energy. In the bedroom, Yin energy must be present;
  • do not hang mirrors in the bedroom.

You only learned about the basic rules. Of course, there are many more of them, but if you are new to this art and do not want to resort to the help of a Feng Shui master, then these rules will be enough for you to start attracting real miracles into your life.

Feng Shui rules for health

Health is the only area that, according to Feng Shui, is in contact with all the others. And this is quite understandable: after all, when a person has no health, he simply does not want anything, cannot achieve his goal, cannot enjoy life in full force. Neither all the riches of the world nor beauty will make a person happy. A sick person cannot find peace and harmony. And, on the contrary, if a person is healthy, he wants to live fully, he enjoys life, he sets goals for himself and enjoys achieving them. That is why the art of Feng Shui is importance given to health.

The health zone in the house is located in its eastern part. you already understood that the most important condition is to keep this area clean and tidy. But since, as you already know, health is in contact with other areas, then its sector in the home is in contact with other sectors. This means that it runs through the center of your entire home.

This is a wood zone, so wooden objects should prevail in its interior: furniture, decor items. In addition, the tree is also green color, therefore it should also prevail in the eastern part of the apartment.

In addition, water symbols will also fit perfectly into this zone: fountains, an aquarium, paintings depicting water. But remember the rule of harmony: everything should be in moderation - both in terms of the number of objects and their size. Other colors can also be used in decor elements: for example, blue and black.

Since we are talking about a tree, we cannot do without living plants: the ideal option is a bonsai tree. You can hang a picture depicting a landscape, put a vase of fruit. You can use live fruits, or you can make them made of porcelain: peaches laid out on a dish in the amount of 5 or 9 pieces are perfect for this zone.

Another and long life is a deer. Therefore, you can decorate your interior with figurines of small deer, paintings with their image. This will not only improve your health, but also add a touch of charm to the interior of the room.

Talismans Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui is inconceivable without the use of a variety of talismans, which are of considerable importance. Next, we bring to your attention talismans that are not considered in the article, which you can use.

  1. Toad. The three-legged toad is a talisman for those who want to achieve financial well-being and prosperity. It is a symbol of prosperity and material growth. It is very important that the coin that the toad holds in its mouth is not glued. you can put the toad at the bottom of an aquarium or fountain, at the entrance to an apartment, or anywhere in the wealth zone. Activate the talisman by regularly placing it in water, but not wiping it afterwards.
  2. Heron. Do you want your family to be strong and friendly? Then acquire the heron symbol in the nest. She is the keeper of the hearth, brings comfort and warmth to the house, protects it from evil spirits.
  3. Turtle. If you want to bring longevity, protection and wisdom to life, get this talisman. The turtle is also a symbol of financial wealth. you can purchase a turtle made of any material and any color, or put a live one in an aquarium.
  4. The Dragon. This is a talisman for men. You need to put it at eye level, in the southeast. Good luck in business, financial prosperity, activity - this is what the dragon brings to its owner. You can put it on the left side of the front door in the hallway. The most powerful talisman is the green jade dragon.
  5. Peacock. Talisman for those who yearn for career growth. Love him, admire him, say how beautiful he is - the peacock will certainly help you climb the corporate ladder. You need to place it in the zone of fame.
  6. Phoenix. An ideal talisman for couples who do not have children. Phoenix can give you a child if you put the talisman at home. Be sure to balance it with a turtle or dragon figurine. The talisman helps and overcome all adversity.
  7. Crystals. They are able to turn any negative energy into positive. It is better to hang them on a red thread.
  8. Elephant. He attracts good luck. It is important that the elephant's trunk is up. You can put it anywhere in the apartment. If you are a spender, get an elephant and it will help you better control your spending.
  9. Mandarin ducks. Place them in the marriage zone, and they will stand guard over your union. Choose birds in all shades of orange, best made from natural stone. They must look at each other.
  10. Unicorn. It brings wealth to the house and neutralizes negative energy. But do not use it for more than 1 year. It helps those who want to have children or help a child who has already been born. You need to place it on the right side of the front door. The talisman should look in the direction from the house.
  11. Pi Yao. Won't let you into the house evil people and ill-wishers, but he himself is kind and does no harm to anyone. You can put it on the window or at the front door, but it should look from the apartment. If your home is near a tower, graveyard, etc., be sure to enlist the help of Pi Yao.
  12. Dog. This is a symbol of the protector of the house, goodness and money. You can place the dog figurine anywhere you want. If you quarreled with someone in the house, be sure to clean the talisman, as dogs cannot stand scandals in the family. Fu dogs, which are sold in pairs, are also good.
  13. Elders Shu, Lu and Fu. This talisman protects the house from misfortune, gives happiness, prosperity, health and longevity. It is better to put them all together, but you can also separately. Fu gives wealth, Lu gives heirs, and Shu gives health. The ideal place for them is the family zone, where household members gather together.

If someone in the house is sick, the talisman will help to recover. If the feelings between the spouses have faded, the pumpkin will help them ignite again. Therefore, it is good to put it in the bedroom, above the bed or at the head of the patient. When a person has recovered, you need to wash the talisman well and burn a candle next to it. After 2 - 3 days, he will again be ready to work for the benefit of your family. It is best to purchase a talisman made of wood, or a real dried pumpkin.

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or suddenly we start to get sick. Worst of all, when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It must be activated in order for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in the house, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule One. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of what you haven't used for a long time. So you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your house, you need to hang a mirror over the front door, preferably round or octagonal. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the entered person, thereby returning it to the owner. It is also a great way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. The feng shui of an apartment says that the front door, which will be located in the southeast, will bring financial success. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wooden or glass panels.

Fourth Rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy, and will also help to neutralize the negative.

Fifth Rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. In these feng shui zones there should be nothing superfluous. Clothes and shoes, the season for which has long passed, must be put away in closets and kept in the hallway only what you are wearing at this time. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

sixth rule. Behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially on the one on which you sleep, there must be a wall or partition. There shouldn't be any empty space. This can deprive you of support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh Rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then the energy flies out of your house. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to feng shui at home, you need to put tall plants on the windowsill, mostly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or fat woman. They will keep the positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth rule. For financial well-being, hang a large mirror opposite your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All the food that will lie on the table will be reflected, thereby, it will double. This will bring money into the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . In no case should they be directed to your place of rest, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to recuperate and relax properly.

tenth rule. The largest room should be occupied by the oldest inhabitants of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those who reside in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the atmosphere in your house will soon improve. Coming home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. The house will become your place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to learn more about Feng Shui, then write to us about it in the comments. And don't forget to press and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy enters the house, both positive and negative. ...

Sometimes we do not feel comfortable in our own home, we cannot fully relax, we often get sick. This suggests that the positive energy is in a dormant state, it needs to be activated in order for it to start working for us. Feng Shui rules for the apartment will help with this. By following them, you can gradually improve your life.

feng shui apartment number

Numbers have always been given great importance. Fortune-telling was carried out on them, important holidays with a mystical origin were tied to dates. In China, belief in numbers is especially common. Feng Shui attaches great importance to even seemingly insignificant numbers of apartments and houses. The door is a space separator between external and internal space, a portal to your individual world, and apartments are extremely important. The well-being of all those living inside largely depends on what number hangs on the door.

Lucky Feng Shui apartment numbers are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 . One is always the beginning of something new, a birth, which is a happy event. Two is balance, like yin and yang. The number three in all cultures has mystical power, and six and nine are multiples of three, therefore they also bring happiness. In addition, the nine represents the culmination of the cycle and the imminent achievement of the top. In addition, the word nine in Chinese means longevity.

Number four is best avoided and is considered unlucky. It sounds like the Chinese word for death. The number seven is also unlucky. Five is just neutral, bringing neither happiness nor unhappiness. When the apartment number consists of one digit, it is easy to judge it. If you have a two-, three- or four-digit number, you need to add all the numbers, and continue adding until you get a number from 1 to 9. Example: for an apartment with number 156, you need to add 1 + 5 + 6 \u003d 12 , then perform the following action 1+2=3. And by the number three to judge the energy in the apartment.

Feng Shui zones in the apartment

Inside the home, it is extremely important to properly adjust the energy in order to achieve the desired effect in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. According to the Ba Gua map, the feng shui of an apartment consists of 8 sectors or zones. They are located on the cardinal points, and on the map the cardinal points are mirrored. In order to correctly distribute the zones, the map must be turned over, and only then superimposed on the apartment plan. The size of the home doesn't matter at all. So, the feng shui of a one-room apartment or a spacious pent-house is determined in a similar way.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

The main element of this zone is a tree. Colors - green, purple, lilac. The talisman is water. Therefore, when starting the question of how to equip an apartment, first of all you need to take care of the availability here water body- an aquarium, an indoor fountain, or at least an image of water. You can put a beautiful vessel filled with water.

In order to increase the prosperity of the family, to attract money to the house, in the wealth sector it is necessary to increase the lighting, remove all the rubbish, which in general does not accept the Feng Shui of the apartment. You can put a model of a sailboat here, the bow of which will be directed inside the room. It is good if the sailboat is made of wood, and you can put coins inside it. It is also customary to place symbols of wealth here - Chinese coins, money tree, money toad.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

The main element of the love zone is the earth. Colors - red, pink, brown, terracotta. The most common talismans that decorate the feng shui love sector in an apartment are paired figurines of birds and animals. It can be swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons, dolphins. Also symbolic in this case are images and figurines of hearts. You can complement the love corner with a couple of scented candles, fresh flowers, heart-shaped pillows.

It is logical that this zone is responsible for romantic relationship with the opposite sex, a strong marital bond. In addition, with the activation of this zone, you can strengthen relationships with family and close friends. Post photos with your loved ones here. But sharp objects, thorny plants, images of sad and lonely people are extremely unacceptable here.

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The main element is earth. Colors - yellow, orange, terracotta, beige. Feng Shui of the apartment offers the following talismans to activate the health zone - a turtle, bamboo, monkeys, cranes, depicted against the backdrop of pine trees. This zone is located in the very heart of the apartment, in its center. And it is also a spiritual center, responsible for the well-being and health of not only the body, but also the soul. This zone unites all other zones and influences them, therefore, you must always keep order here so that other areas of your life do not suffer.

The activation of energy in the apartment occurs when this sector is well lit. It is advisable to hang a crystal chandelier in the center of housing, the crystals of which will direct positive energy to all corners of the apartment. You can also activate the zone with the help of clay jugs, wooden objects, live indoor flowers, an odd number of fruits, bamboo branches, seascapes and pebbles.

Feng Shui career zone in the apartment

The main element is water. Colors - blue, blue, black, white. Talismans - Chinese turtles, mirrors, coins, wind music. Additionally, this zone is a sector life path. She is responsible for everything that will help you earn money, as well as for everything that will lead to spiritual development. In dreams of career growth, the activation of Feng Shui zones in an apartment should be accompanied by the installation of turtle figurines and a small fountain here. If the goal is to consolidate the achieved effect, then you need to hang an image of calm water. Aquariums, sailboats and other water talismans have a good influence.

Feng Shui children's area in the apartment

At the same time, this zone is a zone of creativity. The main element is metal. Colors - white, silver, gold, yellow, gray. , with which you can diversify the design of an apartment in Feng Shui in this sector - figurines of children, bells, wind music, shells, horseshoes, plants with round leaves. Since the Feng Shui sector of the apartment is responsible for creative success, new projects and the birth and upbringing of children, your and children's self-expression, the way this zone is activated depends on the needs.

If you want to be creative, post objects and images related to your hobbies here. For a seamstress, this can be a machine and spools of thread. For the artist - an easel and brushes with paints. For a musician - the instrument on which he plays and musical notebooks. If you can’t cope with raising children, you can’t find a common language with them, place objects related to them in this area. astrological signs. Also arrange and hang children's drawings, crafts, indoor plants, photos with children.

Feng Shui travel area in the apartment

She is also responsible for the assistant, mentor, teacher. The main element is metal. Colors - gold, silver, white. Talismans - photos of parents and other people you respect, a horseshoe, metal bells, images of exotic corners of the planet. The arrangement of this zone predetermines the appearance of people who can help you in difficult situations, instruct, patronize you. The placement of statuettes of the deities of Ganesha and Guin here will help to strengthen the influence of this sector.

How to equip an apartment according to Feng Shui, if your goal is travel? First of all, post photos of places you want to go, as well as images of travelers and different vehicles. Increase the lighting, remove all broken objects, images with erotic overtones. All kinds of firearms are also undesirable here.

Feng Shui apartment - rules

There are several basic rules that you need to follow if you want to improve the atmosphere in the house and activate useful energy:

  1. Get rid of the trash. Everything that has long ceased to benefit you, lost its original appearance, broke, cracked, does not function, should be removed from the house without regret. By doing this, you will free the way and place for new energy that will fill your home and bring prosperity.
  2. Protect the entrance to the apartment according to Feng Shui. To prevent the negative energy of people coming to you from penetrating, hang a mirror above the front door. It will reflect and return the negative to the one who came with it. This method is good in the fight against corruption and curses.
  3. Provide free space and light in the hallway and living room. Do not keep clothes and shoes that are out of season. Keep these two rooms clean and tidy.
  4. Watch the headboard of the furniture. Behind the bed, sofa, chairs there should not be an empty space, they should be attached to a wall or partition, which serve as a symbol of support and confidence in different life situations.
  5. Pay attention to the location of windows and doors. The feng shui of an apartment is important in the details. If the door in the room is opposite the window, the energy flies out of the house. You can correct the situation with the help of a tall living plant on the windowsill. The plant should have round leaves that will hold the energy of the house.

Feng Shui paintings for an apartment

Paintings that complement your apartment design, according to Feng Shui, can act both positively and negatively. To avoid the second, you need to make sure that the images on them evoke positive emotions, and not feelings of anxiety or anxiety. Aggressive and hostile paintings are best not to bring into the house. You should also avoid posting portraits of deceased relatives and celebrities who are no longer alive. Abstract and incomprehensible pictures are also undesirable. They do not carry any message, and sometimes they contain a hidden negative meaning that you do not even know about.

Arrangement of furniture in the apartment according to Feng Shui

Furniture should not impede the movement of Qi energy, so the question of how to furnish an apartment according to Feng Shui is very important. So the main points are:

  • place tall cabinets against solid walls and preferably away from doors;
  • doors and stairs should not be reflected in the mirrored doors of furniture;
  • high backs of chairs and armchairs are preferred, their seats should be turned to the window;
  • tables are better to choose a round shape - it is more friendly;
  • the TV does not need to be installed with a screen to a window or door;
  • the bed should be placed with the headboard against the wall, and the door to the room should be visible from it;
  • in the kitchen, you need to zone the room, separating the elements of fire and water with a table, shelf, cabinet.

feng shui aquarium in apartment

Water objects, such as an aquarium or a fountain in a Feng Shui apartment, are simply irreplaceable. The energy of water activates three important zones at once, because the Feng Shui rules in an apartment require the presence of at least one such object. At the same time, its size should correspond to the room in order to favor the accumulation of energy of money, career and family, and not wash out what is. At the same time, the aquarium should have constant movement of water and good lighting. The number of fish in it must be odd.

Feng Shui indoor plants in the apartment

They bring some energy. Their correct choice and arrangement will help to harmonize the atmosphere in the house. These should be plants stretching upwards and preferably having rounded leaves. Flowers with male energy are dracaena, lemon, asparagus, chlorophytum, etc. With female energy - violet, jade, begonia, cyclamen. For a harmonious distribution of energy, it is desirable to have plants in the house with both energies. To keep the energy field of the flower always active, take good care of it, show it love and care.

Feng Shui mirrors in an apartment

Starting to learn how to equip an apartment according to Feng Shui, people will certainly face the issue of placing mirrors. This powerful magic item is able to attract and repel energy depending on its location. The front door, the bed, the unpleasant landscape outside the window should not be reflected in the mirrors of your house. But the dining table, reflected in the mirror, promises an increase in wealth. The reflection of the picturesque landscape also has a positive effect - so additional beauty will enter your home every day.

The Feng Shui teaching came to us from China, it has existed for more than four thousand years and does not give up its positions. And it has become very popular lately. I became interested in Feng Shui about 6 years ago. At first, quite a bit, and then, after the stories of a friend, more strongly. She shared with me in an inspired voice: “So I activated the “Wealth” zone and the next day 5 thousand rubles fell to me, which I did not expect”. A few days later, she talked about how she activated the love zone, and a young man (who had long been interesting to her) invited her to the cinema.

Magic? I became even more interested in this amazing teaching. It turned out that it really combines elements of magic. And not devoid of common sense, which I liked it.

Feng Shui views the home as a living organism, either in harmony with you or in conflict. And in order to allow vital energy to move smoothly through your home, you need to activate the main aspects of life or feng shui zones. They are influenced by the color palette, and the arrangement of furniture, and the presence of various talismans, and the amount of light. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to properly define these zones.

In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our lives can be divided into nine life aspects or categories. All of them, combined together in a certain order, form the Bagua grid. In translation, "ba" - eight, "gua" - a trigram, ba-gua - 8 trigrams.

Sometimes it is drawn simply as a table, and then it can look like this:

If this magical octagon is superimposed on the plan of the house, we can determine where certain sectors are located.
It all sounds, of course, quite simple: take the plan of the apartment and put it on the Bagua grid.

But I have some questions:

firstly, where to get the plan of the apartment,

secondly, how to correctly impose one on the other?

I have had to deal with this several times. The first one was when I wanted to activate feng shui zones in our apartment, where we live with our beloved. The second, when I helped my mother with repairs. These two rooms are very different in their layout.

In the case of our apartment, I found its plan in the documents issued by the BTI. The reader who has recently been involved in the privatization of an apartment can easily find the location of all the rooms in the issued papers.

In the case of my mother's apartment, this plan was drawn by myself. My close friend, an architect, was able to help me with this over a cup of tea. Get help from others.

By the way, while writing the article, another option came to mind. It is suitable for those who have apartments of standard layouts. For example, my mother has a standard, 2-room Khrushchev. I scored in Yandex "the plan of the Khrushchev apartment", I got all the options available. I found one that looks like the apartment I grew up in. This plan looks like this:

Great. Now you know several ways to get a floor plan of your apartment. What's next?

Further, as they say in all sources for improving the feng shui of an apartment, we need a compass. I didn’t have a compass, and I asked my friends, acquaintances and relatives for it. Friends, as always, did not leave me in trouble - as a result, I ended up with two compasses in my hands.

So, I was all armed, looked like a monkey with glasses from Krylov's fable. I don't know how to use compasses at all. I twisted them this way and that, for some reason they showed different data. I was completely confused and decided that I could not cope on my own. If you, my readers, have the same story as mine, announce new searches for those who know how to use this miracle of technology.

I found help quickly. A friend, the same one who drew the diagram, helped me figure out the cardinal directions in my mother's apartment. First, with the help of a compass, we found the west and made a corresponding entry on the plan. By the way, if you still couldn’t find a compass, just pay attention to which side the sun sets.

It remains to add intermediate data.

It turned out that at the very top of the apartment scheme is the southwest. Let's now deploy our Bagua mesh in the same way:

Now I can easily say that in my mother's apartment, the "Children and Creativity" zone is located in the kitchen. Zone "Career" in the hallway. The "Assistants" zone (aka the "Travel" zone) is located in the corridor and the bathroom. The bedroom has three zones "Glory", "Wealth", "Wisdom". And, I think, you yourself will be able to determine which zones are located in the hall.
Mom showed a very good layout in terms of feng shui apartment. The room is almost square and it has all the zones.

Let's consider another option. On the plan below is our three-room apartment.

On the plan of this apartment, it can be seen that the northwest is located at the top.
Let's arrange the Bagua mesh in the same way:

The zone of "wealth" Southeast and the zone of "glory" South are absent, they fled to the neighbors. In this case, Feng Shui masters recommend applying the Bagua grid to the hall or kitchen. It is these rooms that are considered the most neutral in terms of energy. Determine in any of these rooms according to the Feng Shui of the apartment the zones of "wealth" and "fame" and activate them there. By the way, an attentive reader, looking at the Bagua grid, will be able to understand that in order to activate the “glory” zone, it will be useful to add some kind of red object in the south of the apartment. And to activate the “career” zone, place a vessel with water in the north.

I hope you understand that all compass directions are always the same, and we simply adapt them to our homes. If you correctly identify the sectors in your apartment or house and use the advice of Feng Shui, your life will begin to change. If good events follow, then you did everything right. If they don't, you still have work to do.

And in more detail about the activation of the feng shui zones of the apartment, we will talk in
the second part, read.

Olya Eltukova.

Owners of private houses can provide themselves with a decent and happy life, improve relationships in the family, build a career, earn enough money, and also not complain about the health of yourself and your relatives. It is not easy to have a roof over your head or the realization of a dream of your own home. Anyone who builds a country cottage is free to implement the project, taking into account all the rules and requirements ancient teaching Feng Shui.

An example of the correct layout of the house according to Feng Shui

Private builders have much more opportunities to do everything according to ancient canons, unlike apartment owners. Initially, anyone who plans to move to live in the countryside can choose the right site, arrange it accordingly, calculate the location of the house according to Feng Shui and.

A house dominated by Qi energy, where harmony and peace reigns, should be located in the right energy place. Therefore, the site for construction must be chosen carefully. The Feng Shui teaching also dictates its own rules and requirements in this regard.
If there is an opportunity to go to live in the countryside, then it is better to do it. The location of your own house in a chaotically built-up city is the most unfavorable in terms of feng shui.

Feng shui plot layout with house location

Surrounded by high-rise buildings, or low private buildings that ring the modern center of skyscrapers - these are quarters where the Qi energy cannot circulate freely, but the Sha energy, on the contrary, will constantly penetrate into the dwelling.

The optimal location for the house will be a cottage village or other specialized area reserved for development. In such a place, neighboring houses have not only a similar number of storeys, but even a single design style, which will favorably affect energy flows.

If the site is located in a picturesque place, this will also play into the hands of the future owners of the house. Qi energy prevails in forests, parks, natural areas. A small natural pond is also a good addition. However, the presence of a forest or other green spaces should not greatly obscure the site. In the building area, the sun must be present in sufficient quantities. Although the constant sun is also unacceptable.

The correct location of objects on the site according to Feng Shui

The site should not be in a lowland. In general, the main principle of choosing a land allotment is the sustained harmony of the landscape. It doesn't have to be a bare field, or endless hills. Everything should be in moderation. Only in this case, harmony is ensured in your home.

The location of the house on the site

The location of the house according to Feng Shui requires not only the correct determination of the cardinal points, the right direction from where your positive energy comes from, but also the observance of other, more earthly characteristics.
For example, if the building site is on a corner, then it would be a mistake to place the house on the outside corner, next to the intersection of two roads. Qi energy bypasses such places, but Sha will often be your guest. In this case, it is better to hide the house deep into the site, fenced off from the intersection with a fence reinforced with feng shui.

A nearby pond is a great addition to the site, but water imposes certain requirements on. In particular, it is better to put it with the central facade to the reservoir. If this is not possible, and the lake or pond will be in the rear of the building, then it is necessary to strengthen the position of the house, fenced off.

The house on the site cannot be located strictly in the center. A building surrounded by emptiness has no support, protection and support.

Living in such a house will be very difficult, especially building a serious relationship, raising children and solving some important problems.

It is better to move the house to the side of the site that is favorable for you, but not close to the fence. There must be sufficient distance between the house and the fence. The fence should not be very high, this rule is especially important when. In this case, it will be difficult for Qi energy to penetrate inside, but negative energy flows will stagnate on your territory for a long time.

An example of the location of the house on the cardinal points according to Feng Shui

When a house is built on the site, the territory must be formalized. This applies to absolutely everything, from the outlines and definition of boundaries, to landscape design. Abandonment and chaos on the ground around the house will scare away favorable energy and create good conditions for Sha energy. However, when breaking flower beds and flower beds, it must be remembered that the central door of a private house should remain as open as possible, not blocked by anything. Only in this way will constant flows of Qi be able to freely enter the building.

The path leading from the house to the exit to the street should not be straight. It is desirable to make it sinuous, with smooth rounded bends. In the event that this is not possible due to the limited size of the site and territory, then you need to try to make sure that it does not immediately rest against the fence and gate.

Choosing the shape of the house

Building a house according to Feng Shui is a difficult but doable job. When a site is selected and the future location of the house is determined, it is necessary to determine the shape of the building, select the appropriate project and orient it to the cardinal points. After that, an exact binding of the object to the terrain is made, and construction work begins.

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House layout 10x10

First of all, decide on the shape of the box. Feng Shui for the home recommends looking at the correct squares and rectangles. It will be easier to divide a house of this form into bagua zones, to make a layout in accordance with all the rules. What should definitely be avoided are irregularly shaped projects: in the form of the letter G, the letter P, and other zigzag and broken lines. This will make the planning process much more difficult, and some energy and strong sectors may not be on the house map at all.

Atypical feng shui house layout

The entrance to the house should be wide - so the Qi energy will easily penetrate into the house and in sufficient quantities. Don't skimp on windows. Their number is selected according to the principle of better more than less. However, each door in the house should not have more than three window openings.

The house should be as symmetrical as possible. It is symmetry and harmony that underlie the teachings of Feng Shui. Even if the base of the house is a regular square, and its left and right halves differ from each other, it will be very difficult to achieve harmony and stability in such a building. The imbalance in the proportions of the building will primarily affect the health of its inhabitants.

The project of a disproportionate house, for example, 10x13 meters, where it is generally difficult to determine any half will also be an unfavorable decision and an unsuccessful choice.

An example of a disproportionate feng shui house

Such a house will exacerbate disagreements in the family, emphasize and strengthen the negative aspects of the household, which will lead to an inevitable break in relations.
An important element that you should pay attention to is the roof, or rather its shape. The task of the roof, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is not only to protect the house from bad weather, precipitation and wind, but also to strengthen the position of the owner of the building, support him in all endeavors, and avoid conflicts with the sky. The project of a country house should be chosen with a symmetrical regular roof. The best solutions are pagoda, round, oval, pyramidal, four and regular gable roofs.
It is definitely worth refusing to use single-pitched roofs or two single-pitched roofs directed in different directions. This will increase or create instability in the family, rapid ups and downs just as fast. And two separate slopes, moreover, will lead to discord in the house: parents will lose touch with their children, the husband will part with his wife.

The location of the house on the site relative to the cardinal points

There is a general recommendation: it will be successful when the central facade faces south, and the opposite facade faces north. But in fact, everything is not so simple. The teachings of Feng Shui do not give average advice, if followed, it will be good for everyone.

The orientation of the house on the site requires an individual approach, since the personal characteristics of all the people living in the building must be taken into account.

The Feng Shui side of the world is a source of energy that is responsible for a certain area of ​​​​our life. Accordingly, you need to orient the house, taking into account the dominant areas.

Energy enters the house through the front door and windows. This means that the central facade and entrance should be oriented to the side of the world, the energy of which you lack or need.

In addition to clean energy, there are mixed flows, in the event that you orient your house not clearly to the south, but to the southeast or south-southeast.

Table of sectors and zones of Feng Shui with the location of energy in them

Also, using different feng shui tools, you can increase or decrease the penetration of the necessary or unwanted energy into the house.

Feng Shui house layout with bagua grid

It is easier to plan correctly once than to correct mistakes for a long time. It is this rule in the best possible way reflects the essence of feng shui house planning. The main tool in this case is the bagua square.

What is Bagua Mesh

The bagua square is not originally a square at all, but an octagon with a functional center. Otherwise - an energy map, with which you can determine the energy flows in any room. All its sectors are different aspects of human life:

  • wealth;
  • glory;
  • marriage, relationships;
  • health;
  • family;
  • children, creativity;
  • knowledge, wisdom;
  • career;
  • vacation, travel.

Each sector is characterized by its own direction, as well as tools that allow you to strengthen or neutralize the energy coming from this direction.

The classic octagon-shaped bagua grid is quite complex for non-professional feng shui consultants. In order for the foundations of the ancient teachings to be available to everyone, it was presented in the form of a Lo-Shu square, each sector-cell of which corresponds to a sector of an octagon.

Proper application of bagua

To determine how correctly performed, the imposition of bagua on will help. If the house is not yet built, then make adjustments or completely redesign internal organization home will be much easier.
In order to properly apply the bagua grid to the house project, you will need a drawing of it.

An example of overlaying a bagua grid on a house layout

If the breakdown has already been carried out, then after a detailed study it will be possible to make an adjustment, if the country house is an empty box without internal partitions, then you can make the layout yourself by dividing the space into interior spaces.

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Projects for building a house with two bay windows

When the drawing is in front of your eyes, you need to draw a square or a rectangle directly on it, taking the load-bearing walls of the box as a basis, depending on the original dimensions of the building. At the same time, all non-residential architectural elements, such as a balcony, porch, veranda or terrace in the house, should not be included in the bagua grid. Determine the location of the cardinal points and plot them on the map. When the field itself is ready, it must be divided into nine equal sectors - this will be the bagua grid.

What to do with the received information

The information that was obtained during the application of bagua to the project of the house tells about the territorial location of the various zones in the dwelling. With such data, you can correctly arrange the premises, in accordance with the teachings, and create favorable conditions for the circulation of Qi energy.

It is the energy map that will tell you where it is better to equip the bedroom, children's rooms, kitchen, office and living room. Also, the information received will help activate some of the areas that require more careful study to achieve a positive result. This can be done with the help of various feng shui tools.

The most effective, activating a particular zone, are indicated on the energy map - the bagua grid. These are the colors that are best used for interior decoration, and decor items that will attract the energy you need, and the priority materials used in the design.

feng shui house plan template

The main principles of feng shui house planning

In addition to individual recommendations regarding the placement of a particular room in the house and its orientation relative to the cardinal points, the teaching suggests observing some unshakable rules and canons. They work regardless of who the house is being built for. These aspects will help to attract the greatest amount of Chi energy and protect the house from the penetration of Sha energy.


The main entrance to the house is an entrance not only for you, but also for positive energy. Every time the door opens, the house takes a deep breath. In order for the newly entered energy to be evenly distributed throughout the house, it needs to create certain conditions. For this, the first room - the entrance hall should be spacious and bright. It can be separated into a separate room, but ideally it should have a view of the living room. It is the living room, as well as the study - the first neighbors of the hallway.


Combining the hall with the hallway is a perfectly acceptable solution. But in this case, certain requirements are imposed on the placement of other premises and objects. Bathrooms should not be visible from the entrance. That is, their location in the lobby is unacceptable.

It is also worth abandoning the stairs as a central piece of furniture. It should not be located in the living room, and should not go to the main entrance. The best solution would be to install a staircase in the hall, but do it on the side of it. It is better to give preference to rounded and winding stairs, but wide enough. The second floor should not be visible from the first.

Living room

According to Feng Shui, the living room is the center of the house. This is determined not only by the location, but also by the significance of the premises, as well as the energy value. According to the bagua grid, this room will contain several sectors at once. All of them can be activated if the space is properly zoned.

An example of space zoning in an apartment according to Feng Shui

The center of the house should be free for better circulation of positive energy. In the event that the living room performs several functions, for example, there is a relaxation area, a study, a tea area, then they need to be decorated with different colors, finishing materials, and also use feng shui protective elements.

The living room should not be littered with various things. A coffee table, a shelf with newspapers requires constant cleaning of the rows. It is unacceptable to accumulate dust and things on horizontal surfaces that no one uses. All these are sources of negative Sha energy, which has no place in the house. Furniture is recommended to be placed close to the wall. Island placement of sofas and armchairs is not welcome.

feng shui house layout

Even the arrangement of the chair with its back to the window is not the most competent decision. If the size of the room or forces you to deviate from this rule, then you should take care of protecting the rear with the help of various feng shui tools.


The main room in the house, which speaks of the well-being of the family, the success of its head and general prosperity. Ideally, this should be a separate room, since a special energy reigns here. Feng Shui rules require homeowners to be most careful in order and cleanliness in the kitchen, as this shows your desire for a better life:

The kitchen is a room where almost all elements meet. The main rule when - to take into account their value and not to place in the neighborhood. For example, the stove should be separated from the sink. This can be done by installing an additional module between them.


It is in the bedroom, according to the teachings, that a person gains strength, and this is possible only in a favorable energy environment. Since the sleeping person is the most vulnerable and defenseless, the design of the bedroom should be worked out very carefully.

This room should be located as far as possible from the front door. If the entrance to the house is equipped from the edge of the wall, then it is better to make the bedroom diagonally from it. In the event that the entrance occupies the center of the facade, then the opposite wall is chosen for the bedroom closer to the corners of the building.

The door in the bedroom should not be located opposite the window. Only the location of the bed on this segment can aggravate this situation. A window and a door are a corridor for energy flows, both positive and negative. It is better for a sleeping person not to be at a crossroads. It is best to choose a different layout option. Another requirement regarding the door to the bedroom is that the entrance to the bathroom cannot be located opposite it. The bathroom should not be visible from the bedroom at all.

The bed is the central piece of furniture. Its location is given Special attention. It is unacceptable to put it in the center of the room, the headboard should be in contact with the wall. It is not recommended to replace the wall with a window.

The door to the bedroom should not be located behind the head: the person lying on the bed should see who enters the room. It is also unacceptable to put the bed in front of the door. It is better if the door is placed on the side.

If this is a matrimonial bed, then it should be placed in the center of the room so that the same amount of space remains on each side. The main principle is harmony in everything.
Rubbish and unused things are unacceptable in the bedroom interior.

Taboos - ceiling beams located above the bed, any decorative ledges on the ceiling, as well as sharp corners looking at the bed.

Flowers may be present in the room, but they should be removed at night, you can hide them behind the curtain on the window or even take them out of the bedroom.

It is better not to use the bedroom as a storage area. If there is free space, the wardrobe and cabinets for storing bed linen and related accessories should be removed to a special room.

feng shui bedroom furniture arrangement

If this is not possible, then all things should be hidden from sight. Fit wardrobes, but without mirror facades. The mirror in the interior is of particular importance.

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