Home Facial physiognomy What do people who have visited a UFO say? Why do you dream about a UFO? What do we know about flying objects?

What do people who have visited a UFO say? Why do you dream about a UFO? What do we know about flying objects?

The question is simple for people who are passionate about all sorts of anomalies, but for people who are completely unprepared, it requires an explanation (at least superficially), otherwise for them this is a real problem: how to behave and what to do in this situation - they do not know at all.

Whether you believe in the existence of UFOs or don’t believe, whether this situation makes you feel ironic or serious, there is still a possibility that you may find yourself witnessing a UFO, but you will find yourself euphoric from what you see and not knowing what to do and how behave in such a situation, your “contact” (perhaps the most significant event in your life) will take place unnoticed and meaning nothing.

Ufologists do not know what a UFO is. In their countless conversations and debates, they only assume: aliens, guests from the future or a parallel world, secret tests of super technologies, etc.... But while they are discussing, we are forced to admit that the “UFO phenomenon” is, nevertheless, the rarest and an amazing phenomenon, and meeting it is no less effective a spectacle and event than a tourist trip to an exotic country or a parachute jump from the Eiffel Tower.

So what to do if you do encounter a UFO?

We all know that dinosaurs are extinct. Now imagine that suddenly in broad daylight you saw a living dinosaur! Here he stands before you, despite all your knowledge! This feeling of surprise and inexplicable fear is also experienced by a UFO witness. Therefore, the first thing you must do and be able to do is: remain calm (configure yourself that there are no UFOs or dinosaurs). Continue to passively observe, trying to remember as many details of the observed picture as possible and be ready to change to a normal state when reacting to the unknown (run, take cover, hide).

Be objective! When looking at the “picture”, do not put forward your own versions and do not look for details of forgotten films and read books in associations. Remember, aliens are idle inventions of journalists, and in front of you is just a flying car without any identification marks. Try to consider all kinds of details - this will help to identify the object as much as possible later.

Calmly take out your phone, take a few photos, and then turn on the video camera and film what is happening. Try to take pictures from different angles, use zoom and dictate comments. The word “calm” is appropriate here, since often in this situation, experiencing euphoria or even hysteria, eyewitnesses either forget about the existence of the camera in their phone or forget where it turns on.

Take a look around. Are there people nearby? Try to attract their attention with questions like: “Can you tell me what it is, hanging (flying) over there?” Don't be afraid of being mistaken for a crazy person. More eyewitnesses - more trust!

If the “picture” promises to be long-lasting, call a journalist friend, an astronomical observatory, television, a newspaper... make your friends pay attention in real time (preferably in the same city or town). Such a call can mobilize in a few minutes an entire army of observers from different points. Just make one or two mobile calls.

Be careful! Remember, what you are faced with at the moment has not been studied! Therefore, keep your distance, do not provoke the attention of the observed object to you (do not shout or throw stones at it, for example, as some managed to do), remembering that in most cases “close contacts” with an unknown phenomenon ended in disastrous consequences both for the physical and mental health!

If there is an impact of the object on the environment (traces of plantings, livestock injuries, other material damage, etc.), try to prevent onlookers from accessing this place until the police arrive. Justify the danger of radiation contamination of the area. When calling the police, talk about the impact/damage, and not about UFOs and other strange phenomena.

After the incident, you will be euphoric for several hours from what you saw, but the very next day, intertwined with everyday duties, you will begin to lose the smallest details in your memory, so try to write a report on what you saw on the day of observation. This can be done by dictating into a voice recorder all the smallest details of your encounter with a UFO or doing it in writing according to a UFO eyewitness questionnaire (which can be found in advance on the Internet on most ufological sites). Never put it off until tomorrow!

And one last thing. Who should you give your report on your UFO encounter to? You will definitely ask yourself this question. There are no official government agencies that might be interested in your testimony (at least here in Ukraine). In contrast to them, there are private groups and public organizations of ufologists, where your testimony is always in demand.

Try to contact ufologists (here the Internet will provide invaluable help) in your city or region. The closer they are geographically, the better. You will receive all the necessary advice directly from them. You will not be paid money for your story and report, but be prepared for the fact that your testimony may cause a resonance in research circles, and this entails interviews, attention from the press and television (be sure to discuss this point with ufologists if you do not have desires for public interest in one’s person).

Yaroslav Sochka. Editor-in-Chief of the online publication "Ukraine Anomalous"

Photos from open sources

According to statistics, more and more people in the world believe in UFOs, that is, in the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence on our planet. As paranormal phenomena researcher and writer Vladimir Shemshuk noted, the rest of the inhabitants of planet Earth simply cannot overcome the limitations in the perception of reality due to improper upbringing or zombification. (website)

Such people certainly need to encounter aliens themselves, head-on, in order to make sure that these are far from fairy tales and not the ravings of madmen, just as they need to experience clinical death in order to believe in the afterlife and in God. But there are more and more videos about UFOs on the Internet, and they are most often posted here by those who first encountered this phenomenon. I came across and... was extremely surprised and even shocked.

Photos from open sources

UFO spotted over Philadelphia

For example, a resident of Philadelphia was walking with his wife the other day, somewhere around six o’clock in the evening, when suddenly the woman noticed the moon in the sky and drew her husband’s attention to it. He looked up, and then his gaze was caught by a UFO, which, in the form of a ball, was slowly moving to the southeast of the city, then hovered in the air for some time, after which the American finally figured out to take out his smartphone and tried to remove the picture that struck him.

Neither he nor his wife had ever seen an alien ship before, so they were happy that they were able to encounter a UFO that evening. The only thing that upset the man was the low quality of his phone’s video camera, which made it impossible to film the object with good resolution. The UFO, according to the author of the video, was quite large, it hung a little in the sky and began to move away, quickly picking up speed until it disappeared completely. At the same time, the aircraft did not make any sound.

One could consider this video filming a video montage, as skeptics do, but the married couple were not the only witnesses among those who saw and even filmed this UFO. Therefore, this once again proves that there are now more real videos on the Internet than fakes, while a fake is easy to distinguish by its too “frank” details, designed to attract as many visitors as possible.

UFO over Nizhny Novgorod

The video below, in which a flying saucer was filmed in the area of ​​the suburbs of Nizhny Novgorod - just above Bor, looks more like a fake, since the UFO is too clearly visible in the dark evening sky. Although, according to ufologists, there are also better-quality footage, and this does not mean that the author of the video material certainly “touched up” something.

More surprising is the reaction of Internet users to such videos, ranging from complete skepticism (a lie, everything is edited) to childish surprise (are it really aliens, do they really exist?)

A UFO flew under a plane in Herne Bay

Now let's look at the following very interesting video, which was filmed by a professional camera, since it happened in the city of Herne Bay, Kent, Great Britain, where on that day, as part of the “Flog It!” An old plane took off into the sky. Naturally, they photographed and filmed it, completely unaware that at some point a UFO would rush under the airplane at great speed.

Let us note that almost no one noticed the aliens’ apparatus except the cameraman, and even he saw it only on the video footage, but not with his own eyes when he caught the plane through the camera lens - really. It is difficult to imagine that aliens were attracted to the ancient aircraft of earthlings, much less its filming; most likely, this simply happened by accident. But, as esoteric philosophers say, there are no accidents in our lives! From here we draw the appropriate conclusions, gentlemen...

An interesting and unusual dream theme is aliens and spaceships. If such dreams were not the result of an exciting movie or an unusual science fiction book that might have caught your eye on the eve of a night vision, then it is worth studying in detail the different interpretation options. Perhaps these dreams will help you understand yourself or your subconscious desires, and sometimes they warn of important events.

Why do you dream of a UFO in the sky?

On a psychological level, seeing an unidentified flying object in a dream can mean soul-searching, the need for transformation into something more. Sometimes people who saw this symbol the day before could experience something unusual or frightening. Some suggest that flying saucers can be seen in dreams by people who are unsure of themselves or someone around them. Often dream books promise dreamers unexpected encounters and interesting news after the plot of a dream with a UFO. But in order to find out the exact meaning, you need to take a closer look at the interpretation options of various dream books.

First of all, it is important remember your feelings in a dream , which can immediately suggest the further development of events after awakening. If the dream about UFOs or aliens was unpleasant or frightening, then perhaps bad news awaits the dreamer. But an interesting, exciting or good night story promises positive changes in reality.

Interpretations of different dream books

  • Vanga's Dream Book

The dream book UFO landing on Earth regards it as a subconscious desire to finally begin to believe in oneself and in good higher powers.

Seeing a flying saucer crash in the sky - a terrible sign for all humanity about a difficult time ahead, which as a result will still help change the state of things in the world for the better.

If you dreamed that man communicates with aliens This means that soon unexpected gossip will reach the person who saw the dream, which in no case should be believed.

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Personally communicate with representatives of a foreign civilization in night vision promises glory soon, which will poison the dreamer’s heart with pride.

  • Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a UFO in a dream in the sky - a good sign that promises a person many happy moments in the near future. This will make the dreamer believe in fate and higher powers.

Why do you dream of a flying saucer, according to the famous dream interpreter? The internal clues that the subconscious gives should be taken into account and taken into account.

If you dreamed mass invasion of aliens from other planets, then the dreamer will soon experience a happy period of luck.

  • Dream book for the whole family

If you see a UFO in the sky , the dream book promises a number of interesting acquaintances or meetings with old friends whom you have not been able to see for a long time.

Watching a UFO in a dream and feeling fear or confusion In reality, it foreshadows a situation where you will have to face a difficult choice.

Why do you dream that a flying saucer has landed on the ground? The compilers of the book of interpretations warn that the dreamer will receive an unexpected visit from guests, so after such a dream it is better to prepare, just in case, to provide a warm welcome.

What to expect if aliens kidnapped a person in a dream? The meaning of this dream about a UFO is disappointing: the dreamer may soon decide to commit adultery. It should be remembered that once this step is taken, nothing can be returned.

  • Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The psychologist assured that the dreamer who saw UFO in the sky in a dream , may suffer from a latent form of schizophrenia.

According to another version of the interpreter, dreams with humanoids on a UFO are a consequence of deep psychological trauma from the past, which thus reminds of itself.

Why does a woman dream about a UFO?

Miller's dream book says that see a flying saucer for a woman signifies the bond of marriage with an extraordinary person.

Dream book for the whole family foretells unmarried woman after a dream with aliens and UFOs, a fateful meeting with a man. The more aliens there were in night vision , the more choice the dreamer will have. However, interpreters warn that there is no need to rush into this important decision.

The summer dream book also promises girl who saw a UFO in her dream , strong relationship with a reliable person.

Why does a woman dream of a UFO in the sky, which then abducts her? This dream is considered a warning sign: if there is even the slightest reason to doubt the honesty of your soulmate, then perhaps they are true.

Why does a man dream of a UFO in the sky?

Seeing a flying saucer in a dream, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, means deception or scams. After such a dream, a man should be wary of troubles that arise at work due to misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself as an alien in a dream promises the dreamer to lose an important thing in reality, so when you see a UFO in your night dreams, you should be more careful with property in real life.

Alien attack on the inhabitants of Earth in a dream a man dreams of difficulties in the work sphere.

Why dream of being on board a flying saucer when it crashes? In this case, the compilers of some books of interpretations assure that in the near future a situation may arise when his further financial situation will depend on the dreamer’s decision.

Representatives of a foreign civilization planted a UFO in the courtyard of a house and kidnapped the dreamer? This plot warns that the sleeper will soon decide to betray one of his work colleagues.

In a dream, you saw an alien spaceship descending to Earth - the reality is that in the modern world people are mired in unbelief, and therefore are waiting for some unusual signs to appear. Perhaps your soul is empty and not filled with love for the people around you, so you expect miracles from the outside, rather than looking for them within yourself.

A dream in which you communicate with space aliens symbolizes false news or rumors.

You dreamed that you witnessed the disaster of an alien ship - this dream predicts that the disasters and trials that befall people will prepare them for a new reconstruction of the world, in which kindness and love will reign. Otherwise, humanity faces extinction.

If in a dream you came into contact with an alien ship and earned extraordinary popularity and success, this means that in reality you have unusual abilities that you perceive as a gift from above. But in fact, evil has taken possession of your soul, and this dream only indicates that you have fallen into one of the most terrible sins, the name of which is pride.

UFO according to the Family Dream Book

UFO - get ready for unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet a man on her life's path who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening promises an unrequited feeling. If you are watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests to give you an appropriate gift. In addition, your deepest wish will come true. If you see in a dream how you are flying with an alien, get ready for your own betrayal, which entails divorce. For an unmarried girl - a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

UFO according to the Spring Dream Book

UFO - Seeing something incomprehensible, unknown to your mind and how this something moves through the air in a dream - to well-being or new joy.

UFO according to the Summer Dream Book

Unidentified flying object (UFO) - Watching a UFO fly in a dream means some kind of miracle.

Seeing a UFO in the sky - you will be pleasantly surprised by meeting an old acquaintance. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of great true love in her life. If in a dream you observe a UFO landing, wait for the arrival of guests. Such a dream can also promise the fulfillment of a wish or the receipt of a long-awaited gift. If in a dream you were kidnapped and you are flying on a UFO, such a dream warns you against infidelity, which could cause you to lose your family and children.

UFO according to the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a UFO in the sky - you will be pleasantly surprised by meeting an old acquaintance. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of great true love in her life.

If in a dream you observe a UFO landing, wait for the arrival of guests. Such a dream can also promise the fulfillment of a wish or the receipt of a long-awaited gift.

If in a dream you were kidnapped and you are flying on a UFO, such a dream warns you against infidelity, due to which you could lose your family and children.

UFO according to the Eastern Dream Book

A dream in which you communicate with space aliens symbolizes false news or rumors. If in a dream you come into contact with an alien ship, do not fall into the sin of pride.

UFO according to the dream book of the witch Medea

UFO – (see airplane)

UFO according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

They indicate a latent form of schizophrenia in the subject, extraneous manipulations or the intervention of a computer alien to the person, as well as the activation in memory of a trace left by a past event in a person’s mental life.

UFO according to the dream book for the whole family

UFO - get ready for unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet a man on her life's path who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening promises an unrequited feeling.

If you are watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests who will delight you with an appropriate gift. In addition, your deepest wish will come true.

If you see in a dream how you are flying with an alien, get ready for your own betrayal, which entails divorce.

For an unmarried girl - a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

UFO according to online dream book

According to the dream book, a UFO hovering in the sky promises you a date with a person whom you have not seen for a long time and whom you will be incredibly happy about.

Seeing it sit on the ground means someone will pay you a friendly visit.

Aliens have taken you captive - beware of relationships outside of marriage, otherwise you can destroy your own family.

UFO according to the American Dream Book

Unidentified flying object - personal integration. Psychic strength.

UFO according to the dream book of symbols

Flying objects, objects - indicate the dynamics, transience of the meaning of these objects, as well as spiritual and karmic influences. In addition, they can emphasize the strangeness, unusualness of the situation (for those objects for which flight is not natural) and the interference in the fate of certain external, local energies and also attach their own additional meaning.

In many dream books, the same interpretation of dreams about UFOs is often found: meeting pleasant guests, unexpectedly receiving a gift, new love, or simply amazing news that will bring joy. However, there are other equally interesting interpretations of dreams about unidentified flying objects. Why you dream of a UFO, you will find out in this article, a selection of dream interpretations from various dream books around the world.

Clarify the dream

Fantastic dreams are not uncommon for most people, and people often wonder why they dreamed of a flying saucer, what would happen if they saw spaceships in a dream, as well as UFOs with aliens. We will briefly explain what these dreams can mean, but do not forget that there are other interpretations. If you dreamed of a flying saucer, then the dream is most likely positive; a lot of joy and new positive life experiences will await you in the near future. Perhaps you will soon go to a resort or find a loved one with whom you have lost contact.

If you saw not only UFOs, but also representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, then in real life you will meet many people. Most likely, these will be pleasant acquaintances and meetings. UFOs and aliens landed on Earth in a dream - expect guests to come to your home. However, it is worth answering the question of why UFOs dream about their invasion - in this case, the interpretation will be as follows: possible infidelity, betrayal on your part towards your loved one. Because of this, you even risk losing your family, so be vigilant and do not give in to temptation. The dream only warns you against this act, so you have a chance to prevent discord in the family.

Another question that is often asked about dreams about UFOs is: why do you dream that UFOs attacked the Earth? An attack by foreign creatures in a dream symbolizes difficult times and trials that may befall you in the near future. It is important to remember what the outcome of the dream was: if you or other earthlings won, then the situation, no matter how difficult it may be, will definitely be resolved in your favor. Otherwise, you may face intractable problems that will take a lot of time to resolve.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, a UFO seen in a dream symbolizes something wonderful, magical, amazing and incredible that awaits a person in reality in the near future. Perhaps this will be the appearance of true mutual love in life, or simply a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

A UFO has landed in dreams - guests will come soon. Also, such a dream means the fulfillment of a wish or an unexpected surprise.

Have aliens abducted you? Think about it: this is a sign that warns you against infidelity. Be careful, otherwise there is a risk of losing your family and loved ones...

Coming into contact with a UFO means receiving incorrect, distorted information in life. Perhaps they will try to deceive or slander you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

An unusual interpretation of dreams about UFOs is given in Meneghetti’s dream book. According to this source, aliens and flying saucers seen in a dream may indicate... hidden mental illnesses or a subconscious program that was instilled in a person by other people. In any case, according to Meneghetti, a dream about a UFO indicates a negative moment present in the human psyche.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

However, not everything is so bad. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, watching the flight of an alien flying saucer means the appearance of wonderful positive moments in life.

Women's dream book

An interesting interpretation of dreams about UFOs can be found in women's dream books. If you are married and in a dream you managed to talk with aliens, then in reality you will soon be proud of the actions of your spouse.

Spring and summer dream book

If you saw a flying unidentified object in a dream, expect a lot of joy and prosperity in your life. In any case, that’s what the spring dream book says. Similar information can be found in the summer version of the dream interpreter.

Eastern dream book

Not everything is so rosy for Eastern dream interpreters. If in a dream you communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence, then in reality you risk encountering lies or unpleasant rumors about yourself. According to the eastern dream book, contact with a UFO can represent pride and arrogance, which you should definitely avoid when communicating with people.

American dream book

The general American dream book says that a UFO in a dream symbolizes, first of all, enormous mental strength and personal growth.

ABC of dream interpretation

A flying saucer in dreams can predict new discoveries, new knowledge and inner light in a person.

Symbolic dream book

Unidentified objects seen in the air signify karma, an unknown influence that is present in a person's life. Perhaps higher powers have intervened in your destiny and are creating certain life situations for you.

Modern dream book

A very unusual explanation for dreams about UFOs can be found in a modern dream book. Alien creatures that a girl dreams of can symbolize a meeting with a womanizer who will deceive with beautiful words and simply exploit! In some cases, an alien can predict completely harmless events, be it moving or other serious changes.

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