Home Entertaining astrology Debaptism is liberation from Christian egregors. Christian cross - connection to egregor? Relationships with a religious egregor

Debaptism is liberation from Christian egregors. Christian cross - connection to egregor? Relationships with a religious egregor

In our attempts to find a way out of the modern state and self-preservation, Orthodoxy is playing an increasingly important role. My friends, people my age, by the way, former ardent Marxists, are now Orthodox.

And quite unexpectedly for me, we recently began to have disagreements when discussing the future of Russia. They see him as Orthodox.

But I have a number of doubts and objections. And if this topic is discussed, then it should be done on models and diagrams. Which may seem strange to some. But we are not talking about faith, we are talking about the place of religion in the future of Russia and the world.

And thematically the conversation in the article will go about the relationship between religion and the world of egregors. The very posing of the question frightens some, and clearly irritates others. And this is a sure sign that the topic is relevant.

Therefore, first we need to fix the positions on which field we will talk. I will speak from the window of my science, which is as directed towards the Spirit as religion. Science is a work of research, which is based on a passion for knowledge. The framework of tradition, authorities, etc. mean very little to me. At the same time, I have personal spiritual experience that allows me to treat the topic differently than just as science. He's complex.

I am going to speak using two models: the model of the divine-human community (church) and the egregor model (mentosphere). We will talk by comparing these explanatory models with respect to what is observed in reality.

Divine-human organism

In previous articles we talked about the egregor energy of the Russian mentality. As for the content of mentality, this is a different topic. Here's how Christians interpret it: “The “bearer” of the Russian World is the Church of Christ, not as an earthly institution, but as a Divine-human organism.”

The divine-human organism is a cultural formation, from the original “cult”, according to Florensky. It is only possible if states are eliminated on the planet. By the way, the dream of the Bolsheviks and Lenin.

The divine-human organism is outside of society. Let's say, in the catacombs.

In a situation where states are being transformed into geopolitical blocs, and then into mental worlds, the positions of the church at first sound tempting: we are Divine-human organism, and also existing on Earth for two millennia.

But there are two interesting questions for me:

1) what was on Earth before his appearance?

2) how does this divine-human organism relate to society?

To avoid any confusion, let’s introduce the first scheme:

Rice. 1. The Church as a divine-human organism outside of society.

Before the advent of monotheism on Earth, well-known stages were recorded: primitive spiritual culture (without civilization) and the spiritual culture of ancient civilizations (polytheistic). This stage, if we talk about duration, exceeds the lifespan of the “divine-human organism” of monotheistic religions by an order of magnitude, or even two. Approximately five thousand years BC. Polytheism lasted and from 15 to 40 thousand years ago the first signs of the spiritual quest of ancient people were discovered - they were recorded in the so-called primitive art.

Should these periods also be counted? Or was it not a divine-human organism due to its animism or polytheism? But even today, not all of us are Orthodox Christians on earth - there are approximately 1.6 billion adult Orthodox Christians. In general, there are 2.31 billion Christians on Earth, and there are, of course, fewer Orthodox Christians in the world and in our country. Yes, and “Orthodox” in our country rather call themselves Orthodox according to the tradition of the territory, rather than culture. " The vast majority of Orthodox Christians (61%) have not read the Bible at all ».

“Many priests argue that people can be classified as Orthodox based on how often they participate in church sacraments - they confess and receive communion. Levada Center reports that there are only 7% of such people in Russia.” That is, quantitatively this is a tiny part of the population.

At the same time, “experts see the greatest danger for Russia in the rapid growth of the Muslim population while the number of ethnic Russians decreases. According to their data, there are now about 20 million Muslims in Russia - this is about 14% of the population. Their share is expected to rise to 19% by 2030.” (http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2012/12/17/4894681.shtml)

It turns out that on our territory there are already twice as many active Muslims as Orthodox Christians. They are more disciplined, and external help is obvious to them. And their claims are growing, which you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to.

There is no doubt that for a believer all this means nothing. "Small spool but precious". That’s all true, but now we really stand on the threshold of war and further transformations of Russia. And we analyze our resources in the spiritual sphere. It turns out that real asset This spiritual power has very little. Seven percent are exemplary Orthodox, and even less of them are capable of actively holding a position and if it is necessary to bring Orthodoxy to the masses.

It was in the 19th century that Russia was an Orthodox empire. And today we have no more Orthodox activists than the first Christians in Rome. But they were on the rise of their history and there everyone was worth an army, and we are still successfully going into the pit of crisis, and more and more we measure our Christianity by rituals and liturgies. Shutting ourselves off from the world attacking us, we must understand that the point now is not about vegetables and fruits with chocolate and oysters, the point is what kind of spiritual support we have to overcome the crisis and the subsequent breakthrough.

If Orthodox Christianity really lays claim to this role, then how realistically does our church institution assess its strengths and resources?

Religion in society

Here is my point of view: egregors arose in the bioworld, from where we inherited them. They define by their existence collective behavior animals, and people (as partial animals).

For some reason, my Christian critics have a primitive point of view that the concept of “egregor” does not belong to the scientific tradition, and is borrowed from the occult - and therefore it is “pseudoscience and pseudo-religion.” But a true scientist cannot treat the term and concept in this way, since it was just dragged around by proliferating occultists. Moreover, among the occultists there were and are very outstanding scientists - they just have a slightly different understanding of “research”. But they have a lot to learn, they have their own methods of analysis, achievements, etc. Therefore, history is ironic: yesterday alchemy, tomorrow chemistry, yesterday occultism, tomorrow science: this line is very shaky. This does not prevent science from defending its borders, but there are always battles in its adjacent territories. AT constantly writes about this and she is beaten precisely for trying to marry science with faith.

In addition, management is omnivorous: none of the rulers in the twentieth century was stopped by the simultaneous use of the achievements of science, religion and occult practices for their own purposes. This has become especially clear over the past 20 years as more information and misinformation have emerged. Sometimes it is misinformation that says more about the real state of affairs. Therefore, you can continue to be in “your own pride” in any of these isolated fields; the reality has long been as I said above: science, religion and the occult are constantly interacting and changing their boundaries. Moreover, if science “tests everything to the teeth” with experiments and then gives a well-founded conclusion, religion simply maintains old barriers, relying on tradition. True, from time to time she has to admit that science was right about this and that, but five hundred years later, few people care. Especially those whom the church has already burned at the stake or ostracized, destroying their lives in other Jesuit ways.

Regarding the topic of egregors, the very premise of the criticism is incorrect: the study of egregors in science has been going on for a long time, since the 1920s, and on the basis of this hypothesis, in an explicit or implicit form, all psychotechnics, anthropotechnics and sociotechnics (including in Ahnenerbe) are actually built. To justify the existence of transpersonal psychology, we need the idea of ​​“psycho-substance” - in any form. And egregor is such a substance - mental. This means that it contains both psycho (Soul) and pneumato (Spirit). In my understanding, the mentosphere has two principles: the psychosphere and the pneumatosphere. This is the Soul-Spirit connection.

It is clear why religions are so resistant to the introduction of this concept into science: it affects their fundamental interests in the struggle for influence. The very Divine-human community that religion insists on can be described in this natural picture of the world as the “egregor of religion.”

In a number of publications by modern researchers, this fact is not hidden. Religion in its earthly manifestation is “egregor + institution of the church.” Where God is the content of this egregor, and the institution of the church exercises power on Earth by “pumping” this egregor. Moreover, on a planetary scale we are not dealing with one God, but divided between faiths. And each confession is ready to prove its rightness through a “holy war until the complete extermination of the infidels.” But this is precisely what proves that we are dealing with the struggle of large egregors for influence over the masses, and not with the One God - GOD cannot wage war against himself. And the original thesis about the church as a Divine-human unity thereby passes into the category of very beautiful abstractions.

When you begin to consider specific mechanisms, you are dealing not with the Divine-human unity, and not even so much with the institution of religion in society (the Church as a machine of people), but with something third.

In man, the basis for this is the phenomenon of Faith and mystical intuition. Faith immerses us in the world of values ​​and images, which is the mentosphere. And from this we can assume that the church has a conductor between the mental world and social man - the egregor of the church.

Here is the second diagram into which we introduced the level of the mentosphere and the level of the noosphere:

Rice. 2. The God-human world and egregors.

Christians say: we pray not to the egregor, but to God. And how will you prove it? Since you have an intermediary in the form of a church - a group of like-minded people, your own accumulated culture - that is, an egregor. Whether you do this tête-à-tête with God is another question. And you have a group. Overall, this is a very difficult question.

The noosphere maintains civilization in society - a machine made of people. The Institute of Religion is also a machine made of people. And this formulation of the question is valuable in that it allows us to see the evolution in history: this institution existed in the form of shamanism in primitive times, and then groups of priests of different cults in antiquity, and only then - in the form of a monotheistic church. This institute has always relied on the egregor and always required pumping it up; Christianity and Islam inherited a lot from earlier techniques for working with egregors, this is well known.

If we take the Middle Ages, then it was here that all the techniques of influencing the Soul through feelings and through art were developed. But after the Middle Ages - in the era of the power of commerce - the ideology of the Enlightenment came to this place, and art separated from the bosom of the church and became secular. Hence the flourishing of music, painting, sculpture, architecture and literature of the New Age (including ours).

And in the 20th century, with its projectivism, social engineering emerged. Art was dissected in modernism and became a means of influencing the psyche through mass media. I'm not even talking about politics, but today's branding brings the main profit to hypermonopolies. Brands are sold an order of magnitude or two more than the cost of production, this is profit out of thin air. I described these phenomena in a book about branding, see AT.

The church in society is a kind of materialization of religion. We have already discussed what the church is in society: it is an egregor plus an institution. Let's put this in a diagram:

Rice. 3. Religion as an egregor and religion as an institution.

Before us are two contours of control in society: spiritual and secular. The Holy Roman Empire, as far as I remember, was ruled by two people: the pope and the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire were considered co-rulers of the entire Christian world, and this was completely secular government on the part of the Church. Catholicism's ambitions for power remain to this day.

About the egregor hypothesis

The egregor hypothesis allows me to discuss modernity and build the future. Its essence is simple: there is such an energy form of life as an egregor. It is manifested in the “space between” - like a flock of animals, like a group of people, it is the “delta plus” of the system. Group consciousness lives in the form of an egregor. Initially, this is an uncontrolled form; in the limit, it is the consciousness of the biosphere. This is not the mind (noosphere) and there is a well-described difference between consciousness and reason in the form of thinking in Lefebvre and the elder Shchedrovitsky.

An egregor is an accumulator and consumer of group energy. And it affects a person through the sphere of the subconscious, uncontrollable by the mind. This is the sphere of value regulators; we described it by composition.

Eregor, with very great power, is capable of influencing our visible reality so strongly that many miracles can be explained by this influence. God exists, but why can’t he operate through this drive mechanism called egregor? Quite possibly. This in no way diminishes His Greatness. And if you build a chain of heliotaraxy - the Sun as a generator and the Earth with its biosphere, then the egregor, according to the hypothesis, is a transmission link between the general and the individual. For example, between society and a person.

When a person on Earth fulfills His Will, having Faith, the egregor endows such a person with colossal power - and faith is truly capable of moving mountains, making water solid, stopping the Sun, etc. The more faith, the greater these opportunities and responsibilities - but this is given only to the most spiritual people. Here Spirit and energy are tightly connected.

The appearance of magic and then religion in society is a line of culture that allowed people, to some extent, to control this uncontrollable energy. There is such a type of control as spiritual management. And it is primary in history, at the beginning of any cycles of any size. I can expand on this, but the following is clear: the unification of large masses of people can only occur through egregors, using their accumulated energy. And second: the unity of people can only occur at the moment of a NATURAL leap, when there is an injection of energy into the community from the side of a large egregor. This is what Lev Gumilyov describes as the emergence of passionarity in an ethnos. The sign is the appearance of passionaries with special properties, the ability to spiritually control the masses.

An example of a controlled rise on the wave of a large egregor - Byzantium. Rome was by no means made up of fools in politics, so the selection of the strongest possible unifying religion and its translation into state ideology was done by design (the Council of Nicaea, doctrine, etc.). Stalin in 1927-31 did the same with Marxism-Leninism, turning it into a state religion with the help of discussions at the Comacademy. In both versions, we are talking about the institutionalization of an idea-teaching, the construction of a state-empire based on ideocracy. Byzantium is an ideocracy, and so is the USSR.

Egregor and wave resonance

If you like, both our adoption of Christianity and the appearance of the phenomenon of Sergius of Radonezh are in the same category. Worked on the rise of energy.

Christians tell me: A very controversial statement. What comes first? The Church believes that Sergius of Radonezh inspired Dmitry Donskoy and his squad for the Battle of Kulikovo. An increase in energy is a consequence, not a cause.

I object. I’m talking about resonance, he did it at a resonant moment, when there was a rise in mental energy. You can either saddle it or turn it off, because... this energy is natural. Sergius is great because he resonated with the rising wave. Which is evidence of his great intelligence and experience. And it does not in any way detract from his spiritual achievement, but only complements it.

People cannot be raised up out of the blue; they must be in the appropriate energy phase of the mental cycle.

Let me give you an opposite example: hundreds of times all sorts of ascetics have tried to achieve spiritual ascent in moments of depression, when there is no energy and society is asleep. And - absolutely nothing. During downturns in the energy wave, people are not inspired in any way; they mentally “sleep”. So, for example, the “populists” failed. But on the rise, a tiny spark can ignite a world fire. “From a spark will ignite a flame,” familiar quote? So Lenin had a good sense of what and when. Although he is not a prognosticator in the scientific sense - he learned about the February revolution from Swiss newspapers.

Here is an example from the recent past, analyzed by Doctor of Economics. Boris Ivanovich Iskakov. “Gorbachev came to power during a time of minimal solar activity and ruined everything with his lack of will. But Yeltsin, on the contrary, ruined everything with his violent, unpredictable activity, which is extremely dangerous during a solar catastrophe. But the weak-willed Gorbachev naturally came to power during a time of minimum solar activity. And Yeltsin no less naturally usurped it during the period of maximum activity.” This is from an old interview of his, ten years ago.

And “at each phase of rising solar activity, there are its own policy rules, its own management rules. And the cosmos helps only those individuals who intuitively follow these phases.” Everything is accurate.

I repeat: what has been said does not deny the spiritual feat of Sergius, but for me this feat is double - he did the right thing at the right time, on time. This is extremely important in history. I think God helped Sergius understand when.

In the school curriculum, I remember, it was from John Reed and Mayakovsky: “Today, he says, it’s early to get up, And the day after tomorrow it’s late.” Like, Lenin sensed this point and did his job.

Lenin and the Bolsheviks won in a hopeless situation only through the use of the then “hot” egregor of Russia - he was pumped up, and although his party was small, the activists were well trained and on time - I wrote about this in a book about Bogdanov. And all the major parties that were nearby and competed did not resonate with this egregor and therefore “blown away”.

Now Donbass is in the same situation. The territorial community has energy, so a handful of ordinary people defeat ukrov with hundreds of tanks and dozens of aircraft. The nuggets are still fighting, and something connects them that they themselves do not yet understand. Orthodoxy appears here more on a personal level, and not as the content of a new society.

Reasons for optimism

I would like to end on an optimistic note. For everything is in His hands and we do not know His providence. The ways of the Lord are mysterious - I have been convinced more than once.

There is an egregor of Christianity. At one time in history it was unusually strong, and when it became our official state religion, the Church of Christ was an integral part of Russian government.

The progressives, under the slogans of the Enlightenment, took away this integral part.

Then they were gone, and in the place where a shred of the social body had previously been torn out in society, the revival of this church began. Many people want her to play the same role as before. Even I sometimes want to. But the real recovery impact does not go beyond a few percentage points. Reanimating the body does not mean restoring it.

The opposite of the past state of social unity under the auspices of spiritual authority is the modern situation, when they are trying to unite people only through rationality: norms and law - civilization. This is liberalism.

In Russia, civilization always had to be imposed by force, and this was even before Orthodoxy. Civilization arose out of necessity and was constantly in a very difficult relationship with spiritual power. But the tendency of their alternating struggle in history is obvious - under Peter, the same secularization of power as in the West won. And the church became a ministry under the emperor (Holy Synod).

But now the process is complete. As a result, people become more and more soulless robots - civilization tears them away from past egregors, creating their own simulacra. This is also a whole topic, I have written about it more than once.

What has been said has a direct bearing on religion in today’s world. Given the existing gigantic machine for manipulating the consciousness of the masses, what is its role? Where, exactly, does the expectation of a new spiritual reunification of people into Humanity through religion come from? What is being done for this? We need to work for this somehow, combining efforts. But for the most part, the church does some other work, mostly purely ritual. I hope there's something I don't know. But I’m talking about what I’ve been observing for 20 years, and not the concepts, plans and programs that the Church most likely has somewhere.

The attempt to cast aside the bonds of civilization and reunite the world through the Theanthropic unity of the church is clear to me. This is like a new exit into the supersystem, beyond the boundaries of society. Even the completely pragmatic sociologist Pitirim Sorokin wrote about the need for a new religion for humanity - he thought of it as a kind of synthetic religion of the future. The project is the same. The idea is clear, but here, as always, the question is in the details.

There are many who insist on the primacy of the Orthodox Church in this process. From this point, difficulties of a completely earthly nature begin; we will discuss them in the next article.

So, today we are moving quite quickly to the bifurcation point of our time. Who listens to Time? Who knows with certainty where to turn the Russian ship? If this is our Orthodoxy, then where will we go?

The Russian bear has not yet been awakened, although Western idiots are poking it with sanctions from all sides. Meanwhile, its historical time to wake up without them has almost come. By the way, this was the expectation that the sleepy bear wouldn’t understand and would get into a fight - and here we are with his horn of the entire West. But if you treat him like this five minutes before history’s alarm clock rings, then our bear can really go berserk.

N.N. Alexandrov, Doctor of Philosophy, Head. department and professor in Nizhny Novgorod.

In the history of mankind, there are many examples of characters and personalities inspired by ideas and thoughts that are not their own: famous theologians, theologians, writers, scientists. The sources of such ideas are egregors that control our lives, and the effect of egregors on our thoughts and feelings is not always realized.

Egregors are the creation of thoughts and energetically directed emotions of people united by a common belief.

The purpose of existence of egregors is the absorption and accumulation of energy.

There are a huge number of sources of egregor generation in the world. Any business, idea, circumstance that can rally a group of people around itself - small or large - forms a strong energy and information field. The larger the group, the stronger the field. The stronger the field, the more powerful the laws by which it exists. Such a field is transformed into an egregor - an independent unit capable of attracting more and more adherents, and thus growing its power.

This article will discuss one of the types of egregors - religious egregors.

What are religious egregors?

In fact, a religious egregor is nothing more than an energy space generated and filled with information by followers of a certain religious idea.
The concept of “religious egregors” includes Christian egregors, egregors of Judaism, egregors of Islam, pagan egregors, as well as egregors of all other religious movements, cults and beliefs.

How are religious egregors created and functioning?

The mechanism for the development of religious egregors is based on the conduct of ceremonies, rituals, services, and the reading of special texts (mantras, prayers).

Religious egregors are the most powerful of those existing on earth. This is due to the huge number of people investing their energy in them. Energy, as we know, tends to accumulate and have a strong impact on people connected to it. Thus, members of religious denominations - bishops, Dalai Lamas, mules - acquire specific vibrations that distinguish them from other people. Egregors of religions gain particular power during religious holidays. During such periods, people with true faith witness miracles of healing and resolution of complex problems.

Certain religious egregors include egregors of a smaller order. So, in Christianity there are Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Catholicism, smaller branches - Jehovah's Witnesses, Marmons, Baptists, etc. In Islam these are Sunnis, Shiites, Sufism and Wahhabism. In Hinduism, these are the schools of Yoga, Vedanta, Samkhya, as well as unorthodox movements.

Since egregors feed on the energy of their followers, it is most important for them to obtain the strong emotions of their adherents in any way.

As a rule, negative energy is easier to obtain and has greater intensity.

How does a person come under the influence of egregors?

For example, a person is influenced by negative news on TV. He hears about the fighting in Ukraine, about tornado victims in America, or about the number of people killed in a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean. A person begins to scold his life, God, higher powers, feeding various egregors with this, dragging himself into pessimism, constant discontent and a painful feeling of the injustice of life.

Thus, a person falls into the hook of an egregor, which, having caught on, will constantly pump energy out of him.

How and why to work with egregors

There is a way out of being stuck in an energy-consuming structure. Of course, in order to cope with the problem, it must be recognized. The higher the awareness, the faster and more effectively a person will get rid of his energy vampires.

The speed of getting rid of destructive egregors is proportional to the prisoner’s awareness.

2.1. Algorithm for liberation from the egregor trap

To free yourself from energy information networks, or to prevent getting into them, you need to ask the following questions:

  1. How does the current (happened) situation affect me personally?
  2. Can I correct the situation or influence it in some way?
  3. What do I get from endlessly replaying thoughts and deep experiences in my head?

These questions can lead a person to understand the true meaning of the current situation for his life and help preserve his energy.

Living in mindfulness is great, especially when this awareness is beneficial to all areas of a person's life. But is awareness alone enough for safety?

There are cases when a strong connection is established between a person and a religious egregor. Initiation rites, vows taken, rituals performed (baptisms, oaths, communion) automatically connect a person to the system of the religious field. Awareness of the connection with the religious egregor in this case will not be enough, because embedded programs and beliefs are always stronger than consciousness. Such beliefs about serving God, an idea, and renouncing one’s interests can be passed on from generation to generation and become family (family).

Developed programs and beliefs are stronger than awareness.

But there are no hopeless situations. Since we came into this world to learn, everything that happens to us serves as a lesson for us. The connection with the egregor is the path we need to follow in order to understand what keeps us hooked.

2.2. How do you know if you're hooked?

  • Your activity is aimed at achieving other people's goals;
  • Increased fatigue, excess energy, lack of results;

In this case, it is necessary to analyze where your energy is directed, whether you are doing a lot of unnecessary, meaningless things.

  • Limited thinking, stubbornness;

Stubbornness is a defense of the mind against leaving the comfort zone, sometimes perceived as something that poses a danger to the belief system. In fact, this is a direct indication of being stuck in the egregor.

Here are the most basic symptoms of a freeze in an energy-hungry system. Using them, it is easy to determine what is wrong and quickly resolve the situation.

Signs that you are hooked on someone else's egregor: working for others (not for yourself), loss of strength, no growth, stubbornness.

The influence of egregors on our life and death

Religious egregors cover and control all spheres and periods of a person’s life, from birth to death.

Such energy structures can be aggressive towards those who are not among their adherents. Often, adherents of such structures do not accept other opinions and ideas. Thus, passive, forced involvement (family members, relatives, friends) in energy communities of this kind can have a negative impact, close the path to a happy, harmonious life for a particular person and hinder the evolution of all humanity as a whole.

Egregors of suffering (dissatisfaction with the standard of living, government, prices) are relevant for our country; egregors of alcoholism (direct and indirect involvement in alcohol addiction); egregors of an unhappy personal life (all men are bastards, real men have disappeared, the institution of marriage has been destroyed, etc.).

The benefits and harms of egregors

Egregor has neither positive nor negative properties. This is a kind of “collective intelligence” that can be used for your own benefit. But without knowing its laws, there is a risk of being led astray and ending up in a disordered life.

Examples of the destructive effects of egregors are participation in religious sects, service to non-traditional cults, fanaticism.

The egregors of proper nutrition, sports, art and science have a positive effect.

Followers of religious movements, of course, find support in their like-minded people, and in the very ideas in which they believe - help and hope for salvation. But the return is always greater than what is received from religious egregors. For example, to support an adherent of a certain religion, it is necessary to perform regular rituals, go to church, pray, observe fasts, prohibitions, and so on. And this limits a person’s freedom of action and choice.

Lack of freedom to exit the egregor is a danger signal!

What positive effect do religious egregors have?

Positive egregors are able to provide support and protection to their followers without depriving them of freedom of choice (egregor of Buddhism).

There are also neutral energy structures that pose no threat to either their own or adherents of other structures.

Not long ago I was asked in the comments the question, “How is Christian egregor combined with shamanism?” I didn’t have time to answer right away, but now I feel that the answer should be given in a separate post.
For a better understanding, I will make the following analogy: an egregor is a warehouse. Yes, yes, a huge warehouse like in Ikea)). The storehouse of energy that all believers send to this egregor by praying, performing rituals, thinking about the egregor, etc.
It must be said that the idea of ​​the egregor is relatively new; for most of human history, people were confident that they were giving their energy directly to the Gods.
So, warehouse. To get there and take something useful out, we need a passage. The passage to the egregor can open automatically, upon birth in a certain tradition; can be developed through one’s own efforts; can be opened after undergoing an initiation ritual; can be revealed by agreement between the Gods; can be purchased as a large investment; can be provided in advance when the Gods themselves are interested in you.
A Christian egregor is an open egregor, everyone can come to the temple and pray, everyone can be baptized and become part of the egregor (but a Hindu, for example, must be born to Hindu parents!). The shamanic egregor is also open, any person can turn to a shaman for help and independently perform some rituals to propitiate the Spirits, there are no restrictions. Living in Russia, almost all of us were baptized by our parents in childhood, we all go to church at least a couple of times a year, we all celebrate church holidays, even if only Christmas and Easter. That is, most of us have a passage to the egregor and most of us have some kind of energetic contribution to it, some have more, some have less, so anyone can turn to the Christian egregor in magical rituals (another matter , that you will receive a response exactly within the limits of your contribution, but that’s another question). But what about the Church, you ask? What about the fact that magic is a sin?

Let's again mentally transport ourselves to the warehouse in Ikea. Who's there? There are guards there to ensure that goods are not stolen. There are loaders who help you get goods from the top shelves. There are hall administrators who keep order and are ready to answer questions. Can we consider them an integral part of the warehouse? Will the warehouse cease to exist without them? I doubt. Yes, it will be more difficult for us to navigate there, but we will still have the opportunity to take goods/energy. So, the Church is not an egregor, it is workers serving the egregor. They cannot block our passage into it with their prohibitions. The gods hear everyone!
From the point of view of clergy, turning either to a Christian or to a shamanic egregor is a sin. But from the point of view of shamanism, any egregor is a power that you can draw from if you managed to establish a good relationship with it. In Tuva, it is considered completely normal to go to church and, if necessary, turn to shamans for help; the priests, of course, condemn it, but the shamans have nothing against it. Strength is strength, it has no religious connotation in its essence.

But still, any egregor maintains order and severely punishes attempts to bring chaos into it. Mixing rituals is not chaos. Chaos is:

Show disrespect, mock the egregor;
- pit egregors against each other (fight for me);
- not to believe in the help of the egregor (in the morning I blessed the car in the church, and in the evening I also went to the shaman for the same thing, like, just in case, to strengthen what I received from the Christian egregor and have not even received results yet);
- mix ritual objects and rituals (depict an icon on a shaman’s robe and read prayers with a tambourine);
- try to do something with the help of an egregor that contradicts the ethical framework of the egregor (in shamanism it is acceptable to cause damage, in a Christian egregor this is not approved);
- demand from one egregor to prove that he is stronger than the other.

If these rules are violated, both “mixed” egregors do not figure out who was “offended” more, but jointly hit the culprit, for educational purposes and to discourage behavior.
And regarding the “disrespect” point, I will give you a wonderful example that happened at the fourth stage of the CITY SHAMAN course. During the purification ceremony, one of the students jokingly began to baptize everyone with a smoldering artysh branch, saying it wouldn’t hurt. I immediately felt how the energy in the Field surrounding us was distorted, how the Spirits tensed, and I told the girl that it would be better if she didn’t do such things. The class ended, everyone left, and in the evening I received panic messages from this student. Out of nowhere, as they say, she developed all the symptoms of severe poisoning. She spent the night “merrily,” either bending over the toilet or sadly sitting on it. But she did well, she analyzed the events of the day and she herself realized that the misfortune that had happened was the Spirits’ response to her daring. And as soon as she realized this and apologized, all the symptoms stopped. Here's the story.

As a summary, I can say: if you have passages and you act with respect and deference to everyone, observing the above restrictions, then both the shamanic and Christian egregor will help you without any conflicts with each other.

In the photo: I’m in Kyzyl with a tambourine waiting for the start of a shamanic ritual not far from the city’s Orthodox cathedral. By the way, in those days the relics of St. Nicholas “stayed” in the cathedral.

Christianity, like any other religion, has its own energy-informational structure in the subtle world. It is fueled by people who support the biblical concept of the world order.

The advantages of living under the egregor of Christianity and how to connect

The Christian egregor is currently still one of the most massive energy structures and has millions of followers around the world, although the peak of its power has passed and is fading.

Just imagine how much energy Christian rituals can accumulate! Even healing is subject to the egregor of Christianity.

Inclusion in Christianity provides good protection. A sincere believer who wears a cross is protected from the evil eye and damage. According to Orthodox beliefs, every baptized person has his own personal guardian angel, who protects him from many dangers and helps him in worldly affairs.

In the Christian tradition, it is customary to connect to the egregor in infancy - performing the rite of baptism. If you want to enlist the powerful support of a Christian egregor, but were not baptized in childhood, you need to go through this sacrament. At the same time, sometimes a strong faith in God (that is, attunement on the mental and emotional level) is enough for the channel to open on its own.

How to work with a Christian egregor

Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their action. Correct subtle work with egregors often consists of simple observation, rather than active intervention in external events. The essences of the subtle world see more and better understand what changes are appropriate in each specific life situation. For example, if someone behaves incorrectly towards you, it is enough to mark the event and delegate the rest of the work to the egregor. If you are under the control of an egregor, you are only required to do your egregorial work well, without being distracted by trifles. The Bible says about this: if you hit one cheek, turn the other. The egregor himself will take care of your needs in order to give you the opportunity to continue to fulfill your egregorial mission without hindrance.

It is obvious that the requested assistance is not always provided. This is a sign that the harmonious energy exchange with the egregor is disrupted. Most likely, a person does not realize that he has been taking the wrong position in his work with the system for a long time. For example, he inaccurately fulfills his duties to the egregor or mistakenly believes that he serves the Christian energy structure, although in fact his energy flows to feed other energy entities. As a result, the Christian egregor weakens its support and protection. A person becomes vulnerable to attacks from other energy structures.

To become the favorite of a Christian egregor, you need to regularly feed it with your energy. As a rule, religious egregors charge in time. Reading prayers to a certain saint for many hours over a long period of time, attending church services, asceticism in the name of egregor and observing other rituals (even formal ones) are designed precisely to pump energy from a person to the energy system.

An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms.
Money is the equivalent of energy, since earning it also costs a person’s time - the only resource that belongs to him by birthright.

Disadvantages of staying within the egregor of Christianity

With all the advantages of inclusion in the church egregor, this is one of the most dangerous energy systems in terms of the degree of influence on consciousness. The more a person is included in the structure of Christianity, the more power the system has over him. Moreover, this is the power that he recognizes for her voluntarily.

The Christian egregor itself is quite tough and aggressive. The mechanism for pumping up energy that he uses is to build a dualistic picture of the world: division into spiritual, higher and material, lower, opposition of light and darkness. Such a worldview inevitably leads to a split in consciousness and the creation of an internal and external enemy.

An egregor programs its follower for a certain behavior, manner of communication, area of ​​interest, space of goals, rules for selecting tools. One of the methods used by the Christian egregor to control its adherents is to impose feelings of fear and guilt, the concept of sin. If this succeeds, a person truly becomes a “slave of God,” almost completely deprived of freedom of thought and choice of his own life path.

The Christian egregor does not see the benefit of having a strong free-thinking personality in his composition. Potentially, such a person can leave the structure and move resources to another egregor, including taking other followers with him. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to limit the possibility of comprehending concepts alien to his information structure. Adherents of Christianity must have strictly canonical information and nothing more. A Christian’s time and resources are often spent not on developing his personality, but on pumping energy into the egregor through the performance of numerous time-consuming rituals.

If you want to work with other channels, conflicts with the Christian egregor cannot be avoided. If working with the egregor of the Tarot within the framework of Christianity is still permissible, since the system of the Egyptian pantheon smoothly and consistently entered the system of Judaism, and that subsequently into the egregor of Christianity, then, for example, the use of Runes related to paganism is seriously punishable for a Christian. The experience of magical practitioners shows that it is impossible to work in two channels at the same time. If you want to receive full support from the Slavic gods, then you need to remove the Christian seal received at baptism.

Shutdown and precautions

Leaving a religious egregor, in particular a Christian one, is called debaptism. Using the same method, you can get out of the egregor of Judaism and Islam. The exit ritual is called triple crossing and consists of rituals performed at the crossroads, in the bathhouse and on the bridge. These are classic rituals that always give results. But usually they are used when a transition to the warlock is made. That is, on the other side of Christianity - to evil spirits.

Naturally, any egregor will try to prevent it from leaving its influence. Christians are no exception in this matter, and, as a rule, they choose harsh methods for returning a person. The “fugitive” gets into trouble, has disturbing thoughts, and regularly begins to have nightmares about the terrible consequences of logging out of the system. Such warnings are sent to intimidate. The main thing at this moment is not to panic and not give up on your intention.

If you personally or people in your family have been deeply included in the Christian energy structure, a payoff will be required. Follow the following instructions.

  1. Come to a small non-profit church (the channel with the egregorm is cleaner there) and turn to the icon of the Mother of God. Express your firm intention to come out of Christianity. Ask them to take from you what you owe and never remind them of the debt again. The cult of the Mother of God is the most honest and fair in calculations.

  1. Leave in the temple all the objects of Christian worship that you have (crosses, church candles, icons, the Bible, etc.). Leave without looking back.
  2. In the near future you will be provoked and frightened in every possible way. Don't give in. If beggars ask for alms, be sure to give as much as you think is necessary, but no more than three times.

Pagan gods can also redeem a person from a Christian egregor, and their ransom will be considered a point in his agreement with Christianity. But the gods need to be convinced that this makes sense to them. There are not many working pagan cults now; there is very little energy coming in. That is, you need to take such vows that the pagan egregor wants to spend his resources on you. For example, set up an altar to one of the gods and pray for a channel for several years.

It’s worth thinking about how it happened that people of the Vedic worldview in Slavic lands allowed an alien Christian religion, written specifically for Jews? And why do Jews themselves go to the synagogue and not to temples?

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to go nowhere. The only place you can rightfully go is to the consciousness of God, which once gave birth to your own “I am”, your personal structure.

You can establish a connection with your own deity through the power of your own intention. To tune the channel, at least 20 days of daily meditation practice are required. Sit alone, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to stop the internal dialogue, concentrating on your breathing. Meditation should last at least 15-20 minutes. By being able to stop the flow of thoughts, you will clear your field, and your Higher Self will be able to adjust the energy channels. By connecting with your deity, you can easily get out of the influence of any egregor. Since no one else can lay claim to you.

Total from Semargl

A clear sign of a destructive and blocking egregor is a ban on leaving it, a lack of free will and freedom of thought.

For those who have hit the ceiling of their growth within the framework of Christianity and intend to further increase their internal frequency, let us remind you that when working with egregors, awareness of actions should be given first place. For some of the rituals indicated by the author have a rather mystical basis, and we should clearly understand the situation.

Good shutdown options:

  1. an agreement with a Christian egregor on exit and payment for it;
  2. transition to a higher frequency egregor, for example, to the egregor of the Vedic worldview;
  3. raising your internal frequency.

It’s easy to connect to any religious egregor, just once or twice, but sometimes you won’t be able to disconnect for the rest of your life. Whether to deal with the gradually fading but still powerful Christian egregor is up to you to decide.

Express report: “Practical guide: Orthodox Christian egregor”

This material has no analogues in the world, it is copyrighted!

(c) Mikhail Lushnikov, 2012. All rights reserved.

Human life is multifaceted. Now science has already established that a person has chakras (energy lymphoid connections in the locations of large organs in the human body, for example, 2 chakras - svadhisthana - in the physical body correspond to the genitals, etc.)

Without being clairvoyant and not realizing the Energy with which you deal 24 hours a day, it is difficult to be a 100% effective and successful person for whom everything is always good. Our ancestors before the revolution were very different from us, because they had time to contemplate life, Nature + many lived in small towns and villages.

The knowledge about the correct relationship with the Christian egregor is not new, I am only systematizing it in this express report, and the video course and my manual will become your assistant in the world of energies or will lift the veil of secrecy for you and will greatly increase your efficiency when using any prayers, icons , observing fasts, etc., - that is, the purpose of this book is to give a general description of the egregor of Orthodoxy and help you harmonize your life with its help.

Ready? OK. Go.

To understand what we are dealing with, we need to understand what an egregor is?

Egregor (read: egregor; emphasis on the second letter “e” in pronunciation) is an energy-informational living, thinking substance that is formed by the same thoughts of people and was formed from the power of their messages, because their mental images fed and feed this energy field, then at some stage, this substance acquires its own consciousness-awareness; The goal of any egregor is to increase its habitat, that is, to attract and retain people’s attention.

Examples - types of Egregors:

Egregor of Money; Authorities; Religions; Countries; Continents; Planetary (sometimes called the Genius of Planet Earth), etc.

This work is devoted to the religious egregor.

The Orthodox egregor is part of the once united Christian egregor, because initially there were no churches or other official, including political organizations, protecting and representing the interests of the Religion of Christianity.

Let me remind you that the world in the Middle Ages was conventionally divided according to religious principles in Europe into: the Byzantine (Orthodox) and Western Roman (Catholic) branches of Christianity.

With the establishment of the institution of the church (this includes educational theological institutions, and the recognition of its secular and ideological power - as official power or as the main stronghold of autocracy in the Russian Empire from 988-1917), relics appeared, attributes of this power, its symbols became are generally known and accepted by most of the population. Example: Easter cakes, church prosphora; washing on the day of the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Over time, the emergence of church rituals and THIS IS THE MAIN THING - with their repeated and centuries-long use for hundreds of years, these rituals, church prayers gained strength, because they were carried out, they were believed, money was paid for their performance, and the church and clergy existed on them, and since the egregor, as we remember above, is an energy distributor-transformer-storage of energy, including human and planetary, because all egregors, including religious ones, are included like a nesting doll in the general Egregor of the planet Earth, then he, the egregor, has the ability to manifest miracles through the fulfillment of requests, petitions, miracles that are impossible and inexplicable without knowledge of the laws of esotericism.

I think it is logical to also give the principle of energy exchange between a person and any egregor, in our case with an Orthodox one.


1 person

2) Egregor

3) Belief in egregor

4) Desire + intention to interact with the egregor

5) Ritual, rituals accepted within the framework of religion

9) Service, asceticism in the name of Egregor as the highest form of interaction with egregor

10) Disappearance of egregor

The scheme I gave above is suitable not only for Christian, but also for any religious egregor, because all egregors did not appear out of nowhere, but due to people’s expectations at key milestones in history, for example, Islam was revealed to the world as a unifying force for peoples of Arabia and the Middle East.

Let's look at the diagram, going into detail on each point.


P.1- Man.

Without it, the egregor loses its “regular client” - energy supply and may even disappear if there are no followers. This point is the most important, because you, being savvy in the rules of competent interaction with an Orthodox egregor, can, if you wish, become his favorite, cat. will live literally like in Christ’s bosom. I emphasize and ask you, dear reader, to pay attention specifically to the knowledge of “techniques and instructions for interchange with egregor, so that you do not waste your energy, time and money in the abyss like 90% of believers, that is, I want to teach you so that You not only gave, but also received help from the egregor, which means knowledge of the energy exchange diagram is mandatory, it must be used in practice!!

P.2- Egregor.

Whether I surprise you or not, even a family is a mini egregor, this is the so-called generic egregor, then comes the egregor of the ethnic group, for example, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc.; further egregor of the country, cat. may not geographically coincide with the egregor of the ethnic group; further - egregor of the continent - Asia, Africa...; Egregor of the planet Earth (its component is the religious egregor!).

In different eras, the same egregor can experience a decline, a period of rapid rise, for example, during the Christianization of Rus', the Crusades, etc., but a period of decline is also possible, a striking example is the destruction and destruction of the Orthodox religion in the USSR, which greatly reduced the power of this egregor, it seems to have shrunk even now, there is a unique opportunity for everyone who needs it, naturally, to receive better, larger-scale and faster help from the Orthodox egregor, because he is extremely interested in the growth of church parishioners, new churches, and the number he is not indifferent to those suffering, because it is quite logical that the smaller the queue of applicants, the greater the opportunity (benefit) to help - the person receives help and immediately informs his friends, neighbors, co-workers, i.e. the feedback system is turned on: “It’s good there, help is guaranteed, go there!”

Forgive me, dear reader, that I am writing to you in plain text without illusions, telling you the Truth, but Knowledge of the Truth = freedom to choose actions = increased quality of life.

P.3 Faith in egregor.

This point is the connecting link between points 1 and 2. Without faith, there may be no motivation to “be friends,” and, accordingly, the result of the interaction will be neutral or zero.

In the history of religion, there are cases when saints walked on water, lived for years without food, feeding on the so-called Holy Spirit, and, of course, a huge number of healings of the sick through their faith in the saint to whom they prayed or after visiting holy places where there are miraculous, prayed icons.

P.4 Desire + intention to interact with egregor

Why did I combine the 2 concepts “desire” + “intention”?

A person can wish, that is, just dream about health, luck or increasing his well-being, but not have an intention. That is, not taking practical actions to realize your dreams, even knowing special prayers or conspiracies for a certain area of ​​life. The reason is often banal - laziness.

If you have the Desire + intention to interact with an Orthodox egregor, then feel free to read on. Do you agree?

P.5 Ritual, rituals accepted within the framework of religion

What is a ritual?

This is most often a symbolic action aimed at achieving a certain goal, often to satisfy everyday needs: for health, love, increase in salary, etc., sometimes they also want to satisfy spiritual needs with the help of one or another ritual: lighting candles for the repose or for the health of the soul, for the fulfillment of a cherished desire on the full moon, new moon: Enlightenment, spiritual and personal growth, harmony with oneself and the world around us, etc.

So the purpose of the ritual is to influence the surrounding reality, including the subtle plane of existence.

In Orthodoxy, such rituals include: going to church on Sunday; donation to the temple; baptism of a newborn baby; consecration of an apartment, house, car; praying to a specific saint over a long period of time, for example, through reading an akathist or a special prayer in front of his icon, etc.

6) Observance (even formal) of rituals

A very important point, because it is important to always follow the rules of the game, which were established a long time ago, because you have no power to change them.

An example from Orthodoxy according to point 6: a person observes all 4 Lents, the whole family goes to church on Sunday, where he leaves a donation + in the summer he also goes on a pilgrimage on vacation, and prays there on his knees, confessing and cleansing himself.

He lived and lived, but one day, all his friends’ cars were broken in the garage, and it was no longer possible to repair them, and foreign cars cost 500,000, 900,000 rubles, only one car was not damaged - our devout hero of the story. Is this a coincidence? The hooligans didn't notice his car? I don’t believe in miracles, his property was simply protected, the only question is how, but this is a separate topic, explore further yourself, if you wish, we will move on.

7) Donation to the church through the so-called tithe

This requirement to donate exists in many religions, including it is considered simply a rule of good manners; even atheists, all modern success gurus strongly recommend observing this principle of tithing. The point is that the Source of all things will always take its rightful 10% from a person in one form or another, but if you voluntarily and with a feeling of joy follow this rule, then sooner or later your life will change for the better.

The most important point in paragraph 7 is voluntariness, joy and gratitude to God for the opportunity to donate for the benefit of the church, poor people, charitable organizations, etc.

8) Egregor’s help: both one-time and permanent

As you understand, dear reader, from the above, in order to get to this point you will have to meet certain conditions: believe in the egregor, desire and have the intention to cooperate with it; observe the rituals established by a given religion - through reading holy books, visiting temples; 10% donation on a regular basis + proper use of Knowledge from this express report and video course: “The Protective Power of Icons” + Your own chips from this area of ​​knowledge through experience and practical activity.

Only if there are grounds (see the previous paragraph) is help from an Orthodox Christian egregor simply guaranteed.

9) Service, asceticism in the name of Egregor, as the highest form of interaction with egregor

This point almost does not concern 90% of believers, but still there is a tradition of asceticism and the feat of asceticism for the good and often in the name of the religious egregor (often angels appeared to saints in prayers or in church during worship, advising, by the will of God, to leave the world in a lonely cell in seclusion, that is, to completely devote one’s life to God and the Egregor of Orthodoxy).

Such an ascetic, with a sincere and heartfelt approach to asceticism, often over time possessed the gift of clairvoyance, healing, and fed only on the Holy Spirit or on what he himself grew in the garden. Such a man of God is completely under the protection of Egregor, who gives him everything he needs, including protecting him or rewarding him with spiritual gifts.

10) Disappearance of egregor

Any egregor can disappear if it does not have supporters who believe in it and observe points from 1 to 9.

That is why ANY EGREGOR can open any abilities to a person: the 3rd eye, reading information from the Akashic Chronicles or endowing with the gift of healing, but this is possible if such a “chosen believer” = is beneficial to the egregor, for example, glorifying him by working miracles, composing a theological work or will be the comforter of human souls.

As soon as the chain p1-9 collapses, the egregor experiences energy compression, and with complete energy depletion (it is trivial that it no longer corresponds to the trends of the 21st century), death.

So I gave you a basis, a basis sufficient for understanding energy exchange with any religious egregor for our case: with the Orthodox (ROC).

======================================== ============

(AUTHOR OF BLOG) As you can see, the Christian faith itself (at least in its modern form) is limited to working with the egregor, and does not imply the presence of a living God.Therefore, all rituals in the Christian “church” are magical rituals, and accordingly, the sacraments are paid

(instead of a price tag, someone came up with something full of cynicism -"suggested donation")
the ministers of the cult are crafty, cleverly handling the letter of the law, using it and justifying their inconsistency with the original teachings of the Savior..

In fact, there is a direct correspondence here with the text on working with the egregor - since you cannot take a fee (the egregor will punish you) but donations are allowed, it would be appropriate to fix the fee for the sacraments with a “recommendation” ..

It would be impossible to deceive the living God in this way, and the conclusions are accordingly...

======================================== ======================


In order for you to further strengthen your practical skills in religious studies, receive additional bonus on this topic, I also offer you several conspiracies on different topics:

Conspiracy against any enemies, envious people, witchcraft:
read on the last Friday before Easter (not a single enemy will touch you!) - read 3 rubles. contract:

King Herod fights, fights,

She sheds blood, spares no one,

Doesn't let anyone down.

Against an evil man

There is a Great Sagittarius - God the Father!

Our Lord Jesus Christ has a sun-bow,

The month is an arrow. There is something to shoot.

The Lord will not allow anyone to offend me.

The Lord God is ahead of me, the Mother of God is behind me,

With them I'm not afraid of anyone

With them I am not afraid of anyone.

And you, my villainous enemies,

You have a knitting needle in your tongues,

Knee pincers into fangs,

And in the vile eyes of the sand.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Secondly, it is disadvantageous for HE to have a strong personality in its composition - this could potentially lead either to the collapse of Egregor, or to the emergence of a situation where this person could intercept part of the territories/resources/power belonging to Egregor, leaving his composition. Therefore, he in every possible way limits the development of his subordinate members, maintaining them at a constant minimum - sufficient level. Moreover, HE cannot allow individuals who practice magic and the occult to appear in its composition, and fights them in every possible way. A specific and illustrative example is that in any church it is prohibited to write notes “for the health” of people who practice magic, psychics and others. The conspiracies that grandmothers read do not relate to this, because... are essentially the same prayer to the Christian God. Also, there is a whole department of the Russian Orthodox Church to combat the occult.

Third, Egregor always has the ability to control its members, giving them the necessary thoughts. In essence, HE programs its participants with dogmas and rules.

And finally fourthly, Egregor always occupies a certain part in the consciousness and subconscious of its participant, taking up your computing power, which you could spend on various spiritual practices not related to Christianity and achieving your goals. To put it simply, Egregor sends information to subordinates for calculations, and as a result, instead of thinking about practices and your development, you have to think about events in Christian society (rearrangements in the hierarchy, holidays, rules/dogmas, etc.).

Thus, the baptized person does not develop, remaining a sheep in the flock, incapable of development, and subject to the will of the shepherd. NAUTIZ is a symbol of Christianity, giving patience and endurance, why? So that the high priests of Christianity, in symphony with the secular authorities, ride on us, resigned and patient. Do you need it? After all, the very idea of ​​“washing the feet of the disciples”, like the copyright holder of the teaching, would not even be dreamed of by any of them in a nightmare... Moreover, “.. not to love the world and what is in the world..” and also to be persecuted “.. as they persecuted me , they will persecute you too..” Especially to the shepherds, the apostolic successors (as they claim), the Savior says to the apostles - “...you have received freely, give freely..” (the grace of God) but the sacraments performed by our “church” have become paid in Rus' already God knows from what bearded century, so..


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