Home Weekly horoscope Mariam's name day. Mariam. Love and family relationships

Mariam's name day. Mariam. Love and family relationships

Short form named after Mariam. Mara.
Synonyms for the name Mariam. Mariam, Maryam, Maryam, Miriam, Maria, Meerim, Mariat, Maryat.
Origin of the name Mariam. The name Mariam is Muslim.

The meaning of the name Mariyam is Muslim name, analogous to the European name Maria. Translated from Arabic, the name Mariam is interpreted as “devout”, “serving God”. There is a variant interpretation of the name Mariyam - “one who educates (raises).”

The name Maryam bint Imran was borne by the mother of the prophet Isa, so she is identified with the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Only the name Mariam is mentioned directly in the Quran. The mother of the prophet is a highly revered woman in Islam.

The name Mariam can have variations in name spelling: Maryam, Maryam, Miriam, Mariam, Meerim. There is stress in the name Mariyam on both the first and last syllables. In many Islamic countries, the name Mariam is one of the most popular names among girls. In Dagestan there is also a variant of the name - Mariat, Maryat.

The owner of the name Mariam is a girl who knows how to control herself. She will prefer to play the role of second violin, but only that violin, without which no orchestra can play. She does not strive to be a leader in front of everyone; she prefers to be a leader in essence, but without pushing herself forward. Mariam is secretive, reserved, cautious, keeps her feelings and emotions on a short leash, because she likes to keep her head clear and not lose clarity of thought.

There are two contradictory or complementary tendencies present in the owner of this name. At a younger age, most likely, a girl will prefer to suppress her own emotions and set various prohibitions for herself. Therefore, Mariam may appear somewhat cold or insensitive. She prefers to base her decisions on rational thought processes. Later, in adulthood, this endurance and the ability to separate emotions from business can lead Mariam to significant success in her career and business.

This is a very hardworking and responsible girl. Combining rigor, determination and above average potential, effort and direction, sometimes at the expense of personal life, she can accomplish huge, important and large-scale work that is beyond the capabilities of many others.

At the same time, in her heart Mariam loves a quiet and calm life. This duality of her desires and aspirations makes Mariam’s life very difficult and complex from the inside, when the girl herself cannot determine what is in this moment it is most important and necessary for her. Whatever decision Mariam makes will contribute to the development of her professional life. She will prove herself to be a true enthusiast of the matter, will be attentive to details, sometimes leading her to pettiness and unnecessary zeal.

As a child, Maria’s parents should encourage her desire for order and organization, as well as push her to develop artistic abilities and communication skills in order to avoid her being confined only to work, teach the girl to communicate and participate in common, collective affairs and events. This will help her become a more sociable person and teach her the concept of teamwork and common cause.

Mariam is not eager to communicate, but she is not in a hurry to avoid company either. She is quite talkative, but never shows her really deep feelings. Mariam perceives communication with other people as a tool for achieving her own goals. The social meaning of communication for this girl is strictly related to her professional activities. It is very difficult to take it in a different direction. Make her laugh, win her trust - only then can she become a real Mariam in front of you, otherwise she can become silent and withdrawn. Insensitivity is a mask, self-preservation due to fear, when it allows itself to go to happiness now, and leaves suffering for later.

Mary is characterized by duality of desires. She can be great as a housewife, but also confidently climb the ladder. career ladder. If she chooses a career that promises security and stability or requires logical thinking and accuracy, then she can become a successful accountant, banker, economist, chemist, as well as a designer and entrepreneur. Career public figure also on her shoulder. Architect, teacher, journalist, administrator, executive director - all these professions will be close to Maria.

Mariam's name day

Mariam does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people with the name Mariyam

  • Mariyam Semyatova ((1916-1967) Uighur Soviet actress, winner of the title of People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR)
  • Mariyam Khakimzhanova ((1906-1993) Kazakh poetess)
  • Mariam Aslamazyan ((1907-2006) Soviet and Armenian artist and graphic artist, painted portraits, still lifes and thematic paintings)
  • Mariam Mirzakhani ((born 1977) Iranian and American mathematician, winner of the 2014 Fields Medal. She became the first female laureate, as well as the very first recipient from Iran.)
  • Mariam Lordkipanidze ((born 1922) Soviet and Georgian historian)
  • Mariam Yusuf Jamal ((born 1984) Bahraini athlete, her specialty is 1500 meters running. Winner of Olympic bronze, gold medals at two world championships.)
  • Mariam Usman ((born 1990) Nigerian athlete (weightlifting), winner of bronze at the 2011 World Championship and silver at the 2007 All-African Games, weight category - over 75 kg)
  • Mariam Baouardi (Baouardi) ((1846-1878) in monasticism - Mary of Jesus Crucified; saint Roman Catholic Church, carrier of stigmata)
  • Mariam Bykhovskaya ((1925-2011) Soviet costume designer, worked at the Gorky film studio)
You must pay Special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Maryam, manifestation in love

Maryam, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

The name Maryam is the Arabic form of the familiar name Mary. In Arab culture, the name Maryam (مريم) is very revered, as in the culture of Christian peoples. We must remember that in Islam Isa (in Christianity Jesus) is one of the great prophets, and Maryam is his mother. Both the name Maryam and the name Maria come from the Hebrew name Mariam (‏מרים‏‎‎‎), which is most often translated as “bitter.” It turns out that The meaning of the name Maryam is “bitterness” or “bitter”. However, this is not the only version of the meaning and origin of the name.

According to another version, the name Maryam is a name of Persian origin and originates from the name of the flower famous in modern world How "tuberose". This is similar to one version of the formation of the name Jasmine.

The meaning of the name Maryam for a girl

Little Maryam is a very friendly and sympathetic girl. She is a very sociable child and easily contacts new people. Maryam easily finds company for games and often even becomes their initiator. It is worth noting the girl’s love for active pastime. She does not like to sit still, but prefers active games. Another feature of Maryam is her honesty and straightforwardness. It's more likely positive trait character, but quite often it brings problems into a child’s life. For a long time, the girl cannot understand where the line between honesty and tactlessness lies.

Maryam usually studies well, although her knowledge can hardly be called deep. She would rather get good grades than study. Knowledge itself is of little interest to her. However, if Maryam finds a hobby, she is ready to get down to business really seriously. It has been noticed that Maryam is more prone to humanities, although she is quite successful in the exact sciences.

If we talk about Maryam’s health, then it can be called strong. Her health is positively influenced by her high physical activity, and this will continue to be the case in adulthood. It can also be noted that Maryam rarely gets sick, and even when she gets sick, she tolerates the disease much easier.

Short name Maryam

Marya, Masha, Maria, Maryana.

Diminutive pet names

Maryamochka, Maryamushka, Maryamonka, Maryamchik, Maryasha.

Name Maryam in English

IN English language The name Maryam is written as Miriam, but read as Miriam. This is the form in which the name of the Virgin Mary is written in the Bible.

Name Maryam for international passport- MARIAM, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

in Tatar - Maryam
in Azerbaijani - Məryəm
in Armenian - Մարիամ (read as Mariam)
in Arabic - مريم‎‎
in Hebrew - מירים
in Chinese - 馬利亞
in German - Mirjam and Miriam
in Korean - 마리아
in French - Miryam
in Japanese - マリア

Church name Maryam(V Orthodox faith) not certain. This name is not in church calendar. However, most often at baptism Maryam is given the name Maria.

Characteristics of the name Maryam

The adult Maryam is a pleasant and at the same time serious woman who is distinguished by rare integrity. It is also worth noting her determination in some life issues. She is not one of those who back down from difficulties, unless of course the issue is important to her. At the same time, she remains a fairly pleasant person to talk to, and those who have not seen her at important moments in her life may even consider her too soft. Maryam attracts people with her sincerity, spontaneity and originality. She cannot be called an ordinary person.

Maryam will work more successfully in areas related to creative self-expression. The truth often happens that at first she tries her hand in other directions. However, even having achieved professional success in them, he does not receive the desired satisfaction. This will lead to a radical change in the type of activity and ultimately Maryam will achieve her goal.

Family life is very important for Maryam, and therefore she is in no hurry to choose a life partner. She is very careful in this matter and is ready to wait for her love for a surprisingly long time. It is also worth noting that Maryam does not immediately adapt to being the “keeper of the hearth.” Her craving for active pastime is one of the main obstacles to family comfort. However, Maryam’s priorities are gradually changing and family takes pride of place among all areas of her life. She loves her children very much, but she raises them very carefully. It rather encourages independence in them, which of course does not exclude corrections at the right moments.

The secret of the name Maryam

Maryam’s ability to act extremely decisively and even harshly remains a mystery to many. Many people, seeing her gentleness, cannot believe it. Even those who have heard about this many times are truly surprised when confronted with this side of her character in person. She, in turn, does not boast about this and is in no hurry to dissuade others.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Dove.

Name color- Gray.

Tree- Aspen.

Plant- Cornflower.

Stone- Topaz.

The female name Maryam does not have a clear origin. In the Koran, the mother of the prophet Isa is named by this name (that is, this is a specific version of the name Mary), in Ancient Greece it meant “bitter”, and among the Tatars it is common in the meaning of “beloved”, “pleasant”. The name Maryam comes in many variations and pronunciations, such as Mariam, Mariam. In Russia it is not common, but it is not considered rare either.

Characteristics of the name Maryam

Maryam’s character makes her a very charming, sweet woman who has an inner core, is distinguished by curiosity, and in matters of principle shows unprecedented determination and perseverance. At a young age, parents cannot get enough of the owner of this name. She does well at school, has many friends, is active and friendly. It is very important for Maryam to feel the support of her loved ones, so do not forget to praise her all the time. She is emotional and loves to react violently to unusual situations, maintaining this quality into adulthood. Maryam will never let herself be offended; with people she doesn’t like, she generally looks stubborn and willful. But most often, the beautiful, spectacular and stylish Maryam attracts attention to herself and knows how to attract attention to her person.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Maryam is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Aquarius, that is, from January 21 to February 19. Aquarius is often called the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, because it gives people incomprehensibility, unpredictability and creative energy. Maryam, under the influence of this sign, will also be mysterious, multi-layered, kind, uncalculating, insightful and alien to conventions, which will only emphasize her positive character.

Pros and cons of the name Maryam

What are the pros and cons of the name Maryam? It is positively characterized by oriental beauty, mystery, rarity and good character of the majority of owners of this name. Among the shortcomings, one can note the fact that the name Maryam does not have euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms at all, moreover, it does not fit well with Russian surnames and patronymics.


Maryam's health is very good. As a rule, she is physically active, loves dancing, pays a lot of attention to her appearance, takes care of nutrition and maintaining vitality.

Love and family relationships

Maryam approaches the creation of family relationships carefully. She needs a calm, gentle, reliable man who can be patient with the fact that the active Maryam will not be able to immediately integrate into family life. Maryam takes care of children playfully and easily. She does not make problems out of their upbringing, tries to make them independent and original, respects their decisions and becomes a true friend to them.

Professional area

In the professional field, Maryam is inclined towards the humanities or creativity. She can become an excellent sports coach, choreographer, teacher in kindergarten, hairdresser, media worker, circus performer, animator, advertising designer.

Name day

Maryam does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not in the church calendars.

The female name Maryam is practically never found in Russia. But everyone knows one of the variants of this adverb - Maria. The meaning of the name Maryam allows us to talk about her as an open and sociable woman. Loves to be among people and communicate. He has a light character and cheerful disposition.

Based on the meaning of the name Maryam for a girl, we can say that she is very stubborn. And from birth. So, while still very young, she refuses to eat porridge in the morning and prefers to do only what she wants, and not what her mother orders. Already in kindergarten he begins to zealously fight back against offenders. He will not tolerate anyone taking away his favorite toy. But, at the same time, she herself never acts as an aggressor and will not provoke the outbreak of a conflict.

Prefers to give back rather than strike first. The interpretation of the name also indicates a need for praise. Without words of approval, he falls into the blues. But competent praise can become a powerful motivational tool. With the help of special words you can make her do almost anything.

The meaning of the name Maryam for a child reveals her as a determined and persistent girl. Capable of defending her opinion to the last. He is not afraid to be in the minority in a dispute with peers. Studying is easy. Often listed as an excellent or good student in the class. Problems with grades can only arise in high school due to communication with the “wrong” company or first love. During this period, the role of parents is more important than ever. Only the mother and father can return their girl to reality.


In his youth, he actively flirts and starts light novels. She tries to be the first to break off hateful relationships. She is almost always active, which means Maryam’s desire to take on the role of leader in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. This position is not to my liking strong men. Because of this, long-term relationships develop only with capable and somewhat mild-mannered representatives of the stronger sex.

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