Home Horoscope for tomorrow Which celebrities were born on March 27th? Love by horoscope

Which celebrities were born on March 27th? Love by horoscope

Zodiac sign of people born on March 27: Aries. The sun on this day is usually at 7° Aries. Behavior type: Cardinal. Astrological element: Fire. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on March 27

Character according to horoscope

They are self-confident and prefer to solve problems on their own. They learn easily and quickly grasp, but once they have chosen a method for solving problems, they have difficulty changing it in the future.

They feel great in a group, but have problems communicating face to face. This is explained by the fact that they do not always correctly understand and interpret the feelings of the people around them.

Nevertheless, they can show intuition when it comes to the society in which they live; most often they develop their principles based on the principles of the group. They love open contradictions and therefore hate compromises.

Love by horoscope

As a rule, they are not particularly affectionate and have little sympathy for the problems of others. Living together with them can be quite difficult. They often give the impression of being cold and indifferent. They do not try to understand the needs of their partner and, since they are not inclined to be gentle with themselves, they do not make an exception for him.

Career according to horoscope

They have a penchant for science and technology. In most cases, they achieve great success in their career as an artist. They make excellent entrepreneurs - they easily and in advance guess the needs of society.

Tarot card born on March 27: Hermit

Name of the figure: Hermit, Seeker.

Image of a figure: a wise old man with a white beard walks, leaning on a staff. He holds a lantern in his right hand, illuminating his path.

Symbol: one who is engaged in an endless search for truth must live in solitude.

Meanings: wisdom, silence, caution, prudence, misanthropy, hypocrisy, greed, poverty.

Analogies: astrology: Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius; health: rheumatism, but longevity; professions: scientist, biotherapist.

Planet of those born on March 27

Mars (2+7=9): corresponds to will, the desire to assert one’s own Self through action and strength. Instinctive and primitive. Symbolizes sexuality.

Birthday number March 27

Number 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 7: A person with the influence of number 7 withdraws from material things in order to devote himself entirely to the soul and meditation. He tends to want to be alone in order to get to know himself and the world around him.


Hemorrhoids, acne.


Mathematician, physicist, chemist.


Sincerity, trustfulness, insight.


Carelessness, inattention, suspicion.

All people born on March 27 are Aries of the first decade. They are brave, sometimes a little aggressive, purposeful, believing in victory and always making every effort to achieve it. This is how we can describe them briefly. However, this topic is of some interest, so more attention needs to be paid to its consideration.

Aries Woman

A girl born on March 27 is an example of a bright temperament, determination, perseverance, independence, freedom and strength. She always makes all decisions herself, she likes to overcome life's obstacles. This is how she asserts herself - through the manifestation of her own strength.

She can be characterized as purposeful and daring, persistent and tenacious, fearless and impetuous. Such an extraordinary personality will defend his point of view to the last and give hundreds of arguments in favor of his rightness.

A girl born on March 27 is also very impulsive. But quick-witted and unforgiving. If, under the influence of emotions, she offends someone, then, having cooled down, she will immediately apologize for reconciliation, since she will be very awkward, uncomfortable and even ashamed.

Aries Man

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born on March 27, are always ready for action and adventure. In such a man, motivating and vital forces prevail. He feels like a leader and is such in life - he tends to lead someone rather than follow someone. But at the same time, he always takes responsibility, without abandoning the obligations assigned to him.

The Aries man is instinctively tolerant of the weaknesses of other people and often forgives the mistakes of others. He also easily makes contact with almost everyone - it is not difficult for him to adapt to any society. He is also incredibly noble, generous and selfless.

This man takes a direct approach to life. He never gets upset if he has to solve any problems. Such a person is not afraid of difficulties. Moreover, for the sake of his well-being, he is ready to work as much as necessary.

In interpersonal relationships

People born on March 27 are highly individualistic. They, as a rule, have a strong emotional hardening, which they acquired over many years of struggle on the path to success.

They are not particularly sentimental or sensitive, and the problems of strangers are not always easy for these individuals to understand. After all, as mentioned earlier, they are accustomed to solving any troubles without asking unnecessary questions. However, after listening to someone’s experiences, they quickly diagnose the source of the problem that worries their opponent. Because most people born on March 27 under the zodiac sign of Aries are objective individuals with rational thinking.

But towards the people whom Aries values, he always behaves generously and kind-heartedly. Although even in front of those closest to him, this person often hides his sensitivity under sparkling humor and friendliness.

About love

For people born on March 27 under the sign of Aries, love is identified with conquest. And for both men and women.

They don't complain about lack of attention. Aries are attractive because most of them have a certain charisma and natural energy.

To attract the attention of such a person, you need to demonstrate... inaccessibility. Aries is attracted to the “forbidden fruit”, and the passion awakens in them to get it at any cost.

But passion and dedication in their case are one thing. Having won the object of desire, they quickly lose interest. But falling in love is completely different. These people usually develop feelings towards interesting Personalities with a capital P. Passion is, of course, good, but with someone with whom a serious relationship can develop in the future, first of all, it should not be boring.

Personality characteristics

People born on March 27 under the zodiac sign of Aries are distinguished by the presence of a special inventive streak. They often have a desire to create or invent something, which is often translated into reality. And if they don’t do this, then be sure to study the design or specifics of any things that pique their interest.

It is also worth noting that these people always react sharply to secular trends. No matter who Aries is - an artist, a businessman or a simple worker - he always knows what will definitely work in public. That's why they attract positive attention.

Aries are also quite unbalanced. Many of them, being rational individuals, are able to achieve emotional balance through highly developed self-discipline.

But for some, the energy reserve is too large, and it is difficult for them to achieve this balance. As a result - problems associated with interpersonal relationships. Inadvertently, Aries can sometimes greatly offend someone who values ​​them. There are all sorts of people - some do not understand this and do not forgive. And for Aries, the loss of loved ones is very painful. That is why the majority develop the notorious self-discipline in order to be able to tame their temperament in time.


This is perhaps the most interesting category of astrology. Finally, it’s worth giving her attention by talking about people whose birthday is March 27th.

The Aries zodiac is very specific, as you can already understand. Not everyone can get along with him, and not everyone is suitable for a person of this sign.

Aries could be a good match for him. Such an alliance will be built on strong mutual affection and common interests, but an emotional explosion is not excluded - a consequence of the combination of two violent temperaments.

A relationship with Taurus can be promising, since Aries feels a certain sense of longing for him, and this is mutual. With Gemini, however, a more viable union is obtained, since its basis is spiritual and sensory compatibility. The same, by the way, applies to relationships with Libra.

Aries will not get along with Cancer. But they can make good business partners, since they are united by the desire for a decent, prosperous life. With Leo - only a temporary passionate romance, as with Scorpio. There are practically no prospects with Virgo. Something can work out if they both learn to give in to each other.

Aries will get along well with Aquarius and Sagittarius, since people of these signs enjoy life just as much as he does. But nothing will work out with Pisces. There will be too many problems, worries and passions. And Capricorn will completely become shackles on his feet for Aries. As is he for him, in fact.

Those born on March 27 are highly developed individualists. They easily learn everything new, but having received knowledge, they prefer to decide for themselves how to use it. Such people have a special style of behavior based on the use of scientific knowledge accumulated over the years of study. Individuals born on this day are initiators, they love to come up with great, bold ideas, and even those who do not have such talent still have qualities that help them make a special contribution to humanity.

Despite the fact that these people tend to be experimenters, they remain realists, and it is almost impossible to make fools out of them. Many of them have strong emotional training, gained through years of struggle on the long path to success. Usually this type of Aries is not distinguished by sentimentality and special sensitivity. They are not always able to understand the problems of others. It is hardly possible to call them “spiritual” people, since they often devote themselves to work of a technical nature.

Those born on March 27 love to invent. They often repair devices, examine the design of equipment, and pore over the details. Sometimes this lifestyle contributes to the accumulation of emotional energy that needs to be thrown out somewhere. Usually the people around us suffer from such outbursts.

This type of Aries perfectly senses the public's reaction to a particular action. It doesn’t matter whether they are ordinary hard workers, or businessmen, or show business stars - they have a great sense of what will work in public and what will not. Thus, they easily find a promising business that can take their career to the skies. They purely intuitively understand what society needs at this stage of development, and fit perfectly into the right place at the right time. It is easier for such people to communicate with groups than with individuals.

Outwardly, they do not give the impression of emotional people, but nevertheless, passion is present in them, which gives their work brightness. They approach decisions straightforwardly, and they teach others their straightforwardness. These Aries hate compromises and ambiguities. They also despise lying and hiding the truth. Honesty is the main distinguishing feature of Aries born on March 27th. That is why they know how to realistically assess their abilities.

It is not easy to share a roof over your head with such people. They are often so busy with their own worries that they may not respond in time to the feelings of others. Since they are demanding people, they demand from themselves and from others. They hate servility and flattery and always tell the truth straight to the face. Such Aries make good friends. They always serve as a reliable shoulder for those who are close to them.


Those born on the twenty-seventh go under the number 9 (2+7=9) and the planet Mars. This figure has influence on other numbers, so its players are leaders over others and often set their own rules of the game. They may be impulsive people, but they are also very strong-willed. Those born on March 27 are ruled by Mars, which is why they have these qualities. Excessive influence on others is something they should avoid.


The ninth card of the Major Arcana is the Hermit with a staff and a lantern, personifying a silent traveler, immersed in his thoughts. The card symbolizes self-discipline and wisdom. The hermit is at the same time a mentor who encourages you to follow the destined path. The positive qualities of the card are concentration of thought, integrity of nature, determination. Negative - intolerance, dogmatism, discouragement, distrust.


Those born on March 27 are susceptible to injury. Therefore, they must be careful while driving, as well as in any other situations that could contribute to a crash or accident. Those born on this day often get colds and have chronic diseases of the teeth, bones, and joints. All this is because they are not careful. They are impulsive, they can go outside in a rainstorm without an umbrella or repair a car in the cold without warm clothes. The mechanisms with which such Aries often communicate, such as a machine or a car, themselves contribute to injuries. Aries born on this day love their work so much that they forget to eat. They sometimes have to be forced to sit at the dinner table.


You need to develop diplomacy and try to be more tolerant. It is recommended to sometimes take a break from work and get away from everything. You need to try to understand people and be kind. You need to learn to compromise if necessary. In fact, everyone has their own weaknesses and is not completely invincible, including you.


Technical talent, realism, reliability.


Unaccommodation, inattention to oneself, forgetfulness.

The zodiac sign of those born on March 27 is Aries. These are self-confident, gifted, extraordinary and individual personalities. They are endowed with a rebellious temperament and developed imagination. They are able to put forward unconventional ideas that can bring them recognition and fame. They are dreamers and romantics at heart. They live in their inner world, neglecting logic and sanity.

These people encounter many difficulties and obstacles in their life. Overcoming difficulties, they gain self-confidence, inner resilience and emotional stability. People around them often do not notice the work they put in, perceive their achievements as luck, and begin to envy and wish harm. The ability to see other people's hidden motives helps such women and men avoid a damaged reputation and obstacles on the path to success.

In relationships with others, those born on this day are sociable, frank and responsive. They easily fit into a new team and behave at ease. Thanks to their subtle humor and erudition, they are able to support any topic of conversation. They can be harsh and uncompromising, which repels their interlocutors. They know how to be friends and value their friends.

Characteristics of women born on March 27

Such women are endowed with artistry, creativity, developed imagination and intuition. They are full of new ideas, constantly looking for inspiration and bright impressions. They love to travel and explore the world around them.

These ladies love to be the center of attention. The craving for public recognition is combined in them with the desire for spiritual harmony and comfort, which they find in the family circle. In love relationships, independence and personal space are valued.

Characteristics of men born on March 27

These are honest, open and strong individuals. They divide the world into two parts: good and evil, while not allowing intermediate options. They do not tolerate lies, intrigues and hypocrisy, and make every effort to combat them.

These men are inventive and have high intellectual potential. From a young age they are interested in learning and achieve good results. Thanks to their technical mindset, in their spare time they like to repair household appliances and design new inventions.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day find it difficult to build harmonious relationships with people of the opposite sex. By nature, they are endowed with self-centered character traits, which is why they focus on their feelings, forgetting about the experiences of their partner. They gladly accept the advances of fans and reciprocate them.

These are powerful individuals. They like to control relationships. In marriage they occupy the position of head of the family. They are jealous and protective of the other half, demanding complete submission. They need personal space and a certain amount of freedom.


Aries born on March 27 have a good chance of long-term and harmonious relationships with Scorpios, Sagittarius, Leos, and Aquarius. They have low compatibility with Capricorns and Virgos.

The most suitable partner for those born on March 27

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 12, 13, 19, 21, 24
February: 5, 6, 15, 24
March: 3, 9, 10, 23, 27
April: 4, 10, 13, 21, 27
May: 8, 16, 23, 26
June: 2, 10, 11, 16
July: 4, 7, 11, 24
August: 1, 6, 9, 10, 12
September: 1, 12, 18, 19
October: 23, 24, 26, 28, 30
November: 8, 10, 11, 29
December: 7, 10, 12, 23

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are obsessed with business. In their work, they spare no effort and resources to complete their tasks. The skills and abilities they acquire during their studies become the basis for achieving career success.

These people are endowed with a technical mindset, and therefore are interested in the exact sciences. Thanks to their developed intuition and subtle perception of public mood, they build a successful career in journalism, politics, psychology, and social work. The need for self-expression pushes them into art, music, design, and theater.

Health horoscope

The health of Aries people born on March 27 depends entirely on their caution and care for their body. They are susceptible to traumatic situations, especially road traffic accidents. These people dress inappropriately for the weather and neglect safety precautions in hazardous working conditions. They eat irregularly and irrationally, which can cause pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid serious health problems, the horoscope advises paying attention to the prevention and prevention of diseases.

Don't forget about the feelings of others

On the way to achieving your goals, you are able to manipulate people. This causes them anxiety and additional troubles. Don't forget about the feelings of others, respect their opinions.

Don't refuse help from your partners

You get carried away by unconventional ideas and set goals that you lack the strength to achieve. Don't refuse help from your partners. Working together will accelerate the achievement of successful results and bring a social calling.

Spend more time taking care of your health

You are active, energetic and have many hobbies. In your daily activities, you forget about your health. You should pay more attention to your daily routine, proper rest, sleep and diet.

Those born on March 27th have the zodiac sign Aries. Representatives of this sign are individualists to the highest degree.

general characteristics

Those born on March 27 absorb new information like a sponge, but having received primary knowledge in a particular area, they will use it according to their own ideas about the feasibility of executing the acquired knowledge.

Representatives of this sign, born on March 27, are not so easy to deceive - they are realists, despite their craving for experiments and new knowledge. Those born on this day are often not inclined to treat others with understanding. They are not very sentimental and sensitive.

Those born on March 27 are very sensitive to changes in the society around them. No matter what they do, Aries are able to sense what will and won't work in public. This is achieved through an intuitive understanding of people, their desires and values.

Compatibility with other signs

Aries and Aries. This type of relationship is quite rare, because it is not the most optimal for representatives of this sign. Even if peace reigns between partners, they are ready to “explode” at any moment, like a time bomb.

Aries and Taurus. It is also not the best option for a relationship; it is not easy for both partners. In such a union, conflicts often arise. It is possible only if the partners have something in common that unites them, for example, interests or activities.

Aries and Gemini. In this type of relationship, romance and tenderness prevail. In itself, such a union is very bright. Partners have a lot in common: they have common interests, they are temperamentally suited to each other, they love the same things.

Aries and Cancer. This type of relationship is difficult for partners and quite rare. It is more characteristic of non-standard representatives of these signs. In such relationships there are frequent conflicts, which lead to their dissolution.

Aries and Leo. A difficult version of relationships, but, nevertheless, it is very bright. Partners seem to be playing a kind of game in which they “catch” each other with their spontaneity.

Aries and Virgo. This type of relationship does not occur often, because, as a rule, there is no mutual understanding between partners. In this regard, such an alliance is very fragile.

Aries and Libra. In such relationships, partners complement each other, like Yin-Yang. However, such an alliance can be instantly destroyed if Aries is limited in any way.

Aries and Scorpio. For Aries, this type of relationship is not the most favorable. In such a union, Scorpio expresses his experiences on Aries, who, under pressure, either begins to degrade spiritually or tolerates such an attitude towards himself.

Aries and Sagittarius. Partners in such relationships themselves realize that this is the most suitable relationship option. Conflict situations that arise in such a couple only strengthen the mutual attraction of the partners.

Aries and Capricorn. Not the most suitable option. The partners are not very suitable for each other. Capricorn wants to be a leader and manipulate Aries, which he naturally doesn’t like and leads to a break in the relationship.

Aries and Aquarius. The most suitable relationship option for representatives of these signs. It is dominated by mutual respect and support.

Aries and Pisces. This type of relationship occurs quite often, but it can only exist if the partners are united by common interests, ideas, etc.

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