Home Magic Lately: announcement of Imam Mahdi; the coming of the prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him; the turmoil of the Antichrist (Dajjal). Sufis. Mahdi Imam is the last Hidden herald of the imminent end of the world, the last successor of the prophet Muhammad, the Messiah. New Planetary Television

Lately: announcement of Imam Mahdi; the coming of the prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him; the turmoil of the Antichrist (Dajjal). Sufis. Mahdi Imam is the last Hidden herald of the imminent end of the world, the last successor of the prophet Muhammad, the Messiah. New Planetary Television

Greece as part of New Byzantium

“What is impossible for men is possible for God,” answered Abel, “God is slow to give help, but it is said that he will give it soon and will erect the horn of Russian salvation. - And the Great Prince, who stands for the sons of your people, will arise in exile from your house. This will be the Chosen One of God, and on his head will be a blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone, it will be sensed by the very Russian heart. His appearance will be sovereign, bright, and no one will say: “The king is here or there,” but “it is he.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling... His name is destined three times in Russian History. There would be different paths to Russian Mountain again...

And barely audibly, as if afraid that the walls of the Palace would overhear the secret, Abel named the very name. ????? For the sake of fear of dark power, let this name remain hidden until time...

Then Russia will be great, having thrown off the Jewish yoke, It will return to the origins of its ancient life, to the times of the Equal to the Apostles, and will learn wisdom through bloody misfortune. Russian hopes will be fulfilled: the Orthodox cross will shine on Sofia in Constantinople. It will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will flourish, like a heavenly cloud. A great destiny is destined for Russia. That is why she will suffer in order to be purified and kindle the light for the revelation of tongues..." (Prophetic Abel (+1841)).

“The blessed elder, Father Joseph of Vatopedi told me (Jerom. Raphael (Berestov)) that terrible times are coming, but after certain terrible events many Slavic peoples will join Russia, and Greece will also enter into an alliance with Russia. Thus, a new Byzantium will be created. To which I objected to the elder: Russia has been disarmed, our military arsenal, our factories have been destroyed. But he told me this: “Russia will win! The heavenly army will enter the battle on the side of Russia and will shoot down enemy planes and cruise missiles. After such a miracle, the whole world will know that God has won, and that he is with Russia!”

(Jerom. Rafail (Berestov)).…

In Europe, native Russian lands will join Russia: part of Turkey

“Russian hopes will come true. On Sofia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox Cross will shine, Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will prosper, like the sky of heaven...” (Prophetic Abel (Prot. Sergius Bulgakov (Constantinople. 8/21.4.1923).

“The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks” (Elder Vladislav (Shumov)).

“Know that Türkiye will also fall apart. There will be a war for two and a half years. We will

winners because we are Orthodox.

Geronta, will we suffer damage in the war?

Eh, at most, they will occupy one or two islands, and Constantinople will be given to us.

You'll see, you'll see!

(Paisiy Svyatogorets).

"The Great Monarch ("L"Aquila") will come to Muslim countries, will enter the Promised Land. Peace and abundance will return to the world.

Destroy seven Jewish and Muslim leaders, and restore the Church of Hagia Sophia (in Istanbul - former Constantinople) and the whole world will live in peace and prosperity, and new cities will be built in many places "(Saint Brigid of Sweden (1303-1373)) .

“Listen, my friends, to what I will tell you about future times and what the whole world will be surprised with horror. - Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the slightest bloodshed. Internal rebellions, civil strife and incessant unrest will completely ruin the Turkish State; famine and pestilence will be the end of these disasters; they will die of their own accord in the most pitiful manner. The Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fesan and Morocco. The restless Poles will be completely pacified. A storm will rise upon them such as they never expected. The Kingdom of Poland will get a new look because there are many Germans [Bavarians] [Russian Tsar] in Europe he will conquer almost all of Asia to his power, and no enemy force can restrain him. The infidel Mohammedans will be completely exterminated. All of Asia will accept the Christian Faith, and after many centuries of darkness the Light will come to it. Before their destruction, the Turks will be in unspeakable rage, and will try in every possible way to exterminate all Christians; but the Lord God is already preparing a worthy punishment for them. The bloodthirsty enemies of Christians will be amazed at the very small number of Orthodox Christians and in a few years will be completely exterminated.”(Reverend Martin Zedeka (+1769)).

“... The True King, who lives in a humid place [on the outskirts] due to the heat, is the one whom people drove out of his home and gave him a bed on the islands when he sailed and fished in the seventh year of the week [in the seventieth] year. At the death of the Ishmaelites (Turks) it will be opened; he will follow in the days of Lib [southwest wind?]. And the first will be second, and the second will be first... But the name of the King is hidden in tongues. It is like the last day, the seventh. It is written with the first letter in the eighteenth, that is, in the three hundred and first. He guards piety and prophecy. Whom people considered to be nothing and good for nothing, the Lord will lay His hand on his head and anoint him with oil at the end of days. He will be anointed and will go out against the Ishmaelites and subdue them, because in those days the people will be sad and smite their faces into the ground and put dust on their heads and cry to the Lord God...”(Handwritten Greek obverse collection of prophecies. (1584-1595): (Russia before the Second Coming: S. Fomin)).

“The Turks will leave, but will return again and reach Eksamilia. Of these, one third will perish, one third will believe in Christ, and one third will go to Kokkini Milia.”

“Today, reading prophecies is the same as reading a newspaper: they are written so clearly. My thoughts tell me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will convert to Christianity, a third will die and a third will go to Mesopotamia" (Paisiy Svyatogorets, "With pain and love about modern man." Words . M., 2003. T. 1. P. 22).

“For he (the Orthodox Tsar) will divide the Ishmaelts (Turks) into three: he will conquer the first part with weapons, baptize the second, and marry the third with great rage until his unanimous return, and the treasures of the earth will be revealed, and they will all become rich, and the earth will yield its fruit sevenfold. , and weapons, the military will create sickles, and reign; and according to him there will be no one from him, and thus, having seen his death, he goes to Jerusalem and gives up the kingdom to his God” (Prophetic vision of the monk Daniel).

“And He will judge the nations, and rebuke many nations; And they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation will not lift up sword against nation, and they will no longer learn to fight” (Isaiah (ch. 2, v. 4)).

Georgia. Abkhazia. Ossetia. Armenia....

The “Gordian Knot” of national, territorial, political, economic and religious claims and contradictions between the peoples living on the southern borders of Holy Rus' in the Caucasus Mountains region is “cut” by the Idea of ​​New Byzantium. Entry into the Orthodox Kingdom and the renunciation of national-territorial-state egoism do not eliminate future catastrophes, but make their passage much easier. The high technologies of the Russian Federation, its vast territory and its natural resources allow the fraternal peoples to move and help each other survive cataclysms with minimal losses.

The directions and territories of the inevitable offensive of the Chinese armies to the West and the time of their stay in the occupied territories will directly depend on the consolidation of the former Soviet Republics and their peoples with Russia.

« The first of the wars was the one that took place in Georgia (08.08.08).

Greece will provide its army to the power of the future chosen King.

Russia will withstand another provocation - an attack from Georgia, and this time it will destroy Georgia completely” (Athos Elder George).

“But one day the nun who was caring for him found him crying. She asked Father Gabriel about the reason for the tears. He said that he saw ruins on the site of Tbilisi, over which crows were circling.

Another time the Elder said: Georgia will rise again like Lazarus. Until there is a crowned king in Georgia, nothing good will happen.”

“The grace of God has never left and will never leave the Georgian Orthodox Church. The chain of saints has not been interrupted and will not be interrupted. Georgia is the destiny of the Mother of God. Don’t leave your homeland in difficult times, don’t anger the Mother of God!” (Reverend Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze).

Let the Russian troops at this stage represent the oligarchic Masonic-Zionist regime, but behind them, as yet invisible, Holy Rus' will follow and expand its possessions. Let the soldiers of those states through which the Russian Army will pass remember this! Raised banners of Holy Rus' and weapons laid down in front of these Troops with entry into this Army will be a true service of fulfilling the Providence of GOD.

Chechnya, Ingushetia...Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan...

Islamic prophecies:

"Mahdi is the name of the last of the 12 Imams. The first Imam was Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad. According to the traditional sources of Islam, the Mahdi will come during the Last Judgment (Qiyama) to save the world. The humble presence of the Mahdi in the concept of Islam completely prevails in the matter of Imams in the period of their disappearance until the return of the expected Savior during Kiyama.

At the moment of His birth, light will pierce the top of the baby's head and reach the depths of the sky... This child is the Mahdi, the one who will fill the earth with equality and legality, as it is now filled with oppression and lawlessness.

The sign of the return of the Mahdi ("Leader") will be the global domination of evil on earth, the victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good, this will require the Coming of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, then the result will be humanity completely consumed by darkness" (Imam Mahdi. The Purity of Islam).

“Allah says: “O Muhammad, they are My friends, My pure choice, My testimony after you for humanity. They are your messengers and the best of My creations after you. In My Glory and My Majesty, I will manifest My religion through them, and My Word. And with the last of them, Mahdi, I will make the earth clean from my enemies. I will give His forces the wind and will lower the stubborn clouds for Him. I will help Him with My Army, and I will support him with My Angels, until then. until He raises My Name and creations unaware of My Exceptionality, and then I will prolong His kingdom, and I will provide success for My friends all the time until the Day of Resurrection."

“At the time of the coming, God, may He be praised and glorified, will develop the hearing and sight of His believers in such a manner that, without the presence of a messenger between the Mahdi and them, He will speak, and they will hear and be able to see Him without Him leaving the place where He is located "(Al-Kulaini, al-Rawda, 2/49).

"For decisions that will be difficult for them to make, they will receive instructions and direction from the Imam, who will write on the palms of their hands. They will only need to look, and then carry out the instructions" (Al-Nu'mani, iz. pr. ., 214).

"He will bring out the Torah and other Divine books from the caves, and will judge among the believers of the Torah according to the Torah, among the believers of the Gospel according to the Gospel, among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran. This is the universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the origin and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge without doubt is well described by the term "Mahdi" ("leading"), so called because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth." (Al-Mu'mani, izb.pr., p. 342, "Qua"im (Mahdi)).

From hadiths.

« [Imam Mahdi is] The Imam who will create world order will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring benefit to humanity. He will find the hidden wealth of the earth and distribute it fairly among the needy. He will teach modest living and subtle reflection. He will make you understand that dignity is an internal state that lies in the middle between two extremes, and which is based on equality and justice. He will restore the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them...

He will defend science and higher knowledge and will use them. His control over this will be complete. He will value higher knowledge and will always use it with reverence. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. The highest knowledge with him will be like some property that was misused in the past, but which he now gives permission to reuse and correctly.

At the very beginning he will be like a poor, inglorious stranger. And Islam will be in a hopeless and helpless state, like an emaciated camel with a drooping head and a limply swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach everyone the proof of the mercy of God - His Desire to give man the Knowledge of the right life "(Haddis from Abu Dawud, Najul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187)).

This work is devoted to the topics: deciphering Islamic prophecies, the future of Islamic peoples and states, and the transition of Muslims to Orthodoxy and the New Byzantium:

"The Deciphered Quran" http://www.logoslovo.ru/forum/all_1/user_57_3/topic_9680/

Moldova, Romania, Hungary...

The prophecies about Moldova, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, which are on the way of Orthodox Russia to their ancestral lands in the West, make up a small part of the entire prophetic ocean. But this does not mean that these peoples have an excellent future or that they do not have one. In the general stream of world prophecies, the fate of these states and peoples was briefly and clearly formulated by Vanga!

“Prosperity... is only possible in alliance with Russia - she is our mother”!

All living peoples of Europe are part of the great God-chosen people who will live on the territory of New Byzantium.

Betrayed by the Masonic elite and moneylenders, these peoples made two gigantic mistakes in the first two Wars. And now, when the servants of Mammon, after their entry into the NATO and European Union blocs, have led these countries to spiritual and physical poverty, the Third and final Error is about to come true. The idea of ​​“Great Romania,” as well as other separatist ideas thrown in by the servants of the idea of ​​“Great Zion” for the advance division of Holy Rus', bring innumerable troubles to these peoples, as parts of the great people of Holy Rus' “from all languages ​​and peoples.”

"In the religious development of Russia there is great hope for the World. The people or group of peoples who will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better during the period of gradual changes and the final establishment of the rules governing the order of the world"(American prophet Edgar Cayce).

“It’s a pity for me that you are so weak in faith. You will fall because of fear. Fear is from the devil; do not be afraid to save your souls. Very difficult times will come, but everything is allowed by God, Who is a fellow traveler for everyone - from birth to death "The chosen ones will also fall. It’s a pity that you are the last ones. They will impose taxes, taxes and other protections on you."

(Romanian Holy Hieromonk Arseniy Boca (+1989)).

Hieromonk Arseny Bok has other prophecies, which obviously have not been translated into Russian. But in some incomprehensible way, only fragments of them appear on the Internet, clearly interpreted to create discord between neighboring states and peoples.

Another prophecy of Hieromonk Arseniy says that: “Bucharest has the right to make one more mistake: “he made a mistake twice, and the third time he will disappear from the map of the earth, and then a catastrophe will befall the city, because many sins have accumulated there.”

Judging by the prophecy of Arseniy Bok, Bucharest no longer has the right to make a mistake!


“The Slavs are loved by God because they retain true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to the end, completely reject the Antichrist and do not recognize him as the Messiah, and for this they will be awarded the great favor of God - they will be the first and omnipotent language on earth, and another kingdom, more powerful There will be no Russian-Slavic in the world” (Seraphim of Sarov).

“Russia has helped us many times, and will help us in the future, because we are Slavic, Christian peoples, connected for centuries.”

“Socialism will return, but with a new face. There will be the Soviet Union again, but updated. There will be agricultural cooperatives again, and Bulgaria will overcome difficulties. Prosperity of Bulgaria is possible only in alliance with Russia - she is our mother. Russia has always been and will be a great power.”

“Now you are called the Union, and then you will be called, as under Saint Sergius, Rus'” (Vanga).

If you do not realize that all the troubles and destruction of the last hundred years were organized by the Secret World Government, you will not understand what scenario the Last War will follow. And why do the troops of China and Russia restore order in Europe, destroyed by civil and internal wars? The answer to this question is precisely given by the prophecy from the Palm Library.

“The decline of the American economy and the depreciation of money will also affect the countries of Europe. Money here will also depreciate, but not as much as in the USA. Still, the consequences of such a development of events will be very serious, especially for ordinary people. Many will not have a living wage and will become poor .In large cities there will be attacks on government agencies, state representatives and the rich part of the population.The amount of violence in Europe will not reach the level of the United States, because in the European Union there are not so many weapons for the private population, and also because there will be no decay of organs. security, police and army.

In America, on the contrary, soldiers and police officers who have not been paid their salaries will attack, and they will immediately use weapons. There will be uprisings in European cities, primarily against foreigners living there. Particularly bloody battles will take place in Paris and Rome, but Madrid, London and Prague will also be significantly involved.

The least affected by this crisis will be Russia, China and India, which will mutually support each other's economies. Unrest in Europe will continue until 2016. Times resembling civil war will only be changed through the intervention of Russian and Chinese armed forces, which will be called upon by the rulers of Europe to help. Their arrival will restore order, but many people in Europe will see them not as helpers, but as invaders.

Until the collapse of the American monetary system and economy, the rulers of America, Europe, and their allies will do everything possible to stop the downward spiral. As happened twice in the 20th century, their orchestrated wars and destruction in other parts of the earth will revive America's economy. This way, the American Army, along with its European allies, will have the means to fight wars around the world.

Officially, the governments of these countries will justify the use of weapons against other states by the desire to save peace and freedom, but in reality, they want more power and territory. The ruler of the United States will feel like a person chosen by God to spread the Christian religion throughout the world. He will repeatedly express his claims publicly" (Quoted from Thomas Ritter's book "Predictions of the Future of Europe from Palm Libraries" (translation by Yadu Chandra) published in Germany).


“A new war will break out. And it will be the shortest. The people of Bohemia will be destroyed, and everything in the country will turn into ruins. But as long as Prague lies in ruins, there will be no peace in Europe. By the time the cherry blossoms, Prague will be destroyed.

The sun will fall and the Earth will tremble... Revenge will come on the big water. When the cherries ripen for the second time, those expelled from Bohemia will sadly return to their machines and fields. But there are few of them... A new era will come, which will be called golden” (Predictions of the Blind Man of Prague (1362)).

“A foreign people will attack the Czechs from the north, bring terrible destruction, enslave them and plunder them.

The southern people, the Turks and other infidels, against whom the Roman Caesar would fight for a long time and cruelly. The Czechs will help him in these wars, they will shed a lot of their blood, they will give a lot of money.

A people from the east, large and powerful, who will fight with their neighbors, but will never harm the Czech people.

This last letter means the west, from which the armed hordes will advance. There will be various foreign tribes in them - French, Germans and others, and the last great battle will break out.

The exhausted Czechs will cry for help. And the Lord will have mercy on the Czech people, an army will come out of Mount Blanik to help the brothers. Saint Wenceslas will lead him on a white horse. There will be a fierce battle and it will last for several days. The enemy will be put to shame and driven out. Some of the enemies will hide “in caves, but Saint Prokop with his staff will drive them out, and the Czech people will be free. There will be lasting peace; the Czechs will unite as one, and brotherly love will bloom between them. The humiliated tongue will be exalted and glorified again. People will be proud of their origins and ancestors, they will work and help each other in need. They will also be proud that they managed to go through all the tests.

And again, in love and truth, our homeland will be exalted, as it was exalted under you, our king and father, and, loving their homeland with all their hearts, they will do more and say less” (Folk tales about future wars in the Czech Republic).

Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina...

“This war of the world, perhaps the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia.

After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. Russia, the Russian Kingdom, will remain the winner, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents" (Elder Matthew of Vresfensky).

“Elder Gabriel also spoke about the great grief and disintegration of Serbia, which would occur for the same reasons that Elder Tadeus spoke about. Immorality and irrepentance!

Just as a good father punishes his child out of love for him in order to correct him, so God, when all methods of calling for repentance have been exhausted, will allow difficult trials for his beloved Serbian people.

But through these trials Sunday will come, and after those great sorrows there will come great glory and joy for Serbia. Elder Gabriel said that this will not happen until Russia becomes an empire and until the Russian Tsar is coronated in our Krusevac, because Belgrade will no longer be the capital...

Kosovo will be demanded to join NATO, and the Albanians will flee so that Albania will be cramped for them! Then the Russian Tsar will return all the stolen lands to Serbia with a royal charter. I suspect they will cover everything from Croatia to Albania.

Then, according to the elder, the Germans will begin to come to Serbia and ask to sell grain, because when it grows here, there will be terrible famine and chaos in the west. But then the Russian Tsar will feed everyone. However, I’m scared to write about what will happen before that. We are not like God's people, we are in complete error, and for this we will suffer a lot.

Our king will be from the Nemandzic family through the female line. He has already been born and lives in Russia... He will become the right hand of the Russian Tsar.

According to the elder, Serbia will not see freedom until Russia becomes tsarist again. “Pray to God that this happens quickly, then dawn will come for the Serbs. Then all Orthodox Christians will become friends, understand that together they are stronger, and will defend their faith and shrines. And the Muslims will all be thinking about how to gain dominion over the world, and the Pope will be with them. St. Cosmas of Aetolia said: “The Pope is to blame for all the troubles of the Orthodox in recent times; all evil comes from him.”

“After Russia’s victory with the help of the Orthodox brothers from the East, Kosovo will return to us as it was. Albania will be flooded with water. The Albanians will sail away on ships, so that the living will fall overboard due to the overcrowding. And the Serbs, because of cards or chips, will return home from foreign countries. There will not be a single shiptar left in Kosovo, and Krusevac will become the capital of Serbia” (Elder Gabriel, from the Bosnjan monastery).

“Then people with stars on their foreheads will appear. They will rule in Uzice and throughout this region for exactly 73 days, but then, under the onslaught of enemies, they will retreat across the Drina River. Hungry and cruel times will come... The Serbs will fight among themselves and slaughter each other. Foreign invaders will look and laugh at the Serbs who are embittered against each other. Then a blue-eyed man on a white horse and with a bright star on his forehead will appear among our people. Evil enemies will hunt for him throughout the country - in forests, on rivers, in the sea - but in vain. This man will gather a mighty army and liberate occupied Belgrade. He will drive the enemy out of our country, and our kingdom will become larger than before. Russia will enter into an alliance with the great kingdoms overseas, and together they will destroy the wicked and free the enslaved people of Europe" (Elder Mitar Tarabić).


“The restless Poles will be completely pacified. A storm will rise upon them such as they never expected. The Kingdom of Poland will get a new look because there are many Germans [Bavarians] will move into it. The unfortunate Turks will leave Greece and all of Hungary; their mosques will be ruined, the Alkoran will be destroyed and the tomb of Mohammed will be burned. France will spread its branches and leaves over most of Gaul. Papal Rome will be exhausted. Rome will be occupied by the French; but they will not spread their roots there and will have to yield to another force. Great Sovereign [Russian Tsar] in Europe he will conquer almost all of Asia to his power, and no enemy force can restrain him. The infidel Mohammedans will be completely exterminated. All of Asia will accept the Christian Faith, and after many centuries of darkness the Light will come to it. Before their destruction, the Turks will be in unspeakable rage, and will try in every possible way to exterminate all Christians; but the Lord God is already preparing a worthy punishment for them. The bloodthirsty enemies of Christians will be amazed by the very small number of Orthodox Christians and in a few years will be completely exterminated"(Reverend Martin Zedeka (+1769)).

“I saw soldiers crossing the sea in such small round boats, but it was clear from their faces that they were not Europeans. I saw destroyed houses and Italian children crying. It looked like an infidel attack on Europe. It seems to me that some big tragedy will begin in Italy, part of the Italian boot will be under water. Volcano or earthquake? I saw scenes of great trouble. It was terrible.

The beginning of the war in the South, when all non-aggression treaties are concluded...

Then the missiles from the other side of the ocean hit the water, then the sea creatures wake up. They are from the bottom of the world. Huge waves move and swell like mountains. I saw that the transatlantic wall was swept away like a husk... Mountains of water were moving towards Europe. New wave! People are drowning and suffocating in Gibraltar, Spain! The Sahara, the valley of the Italian peninsula, on the Po River is flooded. Rome disappears under water with all the museums, with all the beautiful buildings...

Our country (Poland) should come out of this not too bad. Maybe five, maybe ten percent are doomed. I know that this is a lot, it is millions, but France and Germany will lose more. Italy will suffer the most. This applies to all of Europe. Poverty is approaching..." (Andrzej Czeslaw Klimiszko (1906-1980), Polish monk).

“In the evening someone will say: “Peace, Peace.” But there will be no peace, and in the morning the enemies are already standing in front of the doors. But this will not last long, and those who have found a good place to hide will only be safe for a few days. Also, the escape will be very fast. This war will break out from the east. I'm afraid of the east. (First) our soldiers will go to the borders, then they will calmly return home. But as soon as they are at home, the enemy is already here and with such force, as if they had grown out of the ground like mushrooms.”

“In Cologne the last battle will take place when the Turk has become ruler over them for some time... God will frighten the enemies with a terrible storm.”

“First the Poles will come, they will fight against their oppressors and in the end they will get a king. France will be divided in three days. Spain would not participate, but the Spanish would still invade captured areas to help restore order in the churches. Austria will be spared from this, it will be very good there. The Roman throne will stand empty for some time" (Predictions of the peasant Eilert (Jasper) (1764-1833).

In the 14th century Hijra (our time), Allah will send the Super-being (Hazrat Mahdi) into the world. Mahdi is the name of the last of the 12 Imams. The first Imam was Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad. According to traditional sources of Islam, Mahdi will come during the Last Judgment (Qiyama) to save the world. He will come to raise all religions to the same pedestal of glory and will consider them as one religion. He will come from the East with the Sign of His Kingdom. He who seeks Him will see Him. He will heal all diseases and upon Him will be the wisdom of all the prophets. People from all over the world will come together like clouds and fall like rain at His feet or at His dwelling place. Whatever you ask Allah, He will give you. He will give gifts that are light in weight. Many of his followers will have a spot on their forehead. He will have a thick crown of shoulder length hair.

Hadith: Some asked the prophet: “How will we see the Lord on the day of resurrection from the dead?” He answered: “Do you experience any anxiety when you see the moon on a full moon night? Do you experience any anxiety when you see the sun on a clear day?” They answered: “No.” “In the same way you will see your Lord.”

The sign of the return of the Mahdi (“Leader”) will be the global domination of evil on earth, the victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good, this will require the Coming of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, the result will be humanity completely consumed by darkness.

Ali B. Abi Tali:[During the coming of the Mahdi] people will neglect prayers and the divinity bestowed upon them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge buildings, sell religion to conquer this low world, hire idiots, associate with women, destroy family ties, obey passions, and consider oaths insignificant. Generosity will be considered weakness, and lawlessness will be glorified. Princes will be corrupted, ministers will become oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors, and the reciters of the Koran will be vicious and evil. False evidence will be presented openly, and immorality will be loudly proclaimed. The promised world will be slanderous, sinful and exaggerated. Holy books will be encrypted, mosques will be camouflaged, minarets will be elongated. Crime will be glorified, battles will be narrowed, hearts will be at odds, treaties will be broken. Women greedy for the riches of this low world will be involved in the business of their husbands, the vicious voice of man will be loud and will be listened to. The most vile of people will become leaders, libertines will be believed because of the fear of Evil, of which they will be the cause, liars will be considered truthful, and traitors - worthy of trust. They will resort to singers and musical instruments, ... and women will ride horses, they will look like men, and men will become like women. People will prefer the deeds of this low world to the deeds of the Highest and will hide the hearts of wolves under the skins of lambs

This is how Islam is described in the hadith reported to us by Ibn Babuyya (Thawab ul-Aghma):

The Apostle of God (Muhammad) said: “The time will come for my people when there will be nothing left of the Koran except its appearance, and nothing of Islam except its name, and they will call themselves by such names, even being far from all this. The mosques will be full of people, but the Truth will not be present there. In those days, the religious leaders (Fukaha) will be mostly evil; they will spread rebellion and discord, which will return to them.”

Al-Kulaini, al-Rawda, 2/49: At the time of the coming of our Qua'im [Mahdi], says Ja'far, God, may he be praised and glorified, will develop the hearing and sight of his believers in such a manner that without the presence of a messenger between Qua'im and them, He will speak, and they will hear and be able to see Him without Him leaving the place where He is.

Al-Nu'mani, hut. Ave., 214: For decisions that will be difficult to make, they will receive instructions and direction from the Imam, who will write on the palms of their hands. They will only have to watch and then follow the instructions.

Al Mu'mani, fav. Ave., pp. 333-59, “Kua’im”: Qua'im (Mahdi) will come to restore the lost sense of holiness. First of all, he will revive Islam in its original purity and integration.

Ibn Babin, 129, 1/161; Ibn-Ayyash Mugtad-ab 18159: He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying, as He destroyed, the rituals of the period of ignorance. He will establish Islam again. Our Kua'im will repair the Mosques and reconstruct his Mecca. Kua'im will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a new Tradition. Other religions, also abandoned and distorted, will be restored to their original Truth and Purity by the power of the Mahdi.

Al-Nu'mani, hut.pr., p.342: He will bring out the Torah and other Divine books from the caves, and will judge among the believers of the Torah according to the Torah, among the believers of the Gospel according to the Gospel, among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran. This universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the emergence and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge, without a doubt, is well described by the term “Mahdi” (“leading”), so named because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth.

Haddis from Abu Dawood, Najul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187: [Imam Mahdi is] The Imam who will create world order, he will make the ruling nations pay for crimes against society. He will bring benefit to humanity. He will find the hidden wealth of the earth and distribute it fairly among the needy. He will teach modest living and subtle reflection. He will make you understand that dignity is an internal state that lies in the middle between two extremes, and which is based on equality and justice. He will restore the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them... He will protect science and higher knowledge and will use them. His control over this will be complete. He will value higher knowledge and will always use it with reverence. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. The highest knowledge with him will be like some property that was misused in the past, but which he now gives permission to reuse and correctly. At the very beginning he will be like a poor, inglorious stranger. And Islam will be in a hopeless and helpless state, like an emaciated camel with a drooping head and a limply swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach everyone proof of God's mercy - His Desire to give man Knowledge of the right life.


"At the moment of birth, light will pierce the top of the baby's head and reach the depths of the sky... This child is the Mahdi, the one who will fill the earth with equality and lawfulness, as it is now filled with oppression and lawlessness."

The sign of the return of the Mahdi (He who leads) lies in the global invasion of the earth of Evil, the victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good, which at the same time requires the manifestation of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, the result will be humanity completely consumed by darkness.

Here are the signs of the times as described by Ali B. Abi Tali:
People will neglect prayers and the divinity bestowed upon them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge buildings, sell religion to conquer this low world, hire idiots, associate with women, destroying family ties, obey passion, and consider oaths as insignificant .

Generosity will be considered weakness, and lawlessness will be glorified. Princes will be corrupted, ministers will become oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors, and the reciters of the Koran will be vicious and evil. False evidence will be presented openly, and immorality will be loudly proclaimed. The promised world will be slanderous, sinful and exaggerated.

Crime will be glorified, battles will be narrowed, hearts will be at odds, treaties will be broken. Women greedy for the riches of this low world will be involved in the business of their husbands, the vicious voice of man will be loud and will be listened to.

The most vile of people will become leaders, libertines will be believed because of the fear of Evil, of which they will be the cause, liars will be considered truthful, and traitors - worthy of trust.

They will resort to singers and musical instruments, ... and women will ride horses, they will look like men, and men will become like women.

People will prefer the deeds of this low world to the deeds of the Highest and will hide the hearts of wolves under the skins of lambs.

This is how modern Islam is described in the hadith that Ibn Babuyya (Thawab ul-Aghma) tells us:
The Apostle of God (Muhammad) said: “The time will come for my people when there will be nothing left of the Koran except its appearance, and nothing of Islam except its name, and they will call themselves by similar names, even being far from all this. Mosques will be full of people, but the Truth will not be present there. In those days, the religious leaders (Fukaha) will be, for the most part, evil; they will spread rebellion and discord, which will return to them."

But the Mahdi will come, he will restore the lost sense of holiness. First of all, he will revive Islam in its original purity and integration.

He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying, as He destroyed, the rituals of the period of ignorance. He will establish Islam again. Our Kua"im (Mahdi) will repair the Mosques and reconstruct his Mecca. Kua"im will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a new Tradition.

Other religions, also abandoned and distorted, will be restored to their original Truth and Purity by the power of the Mahdi.

This universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the emergence and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge, without a doubt, is well described by the term "Mahdi" ("leading"), so named because He is the one who will lead (yahdi) us into the secrets teachings. Thus, the expected Imam Mahdi will prepare the earth for the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The Battle of the Mahdi will mark the final victory of the "believing followers" against their "enemies", and the universal and final establishment of the "religion" of the Imams.

All the followers of the Mahdi, or some of them (according to various traditions) will be sent to various places on earth, where they will rule over everything, even birds and wild animals will be subject to them. All believers who join the troops of the Mahdi will be granted special miraculous powers, the most special of which is the union of feelings with the Imam. For decisions that will be difficult for them to make, they will receive instructions and direction from the Imam, who will write on the palms of their hands. They will only have to watch and then follow the instructions.

According to some traditional sources, during the coming of the Mahdi, believers will be scattered in various parts of the world. At the time of the coming, God, may He be praised and glorified, will develop the hearing and sight of His believers in such a manner that without the presence of a messenger between the Mahdi and them, He will speak, and they will hear and be able to see Him without Him leaving the place where He is."
Al-Kulaini, al-Rawda, 2/49

He will defend science and higher knowledge and will use them. His control over this will be complete. He will value higher knowledge and will always use it with reverence. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. The highest knowledge with him will be like some property that was misused in the past, but which he now gives permission to reuse and correctly.

He will bring out the Torah and other Divine books from the caves, and will judge among the believers of the Torah according to the Torah, among the believers of the Gospel according to the Gospel, among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran. This is the universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the emergence and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge, without a doubt, is well described by the term "Mahdi" ("leading"), so called because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth."
Al-Mu"mani, hut.pr., p.342, "Qua"im (Mahdi)"

We would also like to point out one interesting fact. In Sanskrit, "Primordial Mother" sounds like "Adi Ma". Many prophecies presented on our website note that the world will be saved by a woman, the embodiment of Motherhood. If we swap the Sanskrit words, we get "Ma-adi" or "Mahdi".


Predictions about the coming of the Mahdi as material for understanding the content and goals of Islamic religious and political movements (from the 14th to the 21st centuries)

In constant circulation among Muslims (both Sunnis and Shiites) throughout the history of Islam there remain predictions about the coming “at the end of time” of the Mahdi - “Guided [by Allah]” (aka “Caliph of Allah”), the herald of the very rapid approach of the Day of Judgment .

Almost any historical moment, given a certain mindset of contemporaries, can be mistaken for the “end of time.” And the coming of the Mahdi for those who believe in these predictions has either already taken place in some place or is about to happen. Thus, the founder of the Fatimid dynasty (ruled 909-1171) Ubeydallah declared himself Mahdi. Ibn Tumart, the founder of the Almohad movement and dynasty (1121-1269) also acted as the Mahdi. In the last two decades of the 19th century, Sudan witnessed a major religious and political movement led by another Mahdi, Muhammad Ibn Abdallah (1844-1885). In November 1979, in Mecca, an attempt was made to implement in all its details the “scenario” set out in several hadiths about the Mahdi. The "Juhayman Group", consisting of fanatical "Ikhwans", chose for their action the end of the 14th century AH (which fell in November 1979), and seized with weapons the main mosque of the Islamic world Al-Masjid al-Haram and forced the pilgrims present in Mecca to bring an oath of allegiance to the Mahdi - to an Arabian youth named Muhammad Ibn Abdallah, and it was proposed to do this in the place indicated in one of the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi - between the Black Stone and the footprint of the biblical Abraham (Ibrahim). More recently, in Iraq, Shiites under the leadership of Muqtada al-Sadr fought against the Americans and Sunnis in the ranks of the Mahdi Army.

Currently, the hadith prediction is popular among al-Qaeda fighters of the “global jihad”: “If you see that black banners have come out from the direction of Khorasan, then join them, even if you are crawling through the snow. After all, underneath them is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi.” Al-Qaeda propaganda emphasizes the fact that the banner of Al-Qaeda is black and it was created on Afghan territory, which is partly included in Khorasan, from which for many “Mujahideen” it directly follows that the “Caliph of Allah” means the creator and the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, whose coming, it turns out, was predicted by the Prophet Muhammad.

Curiosities also happen. In Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) in the summer of 2009, a Guinean appeared who claimed that he was the Mahdi, that he had visited heaven, where he met the Prophet Muhammad, who allegedly said that he was destined to “correct the affairs of this (i.e. Muslim) Ummah." The African was arrested, tried and sentenced to a year in prison and ten “sessions” of caning, 60 blows per “session” with breaks of 10 days.

Most likely, a significant part of the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi are apocrypha, composed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and even after some events that are mentioned in some hadiths. And these apocryphal, composed hadiths either legitimized some events that had already taken place as “predicted” by the Prophet himself, or mobilized Muslims to implement this or that “prediction”, which was some kind of, most often political, “project”.

Hadiths are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as messages about his actions, institutions, etc. Hadith were first transmitted orally and began to be systematically collected and written down only in the Abbasid era, i.e. a century after the death of Muhammad. At the same time, the statements of the closest companions of the prophet (as-sahaba) were also recorded. These statements are called rivaya, i.e. story, narration. Shiite religious and historical traditions, attributed primarily to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, as well as to the Imams, were called khabar (plural: akhbar).

The recording and systematization of hadiths, as well as their transformation into the second, after the Koran, source of legislation and doctrine of Muslims - all this was caused by the emergence of new ones that required solutions to socio-political and ideological problems in the Islamic Caliphate. And it turned out that over a hundred years, oral transmission gave rise to a literally boundless number of so-called mavdu‘at, or composed, apocryphal hadiths, i.e. those that the prophet Muhammad did not utter. Hadiths were composed by literally everyone: representatives of various Muslim sects, the so-called zandiks, or “heretics”, representatives of religious and ethnic groups conquered by Muslims, folk storytellers and even traders. This figure can give an idea of ​​the scale of the writing. The Zandiks alone composed fourteen thousand hadiths.

Collectors and systematizers of hadiths developed a fairly clear system for selecting and verifying hadiths, which consisted of establishing primarily the honesty and good memory of the muhaddis (transmitters of hadiths) included in the isnad, i.e. in the listing of people who passed on one or another saying of the Prophet to each other from generation to generation. This systematizing work cannot but command respect, if only because of its scale. The practical result of these efforts were collections of true or correct (sahih) hadiths, among which the most famous are “Sahih” (“Correct”) by Muslim and “Sahih” by al-Bukhari. It is noteworthy that neither in the “Sahih” of Muslim, nor in the “Sahih” of al-Bukhari there is not a single hadith in which the Mahdi is mentioned, and this could be a sufficient argument for the apocryphal nature of the hadiths in which the Mahdi is discussed.

However, fictitious hadiths were not removed from circulation. Some groups of Muslims believed in their authenticity, and in these groups these hadiths functioned as reliable. Despite the fact that scientific criticism (either within the framework of secular Islamic studies or within the framework of religious hadith studies) can establish and prove the apocryphal nature of some hadiths, they are perceived by Muslims as reliable, i.e. coming from the Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah. And as such, they function either as divine legitimation of the current state of affairs, or as religious predictions-“projects” that Muslims are obliged to implement, i.e. act as an ideology that mobilizes them and are a kind of divine guarantee of the victory of the “mobilized.”

Predictions about the coming of the Mahdi in the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun

In the famous “Prolegomena” (“Muqaddimah”) of the medieval sociologist Abd-ar-Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) to his “Book of Instructive Examples and Diwan of Reports on the Days of the Arabs, Persians and Berbers and their Contemporaries, Who Possessed Power of Great Dimensions” there is chapter fifty-two of part three, entitled “On the Fatimid affair, how people relate to it, and how the veil [of secrecy] is removed from all this.” Ibn Khaldun writes at the end of this chapter: “This ends what the muhaddis (collectors and transmitters of hadiths - A.I.) gave from the reports about the Mahdi. We collected them all in full, putting our maximum effort into this.” Elsewhere he says: “These are all the hadiths about the Mahdi that were recorded by the imams [of hadith studies].” Ibn Khaldun's integrity can be trusted, and, apparently, the selection of hadiths he provides is complete. But the complete history for that period is the 14th century. And a modern collector of hadiths about the Mahdi would definitely include in the collection the “Khorasan” hadith given above, as well as a number of others that are currently in circulation. It is quite possible that one of the future orientalists will collect a complete “set” of hadiths about the Mahdi, indicating the time of introduction of this or that hadith into circulation, but we will mainly limit ourselves to those collected by Ibn Khaldun, with the goal of demonstrating the probable motives of the authors or transmitters of these texts, some of which, which is by no means excluded, go back to the Prophet Muhammad.

Below are only the texts of hadiths and khabars - in the sequence in which they are given by Ibn Khaldun. (For the sake of convenience of further presentation, they are numbered.) The sources from which hadiths and khabars are taken, isnads (chains of hadith transmitters), comparison of different points of view regarding the degree of their reliability - “correctness” or “weakness”, as well as the Sunni formula of greatness are omitted Prophet Muhammad (“peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!”) In parentheses, explanations of the text or Arabic expressions are given in which there are doubts about the complete accuracy of the translation, as well as possible translation options (after the word “or”). In direct brackets, clarifications and additions are given that arise from the context and contribute to a better perception of the text in Russian. The narrator is indicated only in those cases if he is not the prophet Muhammad. After the texts, a brief historical and philological commentary is given. All this will give a general idea of ​​what the apocryphal and, possibly, non-apocryphal predictions of the Prophet Muhammad about the coming of the Mahdi - “Guided by Allah,” “Caliph of Allah” are.

1.Whoever questions the truth of [messages] about the Mahdi is an infidel (kaafir), and whoever questions the truth of [messages] about the Anti-Messiah (Dajjal) is a liar.

2. If there was [one] day left in the world below, then God would lengthen this day in order to send a husband from me or from the people of my house (ahl bayti). His name is the same as mine, and his father’s name is the same as my father’s (i.e. Muhammad Ibn Abdallah - A.I.).

3. The world below will not end until a man from my house becomes the ruler of the Arabs. His name is the same as mine.

4. Even if there were [only one] day left from the age (dahr), then God would send a husband from my house who would fill it (the Earth. - A.I.) with truth, as it was filled with unrighteousness.

5. Ali looked at his son al-Hasan and said: “This son of mine is a master (sayyid). A man will appear from his flesh, bearing the name of your Prophet, similar to him in disposition, different from him in appearance. And he will fill the Earth with truth.”

6. A man called Kharis (Plowman) will come out from across the river (or: from Transoxiana). Ahead of him is [another] husband called Mansur (the Helper), who will support or strengthen the family (aal) of Muhammad, as the Quraysh strengthened God's Messenger. Every believer must support him (or: respond [to his call]).

7.Mahdi - from the descendants of Fatima.

8.Yes, Mahdi is the truth, and he is from the Fatimids.

9. There will be a dispute after the death of the caliph. A husband will appear among the inhabitants of Medina and flee to Mecca. The Meccans will come to him and elect him [caliph] against his will between ar-Rukn (Black Stone - A.I.) and al-Maqam (the place where Ibrahim-Abraham stayed - A.I.). They will send an army to him from Ash-Sham (Syria), but he will destroy them in the desert between Mecca and Medina. Seeing this, the inhabitants of Ash-Sham and the tribes of Iraq will change towards him and they [also] will elect him [as their caliph]. Then a man from Qureish will appear, whose uncles on his mother’s side are [from the tribe] Kalb. He will distribute money to the people and treat them according to the law (sunnah) of their Prophet and... And he will remain for seven (option: nine) years.

10. Mahdi has a clearer forehead than me, a straighter nose. He will fill the Earth with justice and truth, just as it was filled with injustice and unrighteousness. He will reign for seven years.

11. In my ummah there is a Mahdi who will come out and live five or seven or nine [years]. A man will come to him and say: O Mahdi, give it to me! And he will pour into [the man’s] clothes as much as he [can] carry.

12. In my ummah there is Mahdi. If you take less, then [he will remain] seven [years], but if not, then nine. He will bring benefits to my ummah that they have never heard of. The earth will give [people] their food and [there will be no need] to save anything [of this food]. And then there are piles of money. And a man will stand up and say: “O Mahdi, give it to me!” And he will say: “Take it!”

13. At the end of the ummah there will be a caliph who scatters money without counting.

14. Among your caliphs is one who scatters money.

15. At the end of times there will be a caliph who will give money without counting.

16. The hour [of the Last Judgment] will not come until the Earth is filled with unrighteousness, injustice and enmity. And then a husband will come from my house and fill it with justice and truth, just as it was filled with injustice and enmity.

17. At the end of my ummah, the Mahdi will appear, whom God will water with rain. The earth will provide its plants. And he will give the money fairly. Livestock will multiply. And the Ummah will be exalted. He will live seven or eight [years].

18. The Earth will be filled with unrighteousness and injustice. And a husband will appear from my descendants. He will reign for seven or nine [years] and will fill the Earth with justice and truth, just as it was filled with unrighteousness and injustice.

19. A man from my ummah will appear, speaking according to my sunnah. God will bring down rain from heaven on him. The earth will give its grace. The Earth will be filled with justice and truth from him, just as it was filled [before] with unrighteousness and injustice. He will rule this ummah for seven years. He will descend on Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis).

20. There was a revolt of the Hashemites (Banu Hashim). And when God’s Messenger saw them, tears flowed from his eyes and he became gloomy. And I said (one of those present, a certain Abdallah - A.I.): “We see in your face something that upsets us.” And God’s Messenger said: “God has chosen for us, Ahl al-Bayt, the afterlife, and not the hereafter. After me, my house will be subjected to [severe] testing, expulsion and persecution, until people [carrying] black banners come from the side where the Sun (Mashriq) rises and ask, but no [answer] will be given to them. And they will fight, and support will be given to them, and what they asked for will be given to them. But they will not accept [this answer?] and will give it (the Land?) to the husband from my house. And he will fill it with justice, just as they filled it [before] with unrighteousness. And if you hear about them, then come to them, even if it means crawling through the snow.”

21.Mahdi is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt. Through him, God will improve [the Earth] (or: establish peace) in [one] night.

22.Ali asked God’s Messenger: “Is the Mahdi one of us or one of the strangers?” And the Messenger said: “Of us. After all, God seals us with us, just as He opened them with us. We will achieve salvation from shirk (polytheism), by us God will bring their souls (or: hearts) to harmony after open enmity, just as we brought their souls (or: hearts) to agreement after enmity [generated by] polytheism.” Ali said: “[Who is “they”?] Believers or infidels?” The Messenger said: “A troublemaker (maftun) and an infidel.”

23. There will be turmoil at the end of times. There will be people in it, like [inserts of] gold in ore. And you do not blaspheme the inhabitants of Ash-Sham (Syria), but blaspheme their evil (deeds), for there is a change in them, [foreshadowing] that rain will soon be sent from heaven on the inhabitants of Ash-Sham, which will separate them. And if [after this] even the foxes attacked them, they would be overcome. Then a person from my house will appear with three banners. [He] is the multiplier. He says to them: [become] fifteen thousand, [He] is the one who reduces [the number]. He says: [become] twelve thousand. And their word is amut, amut (perish or perish). They will unfurl seven banners, and under each banner is a man demanding the kingdom. But God will kill them all. And he (a native of the House of the Prophet - A.I.) will return to the Muslims their friendship, their good, their distant [lands], their [unified] opinion.

24. Says Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyya (one of the sons of Ali Ibn Abi Talib - A.I.): We were with Ali, and one person asked him about the Mahdi. And he said: “Alas!” Then he twisted a rosary on his hand and said: “This (apparently, the Mahdi is meant. - A.I.) will appear at the end of times. If a person says [addressing him]: “Allah, Allah,” he will be killed. Allah will gather for him people like clouds. God will make friends of their hearts. They will not miss anyone and will not rejoice at anyone who came to them. Their readiness [for battle] is like that of the participants in the Battle of Badr. There were none [like them] among the ancients, and no others will reach them. In number they are like the companions of Talut who crossed the river with him.” ...And Abu-t-Tufail (muhaddis who reported the story of Ibn al-Hanafiyya) said: “Ibn al-Hanafiyya said: “Do you want this (i.e., the rosary - A.I.)?” I said; "Yes". And he (Ibn al-Hanafiyya) said: “He will appear between these two [wooden] rosaries.” I said, “Of course. And, I swear to God, I will not leave them until death."

25. We, the descendants of Abd-al-Muttalib, the lords of those who are in Paradise - I (i.e. the Prophet Muhammad - A.I.), Hamza [Ibn-Abd-al-Muttalib], Ali [Ibn-Abi-Talib ], Ja'far [Ibn Abi Talib], al-Hasan, al-Hussein, al-Mahdi.

26. Words of Ibn al-Abbas (apparently he means the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, the son of the uncle of the Prophet Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib. - A.I.): Of us, Ahl al-Bayt are four. From us - al-Saffah (Bloody, Shedding Blood), from us - al-Munzir (Warning), [further omission in the text of the source should be: from us - al-Mansur (Assisted [by Allah])], from us - al-Mahdi. Al-Saffah, perhaps, [is called so] because he destroyed his comrades and forgave his enemy, as for al-Mundir, I see him, he said, he will distribute money in abundance, he will not be proud of himself (or: he will not be proud ) and will retain little of his right. As for al-Mansur, he will be given help [from Allah] over his enemy - half of what was given to God's Messenger when the enemy fled from him to the distance of a two-month march, and from al-Mansur the enemy will flee to the distance of a month's march. As for al-Mahdi, who will fill the Earth with truth, as it was filled with unrighteousness, and wild animals will become safe, and the Earth will throw out the treasures of its depths.” [Next, the narrator asks Ibn al-Abbas: “What is this - the treasures of the bowels of the earth?”] “Like round plates of gold and silver.”

27.When you [achieve] greatness, three will fight among themselves. Each of them is the son of a caliph.

will not pass [power?] to any of them. Then black banners will appear from the side where the Sun (Mashriq) rises. And they will kill them like no one has ever killed. ...And if you see him, then elect him [caliph], even if you had to crawl through the snow. After all, he is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi.

28. People will appear from the side where the Sun rises (Mashriq) and strengthen the Mahdi.

29. In my ummah there is Mahdi. If he reduces it, then seven, but if not, then eight or nine [years]. [At this time] my ummah will enjoy happiness, the like of which has never been seen. The heavens will send abundant [rain] upon them, and the Earth will not retain any of its plants, and the money [then] will be in heaps. A man will stand up and say: O Mahdi, give it to me! And he will say: Take it!

31.Yes, the Earth is filled with unrighteousness and injustice. And if it is filled with unrighteousness and injustice, God will send a husband from my ummah. His name is like mine, his father’s name is like my father’s (i.e. Muhammad Ibn Abdallah, or Muhammad, son of Abdallah - A.I.). And the sky will not refuse anything from its rain, and the earth will not save anything from its plants. He will remain among you seven, or eight, or nine [years].

32. There was a Messenger of God with a group of Muhajirs and Ansars. Ali Ibn Abi Talib is on his left, and al-Abbas is on his right. Al-Abbas and one of the Ansars began to quarrel with each other. And this Ansar was rude to al-Abbas. And the Prophet took the hands of al-Abbas and Ali and said: From this flesh [a man] will appear to fill the Earth with unrighteousness and injustice. And from this flesh will come [a man] who will fill the Earth with justice and truth. ...He will come from the side where the Sun (al-Mashriq) rises, he will have the banner of the Mahdi.

33. There will be turmoil. And if one side remains motionless in it, then the other will be in the dispute until a voice from heaven announces: Your ruler (amir) is such and such.

34.Mahdi is only Isa the son of Mariam. (Or: There is no Mahdi except Isa, son of Mariam).

Our research hypothesis is that some of the above hadiths are the result of the writing activities of various religious and political movements in the 7th-8th centuries, namely the Abbasids (descendants of al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad ), Alid Shiites (descendants of Ali Ibn-Abi-Talib Ibn-Abd-al-Muttalib, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad - the husband of Muhammad’s only daughter and generally the only surviving child of Muhammad, Fatima), Fatimid Shiites (descendants of Fatima, the prophet’s daughter Muhammad and the wife of Ali Ibn Abi Talib). The first two groups initially fought for the return of the power “usurped” by the Umayyads (one of the Quraish clans) in the Islamic caliphate of Ahl al-Bayt, i.e. representatives of the “house” of the prophet, or members of his Bayt, i.e. large family group of which he was a member. Subsequently, the Fatimid Shiites made claims to power, narrowing the concept of Ahl al-Bayt.

Khorasan (Khorasan; Middle Persian, literally - “sunrise”, “east”). In fact, this Persian word denotes the same concept that is denoted in Arabic by the word al-Mashriq - “Mashriq”, “the place where the Sun rises”, “the east”.

In III - middle. XVIII century Khorasan was the name of the region that included the northeastern part of modern Iran, Merv (Mary), the oases of the south of modern Turkmenistan, the northern and northwestern parts of modern Afghanistan. It is this historical and geographical region that is meant by current Islamists who do not recognize existing interstate borders when they talk about Khorasan.

See: Akram Diya al-Umari. Buhus fi tarikh al-Sunnah al-musharrafa (Studies on the History of the Sunnah), Baghdad, 2nd ed., 1972, Pp. 7.

See: A.D. al-Umari. Decree. cit., p. 31.

In circulation, in addition to reliable (“correct”) and apocryphal (“composed”), as if located at the “poles” of authenticity and inauthenticity, there were also intermediate options, for example, “weak”.

Ibn Khaldun. Muqaddimah (Prolegomena), Beirut, b.g., pp. 311-330.

Ibn Khaldun. Decree. cit., pp. 327, 322.

Ibn Khaldun was a Sunni Maliki.

Maverannahr, from Arab. Ma wara' an-Nakhr, literally "What is beyond the River", a historical region in Central Asia. The name appeared during the Arab conquest of the 7th-8th centuries and originally meant the region along the right bank of the Amu Darya. Later, this term began to denote the region between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya.

A phrase that cannot be translated: yulki al-Islama bi-jiranihi.

The translation conveys the internal inconsistency of the sentence present in the source text.

The ambiguity of the concept of byt played a large role in justifying claims to power in the caliphate. The Abbasids tried to interpret it broadly, meaning by the byte of Muhammad his close relatives - the descendants of Abd al-Muttalib. Shiites - more narrowly, meaning by the byte of Muhammad his closest relatives, and later - only the descendants of Ali, the overwhelming majority of whom (through Fatima) were at the same time the descendants of Muhammad.

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