Home Fate Numerology The presence of a ghost. Ghosts and ghosts: how to recognize their presence. Strange behavior of children and pets

The presence of a ghost. Ghosts and ghosts: how to recognize their presence. Strange behavior of children and pets

Have you ever wondered if your house might be haunted? Maybe you heard a strange noise or felt someone's presence nearby, although you were alone in the house? It's time to solve this mystery. Ghosts can be difficult to spot, but heightened senses and the right steps can help you identify traces of their presence and understand what keeps them in your home.


Part 1

Communication with ghosts

    Ask the ghost what he needs. If you suspect that creatures from the underworld are visiting your home, try talking to them directly. Ask the ghost who he is, what he wants and why he lives in your house. Although the ghost most likely won't want to talk to you, you may be able to detect evidence of its presence by other signs, such as doors opening and closing on their own, or changes in the environment, which can be used to judge its purpose.

    • Try asking the ghost the following questions: "What's your name?" "Why are you here?" "What do you want?" and "What did you die for?"
    • Before asking questions, make sure you can make out a possible answer.
  1. Try to communicate with the world of ghosts with Ouija boards . Although many consider the Ouija board to be a ridiculous toy and an empty gimmick, it has long been used to communicate with parallel worlds. Ask a friend to help you connect with the ghosts. To begin, you and your friend should place your hands on a piece of wood. Then you should ask the ghost a question and wait for him to answer. If you feel the plank begin to move, it may mean that the ghost wants to tell you something.

    • The ghost can answer "yes" or "no" by moving the board over the appropriate words, or use individual letters on the board for more specific answers.
    • Take it seriously. Don't try to make jokes or move the board yourself, and ask your friend not to do it, otherwise you won't know when the ghost will actually call on you.
  2. Arrange a séance. If you seriously believe that a ghost lives in your house, try a séance. During such a session, the souls of the dead are called in order to talk with living people. To do this, gather those who believe in this method around a person who is receptive to spiritual energy. A séance is a more formal way of communicating with ghosts than just trying to talk to them. Such séances are most effective when conducted by an experienced medium.

    • Dim the lights, clasp your hands, and sit quietly, waiting for the ghost.
    • For the session to be effective, ask the skeptics to leave the room. Mediums claim that the negative attitude of skeptics distracts them, and the spirits refuse to communicate in such an atmosphere.
  3. Interpret disturbing dreams. Sometimes ghosts appear in dreams when there is a wall between ours and other world becomes more permeable. If you have vivid disturbing dreams, write them down and note your feelings. dream meeting with strangers or receiving encrypted messages may indicate that a ghost is trying to contact you.

    • If a dream has confused you, consult an experienced medium. Among other things, mediums are able to decipher and interpret dreams.

Part 2

Evidence of the presence of ghosts
  1. Pay attention to strange occurrences. Take a closer look at the extraordinary events that happen around you. It can be anything from a strange movement noticed out of the corner of your eye, or an extraneous whisper when you are alone, to turning household appliances on and off on your own. When trying to identify signs of the presence of a ghost, first of all, you should listen to your feelings and intuition.

    • Pay close attention to what you see, hear, and feel around you for possible paranormal activity.
    • Do not be fooled and do not take any knock or noise as a sign of the presence of a ghost. It could be the simple creaking of floorboards, the action of a draft, the noise of a pet, or a figment of your imagination.
  2. Take pictures of different parts of the house. Once every few days, take pictures of every room in the house. Do this in such a way that the photo gets as much space as possible. According to some theories, ghosts are a form of residual energy that, under the right conditions, can be captured on a camera.

    Set up a video camera to detect the movements of the ghost. As with photography, ghosts can also be revealed using video. Place a video camera in the area of ​​the house where you expect the ghost to appear. With video, you will be able to shoot 24-30 frames per second, which increases the chance of detecting a ghost if you carefully examine the footage.

    • Pay attention to anything unusual in the video, especially strange signs of shifting objects or some kind of movement.
    • A ghost may appear on a video recording for only a fraction of a second. When carefully studying, you should stop the video more often or view individual fragments frame by frame.
  3. Record hidden voices. When questioning a possible ghost, turn on the voice recorder, and then scroll through the recording to find out if it contains sounds that you did not hear. Ghost voices can appear on the recording - this is the so-called electronic voice phenomenon. Typically, these voices are heard at very low frequencies, meaning they are indistinguishable to the human ear, but can be detected with audio equipment.

    • Because of these frequencies, you may have to turn up the volume of the equipment to hear the recorded voices.
    • Write down words and phrases that are audible enough. With some luck, you will be able to decipher the message and find out the reasons for the ghost's anxiety.
  4. Get in touch with paranormal investigators. If you feel that something strange is going on around you, consider consulting paranormal investigators. As a rule, these are enthusiasts who are engaged in the study of such phenomena and are well acquainted with their history, folklore, scientific data and myths. They will be able to use the appropriate equipment and other necessary resources and provide expertise that will allow you to clarify the mysterious phenomenon.

    • Describe in as much detail as possible mysterious phenomena so they can determine what to do in your case.
    • Collaboration with a specialist will help you reduce the fear of unusual phenomena. A good paranormal researcher will be able to determine better ways, which will allow you to find a common language with the ghost.

Part 3

Ridding a house of ghosts
  1. Understand that nothing threatens you. Most likely, the ghost living in your house does not want to harm you. In life, he must have been an ordinary person, just like you. With this in mind, you may begin to calmly accept his presence and stop wanting to get rid of him at all costs. The ghost may believe that this is still his home, and it is possible that the phenomena that frighten you only indicate his desire to prolong his usual existence.

    • Ghosts rarely harm people. As a rule, their activity is almost imperceptible.
    • If you believe in the existence of ghosts, then you probably know that they are present almost everywhere. Therefore, it should not come as a big surprise to you if one or two ghosts show up in your house.
  2. Smoke the house with sage. It is believed that burning sage leaves helps to purify the air in the house and get rid of negative and evil influences. This method will come in handy if you suspect that an evil ghost lives in your house. Take a bunch of dried white sage, set it on fire so that it smolders, and walk with it through all the rooms, thinking about how to bring peace and prosperity to the house. The smoke of sage will help appease the restless ghost and calm you down.

    Try to convince the otherworldly creature to leave. During a séance or one-to-one communication, gently demand that the ghost leave your home. It is believed that ghosts are often tied to a certain place by some unfinished business. Try to dissuade the otherworldly creature and report that he no longer needs to stay in your house. Perhaps the ghost will understand you and leave your house alone.

    Resort to exorcism. If you are plagued by unpleasant, evil, or destructive ghosts, your patience may run out. In this case, an exorcism, that is, the expulsion of ghosts, may be required. Find a clergyman who has experience in this matter and ask him to visit your home to examine it for ghosts. An experienced exorcist will determine the spells and rituals required to exorcise the ghosts.

  • Study the history of your home to understand what ghosts may have settled within its walls.
  • Speak to ghosts in a gentle, respectful tone. Disrespectful and rude treatment of a ghost can attract negative energy to you.
  • Be patient. Ghosts very rarely answer questions addressed to them. Their energy can increase at certain times or under favorable conditions. Do not lose hope and be prepared for the fact that the ghost will manifest itself in one way or another.
  • Those who are especially susceptible to the influence of otherworldly forces should "ground" their energy before opening a channel of communication with these forces. In other words, you need to clear your mind, suppress fear and perceive the presence of ghosts as something neutral in an emotional sense.
  • When attempting to record evidence of a ghost, make sure your camera, camcorder, or voice recorder is on and has enough tape or free memory to record.


  • Be careful when using the Ouija board. Some mediums believe that this board and other means of communication with the other world serve as a gateway through which a ghost or other non-material being can move into your body.
  • Do not taunt or invite dark ghosts into your home, even as a joke. Whether or not you believe in the existence of ghosts, there are certain forces that you should not mess with.
  • Exorcism is a serious phenomenon. It is taken seriously by the Orthodox and catholic church. Officials will review your application to determine if it is a hoax or a hoax before issuing permission to visit your home and investigate the situation.
  • , Italiano: Trovare i Fantasmi in Casa, Portugues: Encontrar Fantasmas em sua Casa, Deutsch: Geister in deinem Haus finden, Francais: Trouver des fantômes dans sa maison Bahasa Indonesia: Mengetahui Keberadaan Hantu di Rumah, Netherlands: Uitvinden of er geesten in je huis aanwezig zijn, العربية: العثور على الأشباح في بيتك

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Despite the lack of conclusive evidence for the existence of ghosts, some people believe that strange sounds, smells, and events are of a supernatural nature. If you think your home is haunted, do an amateur investigation, noting unusual occurrences and writing down your observations. Try also to study the history of your home or area. There is an assumption that in places where violent deaths have occurred, the chance of ghosts is much higher. Although ghosts can be very frightening, it is worthwhile to understand that their existence has not been proven, and the presence of the alleged spirit in the house has not harmed anyone yet.


Study physical phenomena

  1. Watch for shadows and silhouettes. If you have witnessed any unexplained phenomena, this may indicate the presence of a ghost in the house. These may be dark shadows on the periphery of vision, or even shady silhouettes of people or animals.

    • However, it is worth remembering that peripheral vision cannot always be relied upon. If you spot a ghost in your peripheral vision, it's probably just a trick of the light.
    • Install a video camera in your home to capture unusual shadows on film while you are away.
  2. Pay attention to unusual smells. Some people believe that ghosts can leave behind unusual smells that have no obvious source. The smell of sulfur and other unpleasant odors are often associated with ghosts. However, the smells of food and perfume can also indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • Before you sin on ghosts, eliminate other sources of smell. Try to follow the smell to see where it's coming from, or check if you left the window open. An unusual smell could enter the house from the outside.
  3. Listen for unusual noises. People who they believe are living in haunted houses often report strange sounds such as unexplained footsteps, scratches, music, or even muffled voices. Keep in mind that unusual noises could be caused by open windows or even a neighbor's TV, so don't suspect ghosts without checking for more plausible explanations.

    • Scratching and footstep sounds can be made by mice, rats, or insects. Have the exterminator check the house to rule out this possibility and treat it if necessary.
    • Try recording the noises on a digital tape recorder.
  4. Look out for when the lights turn on and off. Flashing lights can be caused by short-term power outages. If the light in the house often flashes, another explanation is possible. If the light regularly turns on and off without any reason, this may indicate the presence of a spirit.

    • Poorly screwed bulbs and problems with the wiring and switchboard can also cause flickering lights. If the lights in your home flicker very frequently, contact an electrician.
  5. Pay attention to the nervous behavior of pets. Strange animal behavior may indicate the presence of a ghost. Animals may become frightened for no apparent reason or look at something you can't see. If your dog, for example, suddenly starts barking at the corner of a room, a ghost or spirit may be to blame.

    • Strange animal behavior, especially excessive barking, may indicate that your pet is in pain. See your veterinarian before attributing unusual behavior to ghosts.
  6. Pay attention to cold spots or temperature changes in the home. Some people believe that ghosts can cause a drop in temperature. If, even without an obvious draft, some places in the house seem colder than others, this may indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • However, double check for cracks in doors or open windows. Drafts can easily cause unusually cold places in the house.

    Personal experience and intuition

    1. Pay attention to your dreams. Some people believe that ghosts can influence how you dream. If you've started having creepy nightmares, this could be the work of a ghost. These may include nightmares about supernatural things and the feeling of being chased or attacked in the dream. Nightmares can be so vivid that you begin to physically feel things in your dream.

      • If you experience shortness of breath while sleeping, see your doctor. This may indicate an illness, such as obstructive sleep apnea, which should be ruled out before sinning on ghosts.
      • In addition, there may be psychological causes for nightmares, especially if you have recently experienced severe stress or an upset.
    2. Do you feel like you are being watched? Rely on your intuition when assessing whether the house is haunted. People who live in haunted houses sometimes feel like they are being watched. The feeling of someone else's presence in an empty room may indicate a ghost.

      • If other people live with you, ask them if they feel they are being watched.
      • It is worth noting that nervousness and paranoia can also be due to psychological problems. Such nervousness should be assessed by a mental health professional.
    3. Pay attention to changes in mood (your own or other people's). Ghosts supposedly can influence the character and mood of a person. If you or another family member is experiencing unexplained bouts of anger, irritation, or depression, this may indicate the presence of a ghost. If mood swings occur only in the house, perhaps this is the work of a ghost.

      • Chronic bad mood and irritability can be signs of a mental health problem. If you are in a bad mood for a long time, consult a therapist before attributing it to otherworldly influences.
    4. Note strange illnesses and feelings of weakness. Some people believe that ghosts can cause mild physical ailments, such as frequent colds. A general feeling of weakness can also be the work of their hands.

      • Since these symptoms may be due to a number of other conditions, see your doctor before attributing them to ghosts.
      • If everyone in the home is experiencing physical symptoms, have professionals examine the home for mold and bacteria.

Surely you have heard many different stories about ghosts, and terrible chilling events taking place in the habitats of ghosts, so what are the most common signs that ghosts, spirits have started up in a house or apartment, and maybe other anomalous phenomena occur in the house? Magical phenomena occur with almost all people and animals. Even famous actors Nicolas Cage and Gwyneth Paltrow claim to have lived in homes haunted by spirits. There are a huge number of different signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house, we will talk about the ten most important of them.

1. Strange smells:
One of the signs that your home may be haunted is strange smells that you normally shouldn't smell. These odors can appear suddenly and out of nowhere. The spirit may sometimes bring with it a smell that was familiar to it, such as the smell of a cigar, or some exotic flower. Knowing that this smell does not come from something in the house helps to recognize the secret occupant of your home, which you previously did not suspect.

2. Strange dreams about people or places you are completely unfamiliar with.
If a ghost lives in your house, sometimes it can cause you to have strange dreams and even nightmares about him. In a dream, you may see mysterious places you have never been to or people you have never met before. All of these may be signs that the ghost is trying to get your attention and tell your story. You need to understand that sometimes these are the souls of people who died in some mysterious or violent way. To dream of such people, or the places in which these people were, is sure sign the fact that their energy imprints remained in your house. You can discover the history of your home in libraries and try to determine if what you read in the old newspaper news in the library resembles in any way what you saw in your dream.

3. Feeling of persecution. Some people may be more sensitive to ghosts than others, they may feel the constant presence of someone or something, they may feel as if they are being watched. Of course, one should not rely entirely on such sensations when determining that a house is haunted, but it can also be a sign. If you feel that someone or something is following you, stalking you, try to focus and pay attention to see if there are any other strange and mysterious things going on around you. Don't be afraid and try to explore all the paranormal around you. Sometimes when people move into a new home, they can't help but feel like they're being watched all the time.

4. Feelings of heaviness in the air. Some people are sensitive to changes in the energy field caused by being in the house of a ghost or spirit, and this sensation is akin to a feeling of heaviness in the air, making it difficult for a person to breathe. A sudden change in the air can be triggered by the presence of a ghost or spirit in the house and is another sign that you are not alone in the house. People who are not hypersensitive to such phenomena may also notice this, because sudden changes can make it difficult for a person to breathe. Usually, after cleansing a house or apartment, or exorcism in more dangerous cases, people notice that the air becomes cleaner and lighter almost immediately after the completion of the ritual.

5. Mysterious sounds. Do you hear strange noises or whispers that cannot be explained? There is a reason for these sounds, and the reasons are spirits or ghosts trying to announce their presence. Naturally, sounds can be the result of other things as well, common house sounds like wind blowing through a leaky window, creaking floorboards, or some other household object, but knowing which sounds are and are not common to your home can help determine the cause. Most ghosts and spirits do not make sounds that are distinguishable by the human ear, and for this you need to have special equipment. However, there are so-called aggressive ghosts that sometimes make frightening and even chilling sounds, scattering objects around.

6. Change in air temperature. Sudden changes in air temperature around you can also be a good indicator that spirits are nearby. If as you move around your house you notice that some rooms in it are colder than others or the air around you suddenly becomes colder, this is most likely not your cooling device. Sometimes the presence of a spirit around you can be noticed through a sharp cooling of the air temperature, and this is due to the fact that the spirit uses the energy accumulated in the place of its appearance to materialize. Sometimes you can walk through a very cold spot in your home even though the temperature in your home should be normal. Naturally, if a breath of cold blew around you, it does not mean that you will meet face to face with the spirit, but this may be a sign of its presence.

7. Objects in the house move on their own.
Some spirits like to move objects around your house when you are away. You will definitely notice this sooner or later when you return. If you are absolutely sure that this or that object in your house is not in place, and was not moved by you or your relatives, or guests who are at that moment in the house, then there is a possibility that it was moved by a spirit or ghost, in an attempt to inform you of its presence. Sometimes objects can move in your presence: doors open and close, things fall off the table. It is important to remember that any spirit capable of such tricks is most likely not friendly to you.

8. Feeling like someone is touching you. Someone touches you, but there is no one around, oddly enough? It can also be a sign that a ghost has settled in the house. Involuntarily touching something or feeling a light breeze around you, as if someone is touching you. It is very accurate to know who it is and not to panic prematurely. You may just feel the hairs on the back of your neck tickle you. However, if any marks are found on the body after such a touch, or scratches and bruises that you cannot explain, this may be an indicator of the presence of evil spirits and energies. If the situation escalates, you should investigate what is happening and find the most appropriate way to deal with this phenomenon, because this can be very dangerous.

9. Sudden change in mood and behavior.
Naturally less common, depending on various signs, a more aggressive cast or spirit may be present in your home. These spirits may not be spirits but demonic formations. Sometimes the fear, anger, excitement and other emotions contained in a demonic being can be transferred to you, changing your mood and behavior. In more serious cases, the outcome may be the possession of a demonic being in you. A person should always be wary and protect others from such phenomena.

10. Seeing is believing. And the last, but the most important sign of the presence of spirits and ghosts in your house, when you actually see them. Perfume can appear right in front of your nose. Figures of people may appear or disappear in some cases. You can also watch how absolutely ordinary people disappear right in front of your eyes. Such people may appear too pale, wounded, bloody. These people are not typical shadows and not a mote, from the corner of your eye, and most often these are the souls of people who died a violent death. Sometimes these souls will repeat the movements that they made right before death, often everything will be repeated over and over again, like a video recording. The souls of these people have already gone, but the images of their presence and death are imprinted on the environment.

How to understand that the knocking on the walls is not a problem with the pipes, but a settled spirit? Here are a few signs that a house is haunted.

You hear heavy footsteps in the hallway upstairs when no one is there. Doors occasionally knock. Constantly used things disappear and appear elsewhere. The light in the kitchen turns on and off on its own. And also you smell a strange smell of perfume in the air.

All this may indicate that a ghost has appeared in your house. Real cases are very rare, and it is quite difficult to determine whether this strange phenomenon is in your house or not. But if you think you have a ghost, what are you going to do about it?

Signs of a haunted house.
The first step is to determine, as accurately as possible, what your case is. Not all haunted houses are the same, the phenomenon can manifest itself in different ways. Some represent one phenomenon - for example, the sudden opening of doors, others - a whole group - from strange sounds before the appearance of phantoms.

Here is a list of signs:

1. Unexplained sounds - steps, tapping, falling sounds. Sometimes they can be quiet, hard to see, sometimes quite loud.
Doors, cabinets, secretaries are the most common objects subject to this phenomenon, however, it is very difficult to see. You can also hear the sounds of doors opening and closing (residents of the house, as a rule, are well aware of all the sounds of their home) or when you return, you find that the door to the room is closed or open, which was not there before you left the room. Sometimes furniture, such as kitchen chairs, is rearranged by someone. It is very rare when you can witness this phenomenon.

2. The light turns on and off - this phenomenon is very rare in reality. Usually, this happens when the person knows that the light was on/off before. This can also be transferred to household appliances: TV, radio, etc.

3. Disappearance or appearance of objects. Often this feature is called the "borrowing phenomenon", this is a very common phenomenon, however, there are many options for borrowing objects. For example, let's take car keys that you know exactly where you put them. But they disappeared and you turned the whole house over looking for it. And after a while you find them in the same place, as if someone put them back. Sometimes someone doesn't return an item for days or weeks. But if it did happen, the entity chooses the most obvious place in which you have already searched a hundred times in order to return the loss.

4. Unexplained shadows - sitting or floating shadows, usually you see out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes the shadows are human-shaped, sometimes they are not, they are large or small.

5. Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet begins to behave strangely. The dog may bark at something invisible, for no reason at all, it refuses to enter the room. Cats can watch things. Animals have much better developed senses, so many researchers believe that thanks to this, animals respond better to these entities.

6. The feeling of being watched is not the strangest feeling, but it can be attributed to the source of the paranormal. Usually felt in a certain part of the house, at a certain time.

These are just the most common and repeated signs that a house is haunted. No one is immune to stranger things...

All these may be signs that otherworldly tenants have wound up in your house. True ghosts are rare and it may be quite difficult to determine if they are related. strange phenomena that you notice in your house, with ghosts. On the one hand, no one can know exactly what makes them settle in certain places. But if you think your home has been spared, is there anything you can do about it?

Common Signs of a Ghost Appearance

First, you need to determine, and no one can do it better than you, whether you have had cases worthy of attention. Not everyone behaves the same, they can create many inexplicable phenomena. Some ghosts produce a single phenomenon - for example, a specific clapping closed door, which happens repeatedly - while other ghosts in full bloom create many many different phenomena, ranging from barely audible noises to constant appearances.

Here is a list of the most common phenomena that may indicate that ghosts are interested in your home:

- unexplained noises- Steps; blows, knocking, tapping; scratching; falling sounds. Sometimes these noises can be barely audible and infrequent, at times they can be quite loud.

- opening and closing doors, cupboards and cupboards- most often, these phenomena are usually not noticed. Anyone can hear the characteristic sounds of opening or closing doors (homeowners will recognize the sounds of doors opening in their own home), but the evidence of the appearance of ghosts will be indisputable only if you remember that you left an open door closed. Sometimes furniture, such as kitchen chairs, can be moved from one place to another. Very rarely, such phenomena occur in front of witnesses.

- turning the light on and off- as in the previous paragraph, it is very rare to pay attention to such phenomena, but if the light is on, and you know for sure that it was turned off, this can also be clear sign uninvited guests. The same can happen with televisions, radios, and other household appliances.

- the disappearance of objects and their subsequent appearance- this is the phenomenon that we called the "Missing Object Effect" (The Appearance of the Missing Object. Also this phenomenon is called "loan", and this is a familiar situation when you cannot find what you often use - for example, car keys - you think you put them where you usually do. But they are gone, and you waste time looking for them unsuccessfully. And then, the keys are found - exactly in the place where you usually put them. It's like someone briefly took, and then put in. Sometimes things disappear for several days or even weeks, but then they appear in the exact place that you cannot miss when looking for them.

- inexplicable shadows- random shadows, usually seen with peripheral vision. The frequent appearance of shadows with obvious human forms, sometimes good, sometimes not very distinguishable.

- strange animal behavior- dogs, cats or other pets behave strangely. Dogs may bark at something invisible to the human eye, cower for no apparent reason, or refuse to enter the room for unexplained reasons. Cats can "watch" something cross the room. Animals have more developed senses than humans, and many researchers believe that their psychic abilities can be better tuned.

- the feeling of being watched- this unusual feeling can be caused by anything, but it has an inexplicable source if this feeling occurs in a certain part of the house at a certain time.

Here are some of the most common events that can happen in any haunted house. But sometimes even more inexplicable things happen...

Stronger Evidence

The following phenomena are rare, but they become serious evidence of the appearance of a ghost:

- psychokinetic phenomena- the sound of a door opening or something like that is an example of such phenomena. In fact, this time it's happening in front of you. Switching on and off the light, which can be repeated or is a single phenomenon, becomes evidence that something inexplicable is happening. Do you see the television or radio turning on by itself? Or perhaps you're in a nursery and you see your child's clockwork toy starting to work on its own. Doors and windows are closed or opened. Some people report that when they are in bed, they can feel and/or hear someone sitting up on the bed.

- the feeling of being touched- if you feel being watched, that is one thing, and quite another if you feel that something has touched you. Some people feel that something has swept past them, something has touched their hair, they feel a "hand" on their shoulder. Sometimes something can gently nudge or push you.

- screams and whispers- muffled voices, whispers and screams that can be heard. Sometimes, music is heard from nowhere. People hear their names spoken by someone. This phenomenon, like all the above, gains more weight if several people hear or see the same thing at the same time.

- cold or hot items- unexplained coldness is a classic sign of a cast, but, in principle, any case of a significant increase or decrease in temperature for no reason can be evidence of the appearance of a ghost.

- unexplained odors- the smell of perfume or cologne that you have never had. This phenomenon occurs for no apparent reason and may be accompanied by other phenomena such as shadows, voices, or psychokinetic phenomena. In addition, various repulsive odors may occur.

irrefutable evidence

There are even rarer and more unusual phenomena, some of them are called poltergeists, and they can be very convincing evidence of the truth of the appearance of ghosts:

- Moving or lifting objects (serious psychokinetic events)- plates sliding on the table; paintings flying off the wall; slamming doors; furniture moving across the floor.

- physical attack- scratches, bumps and strong shocks. This sign of personal attack is extremely rare.

- another physical proof- inexplicable writing on paper or walls; hand and foot prints.

- phenomena- the physical manifestation of a spirit or object. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: fog in the form of a person or an indeterminate form; transparent human figures that disappear almost immediately; and most rare, human figures that look as real as real people, but walk into the room through the walls and disappear when seen.

Eliminate rational explanations

A person who has discovered several of these phenomena has reason to believe that his or her home is haunted. But here you can be wrong. According to most experts, human mind and human feelings (any magician will tell you) are easily fooled. And people can easily confuse the explainable things happening in their homes with the paranormal.

Before you think your house is haunted and panic, do your best to find a rational explanation for what you've experienced. Almost all of the phenomena listed above could have completely natural causes:

Opening and closing doors may be due to defective hinges or incorrect installation;

The effect of PPO is the most common negligence and forgetfulness;

The shadows are possibly caused by the headlights of a passing car;

Perhaps some of the phenomena you have discovered are just a product of your imagination.

Of course, the more inexplicable the phenomena, the harder it is to refute their existence. And, as noted above, if there are many witnesses who have experienced these phenomena, they are likely to be taken more seriously.

Try to get help in discovering rational explanations for phenomena. A plumber could help you find the cause of that knock. A carpenter can save that door from self-closing. A friend or neighbor could look at your specific experience and offer a reasonable explanation for what you noticed. In short, make every effort to understand that your house is not haunted.

Keep a diary

If you have provided all the rational explanations for the phenomena that occur in your home and they still occur more or less frequently, write them down. Keep a diary in which you will describe the events. For example:

June 2, 2002; 10:30 p.m. - Sitting watching TV when the bathroom light turned on by itself. Went and turned it off again.

June 10, 2002; 21:14 - Was in the kitchen and again heard footsteps in the hallway. There was no one there. Went to have a look, couldn't find the reason.

A diary like this one can help experts in any study of these phenomena.

If you hear unexplained noises, try recording with a portable tape recorder. If physical appearances of ghosts occur, take photographs of or with them. Keep your diary, camera, and camcorders not too far away so that you can record the time when unusual things appear.

Call the Experts

When should you call the bizarre investigator? Only when you have ruled out any rational explanations for the phenomena, and you feel and are completely sure that your house is indeed haunted, can you contact the experts. Of course, if the events are extraordinary and you feel that you and your family are in physical or psychological impact You should call for help right away.

Who are these experts? There are hundreds of organizations that deal with such cases. Of course, they differ in terms of having practical experience, so you should be careful in your choice. Troy Taylor, in his article, "What to do for someone who has a haunted house," gives some good advice for those who choose to explore the unidentified, including the qualities that they should have, and gives questions that you should ask them before inviting them to check your house.

Despite the oddities you've discovered, your home is unlikely to be inhabited by otherworldly tenants. Also, it could be good spirit or a phenomenon that you can coexist with. Usually, these phenomena do not portend anything dangerous.

Stephen Wagner

The translation of the article was made specifically for

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