Home Numerology All people are kind, but only to different degrees? Why? We are so different, or important differences between male and female psychology

All people are kind, but only to different degrees? Why? We are so different, or important differences between male and female psychology

Because all people have different genetics, perceptions of the world around them and reality.

If everyone in the world were equally kind, it would be very boring, because everyone is the same.

It is also quite possible that many people simply do not want to give all their love and kindness to everyone around them, but cherish these tender feelings for their soulmate.

Many people are very angry, nervous and irritable from birth, while others, on the contrary, are kind, sociable and positive, and there is nothing to fix, alas, this is a harsh reality.

In my opinion, many people nowadays are very angry because everything around them forces them to be so, even most children's cartoons are based on harsh, rude and inappropriate behavior. An important role is also played by the fact that in our time almost everyone speaks a mat, and it is very difficult to find a decent person who would speak a decent, unspoiled speech. And swearing, as you know, destroys the human psyche to smithereens, due to which a person ...

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Levels of Human Development and why all people are different

All people are different! Remember who you sat at the same desk with and look at his fate, is it different from yours? People lived in the same yard, grew up in approximately the same environment, received the same knowledge, and the fates at the same time can often be radically opposite - one got drunk, chipped, the other became a president, a banker, etc.

Human development levels are the first characteristic that gives an understanding of why all people are different. One is talented and successful, and the other mediocrity and loser. Someone lives hundreds of lives, and someone the first or second.

The second characteristic is positivity, it also determines the degree of purity of a person's karma, that is, the degree of happiness and suffering that he deserves in life!

Remember, when they say to you - “All people are equal!” - never believe it, this is a huge delusion, this is a deception, because absolutely all people ...

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Levels of Human Development or why all people are different

Remember, when they tell you - “All people are equal!” - never believe it, this is a huge delusion, this is a deception, because absolutely all people are different! People are not equal in almost everything, no matter what it concerns.

All people are different in their own way appearance and manifestations, by character, by goals and methods of achieving them, by habits and reactions, by the degree of happiness and suffering that they experience, by the internal set of personal qualities, abilities and talents that they possess, by what they achieve in life .

Some, outstanding personalities - left a huge mark in the History of Mankind, and changed the world with their ideas and deeds. And about others, no one has ever heard and will not know, because they did not create anything significant, except for the difficulties for their loved ones.

Some, such as Mother Teresa, did great Good and left behind thousands of grateful hearts and saved destinies. Others, such as Adolf Hitler, did...

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Program from the "Prague" cycle. In the Czech capital, Matvey Ganapolsky talks with journalist, writer, Radio Liberty host Ivan Tolstoy about Prague, the Czechs, Europe and Russia.

Program repeat

Broadcast transcript

Matvey GANAPOLSKY, presenter: Hello, dear listeners. In the studio Matvey Ganapolsky. We continue the cycle of our programs, which is called "People of Prague". This broadcast is being recorded in Prague. And it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to wonderful people who, in fact, for a Russian-speaking person who comes to this beautiful city, determines in some sense, even in many ways, its appearance. As a tourist, when you come to Prague, you can admire the buildings, look at the Vltava River, go to the Prague Castle, but you quickly get used to it, because we saw a lot on TV, a lot is familiar. Still, the city you come to is determined by people. And I'm glad to bring interesting people to the air for you. Those who know Radio Liberty...

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One of the most interesting departments of psychology is personality psychology. Back in the late thirties, people actively began to conduct various studies on this topic. So by the second half of the last century, numerous approaches and theories about personality were formed. Every person is different. Why are people so different?

We believe that the most appropriate definition is the following definition. Personality is the systemic stability of the social traits of an individual person, which characterizes the individual as a member of a particular society.

One of the most modern approaches considers personality as a biopsychosocial system. Actually, it is these three factors that make up the personality - psychological, biological and social.

The biological factor includes all external signs (height, eye color, nail shape) and internal (parasympathetic and sympathetic type of the autonomic system, biorhythms, features ...

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V. Ishutin


I believe that our Christian position on this issue will be clearer and more external if we begin our reasoning with the definition of conscience, as such, and its significance in the coexistence of people of different races, nationalities, beliefs and positions in society. So, conscience. What it is? Conscience is moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person, inner awareness of good and evil; it is the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of the act. Conscience is a feeling that induces to truth and goodness, averts from falsehood and evil. It is an involuntary love of goodness and truth; it is an innate truth in man, only in varying degrees of development.

If there are different worldviews, different beliefs, different religions, different philosophies and political structures, then people are all created in the image and likeness of God and created ...

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Why are most fat people kind?

What is kindness in essence? - it is nonsense. (as many philosophers wrote...) just do from psychology and medicine, including it is believed that the average fat person is necessarily dumber than the average statistical incomplete person. But of course it's not entirely in the mind, but in the person himself. he has to be kind because life leaves him nothing else. Because that's why people are drawn to them. life makes them kind, so that people are drawn to them. how full they are. a full belly does not understand the hungry
Why are fat people better? -they just live in abundance, like our deputies ... it’s more correct to say “full people”! because the size of the Soul depends to some extent on the proportions of the body! Patamu that there is always a lot of good ... nonsense because children can be very cruel, but they are going through this period ... and it's easier to survive it, not paying attention to it ... therefore, they are easier to relate to others, and it is much more difficult to really piss them off, ...

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Kindness has a second semantic meaning - mercy. It means love for one's neighbor and readiness to provide him with disinterested help, if necessary. However, kindness extends not only to people, but also to those living beings that need human help. But why does kindness become a vital need for many people?

Sponsored by the placement of P&G Articles on the topic "Why people are kind" How to influence a person How to re-educate a person How to be honest


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How did a man become a man?

For many years, historical science, anthropology, and philosophy were dominated by the point of view, according to which man was made man by labor. Man rose above the animal state only when he began to produce tools, and production is his main difference from animals.

The development of man went especially fast with the emergence of language - now the production of "cultural" objects has far outstripped the creation of tools and, in turn, contributed to the rapid development of technology. Life-expanding cultural "work" has assumed a more important position than utilitarian manual labor.

A person has two lives: one, in which we live like wound automata, adapting to the world around us and society; and the second, into which we fall into rare moments when we create, when we love, when we do good. From the point of view of philosophy, this is true life - here we rejoice, worry, worry deeply, here we live completely ...

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Sociologists have a so-called theory of "innate empathy". It lies in the fact that in a normal person, the suffering of another person or a living being nearby causes mental suffering, no less severe than physical. It has been observed that healthy babies begin to cry and behave restlessly if they hear a sick or hungry baby crying lying on ...

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Why are people kind

What is kindness? Let me ask. In what way does it manifest itself? How to notice kindness in an ordinary gloomy passer-by?

So why are people kind?

To fully answer the question of why people are kind, it is worth understanding first what kindness is. In fact, kindness (goodness) is a very broad and capacious concept. It consists of everything real, tender, bright, warm, light, clear. Kindness in the essence of a person is the same natural phenomenon as the desire to live, breathe, look, laugh, see. It is a reality that does not require any effort to create it. The transmission link of goodness is still a person. Very often human kindness is confused with weak character, weakness. But there are still some signs of genuine kindness. So good people

They are very sensitive by nature. They want all the people around them to have more positive, goodness in their lives. This feature should not be confused with...

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One thing is not clear: what does "fascism" have to do with it? ... You shouldn't throw such labels so thoughtlessly. It's a joke. I thought you would understand, but oh well ...
Your personal knowledge is extremely clear from your posts. The complex of "messiahism" is the main trouble of some "practitioners" who can't see anything further than their nose and don't want to know... What kind of "own Path" can an ordinary person SUDDENLY find on his own!?... Only having mastered the accumulated earthly Spiritual Knowledge plus the Spiritual Truths of the Teachers of Wisdom by mankind, - only then a spiritually advanced already advanced person is able "not to discover some mythical invented "own Path" - but to follow the well-known Spiritual Evolutionary Path beaten by centuries by various Spiritual Pilgrims... Eka You swung - find "your Way"!... Your methods and ways of comprehending the Spiritual Practices proposed by the Masters of Wisdom - this is still understandable... Otherwise - "your Way"... Where to?... Why reinvent the wheel if it has already been invented others. He already exists. But yours ...

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Good and evil. Where does it come from in man? When does he become good or evil? The great humanist Jean Jacques Rousseau argued that a person is born full of goodness, and life circumstances can spoil him. And it is easy to believe in it - after all, it has been memorized from the school bench: “being determines consciousness” ... But why do you see so often: in the same circumstances, one is cruel, the other is soft, one wants to take everything, the other is ready to give everything. Why, out of two children growing up in the same family, one carries a bowl of milk to a homeless kitten, and the other ties a burning piece of paper to its tail?
I brought down these questions on the head of the laboratory of the psychology of individuality of the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Vladimir Mikhailovich RUSALOV. And, trying to explain her thought, she drew a picture for him:

Here, for example, is the children's ward of the maternity hospital. They lie...

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When purchasing a dog, we must be aware that now, together with our pet, we will form a single bioenergetic space. And this means that his health and fate fully depend on our personal qualities. If we live in violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy (the Law of the Universe), then we will definitely have a dissonance with the rhythms of the Universe, which means that unconsciously we begin to surround ourselves with the so-called energy “gaps”. And then our dog has no choice but to close these energy "holes" with itself. The diseases of our pets are the result of our neglect of the laws of the Universe. Violations are different, so the dog is sick with varying degrees of severity. All people are conditionally divided into energy donors (good) and energy vampires(evil). Donors, in turn, are divided into tolerant and patient, able to forgive. They do not hold a grudge, therefore they are healers for themselves. Their principle is to endure, to forgive, that is, not to accumulate everything negative in oneself, ...

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good advice and help is needed only where it is appropriate. Unfortunately, kind doesn't mean smart. Helping a child get dressed when he should learn to do it himself, helping a teenage girl in the kitchen when she is trying to cook a meal herself is cruel to people who want their own experience.

You still need to be kind!

There is kindness in the heart of every person. Sometimes this kindness is shown only to our smaller brothers, but more often - to people. And here I want to understand, and why people are so cruel out of kindness? Why do they seek to do good?

Not all kindness is equally useful!

While discussing with friends, we went through several stages of understanding the good. Here you are walking down the street, you see - the old woman looks longingly at the unregulated crosswalk. You translate it - but it turns out that she did not need to! You have to be careful with kindness.

Or vice versa. Ask a depressed person how he is. He'll say it's okay. Believe me...

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Remember when you are told - "All people are equal!" - never believe, this is a huge delusion, this is a deception, because all people are completely different! People are not equal in almost everything, no matter what it concerns.
All people are different in their appearance and manifestations, in character, in goals and methods of achieving them, in habits and reactions, in the degree of happiness and suffering that they experience, in the internal set of personal qualities, abilities and talents that they possess, according to what they achieve in life.

Some - outstanding personalities, left a huge mark in the History of Mankind and changed the world with their ideas and deeds. And about others - no one has ever heard and will not know, because they did not create anything significant, except for the difficulties for their loved ones.

Some, such as Mother Teresa, did great Good and left behind thousands of grateful hearts and saved destinies. Others, such as Adolf Hitler, committed terrible Evil, bringing suffering and death to millions of people.

Each person is absolutely unique in everything, including in his destiny and destiny. Although it would be fair to say that people, different groups of people have a lot in common, what unites them. But now is not about that!

The two main criteria for distinguishing all Humans (the main characteristics of a Human)

In traditional psychology, there are 4 types of human character, or types of temperaments: phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine and melancholic. But, in fact, this is useless information! Because these characteristics do not at all determine the achievements of a person - neither the degree of his success, nor the degree of happiness and suffering that he experiences. History knows the great and successful people who were choleric and sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. And losers also have all four types of character.

Consider the main and truly defining characteristics of a Human:

1. Level of Development! In essence, this is what a Person can and cannot do - this is the degree of strength of his Personality, what peak he is able to climb, and what remains unattainable for him.

2. Positivity! This is the degree of conformity of all manifestations of a person (beliefs, goals, values, motives, methods, qualities, reactions, etc.) to Good or Evil. That is, a person goes to worthy goals, by pure methods, striving to act out of love and act according to conscience. Or he lives according to the principle “man is a wolf to man”, “the end justifies the means” - and leaves behind suffering souls and ruined destinies.

In this article, we consider in more detail the levels of Human development, the levels of strength and achievements.

8 levels of human development on Earth

Basic definitions:

General level of human development— its main characteristic, primarily in the Subtle World. It is used to determine the karmic tasks of a person (the degree of complexity of the tasks given for the embodiment: one - to grow cucumbers, the other - to conquer countries).

External indicators of levels- external results already obtained by a person (career, place in society, achievements: one - sweeps the yard, the other - reforms the country, creates laws, etc.).

Internal indicators(visible in the Subtle World) - the complexity, strength, abilities, experience of the Soul (a wise soul that has gone through hundreds of incarnations and has great knowledge, abilities, experience, status and merits, or is it a beginner who was born for the first time in a human body and still nothing able).

8 levels of development

1st level of development - Physical or Material, corresponds to the goals and values ​​​​of the Muladhara chakra. In society are workers, peasants sudras ), work by hand. Core values ​​of life- learn to work with your hands, build a house, give birth to children. The majority of people in the world are the first level, about 80%.

2 level of development - Ethereal or Social, corresponds to the goals and aspirations of the Svadhisthana chakra. In society- these are merchants (small businessmen), bourgeois ( vaishya ), in modern society, these are also specialists, those who are masters in their field, the best (implies mental work, and not purely physical labor). Core values ​​of life- enjoyment of the material world (its possibilities), sensual pleasures, achievement of comfort and power (through money, organization of small-scale production, etc.). At the second level, the quality of pleasures, their external form (beauty) and sophistication, etc. matter. There are about 15% of people on the second level on earth.

Level 3 - Astral or Energy, corresponds to the goals and aspirations of the Manipura chakra. In society- charismatic strong personalities, leaders: managers of medium-sized businesses (owners of corporations), politicians, public figures ( kshatriyas - warriors). Core values ​​of life- the desire for energy strength, the development of one's own Personality, for power over oneself and one's destiny (for management and control), the desire for esoteric knowledge and the disclosure of abilities (including extrasensory ones). The people of the third level on the planet are about 3%.

People of other levels on earth - about 2%.

Level 4 of development - Mental or Informational, corresponds to the goals and aspirations of the Anahata chakra. In society- people of knowledge, outstanding scientists, researchers, innovators, inventors, those who create new knowledge, ideas and enrich humanity with their discoveries. And also these are Teachers, primarily Spiritual, who are mentors for others in their life path (Brahmins ). The main values ​​of life are service to society, development of people (leading them along the path of development), creation of new ideas, knowledge, theories.

5th level of development - Karmic, corresponds to the goals and values ​​​​of the Vishuddha chakra. In society- these are creators, public figures, reformers capable of influencing millions of people, their talents are a mystical influence of the word (great orators) and creativity. Core values ​​of life- service to society, influence on people (on the masses), creativity, etc.

6th level of development - Buddhic, corresponds to the goals and values ​​​​of the Ajna chakra. In society- great rulers, people of great strength, will, ability to manage global systems (state, etc.). Such people are characterized by the most complex systems thinking, the ability to simultaneously solve dozens of very complex tasks, and successfully manage many processes. Core values ​​of life- harmonious development, absolute management, leading society (country) along the path of development (up the steps of perfection).

7 and 8 levels of development - Spiritual and Absolute(7 and 8 - transmutational or superconscious levels of development), correspond to the goals and values ​​​​of the Sahasrara and Atman chakras (level 8). In society- these are Geniuses, Messiahs, Supermen: the founders of world Teachings, Empires (brahmas, divine people). These great Souls incarnate for great missions (at all times - only a few) - they are able to create the most complex systems of Knowledge that qualitatively change the world, as, for example, Christianity changed ancient world and, in fact, is the basis of modern European civilization. Core values ​​of life– Serving God, realizing the plans and ideals of the Creator on a global scale (on the scale of all mankind) – the development and purification of people, their elevation to the next levels of development, the fight against Evil. And also - the disclosure of superpowers, universal love, etc. The main examples of such people are Christ, Buddha, Krishna, etc.

The second main characteristic of a Human is Positivity!

Who is a Positive Person and what is positivity in practical psychology

A Positive Person is a person with a high degree of positivity (above 75-80%). And positivity is the second main characteristic of a person, these two characteristics are most important for everything that a person achieves in his life and what he experiences. Level of Development and Positivity- these are the main vectors of development (strengthening and purification) and changes in its fate. You can determine your level and positivity: A. According to the results achieved in life (level of goals, degree of happiness and suffering). IN. With the help of clairvoyance, the level and positivity of a person can be known through the Healer.

What is Positivity (characteristic of a person)

Positivity- the degree of conformity of all ideas and manifestations of a person with the Spiritual Laws of Good and Evil, and other issues.

Positivity - determines the Forces of the Subtle World, which will patronize a person according to fate(Dark, Light or Gray), the state of a person (% of suffering experienced in life and experienced happiness) and fate in general (what it will be, what a person will achieve, what he has the right to, and what he does not have).

Beliefs - what a person believes in (God - exists or not, I am a Soul or a chewing organism, life - is given for happiness or to suffer, etc.), how he relates (positively or negatively, etc.) determines everything decisions of a person, his actions and, accordingly, all the results that he receives in life (rewards or punishments, spiritual and wealth or empty baskets).

Most people on Earth are a homogeneous mass, with positivity fluctuating from about 40 to 60%. Above 70%, only people who have been on the path of development for more than one year and, fulfilling the conditions for working on themselves, have positivity in the region of 75-80%. Only a few hundred people on the whole Earth have positiveness above 90%.

Positivity grows due to constant development and work on oneself.

What is a positive person?

A positive person is a person who strives to always follow the Spiritual Laws and not to commit stupid or evil deeds that lead to negative consequences.

Follow Spiritual Laws- it means to live in accordance with a certain code of Honor based on high moral principles(follow Conscience, do not commit evil, do not suppress others, do not destroy yourself, do good deeds for people and this world, and many others).

To be a Positive person, just not doing evil is not enough, as they say, “ good man' is not a profession. A positive person is one who creates some good, which enriches this world and the souls of people. And the grass that grows along the road can simply not do evil, and it does an excellent job with this.

If the level of development is the Strength of a person (his core, personal qualities and abilities), what peak he is able to conquer, what obstacles to overcome on the way to it, then positivity is Light, what comes from a person, something good, revealing hearts of other people, and the absence of negativity, from which everything shrinks inside.

The main manifestations of a Positive person:

The first is Light, a truly positive person always or almost always shines: light and kindness pours from his eyes, light also comes from his face and smile. The soul of such a person is full of light and therefore it is happy, and when the soul of a person is strong and happy, such a person almost always smiles, even if this smile is barely noticeable, like that of the Buddha.

Second is Joy, as a natural state of the soul, joy that is always present in a person’s heart, regardless of external circumstances. If a person is positive, it means that he has found the right answers to many questions in his life and this gives him a state of happiness.

The third is creative activity. the ability to give. For a positive person, selfless service is the natural state of his soul. When a person is filled with Light and Joy, he cannot but strive to give them to the world around him. And above all, this Good is manifested in its good deeds for the world, society and people around. And just a cheerful chatterbox is not a positive person, it's just a chatterbox.

To achieve a high degree of positivity, a state of joy and happiness, it is necessary to cleanse your soul, your karma through everyday work for many years, and learn the art of joy and service for the benefit of the whole world.

Of course, you know a lot about the difference between men and women. These differences are manifested not only at the level of physiology and psychology, but also in behavior in the family, at work, in society, in any relationship.

We will now talk about what is characteristic of all women: strong and weak, loving and purposeful, open and withdrawn. And also about what psychological feature distinguishes all men from all women.

To begin with, let's turn to the interesting results of one of the studies of babies - boys and girls of one day of age. When studying the attention of toddlers, it turned out that girls followed human faces much longer, and boys paid much more attention to moving objects. By the way, such an early age of babies (one day from birth) was chosen specifically to show that the differences between men and women do not depend on education or the influence of society, but are inherent in us from the very beginning.

Let's now analyze and briefly formulate the main difference between male and female psychology: this will help us better understand why we are so different.

So, as we have seen, little boys showed interest in moving objects. Why? Because they can be caught, picked up, subjugated to your will. There is a kind of hunter's instinct at work here. (A small caveat: every woman can direct this male instinct to herself if she constantly changes, becomes an "impregnable fortress", etc.).

This instinct also means that a man is initially tuned in to the wave of conquering the world, and by this he separates himself from the world, puts a boundary between himself and the world.

In simpler terms: "Here I am (more precisely, my inner world) - but everything else (the world, space, plants and animals, people, society)".

This is the main difference between male psychology. A man is aware of him or not, but he is so arranged. At first glance, it seems that what is special here?

But very important conclusions are hidden here: every man is initially lonely, he is, as it were, closed in his inner world, and leaves it for the outside world only "on business", that is, in order to do something, accomplish, achieve and again returns to own, closed to others, space.

That is why it is more difficult for men to act according to someone else's plan, adjust, change their plans, and indeed their lives, because of another person. The focus of men on their world and affairs does not allow them to completely, headlong, plunge into feelings and relationships, which is so characteristic of us women. The inner boundaries of their world do not allow them to easily, openly and simply express their feelings, although their love can be very strong.

Well, we have considered only a small part of the features of male psychology, since the size of the article does not allow us to talk about them all at once, but we will return to them in other articles, but for now let's stop there and talk about women.

As you remember, in the above study on little girls, it was concluded that they hold the most attention on people's faces. What does this mean?

What is most important for women in the world, more than society, the world as a whole, stones, plants and animals, other people are important. The gaze is always directed at them, or rather at the lives of those around us. In any situation and in life in general, women are initially tuned in to other people, to unity with them. That is, in everything, and especially in personal relationships - to be together, share your joys and sorrows, thoughts and experiences.

Women think more about others, even strangers. They are very interested in: who does what and why, why they live this way and not differently, what to strive for and what to enjoy. But also, they are ready to talk about themselves, responding to counter curiosity and attention to their lives.

I have no doubt that all these features are very familiar to you. And we can briefly formulate the essence of female psychology as follows:

"I (my inner world) and another person (more precisely, his inner and outer world)".

That is why other people and communication with them are so important to women. That is why they so want to reveal their inner world. close person, share with him your experiences, problems, just speak out.

Yes, they are almost always ready to reveal their world to other people and at the same time we are interested in what is happening in their world, what they think about, worry about, what they consider important, and in general what is going on with them.

Because of this, establishing harmony in relationships is so important for women. And mutual understanding is a kind of connection of two inner worlds.

By the way, here we see that women are initially tuned in to waves of unity and cooperation. It is easier for them to make adjustments to their plans, adjust and change their lives for the sake of their beloved man and, in general, those who are close to them.

Women's feelings, emotions and experiences are very rich and vivid, and they often share them with those they love. They reveal and give away their inner world without a trace, share everything they feel or think. But!

No wonder they say that a woman should be a mystery. And when a woman leaves at least a small piece of her world inside herself, without telling anyone about it, this becomes their little secret. And it attracts a man to them, in which that notorious hunter instinct, which we talked about at the very beginning of the article, wakes up.

There are many more features that women have. But we will talk about them in other articles. Now let's summarize what we've got:

So, male feature: "Here I am (my inner world) - but everything else (the world, space, plants and animals, people, society)".

Feminine feature: "I (my inner world) and the other person (his inner and outer world)".

Comparing these two features, we see that as much as a man closes himself and lives in his inner world, acting in the outside, so much a woman lives and is interested in the lives of other people, opening her world to them, studying the inner worlds of other people.

As much as a man sets boundaries, protecting the integrity of his own world, so much a woman seeks to destroy them, organizing a kind of unity of the worlds.

Let's now sum up our conversation. So,

1. Men are initially closed in their inner world. And they are not inclined to be very interested in the lives of other people.

This must be accepted as a fact, which nevertheless lends itself to change. Remember, he is ready to do anything for you if he feels the great importance of this mission not only for you, but also for himself. After all, it is more difficult for a man to open the boundaries of his world and pay attention to the world of another person than for us. Therefore, be prepared for the gradual growth of your loved one. But I have no doubt that even small changes in it will please you very much.

2. Women are initially open to understanding the world of other people, and their own world is always open.

This means that we - women - are by nature tuned in to the waves of other people, to communicate with them, to be able to empathize and share experiences. These qualities, of course, cannot be changed, but pay a little more attention to your own inner world won't bother us. And sometimes you also need to set the boundaries of your world so as not to share your personal problems with someone who knows not. After all, as they say, "everything you say can be used against you." Therefore, you need to learn not only to open, but also to close. Like this.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we will learn to better understand each other and overcome difficulties together if we always take into account our such dissimilar features. This is the key to understanding and love.

I sincerely hope that knowing the main differences between male and female psychology will help you better understand your loved one, more confidently build long-term and lasting relationships with him, understanding that he is not like you, but also wants to love and be loved.

I wish you Love, Harmony and good Mutual Understanding!

For many years in historical science, anthropology, philosophy, the point of view prevailed, according to which labor made man a man. Man rose above the animal state only when he began to produce tools, and production is his main difference from animals.

Especially rapidly the development of man went with the advent of language- Now the production of "cultural" items has far outstripped the creation of tools and, in turn, contributed to the rapid development of technology. Life-expanding cultural "work" has assumed a more important position than utilitarian manual labor.

A person has two lives: one, in which we live like wound automata, adapting to the world around us and society; and the second, into which we fall into rare moments when we create, when we love, when we do good. From the point of view of philosophy, this is true life - here we rejoice, worry, deeply experience, here we live completely in a waking state. However, all these things: goodness, love, beauty, intelligence, conscience, honor - are supernatural, because they do not have any natural causes. You can’t ask a person why he did good (for if there is a reason, then there is no good deed: “I saved a person because he is rich and will thank me”), you can’t ask why he loves another person (if there is a reason, then there is no love: "I love her because she is beautiful" - but there are thousands more beautiful). Kindness, like love, needs no explanation.

Why are all people different?

People of some particular society, some country live in more or less the same conditions: one culture, one mores and customs, one language. But people are still all different, unlike each other. Even in the same family, children grow up different, although they are brought up in the same conditions. What makes all people different, inimitable and unique?

First: features of the mental warehouse- temperament, speed of mental reactions, ingenuity - all this is given to a person by inheritance.

Second: childhood experiences and childhood memories. Each child has his own childhood experience, his own experiences, the world opened up to each in his own way, each in his own way experienced his childhood fears, failures or joys.

Third: features of an individual biography- everyone lives his own life, and everything that happens to him, and the way he relates to it, is completely different from the life of other people.

Fourth: inconsistency of life roles. Each person has several roles in life at the same time. For example, a schoolboy, when he talks with teachers, especially with the director of the school, is one person, attentive, respectful, his eyes shine with knowledge and diligence. But as soon as he goes out into the yard, where his friends are waiting for him, he becomes completely different, he jumps, screams, and his facial expression is appropriate. He becomes a third person by coming home and talking to his parents.

This does not mean that he pretends every time: every time it is himself, each person has many faces, or rather, many aspects of his personality, many roles. All these four points make each person as a person inimitable and unique. And this uniqueness is expressed in the concept of I. “I” appears in a person from the age of three or four, when he begins to understand that there is I, and there are other people. Prior to this, almost all children refer to themselves in the third person. By the age of ten or twelve, the image of I is formed.

Exist protection mechanisms I who act unconsciously, keeping the personality from destruction:

A. Displacement mechanism. A person experiences great grief or is faced with something unusually terrible, his psyche may not withstand and collapse. But this mechanism works, and a person either loses consciousness or suddenly forgets about the misfortune that has befallen him;

b. Inversion mechanism, reversing momentum to the exact opposite. Boys at the age of 12-13 wake up with a sexual feeling, but they begin to consider girls as their first enemies and fight with them - they fight, push, knock out briefcases from their hands. In fact, they really like girls, but the psyche goes its own way in order to maintain balance;

V. Reorientation mechanism. The psyche unconsciously switches emotions from one object to another, more accessible one. A schoolboy is in big trouble in class, and when he comes home upset, he takes out his irritation on his younger brother or on his beloved dog. In some countries, at the enterprises, on the advice of psychologists, they put up a scarecrow of the boss, on which you can vent your irritation.

We can say that a person has two I - external and internal

The outer self is a collection of knowledge, rules of action, behavior, and methods of thinking. The inner self is an intimate, hidden core of the personality: all our dreams and hopes. This is something that cannot be told to another, conveyed in the form of words or signs. Philosopher Rene Descartes said: the one who can tell everything about himself, he will describe the entire universe.

Related information:

  1. HPSY.RU/ publications / .. / The Problem of Man: Self and "I" in psychology
  2. Stage II of the bacteriological method for isolating a pure culture of microorganisms - pathogens of human diseases
  3. II. Speech activity of a person. Creation of text. Communicative qualities of good speech and ways to achieve them

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