Home Palmistry A knock on the window after swimming is a sign. What does a knock on the window portend? How to protect yourself from evil spirits

A knock on the window after swimming is a sign. What does a knock on the window portend? How to protect yourself from evil spirits

According to long-standing beliefs, caring for a pregnant woman cured infertility and promoted good luck. For this reason, in dry years, the expectant mother was doused with water to cause rain and thereby save the harvest.

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A knock on the window - a sign of joy or grief?

It's not just people knocking on windows and doors. Sometimes the culprits of such a sound are tree branches or entities other world. When a person clearly hears a knock and does not detect who or what is making it, they say that trouble has come to the house.

However, this is not quite true. A knock on a window during the day is interpreted as a warning about receiving news from afar. It may be the result of the pranks of neighbor's children or a bored brownie.

Knock on the window: what to do with a sign

Most often, birds knock on glass. They are considered messengers of higher powers. In most cases, they report upcoming changes in life. Whether a feathered creature brings good or bad news depends on its membership in a particular bird community.

A knock of unknown origin may indicate the presence in the house of a poltergeist or the souls of dead people who once lived in the area. A priest or psychic can rid a house of uninvited guests.

Signs and superstitions associate a knock on a window or door of unknown origin with the following events:

  1. There was a knock on the window - signs advised to cross yourself, wipe the glass with holy water and read a prayer. In most cases, this is a sign of the presence of higher powers, warning of possible misfortune.
  2. A knock on the window in the evening is a sign of death or serious illness of one of the household members. In such a situation, you cannot look out the window, much less open it.
  3. Knocking on the window at night is a sign of the presence of evil spirits near the home, who roam the earth after sunset and are looking for an opportunity to take possession of the human body.
  4. The sign - a knock on the door has a similar interpretation to the above.
  5. Knocking on doors and windows on the eve of church holidays reminds us of the need to visit the temple and remember the dead.
  6. If the knocking is repeated for several days in a row at the same time, this is a sign that you will soon have to welcome unexpected guests.

How to protect yourself from evil spirits?

To scare away evil spirits It is customary to hang over the threshold different amulets and amulets, and periodically wash the glass with holy water. Opening a window to hear a strong knock is a negative omen. It is believed that in this way a person opens a passage to the other world and lets misfortune into the house.

An unexpected knock on the window glass is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. After all, a sharp sound coming from the direction from which only familiar street noises are usually heard can frighten with its suddenness even in broad daylight. What can we say about situations when this happens in the silence of the night or at dawn?

Most often, there is a completely reasonable explanation for the knocking: children’s hooliganism, the appearance of a friend, or a tree branch swaying in a strong wind. These actions do not have any mystical significance.

It happens that the cause is an inattentive bird, and then the meaning of the belief depends on its species. For example, a crow foretells the death of one of the household, a sparrow promises useless troubles, a motley wagtail promises fun, and a titmouse predicts the favor of fortune.

But sometimes the origin of sounds causes absolute bewilderment, and then gloomy memories emerge in memory. folk signs, promising various adversities.

  • The most general interpretation a mysterious noise outside the window tells you that you will soon receive some unpleasant news. This news will most likely become tragic for you and lead to sad changes in fate.
  • A more specific explanation depends on the nature of the sounds. If the noise can be described as loud and intrusive, then get ready for trials related to the material sphere of life. Lingering sounds, similar to grinding or scratching, portend problems in your personal life or difficulties in communicating with colleagues. A loud and abrupt knock means stunning, but by no means happy news, fraught with serious trouble.
  • Depending on the time of day, the interpretation of the sign also changes. An evening knock foreshadows the illness or even death of someone in the household, and then, in order to avoid sad consequences, you should under no circumstances look out the window.
  • If frightening sounds are heard from time to time in the silence of the night, then it is worth consecrating your home. After all, this is how they show themselves evil entities, seeking to enter the house and settle in someone's body.
  • Did you hear knocks on the glass during the day? You should be wary of the unpleasant consequences of malicious gossip spread about you by neighbors, acquaintances or colleagues. For your own benefit, try not to pay attention to gossip and calmly walk through life along your chosen path.
  • Is the window rattling heard at dawn? Most likely, this is how the soul of a person who once died in the house announces its appearance. Sometimes in this way she reminds of unfulfilled dying requests or items of the will, or maybe she simply asks to visit the grave.
  • If something persistently drums on the window on the eve of a church holiday, then you should definitely attend a church service. Perhaps in Lately you pay too little attention to the salvation of your own soul, and higher power decided to remind you of this.
  • A knock repeated repeatedly at the same time warns that soon you will have to receive uninvited and not very pleasant guests. Their visit will probably end in problems and grief for you.
  • Our ancestors believed that if persistent knocks on the glass were heard during rain, then it was better not to start any business. After all, this is how providence warns the inhabitants of the house that a streak of bad luck has begun for them.
  • If knocking on the window glass haunts you only in your night dreams, then in real life New dizzying perspectives and opportunities will suddenly open up to you. Hurry to take advantage of the current situation. Are the impacts too loud and persistent? In reality, you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve your cherished goal, but you will be able to cope with the test with dignity.

An unexpected knock on the window, especially late in the evening or at night, can be very frightening or make you nervous. Our ancestors noticed that even in cases where this sound can be explained by completely trivial reasons, something good rarely happens.

Why do you hear a knock on the window?

According to most signs, a knock on the window is interpreted as bad sign, but there is no need to despair. It is important to pay attention to the details accompanying this event, then you can predict your fate more accurately and protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Prepare for Trouble

One of the most common gloomy beliefs: a knock on a window at night or in the evening portends serious illness, death or serious troubles for household members.

The most alarming and frightening scenario is to go to the window and find that there is no one behind it. In this regard, ancient beliefs say that the house was visited by someone’s soul from the other world to warn that something bad would soon happen. This was usually associated with receiving bad news from family and friends.

If there is bad weather outside and it's raining, then a strong and sharp knock, unlike drops hitting glass, means that you should not plan any serious events in the near future - they will be doomed to failure.

The interpretation of the sign also depends on the nature of the sound:

  • if the knock is sharp and abrupt, you should expect financial difficulties, problems at work, troubles associated with the loss of money;
  • when the sounds are more like grinding or scratching, this promises an imminent conflict with loved ones, a major quarrel, or communication problems;
  • the clinking of glass is a sign of unexpected news that will report some major trouble.

Often the knocking noise is caused by birds hitting the glass. Despite the fact that this reason for the sounds does not carry any mystical connotations, there is still a sign about this. Much depends on which bird knocked on the window. A crow, jackdaw or other large bird portends illness or death; a dove is the soul of the deceased, which has flown in to warn relatives about upcoming adversities.

If knocking is heard regularly, every day at the same time, it means that soon uninvited guests will appear in the house, whom no one will be happy about.

One of the common explanations is that evil spirits are knocking on the window. These could be spirits of the dead, poltergeists, or malevolent entities from the subtle world. As a rule, these visits do not end well. By accidentally opening a window at such a moment, you can let evil spirits into the house, and then its machinations will no longer be avoidable.

Good omens

There are not many positive interpretations of this sign, but they also exist and are associated with certain species of birds:

  • It is believed that tit knocking on the glass symbolizes some event that will happen very soon and will lead to positive changes. If you happen to notice a guest on the windowsill, you can quietly ask fate for a favor - then luck will not pass you by.
  • The second messenger of good news - wagtail. If she knocks on the window, you can expect fun, meeting old friends or a big holiday.

Interpretations by time of day

The explanation for what is happening may vary depending on what time of day the unpleasant knocking noise is heard.

  1. If there is a knock on the glass in the morning- this indicates that the soul is from world of the dead came down to earth to visit her relatives.
  2. When something knocks on the window during the day– it’s better to be vigilant, those around you are plotting something and scheming.
  3. Glass clinking in the evening- the worst sign, it indicates the imminent illness and death of one of the household members. To avoid trouble, under no circumstances should you approach the window or open it.
  4. When knocking is heard at night- this indicates that an otherworldly entity or an invisible spirit is trying to get into the house.

Separately note the knocking on the windows in front of the large church holidays. Having heard it, you must definitely go to church and order a service for your deceased relatives in order to protect yourself from their anger.

Household reasons for knocking

An unexpected and sudden knock on glass is frightening even in daylight, however, it does not always make sense to look for mysticism in this: it is quite possible that there are understandable reasons.

For those who live on the first floor, the explanation is the simplest - someone came to visit and is trying to notify the owners of their arrival. Sometimes children can be naughty. In these cases, there is no point in worrying - such events do not bring anything bad.

Residents of multi-storey buildings may hear a knocking sound as the branches of nearby trees hit the glass, especially when strong wind. If the owners are too impressionable and react sharply to such sounds, it is best to cut down unsuccessfully growing branches to avoid unnecessary stress.

How to protect yourself from evil spirits

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, any negative influence from one or another bad omen it can be avoided or minimized. There are several for this simple rules.

If knocking is heard for the first time, you can read the “Our Father” prayer or any excerpt from Holy Scripture . It is recommended to spray the windowsill with holy water.

Windows should remain closed, especially if it happens at night. In the case when knocking is heard repeatedly, it makes sense to contact a priest in order to bless the house or apartment.

To scare away evil spirits or evil spirits, amulets and talismans are hung on windows. For example, the Japanese glue pieces of paper with excerpts from sacred texts to doorposts, and Orthodox Christians hang an image of a cross on windows and doors.

There is no need to be scared in advance if there is suddenly a knock on the window. Many psychologists have proven that troubles happen to those who internally prepare themselves for them to happen. Therefore, it is very important to maintain an optimistic attitude and good spirits, then troubles will pass by.

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