Home Prayers and spells How to call a gnome during the day at home. How to summon a wish gnome who gives gifts during the day. How to call a good gnome and who he is

How to call a gnome during the day at home. How to summon a wish gnome who gives gifts during the day. How to call a good gnome and who he is

What child doesn't love these fabulous, hardworking, funny and slightly grumpy creatures? According to legend, gnomes live underground and are famous for their hard work, skill and untold wealth. Of all mythical creatures, which are usually called, they are considered the safest and very useful creatures, capable of fulfilling any desires.

There are several opinions on how to summon a gnome, and since all the rituals are simple and not scary and can be easily done at home, you can try everything.

Call the good gnome

To call a good gnome, place a pie in front of a mirror, write a swear word on the pie and call three times:

“Good gnome, come!”

When the gnome appears, he will correct the obscene word into a good one and grant 1 wish.

Summon the wish gnome

To summon the gnome of desires, perform the following ritual. It is best to spend it on the eve of Halloween, Ivan Kupala, New Year or on your birthday.

Remove all white things from the room; you should also not wear anything white. Dwarfs especially like dark blue and black colors. Take a string (not white) and tie candies to it (chocolates for money, caramels and toffees for all other requests). While tying candies, you need to think of a wish, one wish for each candy. Choose different candies in order to remember which candy wrapper corresponds to which desire. After the sweets are secured and wishes are made, the rope needs to be pulled between the legs of two chairs. Also, for the wish gnome, you need to leave something dear to you as a gift - it could be a book, a CD, or a favorite toy. After all preparations are completed, turn off the lights, turn away and say loudly and clearly three times:

"Gnome come!"

If everything is done correctly, then soon you will hear a rustling sound - this is the gnome who has accepted your treat. After all the rustling noises have died down, you can turn around and turn on the light. If all the candies are eaten, then your wishes will come true. If some remain, it means that the wishes made on them will not come true.

Call the money gnome

To call a money gnome you will need:

  • regular thread, 40 cm long.
  • plantain leaf
  • 25 dried mosquitoes
  • Matchbox
  • 3 fragrant chamomile flowers.

On a full moon, after 12 o'clock at night, wrap chamomile flowers and 25 dried mosquitoes in a plantain leaf. The wrapped sheet needs to be tied with a thread saying:

"Money gnome come. Buy my package!"

Ideally, if you can say the formula 5 times! After this, put the plantain leaf in a matchbox and bury it under a tree near the house. After 10 days, instead of a box, you will dig up a chest with all kinds of coins.

How to summon a chewing gnome?

In a dark room, place the candy, take the lace and scissors in your hands and say three times:

"Gum gnome, come!"

When the Gum Gnome comes to you, cut off his finger with scissors and chewing gum will fall out of it; when you decide that you have enough chewing gum, then tie his finger with a cord. So that the gnome is not offended and comes next time, you need to thank him and then say:

"Gum gnome, go away!"

Taking the candy, he will disappear.

How to call a swearing gnome?

In order to have fun, you can call a swearing gnome. To do this, you will need a long thread, tie knots along the entire length of the thread, and then attach it to the legs of a bed or table at a height of 3 centimeters from the floor. Turn off the lights and say three times:

"Swearing gnome, come!"

After a while, a swearing gnome will appear and begin to get confused and trip over the rope with knots and will swear heavily.

Not everyone knows how to call gum gnome, so we have selected for you several “callers” that will help in this matter.

The ruminant gnome is similar to a gnome or brownie. He is very short, about the size of a little finger. Because it is so tiny, it is not always visible, but it leaves behind a lot of chewing gum. There are many different rituals on how to summon a ruminant gnome, they will be discussed further, and you can choose from them the one that suits you best.

Ritual No. 1

In a dark room you need to leave the candy, take the scissors and lace in your hands and say three times: “ Gum gnome, come!»

When he appears, be prepared to immediately cut off his finger - it is from this that the chewing gum will fall. When enough of them have spilled out, you need to tie the gnome’s finger with a cord. Be sure to thank him for bringing the chewing gum, otherwise he will be offended and will not come again. After that say: “ Gum gnome, go away!“The gnome, taking your candy with him, will disappear.

Everyone has a cherished desire. So maybe it's better to summon a gnome who grants wishes? Read in detail about the ritual of summoning this creature. Think about it, why do you need chewing gum if you can get something bigger?

Or maybe you want “thrill” sensations? Then feel free to call Bloody Mary. But be careful, read the article on our website before calling. In it you will learn the story of this girl, as well as, in case you, after telling about her, do not change your mind about calling her.

Ritual No. 2

This ritual must be performed on a full moon, but its main goal is to see the gnome. So, tie a thread at one end to a chair and place the chewing gum on it. Tie the other end of the thread to the battery. Then hide, while there should be silence in the room. Tell the gnome to come and take the gum, just speak quietly and calmly, otherwise he will be scared. The gnome will hear you, look into the room and take the gum.

Ritual No. 3

When midnight comes, take a thread and a white satin ribbon. In order to summon a ruminant gnome, you need to wrap the legs of the bed, so it must be long - about 5-6 meters. Each time, making a new girth with a thread, say: “ Gum gnome, come to me"and so on four times. Then leave your favorite gum under the bed and turn off the light. It is important that not a single ray of light enters the room. Then you can lie down on the bed and calmly wait for the gnome to arrive. A rustle under the bed indicates that the gnome has tripped over some threads, but you don’t need to turn on the light right away - this will only scare the gnome away. In the morning, instead of one, you will find several chewing gums under your bed.

Ritual No. 4

This ritual must be performed in the bathroom at midnight with the lights off, and there must be a mirror in it. Here you will need a piece of fabric or a large scarf. Place as many chewing gums on the floor as there are people taking part in this ritual. Draw a candy on the mirror with a marker, after which everyone should call the gnome: “Gum gnome, come.” Watch the mirror carefully and quietly. After a few minutes, the drawn candy will light up, and perhaps you will see a gnome. As soon as this happens, you should quickly throw the scarf over the mirror. This ritual is also not for obtaining chewing gum, it only allows you to see the chewing gnome.

Ritual No. 5

Before calling the gum gnome , go out to the threshold of the house and place the chewing gum in front of you. You need to take a piece of cloth or a scarf with you. Call the gnome using a standard phrase from the rituals described above, then turn your back to the steps and wait quietly. When you hear a rustling sound or the sound of a chewing gum wrapper, you need to quickly turn your face to the threshold and throw a scarf or cloth over the gnome, while keeping your eyes closed. The gnome will evaporate, but will leave behind a lot of chewing gum.

All these rituals for summoning the ruminant gnome, as well as the rituals for summoning queen of spades, can be carried out either alone or with a whole company. But it is important to remember that under no circumstances should you make noise, laugh, rustle, ask the gnome something (if you want to ask questions, call the mermaid), you should also not turn on the light, and be sure to turn off your mobile phones. Good luck!

At any age, you want to believe in miracles. Even the most serious and authoritative people hope for success in business. How great it would be if someone helped us all. And in magic there are a variety of rituals and creatures to which you can turn for help.

The world of otherworldly entities is diverse. Sorcerers summon creatures for various purposes. A gnome can make a wish come true, a mermaid can bestow beauty, a brownie can bring order to a home. The choice is large and depends on the purpose and personal preferences.

Even small children know the gnome who grants wishes. He seems like an ordinary amusement, but in reality he is an otherworldly entity. Beginning sorcerers practice communication with another world with her. But magical creatures are capricious and require respect.

Who are gnomes?

We know about gnomes from children's fairy tales. As a rule, they are kind little people with beards and colored clothes. A similar description of magical creatures is found among many peoples (so maybe they once existed side by side with people?). They were credited with either a good-natured or grumpy character, natural ingenuity and cunning. Most often, gnomes are the owners of untold wealth. Who are they really?

Small creatures (or spirits) that are in the ether. These entities are closest to the earth and seem to exist between worlds, which is why small children can sometimes see them. Like people, gnomes have completely different personalities. Some are grumpy, others are kinder and bring good luck, others are completely evil and only intend to do harm. But despite this, our ancestors turned to the gnomes and asked them for wealth or the fulfillment of desires. The sorcerers knew how to appease them and come to an agreement. Modern people They can also take advantage of special rituals and enlist the support of a magical creature.

How do wish fulfillment rituals work?

Most magical rituals involve you turning to a specific energy or entity for help. You perform a certain ritual to summon a spirit. The magical creature hears about the request and decides whether to help. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then the spirit will direct the energy in the right direction and what you have in mind will come true as if by itself. Magic involves turning to different creatures and gods (it all depends on the desire). Experienced sorcerers also use the help of the dead, but for a beginner this is too difficult and dangerous. However, you can turn to beings of a lower order in order to ask them for help.

The nuances of calling a gnome:

  • Be sure to think about what you want to ask from the magical creature. Don't think of anything complicated. It would be ideal if you have been striving for your goal for a long time, but something constantly gets in the way. In this case, the spirit will help. If the desire is serious and requires immediate help, turn to more serious rituals. If you are not confident in your abilities, an experienced sorcerer will help you.
  • Time is of the essence. It is better to refrain from the ritual on Monday; church holidays. Look at what dates pagan celebrations occur. This is the time that is considered the most appropriate.
  • Remove pectoral crosses and remove the icons from the ritual site. Otherwise, the entity may not come at all.
  • If you live near churches, then it is better to choose a secluded place on the street to summon a gnome. The same applies to the cemetery (instead of one magical entity, another, stronger one may come).
  • Magical creatures do not like light (artificial and electric). There are certain rituals that can be performed during the day, but if time permits, it is better to do it in the dark.
  • Almost all rituals addressed to the gnome can be performed not alone, but in company. Then the recommendations for the ritual should be followed by everyone.
  • Prepare a small gift for the gnome. The magical creature loves sweets, small coins are also suitable. Perfume is not always in good mood, and therefore they need to be appeased with small gifts.
  • Eliminate white objects and clothing (some believe this can scare the gnome away).
  • Do not perform the ritual out of curiosity. Take magic seriously.
  • Do not try to see the gnome, do not turn around at the noise. The entity will appear itself if it wants to. Otherwise, the gnome will no longer come to your call.
  • Don't wish evil. Your request should be pure, bright and come from the soul. Rituals with a gnome are not suitable for sending misfortunes and illnesses.
  • Get ready for the ritual. You should not feel anxious or afraid before summoning the gnome. A good mood is the key to a successful ritual.
  • Believe that everything will work out for you and the ritual will definitely work.
  • After the ritual, be sure to thank the entity.

The most common rituals for summoning a gnome.

Magical creatures come in many different forms. Good gnomes, foul-mouthed people, and those with a sweet tooth are often called upon. Children usually do this for fun. There are also more interesting rituals that will affect the well-being in the home. To attract good luck and wealth into your life, entities that are responsible for prosperity and fulfillment of desires are suitable. Let's look at these rituals in more detail.

Ritual with a mirror.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Pocket mirror;
  • Three wax candles (not from the church);
  • Sweets (a gift for the essence, candy will do).

The ritual can be performed either alone or in a company of several people. The entire ritual takes place outside the house in the fresh air.

Find a place where no one will disturb you, mentally tune in to perform the ritual. Light a candle and take it in your hands (if the ritual is organized by a company, then everyone should have a candle). The words are said one after another:

“Gnome, gnome, come!” Fulfill your wish, bring gifts.”

Take a mirror and catch a ray of sunshine in it (let it go as far as you can). After this, everyone needs to close their eyes and pay attention to the wind (sharp and cold means that the gnome has arrived). Mentally imagine your dream, feel your own emotions when it comes true. After a while, open your eyes and look at the candle. If it no longer burns, then the wish will not come true. Otherwise, the essence will help fulfill your dream. Mentally thank the gnome and leave sweets at the ritual site (they can be buried). All other items that were used in the ritual must be taken with you.

Ritual with candy.

A simple ritual that will also speed up the fulfillment of your dreams. For it you will need a chair, candy and a not very long rope. Unwrap the candy and write your wish on the wrapper. Then you need to wrap her and tie her to a chair with a rope. Thus, the candy should hang in the air. After this, leave the room (if the ceremony is carried out during the day), or turn off the light. Then say the spell three times:

“Wish-granting gnome, come.”

You should hear a noise near the candy. This is a sign that the entity has come and is ready to help with the fulfillment of a desire. Wait until everything calms down, return to the room and eat the candy. Your wish will soon come true.

Ritual to attract money.

There are also money gnomes who will help you in your material desires. For the ritual you will need coins (you can also take small change from different countries), a specially prepared “hut” (build something similar to a small house and place it in the very corner of the room). The prepared coins should be placed inside the structure. Sit on the sofa or bed and say the words:

“Money gnome, come and bring treasures.”

After this, you need to pretend that you are asleep and cover your head with a blanket. Then you will hear a noise (stomping or sighing). The entity came to the call. Don't get out of bed and don't peek. As soon as the noise subsides, you can go up to the hut and see if the coins are in place. If they are not there, the gnome will help you in money matters.

There is another ritual for good luck in finance.

To execute it you will need a wallet. There may not be banknotes in it, but change is required (put as much as you won’t mind). Gnomes are attracted to loud, bright coins. Before you go to bed, place your wallet under your pillow and say:

“Show up and settle in, fall in love with the room. Little gnome, don't be angry. There are ringing coins on the bed, take this gift.”

The ritual is carried out three nights in a row. If in the morning you find a wallet with change in another dream, then the magical entity has really come and financial success will soon await you. Now a money gnome has appeared in your home.

What consequences can there be from calling a gnome?

Mystical entities are relatively harmless. Even if something goes wrong during the ritual, they will not harm you. Gnomes are also suitable for beginners to practice communicating with spirits. Caution should be exercised only with those rituals in which mirrors are used. More “serious” entities can also come through them, which beginners may not be able to cope with. In other rituals there is no such risk. Losses are minimal. The entity either will not come to your call or will not fulfill the request.

Every person dreams of a miracle in his soul. And it can very well happen if you ask for it. Higher power or spirit. If you have little experience in magic, then call on a gnome to help. He will help you fulfill a simple wish. Magical essences are ideal for novice magicians, as they will not cause serious harm even if there is a mistake during the ritual. This can be done either in the company of friends or completely alone. The main rule is to treat the entity with respect. In this case, the wish-granting gnome will help you and will come to subsequent calls. Remember that a miracle happens to those who wait for it and do everything possible to make it happen.

Many in childhood, for fun, performed rituals to summon different spirits. The most sociable and easy to make contact are gnomes who know how to entertain, perform and improve financial condition. Many rituals are like a joke and are used as entertainment, but as we know, the power of thought works wonders.

How to call a gnome?

Such rituals are mainly used by children and teenagers to while away the evening. The gnome may not appear, but you'll still have a lot of fun. Many people are trying to find ways to realize their dreams. To do this, you can enlist the help of invisible forces. Having learned how to call a gift house, you can get a chance to realize your cherished desire within a year. Take different candies, make a wish for each and tie them on a thread at the same distance. Stretch it between the legs of the table so that the sweets do not touch the floor. Turn off the lights and say these words:

“Gnome of wishes, come visit.”

The rustle of candy will indicate that the gnome has arrived. When everything is quiet, turn on the light and look at the candies. Those that have changed their position or fallen symbolize the fulfillment of a wish.

How to summon a chocolate gnome?

For this ritual, an assistant is needed, for example, a girlfriend or friend. Sit on the bed opposite each other and cover your head with the blanket. It is important that there is no light. Place candies and other sweets in front of you and say several times:

“Chocolate gnome come.”

Each time speak more and more quietly, switching to a whisper. After the glowing gnome appears, catch it, strip it and eat it. While doing this, make a wish.

How to summon a gnome with a sweet tooth?

The ritual should be performed at night or during the day, but with the curtains tightly closed so that it is dark. Draw a house on the floor and place a candy in its center. After turning off the lights, sit in the corner of the room and say:

“Sweet tooth, come to me.”

Now be patient and complete silence wait for the gnome. When you hear the rustling of the wrapper, you need to cast another spell:

“Sweet tooth, go to the house.”

The spirit will disappear, then leave various treats.

How to summon a money gnome?

This ritual is considered the most difficult in comparison with previous options. For it you need to take a plantain leaf, chamomile flowers, 25 dead mosquitoes, thread and a matchbox. If the ritual will be performed by several people, then the number of items needs to be increased. Place three flowers with mosquitoes on a plantain leaf, roll it into a tube, and then tie it with thread. Put everything in a box and wait until midnight. When the time comes, go outside, bury the “treasure” under an old tree and say these words:

“Money gnome, come and buy my parcel!”

For 2 weeks, you need to come to this place every morning and dig a hole. If a chest appears instead of a box, it means it’s completed. The gnome can leave a talisman, and absolutely any object. Carry it with you and it will act as a magnet for cash flow. To thank the spirit, leave some candy in the hole.

Not only every child, but also adults would like to know how to summon such a gnome. This is a ritual with enormous magical power and capable of giving fabulous wealth.

In the article:

How to call a money gnome and who he is

If you believe the legends that have come down to us from the depths of centuries, gnomes are divided into good and evil. Almost anyone can be summoned if you know how to do it correctly. In the article we will tell you how to see the lord of treasures, who he is and what he gives to the caller.

The money gnome is considered one of the kind creatures who have a positive attitude towards children. According to ancient legends, they live deep underground. The main occupation is treasure hunting and accumulation of wealth. They are famous for their high level of craftsmanship and enviable hard work. It is safe to communicate with a gnome; the ritual cannot be compared with the one needed for...

How to summon a money gnome - rules

It is not necessary to do this completely alone, as serious and terrible rituals. However, if you invite friends, warn them that gnomes do not like unnecessary noise. Keep your voice down, don't laugh or get distracted until you've finished with .

Turn off mobile phones while communicating with otherworldly forces. They also do not tolerate electric lighting. To avoid falling into a hole, take candles with you, but remember that the challenge is carried out under the light of the moon, without other sources. These creatures don't like it when anyone tries to see them.

How to call a money gnome - ritual

Carry out the action on the street. He doesn't go into houses. Summoning a kind and generous creature should be done after midnight. Stock up on the things necessary for the ceremony and choose a suitable place where there will be no strangers at this time of day. There must be wood there, not dry. The degree of distance from home does not matter; it could be your garden, yard or park near the school.

For the ritual you will need a thread about half a meter long. You'll have to catch 25 mosquitoes and dry them. You also need a plantain leaf and three chamomile flowers. Plants are picked before the call, so find a place where they grow in advance. The last thing needed is an empty matchbox.

At the specified time, approach the selected tree. Wrap mosquitoes and chamomile in a plantain leaf. Tie it with thread so that it is all used up and the sheet does not unravel with every careless movement. Say five times:

Money gnome, come. Buy my package!

Place the bundle in a matchbox and bury it under a tree. Remember the place. Count down ten days and come back. In place of the parcel there should be a chest with coins or other treasures.

The ritual is popular among children, so many parents are surprised where they get new gifts. You can be sure that it works. Check it out for yourself and see that wealth is much closer than it seems!

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