Home Prayers and spells Runes for fulfillment of desires. Runic formulas and staves - proven and the most powerful for all occasions Runic staves for fulfilling a wish, proven

Runes for fulfillment of desires. Runic formulas and staves - proven and the most powerful for all occasions Runic staves for fulfilling a wish, proven

Anyone who has a lot of ideas, plans, plans can use runes to fulfill desires of any kind, but for some reason they cannot be realized quickly. But with the help of runic symbols, the process of implementing your plans can be accelerated. If you have experience working with runes, you can independently create a working formula tailored to your personal needs. For beginners, it is better to use proven bets that work 100 percent.

Types of runes for fulfillment of desires

Sometimes you can't get what you want as quickly as you would like, and there are many reasons for this. However, when the desire is strong and a person cannot refuse it, you can ask for help from the Higher Powers by turning to magical rune symbols. The most popular desires among men and women are to find a soul mate, live happily ever after with her, protect themselves and loved ones from illness, grief, misfortune, bad weather, improve their financial situation, and climb high on the career ladder. All this can be achieved if you study the runes in detail, learn to interpret the meanings and draw up the correct formulas.

The following types of runes can fulfill any desire in a short time:

  • Teyvaz. Gives strength and courage in the implementation of plans, promotes ideas, contributes to their implementation.
  • Dagaz. Transforms and transforms the situation so that it happens as planned.
  • Fahu. Symbol of material well-being.
  • Otal. Ensures success in achieving what you want.
  • . Clears the way for quick progress towards the goal.
  • Vunyo. Makes thoughts bright, ideas logical and correct.
  • Raido. Guides you along the right path.
  • Inguz. Symbolizes wealth, success, well-being.

How to correctly apply runic formulas?

Activation of the formula is an important condition for its operation.

In order for the rune to fulfill any desire instantly and without consequences, it is important to study and follow these rules:

  • Learn the name of each rune, clearly know its interpretation and purpose.
  • Clearly and specifically formulate the desire and voice it in the clause.
  • Strictly observe the sequence of writing characters, since the location directly affects the result obtained.
  • Before starting work, be sure to activate it, and when your wish comes true, do not forget to deactivate it and thank the signs for their help.

Effective runic staves that fulfill their plans

Quick fulfillment of desires

If a person’s goal is not sky-high, but quite feasible, but something always prevents him from getting closer to it, it is recommended to use a proven runic pattern, which includes the following working symbols:

  • Vunyo;
  • Teyvaz;
  • Vunyo.

Strong runic becoming for female attractiveness

The desired man can be attracted to a woman using this formula.

If a girl wants a specific man to pay attention to her or those around her to admire her beauty, you can make an amulet and constantly carry it with you, writing a formula using the following symbols:

  • Kenaz;
  • Gebo;
  • Laguz.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve the affection of the opposite sex. Then some resort to black magic rituals that fulfill their plans unconditionally. It arouses interest in the subject, longing and boredom for the operator, becoming “Fireworks of Desires”.

Becoming to attract money

Financial well-being plays an important role in the life of every person, but getting the desired promotion or reward is not always possible. If a person wants to change this situation, experienced runologists advise making a talisman that will help achieve financial goals. On one side of the die the following symbols are written:

First, three symbols are indicated on one side of the future talisman.
  • double Soulu;
  • Fehu.

On the back of the runes are applied in the following order.

Here are runic formulas for fulfillment of desires and good luck in business, for victory and success.

Formula “Fulfillment of desires”
Actually, as it’s called, that’s what it does

The formula consists of:
Perth – luck, getting what you want;
Gebo - gift, gift;
Ansuz (2 pcs., form 2 evaz on top) – our desire, evaz in the background ensures quick movement towards what we want;
Vunyo (2 pcs) – result, fulfillment, happiness from getting what you want.
Mannaz, which can be seen in the middle of the formula, is in the background and fits perfectly into the formula

For the same

The formula is aimed at fulfilling desires, more on the material plane. In order to avoid giving rise to those who like to steal other people’s things, I will not describe the formula.
When activating the formula, clearly have a strong desire for what you want to have and, naturally, visualize the result. All I can say is that the formula removes blocks.
There is not a single negative rune in this formula, so you can safely apply it to yourself. You can make it an amulet with your own blood, but this is only when it is tested by a specific person for himself.

Becoming a Soul - fulfillment of desires and dreams

Rune Soulu - success, solution to a problem.
Tours - clears space and path
Tivaz (Shooting Range) - goal, idea, dream, desire
Berkana - amulet
Second plan:
Vunyo and Raido - movement towards good luck, removing obstacles
Uruz - new situations and qualitative changes
Algiz - luck and protection of the goal
Fehu - increasing material level
Inguz - fertility inexhaustibility
Hyera - annual cycle
Sol (Round) - general protective shell

1.Ansuz -Uruz-Jera-Ansuz.
Happiness and luck. Well-known formula.
2. ALU. Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz. Help of the gods. If you put Algiz at the end, then there will be protection of the gods. If you put Gebo at the end, then this is love given by heaven. At the same time, there is a common interpretation that the thematic rune should be placed first. And finish it with a dot at the level of the middle of the sign (separator). Or this sign - the separator - also looks like three vertical dots.
3. Sowilo:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – luck given by the gods. Algiz:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – protection granted by the gods. Fehu-Othal:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – monetary (material) success, business success, bestowed by the gods.

"Lucky Knot" Bets on luck are often ignored in favor of something more specific, but in vain. Being in the right place at the right time is a priceless gift of fate. In ancient times, kings were considered bearers of great luck, because only the strongest of the strong, the most cunning of the cunning (or the wisest) could lead into battle (or simply rob churches on the shores of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom). The kings were even credited with supernatural abilities - just like that, simply because of their status. For example, they called upon “the king’s luck” in difficult times.
This method was repeatedly tested by different people, from whom positive reviews came.
Application - standard: apply ink on paper, leather, wood, wear on yourself, in a secluded place. - translation from the book "Galdrabók"


Do you want all your wishes to be fulfilled on time? Then in this article you will learn about what runic formulas there are for the fulfillment of difficult desires, and the features of working with them. Happy reading and good luck!

How to use runes to make your wishes come true

There are a number of runes, the specifics of which are aimed at fulfilling innermost human desires. To obtain the desired result, the operator is required to clearly formulate the final goal. You can find out more detailed information about ancient Scandinavian symbols and methods of working with them in Sergei Savchenko’s free book “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Applying an image to a person’s personal item will help to enhance the effect of the runic formula on the fulfillment of a wish. It is allowed to use a temporary tattoo with the necessary symbols. You should carry it with you until your plan comes true.

Note. The most famous rune that fulfills wishes is Vunyo. This sign will help any person realize the existing potential necessary to achieve their goal.

A runic wish fulfillment with a reservation, like a formula, will help you achieve your plans in the shortest possible time. This effect is achieved due to the presence of several powerful symbols - the desired energy becomes more concentrated and targeted.

Note! When independently compiling the necessary runic staves, keep in mind that some ligature runes can conflict with each other

Basic rules for drawing up runic staves

When working with stakes, it is important to strictly adhere to a number of the following rules:

  • Indicate the main purpose for which you need to become
  • When combining different runes into one script, remember - they should not conflict with each other
  • For negative actions, use dark runes and vice versa
  • The first rune in the formula is the symbol that begins its work. Others may come in no particular order. The desired outcome must be known before drawing up the bet
  • The combination is drawn in a circle. The lines of the ligatures are located vertically or diagonally - it all depends on the specifics of the stave
  • Use only runes in an upright position. The exception is specific bets
  • Symbols should not be located close to each other

Popular bets on achieving what you want

Here are examples of popular bets aimed at achieving what you want:

Becoming “3 thrones”

The purpose of the stave is to fulfill desires. Consists of a combination of Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Symbols can be carved into wood or lignite. After making a reservation about the final result, it is burned, the ashes are carried with you in a linen bag until the required result appears.

Becoming "Sauromat"

The goal of this combination of runes is to achieve your goal, to get what you want. Consists of the following runes - Uruz, Teyvaz, Raido, Yera, Soulu, Thurisaz, Kveort, Eyvaz, Fehu, Nautiz.

When working with the above stav, you should clearly indicate the end result. When making a reservation, you can list the barriers that may stand in the way of achieving the goal (optional).

Runic formula “Straight to the target”

The combination allows for a breakthrough in certain areas of the operator’s life, achieving the desired result regardless of existing obstacles. Consists of the following runes: Yera, Kano, Inguz, Soulu, Teyvaz, Gebo.

Using the runic formula allows you to collect and accumulate energy from the surrounding world, with the exception of factors that prevent you from achieving a certain goal. The combination does not harm the operator, highlighting only the qualities necessary to achieve the intended goal.

To make difficult desires come true faster, use one of the runic staves listed below.

Becoming "Getting Everything You Want"

The purpose of this formula is to fulfill any, even difficult to achieve, goals, to make a breakthrough in an area previously specified by the operator.

A brief explanation of the runes included in the stav.

  • Vunyo: Luck, prosperity, well-being
  • Gebo: Receiving a Gift
  • Soulu: Victory, dominance, integrity, power
  • Perth: Creating gateways that open up opportunities to achieve goals
  • Laguz: Development of operator intuition, which will suggest optimal solutions
  • Fehu: Material/spiritual property, well-being

Runic combinations used in the formula.

  • Gebo + Vunyo: Getting the desired result
  • Soulu + Fehu + Gebo: Wealth in all spheres of life
  • Soulu + Fehu: The combination can be used to charge the financial sphere

Note. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the area to which the runic influence will be directed

Runic becoming “Dreams come true”

The goal of the stav is to achieve goals, to make your wildest dreams come true. Consists of Fehu, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Yera.

The agreement must contain the following points

  • Achieving the set goal without harm to the operator
  • Finding comfortable ways to implement your plans
  • Work without harm to amulets charged for similar or other purposes

Becoming "Golden Fish"

The runic wish fulfillment “Goldfish” has been repeatedly tested for success, like previous formulas. You can use it to achieve any goal. Consists of the following Scandinavian symbols: Dagaz, Fehu, Otala, Jera, .

As in previous examples, the clause is drawn up taking into account the specific purpose to which the influence of the runes will be directed. Compiled randomly.

When can I expect results?

If you have followed all the above instructions correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. Typically, the effect manifests itself in the range from three days to a month - it all depends on the strength of the runes used.

Note! The main task of the runes is to open the gates to new opportunities, the implementation of plans in all spheres of life. The most important thing is not to ignore the chance you get, otherwise the formula will slow down or stop working. Be carefull!

Let this information help your deepest desires come true. Follow the updates on the site and you will learn a lot more interesting things. See you soon!

Magical runes of desires are able to help a person achieve his most cherished dream. Previously, the runic alphabet was used as a subject of writing. And only over time people realized the uniqueness of each symbol and its magical properties.

Sacred symbols are one of the main elements in fortune-telling practice. They not only attract what you want, but also serve as protection against dark forces.

Every time you turn to rune magic, you plunge headlong into a new mystical world. We all have our own goals in life. Someone dreams of a new phone, and someone dreams of earning a billion. The scale of desires is different - in any case, thoughts about it do not leave us.

For you to finally feel like a happy person, you need a personal rune to fulfill your desires. It will open up new boundless horizons for you, and you will quickly deal with all your problems.

How can runes help make a wish come true?

There is a special group - runes for desire, the energy of which is capable of fulfilling any human request.

In order for the result to please you, you need to clearly formulate your goal. Then select the appropriate runegram. You can apply it to your own body and not wash it off until your wish comes true.

You can depict symbols (draw or embroider) on clothing or other personal items. There are also personal talismans that are hung around the neck.

If you do everything correctly, the rune will help you achieve your plans very soon. Thanks to the joint work of ancient symbols, the necessary energy is concentrated and activated in the right direction.

It is worth remembering that using the power of runes on your own can cause harm - it all depends on how knowledgeable you are in this area. Some signs conflict with each other; under no circumstances should they be placed close to each other.

A rune amulet is a good helper. If you are firmly sure of what you want, draw the runes for your desire on a wooden tablet or a piece of genuine leather. While drawing, say each element of the formula out loud - this way you send the necessary signal to the Universe.

Do not take the amulet out of your pocket or bag and at least once a day, pick it up and ask for help. With this action you feed it with your energy every time.

Proven runes for fulfillment of desires

The most powerful runes for fulfilling desires have been tested for centuries. They are used not only by experienced runologists, but also by ordinary amateurs.

These include the following:

  • Vunyo– includes the entire internal potential of a person in the work and shows the direction in which it is necessary to move.
  • – symbolizes courage and perseverance, endurance.
  • Dagaz– helps you transform yourself, change your thinking.
  • Fehu- Responsible for finances.
  • Turisaz– removes all obstacles on the path to happiness.
  • Raido- represents the road to the intended goal.
  • Inguz– a symbol of fruitful work and the success of the final result.

Each rune for fulfilling desires is both an independent magical instrument and a separate element of runic staves.

Runic bets for the fulfillment of desires

Runologists advise using proven formulas to achieve what you want:

  • Vunyo – Teyvaz – Vunyo

This combination is called “Three Thrones”. The symbols are carved on a wooden plank and then burned to the ground. The remains of the ashes are poured into a small bag and worn as a personal talisman until the dream comes true.

  • Yer – Kenaz – Inguz – Soulu – Teyvaz – Gebo

The formula is called “Exactly on target.” Helps you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time. Absolutely harmless.

  • Fehu – Ansuz – Eyvaz – Turisaz – Gebo – Vunyo – Yer

Before you draw this formula, you must decide on all the details of your desire. Also analyze the current situation, try to independently find the most suitable paths to your dream. And only after that turn to ancient symbols for help.

  • Dagaz – Fehu – Odal – Yer – Inguz

The name of the stave – “Goldfish” – speaks for itself. The formula attracts success and luck. It can be used for any purpose. When you ask the runes for what you want, mentally imagine how the energy is concentrated around. Soon all your dreams will come true.

  • Uruz – Teyvaz – Raido – Yer – Soulu – Turisaz – Eyvaz – Fehu – Nautiz


Runes help fulfill your cherished desire. There are several proven, powerful runic staves. What symbols the runic will consist of to fulfill a desire depends on the essence of the desire itself.

To make your cherished wish come true, it’s enough...to make a rune!

If the goal is connected with the material sphere, the Fehu rune must be included in the formation. The companion of love is Gebo. Vunyo brings joy and happiness. For a runic combination to work, you need to create and charge it correctly.

So that the runes fulfill wishes

Even one person can have many desires. To make a runic pattern, you need to clearly define and formulate what exactly you want. Runes can be applied to any natural material (wood, leather, bone, stone, glass, paper).

Working with runes is not as easy as it seems. You can create a good runic talisman only after familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of each symbol.

When betting on wishes, runic symbols are most often used:

  • Vunyo. Attracts good luck, joy, helps restore strength. Rune of wish fulfillment.
  • Fehu. A symbol of abundance, attracts good luck and wealth.
  • Kenaz. Gives inspiration, helps to reveal creative potential, and believe in yourself.
  • Gebo. Rune of partnership, unity of opposites.
  • Berkana. Symbol of growth, fertility, prosperity. Protects from negativity.
  • Soulu. Gives vitality, helps to achieve success in any field. Has the energy of victory.
  • Teyvaz. The rune of leadership, victory, helps in learning the truth.

The Teyvaz rune is a symbol of victory and leadership, helps to learn the truth

Other runes are also included in the staves, but those listed have the strongest potential. They attract good luck and help fulfill desires.

Runes act not on the object of desire, bringing it closer to the person, but on the person himself. Symbols convey energy flows, pushing a person towards his goal and dream.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment is also very popular. The runes show the answer to the question of whether the intention will come true in the near future.

How to use staves

Runes must be handled with care and worked very carefully. Ancient symbols demand respect. If you don’t believe in their magical effect, it’s better not to ask for help.

In order for a runic to become a wish-fulfilling magical attribute, you must follow the rules:

  1. Create the formula in secret from prying eyes. Do not tell anyone about your intention to ask for help from the runes.
  2. Even when a wish has come true, do not tell anyone about the method of achieving it.
  3. You cannot change the position of symbols in a formula.
  4. You cannot use several formulas at the same time for the same purpose.
  5. You need to respectfully ask runes for help.

Runes help you achieve your goal. This does not mean human inaction. Runes are helpers, not doers. They push and charge, give strength to go towards the goal.

It should be remembered that runes are only helpers, not doers

Fortune telling with runes must also be done secretly. You can tell fortunes using one or three runes. Fortune telling for 9 and 12 runes is situational and very detailed.

Universal becoming for the fulfillment of desires

The universal runic formula brings the fulfillment of any desires closer. It includes the sequence of signs Soulu, Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo.

The solar symbol Soulu gives energy to achieve your goal. Kenaz focuses on what you want and helps you move in the right direction. Fehu and Vunyo form a tandem. They predetermine a successful result and joy from the fulfillment of a desire.

How to create a becoming:

  1. Think about your desire, clearly formulate it.
  2. Draw the formula on paper. Say each sign.
  3. When the formula is drawn, make your wish for it. The clause may sound like this: “The power of the runic stave Soulu, Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo, bring me the fulfillment of my cherished desire (voice the desire). I want to receive what I wished for (specify deadlines).
  4. Hide the sheet from prying eyes.
  5. When the wish comes true, the piece of paper with the runes must be burned.

The formula can be turned into a talisman. Then the runes are drawn on a permanent medium. For the amulet to work, it is activated by blood or breath. There are a lot of activation rituals.

The amulet can be used when new desires appear. You need to hold it in your hands, saturate your thoughts with your dream and ask the runes for help.

Victory Formula

If you want to win or gain leadership, you can use a strong formula. Stav consists of the runes Vunyo, Teyvaz, Vunyo.

The runic form “Vunyo”, “Teyvaz”, “Vunyo” will attract good luck and help you gain leadership

The formula gives a powerful charge of energy that is transmitted to those around you. The formula literally attracts good luck. The work of the runes does not replace the hard work that is needed to win.

When creating a stav, each rune must be spoken out loud. The formula can be stipulated in any way, the main thing is not to say too much. You need to clearly indicate the desire and the time for its fulfillment.

Fulfillment of material desires

Everyone needs money and material goods. Therefore, a lot of formulas have been developed to attract wealth.

A strong talisman will help you fulfill any desire in the material sphere. On the front side of the carrier you need to draw the signs Soulu, Soulu, Fehu. Fehu, Otala, Soulu, Soulu are applied on the reverse side. The order of the runes cannot be changed.

When can you ask for the help of a talisman:

  • Financial transactions in business.
  • Sale of property.
  • Receiving a bonus or winnings.
  • Expensive purchases.
  • Protection of property from theft.

The amulet requires activation and reservation. Runes do not help in fraud or money fraud. The main condition for the fulfillment of a desire is that it should not harm other people.

You can always carry a money talisman in your pocket, and use runes if necessary.

Attracting love

Mutual and sincere love is the dream of many people. Without her, life loses color. Runes can also attract the desire to love and be loved.

Runic becoming Turizas-Gebo-Vuno will help you quickly meet your second half. Turizas, Laguz, Soulu will be whirled in a whirlwind of passion.

Do you want to meet your soulmate? Use the rune formation “Turizas-Gebo-Vuno”!

If there is an irresistible desire to attract attention and please a person, you need to use the Anzus, Gebo, Yera formula. It will help you open up and reveal the best qualities to the person you are interested in.

Fortune telling "Rune of Odin"

The “Odin” rune is a simple fortune telling that will help you find out whether your wish will come true in the future. It also makes it clear what needs to be done to approach the goal, or indicates that the chosen path is wrong.

Tell fortunes using runes using the instructions:

  1. Ask a question about your desire. Hold the bag of runes in your hands and concentrate your thoughts.
  2. Shake the bag and remove one rune from it.
  3. Interpret the rune. Interpretations of all runes can be found in the booklet that comes with the fortune-telling set or on the Internet.

Positive runes in an upright position indicate that the fortuneteller will soon be able to fulfill his dream. Negative runes indicate the inaccessibility of what you want or the wrong path to achieving a goal. If fortune telling does not give a positive result, there is no need to be upset. The intention will definitely come true, but not now.

Fortune telling with runes will help you sort out the situation. You can ask questions no more than three times a day.

Correctly selected and charged runic formulas will fulfill any desire. There are universal combinations and formulas for specific situations. Once you become it, you can make it an amulet and use it when necessary.

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