Home Prayers and spells Power sign 11 points drawing. A magical sign of power. Zodiac signs by strength. Death and Rebirth

Power sign 11 points drawing. A magical sign of power. Zodiac signs by strength. Death and Rebirth

The first time I discovered the Sign of Power was while excavating a Mayan pyramid in South America. This greatly interested my friend, Egyptology professor Hugh Gates, because several years before my discovery he discovered exactly the same symbols during excavations in Egypt. This is a real sensation, the two greatest civilizations of antiquity have common symbols, and therefore common roots of culture and a common history of origin.

I was accused of falsification and, moreover, people in civilian clothes came to me and very strongly recommended not to develop this topic in the press. And my friend Professor Hugh Gates was generally removed from the leadership of the department and the funding for his Egyptian excavations was frozen. Someone very influential does not want to reveal this secret, but I continue to fight and look for new ways to finance my research.

I discovered similar symbols in Byzantine culture and even bits in the history of Atlantis that have come down to us and store information about them. I am sure that this symbol contains the secrets of the birth of our world, everything intelligent and living on our planet, and perhaps the entire universe.

For many centuries, the rulers of our world owned this secret, whoever knew the secret of the Sign of Power ruled their people and the whole world, they formed dynasties and passed this knowledge on from generation to generation.

Genghis Khan, Napoleon, they owned the secret and strictly kept it from everyone else. In the modern world, many things happen absolutely inexplicably and seem spontaneously; we cannot know what awaits us ahead. But the development of humanity is proceeding according to a certain program and it has already become completely obvious that the world government has the ability to use the power of force and manipulate our consciousness.

The USA is a country that in a very short time has become a world leader; the secret knowledge of power has allowed the American elite to correctly formulate the structure of government, army and economic management. Let's look at how one of the main departments of the most powerful power in the modern world, the United States of America, is organized.

The Pentagon is the control center of the most powerful army that has ever existed in the world. Few people know that the main control centers are located in this building in a strictly defined order. 3 army headquarters, 2 training division headquarters and several secret headquarters, which are located in fortified underground bunkers. 4 corps headquarters, national guard headquarters and special operations command - this is highly classified information that only the highest ranks of the American army know about. The strength of the people of the army lies in leadership. And here they know exactly what is needed to ensure that the power never leaves these walls.


Chinai (China) is the fastest growing economy in the modern world. A country that in a short time can become a new world leader. A country that for many centuries was one of the greatest in the world. What is the secret of Chinai's success? The writings of the Qi Xia dynasties, found a little over 30 years ago in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, reveal to us the secret of the China emperors. Already many centuries ago, they knew about the existence of power and used this knowledge to their advantage.

Information about the capabilities of force has become the new great secret of the government of modern China - the possession of this knowledge. And the deciphering of the ancient Chinese hieroglyphs of the Qi Xia dynasties gave a powerful and inexplicable to the whole world impetus for the development of modern Chinai. Within a few years, a backward agricultural country is turning into a global superpower. The Chinese government is trying its best to keep its secret secret.

Occupation of Tibet. The expulsion of the Dalai Lama, the destruction of ancient temples and relics under the pretext of fighting terrorism and separatism is something other than the total destruction of all possible facts about the existence of the doctrine of the Sign of Power.

Despite terrorist attacks, wars, financial crises and other global turmoil, the dollar still remains the most common currency in the world. Without sufficient backing in gold, being essentially paper, the dollar continues to rule the world. Why do billions of people, sometimes crazy, want to have these pieces of paper?

Let's take a closer look at some of the signs that have adorned American bills for many, many years. Many of us have noticed that Masonic symbols are printed on dollars, for example, the famous pyramid with an eye, but few people know that if you look at this same pyramid in ultraviolet color, you can find a sign - the Sign of Power. Maybe this is what gives the dollar power over the world? Definitely…


The authorities are hiding information about the Sign of Power from us. But someone more powerful is trying to send us signals, the higher MIND directs us on the path of knowledge. Today, few people doubt the existence of aliens, but most of the facts about people meeting UFOs are falsifications.

The governments of the leading countries of the world have been interested in suppressing or distorting information about the existence of alien intelligence for many centuries. According to leading ufologists, real UFOs almost never move alone; they usually fly in a wedge with a clear formation horizontally and vertically:

5 below, 3 above and even higher closing 3, if you look at this construction, you can immediately determine that this is something else, like a structural Sign of Power. They were seen by numerous eyewitnesses of UFO visits in Mexico City, San Francisco or Sobón.

The flight of such a wedge was filmed by Soviet cosmonauts in 1983.

It was precisely this wedge that took the Apollo 13 spacecraft out of its intended orbit. As a result, the landing of astronauts on the moon did not take place. It was after this incident that the lunar program was frozen almost instantly. Information about this incident immediately received the highest classification of secrecy and was buried for many years. Obviously, not everyone wants information about the presence and influence of power to become publicly available.

Despite the opposition from the authorities, my colleagues and I continue our search. I hope that very soon the world will learn the real truth about the Sign of Power.

The great Nostradamus predicted a great and happy future for humanity; he knew about the great secret of the Sign of Power. “The time will come and great power will become available to all people. And the golden era of humanity will come. And it will last forever."

The Universe is constantly changing and developing, people living today should know that everything in this world exists only thanks to the energy of force. It is she who makes people successful, harmonious and happy. Power is all around you. It's time to take it into your own hands.



For a person, the ability to see signs of power is an important condition for his more harmonious existence in physical reality. In addition to the fact that this ability serves as evidence of his special, hidden relationship with the Force, it also helps him navigate the changing world, adapting his energy structure to the impending changes, and thus insures him against losses of power caused by the regrouping of the elements of the universe. This helps to look around more carefully, assessing the world speaking to him; in general, a person is given the opportunity to continue his life path in harmony with the Force.

The idea that every event has a kind of introduction, a prelude, manifested in the world and open to observation, is rooted in hoary antiquity. Every event preparing for the transition from potential to actual existence is accompanied by a preceding disturbance of the material plane, regrouping to accept the new element. Since the manifested world is a harmonious system in which each object is connected to each by numerous connections, the emergence of a new element requires a regrouping of the elements already existing, and it is this regrouping that is called “Signs of Power”.

You can often hear that reading signs is only the fruit of developed intuition, that is, the ability to see a synthesis based on thesis and antithesis. However, this is not entirely true. To perceive Signs, such calculation is not enough, the “ability of foresight” based on experience is not enough; a certain amount of strength is also required. Of course, only that which already exists as a potential possibility can be realized, but the transition from potential existence to actual existence requires a surge in the Flow of Power, entering into a new system of relationships.

Here is one of the signs: Physics tells us that everything in nature consists of numerous levels - molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of elementary particles. At the micro level there is no matter, there are only fields of energy. And the deeper the level, the more energy, the more organizing power.

Let's start with the fact that the history of our universe began with a primordial explosion (?), which gave Divine energy the opportunity to materialize and shape the world around us. Strength, like everything in our world, has its own embodiment and its own sign. How did the energy of force arise and how was our Universe born from it? Who taught people how to control power, how did this influence the development of humanity? And why has this become one of the main mysteries of our time...

The Big Bang gave rise to our universe. The chaos of energy turned into an ordered force, which gave birth to matter, space and time. Galaxies, stars, planets, they all appeared from nothing and were formed according to the law of energy distribution of force. Including life on earth appeared under the influence of the energy of force. The release of atoms from a stable state allowed inorganic compounds to breathe life into themselves, and thus the mechanical chain of evolution of physical nature was launched, and with it the evolution of the manifestation of force energy. The emergence of intelligence (editor's note: Consciousness was originally possessed by everything in the universe, intelligence is something else) happened like a flash, this cannot be explained by the classical evolutionary process. Homo sapiens (not to be confused with conscious) appeared on the planet; this is directly related to the action of force. It was the field of force that created Homo sapiens.

The fact that all the diversity of nature consistently manifests itself from a single source of consciousness was described by Vedic science back in ancient times, based on the study of a calm state of mind. At the same time, Vedic science refers to a single field of consciousness, as a field of infinite energy of the Mind that creates the Universe. Reason, development, self-awareness - all these properties can also be found in the structure of the unified field, suggesting a connection between the unified field and ... the most fundamental state of consciousness.

The symbolism of 11 dots is a sign of manifestation of strength. This symbolism was used both in ancient times, as evidenced by drawings on rocks, and in our times on dollar bills and other objects. Using the sign of manifestation of power, a person achieves what he dreams of without understanding how it works. Much is hidden from our minds and sometimes we, without knowing it, and without understanding how it works, activate symbols and make them work for us and against us, thereby bearing fruit in our lives. What we sow is what we reap!


Earth is a giant living creature that loves and nourishes people.
The earth understands, comforts and heals us. This magnificent living being teaches us to live freely and liberates our spirit. It is the higher awareness of the Earth that can give our awareness a boost and raise it to unimaginable levels. The Earth push is an explosion of inorganic awareness. When faced with human awareness, it generates an impulse at the moment when the emanations inside the human cocoon are tuned to the corresponding emanations inside the Earth cocoon. The main lesson that a person of knowledge receives as a result of the Earth's push is the lesson of attunement.
It is possible to use the Earth's push only in a state of absolute silence. Once a person of knowledge has acquired the ability to enter a state of inner silence and is ready to use the force lines of the Earth, becoming one with them, they begin to teach him the Art of Attunement.
This ancient art is the primary source of all magic and all knowledge that has ever existed on Earth and beyond. Mastering the Art of Attunement with the help of the power of the Earth allows magicians to find out the intention of the planets and pass all the tests in the Unknown.

Evil- neither good nor evil exists, only perception exists (interpretation of combinations of energy fields that make up the Universe).
Evil is the concentration of fear and hatred of the human mind, obsessed with fixing the assemblage point in a position of cruelty towards the world around us. Such fixation can be caused, for example, by deeply hidden self-pity. The mind also considers the area of ​​supernatural perception evil, that is, that which an ordinary person cannot perceive due to lack of energy. Evil is the human interpretation of deviations of power.

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“A man of knowledge is one who conscientiously and with faith endures the hardships and hardships of learning,” he said. - One who, without haste, but also without delay, set off on a dangerous journey in order to unravel, as far as he succeeds, the secrets of knowledge and power.
-Can everyone be a person of knowledge?
- No, not everyone.
- What then is needed for this?
- Man must challenge his four eternal enemies and defeat them.
- And after defeating them he will be a man of knowledge?
- Yes, a person has the right to call himself a man of knowledge only if he defeats all four.
“Then can anyone who defeats these enemies be a man of knowledge?”
- Anyone who defeats them becomes a man of knowledge.
- But are there any special requirements that a person must meet before starting a battle with his enemies?
- No. Anyone can try to become a man of knowledge, although very few succeed; but that's natural. The enemies that man encounters on the path to knowledge are formidable enemies indeed. Most people retreat and give up in front of them...
- When a person begins to learn, he never has a clear idea of ​​the obstacles. Its purpose is vague and illusory; his aspiration is unstable. He expects a reward that he will never receive because he is not yet aware of the upcoming trials.
Gradually he begins to learn - at first little by little, then more and more successfully. And soon he becomes confused. What he learns never matches what he imagined, and he is overcome with fear. Teaching always turns out to be not what is expected of it. Every step is a new task, and the fear that a person experiences grows mercilessly and steadily. His goal turns out to be a battlefield.
And thus his first eternal enemy appears before him: Fear! A terrible enemy, treacherous and unforgiving. He lurks around every turn, creeping up and waiting. And if a person, trembling before his face, takes to flight, his enemy will put an end to his search.
- What is happening to this man?
- Nothing special, except perhaps that he will never learn. He will never become a man of knowledge. He may become an idle talker or a harmless, frightened little man: but in any case he will be defeated. The first enemy put him in his place.
- What should you do to overcome fear?
- The answer is very simple: don’t run away. A person must overcome his fear and, in spite of it, take the next step in learning, and another step, and another. He can be completely terrified, and yet he must not stop. This is the law. And the day will come when his first enemy will retreat. The person will feel confident. His determination grows stronger. Learning will no longer be a daunting task. When that happy day comes, man can say without hesitation that he has conquered his first eternal enemy.
- Does this happen immediately or gradually?
- Gradually, and yet the fear disappears suddenly and immediately.
- Can a person try it again if something unexpected happens to him?
- No. Anyone who has once overcome fear is free from it until the end of his days, because instead of fear comes clarity, which dispels fear. By this time, a person knows all his desires and knows what to do with them; he can discover or take new steps in learning, and a sharp clarity permeates everything. A person feels that there are no secrets for him.
And so he meets his second enemy: Clarity! This clarity, so difficult to achieve, dispels fear, but it also blinds.
It makes a person never doubt himself. She gives confidence that he sees everything clearly through. Yes, he is courageous thanks to his clarity and will stop at nothing. But all this is a delusion: there is something wrong here... If a person succumbs to his imaginary power, it means that he is defeated by the second enemy and will mark time in training. He will rush forward when he should wait, or he will wait when he should not hesitate. And so he will trample until he is exhausted and loses the ability to learn anything else.
- What happens to him after such a defeat? Will he die as a result?
- No, he won’t die. It’s just that the second enemy blocked his path; and instead of a man of knowledge, he can become a cheerful and brave warrior or, say, a buffoon. However, the clarity for which he paid so dearly would never be replaced by darkness and fear again. Everything will be clear to him forever, only he will never learn anything again and will not strive for anything.
- What should he do to avoid defeat?
- The same as with fear: conquer clarity and use it only to see, and wait patiently, and carefully weigh everything before each new step; and above all, to know that its clarity is essentially illusory. And one day he will see that clarity was just a point before his eyes. Only in this way will he be able to defeat his second eternal enemy and reach a position in which nothing can harm him. And this will not be a delusion, just a dot before your eyes. This will be true strength.
At this stage it will become clear to him that the power he has been chasing for so long finally belongs to him. He can do whatever he wants with her. His ally is at his disposal. His desire is law. He sees right through everything around him. This means that he faces a third enemy: Power!
This is the most formidable enemy. And of course, the easiest thing is to simply give up: after all, in the end, its owner is truly invincible. He is the master who first takes calculated risks and ends up laying down the law because he is the master.
Here a person rarely notices the third enemy, which is already hanging over him. And he does not suspect that the battle is already lost. He is turned by his enemy into a cruel, capricious person.
- Will he lose his power?
- No; it will never lose clarity or strength.
- How will he then differ from a man of knowledge?
- A person defeated by his own power dies without really knowing what to do with it. Strength is just a burden in his destiny. Such a person has no control over himself and cannot say when and how to use his power. Powerful over others, but powerless over himself and cannot protect himself from his own weaknesses.
- Is defeat from any of these enemies final?
- Of course. Once a person is defeated, there is nothing he can do.
- Can, for example, someone who is defeated by force see his mistake and correct it?
- No. If a person gives up, he is finished.
- But what if he was only temporarily blinded by power, and then he gives it up?
- Well, then all is not lost; it means he is still trying to become a man of knowledge. A person is defeated only when he has given up all attempts and renounced himself.
“But in this case, it turns out that a person can deny himself and experience fear for whole years, but in the end he will overcome it.
- No, that's not true. If he gives in to fear, he will never overcome it, because he will avoid learning and will never dare to try again. But if for many years he, even in the midst of his fear, does not give up trying to learn, then sooner or later he will conquer fear, because in fact he never succumbed to it.
- How to defeat the third enemy, don Juan?
- Simply win, no matter what. A person must come to the understanding that the power that he supposedly conquered does not actually belong to him and can never belong to him. He must establish himself in constant self-control, soberly and disinterestedly using everything he has learned. If he is able to see that without self-control, clarity and strength are worse than illusion, he will reach a point where everything is under his control. Then he will know when and how to use his power. This will mean that he has defeated the third enemy and has come to the end of his journey in learning.
And here, without any warning, the last enemy overtakes him: Old age! This is the most cruel enemy that cannot be defeated, you can only delay your defeat.
This is the time when a person gets rid of fears, from unbridled and insatiable clarity, the time when all his strength is at his disposal, but also the time when he is overcome by an irresistible desire to rest, lie down, and forget. If he gives it free rein, if he lulls himself into fatigue, he will miss his last fight, and the enemy who has sneaked up will defeat him, turning him into an old insignificant creature. The desire to retreat will obscure his clarity, will destroy all his strength and all his knowledge.
But if a person shakes off fatigue and lives his destiny to the end, then he can truly be called a man of knowledge, even if not for long, if only for that brief moment when he manages to drive away the last and invincible enemy. Just this moment of clarity, power and knowledge is enough.”

For a person, the ability to see signs of power is an important condition for his more harmonious existence in physical reality. In addition to the fact that this ability serves as evidence of his special, hidden relationship with the Force, it also helps him navigate the changing world, adapting his energy structure to the impending changes, and thus insures him against losses of power caused by the regrouping of the elements of the universe. This helps to look around more carefully, assessing the world speaking to him; in general, a person is given the opportunity to continue his life path in harmony with the Force.

The idea that every event has a kind of introduction, a prelude, manifested in the world and open to observation, is rooted in hoary antiquity. Every event preparing for the transition from potential to actual existence is accompanied by a preceding disturbance of the material plane, regrouping to accept the new element. Since the manifested world is a harmonious system in which each object is connected to each by numerous connections, the emergence of a new element requires a regrouping of the elements already existing, and it is this regrouping that is called “Signs of Power”.

You can often hear that reading signs is only the fruit of developed intuition, that is, the ability to see a synthesis based on thesis and antithesis. However, this is not entirely true. To perceive Signs, such calculation is not enough, the “ability of foresight” based on experience is not enough; a certain amount of strength is also required. Of course, only that which already exists as a potential possibility can be realized, but the transition from potential existence to actual existence requires a surge in the Flow of Power, entering into a new system of relationships.

Here is one of the signs: Physics tells us that everything in nature consists of numerous levels - molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of elementary particles. At the micro level there is no matter, there are only fields of energy. And the deeper the level, the more energy, the more organizing power.

Let's start with the fact that the history of our universe began with a primordial explosion (?), which gave Divine energy the opportunity to materialize and shape the world around us. Strength, like everything in our world, has its own embodiment and its own sign. How did the energy of force arise and how was our Universe born from it? Who taught people how to control power, how did this influence the development of humanity? And why has this become one of the main mysteries of our time...

The Big Bang gave rise to our universe. The chaos of energy turned into an ordered force, which gave birth to matter, space and time. Galaxies, stars, planets, they all appeared from nothing and were formed according to the law of energy distribution of force. Including life on earth appeared under the influence of the energy of force. The release of atoms from a stable state allowed inorganic compounds to breathe life into themselves, and thus the mechanical chain of evolution of physical nature was launched, and with it the evolution of the manifestation of force energy. The emergence of intelligence (editor's note: Consciousness was originally possessed by everything in the universe, intelligence is something else) happened like a flash, this cannot be explained by the classical evolutionary process. Homo sapiens (not to be confused with conscious) appeared on the planet; this is directly related to the action of force. It was the field of force that created Homo sapiens.

The fact that all the diversity of nature consistently manifests itself from a single source of consciousness was described by Vedic science back in ancient times, based on the study of a calm state of mind. At the same time, Vedic science refers to a single field of consciousness, as a field of infinite energy of the Mind that creates the Universe. Intelligence, development, self-awareness - all these properties can also be found in the structure of the unified field, suggesting a connection between the unified field and ... the most fundamental state of consciousness.

The symbolism of 11 dots is a sign of manifestation of strength. This symbolism was used both in ancient times, as evidenced by drawings on rocks, and in our times on dollar bills and other objects. Using the sign of manifestation of power, a person achieves what he dreams of without understanding how it works. Much is hidden from our minds and sometimes we, without knowing it, and without understanding how it works, activate symbols and make them work for us and against us, thereby bearing fruit in our lives. What we sow is what we reap!

An infinite number of objects surround us. Some are created by human hands, some by nature itself, and each of them is endowed, to one degree or another, with its own special energy, which can be called the energy of force.

Zodiac signs divide people into twelve character types. You can believe in them or not, but a person is constantly exposed to various forces of nature. And astronomy is just trying to interpret this influence of celestial bodies and planets. This can help anyone better understand themselves and their spiritual side. There are stronger zodiac signs that indicate that a person has great potential to reach the top. But everyone chooses for themselves how to dispose of what nature has given them. Zodiac signs vary in strength, depending on the element to which they are classified.

Fire element

These include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. The common features for them are excessive passion, a complete lack of patience, love of freedom, despotism, enthusiasm and very large, often excessive, strength. These magical signs of power are very fiery and can achieve anything in life if they tame their ardor a little and learn to think soberly.

And yet, among these three, Sagittarius can be called the strongest. He always looks for the positive aspects in everything and is ready to help those in need. This sign of strength does not give in to provocations, but on the contrary, goes to the end and proves that he is right, completely controlling his strength in optimism, which everyone should learn from him.

Leo is considered the second strongest. This is an individual of royal blood, creating the illusion of strength, courage and great will. But if you look at this person closely, it immediately becomes clear that he is very dependent on the opinions and praise of the people around him. If Leo does not receive due attention, he becomes weak in spirit and becomes disappointed in his activities.

It is not for nothing that Aries is very similar to the ram; he is very stubborn. But for fire, Aries as a sign of the moment of power is the weakest. Controlling emotions is too difficult for him; he gives in to momentary impulses, which can do Aries a disservice. But there are still positive features. These include activity and activity.

Air signs

The signs that have the power of air are Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. These signs are very sociable, have great intelligence and determination. But at the same time, they are also insensitive and cold to other people’s experiences.

Aquarius is the leader in this element, it is a sign of strength. Such a person, surprisingly, is very dreamy, has high ideals and is demanding of everyone, including himself. Giving up in front of an obstacle is not about him. Aquarius will move forward and happily forget old failures.

Libras are very resilient morally. They unwaveringly defend their beliefs. But the habit of putting everything off until the last moment has a negative impact on their activities. They simply abandon what they started without seeing the end. Therefore, their dreams simply gather dust on the shelves.

Geminis are constantly divided in their decisions, so the sign of strength is not about them. They cannot decide what they really want, what business is worth taking on. Therefore, taking everything at once, they need support from other people. Without help, they are simply unable to solve the problem that has arisen.

Water is a calming element

This element rules Pisces. They have wonderful intuition and a big heart, and are very emotional and sensual. But they are also very capricious, they like to feel sorry for themselves, and making a decision is not an easy task for them.

The sign denoting the power of water is, first of all, Pisces. Astrologers will probably surprise everyone, but this particular sign is considered not just the most powerful among, but in the entire Zodiac. It is the fact that Pisces are very patient, know how to wait and never stop hoping and dreaming, that allows them to achieve the greatest heights in life.

Scorpio has a strong character; for him to sting is only a matter of time. But he constantly accumulates negative emotions that destroy him from the inside. This takes away his strength and he gradually weakens.

Cancer's vulnerability knows no bounds. His sensitivity makes him in need of constant support from a loved one. If such a person is not found, Cancer may think that this is his fate, and he will forget himself in depression.

Earth and its signs

The last among the elements is considered to be the earth. She patronizes Capricorn. Earth signs are very reliable, stable, sometimes boring due to their ubiquitous conservatism. Their mood changes as quickly as the wind blows, and their slowness will certainly not bring them success.

Capricorn is a sign. He is full of determination and ambition, persistently moving forward according to the plan conceived in advance. The main thing for them is to achieve their goal, and even if the whole world collapses, Capricorn will move forward without looking back.

Virgos give the impression of strong-willed and strong people who can achieve anything. But it happens that they simply do not want to understand that the world cannot be changed. They give up and just float aimlessly with the flow.

For Taurus, any change is fatal. He wants complete stability and predictability. When the intended plan fails to be implemented, Taurus cannot survive it. He is very vulnerable and defenseless.

In addition to being elemental, zodiac signs are also Cardinal, Kerubic and Mutable.

Signs of the first month of the season

Four signs are cardinal. These are Cancer, Aries, Capricorn and Libra. They have great power, as they command the change of seasons. Each of them rules one quarter of the year. For Aries it is spring, for Cancer it is summer, for Libra it is autumn, and for Capricorn, accordingly, it is winter. In addition to the seasons, these signs are also given over to the cardinal directions: the South is Capricorn, the West is Libra, the North is Cancer, and the East is Aries.

Each of these signs is active in their field of activity, shows constant initiative and holds managerial positions. Freedom is everything to them. They are enthusiastic and give in to momentary impulses, which can end very badly for them.

Signs of the middle month of the season

Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius are called Kerubic. Their second name is Fixed. This determines their characteristics, since they are very stable, and they achieve goals gradually, slowly, thinking through every step. They have an excellent memory, which allows them not to forget their grievances. They concentrate the world on themselves, stubbornly believing that everything can be achieved only the old fashioned way.

Signs of the final month

The word "mutable" has Latin roots and means changeability. Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius are exactly like that. They don't keep their promises and you can't rely on them. Their cunning knows no bounds. But at the same time, they are also very versatile, intelligent and quickly adapt to any situation. They subtly avoid sharp coals and change flexibly with the spirit of power. This makes them very adaptable in the modern world.

Thus, by looking at the signs of the Zodiac from different angles, we can determine that Pisces is the strongest. We are talking, of course, about the spiritual, and not about the physical plane. But each sign has both negative and positive sides. If a person can curb negativity and express himself, then his strength will no longer be hidden.

Symbols and signs of magic are original pictures, once drawn by ancient sages, and which have come down to us from time immemorial. Symbols of this type are usually used on various talismans and amulets, on any household items that we constantly keep with us. A tattoo of a sign of power is one of the most reliable ways to acquire magical protection. Its advantage is complete unity with the object that needs such a talisman. People also often embroider signs of strength on shirts, pants, T-shirts, and other items of clothing.

Nowadays, it is possible to use both your own symbols of power and those taken from the World Wide Web. Such a sign of fortitude will be an excellent amulet, protection, and a good original decoration. Since there are many religions on our planet, there are also a great variety of symbols, each of them meaning completely different things.

History of magical signs

Initially, the symbols of magic were ritual elements related to the gods. So, in the land of the rising sun - Japan, they were painted on papyrus, which was hung on the wall of a home or in a temple at home. The face of the god Su was applied to the ancient paper, which helped circulate the supreme energy and distributed it towards all cardinal directions. People knew how to control waves of energy long before the direction called “Rei Ki” (the energy of space and life) appeared, and even in those days symbols of power came to their aid. The sign is usually drawn for personal protection and protection of the space of the house in the air with the palm of the right hand.

The most important thing in this process is to carefully study all the lines that make up the image and their sequence. The smallest detail plays a vital role in the entire composition of the sign of power. Errors in its depiction can neutralize the magical component of such symbolism.

Some individuals use the sign of spiritual power to treat various types of pain: toothache, headache and others. Many people remove damage and evil eyes in this way. Knowing by heart all the parts that make up the sign, it is quite possible to make a conspiracy against a person against the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and other substances. By choosing your favorite magical sign, you can gain the opportunity to influence a specific person without meeting him in person or using his photo.

Christian cross

The most powerful sign of magic in Christianity is the cross. It is present in all branches of this religion: in Catholicism, and in Orthodoxy, and in Protestantism. 33 percent of the population of our planet profess this particular religion, and such mass faith has endowed the cross with truly amazing properties.

Protection with magical signs

Among the Jewish people, one of the main and most important magical signs of protection is the Star of David (another name is the Star of Solomon). This symbol looks like a star with six rays. A six-pointed star consists of a pair of triangles, the corners of which are directed in different directions. The occult meaning of this sign of power is the development of spirituality and its existence on our planet.

The Star of Solomon is an incredibly powerful magical sign, and is very often used in various rituals, drawn in pentagrams for protection from evil spirits.

Third eye and pyramid

If you take a dollar bill in your hands and look closely at what is depicted on it, you will notice an architectural structure like a pyramid, part of which is transformed into a triangle with an eye. A similar element is printed on money common in Egypt, and, naturally, it is found on wall paintings in ancient buildings of many civilizations. The eye on the pyramid is the All-Seeing Eye, which is located in a triangle, the angle of which is directed upward. The meaning of this symbol is very interesting: the forces located above a person watch his life constantly, seven days a week, without closing their eyes for a moment.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in the power of the energy of this symbol or not, but you will not find a single person on Earth who does not have conflicting feelings when looking at the All-Seeing Eye. This sign has hidden an incredible number of mysteries, mysteries and secrets since the era when people first formed the state.

Pentagram - a powerful magical amulet

A pentagram is essentially a five-pointed star that is most often found in a circle. This sign of dark forces is charged with very negative energy and is the most popular occult symbol used in rituals and sacraments around the world. This sign of evil spirits is a mandatory element for any mention of the Devil. In every sacrifice, fanatics use the pentagram as a gateway to enter hell and summon demons. The symbol is indeed very effective and strong, but it can be used for your own benefit, for example, to accumulate sharp negative energy bursts. The pentagram can be interpreted as a kind of seal that restrains the release of strong emotions and helps keep the mind and body in balance and peace.


It may seem incredible, but the circle really is a powerful protective sign. Perhaps a variety of scary films will immediately come to mind, for example, “Viy,” where the main character, in order to save himself from a ghost, outlined the space around him in the shape of a circle. A closed line is protection from dark forces and all kinds of evil spirits. It was the circle that our ancestors considered the gateway to the future and to worlds that exist beyond our understanding, to parallel universes. When doing fortune telling, you should never open this figure so that all the negative energy remains inside the sign and does not begin to spread to the monastery in which the ritual is being held.

In different countries there is a hypothesis that all living things in the world develop in a circle. There is also such a definition as “circle of light”, which is part of the existence of God and affects us at the astral level. A circle is the personification of nature itself in its true form, since in the natural environment most objects have smooth lines, without sharp and clear corners. It is for this reason that many believe that wave lines are the lines of nature, and clear, sharp, broken lines are the lines of man that he brings into this world.

Symbol of Good - FU from Ancient China

In our world there are not only negative symbols, but also positive ones. The ancient Chinese sign of spiritual power FU is one such element of white magic. The words encrypted in the magical construction of this sign personify all the bright sides of our life: love, kindness, friendly relationships, happiness, joy, fun. In China, there is an incredibly beautiful and popular tradition of giving this symbol made of beautiful flowers. Arriving in the Celestial Empire, you will find this sign in every house and every apartment. The fact is that it strengthens the family hearth and contributes to the creation of a friendly and easy atmosphere. If you give this symbol to someone, then with this gesture you will express great respect and gratitude to the person.


Holy Eye of Horus

The most interesting element of Egyptian mythology is the holy eye of Horus. The ancient Egyptians considered an amulet with this symbol a guide to the future. Possession of it promises the discovery of the gift of foresight and great knowledge, which is acquired by a person thanks to an increased perception of life. It also symbolizes the omnipresence of existence, the continuous observation of deities over human fate. Anyone who uses the Eye of Horus as an amulet can rest assured of their safety, because it protects against the evil eye of envious people and jealousy.

Rod of Mercury

The oldest symbol in the world is the rod of Hermes. In ancient times, it was considered an attribute of the great god of Mesopotamia - the Healer, who, according to legend, existed about two and a half thousand years ago. This deity was able to cure any disease. However, in ancient times, this rod became a symbol of the god Mercury. Initially, he was depicted with grape vines, and then entwined with a pair of snakes, because selling something in Ancient Greece was considered dangerous and required protection, and Mercury was a deity that helps merchants. The energies of the snakes ascending along the rod created a whirlwind of energy flows that renewed the human soul. The most important part of this symbol is the wings, which mean lightness and freedom of the soul from sins.

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