Home Signs and beliefs Read true, scary stories from people's lives. Creepy real stories. Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

Read true, scary stories from people's lives. Creepy real stories. Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

This story happened to my mother in the dashing 90s, in 1993, to be more precise, when there were no traces of mobile phones, everyone used ordinary landlines, disks or push-buttons.

My mother, Marina, is a doctor, she worked and still works in one of the Moscow emergency hospitals. Duty in the intensive care unit, bustle, running around, patients are brought in, people are dying or are on ventilators, it’s a painful sight and the situation is appropriate. After a hard shift, two hours of rest, my mother goes to the staff room, there is a long-distance telephone there, she dials a number to call my grandmother (her mother) in the city of Podolsk. I’ll write from my mother’s words.

I dial the number, after eight, I hear beeps, and my grandmother comes up.

Hello. What I want to talk about has literally been haunting me for the last few days.

It started like this - my brother called me, and, as always, the conversation turned to life, work and some episodes of the present and the past. We talked for a long time, the topic of conversation accidentally turned to childhood memories. My brother began to tell me about long-forgotten incidents and about what we both remember and will remember until the end of our days.


These are fragments of memories that are partially lost in memory, but when two people took part in them, or were witnesses, the picture is restored and takes on its true meaning.

One was just living, her husband was still traveling to work. I left for work in the morning and turned everything off. I remember exactly that I turned off the TV. I come in the evening, go into the apartment and hear a man’s voice from the hallway. Horror. It turned out that the TV was on, and the volume was turned up. The remote control was lying on the sofa, I blamed everything on the cat.

Only the second case really scared me. Winter. It gets dark early and in the morning it is still utter darkness. When I leave for work at 7:15, I always turn on the street light above the porch. Firstly, when I leave, I lock the door with the key, and in the dark you can’t do this normally, and secondly, I come in the evening at 21-30, it’s also already dark and it’s somehow more convenient to open with light.

This incident happened 28 years ago, my son was very young. We'll have to start with the background. My son and I lived in a dacha “for some air” and all my relatives also took their already grown-up teenage children to me for a vacation. I felt like a pioneer leader and didn’t take my hand off the pulse. She treated her squad strictly and honestly shared the work component with everyone else. During the day we managed laundry, cleaning the house and grounds, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. And in the evening we had as much fun as we could. I must say that my son could wake up, and my young assistants had a schedule worked out in what order they would go to calm the child down, give him some water or change his pants.

Throughout my life, strange accidents have occurred that were life-threatening or, at a minimum, situations that could lead to injury.
My mother told me the first case.

When I was two months old, my mother took me in a stroller to the clinic for a routine examination. She placed the stroller next to the entrance, where other strollers were already standing, and took me in her arms. At that moment, the glass in the window of the clinic on the second floor cracked, and a huge piece of glass stuck into the middle of my stroller. Mom, naturally, was in shock and very often later, with tears in her eyes, told me this story, saying that I had good angel the keeper. Since the glass stuck exactly in the place where her daughter’s tummy was two minutes before.

My neighbor's grandfather died last night. And the neighbor’s husband was just going on a business trip by train at that time. He went to Tambov, and in Penza he went out onto the platform to get some air. He did not yet know that his wife’s grandfather had died; She herself didn’t know; relatives were informed only 4 hours after death. There's some kind of procedure there. But, of course, the husband knew very well that his wife’s grandfather was in a hospice in Irkutsk and was generally on the verge. And then on the Penza platform he sees this same grandfather at some distance! I even recognized his clothes, gray tights and a striped T-shirt, his usual appearance. He rushed to his grandfather, but he somehow immediately got lost in the crowd, and the neighbor almost immediately realized that grandfather could not be here.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to completely hide information about yourself, because all you have to do is type a few words into a search engine - and secrets are revealed and secrets come to the surface. With the development of science and the improvement of technology, the game of hide and seek becomes more and more difficult. It was, of course, easier before. And there are many examples in history when it was impossible to find out what kind of person he was and where he came from. Here are a few such mysterious cases.

15. Kaspar Hauser

May 26, Nuremberg, Germany. 1828 A teenager of about seventeen wanders aimlessly through the streets, clutching a letter addressed to Commander von Wessenig. The letter states that the boy was taken in for training in 1812, taught to read and write, but was never allowed to "take one step out of the door." It was also said that the boy should become a "cavalryman like his father" and the commander could either accept him or hang him.

After meticulous questioning, we were able to find out that his name was Kaspar Hauser and he spent his entire life in a “darkened cage” 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters high, in which there were only an armful of straw and three toys carved from wood (two horses and dog). A hole was made in the floor of the cell so he could relieve himself. The foundling hardly spoke, could not eat anything except water and black bread, called all people boys, and all animals horses. The police tried to find out where he came from and who the criminal was that made a savage out of the boy, but they could not find out. Over the next few years, he was cared for by one person or another, taking him into their homes and caring for him. Until on December 14, 1833, Kaspar was found with a stab wound to the chest. A purple silk wallet was found nearby, and inside it was a note made in such a way that it could only be read in a mirror image. It read:

“Hauser will be able to describe to you exactly what I look like and where I came from. In order not to bother Hauser, I want to tell you myself where I come from _ _ I came from _ _ the Bavarian border _ _ on the river _ _ I’ll even tell you my name: M . L. O."

14. Green children of Woolpit

Imagine that you live in the 12th century in the small village of Woolpit in the English county of Suffolk. While harvesting in a field, you find two children huddled in an empty wolf's hole. The children speak an incomprehensible language, are dressed in indescribable clothes, but the most interesting thing is that their skin is green. You take them to your home where they refuse to eat anything other than green beans.

After a while, these children - brother and sister - begin to speak a little English, eat more than just beans, and their skin gradually loses its green tint. The boy gets sick and dies. The surviving girl explains that they came from the "Land of St. Martin", an underground "world of darkness", where they looked after their father's cattle, and then heard a noise and found themselves in a wolf's den. The inhabitants of the underworld are green and dark all the time. There were two versions: either it was a fairy tale, or the children escaped from the copper mines.

13. The Man from Somerton

On December 1, 1948, police discovered the body of a man on Somerton Beach in Glenelg (a suburb of Adelaide) in Australia. All the labels on his clothes were cut off, he had no documents or wallet on him, and his face was clean shaven. Even the teeth could not be identified. That is, there was not a single clue at all.
After the autopsy, the pathologist concluded that “death could not have occurred due to natural causes” and assumed poisoning, although no traces of toxic substances were found in the body. Apart from this hypothesis, the doctor could not guess anything more about the cause of death. Perhaps the most mysterious thing in this whole story was that with the deceased they found a piece of paper torn from a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). These words are translated from Persian as “finished” or “completed”. The victim remained unidentified.

12. The Man from Taured

In 1954, in Japan, at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, thousands of passengers were rushing about their business. However, one passenger seemed to be taking no part in it. For some reason, this outwardly completely normal man in a business suit attracted the attention of airport security, they stopped him and started asking questions. The man answered in French, but was also fluent in several other languages. His passport had stamps from many countries, including Japan. But this man claimed that he came from a country called Taured, located between France and Spain. The problem was that none of the maps offered to him showed any Taured in this place - Andorra was located there. This fact greatly saddened the man. He said that his country had existed for centuries and that he even had its stamps in his passport.

Discouraged, airport officials left the man in a hotel room with two armed guards outside the door while they tried to find more information about the man. They didn't find anything. When they returned to the hotel for him, it turned out that the man had disappeared without a trace. The door did not open, the guards did not hear any noise or movement in the room, and he could not leave through the window - it was too high. Moreover, all of this passenger’s belongings disappeared from the airport security premises.

The man, simply put, dived into the abyss and did not return.

11. Lady Grandmother

The 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy has given rise to many conspiracy theories, and one of the most mystical details of this event is the presence in photographs of a certain woman who was dubbed Lady Granny. This woman in a coat and sunglasses was in a bunch of pictures, moreover, they show that she had a camera and was filming what was happening.

The FBI tried to find her and establish her identity, but to no avail. The FBI later called on her to turn over her videotape as evidence, but no one ever came. Just think: this woman, in daylight, in full view of at least 32 witnesses (photographed and videoed by her), witnessed and videotaped a murder, and yet no one, not even the FBI, could identify her. It remained a secret.

10. D.B. Cooper

It happened on November 24, 1971 at Portland International Airport, where a man who had bought a ticket using documents in the name of Dan Cooper boarded a plane bound for Seattle, clutching a black briefcase in his hands. After takeoff, Cooper gave the flight attendant a note saying that he had a bomb in his briefcase and his demands were $200,000 and four parachutes. The flight attendant notified the pilot, who contacted authorities.

After landing at Seattle Airport, all passengers were released, Cooper's demands were met and the exchange was made, after which the plane took off again. As he flew over Reno, Nevada, the calm Cooper ordered all personnel on board to remain seated as he opened the passenger door and jumped into the night sky. Despite the large number of witnesses who could identify him, “Cooper” was never found. Only a small portion of the money was found in a river in Vancouver, Washington.

9. 21-faced monster

In May 1984, a Japanese food corporation called Ezaki Glico faced a problem. Its president, Katsuhiza Yezaki, was kidnapped for ransom from his home and held for some time in an abandoned warehouse, but then managed to escape. A little later, the company received a letter stating that the products were poisoned with potassium cyanide and there would be casualties if all products were not immediately recalled from food warehouses and stores. The company's losses amounted to $21 million, 450 people lost their jobs. The Unknowns - a group of people who took the name "21-faced monster" - sent mocking letters to the police, who could not find them, and even gave hints. The next message said that they had “forgiven” Glico, and the persecution had stopped.

Not content with playing with one large corporation, the Monster organization has its eyes on others: Morinaga and several other food companies. They acted according to the same scenario - they threatened to poison the food, but this time they demanded money. During a botched money exchange operation, a police officer almost managed to capture one of the criminals, but still let him go. Superintendent Yamamoto, who was responsible for investigating this case, could not bear the shame and committed suicide by self-immolation.

Shortly after, "The Monster" sent his final message to the media, mocking the death of a police officer and ending with the words: "We are the bad guys. That means we have better things to do than harass companies. Being bad is fun. Monster with 21 faces." . And nothing more was heard about them.

8. The Man in the Iron Mask

The "man in the iron mask" had the number 64389000, as follows from prison archives. In 1669, the minister of Louis XIV sent a letter to the governor of the prison in the French city of Pignerol, in which he announced the imminent arrival of a special prisoner. The minister ordered the construction of a cell with several doors to prevent eavesdropping, to provide for this prisoner's every basic need, and finally, if the prisoner ever spoke of anything other than this, to kill him without hesitation.

This prison was known for incarcerating "black sheep" from noble families and the government. It is noteworthy that the "mask" received special treatment: his cell was well furnished, unlike the rest of the prison cells, and two soldiers were on duty at the door of his cell, who were ordered to kill the prisoner if he removed his iron mask. The imprisonment lasted until the prisoner's death in 1703. The same fate befell the things he used: the furniture and clothes were destroyed, the walls of the cell were scraped and washed, and the iron mask was melted down.

Many historians have since fiercely debated the identity of the prisoner in an attempt to find out whether he was a relative of Louis XIV and for what reasons he was destined for such an unenviable fate.

7. Jack the Ripper

Perhaps the most famous and mysterious serial killer in history, London first heard about him in 1888, when five women were killed (although it is sometimes said that there were eleven victims). All the victims were connected by the fact that they were prostitutes, and also by the fact that all of them had their throats cut (in one of the cases, the cut went right up to the spine). All victims had at least one organ cut out of their bodies, and their faces and body parts were mutilated almost beyond recognition.

What's most suspicious is that these women were clearly not killed by a novice or amateur. The killer knew exactly how and where to cut, and he knew the anatomy perfectly, so many immediately decided that the killer was a doctor. The police received hundreds of letters in which people accused the police of incompetence, and there appeared to be letters from the Ripper himself, signed “From Hell.”

None of the many suspects and none of the countless conspiracy theories have been able to shed any light on the case.

6. Agent 355

One of the first spies in US history, and a female spy, was Agent 355, who worked for George Washington during the American Revolution and was part of the Culper Ring spy organization. This woman provided vital information about the British army and its tactics, including plans for sabotage and ambushes, and if not for her, the outcome of the war might have been different.

Supposedly in 1780, she was arrested and sent aboard a prison ship, where she gave birth to a boy, who was named Robert Townsend Jr. She died a little later. However, historians are suspicious of this story, stating that women were not sent to floating prisons, and there is no evidence of the birth of a child.

5. The Zodiac Killer

Another serial killer who remains unknown is the Zodiac. This is practically an American Jack the Ripper. In December 1968, he shot two teenagers in California - right on the side of the road - and attacked five more people in next year. Only two of them survived. One victim described the attacker as a pistol-waving man wearing a cloak with an executioner's hood and a white cross painted on his forehead.
Like Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac maniac also sent letters to the press. The difference is that these were ciphers and cryptograms along with crazy threats, and at the end of the letter there was always a crosshair symbol. The main suspect was a man named Arthur Lee Allen, but the evidence against him was only circumstantial and his guilt was never proven. And he himself died of natural causes shortly before the trial. Who was the Zodiac? No answer.

4. Unknown rebel (Tank Man)

This photograph of a protester facing a column of tanks is one of the most famous anti-war photographs and also contains a mystery: the identity of this man, called Tank Man, has never been established. An unidentified rebel single-handedly held off a column of tanks for half an hour during the Tiananmen Square riots in June 1989.

The tank was unable to avoid the protester and stopped. This prompted Tank Man to climb onto the tank and talk to the crew through the vent. After some time, the protester got down from the tank and continued his standing strike, preventing the tanks from moving forward. Well, then he was carried away by people in blue. It is unknown what happened to him - whether he was killed by the government or forced into hiding.

3. Woman from Isdalen

In 1970, the partially burned body of a naked woman was discovered in the Isdalen Valley (Norway). More than a dozen sleeping pills, a lunch box, an empty liquor bottle and plastic bottles, which smelled of gasoline. The woman suffered serious burns and carbon monoxide poisoning, 50 sleeping pills were found inside her, and she may have been hit in the neck. The tips of her fingers were cut off so that she could not be identified by her prints. And when the police found her luggage at a nearby train station, it turned out that all the labels on the clothes had also been cut off.

Upon further investigation, it turned out that the deceased had a total of nine aliases, a whole collection of different wigs and a collection of suspicious diaries. She also spoke four languages. But this information did not greatly help in identifying the woman. A little later, a witness was found who saw a woman in fashionable clothes walking along the path from the station, followed by two men in black coats - towards the place where the body was discovered 5 days later.

But this evidence was not very helpful.

2. Grinning Man

Usually paranormal events are difficult to take seriously and almost all phenomena of this kind are exposed almost immediately. However, this case seems to be of a different kind. In 1966, in New Jersey, two boys were walking along the road towards the barrier at night and one of them noticed a figure behind the fence. The towering figure was dressed in a green suit that shimmered in the lantern light. The creature had a wide grin or a grin and small prickly eyes that constantly followed the frightened boys with their gaze. The boys were then questioned separately and in great detail, and their stories matched exactly.

Some time later, reports of such a strange Grinning Man appeared again in West Virginia, and in large numbers and from different people. Grinning even talked to one of them, Woodrow Dereberger. He identified himself as "Indrid Cold" and asked if there had been any reports of unidentified flying objects in the area. In general, he made an indelible impression on Woodrow. Then this paranormal entity was still encountered here and there until he disappeared completely.

1. Rasputin

Perhaps no other historical figure can compare with Grigory Rasputin in terms of the degree of mystery. And although we know who he is and where he comes from, his personality is surrounded by rumors, legends and mysticism and is still a mystery. Rasputin was born in January 1869 into a peasant family in Siberia, where he became a religious wanderer and “healer,” claiming that a certain deity gave him visions. A series of controversial and bizarre events led to Rasputin's employment as a healer in the royal family. He was invited to treat Tsarevich Alexei, who was suffering from hemophilia, in which he was even somewhat successful - and as a result acquired enormous power and influence over the royal family.

Rasputin, associated with corruption and evil, suffered countless unsuccessful assassination attempts. Either they sent a woman with a knife to him under the guise of a beggar, and she almost gutted him, or they invited him to the house of a famous politician and tried to poison him there with cyanide mixed into his drink. But that didn't work either! In the end, he was simply shot. The killers wrapped the body in sheets and threw it into the icy river. It later turned out that Rasputin died from hypothermia, and not from bullets, and was even almost able to extricate himself from his cocoon, but this time luck did not smile on him.

Boris Andreevich stretched lazily and had just decided to take a sip of freshly brewed coffee when suddenly the phone rang. But that didn't stop him from taking a sip of his drink and only then answering the call.
“The district police officer is listening,” Boris Andreevich said in a serious voice.
“Boris Arkadyevich,” said a puzzled female voice.
“I’m Andreevich,” the district police officer corrected his interlocutor.
- Sorry, Boris Andreevich. – It’s Lyubov Nikolaevna who’s bothering you. When will you respond to my call? – the woman asked curiously.

When you hear from other experts: they say that men and women according to their character are divided into such and such categories, a question immediately arises for such “experts” - are you guys locals yourself? Or did you fall behind the alien train?..

I won’t say anything about men yet, but as for the sex that is beautiful in almost all respects, there is no structuring here. It would probably be more correct to consider that there are as many categories of women as there are. Although, as an exception, I think it’s still possible to distinguish between two main groups of lovely ladies.

Several years ago, in one of the hunting grounds in the Perm region, I heard an unusual story. About a strange mushroom picker. Impressed by what he heard, he even wrote a short poem about this, “The Lost Mushroom Picker.” Comical. Changing the essence of the story a little. I couldn’t believe its veracity at the time. You never know what people will come up with...

Although the game manager who told about the strange incident did not look like a comedian at all. In all seriousness, he said that for the second year in the local forests, mushroom pickers and hunters met a very strange character.

Back in school, the boys and I noticed a strange trend - each of us had a particularly unlucky part of the body. Which received more than other organs and limbs. For some it turned out to be a hand, for others a leg, for others it was a completely bad head. And some were unlucky in general on the right or, conversely, the left side of the body. Like me, for example.
Over the years, for most, the situation probably evens out, and the “bumps” begin to fall evenly over the entire body. And the number of injuries noticeably decreases with age and the advent of intelligence. But not everyone, unfortunately...

This story happened back in 1978. I was in 5th grade then and was just a little girl. My mother worked as a teacher, and my father was an employee of the prosecutor's office. He never said anything about his work. In the morning he put on his uniform and went to work, and in the evening he returned home. Sometimes he came gloomy and...

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Slipped out of the loop

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It's so destined by fate

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Do not bring an urn with the ashes of the deceased into the house

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Help from a dead man

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Treasure found by orphans

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Angel under the bridge

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This section contains the most hand-selected horror stories published on our website. These are mostly scary real-life stories told by people on social networks. This section differs from the “best” section in that it contains scary stories from life, and not just interesting, exciting or educational ones. We wish you a pleasant and exciting read.

Just recently I wrote a story for the site and clarified that this is the only misterious story which happened to me. But gradually more and more new cases emerged in my memory, which happened, if not to me, then to the people next to me, who, of course, can be completely disbelieved. But if you don’t believe everyone who is next to you, then you don’t have to believe...


This was in the early 50s. My grandmother's brother, an electrician by training, returned from the war and was in great demand - there weren't enough people, the country was being rebuilt from ruins. So, having settled in one village, he actually worked for three - fortunately, the settlements were close to each other, he mostly had to walk... In a hurry, walking from one village to another, he often...


I heard this story on the train from my neighbor in the compartment. The events are absolutely real. Well, at least that's what she told me. It took five hours to drive. In the compartment with me was a young girl with a little girl of five years old and a woman of about sixty. The girl was so restless, she constantly ran around the train, made noise, and the young mother chased after her and...


This happened strange story in the summer of 2005. At that time, I finished my first year at the Kyiv Polytechnic University and came home to my parents for the summer holidays to relax and help with renovations in the house. The town in the Chernihiv region where I was born is very small, the population is no more than 3 thousand, there are no high-rise buildings or wide avenues in it - in general, it looks ordinary...


This story happened before my eyes over several years with a person whom I could then call a friend. Although we rarely saw each other and almost never communicated on the Internet. It’s hard to communicate with a person who is diligently avoided by simple human happiness - troubles at work, depression, constant lack of money, lack of relationships with the opposite sex, life with a disgusted mother and brother, whom even...


This story is not mine, I don’t even remember exactly whose. Either I read it somewhere, or someone told me... A woman lived alone, in a communal apartment, lonely. She was already many years old, and her life was hard. She buried her husband and daughter and was left alone in that apartment. And only her old neighbors and girlfriends, with whom she sometimes got together over a cup of tea, brightened up her loneliness. Is it true, ...


I'll tell you my story too. The only mysterious story that happened to me in my life. It really can be attributed to a dream, but for me everything was very real and I remember everything as it is now, unlike anyone else bad dream. A little background. I see a lot of dreams and like any other person who dreams a lot, I can not only often...


One young couple was looking for an apartment. The main thing is that they said that it should be inexpensive, but also in good condition. They finally found the long-awaited apartment: it was inexpensive, and the owner was a nice little granny. But finally the grandmother said: “Be quiet... the walls are alive, the walls hear everything”... The guys were surprised and with a smile on their faces asked: “Why are you selling the apartment so cheap? This is for you...


I don't like children. These little whining human larvae. I think many people treat them with a mixture of disgust and indifference, like I do. This feeling is aggravated by the fact that literally under the windows of my house there is an old kindergarten, filled all year round with hundreds of screaming, raging little kids. Every single day you have to go through their pen. Summer this year was very hot for our region and...


This story happened to me 2 years ago, but when I remember it it becomes very creepy. Now I want to tell it to you. I bought a new apartment because the previous apartment did not suit me very much. I had already arranged everything, but I was confused by one closet that stood in the bedroom and occupied most of the room. I asked the former owners to remove it, but they said...


This happened in St. Petersburg, at the Novodevichy cemetery in 2003. At that time, our hobbies included the occult and the so-called black rituals. We had already summoned the spirits and I was sure that I was ready for anything. Unfortunately, the phenomena that happened that night forced me to reconsider my views on life, now I will try to retell everything that I remember. Linda met me on Moskovsky Prospekt. I...


Our family had a tradition: every summer we went to the Vologda region to relax with our relatives. And the edges there are swampy, the forests are impenetrable - in general, a gloomy area. The relatives lived in a village on the edge of the forest (in fact, it was a holiday village). I was 7 years old at that time. We arrived in the afternoon, it was cloudy and raining. While I was laying out my things, the adults were already lighting up the grill under...

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