Home Signs and beliefs When there are three rescues in a year. Honey saved: traditions. Poppy nut pie

When there are three rescues in a year. Honey saved: traditions. Poppy nut pie

13 Aug 2017,

Many people who revere all Christian traditions, but do not strictly follow church canons, are accustomed to believing that this day is named Macovei because from mid-August they harvest poppies, consecrate them in the church and bake delicious rosy pies with them. But it is not so. Initially, this holiday was a day of remembrance for the Maccabee brothers, who accepted martyrdom behind Christian faith. However, over time, the brothers' surname was transformed into a similar word, "Makovei", which became associated with the poppy harvest. That's why there was such confusion.

Every year on August 14, several Orthodox holidays are celebrated at once: Makovei (also called Poppy, First, Water, Wet Savior, Savior on the Water) and the Destruction of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's. Also, this day for the entire Orthodox people marks the beginning of the Dormition Fast and the baptism of Kievan Rus.

Honey Spas: traditions

Traditionally, on this day there should be dishes with poppy seeds on the table, and Makoveya is no exception. Our ancestors also baked machniki and makans - lean buns, rolls, pies and gingerbreads stuffed with poppy seeds and honey. The festive meal usually began with ruddy poppy seed pancakes. Nowadays, housewives traditionally bake.

Also on the holiday of the Honey Savior in 2017, as in any other year, in all Orthodox churches low lighting of honey and water is carried out.

According to centuries-old traditions, it was on August 1, according to the old style (August 14, according to the new style) that water was blessed in natural reservoirs and springs, making a religious procession there, cleaning old wells and consecrating new ones. People believed that blessed water could wash away all sins and improve health, so they made sure to bathe themselves and their livestock in it. It was believed that after the Macovei holiday, summer was coming to an end: bird singing gradually fell silent, bees were preparing for winter, so they no longer brought new pollen collections, and the water in reservoirs began to “bloom.” The peasants began harvesting, haymaking and other field work.

This holiday is also called the Honey Savior, as it marks the honey harvest. Having overshadowed myself sign of the cross, the beekeepers carefully examined the hives and chose the most complete one. Then the honeycombs were taken out of the “rich” hive for honey, some of them were placed in a new wooden bowl and carried to the temple for consecration. Part of the blessed honey was necessarily given to the poor and teenagers, who congratulated the beekeepers with traditional songs. With honey they made intoxicating and non-alcoholic drinks, baked gingerbread cookies and prepared a variety of dishes. By the way, before the Feast of the Honey Savior, eating honey from the new harvest was prohibited.

Also on this day, a special amulet bouquet was collected - a poppy flower, which included various wild and garden flowers and herbs: wormwood, mint, asters, thyme, cornflowers, calendula, etc. But it had to contain poppy heads. Although this ancient tradition is a kind of tribute to paganism, the church treats it quite favorably and sanctifies the makoveychiki. Today you can buy a poppy seed not far from the church, but it is better to make it with your own hands to bring happiness, love and mutual understanding to your home.

Honey Spas 2017: signs

Orthodox Christians believed that the Macovei holiday marked the end of summer, so soon after it the time of rains and winds began, that is, cold and unstable weather.

It was customary to treat all poor people with honey, so depriving the poor on this day was considered a very bad omen.

It was also customary to help widows. According to the beliefs of Orthodox Christians, this brought prosperity and happiness to the family. But what you can’t do on Honey Spas is be sad, use foul language and quarrel.

Our ancestors believed that if on Honey Spas it's raining, then it will be possible to avoid autumn fires.

After the First Savior, it was not customary to swim in rivers and lakes, or to bring livestock into reservoirs; this was considered a bad omen.

Those people who were afraid of the curses of witches and sorceresses collected wild poppy seeds and sprinkled them on their homes.

When is Honey Spas in 2017, what date?

The last month of summer pleases with a variety of holidays, one of the most famous is honey spas. This is an ancient holiday that marks the beginning of honey collection. It is popular not only among the Slavs, but also among other peoples of the world, who call it “wet” because of the rainy end of the summer season. In Rus', they first began to celebrate it in the 15th century, a month after Peter’s fast ended. During the Dormition Fast, three types of Savior are celebrated: Honey, Apple and Nut.
Many people are interested in the question: what is the date of honey saving in 2017 and how is it celebrated. Anyone who is familiar with the church calendar knows that it is celebrated on August 14 before another Savior - Apple. This is the first of three big ones holidays, which is also called Makovey in another way, because poppy heads are also blessed in the church along with honey.

Honey Spas 2017: main traditions

Not everyone knows the reason why summer holiday They called it Honey Spas. During this period, the collection of new honey begins, and it is a gift from God, so this sweet delicacy is often brought to the temple along with poppy seeds and medicinal herbs and all this is sacred. After illumination, the bee product was not only treated to everyone, but also given to the poorer population. An old proverb goes like this: “The first one saves and the poor honey tries.”
But it is worth remembering that lighting honey is only a pious tradition and they exist mainly in Orthodox churches. According to God’s plan, everyone living on the planet creates fruits, and the person who actively participated in the production of fruits brought the first fruits to the temple as a gift to God. Therefore, the consecration itself is in no way connected with the holiday of the Honey Savior. Such a tradition should exist, but not overshadow Orthodox holiday, celebrated on August 14.

How to celebrate the Honey Savior

As in any other year, the honey holiday in 2017 needs to be celebrated in a special way. To begin with, on this holiday there is a tradition of giving bee treats, mead and honey gingerbread and cookies. The most faithful go to the temple to illuminate the delicacy, not only in liquid form, but also in honeycombs.
During the celebration, there should be dishes with poppy seeds and honey on the table: rolls, buns, various salads, also popular is sochivo, which is a wheat porridge with poppy seeds, walnuts, honey and raisins.
If you want to celebrate Macovei according to Christian traditions, then it is worth considering that the Assumption Fast begins on this day, so it is better to refuse fish and meat dishes, and prefer baked goods from Lenten dough.

Signs for Honey Spas

Like any other holiday, there are interesting signs for honey rescue 2017.
If it rains on a holiday, then you should expect some troubles associated with a fire.
You can swim at Honey Savior, you even need to, but after it you can’t. If you believe old legends, then on this day water washes away all the sins and illnesses of a bathing person.
If on August 14 you walk around the house and sprinkle the rooms with poppy seeds after lighting, then neither a witch nor a person who brings something bad will be able to enter the house.
Baking poppies collected on this day have healing properties.
Wells are always blessed on the first Savior.
At this time, the harvesting of berries begins: forest raspberries and bird cherry.
On Honey Spas, swallows begin their migration to warmer climes.

A great religious holiday - Dormition - also falls on Orekhovy Spas. Holy Mother of God. Therefore, August 29th is Liturgy.

There are many folk signs associated with Orekhovoy Spas. So, it was believed that if the cranes flew away, it meant there would be frost on Pokrov. But a stormy August is a harbinger of a long, warm autumn.

At first, the canvas with the face of Christ was kept in Edessa, then it was transported to Constantinople. Transfer Image miraculously Christ the Savior occurred on August 29, and since then this event has been celebrated on this day by Orthodox Christians around the world.

Three Spas Honey Apple Bread. (updated).

Saved - traditional holiday ancient Slavs, which incorporated some pagan and religious components. After the advent of Christianity to Rus', this holiday acquired its final name, which we call it to this day, which comes from one of the names of the Lord Jesus Christ; This is exactly the name that some sources called Him. Today, the Savior (including Apple, Honey and Nut) has become a holiday of the Christian people, and has received a well-deserved place in the host of no less revered events of the Orthodox calendar.

Towel (ubrus) Christ became banner on the gate tower of Edessa, since it saved the ruler. Thus was born the custom of protecting the gate towers of cities christian images Christ, icons of the Savior (Savior). Therefore, the gate tower of the Moscow Kremlin is called Spasskaya.

In the Christian tradition, every Savior is a holiday in honor of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Also, spas is an ancient holiday of the agricultural calendar, timed to coincide with the ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth.

There is also an interesting superstition that on Nut Spas every witch prepares a magic wand. People said that magic wands were made from hazel, which on this day is filled with special power.

With the onset of Apple Savior, it is customary to begin preparing all kinds of dishes based on the fragrant fruits: they bake pies and pies with them, they begin to make the first jam, make salads and desserts, decorate their holiday table with them and give them to every guest.

In August, Orthodox Christians celebrate three very “appetizing” holidays: Honey, Nut and Apple Spas. Where did such delicious names come from?

With the arrival of the last month of summer, all Christians expect three great religious holiday- Honey, Apple and Nut Spas. Many not only Orthodox, but also truly Ukrainian rituals and traditions are associated with them. The dates on which these holidays fall remain the same from year to year. The first to celebrate the Honey Savior is August 14, then Apple Spas- on the 19th, and at the end of the month - Nut Spas, which is usually celebrated on August 29.

"Spasom on Water" honey Spas called in honor of the small blessing of water. Previously, in Rus', wells were blessed and cleaned on this day, and they also made a religious procession to bless the water. bathed in this water and bathed livestock to wash away sin and be healthier.

Orthodox Christians associate with the Honey Savior the beginning of the two-week Dormition Fast - Spasovka (August 14-27). This strict fast dedicated to memory Holy Virgin Maria. It is believed that the Assumption Fast is second in severity only to the Great Fast, but due to the abundance of food and ripened fruits it is considered easy.

On August 14, the Assumption Lent begins, and the Honey Savior falls on the first day of the Assumption Lent. The holiday associated with the beginning of the collection of honey from the hives heralds the overflowing honeycombs, ready to collect the honey nectar given by nature to man. The holiday has many names and its own traditions; the Honey Savior is celebrated on August 14, one August summer day.

Honey Apple Bread Saved in 2017 start date. Exclusive information.

A small wicker basket made of wicker, lined with a clean, elegant towel, is perfect for this purpose. As for the contents of the salvation basket, the set of traditional products that need to be brought to church for consecration is small.

Lenten dishes are prepared from consecrated fruits and berries - pies and rolls with fruit filling, preserves, jams, compotes, dried fruits and berries and so on.

The celebration of the three Saviors took place on a special scale and the table of any, even the poorest, villager was laden with dishes - a sacred tradition to give gifts from the new harvest to the poor.

By church calendar On this day, the transfer of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, as well as the martyr Diomede the doctor and the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God are venerated. People turn to Diomede for help in healing from ailments, and before the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God they pray for the resolution of everyday and family problems; it also helps expectant mothers, making childbirth easier.

People believed that on this day you could tell by the weather what autumn and the beginning of winter would be like - a sunny day foreshadowed a clear and frosty January, and rains promised a snowy winter.

The third Spas is Nut. Celebrated on August 29, Tuesday. This holiday is also called the Linen Savior and the Bread Savior.

Candles (take matches with you) and fragrant herbs (mint, thyme, Chernobrivtsy) can complement the basket. Living greenery symbolizes joy and faith in immortal life.

Be careful when choosing the products you want to consecrate in church. Each product carries symbolic meaning, the sacred meaning of which is important to know.

When Spas in 2017 Honey Apple and Bread. Main news today 08/11/2017

The First Spas opens the triad of the most important holidays in August, and is also the beginning of the Dormition Fast. Be sure to remember what to do in Honey Spas August 14, 2017 to stock up on health and luck for the whole year.

When is Honey Spas 2017

Every year the holiday is celebrated on the same day, namely August 14th. The first Savior is called Makovey, Savior on the Water or Honey Savior. On this day, pancakes are baked with honey, buns with poppy seeds, water is blessed and apple picking begins.

There is a good omen: whoever eats a spoonful of honey first on Makovey and makes a wish at the same time will be lucky and happy all year, and everything planned will come true. You can make a conspiracy on a jar of honey to pacify quarreling people.

You need to brew herbal tea (chamomile, linden, acacia flower), pour it into cups, and when you put a spoonful of honey in each container, say the following words: “Just as honey softens water, so will my prayer soften the hearts of warring people. Tea cleanses the soul from evil and let it unite us for a good cause!”

You can also make a spell against illness over hot milk and honey. Special words must be repeated three times: “Disease - retreat, free body and soul from adversity. Run away from our house and never turn back!”

Ritual of attracting happiness to Honey Spas

In 2017, the First Savior falls during the waning moon phase, so all rites and rituals aimed at getting rid of illnesses and failures are very effective. Most powerful ritual to cleanse a home and a person from damage must be done at dawn on August 14, 2017. You need to take three pieces of poppy seed and say the following over it: “Just as no one can collect this poppy, so you will never give a damn about my soul and body. I collected poppies, I put in the work, now my envious people will work hard. They collect poppies until the last grain, but they don’t remember anything about me!” After this, you need to scatter the poppy on the threshold of your house so that it is simply impossible to get it. .

Effective ritual on poppy will answer the question: h what needs to be done in Honey Spas on August 14, 2017 and will help you regain business success. To do this you will need a whole glass of poppy seeds and a handkerchief. The purchased scarf is spread out on your counter or workplace, then a pile of poppy seeds from a glass is poured onto it. Now you need to say nine times in a row: “Whoever steps on a poppy seed will buy all my goods!” Take a small handful of poppy seeds and throw them next to you, and wrap the rest in a scarf and hide it in a secluded place. This procedure is repeated every day and very soon the business situation will improve in your favor.

On Makovei, honey acquires healing powers, so every person should eat at least a spoonful of this sweet gift of nature. The First Savior was also called “widow's help,” so it is considered a very good omen on this day to help a woman whose husband has died. Remember what you need to do on Honey Spas on August 14, 2017 and be sure to give some kind of gift or provide all possible help with the housework to a single woman. Your good deed will very soon return with unexpected joy in your home.

Women at Honey Spas always turned to their guardian angel and begged him for support. At the same time, be sure that any sin will be removed from you, and Higher power They will give you a hint on what to do next to make life better.

A good omen at Honey Spas is to accidentally step into the water or be splashed with water; this symbolizes well-being and “swimming in luxury.” If a spider falls on your head, expect news from afar; if a bird flies into the house or you see a large flock of pigeons, you will very soon be pleased with a promotion or the birth of a baby.

In the last month of summer Orthodox people Three big holidays are celebrated: Honey Spas on August 14, Apple Spas on August 19, Nut Spas on August 29. All three Spas are “tasty”, but the very first one is the “sweetest”.

Why is it called Spas?

August is the time when the farmer saw the fruits of his labors ripening, which is why the days when these first fruits appeared were so important.

It is generally accepted that their name comes from the name of Jesus the Savior (Savior), but the popular version more accurately indicates the main thing: “to be saved by storing” food for the long winter - that was the most important thing in Spas. All three together are called “savings.”

On August 14, the honeycombs in the hives are filled to capacity with honey, and it’s time to harvest the harvest, and after the consecration, treat yourself to your heart’s content. Among the Slavs, honey was not only a tasty delicacy; it was also used to prepare a popular intoxicating drink - mead. People used mead not only as a festive drink, but also to treat illnesses and illnesses.

Another name for the holiday on August 14 is Savior on Water. According to legend, it was in August that Prince Vladimir baptized Kievan Rus.

The Honey Savior is popularly called the Savior on the Water in honor of the small blessing of water. Traditionally, it was at this time in Rus' that new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned, as well as processions of the cross to natural reservoirs and springs to bless water. After procession bathed in water and bathed livestock to wash away sin and be healthier.

Poppy is considered a talisman

August 14 is also considered the Day of Remembrance of the Maccabees - these are the seven martyrs of Old Testament, who died in 166 BC. On the Day of the Maccabees, baked goods are served at the table, which always contains poppy seeds, which just ripen by this day.

It is not known where the connection between poppy and the Maccabees came from, it is quite possible that these are just consonant words, but in Ukrainian villages, where customs are still observed, on this day, Macans and Maccabees are served for lunch - lean rolls, buns, gingerbread with honey and poppy seeds. On this day, the famous makoviki - delicious Ukrainian shortcakes - are prepared from honey and poppy seeds in villages.

The poppy itself has a sacred status among Ukrainians. Previously, they showered the hostess with it “from all the bad things.” Many residents of villages and cities have preserved this folk tradition relationship to poppy as a talisman.

Fragrant amulets

Today you can buy a “makoveychik” right under the temple - enterprising people will assemble the amulet for you. However, according to popular belief Only a personally collected bouquet of 17 flowers and herbs has magical protective powers.

In different regions and even in neighboring villages, the complete list of greens for poppy-growers is different, but the basis of the magical bouquet is the same everywhere - viburnum (girlish happiness), sunflower (Sun, warmth), rue and marigold (from illnesses), oregano (family ties, strength of the family) ), oats (abundance, good harvest), mint (peace, harmony), weasel (affection and mutual understanding), gentian (“gentian, call my dear”), wormwood (for evil spirits), and, of course, poppies. Flowers from the field, forest, and garden are placed in the “Makovei flower”: marigolds, asters, cornflowers, lovage, chicory, yarrow.

“Makoveychik” must be consecrated in the church and kept for a whole year. At Christmas it can serve as a decoration for a Christmas treat, and at Easter it can decorate a blessed willow vine. Villagers scatter poppy seeds in their gardens for harvest. In Western Ukraine, women giving birth sprinkle poppy seeds at the doorstep so that guests do not jinx the baby.

Signs and beliefs

Domestic ethnographers note that Ukrainians have always considered it a great sin to eat apples and pears before the Savior. This prohibition was especially zealously adhered to by parents who had lost children, as well as children whose parents had died. In many regions of Ukraine they retell the old legend that the Savior in the next world mother of God distributes apples to dead children, but does not give anything to those whose parents on earth ate these fruits before the holiday, so they cry bitterly, cursing their fate. By folk signs, the Feast of the Savior is considered the day when summer meets autumn. At this time, the first signs of future cold weather are already felt, so they used to say: “The Savior has come, prepare mittens in reserve.”

It is customary to start the meal on August 14 with honey, and the first spoon of honey on this day is magical - whoever eats it makes a wish, and it will definitely come true.

On the day of the First Savior, it is customary to help widows and orphans. People try to help with the preparation of firewood, work in the garden, and household chores. It is believed that whoever helps those in need on this day will receive the blessing of the Lord.

The beginning of the two-week Assumption Fast is also associated with the Honey Savior. The Dormition Fast is second in severity only to the Great Fast, but due to the abundance of food and ripened fruits, it is considered light. The Dormition Fast also serves as a reminder that summer is coming to an end.

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