Home Facial physiognomy How to neutralize unfavorable directions by gua number. Feng Shui. Stage two: correcting unfavorable Feng Shui. Different Gua Numbers

How to neutralize unfavorable directions by gua number. Feng Shui. Stage two: correcting unfavorable Feng Shui. Different Gua Numbers

Starting to study Feng Shui and apply it in practice, everyone without exception faces the question of suppressing negative sectors. Many people without hesitation place talismans that suppress the energy of the sector and forget about it. Well, that's certainly an option. But personally, I advise you to think about it.

All sectors of the Lo Shu square or Ba Gua grid are important. Each sector is responsible for its own area, which is reflected in our lives. Can the Wealth sector be more important than the Family and Marriage sector? How can you count on a brilliant career if the sector that initiates energy for this area is suppressed?

Energy— the material is delicate and requires very careful handling. Human life, the world, the balance of good and evil are very fragile substances. All you have to do is move one part (it doesn’t matter in which direction) and that’s it! The world is going to hell, wars are breaking out, people are dying, and disasters are happening.

Exactly the same events, but on a micro scale, occur when we ineptly experiment with energy. Personally, I experienced the full brunt of the consequences of the mistakes I made. Therefore, I urge everyone: think about the consequences! Study the issue, consult, be careful in everything. It’s your business to follow my advice or not, but it’s my business to let you know about the possible consequences. Regarding suppression and neutralization, I want to say the following.

One of the most effective transforming talismans are “air bells” or, as they are also called, “wind music”. These talismans have the ability to cleanse the energy of unfavorable sectors from negativity without causing any damage to its production and accumulation. When choosing these talismans, be guided by the task and the data of your Individual Card.

Suppression, as an act of brute force, use outside the home. For example, when reflecting “poisonous arrows” and protecting from negative factors. The energy that lives outside the home is capable of self-healing.

To balance the space and eliminate negativity indoors, use exclusively neutralization. Qi does not originate in a house or apartment room, it enters it through windows and doors (which is why Feng Shui pays a lot of attention to these openings). The cleaner the windows and doorways, the more favorable their location and the more correctly the correction is made, the more and cleaner the energy flows into the house.

The point of harmonizing space is to make the room energy-intensive, i.e. it would have the ability to accumulate positive energy. The more favorable Qi there is in a house, the better its owners live.

To neutralize negative vibrations of energy, there is a special group of talismans who, by their presence in the sector, cleanse the energy of negativity. Moreover, these talismans can be placed in favorable areas.

As transformer mascots use:

  • bells
  • wind chimes
  • bamboo flutes
  • mirrors
  • Circle of Creation

An example of neutralizing the negativity emitted by the Southwestern sector for the Eastern type of people. Place in a problematic sector bamboo wind chime with the number of tubes 3 or 4.

An example of neutralizing the negativity emitted by the Eastern sector for the Western type of people. Place in a problematic sector metal wind chime with the number of tubes 2, 5 or 8.

In addition to house clutter and stagnant energy, the quality of Feng Shui can be negatively affected by various unfavorable design features, external “poison arrows” and some other disadvantages. However, Feng Shui provides many remedies that can compensate for all these shortcomings. But before you can correct the unfavorable features of your home, you need to be able to detect them.

So what should you pay attention to? First of all, you need to detect possible “poison arrows” directed towards your home, especially at the front door or windows. Such “arrows” can be emitted by aggressive, threatening structures of artificial or natural origin that are located in close proximity to your home and visible from the windows. The general principle is this: if an object makes you feel dangerous, its impact on your home is negative.

For example, massive buildings (especially taller ones than your house) located opposite the front door or front of the house suppress the energy of your luck. Pointed, pointy, or straight structures and parts of buildings that are in front of your door or window are even more dangerous. They symbolically “kill” beneficial energy. The same aggressor is the massive tree in front of the front door - it takes away the luck of the whole family.

The corner of a large building, the triangular sharp edge of the roof of a neighboring house, a straight road, satellite dishes, power line towers, railway tracks, huge chimneys, television towers and other massive reinforced concrete and steel structures - all these objects become very dangerous to your well-being if they go out straight to your home, window or front door.

Therefore, every effort must be made to neutralize their harmful influence - otherwise the effect of any Feng Shui transformations inside the house will be minimal. What means can be used to counteract “poisonous arrows”?

A number of tall, spreading trees or green shrubs are considered a very effective remedy of this kind. They create a kind of energy curtain that softens and neutralizes the destructive energy sent by “poisonous arrows”. This method is quite difficult to use in the city, but for a summer cottage it is quite suitable. In a city apartment, an analogue of a “green fence” can be flowers on the windowsill, including a cactus - with its thorns it will “protect” your home.

Another way to counteract the “poison arrow” is to hang air bells in front of the door or outside the window. They transform negative energy, “resolving” it and releasing beneficial energy back through hollow tubes.

And finally, a radical way to combat “poisonous arrows”. Hang a Bagua security mirror above the door - it is now sold in almost all souvenir shops. This is the same familiar Bagua octagon, only with a mirror inside and a different sequence of trigrams around the edges. But be careful: this is a powerful Feng Shui tool and must be used very carefully. The main rule: never hang a Bagua mirror inside your home and, if possible, do not point it towards neighboring houses.

By the way, a working analogue of such a mirror is the Turkish “Eye for Protection”. Those who have been to Turkey are probably familiar with it. If you have such a souvenir from Turkey, you can successfully use it to protect against adverse influences by hanging it above the front door.

Another important flaw that can be neutralized using Feng Shui remedies is the missing corner. You already know if there are missing corners in your house and where they are. Their danger is that they take away the energy of luck of the specific sector in which they are located. In addition, as a result of the irregular shape of the apartment, a very aggressive sharp corner can form, sending a “poisoned arrow” into the house.

To neutralize such a “poisoned arrow,” place a plant in front of the sharp edge of the corner (preferably a living one, although you can use an artificial one) or hang a “wind chime.” Both the plant and the air bells will “dissolve” negative energy equally well.

To mitigate the overall harmful effects of missing corners, you can use several Feng Shui remedies. The most effective way is to hang a mirror on one side of the missing corner. In this way, you symbolically fill in the missing corner and visually recreate its presence.

However, attention! Mirrors are not always harmless. There are certain rules for using mirrors in Feng Shui that you need to know and follow so as not to harm yourself and your family.

Firstly, the mirror should never, under any circumstances, reflect the front door, staircase or toilet. It is believed that if a door is reflected in a mirror, all the beneficial energy entering the house immediately disappears. This brings misfortune, theft, illness and adultery. So it’s worth trying and following this up!

Secondly, a sleeping person, and especially a sleeping couple, should never be reflected in the mirror. This causes irreparable harm to the marital relationship, which is almost impossible to repair later. The same goes for the mirror on the ceiling, no matter how fashionable and stylish it may seem.

Thirdly, the mirror should never reflect anything unsightly, such as a garbage can, mops, piles of dirty dishes and laundry. The same applies to toilets. I have seen toilet rooms completely decorated with mirrors. In Feng Shui, it is believed that all life energy is carried down the drain with a force multiplied by the number of mirrors.

Fourth, never use a mirror if it is broken, clouded with age, has a crack, or if you have to bend over to see yourself completely. We are dealing with energies. And when “a person bends over, his energy level immediately decreases. Day after day, day after day. Headaches, problems at work, insufficient profit in business, etc. may appear. So hang the mirror so that it is full-length the tallest member of your family was reflected. Also, do not buy antique mirrors! It is not known who was reflected there and what is the history of this mirror.

If for some reason it is impossible to hang a mirror, you can save the good luck energy of the “damaged” sector by activating this same sector in another room. In Feng Shui there are the concepts of “Macrocosm” and “Microcosm”. This means that a situation characteristic of the whole is also characteristic of its part. If you live in an irregularly shaped one-room apartment, you can still compensate for the loss of some sector by activating this compass direction on your desktop or, say, on a closet shelf.

In addition to missing corners, a serious violation of Feng Shui is the presence in the house of secret “poisonous arrows” sent by dominant protrusions of a pointed shape or aggressive appearance. Such protrusions are considered unfavorable and even destructive for the qi of the house.

For example, all sharp edges on furniture carry “poisonous breath”, so it is advisable to round them off. This can be done using a special furniture welt, which is sold in furniture and construction stores. I advise you to hang doors on bookshelves: the ribs of open shelves symbolize blades that send “poisonous arrows” into the room. I strongly recommend that you follow the Feng Shui ban on pointed patterns in design and decoration.

All kinds of diamonds, crosses, teeth - all this will never bring good luck to the inhabitants of the house! In my practice, there was an absolutely incredible case when the residents of the lower floor decided to decorate the entrance to their apartment with crossed spears with sharp tips! These spears were, of course, directed upward, and their destructive power was so great that the dog of the upstairs neighbors, who was constantly sleeping above them, suddenly fell ill and soon died! So sometimes you need to take care not only of your family, but also of your neighbors.

The next thing to pay attention to is the location and condition of the doors, especially the main entrance door. This door symbolizes your view of the outside world, shows what your relationship with life is. Therefore, the front door must be attractive: clean, freshly painted (preferably in shades of red), well lit, with reliable handles and locks.

In addition, the approach to the door should not be cluttered with any debris. This is a prerequisite: otherwise luck simply won’t want to come through your door! Lady Luck is a very spoiled lady, she needs to be attracted. Remember the entrances to hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, repeatedly featured in movies, sparkling with countless multi-colored lights. Absolutely all casino owners use Feng Shui in order to attract as many customers as possible to their casinos: those who enter are literally “sucked in” by a flow of cheerful energy. The entrance is simply impossible to miss! It is useful for owners of restaurants and shops to think about such an entrance.

For a separate house, it is advisable to place living plants, flowers and vases at the entrance, which will be symbolically filled with life-giving qi energy. And of course, don’t forget about air bells: they not only reflect the negative energy of “poisoned arrows”, but also attract the positive energy of good luck.

Regarding the location of the front door, there are three mandatory conditions to consider.

Firstly, as I already mentioned, there should not be a mirror opposite the front door that reflects it.

Secondly, the entrance door should not be opposite the door to the toilet or bathroom. In this case, the energy of luck penetrating your home will be immediately washed away. To solve this problem, keep the closet door closed at all times and hang a powerful light bulb from the hallway ceiling. This will soften and clear negative energy while attracting favorable energy.

Finally, the front door should not be in front of the stairs. This is a very unfavorable location, promising troubles and losses. To remedy the situation, it is best to place a barrier (such as a partition or decorative screen) between the front door and the stairs so that it obscures the view of the entire staircase as a whole. If this is not possible, hang an air bell or a bright lantern above the door.

In country houses it happens that there is a toilet right above the front door on the second floor. This situation is so difficult to correct that it is better to avoid houses with this layout.

Also check the condition and location of all other doors in your home. They should be no less attractive than the front door. Make sure that none of the doors in your home are reflected in the mirror. This is one of the main rules of Feng Shui and I urge you to follow it.

Another important Feng Shui taboo is three through doors along one straight line. In this case, the qi energy, rapidly gaining speed, becomes destructive and carries a kind of “poisonous arrow”. The way out of this situation could be some kind of barrier in front of the middle door, slowing down the flow of energy. You can also use air bells or plants: they can reduce the pressure of energy.

Two doors located opposite each other are symbolically in confrontation, which can cause irritability and intolerance among family members towards each other. The situation is even more dangerous when three doors form a triangle: this can provoke regular quarrels and a complete lack of mutual understanding in the family. To dissipate the vortex of energies resulting from such an arrangement of doors, you can use a “wind chime” by hanging it in the center of a triangle or between two doors.

Also check if your house has any windows located opposite the doors, especially those coming from the floor itself. This apartment layout is unfavorable, because the energy of luck, penetrating the door, immediately “floats” out the window. To correct this situation, you need to place a barrier between the door and the window or hang an air bell above the door that retains favorable energy.

And finally, see if there is a gloomy corridor in your apartment between two doors where light rarely reaches. If so, try to clear this corridor as much as possible and turn on bright lights there for at least 3 hours a day.

Now let's find out which sector of the house the toilet, bathroom and kitchen fall into. These rooms, especially the toilet, are considered unfavorable in Feng Shui, and the sectors in which they are located are considered to be affected by their presence. The energy here is symbolically washed down the pipes into the sewer.

To compensate for the negative impact of the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, remember the principle of “Macrocosm” and “Microcosm”, which we used in the case of the missing angle. Activate the affected sectors in some room, preferably in the living room.

In addition, several simple methods can be used to neutralize “spoiled” energy. The most effective is to hang a mirror on the door of the bathroom or toilet so that the room symbolically disappears. Just make sure that the mirror does not “cut off” the top of the head of the tallest member of the family and that the front door is not reflected in the mirror. You can also hang a large “wind chime” with hollow tubes in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. This will weaken and disperse the negative energy sent to this sector of the house.

In the toilet, small pocket mirrors can be used to direct the qi upward and thereby preserve and retain it. Place one mirror on the floor behind the toilet, another one can be placed directly in the flush tank, another one or two can be placed on the surface of the cabinets, face up. To retain the beneficial energy of qi, you can also tie the pipes under the sink, behind the toilet, and in general all the pipes in the toilet with red ribbons.

I would like to warn against excessive decoration of this room, especially with Feng Shui talismans. After all, all the energy of luck that gets into the bathroom and toilet is symbolically washed down the drain. In my practice as a Feng Shui consultant, I had to force my clients to remove collections of crystal, children's toys, and expensive things from their dressing rooms. The only luxury that can be allowed in the toilet is the luxury of cleanliness and fragrances.

Another room in the house that you should pay special attention to is the bedroom. Try to free this room from all unnecessary things, especially those that interfere with a full, refreshing rest. The less things there are, the more peaceful your sleep. Therefore, Feng Shui does not recommend activating any energy in the bedroom. In any case, this must be done very carefully. The only exception is love, romantic energy.

There are several taboos related to the bedroom. As I already mentioned, you cannot place plants in it and hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them. In addition, you should not place an aquarium or other “aquatic” objects in the bedroom, as this has a detrimental effect on romantic luck.

By the way, a computer and TV located in the bedroom (especially opposite the bed) act in a similar way. Therefore, I advise you to remove them from the bedroom first.

If you live in a one-room apartment or for some other reason cannot remove the TV from the bedroom, be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed, having first unplugged all devices. Half an hour of ventilation will be quite enough for the necessary harmonization of energy.

If your bedroom doubles as a living room and dining room, make sure the bed appears protected from view. It is best to fence off the sleeping area using a screen or screen. You can put something bright next to the bed that distracts attention. For example, a beautiful floor vase. This simple measure will distract attention from the bed, which will have a beneficial effect on your personal life.

Just don’t fence off the bed with a closet, as many residents of communal apartments are used to doing. From a Feng Shui point of view, bulky objects located in close proximity to your bed are very unfavorable. They can lead to difficult dreams at best, and accidents at worst. Therefore, let the closet stand against the wall, and the bed is separated from the rest of the room by not so heavy objects.

As you already understand, any unfavorable feature of the house can be successfully corrected, neutralized, or at least mitigated. Use a creative approach, think logically, find non-standard solutions - and you will succeed. Love what you have: even a very small room will help you realize your desires. Don’t give up, use your sense of humor, and then the disadvantages of your living space will turn into advantages!

Hello. My personal Gua number is 4 (01/25/1981).
The head of the bed is at 50" according to the compass... since I belong to the eastern group, this is the most unfavorable direction. How can you neutralize it if there is no opportunity to rearrange the bed. The front door is also in the same degree now (50") and direction . What can be done to direct these directions for good?
Thanks a lot.

Irina, Italy, 34 years old

Feng Shui master's answer:

Hello Irina.

In order to use the installation of a bed for good, you need to do a complete feng shui of your home. It is simply impossible to give recommendations based on the degrees of direction of your bed.

Best regards, Natalya Cherneva.

Feng Shui master's answer:

Hello Irina.

We cannot change the directions of the world. Some directions are suitable for a person, some are not. If the direction of sleep is unfavorable, then there is only one way out - change this direction, rearrange the bed, or continue to sleep in an unfavorable direction and get interference in business. But if the bed is in very favorable stars, then the unfavorable direction of the headboard is weakened and often has almost no effect on the person. What stars do you have in the bed position? In what sector is the bed located relative to the entire apartment and relative to the room? Direction and location (sector) are different concepts. In your case, the unfavorable direction of the front door can be “coped” by placing the head of the bed in the direction of health (Tian-I). Or you can turn the door jamb a little so that the door “looks” 53-67 degrees northeast. But this must be done before February 4, 2016, because... after February 4, no noisy repair work can be carried out in the northeast sector due to the presence of the annual unfavorable star “malicious 5”.

Best regards, Olga Titova.

Personal GUA number, for people with numbers 5 and 8

Understanding which sectors and directions of space bring good luck and which bring misfortune is a very important task. It’s no secret that many people arrange furniture in an apartment, house or office according to the principle of being fashionable and beautiful. However, you also need to take energy into account! Otherwise, it may turn out that your bed, workplace or sofa is under the influence of the Six Killers of Feng Shui. What are these Six Killers who are lying in wait for an unsuspecting person? From the point of view of Chinese metaphysics, directions and sectors of space have special energy, which can be either favorable for you or vice versa. There are eight types of such energies in total, and one of them bears such an ominous name. After all, its manifestation can indeed bring many unpleasant moments into your life.


One of the dangerous energies of space is called “Six Killers” or “Suffering”. She is also known as Liu-Sha.

If your bed, sofa, desk or other place where you spend a lot of time is located in the Six Killers sector, this is extremely unfavorable.

The influence of the six killers can manifest itself in the following: protracted conflicts and quarrels arise at work, often ending in dismissal; the intensity of passions in family relationships can cause serious complications and even divorce; problems in business and documents can emerge. Up to judicial and legal problems that are difficult to resolve, a business can unexpectedly go downhill.With. Although it would seem that recently there were no signs of financial or other types of problems, due to the negative influence of the six killers, a person with poor health can become very seriously ill.


In order to find six killers in the space of your home or office, you should calculate your energy number - the Gua number. There are eight such numbers in total, they are determined by the year of birth and are divided into two groups - western and eastern. After you have found out your Gua number, you should take several steps to neutralize the Six Killers.

STEP 1. PREPARE A FLOOR PLAN If you do not have a floor plan, you can order one from the BTI or prepare it yourself. You can draw a plan by hand on a piece of squared paper or in a special computer program.

STEP 2. DETERMINE ORIENTATION TO THE CARDINAL CARDS At a professional level, measurements are made using a special Chinese compass - Lopan. However, if you do not have one, then you can use a regular compass, including the compass in your smartphone. Using a compass, measurements can be taken while standing in the center of your space, or, to measure universal Qi, at a distance of one and a half to two meters from the entrance to the house, standing facing it. If you live in an apartment building, I recommend taking measurements at the entrance to the entrance.

Next, you need to mark the cardinal directions on the plan. You can mark measurements in the following ways: Divide the plan using the pie method into sectors. To do this, you need to find the central point of the space by drawing lines from the corners of the room. Mark the central directions: north, south, westwest and east, and then intermediate - northeast, northwest, etc. Divide the plan using the 9 Palaces method. To do this, you need to divide each side of the plan into three equal parts and connect them with lines. You will get nine rectangular sectors, which are called palaces.

STEP 4. FIND THE SIX KILLERS ON THE PLAN Depending on which sector and direction the Six Killers will be different. A sector is a location, and a direction is where your gaze is directed when you, for example, watch TV.

STEP 5. NEUTRALIZE THE SIX KILLERS In order to completely remove the impact of the Six Killers, it is advisable that you do not stay in this place and do not look in an unfavorable direction for at least a long time. What else can you do to neutralize the Six Killers: Swap places with another family member if according to Gua he belongs to a different group (Eastern or Western). Identify favorable sectors of your space, and try to visit them more often. If we are talking about the front door, then use this special technique of extended Ba Zhai for correction.

Have you ever noticed that if you sleep with your head to one side, you get better sleep and feel more comfortable than when you lie in the other direction? Do you sometimes turn sideways at the table without noticing it? From the age of 5, my eldest son began to move his bed across the room, turning it lengthwise and crosswise, showing miracles of strength and dexterity, and managed to make a real rearrangement in the nursery alone, while the youngest slept peacefully in the place where we placed him bed. I explained this tendency of his to change places by internal restlessness, until I started studying. It was then that it turned out that the eldest child among us all belonged to the eastern Gua group, and all the other family members belonged to the western. And the house also belongs to the western group!

The fact is that it is very difficult for a person with eastern Gua to find a comfortable position in a house with western Gua, and vice versa, because almost all favorable directions, with one single exception, are at an angle of 45° to the walls. And when we placed our son’s bed in this only direction, he calmed down.

Each of us has 4 personal favorable directions and 4 unfavorable ones, and they are determined by the Gua number of the year of birth. Read about that here. These directions have their own names and corresponding predictions.

There are Western and Eastern Gua groups, within which the same directions are favorable for people, only with slightly different meanings. People of the eastern group live more comfortably in houses with their rear facing the eastern Gua, and those of the western group - to the western. The western group includes Gua 2, 6, 7 and 8, the eastern group includes 1, 3, 4 and 9. The number 5 does not have a corresponding Gua, therefore it is believed that a man born in the year of star 5 has 2, and a woman has Gua 8 .
Let's start with the favorable directions.


——————————Eastern Gua Group Western Gua Group—————————

1 3 4 9 2 6 7 8

SHENG QI (Generating Qi)

This is the direction of money and career, high social status. It brings success in business and politics, as well as wealth (of course, with other favorable factors). This is a very powerful direction, carrying enormous but specific energy. Her character makes her think first of all about her career and money, crowding out all other aspirations. It is very good if you work at your desk while looking in the direction of Shen Qi. It’s even better if the cabinet or office door also faces in the same direction. But I do not recommend sleeping in Shen Qi with your head, because this energy is so strong that it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. And if you do manage to fall asleep, your dreams will most likely be about work. One friend told me how at one time she slept in the direction of the Generative Qi, and at the same time sat at her desk, looking in the same direction, and even the apartment door was looking in the same direction. As a result, she grew her business very well and began to make significant profits. But at one fine moment I went on vacation with my family, and realized that nothing made her happy, everything annoyed her, and the reason for her irritation was the thought: “While I’m vacationing here, someone is earning my money!”

TIAN Yi (Heavenly Doctor).

A very good, kind direction that brings good health and great vitality. It is believed that even if a hopelessly ill person sleeps for a long time in Tian Yi, he will be healed. In addition, this direction brings the help of “noble people”. That is, there will always be some influential or simply knowledgeable person who will help in difficult times. It is good if the front door faces in this direction, because it also brings material well-being.

YANG NAN (Longevity).

A great direction for relationships between people! If at the moment personal life is a priority in life, it is worth turning the bed with the headboard in this direction. This is an excellent position for a matrimonial bed. Yang Nan brings harmony and mutual understanding, and this applies to any human relationship, not only between a man and a woman. If you are facing a difficult conversation, try to sit during it so that you look in the direction of Yang Nan, and the likelihood that you will be able to reach an agreement will increase significantly. In addition, this direction brings good health, long life and many descendants.

FU WEI (Stability).

Of all the favorable ones, this is the weakest, but still a good direction. It brings a calm, measured life, stability on the verge of boredom. But this is only the external side. On a deeper level, Fu Wei corresponds to the inner self, self-knowledge, meditation and relaxation. If you are tired of turbulent events and shocks, then Fu Wei will help you relax and concentrate. This energy of reassessment and rethinking. You can also use it for studying, as it helps you concentrate a lot.

Now about those directions where it is better not to look for a long time, and even more so, not to sleep with your head there.


—————————– Eastern Gua group Western Gua group——————————-

1 3 4 9 2 6 7 8

HO HAI (Misfortunes and Troubles).

Of all the bad directions, this is the most harmless, although it sounds scary. It is associated with various delays and difficulties, minor troubles like a burst pipe, due to which you are late for a date, etc. It can cause monetary losses and tension in relationships.

WU GWEI (5 Spirits).

If you sleep in the Wu Gwei area, or your bed faces in this direction, you may have nightmares. There is a chance of hearing someone’s extraneous (or rather, otherworldly) steps in reality, especially at night. Or the spoon suddenly starts bouncing in the glass by itself. All this is connected with the activity of spirits characteristic of Wu Gwei. But much more dangerous is the influence that this direction has on people. This is the danger of fire or electric shock, quarrels and scandals, loss of reputation. If the front door faces in this direction, it is very difficult for the inhabitants to achieve authority and position in society.

LIU SHA (6 killers).

A very unpleasant direction. It is associated with illnesses and big problems, and all this, as a rule, is very protracted.

JUE MING (Loss of Life).

The most dangerous of all directions! It brings bankruptcy, incurable diseases, accidents, family breakdown. It should be avoided if possible. For people of the Western group, it is not so dangerous, although it still should not be ignored. People with a Gua number of 4 are luckier than others, because the northeast direction, which is Jue Ming for them, practically nullifies its bad influence.

The Bazhai method (8 Palaces) considers two aspects: these are sectors (palaces) in the house itself and the predictions for them, and directions for a person. Zones in the house are determined by the Gua of the house (by its rear). And the directions for a person are based on the year of birth. I will not consider the first of these aspects now, because it is a little difficult to understand; there are nuances, the explanation of which goes far beyond the scope of this article. But I want to dwell in more detail on the directions for a person, because you don’t need to have practically any skills in order to use it. The Bazhai sectors of home and personal directions are often confused, but these are different things. If the northern direction is unfavorable for you, this does not mean that you should not sleep in a northern room. Because we are talking about the direction, the starting point for which is always you yourself, no matter where you are. That is, you can sleep and work in the northern palace, it is important not to place the bed with the head of the bed facing north and not to work while sitting facing there. The same applies to the front door: it can be located anywhere, in the north or south of the house - it doesn’t matter (in this case), it’s important which way we look when leaving it. This is the direction of the door. The auspiciousness of the sectors in the house is determined by the Gua of the house itself, and the auspiciousness of the direction - doors, beds, stoves - by the Gua of the person.

Don’t be immediately alarmed if it suddenly turns out that when you leave the door of your apartment, you are looking in a direction that is unfavorable for you. In itself, it has very little effect on us. The situation becomes serious if the door of the apartment faces in the wrong direction, the head of the bed, and even the stove is turned in the same direction. This situation makes the influence of direction very noticeable. We cannot open the door, so the position of the bed, stove, and desk decides everything. The same applies to favorable directions: repeating them many times multiplies the result.

They say that when a person lies down in an unfavorable direction, one leg becomes shorter than the other. And when it turns into a favorable one, the legs align! I have never checked this myself, but if you are interested, you can take a tape measure and check))

People often worry that they belong to different groups with their wife or husband, begin to panic and go to bed as jacks or even in different rooms. Don't give all this so much importance! If you sleep in a good direction, this is a great bonus to your luck, but if you can’t sleep that way, there’s nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to put in a good direction the partner for whom the direction of the front door is unfavorable. You can strengthen and multiply your good directions by sitting facing them at work, in a cafe, or just at a picnic. Moreover, if you need to rest and concentrate, it is better to turn in the direction of Fu Wei. If, on the contrary, you need to work fruitfully, then it is better to use Shen Qi, etc. You can apply the Bazhai method of personal auspicious directions everywhere because they are always with you.

Tatiana Prokhorova,

consultant and bazi (4 Pillars of Destiny).


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