Home Facial physiognomy Kisses are beautiful for your beloved guy. The most sensual and beautiful kiss. your man will definitely appreciate it

Kisses are beautiful for your beloved guy. The most sensual and beautiful kiss. your man will definitely appreciate it

Comic poems for your beloved guy on Kiss Day

A kiss improves immunity and blood circulation,
And, naturally, it lifts the mood,
On world kiss day,
I have for you, my best - a wonderful offer.
Let's spend the whole day kissing
After all, today our intimacy is legalized,
I'm drowning in your sweet kisses
You, beloved, more life I love.


Kissing all over the world today
On the street, in the entrance and in the apartment,
Every holiday is celebrated to the fullest,
Nobody misses a great moment.
Darling, let's get alone with you,
And we will enjoy our kisses,
This holiday gives a charge for the whole year,
He gives us great pleasure.


I want to kiss you tightly, sweetly,
And don't let go for a minute,
After all, today is the day of kiss and love,
Let's celebrate it to the fullest.
Darling, today is kiss day, congratulations,
I want to kiss you all day long,
A wonderful holiday all over the world,
He is the sweetest, gentle and beautiful.


A kiss is the best manifestation of love,
And it is not surprising that the holiday is dedicated to him,
We must take the holiday seriously,
Kissing is expected of everyone and everywhere today.
Darling, you and I have the whole day ahead of us,
We must use it carefully
Give me passionate kisses,
They are so sweet and tender.


Kisses are very good for health,
I experienced this myself, by the way,
A kiss makes you dizzy from happiness,
And the mood is completely normalized.
I want to kiss you, my beloved,
To restore strength for the whole year,
We have until the morning
It’s a pity that the holiday only lasts 24 hours.


How beautiful is the kiss of love,
In which all lovers find wings,
Happy holiday, beloved, accept congratulations,
In your tender embrace I simply melt.
I want to be with you on holidays and on weekdays,
I love you madly, my love,
Let's celebrate the kiss holiday with you,
After all, we are forever united by one destiny.


A kiss is a small miracle
This is the mystery of magic
We will kiss on holiday,
With you, beloved, until the morning.
Your kiss inspires me
Gives unknown strength,
I adore you, my dear,
My heart sings with love.


One kiss is enough
To confess my love to you,
My soul is so light and joyful,
We'll be kissing all day today.
There is no more beautiful kiss festival on earth,
My love flows to you like a passionate fountain,
Your lips are so sweet and tender,
You are the best guy in the world for me.


On the day of the kiss we will kiss until the morning,
Loving hearts unite in a tender impulse,
On this day the whole world will become brighter,
Beloved, I gain wings from your love.
I feel so good with you, my gentle and sweet one,
My best and dearest,
You are dearer to me than everyone else, my love,
We are tightly bound by one destiny.


Today is world kiss day
I want to spend this holiday only with you,
I adore you, I adore you,
I love you more than life, my dear.
Hug me tighter and kiss me more tenderly,
I want to swim in the sea of ​​your affection,
You are my soulmate, my destiny,
I'm only happy with you.


On a hot day, a bright holiday comes,
All the lovers are waiting impatiently for him,
Today everyone is kissing, who is not too lazy,
It will last morning, evening, night and day.
Darling, I’m very glad to meet you,
You are my hope and joy,
I just melt from the tenderness of your kiss,
I love you, appreciate you and adore you.


The meaning of a kiss is eternal,
These are manifestations of love
I want to kiss you endlessly,
Both on holidays and on weekdays.
In your arms, my love, I melt,
With you I bloom like a rose,
You are the best, gentle and dear,
I'm very happy, honey, with you.


We put passion and love into kisses,
I want to kiss you again and again,
We celebrate the World Kiss Day,
We'll make up for everything we missed today.
I only want to be with you,
Only you I love dearly,
I can even dream about your kisses at night,
Today I hasten to confess my love to you.


A kiss is an all-encompassing wave,
It gets splashy - you can’t tear yourself away,
She brings feelings of happiness,
We want to always be in the power of tenderness and affection.
The power of a kiss is invaluable
He is as passionate as fire,
You kiss so tenderly and beautifully,
From your kisses, my love, I just melt.


Cupid invented kisses
And shoots arrows at the target,
The world holiday is legalized,
We celebrate it with pleasure.
We'll be kissing all day today,
We'll break all records with you,
In your arms I will forget about everything,
After all, we feel so good together with you.


Kiss like a rosebud
Every moment it blooms faster,
A kiss is a dream come true,
Everyone dreams of a passionate kiss.
Come on, my love, let us indulge in passion and temptation,
Your kiss is always tender, unique,
My head is a little dizzy from the pleasure,
Your kisses are unique today, tomorrow and always.


Today is a special magical day,
Of course, everyone likes him
We celebrate the world holiday today,
And we celebrate the kiss with joy.
Darling, your tender lips,
They always give me a lot of pleasure,
In your arms I forget about everything,
We are happy, dear, together.


Magic power a kiss works wonders,
We indulge ourselves fully in the passion of a kiss,
I don’t want to part with you, my love, not even for a minute,
I love your kisses madly.
We celebrate World Kiss Day today.
We forget all the problems for a day,
I want to drink the drink of your love to the bottom,
We will swim in the ocean of kisses.


A kiss is a dessert for adults,
Everyone loves him, adore him,
Hot kiss of love
How chocolate melts in your mouth.
Kiss Day is a celebration of passion,
Sorrows and bad weather are immediately forgotten,
In your arms I forget about everything,
Without you, my love, I miss you even for a minute.


Kiss Day is a pure, beautiful holiday,
He gives birth to feelings of love,
Everyone who is in love is certainly happy,
They confirm their sympathy with a kiss.
I even dream about your kiss at night,
It sparkles with a passionate flame,
Your lips smell like honey,
Your kisses make me completely happy.

Congratulations to your loved one on Kissing Day

Read interesting news

World Kissing Day is another reason to pay attention to your loved ones. A kiss is not just a sign of attention, it is primarily a manifestation of your feelings. We offer you a selection beautiful quotes and statuses about kisses, share them with your loved ones, let love sound in every word about a kiss.

A person’s life begins with a kiss, because on the very first day the little tiny creature is showered with kisses by its happy parents. Then, to the kisses of loved ones upon meeting and goodbye, new, completely different kisses are added - the kisses of a loved one.

Kisses are different. These can be friendly gestures, respectful - when officials meet, parental - as a sign of the manifestation of paternal and maternal love. But perhaps the most real ones are loving kisses! All relationships begin with a kiss; at first, lovers kiss each other furtively, not boldly. Gradually their love grows, kisses become bolder and more passionate. Lovers love summer most of all - this is the most wonderful time for kissing. Kissing, they greet sunrises and sunsets. Kisses are reminiscent of a conversation between souls in love; they can be tender or passionate. Kisses tell better than any words about the feelings of lovers. Just look at the first kiss, so timid and not brave, it will be remembered for a lifetime.

Aphorisms, statuses

What was it worth to kiss him? Absolutely nothing, but the taste of his lips was similar to what is usually called deja vu. Apparently, my déjà vu has a strawberry flavor mixed with the bitter notes of heady whiskey. (Victoria Roa)

Every kiss has its own taste.

In my opinion, it is humiliating: kissing without love. (B. Vasiliev)

A real kiss is one that is for love.

Kisses are what remains of the heavenly language. (Joseph Conrad)

Lovers speak the language of kisses.

The kiss was passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

This means that kissing is oral creativity.

A kiss is a seal of love. (Hans Loberger)

And her signature.

Kisses are the bargaining chip of love. (Mireille Mathieu)

Love begins and ends with a kiss.

You can kiss a beautiful woman endlessly and never end up in the same place. (Janusz Makarchuk)

Kissing your beloved is good, kissing a beautiful woman is also pleasant.

Some women blush when they are kissed. Others call the police. Still others argue. The fourth ones bite. But the most dangerous ones are those who laugh. (American wisdom)

They are just laughing at your feelings.

Kisses are like postage stamps. They show how serious the disease is. (Armand Sylvester)

The more passion in a kiss, the stronger the love.

Only a hopeless lazy person limits himself to air kisses. (Bob Hope)

Air kisses are sent either by children or by lazy people.

We only believe first-hand kisses. (Ursula Zybura)

A kiss is something that cannot be told, it must be felt.

A woman still remembers her first kiss, while a man has long forgotten about his last. ( Remy de Gourmont)

Women place much more importance on kissing than men.

The man steals the first kiss. He begs for the second. Requires a third. The fourth takes without asking. The fifth accepts condescendingly. Everyone else endures. ( Helen Rowland)

At the beginning of a relationship, a man dreams of a kiss, then he simply tolerates the kisses of a girl (wife).

I have a better memory than my daughter! I still remember my first kiss, but she has already forgotten her first husband. ( Zhanna Golonogova)

Apparently, with each generation, memory gets worse and worse.

High heels were invented by a woman who was kissed on the forehead. (Christopher Morley)

She grew taller so that she could be kissed on the lips...)

I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. Since then I never had enough time to smoke. ( Arturo Toscanini)

This means that the first kiss and the first cigarette should be on the same day.

Kiss - The best way stop the fountain of female eloquence. (Marty Larney)

To stop a woman from talking, you need to kiss her.

The more you kiss, the less stupid you say. (V. Blonskaya)

The best way to stop unnecessary conversations is to close your mouth with a kiss.

Souls meet on the lips of lovers. (P. Shelley)

Lovers speak the language of kisses.

Marriage is the miracle of transforming kissing from a pleasure into an obligation. (Helen Rowland)

Before the wedding, lovers kiss for pleasure; after the wedding, the husband kisses his wife because duty says so.

Exchanging kisses on camera means no more than exchanging glances on the street. (Jeanne Moreau)

Kissing on camera is just a game of love.

Today, a man is considered a gentleman if he takes the cigarette out of his mouth before kissing. (Barbra Streisand)

“Oh times, oh morals...”

I am a supporter of the custom of kissing a woman's hand. You have to start somewhere! ( S. Guitry)

Every kiss is the beginning of a manifestation of sympathy.

Selection of statuses

The most tender kiss is on the wrist, they say it brings happiness.

The most tender kiss - from your beloved!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman, at least for a minute.

When a man gets tired of a woman's conversation, he starts kissing her...

I congratulate you on a great kissing day,
On this day I will hug and kiss you.
Let your heart be filled with love and goodness,
Open the door to the holiday in your soul.
Give kisses, smiles, kindness,
In return you will receive reciprocity and warmth.
Open up to the world, family, friends
And your whole life will become brighter, brighter.

Kisses make life brighter!

Being a man is good because you don’t have to kiss someone else’s three-day stubble.

But you won’t envy a woman who has an unshaven man...)

A legitimate kiss can never compare to a stolen kiss.

The most pleasant kisses are those that are hidden from everyone.

Kissing has been proven to improve health. In this case, it would be very logical when meeting a pleasant object not only to greet, but also to kiss.

A kiss is the best cure for all diseases.

Today is kiss day
Don't spare your lips and cheeks.
Will definitely be heard
A resounding “smack” from everywhere.
I wish you pleasure
Receive from the process,
Never know sorrow
And kiss your loved ones.

Happy World Kissing Day everyone!

A kiss is what a husband asks his wife to do before the wedding, and she asks him for it after.

After the wedding, men stop wanting kisses like they did before the wedding.

A kiss is a cute ploy designed to stop conversations when words become redundant.

It’s very easy to stop the flow of unnecessary words - just kiss.

A kiss is not love yet. Love is not marriage yet. And marriage is not happiness.

A kiss is just the beginning of love, which is not a fact that it will be happy...

Many people think that they hopelessly ruined their first kiss, but many years later they remember it with a smile.

There are many different kissing techniques. However, today you will learn a technique that I am sure you have never heard of. This is crazy sensual kiss! Just keep in mind that you can only kiss the man you love in this way!

Men REALLY love this kiss. I'm sure you and your loved one will love it too!

This is not an ordinary kiss! The technique for performing it can be done both in a sitting position and in a lying position.

[You can watch the video version of the article or read the text version below the video]

Video length 10 minutes.

Kissing technique

When your man is lying on the bed, approach him from the side of his head, so that he is “upside down” in relation to you.

Squat down. Take his lower lip with your thumb and forefinger so that it looks like a lock (like a keyhole) as in the picture.

Now the most incredible pleasure begins!

Start kissing your lower lip - this resulting lock...

First, kiss the entire lip with your lips, caress it, then penetrate the “keyhole” with your tongue and try to twirl the “key” in it.

You can’t imagine what will be going on in the wild male fantasy at this time! ;)

There is no need to attach much importance to some abstruse technique, just surrender to pleasure the way you want! Give pleasure to your beloved man and enjoy yourself!

Incredible pleasure will capture both of you!!!

In a sitting position, this can be done when the man, for example, leans back in his chair, and you come up from behind. Give him such an unexpected and incredibly sensual kiss!

For me, this kiss is the most intimate! Although his technique (until you try it in practice) seems very simple, the pleasure you get from it is incredible! Crazy excitement immediately appears in every cell of your body!!!

In general, I’m sure this technique will not leave you indifferent!!!

I wish you such pure love that it overwhelms you, so that you enjoy life and give incredible love to your only and beloved man.

P.S. I would love to learn new unusual kissing techniques. If you know of any other sensual techniques, please share them in the comments! And in order for you to be motivated to write comments and share your valuable thoughts and ideas, I will definitely reward the most active blog visitors with valuable gifts. You can learn more about the competition for the best comments

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