Home Facial physiognomy Protection from envy and the evil eye. Prayer against the evil eye and envy. Amulets, amulets against envy. How to protect yourself from envy - prayer and advice from the priest How to wash away the negativity from a friend’s envy

Protection from envy and the evil eye. Prayer against the evil eye and envy. Amulets, amulets against envy. How to protect yourself from envy - prayer and advice from the priest How to wash away the negativity from a friend’s envy

The evil eye is a powerful weapon not only for evil people, but also for completely harmless people. You can jinx it without even knowing it. You can also get the evil eye simply because of silent envy. How to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye? How to avoid becoming a victim of an evil man, a gypsy woman or an envious neighbor? Let's consider several methods of effective protection against this scourge.

In order not to become a victim of an ogling person, you need to talk about yourself as little as possible, and also share your happiness. You won’t even think that you can be seriously jinxed when you are shining with happiness! In the old days, it was advised to spit three times over your left shoulder (they say there is a demon sitting there) and then knock on a wooden object three times. This applies to the case when you recklessly boasted about something.

How to protect yourself from envy and ill-wishers? If you are communicating with an unpleasant person who can easily do harm on an energetic level, keep your fingers in the shape of a cookie behind your back. You can also keep your hands in your pocket. While you are talking with a person, do not straighten your fingers.

Another way to protect yourself from energetic lightning is to touch a metal object. Just hold your keys or anything metal in your hand, you can grab an iron railing or a door frame. Whatever comes to hand, hold on to it. Metal has the property of recording information into its crystal lattice - the energetic lightning will remain there. It will pass through you and be written on the metal.

The simplest method is to cross the limbs. Cross your arms (fingers together) or legs. Or better yet, both. This action will close your energy cocoon and make it inaccessible to black thoughts.

When you get home, you should immediately wash your face and hands under the tap. Splash water in your face and imagine that the black energy of the evil eye is being washed away from you. You can also take a shower.

How to protect yourself from envy? When communicating with an ogling person, you need to do the following. Look at the area between your eyebrows and say the following to yourself:

The ringing of bells drives away any infection and cleanses the subtle bodies of a person from negativity. If there is a church near you, come when the bells are ringing and stand while the bells ring. At this time, you can read the Our Father. The aura will be completely cleansed of energy dirt.

If you managed to jinx yourself, you can immediately correct the situation. Light a candle, stand in front of the mirror and look into your eyes. In this case, you need to say the following words three times:

Place the candle near a mirror or on a windowsill and let it burn completely. Remember that it is better not to boast about your successes and not to be overly happy when your desires are fulfilled. Sometimes this is the trigger for events to turn in the opposite direction.

Salt baths against the evil eye

If you feel unwell, lack of strength or have a headache of unknown origin, you need to quickly correct the situation with salt and water. Salt is an excellent absorbent - it absorbs any dirt, including energy dirt. You just need to first give her a task to remove the negativity.

Pour a pack of salt into the bath (or just 9 handfuls) and fill with warm water. Stay in the bath for 10 minutes and then rinse off in the shower. You can’t stay in the salt solution any longer, as it begins to draw out positive energy. In 10 minutes, the salt will take away everything negative, and you will emerge from the bath as reborn.

If you visit the steam room twice a month, no evil eye is scary.

In the old days, the evil eye was driven out with a birch broom. If you have the opportunity to visit a Russian steam room, then you can easily expel any dark energy. The main thing is to rinse with cool water after entering the steam room. How many times should I go to the steam room and for how long? It is enough to sit there for 3 minutes, and you should enter the steam room 3 times. Do I need to read prayers at the same time? No no need.

Energy protection

This method is suitable for those who are familiar with the human energy structure. When you feel something is wrong, begin to rotate your aura in a spiral. When rotating, your biofield is cleared of black energy and renewed. How to rotate the biofield? You need to start from the feet and end with the top of the head.

You have to bandage your body with energy. The first layer of energy lies close to the body, the second - slightly at a distance, the third - even further, and so on. You can apply 20 or 30 layers, as you decide.

Remember that the world around you reflects your own thoughts and intentions. The more positive energy you radiate, the more good will come back to you. Do not succumb to the provocations of anger and envy - protect your mind and soul from destructive black energy.

From the gypsy evil eye

Many people are justifiably afraid of gypsies, as they have a black eye. The gypsy evil eye is considered the most powerful and difficult to remove. Therefore, it is better not to start a conversation with representatives of this tribe and not look them in the eye. Go your way, no matter how the gypsy clings to you.

If you nevertheless talked to the gypsy, and even refused her request to tell your fortune, you need to urgently take action. A person may feel sudden weakness, headache and even heart pain. Therefore, when you arrive home, pour tap water into a cup and read the special spell:

Having said the spell three times, drink water and sprinkle the room. The spell must be read by bringing a glass of water close to your lips so that your breath touches the surface of the water. You cannot simply read spell words into space; they must seem to be immersed in water.

If you are a believer, read a prayer appeal to the Mother of God and ask for her protection. You can simply read the Lord's Prayer 9 times, placing the sign of the cross at the end of each reading.

How to avoid falling victim to the evil eye

Not everyone knows what emotional intelligence is. Moreover, not everyone develops it in themselves. Our emotions can change the world around us if we release them. This is especially true for energetically strong people, whose mental message can lead to great destruction. Therefore, try not to irritate others with your statements, so as not to receive energy lightning with an evil message in response.

How to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye? Remember that the most unprotected place is the back. Therefore, do not turn your back on an angry person. Evil words spoken behind your back can greatly damage your aura.

Try not to gossip about people behind their backs, and do not speak unflatteringly about someone. If they tell an evil person about your words, you will probably receive a retaliatory blow from him in the form of a powerful evil eye. Nowadays, gossiping about people is an unaffordable luxury. They might even go to a witch and order damage on you. Believe me, many people do this.

Orthodox believers have a powerful means of protection against the evil eye - forgiveness of enemies.

We simply underestimate this powerful remedy. When you forgive your ill-wishers, your protection on a spiritual level comes into play. The blessings of your enemies will be returned to you, and their own thoughts and wishes of evil will be returned to them. This has been tested for centuries. You just need to forgive with all your heart!

A nervous and easily excitable person is very easy to jinx.

You can listen to Eastern wisdom and follow the example of their sages. In the East, they believe that meditative practices are a powerful means of protection against any evil. During meditation, the mind and emotions are completely at peace, and this strengthens the human biofield. The more often you are in peace of mind and peace, the stronger your bio-shell becomes. And a strong bio-shell is very difficult to penetrate with negative vibrations. So draw your own conclusions.

And finally, let's talk about the pin. Everyone has heard that this small object is a powerful lightning rod of negative energy. This has been tested for centuries. Only the pin needs to be fastened to clothing correctly: so that the tip points down. The negativity sent in your direction will flow down the tip of the pin. Check the pin from time to time to see if it has come loose? If you lose a pin from your clothing, it means it has received a powerful energy message. Replace it with another one.

Envy is a feeling that eats people away from the inside. It is always comparing and contrasting oneself - “better or worse”. Anyone who experiences a feeling of annoyance and irritation caused by the success of others suffers from an inferiority complex and disrespect for himself. How to protect yourself from envious people?

Negative energy always comes from envious people - such people weave intrigues, gossip, try to set them up, in general, they want to harm a person in any way. Envy is like sulfuric acid that corrodes normal relationships. If there is not enough strength to cope with envy, the person is in a bad mood, depression, apathy towards life, deterioration of health, and illness sets in. Ways to get rid of envy can be: an active position, such as self-improvement, the search for new, own goals and opportunities, the desire to realize them.

How to protect yourself from the negative energy of envious people?

Do not brag, do not demonstrate your joy, talk less about your successes and acquisitions at work and in the company of unfamiliar people. Modesty is that invisible shield that will protect you from any negativity and envy.

Don't flirt openly at work.

Don't show your superiority to anyone.

Be tactful in your communications.

Self-esteem should not be raised at the expense of others.

Use the Brickwork exercise.

Imagine that an invisible wall is growing brick by brick between you and the envious person.
Keep envious people away from you!

Poplar, aspen, lilac, periwinkle, geranium, rowan, and red apples help protect against negative energy.

Remove negative energy in the evening with water, a candle, and evening prayer.

The easiest way to get rid of envy is the ability to forgive!

The most reliable defense against envy is if you are filled with love and give it to others, then nothing bad can happen to you. This state is the most powerful defense.

And the more talented, attractive and interesting a person is, the more likely it is that the evil eye and envy will become your constant companions. How to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye if you have many enemies and ill-wishers? Here are some simple tips.

Protection from the evil eye and envy

Usually a person feels good when he is not loved and someone envies him. Often, after communicating with such people, you begin to feel bad, everything falls out of hand, and the success that was in your hands unexpectedly slips away, and the business that you thought was winning suddenly fails.

You can protect yourself from envy in the following ways:

  1. Wear mirrored jewelry. Even ordinary glasses with clear lenses will help you avoid destructive glances and maintain your energy. Girls can wear mirror pendants, hairpins and earrings. They will remove the negativity, and it will return to the one from whom it came.
  2. A simple pin. It is worn on the inside of clothing. Often it is precisely this that protects you from negative energy, but a pin is too weak a defense against severe damage.
  3. Fire in the photo. If you like to take photos, then there should be a flash, fire, candle or any light source between the photographer and you. It does not necessarily have to fall into the field of the lens, but a photo taken with a fire source is a powerful protection against damage to the photograph.
  4. Ring on a chain. Round jewelry will help you protect yourself from negativity. Similar protection is provided by a rock crystal pendant and diamond and diamond jewelry. For some people, an earring with transparent jewelry helps protect them from the evil eye.

Protection from envy and the evil eye of evil people

There are 2 types of such protection: against the crowd (needed by public people and those who perform on stage and are forced to communicate with a large number of people) and against a small number of people and one person.

In the first case, you need to make yourself a good amulet and talisman. It is desirable that it be a stone that matches your zodiac sign, energy, mood, and character. It can be charged by a professional magician. Most often, rock crystal, ruby ​​or moonstone become a protector. You can wear it in the chest area or on earrings.

If you need protection from one or two, three people, holy water helps. She should always be kept in the house and washed before communicating with aggressors. In this society, it is also necessary to wear shiny, mirrored jewelry more often, which repels negative energy.

How to protect a child from the evil eye and envy

First of all, try to limit his contacts with dysfunctional, aggressive and envious people and try to avoid those who envy the very fact of children, suffer from infertility or simply do not like children. The second piece of advice could be prayer before leaving for school and kindergarten. As a rule, this is the “Our Father” or the usual Jesus Prayer. You can simply say the words “Save and preserve.”

Another way to protect a child from the evil eye and damage can be an ordinary cross, bracelet or ring with the words “Save and preserve.” A special conspiracy is read over them. To do this, you need to immerse the jewelry in holy water and say the words: “Save from troubles, save and preserve, so be it.” Then put on the jewelry and it will always help in a difficult situation. Sometimes children need to put a scarlet thread on their hand. It is supposed to protect against evil.

How to protect your family from the evil eye and envy

First of all, you should not show wedding and family photos to those who dream of a beautiful and friendly family, but are still single or live in an extremely unsuccessful marriage. They are the ones who will envy you the most. This does not mean that you need to hide your family photos from all unmarried friends or mothers who dream of quickly marrying their drinking son. But you shouldn’t brag about your achievements, children, husband or wife in front of such people.

Treat your wedding decorations and gifts from your spouse with care. They, like happy photos with your significant other, can become your talisman of happiness and well-being. To protect your family from an evil eye, keep a small amount of crystal salt, or better yet, rock crystal stones, in the corner. They will preserve the purity of your marriage and help get rid of the evil eye.

How to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye in simple ways? The main advice is not to reveal your soul to evil and envious people, especially losers who dream of family life or children and suffer from it. Then you won’t be afraid of any damage or envy, but if this happens, simple rituals will help you regain your former luck.

Envy and bad thoughts can make a hole in the energy field and cause a lot of trouble to the person at whom aggression is directed. To protect yourself from negative impacts, you should use proven methods.

The success of some often provokes unbridled envy and aggression of others. More fortunate people often suffer from such attacks, which have an impact not only on self-esteem, but also on physical health. To get rid of such aggressive influence, it is necessary to take certain protective measures.

Method one: keeping secrets

Envy often arises among those who have heard rumors about your success. Choose the tactic of silence and do not tell anyone about your achievements. You can share your next joy only with trusted people who will not tell the details of your life to others. However, there are people who are not shy about asking personal questions in hopes of getting the secret of your success out of you, and then gloating behind your back. Your task is to prevent them from throwing you out of balance. Answer questions calmly and follow their tactics. When curiosity goes beyond all limits, use the same technique and start asking uncomfortable questions that will simply confuse your opponent.

Method two: amulets and amulets

You can protect yourself from bad words and thoughts with the help of a lot of amulets. They are easy to do yourself by saying the usual thing for personal protection. The use of stones and minerals also helps strengthen the energy field and prevents negative energy from taking advantage of your weakness. And to consolidate the result, you can perform a simple ritual that will help rid your home of unwanted guests who disturb the favorable atmosphere of your family nest.

Method three: protective cocoon

Every morning, do an exercise that will help you create an additional energy shell that will relieve you of the anger of envious people. To do this, after waking up, you need to stand facing the Sun, take 15 deep breaths and exhalations, imagining how you are surrounded by a transparent protective cocoon. Having visualized this protection, you will physically begin to feel like you are in a shell that does not allow the surrounding negativity to penetrate.

Method four: magic ritual

Write on a piece of paper a list of those from whom you expect a dirty trick. Light a church candle and say the words of the prayer “I Believe”. After your feelings return to normal, try to understand why others are haunted by your life. Don't blame them, but forgive them. Leave the punishment for their malice to the discretion of the Higher Powers. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I forgive my ill-wishers, I don’t hold grudges, I don’t ask for forgiveness. As the candle burns out, their anger towards me melts away. With the last drop of wax I lock away all my anger and send it to be torn apart by the wind. The ashes will scatter throughout the world, anger will disappear from the world.”

Burn the leaf and scatter the ashes to the wind with the words: "I forgive you."

Method five: active protection

Sometimes it is worth showing aggression in order to protect yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers and envious people. They feel weak and inflame themselves even more in the desire to take revenge on you for their mistakes and failures. Don't give them that chance. Never expose your back to your opponent’s gaze—look him straight in the eye, remaining calm. Most likely, after the storm of emotions of your ill-wisher subsides, he will lose interest in you and go in search of a new victim. Often the main damage to the biofield is caused by energy vampires, who simply need to bring you to strong emotions in order to enjoy your pain and humiliation. Be stronger than that. Once you show persistence, you will get rid of such a person once and for all.

To prevent negative thoughts from depressing you, use positive affirmations every day. A happy person rarely pays attention to gossip and rumors. By learning to cope with yourself and your emotions, you will close your energy field from any aggressive influences from the outside. We wish you happiness and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.05.2017 07:12

Negative energy surrounds a person everywhere. In order not to incur damage and the evil eye, you can use...

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy-informational influence caused by a person with strong energy, but without performing a special ritual. They can jinx it anywhere: in transport, on the street, at work, etc.

Therefore, even if a person is sure that there are no evil or envious people around him, he must take care in advance about appropriate protection for himself and his family. Protection from the evil eye is the only way to protect yourself from any magical negativity.

Who is particularly susceptible to the influence of the evil eye?

Each person has a biofield, intensively influencing which can cause great harm (or, conversely, provide help, as real healers do). Experts say that each person reacts differently to negativity: some can be jinxed by any envious person, while others are not afraid of even the most experienced sorcerer trying to cast a spell.

The most susceptible to any negative influences are young children and weak people. They do not have very strong energy, and therefore they more often than others become victims of the evil eye or damage. Moreover, it does not matter whether a person believes in the existence of the evil eye, damage or not.

How to strengthen your energy and protect yourself from negativity?

Speaking about the negative impact, it should be noted that there are certain methods that can increase energy resistance to someone else's eye. You can do this yourself, without using any attributes of magic and without uttering special spell words. Of course, the proposed method is unlikely to help protect yourself from a professional sorcerer who intends to cause damage, but the evil eye after the actions performed will not be terrible.

The simplest method of protection is called “Frame Closure”. Its essence lies in the fact that when talking with an ill-wisher or a suspicious person, you just need to cross your legs and arms. This way you can protect yourself not only from the black evil eye, but also from “energy vampires.”

Short circuit is the most famous method of protection

You can also use a technique called “Ring” - you need to make a ring from your index fingers and thumbs, and try to put the remaining fingers on top of each other.

Another easy technique is called “Nested rings” - you need to make a ring from the index finger and thumb, and then put it in the middle of the palm of the other hand and close the palm. After this, you need to change hands and repeat the same procedure several more times (often after such actions a person can feel how the space around him thickens, which means the emergence of a protective barrier).

There are also more complex protective techniques, for example, “Energy Mirror” - a person must mentally try to create a mirror or a mirror dome around himself that will reflect any negative influence. Perhaps not every person will be able to do this the first time, but with desire and daily training, everything will definitely work out.

Protection from negativity with the help of surrounding objects and plants

Undoubtedly, internal protection from negative magical effects is very important, but while increasing energy potential, we must not forget about the existence of other methods that can ward off trouble.

  • By tying rowan branches crosswise with red woolen thread, you can get rid of any negative influence that has recently entered your home.
  • To protect yourself from negativity, you need to hang a bunch of mint and St. John's wort near the mirror or hanger in the hallway.
  • Stick a needle with natural wool or cotton thread on the inside of the front door in the upper part.
  • You should always keep a bunch of thistle in your house (apartment) - it can ward off directed evil.
  • At the entrance to your home, you need to place dried or fresh wormwood under the rug.
  • Mint scattered in all rooms will help cleanse the house of black and bad influences on the Trinity.
  • If in a crowded place someone stares at a person who feels uncomfortable, you should whisper: “Look at me, but see not me at all.”
  • If a person, while in a dining room, cafe or other catering place, feels that someone is closely watching him, then he needs, without being distracted from eating, to mentally say: “Same to you.”
  • To prevent a bad person from entering your home, you need to place a small bunch of St. John's wort grass under the threshold.
  • You cannot pick up money, gold or other objects and things on the street, especially at intersections.
  • If someone tries to start a quarrel in transport, then it is better to try with all your might to avoid it. If this cannot be done, then you need to look at the aggressor’s chin and mentally say: “I am with God, and you are with Satan, all your evil will remain with you, and God’s good will remain with me. Amen".
  • Before putting on a hat or other headdress, you must first bring it to your lips and say in a whisper: “Protect my head, always protect it from hatred and malice. Amen".
  • To protect yourself from negative influences, it is recommended to say the Lord’s Prayer 3 times every day after waking up and before going to bed.

Onions to protect against the evil eye

Even in ancient times, our ancestors believed that peeled onions were the best protection against the evil eye; they were capable of absorbing any destructive energy and various diseases.
To perform the ritual, you need to peel and hang 3 onions in different rooms of your home. It should be done this way: pierce each onion from bottom to top with a needle, into which you must first thread a red woolen thread. Then tie the thread in a loop around the head of the onion and hang it in a place invisible to prying eyes.

The thread must be wool, without impurities

The bulbs should hang for 7 days, after which they should be removed and placed on small sheets of paper (clean without drawings, stripes, cells, etc.). Sprinkle each onion with salt, then wrap them in paper and burn them. This ritual will help cleanse the apartment of negative energy and subsequently protect the house from the evil eye and damage.

Other techniques for protecting yourself from negative influences


To perform the “Egg” technique, a person must have developed the ability to sense various objects at short and long distances. First, you need to try to master the “touching with your gaze” technique, that is, mentally learn to touch things, objects and in your mind capture the sensations from them (first you can touch the selected object with your hand, and then try to reproduce the sensations in your head without touching it).

After this technique has been mastered, you need to build an “egg”. A person should feel, and not imagine, that 4 golden and warm peas are located in front in the area of ​​the ribs, behind and on the sides at the level of outstretched arms, that is, a cross is formed, located in a horizontal plane, the axis of which runs along the middle part of the body. When you mentally rotate this cross, you get a hoop that should be turned into an egg, covering the body and preventing any negative influence from penetrating inside.

If you can establish an energy cocoon, you will not be afraid of any evil eye

In the imagination, the walls of the magical egg should be very dense, and the layers of the biofield should seem to be lapped onto each other. Shells can be one-color or two-color, but it is advisable to use orange, blue and gold colors. When performing such visualization, it is important to clearly feel your actions.

Mirror wall

The performer needs to imagine that he is surrounded on all sides by a brick wall of several rows. On the outside, the protective wall should be covered with a continuous layer of mirrors that face the outside world. And no matter from which side a bad person tries to harm, he will always receive a blow reflected and significantly enhanced by the protective mirror.

The mirror wall is a technique that is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness many times. When using this magical technique, you cannot show your protection to the person trying to negatively influence. Friendliness and calmness will force the envious person to deliver strong blows, which will then be returned to him.

Defense with a cross

Visualization needs to be trained, it will be very useful to you

The performer needs to try to surround himself on all sides with numerous crosses, placing them close to the body. Then slowly, with little effort, starting from the head, move the visualized crosses away from you to a distance of 0.5-1 meter. Then you need to compare your state before and after moving away all the crosses, feel how they are strengthened and merge into one whole.

Charms against the evil eye

There are various amulets that differ in the method of application and the effectiveness of protection.

Red thread

A popular talisman against the evil eye is a red thread. This amulet was widely used in ancient times; our ancestors were confident that the red thread could protect against evil directed at a person through a bad word, a glance cast by envious and unkind eyes. In addition, magic experts claim that a red thread can save its owner from envy and anger.

How to protect against the evil eye using a red thread? What should it be and where should it be worn? The thread must be wool; another thread cannot protect its owner from an evil eye. It should be worn on the left wrist, since it is through this side that evil can penetrate a person and thereby cause him great harm. However, not every red thread has protective properties.

In order for the talisman to work, you must first perform a special ceremony on it and read the spell words. A close friend or loved one should tie the thread on the left wrist with 7 knots. While tying, the prayers Ben Porat and AnaBeko should be said. Another prayer must be said to the person to whom the security thread is tied, when all 7 knots are ready.

During the ritual, the owner of the talisman needs to direct all his thoughts to good deeds; he must attract compassion and goodness into his life in order to rid himself of evil forever. Only if these rules are followed, a protective talisman against the evil eye can have a magical effect on its owner and the world around him.

Pin and button to protect against negativity

A magic copper button sewn to the inner seam of clothing and located in the area of ​​the heart will protect against envy and other evil eyes. It must be sewn on one of the first 3 days of the full moon at sunset and use blue or green threads.
A pin is also a good talisman against the evil eye. It is better to pin it in a visible place with the ear down, but if this is not possible, then on the inside of the clothing in the area of ​​the heart.
However, before sewing or pinning the talisman, you need to perform a special ritual on it and cast a magical spell.

Spell words on a button or pin through candle wax

The ritual is best performed at midnight; you need to light a wax candle and, dripping wax into the eye of a pin or hole in a button, say the following words:

“Hot wax, drive away evil, send it away from me (name). I conjure you with fire, I fasten you with strong iron.”

After the conspiracy, the talisman should be immediately pinned or sewn to clothing.

Spell on a button or pin through smoke

The enchanted pin requires regular cleaning and updating

It is necessary to collect needles from a spruce or pine forest, dry them and set them on fire in a special container. After pronouncing the spell words over a button or pin, you should hold the talisman so that it is fumigated by the smoke of the needles:

“Black smoke, protect, protect, from harm. Protect, drive away all anger, stand guard over (your name).”

After the ceremony, the talisman must be pinned or sewn to the designated place, and the needles must be allowed to burn out to the end. Scatter the remaining ashes in the wind.

Pin spell

Take the amulet pin in your right hand and, tightly clenching your fist, carry it for one hour. Then open your fist, open the pin and say the spell words so that your breath touches the talisman:

“The pin is sharp, drive away, pierce misfortune and human evil. May my talisman be strong, strong and blessed by the Lord God. Amen".

Spell for a pin through a bow

You will need a large onion. You need to pierce it with a future pin talisman and read the following spell words:

“Luk, you fighter, the crown of protection, take away, turn away from me (your name) all evil plots, the evil devil’s aisles. Amulet, protect, take away all misfortune. Amen".

This magical ritual uses the powerful protective energy of onions - one of the most powerful protective plants used in magic.

Spell words on a pin

“Take away all the evil that exists on Earth, take away, turn away evil people from me (your name), do not allow the evil eye and damage.”

After these words, immediately pin the pin to the clothing with the point down.

We must remember that when carrying out any of the proposed rituals, you should follow the basic rule of success - fully concentrate on the result and visualize it while reading the spell words.

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