Home What do dreams mean? How to make magic knots. Knot magic. Nauz - Slavic magic of DIY knots: diagrams. A tied knot consolidates desire and concentrates energy. An untied knot releases power

How to make magic knots. Knot magic. Nauz - Slavic magic of DIY knots: diagrams. A tied knot consolidates desire and concentrates energy. An untied knot releases power

In the modern world of high technology, it is difficult to believe in the power of a knot that can protect you from troubles and attract good luck. You should not be skeptical about this; the magic that came to us from time immemorial has not lost its significance even today.

The Slavs believed in the power of a tied thread, for centuries they created weaving methods, knowledge was passed down through generations. Unfortunately, many secrets were lost due to persecution by the Christian church, but a piece of folk wisdom called Nauza has survived to this day. The basis for creation is an ordinary thread, which itself carries a sacred meaning depending on the color, and a knot tied in a certain way doubles its strength. Since ancient times, people have worn a knotted bracelet on their wrist or around their neck. Depending on the purpose of the amulet, the threads were of different colors. In addition to knots, pendants were used: bags with herbs, coal, salt, and medicinal plants were woven into them.

The question arises: “What is the magic of a knot?” The secret is simple - faith. When a person creates a node, his thoughts are directed in a certain direction. Here it is important to think about what you want from the amulet: protection from damage, getting rid of illness, attracting fortune and money. Thoughts should be aimed at good, you should not make many dreams. By making one knot after another, you consolidate your desires. In addition to the mental message, conspiracies should be read during the ritual. It is best to entrust the creation of a talisman to a blood relative or make it yourself, certainly in a good mood and good health. When making nauzs, it is advisable to use natural threads (wool, linen, cotton, silk) - they retain the energy of nature. Weaving from ribbons, ropes and even hair is acceptable. If you decide to create such a talisman yourself, it is a great option to make it in a field, forest, park, away from noise. This is an opportunity to concentrate and direct thoughts only on creating an amulet. Before use, keep it under the sun's rays or moonlight.

Video "Nauzy"

The magic of a talisman on your wrist

For many peoples, the hand is a channel open to negative energy. In Ancient Rus', a knot was considered a reliable protection against the evil eye. The work used threads made from hemp and nettle. Nowadays, there are enough decorative materials to create for yourself not only a magical, but also a beautiful bracelet. However, the decorative nature of such an item is not the main thing - what is important is the meaning put into the amulet at the moment of tying the knots. Decide on the purpose of the talisman: for happiness, love and good luck, to improve health, or it will protect you from negativity. Depending on your preferences, choose the color of the threads. Each shade has its own meaning:

  • Red - protection from the evil eye.
  • Green - will protect against deception and attract money.
  • Yellow - envy.
  • Blue - promotes emancipation, relieves inhibitions in communication, and gives self-confidence.
  • White - should be worn by those who are planning changes in life, to reach their intended goal.

Video “Nauzy - knot magic”

How and when to tie the knot

Before making a knot, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for creating it. It is made only in the waxing moon phase; this should not be done during the waning moon, since the magical powers will be very weak. The day of the week is also important:

  • Monday - knots for love.
  • Tuesday - from damage and the evil eye.
  • Wednesday - for achieving success.
  • Thursday - attracting financial flow.
  • Friday - a conspiracy for love, female beauty.
  • Saturday - from evil spirits.
  • Sunday - protection from disease, healing.

Before tying a knot, decide on the purpose of the bracelet, clearly say your wish out loud, read the spell, or prayer.

Video “Weaving nauz”

Which hand should I tie it on?

It matters which wrist you wear such a talisman on. On the left they wear a bracelet designed to protect against the influence of devilish forces. It is believed that there is a channel for the penetration of negative energy. On the right, charged with desires. You should not share information about your amulet with others, or advise others to tie the same one. To enhance the effect of the nauz, it is recommended to place pendants on the talisman. These can be mineral stones, metal and wooden figures. Before creating such an attribute, familiarize yourself with the meaning of the symbols common these days:

  • Bird - longevity.
  • Angel - honest thoughts.
  • Libra - focus on the right decisions and actions.
  • Wolf - success in career, luck in business.
  • Horse, unicorn - spiritual purity and purity.
  • Star, sun - from dark forces.
  • Coin - lures wealth.
  • Heart - love, strong marital relationships.
  • Palm - from negative energy.
  • Fish - financial success.

The meaning of the black thread

The use of this color in science raises doubts. If we exclude the unpleasant associations that the thread causes, then we can understand how powerful positive energy it possesses and is capable of bestowing balance and self-confidence. Suitable for weak-willed people - it will help them become decisive and help the unrestrained to curb their emotions. Paired with a white thread, they help achieve the goal.

The meaning of the red thread amulet

This type of unit has wide application. It can serve as protection against negative bioenergy - in this case, put the bracelet on the left hand to block the channel of dark energy. At the same time, there may be such a talisman. Then put it on your right hand. Often the amulet is used to spell love; it consists of 3 threads that are tied into 7 knots. The color red in Slavic culture was a powerful talisman. In esoteric teaching, Kabbalah also has magical powers. Because these days are popular, often used as a talisman.

Knot for love

If your relationship with a loved one has gone wrong, you want to find your soulmate, reach agreement in family relationships - you need a talisman spelled for love.

- will kindle the fire between spouses, increase physical attraction and spiritual unity. To weave such an amulet, you need to choose the right material - it could be a ribbon with which joint memories are associated, or even shoelaces. If you weave the hair of the spouses into a knot, the witchcraft will increase several times. As you work, imagine tying your love tightly together. The first days are close to the body, near the heart, then give it to your spouse. The best option is to make a nauz in the form of a keychain. A similar tie can be made on interior items.

and Burning Hearts - are also able to restore a faded feeling, protect against family discord and betrayal. A cupid knot is tied only on the waxing moon.

Girls should know that braiding hair is a magical ritual. If you think about your chosen one, repeating the spell, you will certainly achieve mutual feelings.

Video “Nauzy - a love adventure”

Sciences for health and healing

People susceptible to illness, without a doubt, should believe in science. or on the neck will help heal and protect against illnesses. For pain in the lower extremities, the nodule is placed on the legs. People of harmful professions use such talismans.

One way to get rid of the disease:

  • Take the black thread;
  • Tie an odd number of knots;
  • For each one, pronounce the name of the disease;
  • Set it on fire or bury the thread far from home;

Nauz Zhiva - helps to improve well-being, fills weakened organs with healing energy.

Solar - indispensable for exhaustion of the body, constant fatigue.

- knitting knots is done on a thick green thread. Hung at the head of the bed, it can reflect negativity and maintain health.

Celtic knot - a strong science against diseases, helps rid the body of heavy energy that destroys the human biofield.

Video “Health Knot, Celtic Knot”

Evil eye knot

Poor health, fatigue, malaise, a series of incipient failures - may be the result of the evil eye. A knotted talisman will be a faithful protector from such troubles. The most effective is considered a bracelet made from. Such amulets can be worn around the neck, on the hands, attached to a purse, or hung above the entrance to the home. By creating the amulet yourself, you charge it with the direction of your thoughts and convey a good message. The purchased unit must be cleaned and activated. You don’t know who made it, whether he was healthy, what thoughts he had while tying the knots.

Video " How to start a health science? »

Nauzy - a do-it-yourself amulet

When making an item, do not forget the main rule - a state of peace and tranquility in the soul, good thoughts. It is advisable to do the work outdoors; if this is not possible, a lighted candle of the same shade as your future talisman will be a good “helper”. Threads of different shades will enhance the protective effects, according to their sacred capabilities.

The simplest knowledge of our ancestors is considered to be Solar - a sign personifying the luminary. They weave a magical wreath of three or four threads. At every start, clearly imagine what the amulet protects you from, the main thing is to believe in its power and positive energy that will be with you in difficult times.

Shield Knot- was considered a talisman of the home. It brings protection from dark energy and attracts harmony into the family.

Video “Weaving knots”

Knowledge that brings good luck

Our ancestors believed not only in the protective powers of the knot, but also believed that such talismans bring success. It is important what meaning we put into each of them during weaving. Try to clearly formulate your desire; if the thought escapes, then something is wrong here. Make sure your messages are kind. It is not necessary to carry it with you all the time; you can only take it during important events.

Video “Slavic science for good luck”

Money knot - its meaning, how to do it

At first glance, weaving nauzs may seem like a difficult task. There are quite complex schemes, but most of the magic knots can be done by anyone. The simplest one can be tied daily, using a scarf or tie, saying out loud a conspiracy aimed at attracting money. There is no need to look for texts of such conspiracies, they can be yours. The main thing is to believe and have good thoughts, not to wish harm on others. The most popular and easiest to perform is the Money Tree knot. It consists of 3 equal nodes and resembles a crown. For work you should use a thick green thread. The talisman should be made for the waxing moon. It is recommended to keep it in your wallet; do not tell anyone about the existence of a magical item, especially do not let strangers touch it.

Video “Teachings for good luck in trading”

A knot for all occasions. Weaving patterns

The technique of creating nauzs has not been forgotten, because such amulets work. They were created by our ancestors and tested by time. To understand the step-by-step diagrams you need to be patient. But it is precisely such talismans, created through painstaking work, that have great power.

Opinions expressed by university holders

These talismans are gaining popularity. People of different ages are attracted to the magic of the knot. For the most part, bearers of such amulets give positive reviews:

  • "They really have the power..."
  • “I never feel depressed since my girlfriend gave me a bracelet woven from threads...”
  • “... began to hurt less. The demolished nooses must be burned. Don't throw them out on the street..."
  • “In my wallet I placed a money tree made of knots. It works, but that doesn’t mean you have to quit and do nothing. I have a permanent income and financial stability in my life...”

Video “Conspiracy for a better future from the book “Nauzy - Slavic magic of knots”

A knot is not just a talisman or another fashion fad, it is part of culture.

Slavic sciences are an excellent magical method that was used in paganism. Many knot diagrams have unfortunately been lost due to the pressure of religious movements such as Christianity. But some of the information has been preserved and is still being transmitted.

With the help of magic knots you can

  • protect yourself from the evil eye
  • attract health
  • harmonize relations
  • attract love
  • get rid of the problem
  • become lucky
  • And other

It is necessary to start working with nodes with great caution, because you can interfere with the harmony of the Universe. Magic nodes push events in a certain direction, help and make them easier, and do not command or destroy.

Any impact of magic on the surrounding reality is like an avalanche that completely covers an inept or evil user. Great care is always required when performing even the simplest magical ritual.

Appeals to Higher powers should be commensurate with needs - you should not ask for more than is necessary. Light and pure magic brings joy and light. Evil and black magic will make life unbearable and envelop you in darkness.

How can you strengthen magic knots?

Knots are often strengthened by weaving in beads. The knot symbolizes desire, it is strengthened by the bead. They work together, so they have the same value. At the end of working on the nauz, the two ends are connected - this symbolizes connection to an energy source. Energy completely fills the node, a special magnetic field is created around it, which directs actions to fulfill desires.

When making a Slavic knot, to enhance its strength and clearly direct energy towards a person, experts advise weaving into the amulet elements of the elements corresponding to the zodiac sign:

1.Fire – all shades of red and pink, sparkles, fur, peacock feathers, brocade, leather.

2. Earth – yellow, brown, terracotta colors, ceramic, clay, porcelain products.

3. Air – silver and white colors, bird feathers, gold and silver items.

4.Water - blue, blue and black colors, sea stones and shells, glass and mirror items.

The finished thread with a knot or nauz should be touched with these knots to the person who needs help, then the thread is hidden in his house or in his clothing pocket.

Conspiracies and spells for weaving nauzs

When composing your own spells, consider the following:

  1. Simplicity
  2. Accurate reflection of intent
  3. Positive attitude
  4. Present tense

Color energy:

  • Black - completion
  • White - healing, spirituality
  • Red - good health, love, energy
  • Pink - tender feelings, love
  • Green - money, growth, self-realization
  • Orange - positivity, new beginnings, joyful energy
  • Purple - confidence
  • Blue - healing, harmony
  • Blue is peace
  • Yellow – new ideas, mentality

The meaning of the figures:

  • Stork on the neck - long life
  • Angel - good thoughts
  • Libra - protection from injustice, the right choice in life
  • Wolf - victory, success, courage
  • Unicorn - purity, white magic
  • Star - protection, superiority.
  • Fish - freedom, unity with nature
  • The key is Knowledge.
  • Dove - good news
  • Falcon - energy, strength
  • Swan - beauty, femininity
  • Sword - courage
  • Home - comfort

Actions with ready nodes

You should be careful with threads if you find them in your apartment. It is not known whether they were planted for a good or bad purpose; a cleansing ritual must be carried out immediately. A thread thrown to the threshold means severe damage; you must be careful - you must not step on it. The knots on the found thread are untied by saying prayers and reading incantations. The negativity is released from it when a five-pointed star is mentally drawn above the knots and the thread is imagined to be cleansed. You can get rid of witchcraft if you constantly blow on the thread, untying it. After these actions are completed, the thread is burned.

In order for a thread spelled for health or success to begin to help another person, it must be placed near his home.

To get rid of negativity - bury a charmed thread in the ground; when it begins to rot, all the bad things will go away. If the conspiracy is intended to last for a long time, the ends of the thread are tied into a ring; such nuses are made for protection and to attract good luck. They are worn in bags or as a bracelet.

To fulfill a wish using a tied thread with knots or a nauz, you must always have them with you. After some period, amulets should be recharged with new energy, sending a mental charge, positive emotions, and a repeated spell. When the desired has manifested itself in the physical world, the amulets are necessarily burned.

How can you make a knot and tie a knot?

You can knit magic knots from:

  • plant stems;
  • leather straps;
  • lived animals;
  • ropes;
  • ribbons;
  • rags;
  • wool or cotton threads, their number should be odd, and they should be evenly folded or intertwined together.

One of the main conditions that is unquestioningly fulfilled in knot magic, no matter what the knots are tied from, is that the material should be taken natural. Synthetic products are not suitable for magical actions. When tying knots on synthetics, the energy of the knot is deformed. The nodes either do not work at all or begin to act unpredictably.

Any length of material for tying knots can be selected. But to improve the work of the conspiracy, experts consider it important that the length should be divided by three, the most optimal being 30cm. On a smaller cord, you may not be able to fit the number of knots required to fulfill your desire. And with a longer length of rope it is easy to get tangled.

If knots are tied to attract love, it will be effective to take colored material that corresponds to the zodiac signs. When tying knots for sick people, you need to choose a color depending on the disease. When the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, choose cold colors, which are: turquoise, purple, blue. For colds, warm colors are preferred: orange, red, yellow. Black color affects the suppression of various inflammations in the body.

When knitting magic knots, essential oils enhance the effects of the source material; the cord, impregnated with aroma, becomes energetically saturated and helps to get what you want faster. When a person performs a ritual, inhaling a certain aroma, his actions become more successful. This is probably why fragrant incense is used in Christian churches, and in the East they use incense, the most common being sandalwood.

Red thread in Slavic magic

It was used in two ways. Firstly, of course, as a talisman, which is worn on the left hand and protects against negativity and envy.

Here is one method to make a protective name:

Tie 7 knots on your left wrist with a red thread made of woolen fabric while reading a protective spell or prayer with extreme concentration.

You can also tie 3 knots using a different method, while reciting the spell for each knot:

"Protect me from evil, be a strong amulet for me. Amen"

Secondly, red threads were used in love and money witchcraft.

Spells for creating magic knots

1.For happiness

Make a talisman from large knots. When creating, say:

“I will tie a knot, I will tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there will be plenty of happiness!”

2.For happy love:

When braiding your hair, visualize your loved one, recite love formulas, here are a few as examples.

  • I'm happy in my relationship.
  • I attract the right person
  • I have a wonderful relationship with Name. We love each other.

You can also say when making a nauz:

“Knot, secure the union. There is no stronger love bond!”

To ignite passion, take 2 laces that you and your partner wore and start weaving knots, while keeping your focus on the goal, imagining your relationship.

After creating the symbol, carry it with you for about 2 weeks, then give it to your loved one.

3. From drunkenness:

“Tying a knot to the Lord’s Slave (name) for a party and a drinking session. Free the thought knot, defeat its vice. Amen!"

4. To attract material success:

Tie a scarf and speak positive messages. It is important to do this consciously, with concentration, to prevent the emergence of doubts and restrictions.

Here are examples of affirmations:

  • I attract material abundance
  • My income is 100,000 rubles per month
  • I'm getting rich

Make a "Money Tree" on the waxing moon. The amulet is created from green threads. Nauz is like a tree and consists of three nodes. You can store it in your wallet or at your workplace.

When creating, say:

"Grow money. Multiply money. Add more money. Make me (name) rich, come to me. So be it!"

5. For health:

Tie 9 knots on the black thread. And then go into nature and bury the nauz you made there. When weaving, pronounce the name of the disease (for each knot).

Initially, the rope itself was represented as the fate of a person, and the knots tied on it were like certain events of real life - a real magical ritual was performed. A material obstacle in the form of a knot on a rope, according to the principles of imitative magic, gives rise to a corresponding obstacle stated in the spell.

Using knot magic in everyday life helps to “tie” luck, luck, health and, of course, love to yourself. Moreover, in order for your desire to come true and your dreams to come true, you do not need expensive or exotic accessories, you do not need a magic altar, or special conditions for performing the ritual. You can knit knots anywhere and everywhere. In addition, the art of knitting them is accessible to everyone. True, in order for a magical ritual to bring the desired result, along with tying knots, you also need to know the corresponding spells.

There is a rule that prescribes participating in magical rituals with loose hair and bare feet, it is probably based on the fear that the presence of a knot or something constricting on the head or feet of the participant will negatively affect the effectiveness of the ritual.


You don’t need an altar, a circle of power and complex paraphernalia - you can work anywhere and at any time, having only what you can tie.

1. Choose the material you will work with.

These can be any available items: leather straps, animal sinews, plant stems, hemp ropes and all other ropes, ribbons, rags and laces that can be tied. Please note that all listed items are of natural origin.

2. Select the length of the material you need.

The length can be any that is convenient for you, but the spell will work better when multiplied by three: 9 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, 21 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 90 cm. More often they work with a length of 30 cm.

3. Select a color.

Any color can be used, but white, red and black are most often used. Of course, you can experiment with any colors of the rainbow or their shades, the choice is up to you.

Color matching table.

Red - life, vitality, health.

Yellow - thoughts, mental activity.

Pink - love.

Light Blue/Blue - healing, peace, spirituality.

Black - end, binding, denial of ego.

Green - growth, creativity, wealth.

Orange - optimism, joy.

Violet (Purple) - strength, affirmation, confidence.

White - spirituality, protection.


Knot magic is another fairly simple technique that you can use alone or in combination with other techniques.

The effectiveness of knot magic is that it itself does not require special knowledge and skills.

It is based on the ability of any person to fall into a trance and can be a good start to magical activity. When performing any work associated with the same type of movements involving small motor skills, twisting a thread, a person falls into a classic trance. Spells cast in a trance are much stronger and faster to execute. At the same time, a node is also an anchor, a symbol, a sign, a manifestation of your magical, subtle action on the physical plane. Uze is the appearance of your intention, it is the intention itself, which you can touch and give it even greater power.

Reflections and doubts fade into the background during a trance, the intention is formalized, and sharp, decisive movements of the fingers tie the magician’s own will into a thread. Therefore, slowly tying knots is not forbidden, but then the degree of your concentration on the process and self-confidence should be much higher. The spell is cast, presenting what you want in a very colorful way.

With practice, one moves from physically tying knots to tying energetic knots, a skill that is very useful when working with communication channels.

You can enhance the magic by using a rope that has been previously soaked in wormwood infusion and then dried. You can also increase the effectiveness of actions by performing the ritual in front of a mirror. Then actions with nodules will be more “noticeable” and “visible” for the parallel astral plane.


Use a little imagination and the possibilities of knot magic are endless. Experiment with tying knots and their number. Remember that the actions of tying, weaving and weaving all symbolize the joining together of disparate elements, uniting them into one whole.

You can use different numbers of nodes for different purposes, according to the laws of numerology:

1 - unification and integrity, healing, magic of the Sun.

2 - duality, choice, emotions, magic of the Moon.

3 - creativity, productivity, action, magic of Mars.

4 - foundation, wealth, communication, magic of Mercury.

5 - growth, joy, expansion, magic of Jupiter.

6 - love, beauty, harmony, magic of Venus.

7- restrictions, ending, binding, Saturn magic.

8 - dissolution, end, beginnings, balance, Pluto magic.

9 - three times three, the number of the Goddess.


1. If you decide to do healing, and according to the table, one node is better. So can 1 node + 1 spell help? No! How to do everything right?

You tie 1 large knot in one place of the cord (at least 100, if enough), tying a knot for 1 spell or 1 knot for 1 line of a spell, but always in one place of the cord. Cast a spell and knit until you feel enough.

2. If you choose to impose 9 knots, then the methods of sequence are different for different magicians - choose for yourself what you like.

From left to right, the knot according to the sequence of tying:






You can alternate knots with beads. A knot contains a desire, a bead gives strength to this desire, therefore both knots and beads interact and have equal importance. All this becomes an energy accumulator. This is often used in the making of talismans.

When work on it is completed and both ends of the talisman are connected, it is as if connected to an energy source. The chain closes, fills with energy and begins to create its own energy field, which will work according to your instructions (for example, attracting people to us and strengthening your aura) when you wear your talisman. The more you wear the talisman, the stronger it becomes.

To enclose your desire in a knot, you will need to do the following: tie the knot while saying your spell, in which you express your desire in simple words. It will be better if you rhyme your spell.

A few rules to remember when casting a spell:

1. The spell should be simple and accurately reflect your goal.

2. Maintain a positive (or negative, but not neutral) attitude.

3. Use the present tense in your spell. For example: "I am becoming..."

4. If you experience a poetic mood or strong emotions, this will only strengthen the spell.

5. Try to see the desired action as already accomplished.


All the power is in the knots tied - a certain number of charmed knots are tied.

They touch the right person (so that the spell is transferred), then they hide the rope

Put in clothes, apartment, etc.

They throw it to a person so that he picks it up or steps on it (then the spell comes into force)

They hide it near a person’s house so that the spell will slowly but surely work

. "Witches Staircase" The ribbon is tied with a feeling of concentrated hatred directed at the enemy, and is hidden not far from him. The knots slowly suck the life out of that person and he dies. The only salvation is to find the ribbon in time and untie the knots. In some sources there are 9 knots, in others - 40, most often from hair.

They bury it so that the action occurs when the rope rots (to get rid of negative emotions)

Burned to strengthen (fire energy) and make the spell act immediately (will work with very strong spells with strong passion invested - to get rid of negative energies, when harming another person)

A rope is tied into a ring for long-term circulation of a spell (often in protective, love spells - worn like bracelets (baubles are also considered amulets))

To remove such spells, you need to find a rope and untie the knots in the reverse order of tying, with the reverse spell. You release the spell by drawing a five-pointed star in the air above the cord and imagine the magic leaving it. The cord is then burned.

The spell works when the knots are untied:

Spellbound knots are untied, sometimes by still blowing on the knots, which releases magical power for action (often during treatment)

Carry it with you, periodically adding strength and investing more and more spiritual desire in your actions, and when the most favorable moment comes for the fulfillment of your dreams, untie or cut the knot - release the energy accumulated by the thread, intended for the realization of the events you have planned. And they will come true.


Focus on what you want to achieve and release it into the knot. You need to talk to each node and see what you want.

1. A simple form of knot magic is to tie nine knots on a cord, starting at the ends and working towards the middle.

“With the first knot the spell begins,

With the second knot my wish comes true

With the third knot the magic is released,

With the fourth knot my word is law,

With the fifth knot the spell flourishes,

With the sixth knot the magic is held together,

With the seventh knot my word flies to the sky,

We create magic with the eighth knot,

With the ninth knot the strength is taken.”

2. “This node is the first - it starts the business.

This node is the second - connects with fate.

This third node catches power in the net.

The fourth knot - fastens,

The fifth node - guides,

The sixth node - revives,

The seventh node returns.

This eighth knot was no one's and has become mine.

This is the ninth node - no one will be to blame.”

3. To “Tie a Lie” (if you constantly communicate with a person who constantly lies), take a white woolen thread, the length of your palm, and tie three knots on it. The first to tie is a regular knot in the middle of the thread: “I will tie the wrong one tightly with the first knot” - tighten it. Next we tie a knot at the end of the thread: “I will tie the wrong tongue with the second knot” - tighten it. The third one is at the other end: “I will tie false thoughts with the third knot” - we tighten it. The thread is then placed in the liar’s clothes/things/table.

4. An ancient ritual “So that it becomes empty.” When the neighbors decide to offend you, you need to take three pieces of rope an elbow long. In the evening, when the sun has set, stand near the pond. And if there is no such thing, near a tub of water, and tie these ropes with a knot, which is called the Science of Death, saying at the same time:

“So that you, my offenders,

Envious people and all sorts of opponents,

It's empty!

Let it be so!

And so it will be!”

After this, the rope must be thrown into a pond or into a tub with the words:

“How these ropes get wet

And they will sink to the bottom,

So it will be empty for my offenders!

And neither the wind nor the valleys will help them!

And it will be so!

My word is strong!”

Note. This curse was used when it was necessary for a neighbor to have problems with finances and property, but for him to remain alive.

5. An ancient ritual to deprive men of strength.

From hemp rope you need to weave a braid the length of two thumbs, placed next to each other in length, and as thick as them. Then you fold it in half and tie the two halves together with the “Witch-We Knot,” saying:

“I deprive you of your male power,

As long as this braid is tied, twisted,

So will it be for you (name of the rivers)!

My word has power!

That's how I want it to be!

And toil to you (name of the rivers),

As long as this braid is tied,

And neither potions nor slander will help you!

It will be so!

That's what I said!

Note: This method of inducing impotence was especially loved by all witches. Usually the braid was buried or sewn into a rag and hung from the ceiling.



1. Link to family education.

“I tie (name) to (name),

I oblige them to love each other.

I tie their love together with a knot,

I also improve their sex.

I attach a knot to a knot,

I tie their love with a knot.”

Note. It is thrown into the apartment for both of them if they live together. It is thrown to one person - to the one who needs to bewitched. 6 knots are knitted, several can be done for 1 place, i.e. It turns out in 6 places large 6 knots.

2. Causing impotence in all women - totally.

“I drive desire into a knot,

I send impotence to (name).

The knot is tied - the penis will fall,

The knot is tied - the penis does not stand up.

I tied the male power in a knot,

I tied a knot with magic.”

Note. Tossed - there must be contact, and the longer, the stronger the effect.

3. To avoid hanging out with other women.

“1 node - my husband is with me,

2nd node - only my husband.

3rd knot - does not stand up to his mistress,

4 knot - will fall on any women.

5th knot - my husband is heroes with me,

6th knot - my husband is always with me.”

Note. Can be placed in bed and/or clothing.

4. Relieve yourself of the disease. Many knots are tied per piece of cord, forming 1 large knot. Knit close to the site of the disease.

“I tie the disease into a knot,

I tie the disease into a knot,

I'm tying the disease in a knot,

I drive the disease into a knot,

I tie the disease into a knot,

I attach the disease to the knot.

Disease in the node

Health is in me." Bury in the ground, saying: “The rope will rot, Health will come!”

5. For healing.

Say everything the same except:

"The disease is in the knot,

Health is in me." - Replaced by:

“The disease has gone away,

Brought health (whatever name is needed).”

Knot witchcraft is widely known. In my opinion, this is a very good way to achieve what you want by doing powerful damage to the nodes. Knots are also applicable in the magic of protection, they firmly hold the defense, with their help you can diagnose and remove damage.

Magical damage - black witchcraft for knots

There was a time when knowledgeable people cast spells on charmed knots of such powerful destructive force that these effects irreparably distorted her in the shortest possible time and deprived her of her happy share. With the help of black magic, you can prevent a person from going somewhere, for example, not letting your lover into another city. All his attempts to leave will end in failure; he will still return to you.

So tough damage to knots can be made on black wool thread. The work is done on the waning moon. When tying eight double knots, the words of the magical spell of corruption are spoken through the knots:

  • 1. I’ll go outside
  • 2. I’ll throw a thread into an open field,
  • 3. To the crossroads,
  • 4. Between the yards,
  • 5. In the meadows,
  • 6. To the seas,
  • 7. Into the forests
  • 8. The bogs are swampy

Having tied the eighth knot of damage, you must say:

“And even if I leave it here, wherever the slave (name) goes, everything will end up here. Amen".

The enchanted thread must be placed so that the one who needs to be damaged by the knots steps over it. Having stepped over the witchcraft thread, a person stumbles and curses - from that moment the curse will begin to take effect.

Severe damage to knots - to the taking away of something important

Witchcraft of this order can be performed for different purposes - to deprive the victim of health, to steal luck, to draw monetary energy to one’s side. Knot magic is often used for love spells. There are different knots for rituals, and they differ in the method of weaving, in what they are braided on, how many knots are tied during the ritual of powerful damage to knots, what kind of bindings are woven into the knots and, finally, what words are said at the moment of their weaving.

Usually, a white, red or black cord or thread is used to weave knots. But, if agreed upon, in a magical rite damage to knots There may be other colors. Each color in magic has its own meaning.

  • Red – life, vitality, health.
  • Yellow – thoughts, mental activity.
  • Pink – love.
  • Blue – healing, peace, spirituality.
  • Black – binding, ego denial.
  • Green – growth, creativity, wealth.
  • Orange – optimism, joy.
  • Purple – strength, affirmation, confidence.
  • White – spirituality, protection.

Ancient knot magic Not many Slavs are known today. But it has a colossal ability to protect against evil eyes and damage.

Such good magic also includes nauz - a unique way of tying knots, which allows you to attract well-being to a person. Such knots of intertwined threads can become a powerful amulet for any person.

Features of Slavic knot magic

If you are desperate and don’t know how to attract happiness and good luck into your life, special knot magic can help you. This is a fairly simple method that is accessible to every person and helps achieve success in various spheres of human life.

Let's take a closer look at what knot magic is.

This type of witchcraft has become widespread not only in Slavic culture, but also in the traditions of many world cultures.

Many centuries ago our ancestors learned to make special sciences to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, cure serious illnesses, protect children, attract love and prosperity into your life.

This type of magic is distinguished by the simplicity of its symbols. When a knot is tied, its performer thus attaches wealth to oneself, health, love or luck.

Another option is possible - with the help of such knots you can tie up any negativity which a person wants to get rid of. After the ritual, such “bad” knowledge must be burned. In this way, the negative attachment is destroyed.

The ancient Slavs did not knit complex knots. The easiest way to answer this question was to turn to the Magi. Nevertheless, every woman knew very well what powerful witchcraft could be created with the help of ordinary knots made of threads of different colors. These rituals have survived to this day. Today, the descendants of the ancient Slavs may well use the magic of their ancestors for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

The magic of knots in other cultures

In many countries around the world, the unique opportunities provided by the magic of knots were well known and highly valued.

  1. Residents of most European countries firmly believed that with the help of magical knots, tied in a special way, one could deprive men of their strength and even destroy a family.
  2. Similar beliefs exist in Asian culture. Until then, Syrian brides carefully ensure that there are no knots in the groom’s clothes. It is believed that with their help an evil sorcerer can destroy the family happiness of a young couple.
  3. In African tribes there is also a belief that knot magic can have an effect on male potency and on love relationships in general.
  4. Echoes of ancient beliefs are also found in modern signs associated with weddings.
  5. A large number of similar signs are associated with pregnancy. It is no coincidence that women in labor are prohibited from braiding their hair even today - after all, this is also a kind of knot. Before the onset of labor, a pregnant woman should not have any nodules on herself.
  6. In Europe, there have long been rituals associated with untying knots and designed to make childbirth easier for a woman.
  7. Almost all magicians in the world know that during many rituals you need to let your hair down and untie all the knots on your clothes. After all, any knot on the sorcerer’s clothing or body can significantly distort the meaning of the ritual being performed and turn the magical flows in a completely different undesirable direction.

These days there is a sign prohibiting untying other people's knots on bags and packages. Thus, someone else's negative energy can turn on you.

Knot magic can be done both for good and for evil. It all depends on the thoughts and intentions of the one who addresses it.

Rules for making sciences

If you decide to make sciences, they will only have the meaning that you give them during the work process.

Like any magic, sciences are subject to a number of rules. If you want your plot to work quickly and effectively, you should strictly adhere to the rules of how to tie a knot on a thread:


The materials you plan to use are important. The material must be natural and not distort the shape of the knot.

In ancient times, animal sinews and laces made of leather, wool or flax were used to make such knots.

Nowadays you can find a wide variety of types of threads that will allow you to bring your plans to life. It can be linen, cotton or natural wool, as well as leather laces. The thread must be of the appropriate size. Experts in making such magic knots recommend choosing a thread length that is a multiple of three.

It is not necessary to use only textiles. You can learn how to make knots from metal wire and make beautiful amulets. However, it should be borne in mind that different metals have different magical properties.

The use of synthetic materials will significantly weaken the effect of the magical ritual. To influence a living entity, you will need living natural materials. Even if the synthetic thread is not visible to the eye, it can make significant changes on an energetic level. The result may be unpredictable.

Thread color

It is very important that the color of the threads coincides with the purpose pursued by the ritual being performed.

  1. Pink threads are best suited for love rituals.
  2. Money can be attracted with the help of green threads.
  3. Orange is a good color to attract good luck.
  4. Red knots will attract love, protection and health.
  5. To get rid of negativity, use black threads.

Tying rules by day of the week

There is a certain pattern of tying knots by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, knowledge is prepared to attract love into life.
  2. Tuesday is a good day to protect yourself from negativity.
  3. Wednesday - success in all matters.
  4. On Thursday you can attract success and money.
  5. Friday attracts love.
  6. On Saturday, we get rid of negative influences.
  7. On Sunday you can be healed of illnesses.

When starting to make a nauza, it is very important to determine for yourself the purpose for which this is being done. You can say your desire out loud, very clearly and confidently. Before work, you can read the prayer Our Father or the Virgin Mary.

Wearing rules

There are no specific requirements for which hand the knights are worn on. You can put them on any part of the body, as long as the knots are in contact with you. Showing them to others or hiding them under clothes is up to you to decide.

A prerequisite for effective influence is maintaining secrecy. It is not recommended to tell everyone you meet about this amulet and recommend it to everyone. The wearing of knots, as well as the purpose for which they are tied, should remain your personal secret. This explains why you should not untie other people's knots.

Nauzas made of red threads are most often worn on the left hand. According to legend, this way you can protect yourself from the influence of evil forces penetrating into a person from the left side. If you want to get what you want as quickly as possible, you can put the amulet on your right hand.

The item you choose as a pendant is of no small importance.

Previously, dried roots of various plants, stones and metal figurines were used as pendants. Nowadays, you can choose a pendant, taking into account its symbolic meaning:

  1. The bird figurine symbolizes longevity. Stork figurines have the most powerful energy.
  2. The image of an angel signifies purity of thoughts and wisdom when making decisions.
  3. Libra emphasizes the ability to make wise and informed decisions and do the right things.
  4. The image of a wolf is a symbol that helps a person achieve success, move up the career ladder and gain recognition from society. In addition, the wolf symbolizes strength and good luck.
  5. Horses or unicorns help cleanse the soul.
  6. The image of the sun or star helps protect against evil forces.
  7. A banknote or coin allows you to attract financial well-being and prosperity.
  8. The heart symbolizes love and romance.
  9. The hand allows you to take the right actions and make the right decisions.

Knots on black threads

There are cases when knotted amulets are woven not only from colored threads, but also from black ones. However, this does not mean that such a talisman has a mourning character. The combination of black and white threads will give the wearer wisdom and success in achieving any goal.

In this case, it is very important to move away from the stereotypical perception of black as a sign of negativity. Then it will become clear what strong energy this product has. It is not for nothing that the most powerful sorcerers and magicians wore black threads on their hands.

It should be remembered that this weaving of black threads also has a positive meaning. It is endowed with the power that will make you feel confident and filled with vital energy.

People who by nature are not very confident in themselves simply need to wear such black hats. In addition, they give a person peace of mind and the ability to adequately assess the situation and respond appropriately.

In addition, the black amulet allows you to learn to control your emotions, gain success and public recognition.

Red sciences

Since ancient times, the color red has been considered the most powerful amulet, allowing protection from any misfortune. Red naauz were designed to drive away evil spirits and any negative influence from a person. In addition, it is able to attract love, luck and health into the life of its owner.

There are several ways to wear red knot amulets. If you tie such an amulet on your left wrist, it will reliably protect you from envious glances and even from damage. An amulet tied to the right hand helps to fulfill your deepest desires and dreams.

It is imperative to weave a red knot amulet in a good mood and beneficial thoughts. In this case, the amulet will have colossal power. It’s especially good if you make such a talisman for a person who is very dear and close to you. Receiving such a gift from your loved one is also a favorable sign.

Creating such a talisman is not so difficult. To do this you will need a red thread made of natural wool. The optimal length of the thread is 30 cm. The thread must be wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. Before tying a knot on a thread, you need to wish the person all the best. You can read silently or out loud the prayer Our Father or the Virgin Mary.

Such a red thread on the hand will play the role of a powerful amulet. It originates from ancient Kabbalistic magic. For both the Jews and the Slavs, the color red is of no small importance. Do not be afraid to wear such an amulet, because it will not cause any harm to your religious worldviews.

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