Home What do dreams mean? Dream interpretation of brownie dreams. Seeing a brownie in a dream - what does such a dream mean? Interpretation and decoding. Brownie in Vanga's dream book

Dream interpretation of brownie dreams. Seeing a brownie in a dream - what does such a dream mean? Interpretation and decoding. Brownie in Vanga's dream book

Find out from online dream book, why Domovoi dreams, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream of a brownie in a dream?

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Why do you dream about the Brownie - Don’t forget to ask him, for better or for worse; what he answers is the meaning of the dream. The next morning, don’t forget to put a saucer with jam or honey on the floor, because there really is a brownie in your house and you definitely need to make friends with it.

Dream Dictionary by Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why Domovoi dreams?

You see a brownie is often a warning that you are soon expecting an addition to the family. When you dream of a brownie, it often predicts the birth of a child in your family, the appearance of another tenant or even a pet in the house. You have been thinking about getting a dog or a cat for a long time, the brownie in a dream suggests that now is the best time for this. favorable time. If you are away and see an unusual dream in which a brownie is present, this predicts a quick trip home for you.

Brownie in a dream - If the brownie is shaggy, the owner is rich; a shaggy brownie pressing in a dream “leans towards wealth”, “naked” - towards poverty. The variety of guises of a brownie is sometimes associated with the fact that a creature accidentally or intentionally destroyed within a house during its construction can become a house spirit. Everywhere in Russia, nightmares, like oppression or navna, were considered a consequence of “strangling the brownie”; to avoid them, it was recommended not to sleep on your back, at the threshold, or across the floor. Usually invisible, but only audible or tangible, the brownie groans and cries in the face of trouble, “falls” on a person to change (and already inevitable), but appears, becomes visible - unfortunately.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing Brownie, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

Brownie - Seeing a brownie in a dream foretells that your mood will deteriorate due to an unpleasant accident. If in a dream you expel a brownie from your own home, the dream foreshadows disagreements in your family.

Why do you dream about a brownie - A little attention to loved ones will help restore peace. If you dreamed that you were communicating with a brownie, then in the near future an incredible adventure awaits you that will brighten your gray life with all the colors of the rainbow. If you see yourself in the image of a brownie, then pay more attention to your beloved, otherwise she simply will not withstand your busyness.

Great modern dream book

Brownie - why does the dreamer dream?

Brownie - to various warnings. If he is shaggy, shaggy, covered with long thick hair - to wealth, if without hair - to poverty. Brownie - You saw a brownie in a dream who did not have time to hide - someone will ruin your mood. You dream of a cheerful brownie - the destiny of your home is prosperity; your friends will learn how to run a household from you; you are sometimes generous - but not wasteful; you are always thrifty - but you will never be known as a miser; you are friendly; you think that guests in the house mean wealth in the house. The brownie seems to be angry with you - you have to change your home; It remains to be wished that you exchange your previous housing for a better one.

A brownie appears in a dream for a reason. Usually, this is really a brownie who lives in your house, trying to contact you in this way and tell you something. As a rule, a brownie dreams when something bad might happen in the house; he wants to warn you about a possible disaster. That is why you should not ignore this dream; try to remember exactly what was discussed there. This will be the real meaning of your dream.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Symbolizes – The way home (if away); to the appearance of children or animals in the house or family.

Mythological dream book

Interpretation of Brownies

The guardian spirit of the home, often playful, capricious, capable of all sorts of dirty tricks, manifests itself shortly before important events, has the appearance of a field form, i.e., not obvious, cloud-shaped, not clear, with the semblance of eyes and nose.

Why do you dream of a brownie - But in a dream it is more often perceived not visually, but tactilely, as a certain skin pressure, extraneous breathing, the presence of a sleeping person on the bed - manifests itself in a dream (or in a drowsy state) before important events in the dreamer’s life; indicates the period of the sleeper’s life associated with his home, life, family. See Add. Uvalni.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of a brownie?

Brownie - A warning before trouble in the family, the owner will die.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Brownie - Talking to a brownie in a dream means a bad time will come for the whole family.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a brownie in a dream is unlucky.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Brownie - Seeing a brownie in a dream means some news.

If you dream about a brownie? When you dream of a brownie, it means that you will soon have the opportunity to take part in some lewd entertainment, and everything indicates that you will be happy to take advantage of this opportunity and neglect your responsibilities in the near future.

Why do you dream about a brownie - Freud's dream book

When you dream of a brownie, it is a sign that you are worried about health problems, but at the same time you are hoping that luck will save you.

A brownie girl dreams about it, this is a sign that her health problems and mental illness will end soon.

If you dream of a brownie in the form of a cat, this is a signal from your subconscious that you should be more patient, since your health problems are not ending as quickly as you would like.

You dream of a brownie in the form of a woman, this is a warning from your subconscious that you should not refuse to help a person who may need it.

Brownies in an apartment, a dream means that a person will provide you with his help and comfort you in connection with some of your worries.

If you dream of a brownie who scares you, this is a sign that you are moving away from people, perhaps even unconsciously, and you are suffering from the fact that you do not like the sympathies and views on life of those around you.

When you dream of an invisible brownie, it means that you tend to be naive when you are awake and you may have problems with this.

If you dream of a brownie wearing only one shoe, it means that you will soon have to deal with people who will be very unhappy with you.

If a house woman dreams - Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams of a brownie, this is a signal that it is difficult for her to find herself in real reality.

When a brownie dreams of an unmarried woman, it means that she is going against herself in her professional affairs, and because of this, she may lose her sense of identity.

As our dream book interprets the dream of a young brownie girl, this is a sign that she is hiding her essence and trying to show others her fake face.

The evil brownie who appears in your dream announces to you the fulfillment of your innermost dreams and desires.

If you see a brownie eating candy in a dream, this is a sign that you will loved one happy by your conscious actions or by accident.

A dream in which you saw an aggressive brownie may announce that you will not be able to move forward career ladder as quickly and easily as you planned, as unexpected obstacles will appear on your way.

Dreaming about strangling a brownie - Vanga’s dream book

If you dreamed that a brownie was strangling you in a dream, this dream tells you that life gives you a pleasant, happy surprise.

To dream that a brownie is strangling is a signal from your subconscious that you should save more money.

A brownie attacked you in a dream and strangled you - this is a signal that the enterprise in which you want to participate is illegal, and if you decide to stay in it, you may suffer greatly.

When you dream that a brownie is strangling your friend, it tells you about an unpleasant event, perhaps an accident.

I dreamed of a brownie man - Nostradamus’ dream book

When you dream about a brownie man, it means that there is a false friend in your circle with whom you should not be too frank, because everything he finds out about you can quickly be used against you.

If you dream that a brownie man wants to bite you, it means that you will soon feel like a depressed person because people have slandered you or spread some unpleasant gossip about you.

Why do you dream of an evil brownie - Hasse’s dream book

When you dream of an evil brownie, this is a sign from your subconscious that you should definitely start saving, but you don’t know why it’s so important now.

An evil brownie that appears in a dream is an announcement that in the near future you will not have problems with your inferiority.

If a child dreams of a brownie - Longo’s dream book

If a child dreams of a brownie, this means that in real life soon it close friend will greatly offend him.

Brownies are strange and sometimes frightening creatures that come into the house. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them or not, but if he visits you, you definitely won’t confuse him with someone else. In the article you will learn everything about these creatures, and why does a brownie come to a person?

Most people don’t even think about the existence of brownies, and only if situations happen to them or their friends that cannot be explained, do they begin to become interested in the question of the existence and various signs about brownies.

Surely, each of you has heard the most different stories on this occasion:

  • the brownie shuffles dishes at night
  • slams doors
  • strangles a man
  • asks for something

Questions that worry many:

  • why does he come to the house
  • what is his purpose
  • and what is all this for

There can be quite a few reasons for a brownie’s visit, everything will depend on how he visits you:

  • If at night you hear your dishes rattling, and in the house you are either alone or everyone is already asleep, it means that the brownie is trying to warn you that an emergency may happen soon, and most often it is a fire.
  • If you suddenly woke up because someone poured water on your face, it means that the brownie is trying to warn you that all is not well with your health, and you should pay serious attention to this issue.
  • If you hear your home crying or making languid sounds, then expect trouble.
  • If a brownie slams doors in the house very hard or howls, he warns that someone will die soon.

Since ancient times, Russian people have always treated brownies well and favorably. It so happened that people believed that the owner of the house was not a person, but a brownie. It was also believed that in most cases brownies are found in those houses where:

  • cosy
  • peacefully
  • love reigns
  • understanding
  • kindness

Do not forget that brownies prefer to live in houses that are orderly and clean, and always help people maintain it.

In the case when people move from one house to another, it is imperative to carry out a certain ritual that would help the owners take the brownie with them to the new home.

Brownies are considered very loyal creatures, and if they are not taken with them, they experience separation from their household very poorly:

  • become aggressive
  • angry
  • crying
  • and can cause harm to the new owners of the house

They say that the new owners will not be able to tame the brownie, who initially moved into the house with other people. That is why new home owners often have to kick the brownie out of their home.

It is impossible to answer in one sentence the question why the brownie visits people, because, as mentioned earlier, there can be a lot of reasons for such a visit.

Some facts about brownies:

  • Previously, in every house where a brownie lived, there were different Christian holidays the residents of the house always left some tasty treats for him.
  • On February 10, the brownie's name day was celebrated. On this day, if the brownie does not receive his congratulations in the form of treats, he could become very angry.
  • The 9th day of the first month of summer is considered Fyodor's day, so on this day the brownie spends the whole day at home, and at night he goes to bed on a broom or in shoes.

On this day, the owners of the house did not clean the house, so as not to inadvertently evict their brownie from the house.

  • April 12 (today is Cosmonautics Day), the brownie in the house is always having fun, he can rattle dishes and drop objects right up to sunrise the next day.

What does the brownie come to?

More often the brownie comes at night, and many are confused and even frightened by such night guests. It is believed that it is impossible to communicate with brownies using speech; you should not try to talk to him; the elders believed that such a mistake could cost a person the gift of speech or he would begin to stutter.

The only time a brownie can be asked a question is when he jumps on the chest and wakes up the person.

Thus, he is trying to warn you about something, and you, in order to find out what exactly, can ask him about it. He will always give you the answer:

  • Should you prepare for grief?
  • or wait for joy

By the way, the brownie speaks in a human voice, according to those who met him. If this is the way to you the brownie came, and you, out of fear and sleepiness, threw it off, don’t worry, the brownies are very smart, and they understand that you haven’t woken up yet. Even after you dumped him, you can ask him why he came to you.

Sometimes it happens that the brownie tries by all means to escort his owner out of the threshold of the house, this may mean that:

  • the move is coming soon, and thus the brownie explains to the owner that he will be much better in the new home
  • soon trouble will come to the house

Previously, people could turn to a brownie for help, and if the brownie came to the girl, she could ask him (through a special ritual) to bring her lover right to the doorstep of the house.

You cannot offend brownies, because such an act will lead to trouble:

  • do not whistle in the house, brownies get very angry when they do this, and may even leave the house forever;
  • You should not smoke in the house if you know that a brownie lives here, he cannot tolerate tobacco smoke, and if you want to live in peace with him, avoid smoking in the house.

If your guests (who spent the night in your house) say that someone attacked them at night (and this is a brownie), then you no longer need to invite these people to your house. It happens that the house attacks some strangers, thereby showing its owners that these people are unkind and are planning evil against them.

The brownies sense the approaching disaster and the evil planned against the owner before it happens. He can warn about this in a variety of ways:

  • If a person who comes to visit constantly drops something for no reason, spills a drink on the tablecloth, scatters food on the table - this brownie shows that this person wants to put the evil eye on the owner, to cause damage, in general, to do evil against him. The owner must be extremely careful with such a person.

  • if a brownie throws kitchen utensils off an empty table, he is thereby saying that they cannot be left on the table, this is an obstacle to his protection of the house.

Despite the fact that the times when a brownie was found in almost every home have already passed, today people believe in them and can turn to them for help. A person may ask:

  • find a brownie thing that was lost in the house
  • protect him from evil and unkind dreams, etc.

Don’t be immediately alarmed if the brownie living in your house seems angry to you; you can even come to an agreement with him and make friends. Don't act aggressive and irritated towards him, this will only make the situation worse. Be peaceful, and appease the brownie with gifts and kind words.

If a brownie came in a dream

Believe me, if you saw a brownie in a dream, it is not as scary and frightening as if you saw it in person. Let's find out why brownies dream and why they come to us in a dream. Brownies are drawn in different ways, how it turns out depends on how a person relates to this creature:

  • if he brought harm (or the person thinks so), then he will look like a monster;
  • If a person treats such creatures with warmth and kindness, most often he looks like a small, kind man with a long beard who is friends with cats.

In a dream, brownies can also appear in different roles. Our imagination can reproduce the brownie in different images, it depends on our imagination and on the theme of the dream.

A brownie can dream about:

  • in the form of a blurry spot without edges - it can be either light or dark
  • a brownie in a dream may have clear facial features similar to human ones, or have a blurry face
  • can speak in both a gentle and creepy voice
  • come into a dream as invisible, but the person will still understand that this is a brownie

Many people, when they dream about a brownie, think of asking them why they visited their dream, and they will definitely answer the question posed.

Even if you were unable to ask the reason for its presence in your dream, brownies usually make it clear exactly why they appeared in your imagination and dream.

Good signs:

There are quite a lot of interpretations of dreams about brownies, as well as variants of such dreams. Here are some of them:

  • If a brownie came into your dream with the words “be kind” or a phrase about kindness. This means everything will be fine, and if things don’t work out for you, the situation will soon be resolved in your favor.
  • The brownie gave you a hint - be sure to remember it and try to decipher it. It can help you with your problems or dilemma that you have been unable to resolve for a long time.
  • If you have serious problems at work or at home, and during this period you dreamed of a brownie, remember how this dream ended, because such an end to the situation awaits you in reality.

  • In the morning you don’t remember the brownie’s specific words, but you are sure that you communicated with him - look forward to new adventures and days full of bright emotions.
  • Opening the door with your own hands and letting a brownie into your home is a good omen (small children often dream of this).
  • If you suddenly dreamed of a brownie before moving, it means that he is worried that you might leave him in your old home. Invite him with you, and you will be happy.
  • If your dreams about a brownie are kind and positive, it means that the brownie loves you and protects your home and its inhabitants.
  • If you have a dream in a positive way, there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • A dream about a brownie is unpleasant, creepy and bad - don’t expect anything positive in the near future.

The brownie came and strangled

As mentioned earlier, the reasons why a brownie visits you may be different, depending on why he comes. Let's look at a case where a brownie comes and strangles people.

Brownies can also be evil, and usually, if they are unfriendly, they can even strangle people, and the subtext, in this case, can also be sexual.

Psychologists say that most often such suffocation can be compared to sleep paralysis - the person seems to be conscious, sees everything, but at the same time cannot speak or move.

In fact, this is a very scary feeling; at this moment a person experiences a spectrum of different emotions:

  • terrible fear
  • serious stress
  • it seems like he's going to die now
  • helplessness

Why does the brownie come at night and paralyze, it’s very difficult to say, but this is clearly not a manifestation of love and affection for a person. Most often, women find themselves in such situations, but the most interesting thing is that most of them cannot say one hundred percent that this was reality, although according to their feelings and visual memory, everything happened in reality.

Parapsychology experts argue that there must be sufficiently compelling reasons for such an action on the part of the creature in question:

  • made the brownie very angry
  • you are not welcome in this house
  • caught a malicious brownie
  • angry about the mess in the house
  • he was not introduced to the new tenant, etc.

If such attempts at suffocation occur more than once, you should think about conducting a ritual of expelling such a brownie from your home, because experiencing such emotions is not safe for a person’s psychological state, or even his physical health.

Why does the brownie come and lie on top?

Sometimes brownies do not strangle, but simply lie on top of people without creating too much discomfort.

There can also be quite a few reasons for this behavior, most often these are:

  • brownie cures your illnesses
  • shows signs of his attention and care to you
  • trying to warn you about something
  • protects your sleep
  • protects you from trouble that should visit you

Many do not believe in the existence of these creatures, but only those who have never encountered anything paranormal. If a person meets a brownie with his own eyes, he will never be able to deny its existence.

Brownies are not bad, you shouldn’t be afraid of them if they don’t bring you any harm. It is better to be friends with them, because, in fact, these creatures are good guardians of the house. They:

  • guard the home
  • take care of the owners
  • warn about misfortunes and situations for which it is better to prepare and know about them in advance
  • protect you from ill-wishers and bad people

Sometimes brownies lie on the chests of owners who have relatively recently moved to a new home. This means:

  • what he decided to say about his presence in their house
  • and show that he liked the tenants and he wouldn’t do them any harm

Brownies also go to bed with their owners if they have not seen them for a long time:

  • the owners were away
  • moved to another home for a while, etc.

By the way, brownies are very fond of pets, especially cats.

Many people say that the sensation (when brownies lie on their chest) can be compared to a fluffy cat; no unpleasant sensations occur at such a moment. This is why many say that the brownie came in the form of a cat.

If this does not cause you any particular inconvenience, you should not drive away the friendly “guard” of you and your home. Be kind and friendly with him, and it will only benefit you.

The brownie often comes to the children. Parents have probably heard about a kind old woman or a gnome from their child, so this may be quite a reality, and not an invention of a child’s imagination. Brownies never harm children.

In the history of the existence of brownies, there were several cases when a dwarf in a black robe came to the house of children who were no longer quite small. One of these stories: at first they were very scared, but then they decided to drive the dwarf away. Problems and troubles were not long in coming, but here’s what’s interesting:

  • did the troubles arise because they drove him away (one can understand them, because he was far from unfriendly in appearance)?
  • or because they didn’t drive him away right away, but let him look around and stay in the house for a while (maybe if the children hadn’t driven this old man away, everything would have ended even sadder)?

In this case, we can only guess, but usually brownies are friends with children and even play with them, so the child’s imaginary friend may not be imaginary, but real. As for animals, they always feel the presence of brownies.

What to do if a brownie comes?

If the brownie does not cause discomfort, does not do any nasty things, you should not do anything, just get used to the idea that he has settled in your house. Don’t forget that most often they are positive and benevolent creatures who only bring benefits. If you are a brownie:

  • scary
  • strangles
  • behaves aggressively

It is necessary to get rid of such a guest. To do this, you can contact a specialist on such issues who will help you special ritual to expel an unwanted settler from your home.

Living in peace with a brownie means protecting yourself and your home from troubles, remember this. You shouldn't quarrel with these cute creatures if they haven't done anything bad to you. Be kind to such creatures, and then they will help you and will never cause harm.

Video: “Brownies in the house”

The brownie is considered to be the creature that parallel world keeps order in your home. This is its main function. This is a bundle of good energy that directly responds to the “atmosphere” in the house. What does he portend in a dream?

Good energy, both in reality and in a dream, does not portend anything bad. But the brownie is not always affectionate. Often he is naughty or even rowdy. The interpretation of dreams directly depends on his behavior and mood.

Why do you dream about a good brownie?

If you dreamed that this creature was talking to you affectionately, it means that you have a period ahead filled with harmony and joy. In this case, any worries and suspiciousness are useless. If you dream of a brownie, it means there is peace and harmony at home. Also, this otherworldly creature can come simply to support the sleeping person in a difficult life situation, to cheer him up, to say with his appearance that all anxieties and worries are already a thing of the past.

If your life is Lately has become like a bumpy road, know that difficulties are left behind. You are standing on the threshold of a new period, if not happy, then at least calm. Very often, the appearance of a brownie in a dream promises unexpected wealth. We are not talking about just random money, but about a huge amount that you currently have no idea exists.

If you dream that a brownie is cleaning an apartment or house, this means material benefits. If he wipes the dust, puts everything in its place or performs other actions, then you cannot avoid money. One has only to rejoice at such a dream! It is very good if Barabashka plays with small children. This means unexpected joy. In this case, the event will be from the area that is closest and dearest to you: from receiving new job before the birth of the desired child. A fabulous romantic adventure that can last a lifetime promises such an image to young people!

Why does a brownie dream about being angry?

Seeing a brownie in anger that your life does not stand up to criticism. The brownie begins to worry and get angry when his “owners” are prone to aggressive thoughts and actions. He immediately tries to show the “scoundrels” his irritation. And if sensitive people can hear it while awake, then it is especially “deaf” in their sleep.

Sometimes this magical creature can directly express its claims in a dream. And sometimes you have to decipher his message with your mind. If this happens to you, the first thing to do is clean up your house. To make friends with a brownie and put your life in order, you need to remove all the dirt and trash from the house.

Second: think about it, maybe you are offending someone with your thoughts good man? Or maybe you're wasting too much money? Believe me, once the brownie came to sleep to warn you, he will not stop. If you do not improve, then losses await you. An angry creature can also portend illnesses of household members (even pets). If you dreamed of a shaggy grumbler, then problems may arise in the house. empty space" You should treat the “owner” of your home in order to appease him.

Dream book brownie

Unknown phenomena often frighten us and often put us into a stupor. Why do you dream about a brownie? Unlike many other spirits, he is not an evil being. On the contrary, his burden is to guard the hearth and maintain comfort in the house. But often this guardian has a capricious and eccentric character. His intentions lie in his attitude towards the owners.

Be that as it may, his arrival means important events, one way or another connected with everyday life and one’s own home.

Let's turn to leading seers and psychologists to understand why the brownie dreams.

What does the interpreter say?

To begin with, it’s worth determining in what form a brownie can come to us. These creatures can skillfully change their own appearance, and the final picture will always be modified by imagination. But mostly the spirit is dreamed of as a haze or a cloud.

If you dreamed about a brownie

Be an observer

What does silent observation of this mysterious creature mean? Remember what image was waiting for you in the kingdom of Morpheus.

  1. The image of a brownie. If a keeper lives in your home, pay attention to his behavior towards other people. Perhaps you are biased towards them, and you have been taken over by evil spirits.
  2. Pranks on the part of the spirit. In this case, you should pay attention to the final outcome of your actions, since it causes harm to someone.
  3. Accidentally noticed. This speaks of your secrecy towards your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to trust and have heartfelt conversations. Otherwise, a conflict may arise.

Contact him

Did you dream of a brownie whom you had to not only observe, but also come into direct contact with? This action also has its own interpretation.

  1. Enter into conflict. Such a conversation speaks of your inability to leave your comfort zone. Start managing your actions and doing what is really necessary.
  2. Kick out. Expect positive changes. Moreover, these changes will become fateful for you.
  3. Have a pleasant conversation. A friendly conversation promises a bright journey that will add many pleasant moments to your memories.
  4. Strangulation. If you were strangled by a brownie, then expect changes. Upcoming events will make an invaluable contribution to your life.

Vanga considers the arrival of the brownie an unfavorable symbol. Its interpretation is caused by the influence of Christianity, which, although it accepts the existence of brownies, considers them to be the product of evil.

What are the circumstances in the outside world?

Continuing to analyze this incident, it is important to take into account not only the details that occurred in night dreams, but also the external circumstances that await in the real world.

Had a dream in winter, spring, summer or autumn

At what time of year did the spirit appear?

Much attention should be paid to the fact at what time of year you experienced the exciting arrival of the brownie.

  1. In summer. The dream promises misfortune and unfavorable events. This time should be survived, and the dark period of life will end.
  2. In autumn. In this case, the dream can be interpreted in favor of some news that will be of extreme importance to you.
  3. In winter. The dream speaks of possible difficult times, so you need to be careful and observant in your professional activities.
  4. In the spring. Expect bad times to come family life. Conflicts are possible, so try to find compromises with loved ones.

Who had the dream?

What was the gender of the dreamer? This detail is an important factor in the interpretation of dreams.

Man. Here you should pay attention to two important details.

  • A man dressed as a brownie. A sign that your beloved woman lacks attention and warmth.
  • The arrival of the brownie. A harbinger of minor troubles that can spoil your mood.

Woman. For a representative of the fair sex, the guardian foretells unexpected sources of income and an increase in material well-being.

Child. Children dream of the creature for upcoming pleasant events.

If you had a realistic dream where strangulation was present, then this is an incentive to the fact that the house needs cleaning, and the brownie in your house is uncomfortable.

Other interpretations

Other sources will help you figure out why the brownie dreams. In our dreams, we sometimes experience incredible things that should be examined from all sides.

Esoteric dream book

Replenishment possible: child or animal

This source interprets a dream about a brownie as a sign of a new addition to the family. However, this phenomenon does not necessarily promise the addition of a child. According to mythology, the keeper is inclined to make friends with domestic animals and provides the necessary care for them. Therefore, replenishment can be in the form of an animal. In the case when you are outside the walls of your home, the dream warns of an imminent return to your home.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

According to this dream book, the creature foreshadows some favorable events. His arrival is a harbinger of a quiet and peaceful life. But a casual conversation will lead to reconciliation between loved ones. Household members will find a common language, and in the future they will manage without serious quarrels.

Family dream book

What does this source tell us? The brownie foreshadows disagreements with loved ones. If you had to expel him, then be prepared for serious conflicts. But seeing yourself in the image of this incredible creature means a lack of attention to your own person. Perhaps you began to devote too much time to work and forgot about yourself.

Milk or jam can help appease the keeper. But don’t forget that the brownie is good spirit and foreshadows mostly good changes.

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