Home divination How to become a god after death. “God became Man so that man might become God. The True Purpose of Contact Sources

How to become a god after death. “God became Man so that man might become God. The True Purpose of Contact Sources

Any Soul has a chance to become God, but for this it is necessary that it be READY to become God, as well as the Spiritual Father or Spiritual Mother for other Souls. But she can do this only after she becomes the Highest Soul, and this can happen if her Parent has become one of the Creators of the new Universe.

Developing his Soul, a person helps his Parent to climb the Ladder of the Universe to the Step above. Already at his next birth on Earth, a person will receive a stronger Spirit than he had before! This means that the Spirit-Mind of a person will also rise, because it depends on the Degree on which one stands. Spiritual father or the Spiritual Mother of his Soul!

But the Mind does NOT mean the Mind that a person develops independently while living in the Material World of the Earth! Although, the Intellect depends on the Spirit-Mind, which the Parent of the Soul inhales into it, with the first breath of an infant after its birth in the Material World! The Soul itself is responsible for the human senses! Such as: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Touch. And also, FOR THE WISHES OF MAN!

In Nepal, in almost every Temple, there are sketches on both sides of the entrance doors. On the left is an animal man, and on the right is a skeleton man.

The meaning of the allegory told to me by my guide Lakshman is that:

On the left, a person is born and has only a Personality. He wants a lot and wants a lot. But, he can’t do anything, so people are afraid of him and shun him.

On the right, a person is born with one Soul. He can do everything! But, nothing wants and does not want. And people also shun him because they don't understand him.

Only together Soul + Personality in one material body will make a person WHOLE.

Only together Soul + Personality can measure desires with the possibility of their fulfillment. And it directly depends on what Step of the Ladder of the Universe the Spiritual Father or the Spiritual Mother of this Soul stands on! The higher the Parent stands on the Ladder of the Universe, the more difficult the Lessons of Life that a person receives while living on Earth, because the Soul has already passed the easy paths earlier - in its Past Lives.

And it is right! Otherwise, the Soul will not have spiritual growth, during which it becomes stronger! Not to mention the person himself, whom the Soul will help to cope with the difficulties of the Material World. It is the Power of the Soul - its Light Energy that will help her to go through 12 Hours of Night after the death of her material body. It is this Power of the Soul that will help her, already as God, as the Spiritual Father or Spiritual Mother, to rise up to the 12th Step of the Ladder of the Universe, from where Supreme Gods- Architects of the new Universe.

You can get to the 9th Step of the Staircase of the Universe, where the Gods stand, in 3 different ways. But at the same time, one way clings to another.

So, here are these 3 ways to become God:

1. As the Personality of the Supreme Soul - the Archangel, which during its life on Earth has repeatedly reached the 8th Step of the Heavenly Ladder in its spiritual development. At the last birth of the Soul on Earth, all these Personalities of the Teachers became one. They united their Knowledge in the last Personality of the Great Teacher in the last 12th Life of the Soul in the Material World.

Only then the Soul of the Great Teacher is ready to rise to the next 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe in order to become a God or Goddess, fulfilling the tasks that will be assigned to him at a new level of development. And here, at the 9th Stage, the young Gods learn to form the material body of the newly appeared Soul in the Mineral Kingdom, from the Energy that the planet itself gives.

Also, on this 9th Stage, a young God or Goddess, as the most common NEWLY APPEARED Spiritual Father or NEWLY APPEARED Spiritual Mother, will create their children-Souls from the Light Energy that rises from the inhabited planet in the form of Spirits, and these Spirits are created by our Material World.

The gods of this Stage will form Balls from them, laying in them the beginnings of the Ladder of the Universe from 4 Primary Elements - SPIRITUAL Primary Elements, which have the encoded DNA of Life on any Inhabited World in any Universe. This is exactly what the Teachers of the Races of the 5th race wanted to say by building the City of the Gods of Tibet - the Matrix of Life, as E. Muldashev called this grandiose stone complex of the City of the Gods.

Then the Shar-Soul goes to the Material World to accumulate Light Energy, starting from the 3 Lower Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetable and Animal. And then, such a newly appeared Parent will climb the Stairs of the Stairs of the Universe TOGETHER with his child-Soul, starting just like him from the first Mineral Kingdom;

2. As a Higher Soul - Archangel, which almost always passed 12 Hours of the Night of the Kingdom of the Dead after the death of her material body. And, as a Personality, she was born on the Inhabited Planet 12 times, being one of the Teachers and Teachers of the Races. Only after that the Soul decides: Will it be born again on Earth in the Material World in order to once again experience the FORCE of the Material World. Or she is already ready to become a God or Goddess herself, having passed to the 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe.

And so the Soul made a decision: to become one of the Gods of the 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe! And now she, as a newly appeared Spiritual Father or a newly appeared Spiritual Mother, will create her first child, a son-Soul or a daughter-Soul, passing with him the initial stages of his life on the planet, which will begin for them from the 3 Lower Kingdoms!

3. As a Spirit created by the Material World, who accumulated Light Energy for a long time, living on the planet and helping, firstly Souls, starting from the 3 Lower Kingdoms (Mineral, Vegetable and Animal), and then people.

The Spirits include all Brownies and Keepers of places on the planet, both natural and artificial, as well as Teachers' Assistants in spiritual affairs, which people CREATED themselves, endowing them with their Energy and giving them characteristic features that form into their character. It is they who are often their children-Souls when such a Teacher has risen to the 9th Step.

The Spirit starts its Way in different ways, but all of them are Helpers of Gods, Souls or people. The spirit itself determines for itself the scope of its activity, which depends on the tasks that are laid into it when it is created.

Spirits can be subdivided into Light and Dark - it all depends on who and why created this Spirit. Accordingly, the Ways of the Spirits will be different, but in any case, this Path will still lead the Spirit to the Light and to the God of the 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe.

When the Spirits accumulate enough Energy, having risen in their spiritual development to the 8th Step of the Heavenly Ladder, they are ready for rebirth, directing their desire to the Gods of the 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe. The gods of this Stage invest in such a Spirit a part of their Energy from the 4 Primary Elements, and the Spirit becomes a newly appeared Soul, ready to start its birth on the same planet, but already in a material shell…

Helping the Soul in the 3 Lower Kingdoms inside and outside it, the Spirits, even after the birth of the Soul as a human being, also remain with her and help her in her life. But at the same time, what he will do depends only on the Spirit himself. He can forever remain inside the Soul, taking care of it from the inside. He can leave the Soul and take care of the group of Souls, becoming the Guardian of Nature: mountains, forests, ponds or rivers. He can be devoted only to one or several Souls and takes care of them in their place of dwelling in the human body, becoming a Brownie. But when such a Spirit rises to the 9th Step inside the Soul, then it gets to the Gods of the 9th Step of the same Ladder along which the Soul ascends! And then, this Spirit IS ENDOWED WITH THE ORIGIN of the Ladder of the Universe with 4 Primary Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, in which the Code of Life is encoded - the DNA of all life on all the Inhabited Worlds of its future Universe! And from this moment on, this Spirit BECOMES a real SOUL.

Such a Soul-Ball can be captured by any camera or video camera! These are balls-clots of Light Energy that hover next to us after the death of their material body, which was a representative of the 1st or 2nd of the 3 Lower Kingdoms. They still cannot get into the Realm of the Dead of the Underworld, which is ONLY for Souls of people, because Shar-Soul has not yet accumulated enough Light Energy! With each birth of a Soul in the Mineral or Plant Kingdom, such Spirits help it to increase its Light Energy. It is they who are her Light Energy and allow her to reach the 5th Hour of the Night of the Kingdom of the Dead in order to be born as an animal, and then as a human.

Light Energy is accumulated in two different ways:

1. Due to the Spirits that exist inside the Soul. They fill the Steps of her Stairs of the Universes. And in the distant Future these Spirits will become Souls and eventually Gods.

2. Due to the creation of new Inhabited Worlds, when the Soul is born as a human being. In each solar system The Creators lay only one Inhabited World, for which they fix the Ladder of the Universe. If people from this World settle on other planets of their System, then the Ladder gives branches, which after the death of a person become separate Ladder. Not only Gods will stand on these ladders, but also Souls and Spirits that belong to this Ladder and this Soul.

ALL Gods or Goddesses passed, pass and will pass along this Path of development:

First, how Spirit— a clot of Light Energy, which began its existence on the Steps of the Ladder of the Universe inside the newly appeared Soul;

Then, as ball-Soul- a newly appeared Soul, which began its Path in the Material World from the 3 Lower Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetable and Animal;

And then how Human Soul, which had to live in the material body of a person for 12 Lives in order to develop itself, strengthening itself!

And only after that the Soul can become God 9th Step of the Ladder of the Universe.

More and more people are asking how can you become a god, who it God in fact, and whether there is evidence of the existence of God, which everyone constantly talks about and believes in him. In fact, every person can become God if they understand who it really is and start living and doing everything to become God.

In this article, you will learn how become a god what needs to be done so that they have an article, who he really is and where to find the real God, who can be felt, and not just believed, as most people do, not understanding what they believe and why they do it. You can believe or not believe anything, so it's better to see and feel 1 time than to hear a hundred times.

How to become God - who is God really

To understand who God is and how to become one, you first need to understand that everything that exists in our world is material and is capable of disappearing, appearing and changing in form. Therefore, our world is really fake life, an illusion that is temporary and has nothing eternal.

All that is eternal is God, there is no one else and nothing but him, but what and who such a god you ask - it's energy. There is nothing but energy, God, there is simply a corrected, perfect energy - God, and there are people, animals - uncorrected energy. In fact, God is eternal, which means that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it takes any form and is constantly moving.

When you understand who God is, that this is a perfect energy, parts of which are corroded and stored in each person, it can be said with confidence that when we come to the stage of human development and unite together, then this energy, when it unites, will become one and indivisible God .

Today God separated into particles of energy, and stored in each person. It is up to us to decide to develop this part of God or wait until nature, with its suffering, will force us and push us to the development of this eternal part called God.

Acquire the property of bestowal

To become a god, you need to acquire the property of bestowal, since God gives, and man receives because of his selfish motives. All people are selfish, so if you remove this property and give everything that you have completely, you will become God.


Fill up

To become a god , you need to start filling people with new knowledge, skills, experience and happiness. A person who lives only for himself cannot become God. You don't have to be right, you just need to fill people with everything they need without thinking about their own benefit. When you acquire the property of total surrender, you will notice how you become something bigger and stronger than just an egoistic person.

find happiness

To become God, you need to become happy and begin to appreciate what you have. A psychologist will help you with this. Because if you have everything you need for happiness, you will calm down and begin spiritual development. A person spends his whole life to acquire what he lacks, because people have not learned to appreciate and protect what they have, and therefore, having achieved and realized one desire, they desire another, but without feeling happiness.

When you become God, you will find a different existence, not in the body, but in the soul. You won't need a body to exist, your energy will be in the soul and it won't need a body to manifest itself. Every person, consciously or unconsciously, strives to find and develop the soul, since this is the only goal that has an eternal character, and not temporary desires, which in any case will disappear when your body dies. There is no life after death, there is only today and you need to live in such a way as to develop your spiritual root, and not the body.

Let's move to the level of abstraction above, we will argue from the standpoint of development principles. One of the basic principles of development is gradualness. According to this principle, the development of any quality, skill, etc. occurs in stages, starting with the first stage, moving to the second, and so on. It is impossible, having stepped over the stages, to really end up at the final point.
Considering from the point of view of this principle the quality of a person “generosity”, that is, the ability to share with others, the following stages can be distinguished. At the very beginning, we don’t have things: there is a high need to own things, and we can’t talk about the desire to share yet due to the lack of things. At the next stage, the things are already there and it is the possession of these things that brings satisfaction: the more things you have (and, perhaps, others have less), the higher the satisfaction. At the next stage, the satisfaction from the sole possession of things falls and the satisfaction from the fact that your things bring satisfaction to other people increases, there is a desire to share.

The development curve drops below zero. This is no longer development, but degradation, although outwardly the person seems to be generous. It was a neurotic path of development based on the tyranny of NADO. Now, all his life, a person will be forced to publicly share, because otherwise he will be tormented by anxiety, a feeling of NECESSARY. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) develops.

Realizing this state of affairs, of course, you can get out of this hole. For example, isolate yourself from everyone, creating for yourself an abundance of things and no reason to share. The neurotic turns himself into an outcast and gradually the swing of balance goes in the other direction, and yet there is a desire to share. True, in a true unconscious neurotic, the swing will again turn in the other direction: from movement towards people, to movement against or away from people. From one hole to another. Once, having sufficiently swung the swing in one direction, they will swing by inertia according to the law of forced oscillations. Of course, until a person himself changes this law, following the laws of changing laws. Laws changing laws, Carl!

The path of development, which seemed to be fast, in fact turned out to be wandering in the forest with the subsequent exit to the same path of the notorious natural path of development, which could have been taken at the very beginning.

This example can be called very allegorical in relation to other developmental processes. People wander in the woods, taking nootropics, eventually returning to the beginning of the path after their withdrawal. However, I will not say that this tool is definitely evil. Every medium has its indications. Most people initially wander in the forest and they do not have the resources to get out of it to the path, they do not even have the resources to understand what this path should look like and where to look for it. These can be cognitive, temporal resources. Or, perhaps, there are no resources to realize the neurotic swing in which you are already, and these very laws of changing laws. In these cases, the tool can provide those resources.

Returning to the example from the beginning of the article, what should a father do in such a situation so as not to disturb the natural process of development. You should let your daughter decide for herself what to do with the things presented to her, despite the possible negative assessments of the guests. The developed independence of the parent's personality suggests that his self-esteem will not fall from this. It is necessary to value trust and understanding in the family, this will help to understand the motives of the child's actions - whether they are healthy and natural desires or a consequence of the hopelessness of coercion mechanisms. To influence a person, you must first understand him. But in order to learn to understand another person, you must first learn to understand yourself. And that means reflecting and developing awareness. These are the stages on the path of natural development.

The first day

So, I'm definitely in a different world. Why did I decide so? Because there are no six-legged foxes in our world. At least I haven't seen one. But why am I in another world? I remembered. I did die. To be more precise, I was hit by a truck. Just like in some novel about rebirth, where the main characters are sure to be hit by a truck. So I'm the main character? Interesting... So, why can't I move? And what is that script? I looked down. There are tree roots. I must be sitting in a tree. And I can't move. I looked around. Around, about ten meters, there was only grass and a few stones. Further there was a forest and several bushes. There was a path to my right. Suddenly a sound was heard. A two-headed bear emerged from the bushes. I froze in horror. He came up to my tree and started scratching his back on it. My body suddenly itched too. Strange. Why didn't the bear even notice me? When he left, the body stopped itching. I felt the wind. So glad! Then I realized that I felt the wind with my whole body. Wait... It can't be... I was reborn as a tree!? Day Two

I spent the whole night thinking and came to the conclusion that I really was a tree. But an unusual tree! I do think! I even see. I wonder what I see? Because trees don't have eyes. Although bears do not have two heads, and yesterday I saw one. What have I done in my life that turned into a tree!? It seems that he tried to do good deeds, he didn’t offend anyone, he didn’t even swear at his boss in his thoughts. And now I am a tree in a world of six-legged foxes and two-headed bears. Okay, I'll try to move. Looks like a few branches are moving. Then I noticed a man in the distance. First man! He's coming towards me! A. There is a path near me. I am a roadside tree. The man looked strange. Leather pants, leather jacket. On the belt is a sword, and on the back is a backpack. Maybe he's a roleplayer? He held a map in his hands and muttered something to himself. I listened:

Before the village of Brigge, near a large tree, we turn right and go off the path ... Well, well ... And here is the tree!

I mean, I also work as a pointer? OK. The strange man turned left from me and walked on. All day no one else appeared. Day Three

Today was a boring day until it appeared new person. Judging by the clothes, it was a hunter. And judging by his behavior, he was lost. So-so from him a hunter. Newbie what? Young besides. And why is he wearing a bow? With such bears, you need to walk with at least a double-barreled shotgun. In general, he wandered around me and tried to choose a direction. Several times he left, but then returned. At some point, he turned to me with a smile:

Can you at least tell me how to get to Brigge?

Man, I would gladly answer, but I'm a tree. But at least I tried to show him the direction with a branch. When he noticed that I pulled a branch to the left, the smile disappeared from his face.

So you really decided to help? OK...

With these words, he walked to the left of me.

Closer to the night, he, excited, ran up to me. I wonder what happened? Then he, as if possessed, began to speak quickly:

O Great Tree Spirit! Thank you for your help! Accept these gifts from the poor hunter!

Having said this, he poured some water over me. It was nice. Then he began to build a semblance of an altar out of stones. Suddenly he took out a hare and a knife, and in front of my eyes he cut his throat and poured his blood on the altar. Here I was in a hurry. What is he, a bastard? I understand if he killed a hare to eat, but to cut him just like that? Here I felt a surge of strength. Why did it happen? And then I realized. It was a sacrifice! He believes in me as in a spirit! I have a believer! Meanwhile, he was on his knees. What is he waiting for? I moved the branches. What would help him? I tried using my newfound powers to increase his hunting luck. I don’t know if it worked or not, but he got up and ran to the village.

The eventful day came to an end. Day seven

During these few days, I noticed that the hunter began to constantly bring prey to the village. And yesterday he even killed a bear! Apparently my blessing worked. Today he brought other hunters. They also got hares and made a sacrifice. I felt myself getting even stronger. Now I had five believing hunters. As a thank you, I gave them my blessing to hunt. They parted ways. Hey, if only someone wiped the altar! He's actually covered in blood! Okay, so long as they come again. So at least it's not boring. After their sacrifice, I felt very strong. I wonder if I'm a spirit, can I try to leave the body of the tree? I concentrated on this thought. Suddenly, I felt an incredible lightness. I took a closer look. Yes! Happened! Now I'm a free-flying spirit! I wanted to know what I look like. Then I turned around. Hmm, thick trunk, carved bark, long sprawling branches. I am fifteen meters high. To my arboreal eye, I look good. A wonderful tree in its prime. Anyway, I was wondering what that hunter's village looked like. I flew to the left. For several minutes the landscape did not change. All the same trees (of course, they cannot be compared with me), all the same bushes. Then I flew out of the forest. A village appeared ahead. There was a fence around it. I would not say that they are strongly protected, although they need to be protected only from hungry wolves. I flew further. A small crowd had gathered in the center of the village. I was just in time for the meeting to begin. On the podium, the headman said to the inhabitants:

We are gathered here because Ilene and the rest of the hunters claim to have found some kind of spirit and now worship him, as he gives good luck in hunting in exchange for sacrifice.

Well, it gives and gives, but what does it matter to us? - I heard a voice from the crowd.

And such that this spirit can help the village in all matters, and therefore I propose to build a large altar near the tree - said the hunter, whose name, apparently, was Ilen. - We will pray and receive blessings from the Spirit of the Tree. Isn't that beneficial?

Well, build it if you like. But how can this spirit help me? My fields are drying up. I need rain, not some perfume. said the farmer.

Well, it's none of my business how he can help you, Mr. Gnark. But if we set up an altar and pray, then help will come.

They were talking about me! I just felt so happy! But on the other hand, they expect me to help them in everything. And how can I help them? That farmer is right, the tree cannot help the fields. Okay, I'll think of something. By the way, before returning back, I decided to experiment with my divine power. I didn't know what to try to do, but then an idea came to my mind. I flew into someone's house and tried to climb into the person's dream. Using divine power, I managed to penetrate his mind! It was a fun experience. After looking into the dreams of other people a couple more times, I calmed down and flew home. Day Eight

Today hunters and a few other villagers came and started building a new altar. From branches and stones they assembled a large altar. Then the stone carver came and made stone table with beautiful patterns on it. It was a pleasure to watch. This time, a cow was slaughtered as a sacrifice. Then from sacrificial meat made several dishes. People were having fun, eating and drinking. At the end of the day there was a common prayer. I heard their voices and their requests. Hunters thanked for good luck, and farmers asked for rain. The headman asked for prosperity for the whole village. This day was called the Day of the Tree Spirit and it was agreed to celebrate it every year.

Today I received more strength than all the previous days combined! I think I can help the farmers with the rain. I once watched a program about the weather and it talked about how cyclones and anticyclones are created. It seems that the weather is good during the anticyclone, so I need a cyclone. I left the shell of the tree, becoming a disembodied spirit, and flew to the village. Having reached the field, I soared into the sky. Yes, let's see. There are few clouds around, and a small cluster in the east. I flew there. Well, let's try to move the clouds. It's hard to do it myself, so I use the wind. I had the strength to catch the wind and let it go so that it drove the clouds to the west. When they appeared over the center of the field, I made the wind whirl. We need a cyclone, so we turn counterclockwise. At first it was hard, but then everything started spinning by itself. Soon clouds began to gather. It began to drizzle, which soon turned into a heavy downpour.

It is done! At work, I did not notice how the sun began to set over the horizon. With a sense of accomplishment, I flew back. Day Nine

The cyclone idea was a complete success! Today, the whole village has gathered around the altar. Everyone stood, whispering and looking at me with curiosity and fear. Finally, the headman stepped out of the crowd and spoke loudly:

O Spirit of the Tree! We have seen your strength, please take us under your protection! Every day we will bring gifts for you in exchange for protection and prosperity! Do you agree?

Of course I agree! But how can I give them a sign that I don't mind? We need to come up with something soon! I extended the branch to him like a handshake. The inhabitants recoiled in fear. The headman took a step back, but then he understood and shook my branch. The contract is concluded! Now the villagers began to bring me gifts. With each offering, my strength grew! A heap of gifts has accumulated on the altar. Then everyone began to pray. I heard all the voices and felt like a powerful ruler, because the whole village worshiped me. Finally, everyone dispersed. Only the farmer who complained about the drought remained. I think his name is Gnark. He came up to me, put his hand on the trunk and whispered:

Great Spirit! Forgive me for doubting your power. As a sign of forgiveness, please allow me to be the conductor of your will. I will faithfully serve you!

I liked it, you've been hired! And now I have to agree. He's too close for a handshake, so I bowed the branches as if to nod. Hm. Since he is my priest, he needs a symbol. What to do? While I was thinking, the wind blew and one of my leaves fell at his feet. He picked it up and put it in his pocket.

I will keep it as a reminder of my service! he said and left. Well, that's lucky! I didn't think he'd take the paper for a sign, but it worked. Thank you, wind! Tenth day

Today I decided to fly back to the village. Separated from the body, I flew towards the village. The crowd again gathered in its center, only this time it was the same farmer who spoke. Or should I say my priest? He preached to the inhabitants that I was a good spirit, and that he, with my permission, became the conductor of my will. Around his neck hung my leaflet in a jar on a chain. When I looked into the crowd, I noticed that everyone, even a child, had a chain with a leaf-shaped medallion hanging around his neck, like a farmer Gnark. My symbol quickly became official. By the way, I noticed that there were new people in the crowd. Who is this? Wagons were visible in the distance. Ah, so it's merchants! This is good! They must carry the news about me to all lands. Then the thought came to my mind - I have an altar, a priest and religious symbol. It's time to start and commandments! Let the farmer write everything down. I hope he is literate. Eleventh day

All night I meditated on the commandments. It was necessary to make them fair and thoughtful. I read the Bible and everything is somehow categorical. So I made them a little more confusing, but more honest in my opinion. Here is the list:

1) Do not kill for evil, but if done for good, then it is permissible

2) Do not steal for evil, but if done for good, then it is permissible

3) Do not lie for evil, but if done for good, then it is permissible

4) Protect each other and be united, because together you are stronger

5) Know the measure of everything, both in stinginess and generosity

6) Help your neighbor, and he will repay you with the same

7) If they helped you, then repay not only in word, but also in deed

8) Strictly or not strictly, but keep my commandments and be a good person

I am the Spirit of the Tree.

After I came up with these commandments, I appeared in a dream to a farmer in the form of a human-like tree spirit with long claws, sharp ears and deer-like horns, and told him to write them down and honor them with the whole village. After I got out of his head, he woke up, quickly got up and began to write. The next morning he presented my Eight Commandments to the village. The inhabitants were very surprised, as it turned out that the farmer was illiterate and could not write. That's what faith means! Everyone asked the headman to rewrite my Commandments for everyone. He agreed. Now I have the Symbol, the Altar and the Commandments! I wonder if I can already be considered God? Day fourteen

A group of elves passed by today. After the strange animals I have seen, I am not surprised at anything. Many fantasy books say that elves revere nature. These elves must have been the same, for when they saw me they stopped and bowed. The squad leader came up to me and said:

A mighty spirit lives here! Hmm, judging by the altar, the locals worship him. Let's pay tribute to this spirit and we!

With these words, the commander bowed on one knee and asked for blessings. Why not? Seems like good guys. I gave him and his squad my blessing. The commander stood up and the detachment moved on. I wonder who else besides elves and humans lives in this world? Day twenty-three

All the inhabitants already had a collection of my commandments and a piece of paper around their necks. Winter was approaching, and the inhabitants were preparing to meet it with stocks. I thought that leaves would fall from me, like from other trees. But apparently the energy of people's faith keeps me flourishing, as I remained green. The inhabitants marveled at this miracle. But thanks to them, it happened! How paradoxical! Day forty-ninth

Winter came. Despite the cold, I remained green. Soon, there were many who wanted to look at such a miracle. They came from other villages. There was even one pilgrim. My priest Gnark told everyone who arrived that this is a sacred Tree, in which the Spirit lives, protecting the village from misfortunes. He also talked about the Commandments. After that, the arrivals bought the Liszt symbol on a chain and a copy of the Commandments, since the headman copied much more than was required. And my strength grew all the time, because new believers constantly came to me. Soon, news of the Cult of the Tree from these places spread far beyond the nearest villages. Everywhere they told about the Evergreen Tree, in which lives good spirit and about My Commandments, which were remembered by many for their wisdom and justice. Already in every village there was a priest who told about me and interpreted my Commandments. Now I really am God. And the next day it was confirmed. Day fiftieth

And here, too, the path is not indicated! How can I get there? While I was thinking about this, the scroll glowed blue and flew out of my hands. Curling up into a tube, he flew away. I rushed after. Flying over the forest, the scroll soared sharply upwards. I followed him. He flew higher and higher until he led me to a giant palace made of clouds. When he froze, I grabbed him and flew to this palace. Along the way, I noticed that other spirits were flying besides me. Also with sweatshirts. In the end, we all froze at the gate. A few minutes later, a strange spirit came out. He had four arms and was blue and blindfolded. Oh yeah, he didn't have legs. Finally, he spoke: "Dear Gods! Today you have been invited to the meeting of the Gods in the Cloud Palace of the Great God Numidus! Come inside!"

The gates opened and we flew into the palace. Inside, everything was very beautiful: blue walls with wonderful patterns, tall columns, tapestries with images of different Gods. Soon we arrived in a huge hall. It was built in the shape of a circle. From top to bottom, gradually narrowing, there were benches. Also in the shape of a circle. They sat on the benches different gods. Everyone looked very interesting: one God, for example, was huge. He had ram's horns, and he himself was muscular, as if from birth all he did was swing. One Goddess was incredibly beautiful. She looked like a human, but had smooth golden skin and golden hair. And she glowed too. Suddenly she turned around and looked at me. I was embarrassed, but suddenly someone's voice thundered: "Dear audience! I am glad to welcome you to my Cloud Palace! As you might have guessed, I am Numidus, the Great God! Today we have gathered here to welcome newcomers to our difficult business! Applaud them!" - With these words, he began to clap his hands. The rest of the Gods clapped thinly, only the clapping of that horned giant echoed around the hall. When the applause died down, he continued: "So, friends! I want to tell you ..." - he went on talking all sorts of nonsense about how great he is and that the younger Gods should try and maybe earn a place in his pantheon. I was bored and wanted to work. And he kept talking. Finally, I could not stand it and interrupted him:

Listen, can I go now? At night, in fact, I fulfill the requests of my believers and would like to fly already.

Numidus turned purple with rage and said:

Puppy, how dare you dare me, the Great Numidus! Sit here and listen until I'm done, then bow to me! And why on earth do you care about your believers at all? You must keep them at bay, otherwise they will not obey. And not to fulfill their every request. You are God, not a servant!

If you keep them in subjection with the help of fear, then you are more of a Demon, not a God!

For your information, I have tens of thousands of believers and I am one of major gods on this continent!

Here you see! You have tens of thousands of believers, but you don't care about them! What's the point of being God if you don't help your believers? What are your commandments?

In case you're wondering, the First Commandment says: "I am Numidus and I am in charge"

Is this a Commandment? What nonsense! Commandments should guide people. And you are selfish and pathetic!

Away! Get out of my palace! I don't need impudent fools here who think they can compete with me! Gods gather in my palace, not servants like you! Get out!

I think I pissed him off a little. Well, I was already bored here, now at least I'll get down to business. I flew out of the room. When I left, some Goddess stopped me. She was beautiful: she had blue skin and sea-green hair. She told me:

I believe you are right. We depend on people, and people depend on us. We cannot live without each other and therefore we must help. I have read your commandments. To be honest, I've never seen anything like it. They sound like you understand people. Usually the Gods do not care about their believers and all the Commandments they have about how great they are. Well, you've seen Numidus. By the way, my name is Rlaia, Goddess of Rain. Let's be friends?

Come on, I'm all for it. I don't have a name, haven't thought of it yet. I understand people, because I myself was a man. Are you not?

Do not joke so. Gods do not become people, and people become Gods. You couldn't be human, it doesn't happen.

Why? In general, at first I was a tree, and then they began to worship me. And I was a man in another world, I was just reborn here. Tree view.

Well, I've never heard of anyone being reborn in another world. It is very strange. Well, see you, nameless God!

Having said this, she turned around and went back to the hall, and I flew home. For the remaining time, I still managed to fulfill the prayers of the believers and began to wait for a new day. Day fifty-one

I thought about Rlaya's words and decided that I needed a name. Once upon a time, in past life, I played one online game and named my character Spiorade. It means "spirit" in Irish. Fits perfectly. That night I appeared again in a dream to Gnark in the form of a spriggan and told him my name. He repeated it many times, and in the morning he began to tell the inhabitants of the surrounding villages that my name was Spiorade. Day sixty-two

Recently a retired knight came to Brigg. His name is Nelliot and he served the king for many years, for which he received an allotment here. When he learned that the sacred Tree of the Spirit stood near Brigge, he wished to see me. When he came to me, he was amazed at my beauty and ability to stay green in winter. He immediately accepted faith in Me and began to wear a medallion in the form of a Leaf around his neck. A little later he left and I followed him. In the village, Nelliot spoke to the headman about building a temple. I rejoiced. Then he and the headman went to the villages and collected money for the temple. Nelliot added his own money and the result was a decent amount. Then he wrote a letter and sent it to the Guild of Architects and Builders. I came back. Day sixty-seven

Today workers arrived and began to clear the area around me. First, all the grass was removed. Then they leveled the ground. Then the workers took out the tiles and started laying them out around me and the altar in a circle. It turned out beautifully. A pattern of curved lines was drawn on the tiled floor. Then eight columns were placed around. Arches were placed between the columns, and on the arches, on the inside of the temple, they hung my Eight Commandments. In a few hours, the workers built a wonderful temple. My temple. When it was finished, my strength skyrocketed! After construction, Nelliot entered the temple, paid the workers and prayed. Now I need to express my goodwill to him and ask him to organize an Order named after Me. I was overwhelmed with power and it came to my mind interesting idea. First I separated from the body, then I began to take the form of a spriggan. And finally, using new powers, I...materialized! At first, he did not notice me, as he prayed with his eyes closed. And when he prayed, he opened his eyes and froze. I appeared before him in all its glory! Two meters tall, body made of intertwining branches, long claws and deer antlers. He was shocked. I extended my hand to him and said:

Sir Nelliot! I thank you for building the temple! I am Spiorades, Spirit of the Tree and I bless you! But I have a small request for you. Could you organize an Order of Knights for me? You will be his leader and lead him, spreading goodness everywhere. Do you agree?

He didn't answer. Hmm. It was too unexpected for him. Finally Nelliot spoke.

Great Spiorade! Truly you are as kind as they say about you! After all, how to explain that an ordinary retired knight got the opportunity to contemplate the Spirit of the Tree itself! Of course I agree to comply with your request!

With these words, he bowed. I have dematerialized. Noticing that I was not there, he quickly ran towards the village. Today is a great day! Day sixty-eight

I flew to the village to see how Nelliot was doing. He gathered all the young guys from the surrounding villages and told about the vision in which I asked him to organize the Order of the Knights. All those who came agreed to join it. But you can't just become a knight! Therefore, Sir Nelliot began to teach them martial arts.

Meanwhile, a local blacksmith forged swords and shields for the Order. The swords were beautiful, straight, of medium length. On the shields, an artist from a neighboring village depicted me. Well, I mean a tree. White tree on a green background. Everyone who knew how to sew made costumes for my knights. Day eighty-two

In two weeks, the knights learned the basics of swordsmanship and now, counting Nelliot, twenty-five knights served in my Order! By the way, the ministers of Rlaya recently came and offered to unite in one pantheon! I appeared to Gnark in a dream and gave my consent. Now official religion there was a Cult of Tree and Rain in the area! Why official? Because state religion there was faith in Rlaia. And now, since we have united in one pantheon, faith in Rlaia and in Spiorada, that is, in me, has become the state religion! Now in other places they began to build temples named after Me. I learned that one of the temples even stands on elven land. After that, elves began to visit my temple more often. Day Eighty-Nine

Today I met with Rlaya and suggested that she create artifacts. She asked:

Artifacts will be our symbols! If some kind of trouble happens and a hero is needed, then he will use our artifacts and, thereby, glorify us! Thus faith in us will spread beyond the borders of our kingdom.

Okay, so how do we make them?

I thought of everything! We will choose two famous blacksmiths, come to them in a dream and ask them to make artifacts for us. When they make them, we will ask them to bring them to our main temples, and then we will bless the artifacts. That's all!

And what are the artifacts?

I think I'll ask for a shield. And you are a spear!

But I am a peaceful Goddess and do not welcome war...

And it will be an artifact for defense! Set a condition that it can only be used by a noble person who will not use it for evil.

I'm still not sure, but let's try.

On this we parted ways. I already had small temples built in some places and I could move between them. Very comfortably. I moved closer to the capital of our kingdom. There I learned that a fairly well-known blacksmith named Arget is a master of armor. At night, I appeared to him in a dream in the form of a spriggan and introduced myself as Spiorades, the Spirit of the Tree. I asked him to create a shield that would be a great artifact with my blessing. He was very surprised, but agreed. When he woke up, he set to work.

I became interested in how Rlaya was doing and I flew to her in main temple. We met. As it turned out, everything went well for her too. The blacksmith agreed to create a spear. We will soon receive our Great Artifacts. Day Ninety-two

Meanwhile, my Order did not sit idly by. The knights patrolled around the local villages and during one of their detours they discovered bandits who attacked a caravan of lizardmen. The knights rushed to help. The bandits fled, but some were caught. A few of my knights were wounded, but Rlaya's servants nursed them back to health. The first big good deed was done. My Order has become famous. Since then, by the way, lizardmen began to visit my temple.

Today the same blacksmith named Arget came and brought a shield. He was great! Since Rlaya and I were now in the same pantheon, the artifacts were created in a mixed style. A white tree was depicted on a dark blue background. The blacksmith brought it during a common prayer. At first I thought that this was not the right time to bless an artifact, but then I decided that it was even better. When everyone stood up, I began to materialize. People lined up in fear, because it was a manifestation of their God. I said to the blacksmith:

Come here.

He hesitantly approached me and placed the artifact on the Altar. I started to apply the blessing. For greater effect, I began to make smooth movements with my hands and the shield rose into the air, emitting a golden light. I have already decided what effects I will put on the shield. First of all, I made it indestructible. Yes, not bad. Then I added a healing effect and magic reflection. Three blessings is probably enough. At the end, I put a limitation that only a person who is pure in heart and soul is able to use this shield. And for the unworthy, the shield becomes a thousand times heavier. Now it's ready. While I was casting the blessing, everyone stood still and did not move. And when I finished, I said in the end:

I name this shield the Shield of Spiorades! From now on, this shield is indestructible, able to heal its owner and protect him from all magic! And he will serve only good deeds!

With these words, I disappeared. After my disappearance, people began to discuss my appearance. Everyone came to the conclusion that the shield turned out to be quite good. And then someone said: "Why not try to raise the shield?". Then everyone lined up and began to try to pick it up. Nobody succeeded. By the way, do not think about the blacksmith, I have not forgotten. Before he left, I placed a blessing on him, thanks to which he would not be able to make a poor-quality product. Artifact named after Me completed! Year Two

During these few months, my Order of Knights has managed to do a lot of good deeds. My temple was rebuilt and it became even larger. Brigge, once a village, becomes a city. Gradually, the Cult of the Tree and Rain began to crowd out other religions. Rlyah and I are the main Gods in several kingdoms, including the Elven, Lizardmen. But now, due to the growth in the number of believers, I am unable to fulfill all that is asked in prayers. I thought that since there will be many believers, then there will be enough strength to fulfill all their desires, but I turned out to be wrong. I didn't have time to take care of everyone, so I decided to act on a larger scale and take care of the prosperity of the kingdoms as a whole.

But not always and everywhere everything went smoothly. Numidus did not forget me and his followers declared war on my kingdoms, calling them heretics. My Order was strong. It served more than a thousand people, elves, lizardmen. But belief in Numidus was spread across half a continent. The war was very unequal. At first, the enemies pressed us. But friendly kingdoms have joined us. My Order grew rapidly and could compete with entire armies. But the decisive factor was the fact that a Hero appeared, worthy of carrying our artifacts with Rlaya. Moreover, he went through the shrines of other Gods, collecting their artifacts too. This Hero led my Order of the Tree and Rain to victory.

year three

Finally, after a decisive battle near the Aela River, the war ended. During the two years of the war, my Order has grown and held all the kingdoms together. Now faith in me and Rlaia was the most widespread on the entire continent. The order began to rule in the united kingdoms, establishing a theocracy. To maintain order, the Order created a new organization. It was like the Inquisition. They kept order and finished off heretical remnants throughout the kingdoms. It scares me a little, but I think that if they follow the Commandments, then everything will be all right.

Numidus fell. His Cloud Palace collapsed. Now he drags out a miserable existence of a petty spirit in some swamps.

I think that the Order will not need my help in restoring order. Now I myself went to heaven and built my own Cloud Palace. On the one hand, I am glad that my empire began to prosper. On the other hand, I was bored. I had already achieved greatness and now there was no need to help my believers. Out of boredom, I began to read the books of the mortals of this world. A lot of interesting. I now spend all my time reading books. Rlaya sometimes goes out into the mortal world to check. She is not interested in books. Fifteenth year

The people of this world have so many interesting books! History books are especially interesting. I don't go down to earth anymore. But slowly I am compiling an addition to the Commandments. In a couple of years, I intend to go down to the people and hand over my addition. It will definitely be a success! I haven't seen Rlaia lately. She must be dealing with mortal business. Year thirty-seven

I lost track of time with books. Rlaia never showed up. My addition is almost finished. Soon I will descend to the mortals and hand it over to Gnark. Hope he's still alive. So many years have already passed. Year seventy-two

The books are starting to run out. I'm already worried about Rlaya's absence. Is there something wrong with mortals? Doesn't matter. Rlaia will do it. And mortals should be all right. The main thing is that they follow my Commandments... Year one hundred and twenty-eight?

I added an addendum! But before I pass it on, I need to check it. I wrote so much, it will probably take several years to check. I already forgot what Rlaya looks like. The books are over. After the transfer of the supplement, I will collect new books. Year ???

The time has come! I'm down to earth! Grabbing the supplement, I flew down. As soon as I flew beyond the cloud layer, some strange force seemed to hit me. Even though I was a spirit, I almost passed out. Everything swam before my eyes. When I woke up, I did not understand where I was. Looking around, I realized that I was standing in a city, in some kind of temple. I couldn't move. I remembered. This is my own temple! The very first! But why am I in the city? There was a forest all around. Nearby was the village of Brigge. I remember one year it became a city. Has Brigge expanded to that extent?

It was only now that I realized that the street was full of people. Squads dressed in green robes with a white tree on their chests patrolled the city. Why, these are the robes of the Order! They wore swords on their belts. But why? The war is long over and there is no need for patrols. Then I noticed that all the inhabitants were walking around the city, as if they were afraid of something. Maybe the war started again? But with whom?

Everyone gather in the main square for a common prayer! I remind you that all latecomers will be subject to punishment!

Punishment? For being late? What's going on here? What is this prayer? All questions and no answers. How many years have passed since I went to heaven? Has everything really changed?

While I was asking questions, people on the street began to gather around me. They all lined up in a circle. The detachments of the Order approached. Now everyone is on their knees and begins to pray. For a while everyone was silent. But the ringing silence was broken by cries for mercy. Two servants of the Order led by the hands of a woman. She was led to the altar and one of the ministers spoke:

This woman was late for the daily communal prayer! Punishment - ten lashes!

They put her on her knees at the altar and removed her outer clothing. One of the servants took out a whip and began to whip her on the back. The woman just sobbed in disbelief. The rest of the people just watched. Only one thought was read in their eyes: "It's good that it's not me." It hurt to watch! When did people become so cruel?

The prayer ended, people began to disperse. The woman was taken away, the patrols continued their rounds. Only a small boy remained near the tree. He continued to pray. While the people were all praying together, I could not make out their requests. But this boy was alone and I heard his thoughts well.

Great Spiorade! Help my grandfather get well! My mother is constantly treating him and is late for prayers, and she gets whipped for it. The Pope was burned and declared a heretic. He was simply following the old Commandments, not the latest edition of the prophet Siebelin! Please make your servants a little kinder...

If I were human, I would have burst into tears by now. And he continued to pray. The voice that previously announced common prayer, this time to notify the city of the start of the curfew. Suddenly the streets were empty. Only the boy remained in the square. Rather leave! You may be noticed! But it's too late! A passing patrol spotted him. Two attendants walked towards him, grabbed his hands and led him away. Oh no! I just won't leave this! We must urgently take the form of the spirit! But when I tried to do so, nothing happened. Why? And then I felt. I didn't have the strength. At all. It can't be! If this state is so strict with the observance of the faith, then I must have a lot of power! I'm the strongest of the gods! I must try again!

But again nothing happened.

I am too weak. I can't save my last believer.

I was waiting. Evening came. The voice announced the beginning of the execution of people who did not stay at home during the curfew. Among the people sentenced to death was that boy. The execution was to take place by hanging. A lot of people gathered in the square. They brought the gallows. The condemned climbed the steps and approached the hinges. The attendant announced:

For non-compliance with the curfew and, therefore, violation of discipline and disrespect for the Church of the Gracious Spiorades, these people are sentenced to death!

In the eyes of people, the same look was visible: "It's good that it's not me." No one condemned the Order, everyone was afraid of execution.

People were executed one by one. That boy was the third. I couldn't close my eyes and I had to see it all.

I'm trying to understand why things have changed so much? I remember that the Order, after establishing a theocracy, created a temporary organization similar to the Inquisition. Has she still survived? But most importantly: why did they stop believing in me?

And then I realized. I realized why Rlaya disappeared. Why did they stop believing in me? Why did everything become like this. People no longer believe in God, as they did in my time. They believe that if they are not religious, the Order will come for them. The Inquisition did its best. She destroyed not only heretics. She destroyed faith altogether, leaving only fear. Fear of the Church itself. All my labors have gone to waste. I created a nightmare.

Hello dear friends! Today there will be a strong practice - how to become a god. We will learn to create in the same way as the Creator creates. If you can feel this practice, your consciousness can change a lot.

Is it possible to imagine that parents would want to see their child underdeveloped? It looks like absurdity. Why do people think that God created people weak and helpless? Maybe it's beneficial to someone?

Every person has the ability and power of God. Now you will become the Creator of your world. Familiarize yourself with this practice, retire, relax, become very mindful. You must be the attention itself. Imaginative thinking is required. Let's create images. So let's start.

Imagine yourself not common man, and a yogi in meditation. You go into deep meditation. Your imagination is at its peak. Your thoughts speed up.

Imagine a planet in your mind. She has nothing on her, just a ball. You start thinking and the atmosphere and favorable conditions for life appear on the planet. Your planet is covered with mountains, rivers, seas, oceans, grass, trees. You mentally create a living planet.

Think of a moon or two, a sun or two suns. What color are you? Think of a color for the sun. Think about what creatures will live on this planet. Create them with your imagination. Think of a person. How many arms or legs or heads will he have? Just fantasize. How many eyes, teeth, what does it look like?

Now make that person become aware of himself as separate from you. Give him a soul. Let him be distant from you, but his soul had a connection with you. He can live without you as he wants, but on a soul level, he can communicate with you.

Pair him up. Let them live together, comprehend a friend, a planet, plants. Think about how they can comprehend you, because they do not see you. Here is the key point. They came from your imagination. How can they comprehend you if you imagine them?

You have now created the sun, the moon, the planet with the help of thoughts and feelings in the world of images and populated it. You can continue to create worlds in this world of images and destroy them with one thought. You have created a real world in the world of images, now it exists.

If you are alone in the universe, will you continue to create your world, feel it and communicate with your created children?

Now look how the world was created in the Vedas, the Bible, Hermeticism, among the yogis. Surprisingly similar picture, where everything is created through images and the mind. You have become a god for your universe. Perhaps you have put a program in your people or other beings that they can also create their own worlds.

After this practice, think that what you now have, you yourself have created with your images and thoughts. On average, a person has about 70,000 thoughts per day. What were these thoughts about, what images did they carry?

Now you know how to become a god 🙂

Bright thoughts to you! Sincerely, .

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