Home Numerology of fate Do mermaids exist - evidence that these amazing creatures are among us. Free mermaid games Evidence of the existence of monsters in the 18th–19th centuries

Do mermaids exist - evidence that these amazing creatures are among us. Free mermaid games Evidence of the existence of monsters in the 18th–19th centuries

Mythical sea-dwellers

Mermaids are popular characters in the folklore of many nations. According to legend, these are mythical creatures that are half human and half fish. These are incredibly beautiful girls with long hair, which have a fish tail instead of legs. Sea maidens live far in the depths, where no one can reach sunlight, nor the most experienced scuba divers.

Sometimes they come to the surface to seduce good fellows. Legends say that if a vediva can bewitch a man and give birth to a child, she will gain eternal youth. Their magical singing penetrates directly into the soul, and it is impossible to take your eyes off the external perfection. Many sailors, as if under hypnosis, rush after beauties into the depths of the sea. The cunning of these beauties can be judged from the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Legends about mermaids have not yet been dispelled, so it is unknown whether they really exist or not. But the ancients believed in them sacredly and protected themselves from the harmful effects with the help of the cross. However, in contrast to these predatory water maidens, undines in games appear as exclusively kind and positive creatures.

The most famous fairy-tale mermaid among girls

The prototype for modern underwater princesses in flash drives was the heroine from the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”, invented by Christian Anderson in 1837. According to the plot, a mermaid lived in the underwater kingdom with her sisters, grandmother and father - the ruler of the oceans. When she turned 15, the girl was allowed to surface and observe the human world. One day she saw a handsome prince on a ship and fell madly in love.

Suddenly a storm came and wrecked the ship. The water maiden saved the drowning prince and dragged him to shore in an unconscious state. Since then, the undine only dreamed of being with her beloved. The evil witch said that she would give her a magic potion that could turn her tail into human legs in exchange for her enchanting voice. The girl agreed to endure unbearable pain while walking and to lose her father’s house forever. However, the ending of the fairy tale was extremely tragic. Based on the fairy tale, Disney made his famous cartoon about Ariel, based on which game makers made amazingly interesting games for boys and girls.

Underwater adventures in mermaid games

Flash drives offer girls genres for every taste:

  • arcades,
  • adventure games,
  • puzzles,
  • coloring books,
  • puzzles,
  • dress up,
  • for two, etc.

Online mermaid games for girls invite you to plunge into a whirlpool of incredible adventures. Together with Ariel, you will go to collect magical notes so that the sorceress will give her human legs. Or embark on a dangerous quest for the princesses' pearls to break the curse and revive the petrified king and retinue.

In “spot the differences” games, girls are invited to show off their wits and guess the riddles of the cunning undines. You can also indulge in creating makeup, hairstyles, etc. Playing mermaid games for girls will be fun and interesting, the main thing is to choose a genre to suit your taste.

Long-haired, sweet-voiced and beautiful - this is how ancient storytellers portrayed them, and this is how the authors of modern cartoons depict them. Mermaid games are a great way to get to know these amazing creatures better! Fun fun with the inhabitants of the ocean depths, speed competitions with dolphins and adventures in the company of crabs - all this awaits you during the game Mermaids! On our website, the best of them are available to you completely free of charge, and you don’t even need to download them and install them on your computer.

Who are they?

We all know the red-haired beauty Ariel, the nimble fish girls from any cartoon or mermaid game. But not everyone knows that the prototype of all these cartoon mermaids was the heroine of Andersen’s fairy tale. And in that fairy tale, the Little Mermaid was far from being as happy and carefree as modern characters, because for the love of a handsome prince she had to sacrifice the most precious thing - her magical voice...

In general, the further into the past, the less carefree and happy the image of a mermaid in a fairy tale becomes. Andersen's story was based on ancient myths about beautiful half-women - half-fish, who seemed something dark... With their musical voices and attractive appearance they drove travelers crazy, and then dragged them into the depths of the sea.

The mermaids involved mostly handsome and young men in their dangerous games, because on the seabed the victims became their husbands and underwater princes. Of course, each of them wanted a handsome man to become their life partner, or better yet, a real prince! Yes, Andersen’s Little Mermaid and, especially, little Ariel are far from such deceit.

Made in Russia

There are not many characters in mythology that are common to all peoples of the world. Mermaids are one of them: the image of water women is familiar to absolutely everyone, although it has certain characteristics in each area. For example, in Rus' there was no access to the sea: the ancient Slavs lived in forests, and had never heard of any tailed sea women.

In Russian myths, mermaids do not have a tail, but for travelers they pose no less a danger. After all, for a good fellow it is not so important where to drown: in the sea or in a forest lake; and foreign women could even learn the ability to force men to carry out any orders from our little mermaids! Those who managed to either resist the charms of the aquatic beauty, or were saved by some lucky chance, told the most unprecedented things about her beauty. As a result, all the male listeners had already been captured in absentia, and therefore were terribly jealous of the lucky one. And the lucky man himself could only sigh at night from melancholy: after the songs of the little mermaid, ordinary village girls seemed not so good at all.

How to become a mermaid

Mermaid games for girls show you: the life of an underwater princess is full of joy and fun. You live in the ocean, there are no envious women or school teachers around for hundreds of kilometers, all the men are crazy about you, and the fish speak the same language with you. Beauty! Papa Poseidon also gives you some new jewelry every now and then, obtained from treasure chests from sunken ships.

But is it possible to somehow become a mermaid? Old myths assure us that in order to acquire a tail, a young girl only needs to drown. Then the Vodyanoy - the owner of those places - will pick her up and endow her with mysterious abilities. But, you must admit, this method is not very reliable, it does not stand up to tests, and you don’t want to take any risks. And the life of such a mermaid is forever connected with water: no going out, no drying off, no visiting mom and dad. In fact, fish also turn out to be not such interesting interlocutors: all their problems and interests are their own, those of fish.

So, it’s much better to use the second, modern, method! After all, you can find yourself at the bottom of the sea and have fun in the company of underwater inhabitants without getting up from your computer. Exciting mermaid games will allow you to enjoy sea adventures online, and completely free of charge!

Question of existence mythical creatures worries people for many centuries. Some are sure that these are fictions, others trust the facts. Let's figure it out together.

In the article:

Do mermaids exist in real life - fact and fiction

Who are mermaids? These are amazing creatures that are described in legends and myths spread throughout the planet. Confirmation of the existence of sea creatures can be found in various sources.

They all date from different times. Those who managed to meet mermaids in different ways. Creatures are also credited with various qualities and behaviors.

In Europe we often hear the name “ mermaid" The ancient Greeks preferred the word " siren" The Romans believed that nymphs and Nereids actually existed. This creature was also often called undine.

Sorcerers and magicians believe that a mermaid is mystical creature, a clot of energy, the spirit of water, come to the rescue. But this is an incorporeal creature capable of controlling the element of water.

Mermaids found by people in different parts of the world differ in appearance from the heroes of books and myths. Scientists suggest that there are several types of them. There is also an opinion that these monsters are not just different from each other, but are located at different stages of development.

This confirms the theory that man is a descendant of these sea creatures, because life originated in the ocean. Unfortunately, this version has not yet been proven, so it cannot be taken as an axiom. But a large number of examples in history confirm that sirens actually exist.

Real mermaids exist - shocking facts

If we look at the documents, we will find that in the 12th century in Icelandic chronicles Speculum Regale a strange creature is mentioned. It had the body of a woman and the tail of a fish. They called her " Margigr" Nothing more is known about the fate of this lady.

In 1403 in Holland a situation occurred that was described in the book of Sigault de la Fonda “ Miracles of Nature, or a Collection of Extraordinary and Noteworthy Phenomena and Adventures in the Whole World of Bodies, Arranged in Alphabetical Order" It tells that after a terrible storm on land, people discovered a strange girl. She was thrown out of the water. The Nereid was covered in mud and had a fin instead of lower limbs.

People took her to the city, changed her clothes, taught her how to cook and do housework. How exactly the woman did this, using a fin instead of legs, is not indicated in the source. During the 15 years that the creature spent among people, it did not learn to speak and constantly tried to return to its native element. But this was not successful, and the siren died among the villagers.

15 June 1608 two people who went on a trip with the navigator G. Hudson discovered a living siren in the water. They claimed that she was a charming girl with bare breasts, beautiful black braids, and her lower limb exactly resembled the tail of a mackerel. No one else from the crew saw this creature and cannot confirm the words of the sailors.

Proof that mermaids exist - amazing teen

In the 17th century spanish journalist Iker Jimenez Elizari made a note in the newspaper, publishing the records that he found in the archives of the monastery. They talked about Francisco dela Vega Casare, living in Lierganese(Cantabria).

This young man was distinguished by the ability to swim very well. Legend has it that at the age of 16 the young man went swimming and was sucked into the abyss. People did not find the teenager then.

Some time later, not far from the place where he went missing, sailors discovered an unusual creature. It was still the same guy, but with snow-white skin and scales on his body.

On the limbs there were dense membranes between the fingers. The young man did not speak, but only published strange noises. The creature had superhuman strength, as it took 10 people to catch it.

The prisoner was taken to the Franciscan temple. There, for three weeks, the young man was subjected to exorcism rituals. A year later, the teenager was returned home, his mother admitted that her son was not entirely human. Two years later, the unusual creature ran away and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Evidence of the existence of monsters in the 18th–19th centuries

In 1737 Another proof of the existence of mermaids has been published. This time the information was provided by the publisher "Gentleman's magazine". The story took place in England. The fishermen, along with their catch, lifted a strange creature onto the deck and, in fear, beat it to death.

Eyewitnesses claim that the monster made a human groan. When the fishermen came to their senses, they sorted out their catch and realized that in front of them was a male siren. The appearance of the creature was repulsive, however, the monster resembled people. The mermaid's corpse was shown to visitors to the museum in Exter for a long time.

Scot's magazine in 1739 amazed readers with interesting material, which said that the people from the ship “ Halifax"We caught a real Nereid. However, there is no evidence of this fact, since the team was forced to cook and eat the captured creature. This happened near the island of Mauritius. The crew assures that the flesh of these monsters is very soft, similar to veal.

October 31, 1881 It was significant that on this day one of the Boston publishing houses announced the news about the caught corpse of an amazing creature. It was possible to determine that the monster was female. The upper part of its body is identical to that of a human, but everything below the belly is the tail of a fish. This was not the last time in the 19th century when people found confirmation of the existence of mermaids.

Are there mermaids - a history of USSR times

For a long time this story was not disclosed, and few people could find out the details of the incident. In 1982, combat swimmers were to be trained on the western shore of Lake Baikal. It was there that the armed forces of the USSR found an amazing monster.

The scuba divers had to descend to a depth of 50 meters. People claimed that it was there that they repeatedly noticed strange creatures that reached 3 meters in length and were covered with shiny scales. The nymphs had strange round helmets on their heads. The scuba divers assured that these were not people, since they moved very quickly, without special suits or scuba gear.

The commander of the exercise was sure that the submariners needed to find a common language with the creatures and make contact. To do this, it was necessary to catch one Nereid. The team was well equipped and prepared for the task. The group consisted of 8 fighters who had to strictly follow the instructions.

But the operation was interrupted, because when people approached the creature and tried to throw a net on it, it pushed them to the shore of the reservoir with the power of thought. Due to the fact that this happened abruptly, and there were no important stops during the ascent, everyone involved in the operation fell ill with decompression sickness. Three died within a couple of days, and the rest remained disabled for life.

Strange monsters in the USA

In the United States of America, residents of small towns often encounter similar creatures. Summer 1992 in the village Key Beach(Florida) unusual creatures were seen near the shore that resembled people, but their lower body was like that of seals.

The monsters had large membranes on their limbs. Sirens had huge heads and bulging eyes. When the fishermen tried to get closer to the creatures, they quickly swam away and disappeared into the depths of the sea. After some time, the fishermen took their nets out of the water. They were cut up and the catch released.

Well, who doesn’t like to frolic by the sea? Perhaps there are no such people, because it is so nice to watch the azure waves, sitting under a shady palm tree. Imagine what impressions you will have if you find yourself not on the shore, but on the ocean floor, surrounded by colorful fish and amazing corals. But there are such strange creatures for which there is simply no better habitat. Mermaid games will introduce you to these mythical girls who have a real fish tail instead of legs. These applications are especially interesting for girls, because with charming undines you can start unforgettable adventures under water, try on a bunch of outfits made of colorful algae and shells, or go on a risky adventure to find sunken ships. As you can see, the game will be truly exciting, so quickly sit down at your computer.

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Charming inhabitants of the underwater world

Mermaids have long attracted people with their unusualness and amazing beauty, which is why so many legends about these extraordinary creatures appeared, and then cartoons were created based on them. But the most famous among them is Ariel, who was invented by the famous storyteller Anderson. She has a cheerful disposition and is ready for various tricks. That's why girls dream of having such a cute and playful friend so that together they can invent adventures like digging out all kinds of jewelry from the sand. And there are enough of them in the deep kingdom, because storms often sink rich transport ships, after which they sink into the abyss with all the goods they transport.

Hurry with a curious mind to study ancient man-made objects or exotic jewelry in order to correctly apply them in the game. Do not follow the example of our heroine, who mistook an ordinary fork for a hair comb. You have more experience, because any thing used on the surface is familiar to you. And you can have fun with her comrades and relatives, including the formidable dad Triton. The mermaid games will invite you to take part in the Olympics with them, deftly passing the baton.

What entertainment have the mermaid princesses prepared?

Don't think that mermaid games are just about finding hidden artifacts or swimming competitions. So, the magical inhabitants of the blue pools are not averse to organizing a fashion show. They are crazy about stylish accessories, so they will be happy to turn into your models. Naturally, such dress-up games have a special theme, and bracelets, hairpins or hoops will have to be made from seahorses, colorful fish, stars or water lilies. And the main attribute of any suit will be iridescent scales. The mermaid fairies will ask you to encrust their robes with elegant pearls, which can only be obtained in treacherous cavities, overcoming a lot of obstacles.

You will need to rescue these handsome guys from the nets treacherously placed by the fishermen. Moreover, the more the mermaids flounder, the more confused they become. Try to calm down the unfortunate prisoners, and then begin to carefully free them. Be scrupulous in this matter, otherwise you yourself will end up in the net.

You can also play calmer flash games, for example, imagine how to build a pretty house for the chosen charmer, and furnish it so that your ward will be delighted. But little gamers will like games where they need to compare pictures, looking for differences in them. It’s also fun to put together puzzles where the fragments will be images of bright red crabs, colorful polyps, dangerous sharks or huge stingrays.

Mermaid games will serve as excellent memory training. First you need to see how the original drawing was made, and then repeat it step by step in reality. By the way, you can download this coloring book to print out illustrations little by little and learn new techniques in the visual arts.

When you hear the word mermaid, a romantic image of Anderson's little mermaid or a sexy beauty with a fish tail usually comes to mind. In fact, this character is not at all kind, but even very dangerous for humans, dragging unwary people to the bottom of rivers and seas. And in appearance, mermaids look quite disgusting, at least judging by the specimens obtained by people. Do mermaids exist, or did they really exist?

Here are some facts.

Many eyewitnesses observed a mermaid on the coast of Israel; judging by her body structure, she looked like a girl with a fish tail. This creature, very similar to a mermaid, can be seen diving into the sea.

True, some commentators claim that this is a fake to attract tourists, and mermaid- this is a girl wearing a tail fin, which can now be purchased, although not cheaply, in the store.
A stuffed mermaid is kept in the Banff Museum in Canada. It was alleged that this stuffed animal was obtained by taxidermy, that is, it was made from the real body of a mermaid, which was caught off the coast of Fiji. But analysis showed that this stuffed animal was made from a monkey and a large fish skillfully sewn together. But in the 19th century this “mermaid”, or rather mermaid, in English Merman, Unlike mermaid- mermaids, enjoyed great interest among the public.

The museum in Buxton, England houses the mummy of a terrible creature, about 40 centimeters tall, with a human body and a fish tail. Why not a mermaid? This Mermaid(feminine mermaid), has been thoroughly studied by British scientists. During it, genetic and X-ray analyzes were used.

The analysis showed Buxton Mermaid- It's a fake copy. In its manufacture, human and fish tissues and bones were used, and x-ray The wire frame is clearly visible.

The Horniman Museum in London houses an exhibit of a mermen (male mermaid), and scientists are just about to begin analyzing it.

Even on eBay you can buy a dried mermaid like this. In earlier times, especially in the 19th century, mermaid mummies were a hot commodity; they were made mainly in Japan, apparently the main distribution area for mermaids there. The mermaid was believed to bring good luck.
Well, for now, the question of the existence of mermaids and merman, mermen and mermaids remains open, because not all mermaid mummies have been studied yet, and the seas and oceans still keep their secrets. So, we will wait for new sensations and discoveries.

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