Home divination What is the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord connected with? What is celebrated on the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord? The history and traditions of the holiday - This day is considered fasting. What is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

What is the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord connected with? What is celebrated on the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord? The history and traditions of the holiday - This day is considered fasting. What is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

September 27 (new style) Orthodox Church the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord triumphs. This is the twelfth (one of the twelve great) Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Savior) holiday.

However, the events that led to its appearance took place several centuries after the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Life-Giving Cross There is no need to explain how important, filled with holy meaning, the cross becomes for every Christian - a reflection of the Cross of the Lord, on which God parted with life in terrible torment in order to meet death and defeat it.

The pectoral cross, the sign of the cross, crosses on the domes of temples and inside churches ... If we only know about the Cross, remember the death of the Lord, for the sake of our salvation - this will already become a solid foundation on which the building of faith will be erected.

Jesus Christ, having passed the earthly path, left many shrines to people. But the Cross on which He suffered is the greatest. “The Cross of Christ is the beautiful praise of Christians, the honest preaching of the apostles, the royal crown of martyrs, precious decoration prophets, the most brilliant illumination of the whole world!

Cross of Christ... protect those who glorify you with a fiery heart. Save those who with faith receive and kiss you. Govern your servants in peace and firm faith. Vouchsafe everyone to reach the joyful and bright day of resurrection, guarding us in Christ Jesus our Lord" from the creation "Come, faithful, let us worship the Life-Giving Tree" Saint Theodore Studita A special liturgical event of the Feast of the Exaltation is the veneration of the Cross. It is performed during the All-Night Vigil on the eve of the celebration (that is, September 26 - why the liturgical day begins in the evening of the previous day, read in this article). The priest takes out the Cross, overshadowing the cardinal points with it (east, west, south, north and again - east). Then the faithful venerate the shrine.

Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - hymns of the Holiday (video)

At this time, the troparion is sung:

We worship Thy Cross, Master, and glorify Thy Holy Resurrection.

Actually, this action - the raising of the Cross - is called the exaltation. The shrine is erected over the world, over the bowed people. This has, first of all, a spiritual meaning - the Cross dominates, is a guide for salvation, spreads grace. At the same time, it is being erected so that all those gathered can see the shrine, which reminds us of the events that took place 18 centuries ago...

history of the holiday

At the beginning of the 6th century, Emperor Constantine the Great himself was not yet a Christian. But he was quite loyal to Christians, especially since his mother, Elena, also believed in Christ. It was he who in 313 issued the Edict of Milan, which gave Christianity the status of a legitimate religion that can be practiced openly and freely. At this time, he fought with the ruler of the Roman part of the empire - Licinius (or Licinius). Before the decisive battle, Constantine was honored with a vision of the Cross and heard the words:

"Sim win!"- The emperor ordered to decorate the armor of soldiers, banners with the image of the cross, in front of his army they carried a large precious cross. So, having won a victory in 324, Constantine subjugated the entire territory of the empire.

Soon it was decided that the mother of Constantine would go to Jerusalem to find the real Cross of the Lord. And in 326, the empress arrived in the holy land. There are several stories that tell about her search for a shrine. All of them boil down to the fact that on the site of Golgotha ​​there was a pagan temple (the temple of Venus), under which a cave was found, clogged with various rubbish. The temple was destroyed, and three large wooden crosses, nails and a tablet with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” were found in the cave (this is the inscription we now see on the images of the cross in Orthodox churches).

It remained to determine which cross is the instrument of execution of the Savior. With a large gathering of people, a sick person was brought to each of the crosses - touching the shrine, the suffering person received healing (there is also a legend that at that time a funeral procession passed by and the deceased, who was brought to the Cross, came to life). Having received clear evidence of the extraordinary grace emanating from one of the crosses found, the Bishop of Jerusalem Macarius erected (placed vertically) the shrine in front of the people. People fell on their faces with an exclamation "Lord have mercy!".

At the place where the Lord's Cross was found, the construction of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ began. The date of its consecration (September 14, according to the old style and September 27, according to the new one) is also associated with the day of the celebration of the Exaltation. But we remember not only the acquisition of the shrine in 326. Three centuries later, in 614, the Persians captured Jerusalem and took away the Cross of the Lord along with Patriarch Zacharias. The captive and the Honest Tree were returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heraclius (according to various sources, this happened from 624 to 631). Today, the Life-Giving Cross is divided into particles stored in different parts of the world.

Emperor Constantine the Great was glorified not only by the granting of freedom and rights to Christians, not only by the initiative to acquire the Honest Trees, but also by the organization of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325. He himself received holy Baptism only at the end of his life. The Orthodox Church venerates Constantine, along with his mother, as saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles.


IN Orthodox calendar September church holidays important date which we simply could not ignore. This is the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is of particular importance for believers.

It is set to commemorate the finding of the Cross of the Lord, which, according to church tradition, took place in 326 in Jerusalem near Mount Golgotha, the site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The full name of the holiday is the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Christians remember two events on this day. As writes Holy Tradition, The cross was found in 326 in Jerusalem. It happened near Mount Calvary, where the Savior was crucified. And the second event is the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia, where he was in captivity. In the 7th century it was returned to Jerusalem by the Greek emperor Heraclius.

Both events were united by the fact that the Cross was erected before the people, that is, raised. At the same time, they turned him to all parts of the world in turn, so that people could bow to him and share with each other the joy of finding a shrine.

Every year the Exaltation occurs on September 27th. In 2018, believers will visit the church to touch the shrine and pray for health and well-being. Experts recommend getting acquainted with resolved cases so as not to overshadow the holiday date with violations of prohibitions.

history of the holiday

At the beginning of the 6th century, Emperor Constantine the Great himself was not yet a Christian. But he was quite loyal to Christians, especially since his mother, Elena, also believed in Christ. It was he who in 313 issued the Edict of Milan, which gave Christianity the status of a legitimate religion that can be practiced openly and freely. At this time, he fought with the ruler of the Roman part of the empire - Licinius (or Licinius). Before the decisive battle, Constantine was honored with a vision of the Cross and heard the words: “By this, conquer!” - The emperor ordered to decorate the armor of soldiers, banners with the image of the cross, in front of his army they carried a large precious cross. So, having won a victory in 324, Constantine subjugated the entire territory of the empire.

Soon it was decided that the mother of Constantine would go to Jerusalem to find the real Cross of the Lord. And in 326, the empress arrived in the holy land. There are several stories that tell about her search for a shrine. All of them boil down to the fact that on the site of Golgotha ​​there was a pagan temple (the temple of Venus), under which a cave was found, clogged with various rubbish. The temple was destroyed, and three large wooden crosses, nails and a tablet with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” were found in the cave (this is the inscription we now see on the images of the cross in Orthodox churches).

It remained to determine which cross is the instrument of execution of the Savior. With a large gathering of people, a sick person was brought to each of the crosses - touching the shrine, the suffering person received healing (there is also a legend that at that time a funeral procession passed by and the deceased, who was brought to the Cross, came to life). Having received clear evidence of the extraordinary grace emanating from one of the crosses found, the Bishop of Jerusalem Macarius erected (placed vertically) the shrine in front of the people. People fell on their faces with the exclamation of "Lord, have mercy!".

At the place where the Lord's Cross was found, the construction of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ began. The date of its consecration (September 14, according to the old style and September 27, according to the new one) is also associated with the day of the celebration of the Exaltation.

But we remember not only the acquisition of the shrine in 326. Three centuries later, in 614, the Persians captured Jerusalem and took away the Cross of the Lord along with Patriarch Zacharias. The captive and the Honest Tree were returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heraclius (according to various sources, this happened from 624 to 631).

Today, the Life-Giving Cross is divided into particles stored in different parts of the world.

Emperor Constantine the Great was glorified not only by the granting of freedom and rights to Christians, not only by the initiative to acquire the Honest Trees, but also by the organization of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325. He himself received holy Baptism only at the end of his life. The Orthodox Church venerates Constantine, along with his mother, as saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles.

What can you do today

Believers go to church for the All-night Vigil, which ends with a liturgy and the removal of a cross for worship. During the service, anyone can ask Higher power for help and to repent of unseemly deeds.

On the day of the holiday, it is customary to arrange dinner parties for the whole family and relatives, which always include pies with cabbage. The tradition has gone since ancient times, when our ancestors harvested a new crop.

It is worth sprinkling the house with holy water to cleanse it of any evil and ward off people with bad thoughts.

Our ancestors believed that on this day you can make a wish that will surely come true. They guess it at a flock of migratory birds flying by.

In the old days, on the day of the Exaltation, crosses were drawn with chalk on the front doors and on the back to protect themselves and animals from unclean spirits and diseases. In the sheds where livestock lived, they did the same. In addition, they used amulets that protect against evil.

You can do the necessary household chores: laundry, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes and bathing. The Church does not prohibit such events if they are really necessary. For example, there are sick relatives in the house who need care, or small children.

On the day of the holiday, it is customary to bring three candles from the church, go around the corners of the house, connecting the candles together, and read a protective prayer.

On Exaltation, holy water has strong healing properties. She can wash and drink seriously ill people so that they get better.

What not to do on Exaltation

You can not work, as well as start a new business. It is believed that everything will go to dust.

In no case should you go to the forest: grandparents in some settlements still believe that on this day the goblin counts forest animals. And a person can't really see that.

Also, you can’t keep the door open: wise people assure that on this day snakes are looking for places to winter and can crawl into any house.

And, finally, the Indian summer ends on the Exaltation and autumn comes into its own.

In addition, on this day you should not:

  • swear and sort things out with loved ones;
  • eat non-fast food: meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. On this day, all Orthodox observe strict post, seasoning it only with vegetable oil;

There is another legend among the people: it is believed that on this day snakes are looking for a place to hibernate for the winter, so it is advised to lock the house well.

On the day of the holiday, the necessary things are not forbidden, but the clergy urge to remember that the day is intended for prayers and spiritual growth. On the 27th, you can gather with the whole family, visit the church and thank the Higher Powers for help and patronage.

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The cross in Orthodoxy is of great importance: it protects from evil, unclean thoughts and deeds, acts as a belief in the power of the Almighty and his power. Every believer, entering the church, praying in front of the icons and being at the service, puts a cross on himself, as a sign of true faith in his defense. At baptism, both an adult and a child are put on pectoral cross which he wears all his life.

Nowadays there is different types crosses and the materials from which they are made. Everyone chooses for himself the material from which it is made and the shape (four, six, eight-pointed and with a semicircle at the bottom), the church does not prohibit this. But the closest in meaning, for a believer, is a wooden pectoral cross, as part of a wooden cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

That is why, in order to perpetuate the cross and its vital energy, with which it charges all people - on September 27, the church celebrates Orthodox holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

What does the Exaltation of the Holy Cross mean?

This holiday has ancient history, filled with interesting events that revealed many secrets to mankind. After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, martyrdom and predicted resurrection. Despite the fact that the enemies destroyed all the clues that could help in the search for the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, deeply religious people sought, by all means, to find it.

The great Roman emperor Constantine, having received the message of God in the form of the face of the Cross before an important battle, managed to defeat his enemies, realized that he had been chosen to fulfill an important mission - to find the Cross of the Lord.

His mother, Elena, began her search from the place where the Savior of all mankind ended his life on Earth. After much questioning, she managed to find a sacred place. Three Crosses were found, and it was a difficult task to determine which one was Life-Giving.

But one wise man gave practical advice: touch the found Crosses to a sick person. Thus, it was possible to heal a hopelessly ill woman and resurrect a dead person. The people nearby saw the spoiling result and also wanted to touch and kiss the unique Cross.

A unique temple of its kind was built on this site in honor of the erection of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord. Many people go there to feel the atmosphere of the sacrament of the Resurrection of the Savior.

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, features

It differs from all other church holidays in joy because the Cross, on which the son of God was crucified, was found many years later and symbolized the memory of all mankind, about those terrible sufferings that he had to endure, remaining devoted to him until the last minutes of his life. church traditions and to his Father.

Many doubted the correctness of his act and possibly condemned, but the majority believed that he, not sparing himself, atoned for the sin of all people on Earth at the cost of his own life. Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord humanity's tribute to Jesus Christ, a symbol Orthodox faith and honor.

Many people believe that the Cross has great power, heals from many ailments and protects from evil spirits. He gives the opportunity to let hope and love into your heart, fill the world with kindness, purity of souls and humility, as well as to know all the delights of the world of God, and appreciate his deeds, the power of love for people and all living beings.

Each person has his own purpose in life, and no one knows what life obstacles you need to go through in order to find your place in this world. We all carry our own burden, which sometimes seems unbearable and unfair to us.

But if, even for one minute, imagine what a brave and strong spirit Jesus was, that he was able to bear with dignity all the bitterness of his life path, then we understand more and more clearly that our problems are not as difficult as they seem to us and they are given to us for learning.

For this great holiday, everyone prepares in advance, read prayers at home, attend church services and pray before. It depicts the location of the miraculous Cross by Queen Elena. This icon helps those who ask to be cured of chronic ailments, infertility, problems with joints, teeth, and constant headaches.

Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Preparing for this holiday, our ancestors honored religious traditions:

  • On this day in the church, at the service, they bought three candles, with which they then baptized the corners in the house, while reading a prayer;
  • put a cross on the door of the house, and to protect pets, the owner broadcast amulets that brought prosperity to the house;
  • adhered to a strict fast, prohibited animal products and fish. They could be replaced with a variety of lentil, mushroom and cabbage dishes. From the latter they made pies, dumplings, pies, as well as cabbage casseroles, cabbage rolls with mushrooms and peppers stuffed with cabbage. It was believed that if you give alms to those in need, you will heal your soul from sin and evil thoughts;
  • Among the people, on this day it was customary to woo a young bride. She read special prayer in which she asked for a happy family life, understanding and support. The youth gathered for mass celebrations, and in bad weather, they went to visit each other;
  • By September 27, the peasants were trying to clear their land and prepare them for plowing;
  • The elders noticed that when this holiday comes, you need to prepare for the winter. Summer warmth will please less and less, and cloudy and rainy weather - more and more often.

Into the great religious holiday The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, what should not be done so as not to sin and not be punished for disobedience and bias towards God:

  • You can’t start something new - end in failure, a quarrel or a serious conflict;
  • You can not raise your voice and swear;
  • You can not do needlework;
  • You can not open the doors in the house or sheds, so that snakes, snakes, vipers do not climb there for winter hibernation.

May the Lord keep you!

On September 27, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - one of the 12 main, or twelfth holidays of the Orthodox Church.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross: history

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, they remember how Queen Equal to the Apostles Elena found the Cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. The cross was found in 326 near Mount Calvary in Jerusalem. Since the 7th century, the memory of the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia by the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (629) began to be connected with this day.

The holiday is called the Exaltation of the Cross, because both at the acquisition and at the return of the Cross, the primate raised (raised) the cross three times so that everyone could see it.

Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine wished to build temples of God on places sacred to Christians in Palestine (i.e., on the site of the birth, suffering and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, etc.) and to find the Cross on which the Savior was crucified. With great joy, his mother, St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena.

In 326, Queen Helen went to Jerusalem for this purpose. She put a lot of work to find the Cross of Christ, since the enemies of Christ hid the Cross, burying it in the ground. Finally, she was pointed to an elderly Jew named Judas, who knew where the Cross of the Lord was. After much questioning and persuasion, he was forced to speak. It turned out that the Holy Cross was thrown into one cave and littered with garbage and earth, and a pagan temple was built on top. Queen Elena ordered to destroy this building and dig out a cave.

When they dug up the cave, they found in it three crosses and a tablet lying separately from them with the inscription: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." It was necessary to find out which of the three crosses is the Cross of the Savior. The Jerusalem Patriarch (Bishop) Macarius and Empress Elena firmly believed and hoped that God would show the Holy Cross of the Savior.

On the advice of the bishop, they began to offer crosses one by one to one seriously ill woman. No miracle happened from two crosses, but when the third cross was laid, she immediately became healthy. It happened that at that time the deceased was being carried past for burial. Then they began to lay crosses one after the other and on the deceased; and when the third cross was laid, the dead man revived. Thus they learned the cross of the Lord, through which the Lord performed miracles and showed life-giving the power of His Cross.

Empress Elena, Patriarch Macarius and the people around them with joy and reverence bowed to the Cross of Christ and kissed it. Christians, having learned about this great event, gathered in countless numbers to the place where the Cross of the Lord was found (found). Everyone wanted to venerate the holy life-giving Cross. But since it was impossible to do this because of the multitude of people, everyone began to ask at least to show him. Then Patriarch Macarius stood on an elevated place and, so that everyone could see, several times erected(picked up) him. The people, seeing the Cross of the Savior, bowed and exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!”

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Helena, over the place of suffering, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, built a vast and magnificent temple in honor of Resurrection of Christ. They also built temples on the Mount of Olives, in Bethlehem and in Fevron near the Oak of Mamri.

Queen Elena brought part of the Cross of the Lord to her son, Tsar Constantine, and left the other part in Jerusalem. This precious remnant of the Cross of Christ is still kept in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Icons of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The most common plot of the icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord took shape in Russian icon painting in the 15th-16th centuries. The icon painter depicts a large crowd of people against the backdrop of a single-domed temple. In the center on the pulpit stands the Patriarch with the Cross raised above his head. The deacons support him by the arms. The cross is decorated with twigs of plants. In the foreground are the saints and everyone who came to venerate the shrine. On the right are the figures of Tsar Constantine and Empress Helena.


Troparion, tone 1

Kontakion, tone 4


We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor Your Holy Cross, by which Thou hast saved us from the work of the enemy.


Irmos of the 9th song

Hymns to the Cross of the Lord

Choir of the Orthodox Brotherhood in the name of the Archangel Michael.

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, victories Orthodox Christian bestowing upon those who oppose, and keeping Thy residence by Thy Cross.

Participated in the Exaltation of the Cross and on the Sunday of the Cross

Ascended to the cross by will, to your namesake new residence, grant Your bounty, Christ God; rejoice in Your strength, giving us victories for comparisons, the provision of Your possessions, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.

Choir of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and MDA

Rejoice Life-Giving Cross .

Rejoice, life-giving Cross, invincible victory of piety, the door of paradise, the faithful affirmation, the fencing of the Church, even if the aphids are ruined and abolished, and the mortal power is trampled down, and we ascend from earth to heaven, an invincible weapon, resisting demons: the glory of the martyrs, the saints, as truly fertilizer: a haven salvation, grant the world great mercy.

Prayers to the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

Prayer one

O Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body, wake up: casting down demons in your own way, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, both life and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and honest prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos. Amen.

Prayer two

O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Of old, you were a shameful instrument of execution, now the sign of our salvation is forever revered and glorified! How worthily I can, unworthy, sing to Thee, and how dare I bow the knee of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and inexpressible philanthropy of the humble Boldness, Spread on you, gives me, let me open my mouth to glorify Thee; for this sake I cry to Ty: rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ's beauty and foundation, the whole universe - affirmation, Christians of all - hope, kings - power, faithful - refuge, Angels - glory and chanting, demons - fear, destruction and driving away, wicked and unfaithful - shame, the righteous - delight, the burdened - weak, overwhelmed - a haven, the lost - a mentor, obsessed with passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, floating - helmsmen, the weak - strength, in battles - victory and overcoming, orphans - true protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, foreshadowed by the miraculous rod of Moses, a life-giving source, soldering those who are thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are a bed, on which the Resurrected Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this sake, morning, and evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, the blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of Him who has blossomed on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of perfect love and all my deeds and my paths will overshadow Thee May I magnify Him who is nailed to Thee, for the sake of my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen.

Liturgy of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, it is necessary to celebrate the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy. But now they rarely serve all night, so it becomes central festive service on the eve of the holiday - a vigil.

The Exaltation is the Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) twelfth feast. Therefore, its service does not connect to any other service. For example, the memory of John Chrysostom is transferred to another day.

Interestingly, during Matins on the Exaltation of the Cross, the Gospel is read not in the middle of the temple, but in the altar.

The climax of the feast is when the preeminent priest or bishop, dressed in purple vestments, carries out the Cross. All those praying in the temple kiss the shrine, and the primate anoints them with holy oil. During the general veneration of the Cross, the troparion is sung: “We bow to Thy Cross, Master, and glorify Thy holy Resurrection.”

The cross lies on the lectern until October 4 - the day the Exaltation is given. On surrender, the priest takes the cross to the altar.

Order of the Exaltation of the Cross

The rite of the Exaltation of the Cross is performed at matins after the great doxology and singing of the troparion Save, O Lord, Thy people..., consists of a five-fold overshadowing of the Cross and its elevation to the cardinal points (to the east, south, west, north and again to the east). An important change, in comparison with the Studium monuments, is the addition to the rite of five deacon's petitions (corresponding to five autumns of the Cross), after each of which a hundred times Lord have mercy. In addition, according to the Jerusalem Rule, before raising the Cross, the primate must bow to the ground so that his head is a span away from the ground (Greek. spithame, about 20 cm). During the correction of liturgical books in the Russian Church in the 2nd half. 17th century the order of the fall of the cardinal points during the rank was changed: the Cross is erected to the east, west, south, north and again to the east. This order has been maintained to this day.

The holiday is non-transitory, every year it is celebrated on the same day. IN Orthodox tradition The Exaltation of the Cross refers to the twelfth, that is, the twelve main holidays of the year. This day is one of the most important in Orthodoxy, and many signs, beliefs, rites and rituals are associated with it.

The cross in Christianity is the main symbol of faith, because it was on the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified. The history of the Feast of the Exaltation begins in the 4th century, when three crosses were found near the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. The church claims that the true cross on which Christ was crucified healed the woman when she touched it. After finding the Life-Giving Cross, it was decided to build the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord at the place where it was found. It is in this temple that every year we can observe the miracle of the Holy Fire.

The date of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was set on the day when the temple was completed, 10 years after it was found.

On this day, Indian summer ends and autumn fully comes into its own.

Folk traditions and customs

Before the baptism of Rus', the holiday on September 27 was called "Stavrov's day", it is believed that this name came from the Greek word "stavros" - the cross. On this day, there was a custom to draw crosses on the walls and doors of the house with chalk, coal, garlic, dough, and even the blood of a sacrificial animal. In the cattle shed, crosses were hung, tied (nails could not be used) from rowan branches as a symbol of the sun. If there was no cross, then crossed rowan branches were laid, which was a symbol of bright light that scares away evil spirits. Thus, the peasants "baptized" the most dangerous places in the house from the intrigues of evil spirits. In pre-Christian Rus', the symbol of the cross was a sign of the sun, warmth and life.

Happy Ascension Day among ordinary people many features of life were connected. “A shift has come - the caftan with a fur coat has moved” (or “bread has moved from the fields”), the people said. Thus, the peasants hinted at the imminent arrival of winter and the harvesting of grain from the fields.

On Stavrov's day, they began to harvest cabbage for the winter - to ferment and salt. The girls often hosted cabbage parties that could last up to two weeks. According to legend, the girls who gathered for such evenings had to read a special spell seven times. After that, the guy he liked fell in love with the girl without memory. The number seven was not simple (for example, the seven Christian sacraments). It was believed that those who prayed on this day were forgiven seven sins. But on the one who did not celebrate the Exaltation, seven sins should have fallen.

According to legends, on the Exaltation of the birds, snakes and insects go to the magical country of Iriy, which was located on the warm sea, in the west or southwest of the earth. The sea in the popular mind is associated with death. The concept of the west is also connected with it, where every evening the sun sets and dies. Hence, Wonderland Iriy is nothing more than the ancient Slavic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparadise.

What not to do on Exaltation

  • On September 27, no important business began.
  • On Stavor, they don’t go on the road on the day - the goblin will confuse.
  • On the Exaltation, meat, eggs, milk and, in general, all products of animal origin are not eaten.
  • By prohibition - quarrels, abuse and foul language.
  • Refuse this day from noisy gatherings and recreational activities.
  • Can't do heavy work homework, sewing and needlework.
  • On that day it was forbidden to go to the forest.
  • At this time, you can not disturb the animals - they are preparing for hibernation.
  • You can not leave windows and doors open - a snake can crawl in.

What to do on the holiday of September 27

On the eve of the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, every believing Christian went to the temple for the All-Night Vigil, which ends with a liturgy and the removal of a cross for worship. During the service, everyone can ask the Higher Powers for help and repent of unseemly deeds.

After the service, you need to sprinkle every corner of the house with holy water, reading a prayer to the Honest Life-Giving Cross - this will help drive people with bad thoughts away from your family.

They also bring three candles from the church service, bind them together, light them and go around their house or apartment around the perimeter, reciting a prayer:

“Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body, wake up: casting down demons in your own way, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving reverence to us, and life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and honest prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos. Amen."

In the evening, the hostesses arranged festive feasts. And since September 27 is the day of strict fasting, they prepared dishes from cabbage of the new crop. Every good housewife had a whole list of her signature dishes and cabbages that were served on the table.

On the Exaltation, you need to draw a cross on the front doors with chalk - this way you will protect your house from diseases and ill-wishers.

Signs for Exaltation

The holiday of September 27 was considered by the people to be a difficult and even dangerous day - it was forbidden to go into the forest, it was supposed to keep a strict fast and follow the advice of wise ancestors so as not to invite trouble.

  • Whoever kills the snake on the Exaltation - seven misfortunes will be erected on him.
  • Whoever goes to the forest to the Exaltation may not return.
  • Whoever fasts on this day, seven sins will be forgiven.
  • Whoever does not fast on the Exaltation - seven sins will be raised on him.
  • Birds fly to Iriy on this day, and if you see a flock of migratory birds today, you must definitely make a wish.
  • It is better not to go into the forest, because you can meet the goblin.
  • On the Vozdvizheniye, the bear is in the lair, the snake is in the hole, and the birds are to the south.
  • A snake that bit a person on September 27 will not be able to crawl away to warmer climes, it will have to freeze in the winter cold.
  • At least on Sunday, come Exaltation, and everything on it is Friday-Wednesday, Lenten food!

Also on Stavrov Day, the weather was noted:

  • Geese fly high - to a large flood, low - to a small one.
  • North wind - to a warm summer.
  • Frost in the morning - winter will come early.
  • Clear and warm weather on Stavrov Day promises a warm and long autumn.
  • From the Exaltation, autumn shifts to winter.
  • If a cold north wind blows on this day, then the next summer will be hot.
  • In the Exaltation of the bird, summer is carried away over the seas.

Magic, conspiracies and rituals for the Exaltation

Among healers, Exaltation is considered an energetically powerful day, favorable for all sorts of witchcraft affairs, especially love ones. On the night before the Exaltation, witches gather for a sabbath on Bald Mountain. But ordinary people did not go to the mountains and forests that day - the danger was too great to meet whole hordes of snakes, large and small.

The Exaltation is also called the Snake Day - on this day all the snakes go into their holes. In the magic of the Slavs, witchcraft was attributed to snakes. Especially often snakes were used in love spells. The healers advised to go into the forest, kill the snake, melt the fat out of it, and make a candle out of this fat, which must be lit every time you feel cooling in love. But as soon as the candle burns out completely, love will pass forever.

Conspiracy for love

Gathering on the evening of September 27, the girls read special conspiracies that day in order to forever bind suitors to themselves. Here is one of them. From the evening dawn until midnight, read the conspiracy words on the smoke from a fire or stove.

“There is a dry forest in a dry forest. In that forest, all the foliage is dry, Dryness drives that foliage, Longing for the servant of God (name), catches up dryness For me, for the servant of God (name). Dry him without me, water, Do not go into his mouth without me, food, Sleep, go around him, Longing-dryness, find him For me, for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Rite of love

The girl cooked small pies with cabbage, poured milk into a glass and left it all overnight on the table with the words:

“My friend brownie, become my matchmaker and marry (name) to me (name). Amen".

Rite so that the husband never changes

This rite is done only if the first snow has not yet fallen before the Exaltation. The wife should cut off a strand of hair from his head (it’s impossible to tell your husband why you are doing this, you need to think of something) and put it behind the stove, reading an old plot:

“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, an oak grows - broad-leaved, broad-leaved. You can’t walk around that oak tree with your feet, You can’t wrap your arms around it, Its roots are mighty and long. And just as its roots sit firmly and deeply in the ground, So the betrayal of God's servant (name) would sit behind my stove, And the flesh of God's servant (name) would not dare to leave me anywhere, Wouldn't want or want anyone. Century by century, from now to the century, Amen to all.

love plot

When going to a festive skit, a girl can read seven times love plot standing in front of a mirror. Then the guy who liked her will like her.

“My word is strong, like hot iron! Raise, Father Exaltation Day, in the heart of a good young man (name) love for me, a red girl (name), so that there is no end to love, so that it does not burn in fire, does not drown in water, so that its cold winter does not chill! My word is strong as iron!

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