Home Horoscope for tomorrow 30 years go to her. Teenagers start working earlier, travel earlier, take loans, study, drive a car, build a business. In fact, you and I are faced with a completely new culture, where the essence is reduced only to the fact that adulthood is

30 years go to her. Teenagers start working earlier, travel earlier, take loans, study, drive a car, build a business. In fact, you and I are faced with a completely new culture, where the essence is reduced only to the fact that adulthood is

According to a sociological survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, a tendency of modern young people is revealed: 20-30 year olds do not want to grow up ...

It is known that the transitional age, i.e. Puberty is a very significant stage in the life of every teenager. The transitional age is given to teenagers in different ways. For some, this process seems normal, while others experience great stress.

Let's figure out what it is - the transition period and how long it can last ...

Puberty (also puberty or puberty) is the process of changes in the body of a teenager, as a result of which he becomes an adult and capable of procreation. Puberty is triggered by signals from the brain to the sex glands: the testes in boys and the ovaries in girls.

In response to these signals, the sex glands produce various hormones that stimulate the growth and development of the brain, bones, muscles, skin, and reproductive organs. Body growth accelerates in the first half of puberty, and ends completely with the completion of puberty.

Before puberty, the differences in the body structure of a girl and a boy are reduced almost exclusively to the genitals. During puberty, significant differences in the size, shape, composition, and function of many structures and systems of the body form, the most obvious of which are classified as secondary sexual characteristics.

Adolescence, according to scientists, significantly overlaps puberty in duration. And this period includes the cultural and social aspects of growing up.”

And here's what Astrus says about adolescence.
“At a transitional age, the space of a dividing cell increases significantly in relation to the cell itself.
The space is literally exploding!

The body belatedly continues to grow in this space.

And this growth continues until the age of 30, until the so-called “golden mean”. And until that time, a person is generally concentrated and concentrated, his attention works in the space of the body. EVERYTHING, the entire amount of the current is held by attention. (Attention is the energy of X, which slowly masters this unfolded space).

And only after the age of 30 begins the dispersal of attention. You can say this: there is contact with the likeness, with one's own kind. There is a process of reflection in reflection.

It turns out that until the age of 30 we are teenagers for the Creator in the literal sense of the word. We grow, rebuild within ourselves and try to nestle in the external environment. Moreover, the Creator is interested in EVERYTHING that happens to us - He distributes the potential of our attention to the ALL amount of what is happening to us in the current time.

Only after 30 years of age can a person “focus” his attention according to his interests, immerse himself deeply in some area of ​​knowledge. Perhaps it is then that our co-creation begins in tandem with God...
It turns out that our childhood ends with an "explosion"!

The feeling of adulthood has appeared, but it’s still oh so far to adulthood ...During this period, a teenager is in dire need of the unobtrusive help of elders. It depends on how he will live his life - whether he will take place as a person or remain an eternal child ...

Growing up is facilitated by a person’s aspiration to the future: whoever takes care of the future in a timely manner, makes efforts, takes steps towards becoming an adult, and vice versa, the refusal of efforts looks like a conscious or unconscious desire to delay growing up (which can result in illness - infantilism).

Adulthood involves life planning - subordination to a clear plan, concern for the future, thinking through the consequences of one's decisions, etc.
Development is hard work. It takes courage to start living your own life. Not everyone has it.

The task of parents is to show their child a variety of opportunities, taking him to various sections and circles, to teach him to work, make decisions and ... let the child go free swimming, where he can develop his potential given to him by God.

Scientists believe that growing up is a complex and multifaceted bio-psycho-social construct. This is building a system of values, the achievement of which is directly related to the assumption of responsibility, not only for oneself, but also for other people.
Consider the compound word "bio-psycho-social construct".

It is on this construct that attention is distributed in adolescence.

Bio is that part of our attention, which itself builds a healthy body according to the hologram of the Creator. Our task is to lead the right way of life.For psychology, growing up is, first of all, the ability to analyze the situation, make decisions, take responsibility from the point of view of the individual.

In sociology, growing up is the development of new social roles and statuses: worker, spouse, parent, something is mastered earlier, something later. For example, in Soviet history, many teenagers early mastered the role of a worker, partly this was due, first of all, to the traditional economy. They had children early, which was partly due to the war.

Older grandparents like to tell young people that at their age they were much "older" than they are. But if we take the current era of globalization and the psychology of growing up, then everything is not so simple here, in this regard, sociologists note rather a tendency towards early maturation.

Puberty sets in earlier, followed by a feeling of adulthood, adolescents enter into sexual activity earlier, they begin to imitate adults earlier, even today they receive a passport at the age of 14. In the modern world, taking into account technology, at 21 you are already deeply adult.

Teenagers start working earlier, travel earlier, take loans, study, drive a car, build a business.In fact, you and I are faced with a completely new culture, where the essence is reduced only to the fact that adulthood has lengthened, prolonged and become more “conscious”, “conscious”.

First, slow growing up is due to the fact that people are now living longer, life stages are stretching.
Already now, according to the World Health Organization, a new interpretation of ontogeny is emerging, where the mature age begins at the age of 50, and from 30 to 50 years, the onset of middle age is characteristic. (100 years ago there were more modest results).

Add to this the presence of modern medical technology, good nutrition, the absence of wars, and we get completely modern society with measured and unhurried contemplation. And if you look back in history ancient world, then in Ancient Greece adulthood (maturity) began at the age of 40, this was marked by "Acme", and until the age of 40 you were still a youth, in general, this is typical for a civilized society with a high cultural development.

Secondly, the phenomenon of post-adolescence is a product of urban culture, urbanization, and the introduction of modern technologies. Everyone has become very advanced thanks to the Internet and a large flow of information, the era of globalization has contributed to the lengthening of growing up, a person wants to fulfill not only one life scenario, life has become more variable.

In big cities, people first try to benefit society, professionally succeed, and form as individuals.This is the life of a single young man, financially practically independent, living separately from his parents, it is very important for the formation of independent views on life independent of parents.

In such societies, there is a demand for happiness. You want not just to live your life, but to live it happily. And you begin to think more about with whom and where you will spend it, and whether you will have children. The role of the state is now lost. Why should I live where I currently live? I can live anywhere. Yes, and why should I fight for someone? It's just nonsense.

However, the otherness of a generation is determined not by statements about lostness or infantility, but by how this generation copes with the challenges of modernity that fall upon it. And it works!
Terekhova Nina and Bublik Sergey

In the life of every person there are turning points or periods of crisis, shown by the transits of the planets. Transit is the daily positions of the planets in the heavens and it is important how they affect the natal chart (astrological birth chart). You do not have to be an astrologer or an astropsychologist to understand this or that crisis period.

For an astropsychologist - universal transits of planets - carry important information about the psychophysical state of a person, a sense of self-worth, duty, responsibility, about turning points in life and the manifestation of important events.

After reading this article, written for the general public, you will be able to understand one universal life crisis associated with the planet Saturn: the conjunction of transiting Saturn with natal Saturn. Saturn is known as a teacher.

"Of all the predictive tools and techniques available to astrology, few are as widely used and reliable as the cycles of Saturn. The transits of Saturn in relation to its position in the natal chart mark the gradual maturation of a person and his further formation" - Wendell K. Perry ( "Cycles of Saturn").

For most people, this transit occurs twice in their lifetime: at around age 30 and around age 60.

These two age Saturn returns are not to be taken lightly. Saturn makes us grow up and puts things in order in the very house (field) of the horoscope along which it moves in zodiac circle, forcing you to make difficult choices, creating your own destiny. This transit can be difficult and painful for some.

Remember yourself or loved one between the ages of, say, 28 to 30 years old (or 58 to 60 years old). For many people, during this period, there was (arose) the need for change:

Some have changed jobs because goals have changed;
Marriage, or, conversely, divorce - since many relationships lose their meaning;
Retirement led to a feeling of torn ties and a person felt lonely;
At the same time, promotion is also possible; the birth of a child (grandchild).
During this period, we can question the demands of the outside world, some people have indecision, lethargy, forebodings, various fears, a feeling of what, what they didn’t do, a return to the past - to relationships or to unresolved problems.

You need to know that this transit always brings changes in one area or another, from the examples given, both positive and negative: professional, personal, family (which area will be the most active - we will be shown full horoscope person ( Natal chart), based on accurate knowledge of the time and place of birth). But wherever Saturn is in an astrological chart, it always assumes and creates a realistic approach.

If you have not ordered an acute psychological consultation from a specialist, and you don’t understand in which area to expect changes, it’s okay. Just know that in any case, one life stage is completed and a new stage begins and, after a while, you yourself will figure it out by analyzing the past life period, which I talk about in the article, where you have changed. The main thing is to understand for yourself that in our life there is a cyclical nature of the Universe; "... the fundamental imprint or template of the individuality of the psyche is created precisely at the moment of birth, but, as it happens in the case of any growing organism, it continues to open and unfold in the process of its own ever-living and constantly changing being throughout life. Although we are not able to change the physical the totality of genes that is given to us from birth, we can change, decorate, strengthen, ignore or let it collapse with what we entered into life.However, be that as it may, there are inexorable stages of development, otherwise by the age of 50, we would and remained toothless crying babies. We call it growth "- Alice O. Howell ("Astrology as a tool of psychoanalysis").

This transition from old to new, to growth - can be marked by depression, turning to our shadow side, we can feel emptiness, internal conflicts, rejections of something or someone, heavy and painful reflections necessary before any serious leap forward. . People at this time begin to act impulsively and at random, experiencing both excitement and fear of loss. But, if you accept the fact that Saturn is a teacher and guides us in the right direction with a "firm hand", and we need all the sorrows and trials in order to grow and move to the next step, then I'm sure you will be to him to some extent grateful. Most importantly, do not be afraid of his transits!

Astronomically, Saturn represents the visible boundary solar system. Beyond Saturn are the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; to Saturn - personal, inner planets - the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter (for simplicity, in astrology, the luminaries of the Moon and the Sun are also called planets). And, in our Everyday life, Saturn is a planet that defines and sets boundaries, separating us from youth and maturity, showing that the previous life is something like a series of trials and trials that need to be sorted into shelves.

Saturn makes a complete revolution around the Earth every twenty-nine and a half years, after this revolution, it connects with its natal position in the birth chart, which is why we consider the period from 28 to 30 years (57-60 years), as a rule, in which and important changes are taking place in our lives. Saturn, making a full cycle, forms all possible aspects to our birth chart. The first twenty-nine and a half years is a test run; at this time there is a farewell to parental stereotypes; a person is heading towards maturity; deviates from the "well-worn" path towards the new and unknown.

“Society does not prepare children for the fact that real adult life begins at twenty-eight or thirty years old - begins with an internal crisis, as a result of which careers collapse, families break up, and people face the first truly serious "identity crisis" - Mark Robertson ("Age Crises of Adulthood: Saturn Transit").

During the first Saturn transit return to the natal location, we can expect to take on the role or work that we will be doing during adulthood. At this time, we are waiting for the limitations and problems that define us as a person.

We must try to know the limits of our capabilities and not go beyond them.

It is good to be alone at this time in order to determine the quality of your emotional life, to review your internal criteria. Ask yourself during this period the following questions: "Does my value system suit me or should I start a new path?", "Am I happy in my position or should I go to study?"; "I understand that I'm ready to get married and have a baby." You have the opportunity to become the Mistress / Master of your own (most) yourself!

During the second return of Saturn, - Harvesting of life, I want to say right away - not everyone succeeds. Twenty-nine and a half years have passed since the first return of Saturn, and during this time we should have acquired knowledge about ourselves, an understanding of our uniqueness, a realistic self-perception.

If this did not happen, then the second return of Saturn may be accompanied by depression: it should be regarded as an indicator of the person's dissatisfaction with the way he has lived so far.

People who have reached the second return of Saturn are keenly aware of their age: sixty years.

"The circumstances of your life during this transit are different than during the first return of Saturn. The main choice has already been made, and you have fulfilled (or at least tried to fulfill) your function. For this reason, this transit has a more personal, contemplative character - this is the time to look back at your life and evaluate your achievements and mistakes.

In the best of times, the second return of Saturn could be a time of renewal and restoration of the identity you have created for yourself in this world. It gives you a chance to take advantage of the wisdom and maturity you have gained since your first Saturn return and improve on the choices you made on your first return and the decisions you made at that time.

Under the most favorable circumstances, the second return of Saturn becomes a time when you re-characterize yourself and set a new, more productive direction for your life ... But, you must also be aware of the possibility that the wrong choices made in the past, especially if you persist in them, will become obvious "- Wendell K. Perry. Instead of an alternative to growth and maturity, stagnation and old age can appear. There are no less people who react to the return of Saturn in this way than people who still decide to explore new opportunities. The inevitable has happened: you have passed in the category of seniors.Many people in our time after sixty new life. For many, this age means a transition from compulsory work, to your hobby, to the joy of communicating with your grandchildren or with a new acquaintance / acquaintance; perhaps you will meet with inspiration - start writing novels or paintings.

Some people use the transits of Saturn for their own benefit, while others, on the contrary, cannot benefit from its transit. "The ambivalence of Saturn becomes clearer if we consider that in the view of the ancients, he acted in two forms at the same time: he was a merciful, compassionate and generous ruler of the golden age and a ruthless son who castrated his father, and then, becoming a father, devoured his own children. Being aware "Saturn brings peace to the mind with nothing comparable. But, not recognized, not accepted or projected outside, Saturn is able to entangle a person with chronic problems and engage in a struggle for power" - Erin Sullivan ("Saturn Transits").

"Choosing the right way during the transit of Saturn and accepting the challenges and difficult lessons that aspects of this planet bring us is of great importance not only in making us responsible, moral and successful members of society, but also in developing our character at all levels," - Wendell K. Perry ("Cycles of Saturn: A Map of Change in Your Life").

"Saturn is not so cruel to anyone as to those people who only pretend to lead a life full of reflection, but do not live it. For Saturn does not consider them his own, make sure that you do not deny the power of Saturn ...", - Marsilio Ficino ("The Book of Life").

I hope and believe that you will be able to cope with the described Saturn transit. You will understand why certain problems and changes arose among relatives and friends, in the period from 28 to 30 years (57-60 years), who do not understand where to go, why, with whom to stay, from whom to leave? Saturn during these periods will refer back to topics that have escaped attention, have not been understood or assimilated. A person may have a feeling that he has become a prisoner of time, a feeling of stagnation and immobility. Such a state, as a rule, overtakes at the moment when a breakthrough into society will soon be made, but for now the start is postponed, although inevitable.

As with the first return of Saturn, so with the second - it is possible to open new doors, new opportunities, but they always! Will be accompanied by new responsibilities and great responsibility, and will entail far-reaching consequences. Any false step taken at this time will always declare itself in later life. At the same time, you must be willing and ready to take advantage of the opportunities that open up before you during the transit, even if at first glance they do not seem too attractive and promising. Small beginnings and incremental changes made during this transit tend to turn into huge things later on. You will have to re-evaluate your life and make appropriate adjustments to it, either with the help of an astropsychologist (read how to choose a qualified and experienced specialist in my article "Horoscope and Astropsychologist") or on your own.

And, finally, within the framework of the topic of the article, the words of the astrologer and world-famous author Erin Sullivan: "Being the god of time, Saturn leaves its mark on all of us as we pass through temporary reality; he leaves a mark of experience, understanding, age, maturity and recognition.The struggles associated with the transits of Saturn are part of our development on the path to the future.The greatest lesson of the Saturnian cycle, which becomes especially clear after the first return of Saturn, is that history repeats itself.One can learn to live simply remembering the turning points associated with Saturn, how we felt them, what events happened, how our perception changed.Remembering the history of our lives, we see how we grew up.You can’t change the past, but if you look at it differently, you can find the ability to create your own future. Saturn, the lord of boundaries, marks the space between the past and the future. He is our here and now."

I wish you not to be afraid of change and gain the realization that our understanding of our destinies is based on self-knowledge in order to regain our true/real self. As I. Goethe once said: "No one can judge others until he learns to judge himself."

Only you yourself can descend into the depths of the psyche in search of the treasure of your own individuality, and, if you allow, the astropsychologist will descend with you and help you find the inner treasure, your own destiny.

A divorce after 30, when you are still young, is one thing, but a breakup after so many years of marriage is another, and today we will discuss this in the women's club "Who is over 30". It would seem that thirty years of life together is quite an impressive baggage, but very often marriages break up. And in most cases, everyone feels sorry for the woman.

But if you remember famous quote Faina Ranevskaya, it is clear to everyone what is hidden under even the most beautiful tail, and sometimes ex-wives do not perceive the gap as painfully as the malevolent environment would like. On the contrary, they flourish.

Of course, usually a woman who has been living with her husband for a long time thinks with fear about what will happen if they get divorced. This is usually.

And a divorce after 30 years, when it seems that you still have to meet “your” person, is a kind of attempt for a woman to correct a mistake in time and try her luck with another.

It is sad that some women who are already over 50 look at life after divorce as a sentence .. Now let's talk about the reasons.

Divorce after 30 years of marriage: reasons

Let's not even consider the banal "they did not agree on the characters." Let's try to dig deeper. And by the way - this explanation is more suitable for those who have been married for much less than thirty years.

Of course, there is still such a common reason: "gray hair in the head, ..." - then everyone knows well. Yes, it happens.

A man, especially if he has money, albeit small, it seems that he is like an expensive cognac, it only gets better with age. And he gets himself a passion twice as young. Only now he does not understand that she is not able to appreciate his entire “bouquet”, but only looks at the “price tag”.

If it had been bottling moonshine in 1964, she would hardly have coveted such a “drink”. And we must pay tribute - many men eventually understand that with a young woman they will not live the way they dreamed. If the wife does not rush into a divorce, perhaps he will return to the family. Yes, and after parting, when ex-wife He will live happily without him, he will start biting his elbows again.

But here's another question - do you need it?

Sometimes a divorce after 30 years of marriage is brewing at the beginning of a life together, which cannot be broken. Parents think that it will be better for them, calmer. They live “for the sake of children” together - and this is the main tragedy of such families. The tension and mutual dislike are so "thick" in the air that it seems that you can take a knife and cut this atmosphere into pieces. But now the children grow up - "the project is completed." And people break up.

Quantity vs. Quality

There are people who proudly say: "Here, my parents have been married for 30 years." One can only sincerely rejoice if they lived, as they say, soul to soul. And if they lived, how did they serve the term, like in prison? Then, after the end of this “term”, a divorce after 30 years of such ordeals and torments becomes like release from prison. At least if you have a tattoo as a keepsake and a feast with a mountain, roll it up!

And all because the number of years lived does not guarantee that they are lived qualitatively. And now we are not talking about what is qualitative - it means without quarrels. Correct quarrels, on the contrary, only allow you to better understand each other, and this is not a reason to put an end to living together.

Worse another.

Spouses no longer receive, and it is possible that they never received joint pleasure. And it's not just regular sex. It is a myth that men are looking for exactly and only him on the side. Mistresses are made sometimes in order to share some joys that the spouse considers uninteresting. By the way, the reverse situation also happens: women make lovers.

In order to save the family and prevent a break after 30 years together, it is necessary to lay the "foundation" at the beginning of married life. Together, enjoy travel, family accomplishments, or even yoga. Just do not need to impose this pleasure on each other. Try to look for common ground - those amenities that will bring together, and not provoke a wave of discontent on either side.

It also happens that in the process family life one of the spouses “relaxes”, settles down and becomes uninteresting not only for his partner, but also for himself. It doesn't develop. And the other, on the contrary, becomes a multifaceted personality.

There is a conflict of worldviews and views on how everything should happen in general. And then divorce after 30 years of marriage seems like the right way out. But there is a downside - perhaps the wife (or the spouse helped) contributed to this development, being a reliable rear.

Of course, even today it is generally accepted that divorce is some kind of tragedy. And often people are held together by public opinion. No one wants condemnation, and although in fact an internal rupture has occurred, outwardly the family still seems to exist. And it is sad that the chord moment is still coming - the “bloody” point in the relationship, the “sawing” of property, scandals and tears. Few people manage to move a divorce after 30 on a calm note.

Who is over 30 - a club for women after 30.

Most of the people who are thirty years old think that time has already been lost for them, which means that they will never be able to acquire a sports figure. Experience shows that this opinion is erroneous. Many people wonder whether it is possible to build muscle after 30 years? To answer this question, you need to understand what and how it affects the body.

Influence of metabolism

Metabolism is an important and unique ability of the body, which consists in the formation and accumulation of energy by processing any food eaten. Most of the energy received is spent by the muscles. Therefore, the more correct the nutrition of a person at a young age, the more energy is generated, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body and an increase in muscle mass. It is also known that the older a person is, the greater the difference between the energy received and the necessary expenditure due to hormonal changes, as well as a decrease in physical activity. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain proper nutrition: the required amount of proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins.

Balanced diet

For better and faster muscle growth at this age, you do not need to focus on strength exercises. The most important thing is a proper and balanced diet. Since the body requires a significant amount of calories and carbohydrates in the process of growing muscle mass, it is very important to follow this rule. Also, animal protein must be present in the daily diet, because, first of all, it is the main building material for the body (since the muscle consists of fairly complex proteins, it is simply essential for its rapid growth). And most importantly - eat often, but in small portions, so that there is no feeling of hunger. Also, drink at least two liters of water per day.
Conclusion: the better the nutrition, the better the metabolism, and, therefore, everything useful is quickly and properly absorbed.

Regular workouts

Any training at this age helps to improve metabolic processes and increase muscle mass. It doesn't have to be strength training. You can also go jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. It is worth noting important point that between exercises there must be a rest for complete muscle recovery, and then you can load them again. Since the body at this age is still characterized by flexibility, it is possible not to be limited to certain sets of exercises. After thirty years, calcium often “betrays” our bones, and fat is absorbed more slowly. It is desirable to direct efforts to maintain joint mobility, body flexibility and muscle strengthening.


Non-compliance with the correct lifestyle becomes more noticeable after 30 years, more often by external signs. Try to be as active as possible. The body must fully rest. For this, sleep should be 7-10 hours. Travel more often, be outdoors, take walks before going to bed. It is important to give up bad habits.

In conclusion of all of the above, we can conclude that the question of whether it is possible to pump up muscles at the age of 30 is purely formal, since it rather depends on the desire of the person himself. With a balanced diet, regular workouts and the right lifestyle, a slim and healthy body will not only be a dream, but a reality. Remember that at the age of 30 nothing is impossible for a person - take advantage of every moment and opportunity.

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