Home Palmistry Interpretation of the dream quartz in dream books. What are pink dreams Dream book by David Loff

Interpretation of the dream quartz in dream books. What are pink dreams Dream book by David Loff

Why does a woman dream about quartz:

Quartz (stone) - you are dealing with stubborn people.

1 Quartz according to Loff's dream book

Seeing quartz in a dream means:

1 Quartz by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A dream with quartz in the dream book is interpreted as:

It is a symbol of purity and spiritual attunement. The purity of the natural cut and transparency of this stone made it in ancient times an invaluable tool for the spiritual attunement of mystics and shamans.

It is believed that, in addition to beauty, quartz has special psychoelectric properties that help with meditation and internal travel. The crystal has the properties of a psychic transmitter and energy amplifier. The base of this stone (silicon) is used to make microcircuits in computers that transmit impulses.

Quartz can be a very important sign of entering the spiritual path and focusing your spiritual energy.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Quartz according to Dream Book 2012

Dreaming with quartz means:

Reflection of spiritual attunement. The need to focus spiritual energy. The need to meditate.

1 Quartz by Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Quartz dream meaning:

To instability of character, fragility of position. If you try to grind quartz in a dream, you are wasting your time trying to get out of a desperate situation.

1 Quartz by Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

What does it mean if a woman dreams of quartz:

Transmitter. Conductor of energy.


Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Quartz by Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

What quartz can mean in a dream:

Seeing quartz in a dream in reality means internal changes; desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

1 Quartz by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Quartz in a dream means:

Deal with stubborn people. To lose it is to become a victim of treachery. Holding quartz crystals in the palm of your hand is a sign of showing perseverance and stubbornness.

What is quartz for? 1. Quartz in a dream is associated with the crystallization of an idea or sensation. By coming into contact with our deep internal processes, it allows us to express what was previously impossible to express under any form. 2. The process of crystallization was studied by ancient people - they caught light, and therefore energy. This process does not occur on a subconscious level in many dreamers. Thus, dreaming about quartz means recognizing an evolving energy. 3. Quartz is considered both a battery and a transmitter of Spiritual energy.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Interpretation sleep Quartz. To you dreamed about it Quartz what are these internal changes? desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world. Magic dream book. Interpretation sleep Quartz: What does it mean in dream Quartz- Dealing with stubborn people. To lose it is to become a victim of treachery. Hold crystals in your palm quartz- show persistence and stubbornness yourself.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Quartz, but the necessary interpretation sleep dreaming Quartz in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? Had a dream that I saw my daughter had 2 rings, I took one to try on the middle finger of my left hand, it was very large, half the size of the palm, rounded in shape and pale pink color reminiscent pink quartz.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Pink- a sign of youth and purity, gullibility. Black precious beautiful stone - rare dream. Dreaming people with latent abilities and means power and achievements in certain areas of their lives. Rarely does anyone dream quartz dreamed about it quartz, rock crystal, you can be sure that you have psychic abilities! Opal – secret passion, inconstancy.

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  • Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    Interpretation sleep Quartz(stone). Dream in which you dreamed about it quartz, any of the varieties quartz– colorless (rock crystal), pink, “hairy”, carnelian, agate, “tiger eye”, other “big-eyed” species quartz- means that you need such a stone in reality. It is best that in reality they give you that quartz which you dreamed about it in dream, or you accidentally came across one similar to the one in yours dream, and bought it themselves: it will become your strongest ally and protector.

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  • Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Quartz(stone) in dream Quartz(stone): You deal with stubborn people. Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse. Quartz in dream This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates the effect of harmony. Dreams with its presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world. Dream book of David Loff. See Quartz in dream Quartz: conductor of energy. Spirituality.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Quartz for what dreaming in dream?I dreamed about it Quartz, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Quartz in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it!

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  • Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Quartz, dream Quartz, dreamed Quartz. Dream Interpretation In dream see Quartz. This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates the effect of harmony. Dreams with its presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Dream book of Denise Lynn. Quartz is a symbol of purity and spiritual attunement. The purity of the natural cut and transparency of this stone made it in ancient times an invaluable tool for the spiritual attunement of mystics and shamans. It is believed that, in addition to beauty, quartz- has special psychoelectric properties that help with meditation and internal journeys. If you dreamed: Stone Grinding stone promises great joy in the near future. Dream in which you hold in your hand quartz- portends...

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  • Dream Interpretation "detskiysad"

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonniktolkovatel"

    To you dreamed Quartz in dream? See in dream Quartz- does not necessarily mean something good or bad, sometimes dreams film about recent events, namely what you were thinking about before sleep or on this day. What does it mean dream Quartz if you really see in dream Quartz and what to expect from sleep- if you ask yourself similar questions, then the answer to them and the interpretation of these dreams you will find it here.

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  • Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    If you saw in dream pets, this means that you will soon find a new friend. I dreamed about it pink flower garden - the approach of a joyful event. For girls, it promises the loyalty of the chosen one. Poets and writers, seeing in dream natural quartz pink colors, they will know that everything will turn out great for them. The light elephant symbolizes the highest spiritual power; you will achieve good luck in life.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Quartz has the ability to cleanse and renew human energy. Depending on what a person needs, different stones, crystals of different colors and transparency are used. Perhaps you just need to hold it in your hands pink quartz, That's why dream and showed you this ring. And you don’t have to voluntarily give your energy to others. This is a useless exercise for both you and the person asking.

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  • Dream Interpretation "freemolitva.narod"

    Interpreter dreams for persons born in September, October, November, December. For insomnia. Start talking snoring. From the conversation in dream.Pink quartz, at first glance an inconspicuous stone, has many advantages that have made it one of the most famous stones to consumers. Beads made from it were first discovered in the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia back in 7000 BC. e. - even then women’s jewelry was made from it.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Rarely anyone dream quartz stones, much more often precious, if you dreamed about it quartz, rock crystal, you can be sure that you have psychic abilities! Any jewelry with precious stones means important accomplishments, achievements and success in the personal life of the person to whom they belong. in dream.Affirmation sleep « Pink flamingo" 05/20/2015.

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  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    if you dreamed about it color dream- you are incredibly lucky. For what dreaming pink color? So, Sigmund Freud argued that interlacing in dream pink tones or its pronounced shade indicate purity and at the same time hidden desires. Since tenderness is more characteristic of the fair sex, these dreams mostly overcome young and innocent girls, but without any subtext or hint.

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  • Dream Interpretation "TaroTaro"

    dream book Quartz dreamed about it in dream what does it mean if dreaming Quartz.To you dreamed about it unusual dream and you want to understand its meaning? Virtual dream book online at TaroTaro.Ru - useful interpretation service dreams. We have more than 55 of the best free dream books online from different authors and more than 200,000 meanings dreams.

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  • Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    : Dream Interpretation Quartz, for what dreaming Quartz, see in dream Quartz, interpretation sleep Quartz, which means dream Quartz, meaning sleep Quartz, dreamed Quartz, dream Quartz.This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates the effect of harmony. Dreams with its presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world. See in dream Quartz dream book

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  • Dream Interpretation "rozzalinda.narod"

    Sweet dreams. Pink quartz can help you sleep peacefully and have a good rest in dream. Put a piece pink quartz under your pillow and it will help you relax, get rid of insomnia and nightmares. If you are using pink quartz for medicinal purposes, you should clean it regularly. This will eliminate the negative energy that he has absorbed. Wash your crystal under running water once a week and then let it dry in the sun.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Quartz according to the dream book: Quartz- Seen in dream quartz in reality means internal changes; the desire to establish harmonious relations with the outside world. Why dreaming Quartz according to the dream book: Quartz- to instability of character, fragility of position. Trying to grind quartz in dream- you are wasting your time trying to get out of a desperate situation.

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  • Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

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  • Dream Interpretation "biju-vino.livejournal"

    Solar dreams, dreams in the grass, violets dreams... and familiar to all women - pink dreams... :)) Series SOLD OUT. Materials: fittings, some small crystal beads, amestist, prehnite, citrine, pink quartz.Pink dreams- sold. How to care: To prevent the fittings from darkening or oxidizing over time, store the jewelry in a closed box or bag where there is less access to air.

The article on the topic: “dream book rose quartz” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Quartz – I had a dream.

I dreamed about Quartz, interpretation:

The dreamer dreamed of Quartz, what is it for?

What does sleep mean by day of the week?

  • Did you dream about Quartz from Sunday to Monday?
  • Did you dream about Quartz from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dreamed of Quartz from Tuesday to Wednesday?
  • I dreamed about Quartz from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream about Quartz from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dreamed of Quartz from Friday to Saturday, why?
  • Why did Quartz dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Did you have a dream about Quartz? Share!

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Dream interpretation rose quartz

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Quartz, Loff's dream book

In the science that studies stones, quartz is considered a mineral that can bring harmony to a person’s life. Its appearance in a dream fully justifies this theory in the sense that such a dream reflects the dreamer’s desire for harmony with the world and people around him.

If you dream that you have a product with quartz or you simply held this stone in your hands, then an event awaits you ahead, thanks to which you will be able to restore damaged relationships, make peace with an enemy, overcome an intolerable situation, etc.

“Why do you see quartz in a dream? If you see Quartz in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about Quartz:

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

American dream book

Dream Interpretation 2012

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dream Book of David Loff

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Did you dream about Quartz, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Quartz in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I walked along the road on which there were many, many large quartz crystals of different types and shapes. Having collected a couple of large stones in my bag, I wandered on.

I was swimming in the river and, looking up, I saw a pink cloud that was quickly approaching me, after approaching, rose quartz stones began to fall from the cloud next to me

In a dream, I walked around an unfamiliar city, saw rich and beautiful streets, rode public transport and found myself in new places; at some point, on the sidewalks everywhere, I began to notice coins, different ones, a lot of them, I collected them and was surprised that they were everywhere. Then she found herself in a resting place where there was water, she also collected coins and, starting to leave there, found herself in a narrowing passage, where under her feet, like pebbles, everything was lined with plates, blocks of transparent, pure quartz with pink veins, like strawberry quartz, and it became more and more, I walked along it, took it in my hands, marveling at its cleanliness, the passage narrowed and led upward. My hands were already busy, I was still getting used to it, looking at him and... I woke up.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream Interpretation

    Rose quartz

    Dream Interpretation Rose Quartz dreamed of why Rose Quartz is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Rose Quartz in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Quartz in a dream

    Quartz in a dream. Quartz - reveals the secret. Prediction, prophecy of the future, magical energy. Rarely do people dream of quartz stones, much more often they dream of precious stones, if you dreamed of quartz, rhinestone, you can be sure that you have psychic abilities!

    Any jewelry with precious stones means important accomplishments, achievements and success in the personal life of the person to whom they belong in a dream. Next, look at the names of the jewelry, since all symbols have their own aspects and meanings.

    Quartz in a dream

    Finding a gem signifies success and achievement, an important event through which you can succeed. The more beautiful the stone, the happier the accomplishment. Usually in dreams stones are “felt”. Your feeling of the stone will be repeated in life after the foreseen has happened.

    Collecting precious stones in a dream is a sign that you can achieve what you want yourself. Take action!

    See the interpretation of the symbol "Stones" completelyThe overall mood of the dream and the feelings you experienced in the dream

    The best indicators for determining the nature of real events. Fear and fright are harbingers of drastic changes, which will also cause you to feel anxious in your life. However, this does not mean at all that the event that you were so afraid of will happen in reality.

    Since the symbol of accomplishment and the onset of a real event are completely different signs. Joy and happiness are harbingers of happy changes. Envy and malice mean themselves, no matter who they come from. No one can hide them in the world of dreams, no matter how hard they try. People “wear” masks only in life. In dreams you can find out everything about a person, even if he closes himself off from you. Only very experienced oneironauts can know how to hide in the subtle worlds. It is impossible to hide love in a dream.

    Why do you dream about quartz?

    Quartz (stone) - you are dealing with stubborn people.

    quartz - you are dealing with stubborn people

    Quartz - Seeing quartz in a dream in reality means internal changes; desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

    Quartz - to instability of character, fragility of position. If you try to grind quartz in a dream, you are wasting your time trying to get out of a desperate situation.

    What Quartz means in a dream is to deal with stubborn people. To lose it is to become a victim of treachery. Holding quartz crystals in the palm of your hand means showing perseverance and stubbornness.

    What is quartz for? 1. Quartz in a dream is associated with the crystallization of an idea or sensation. By coming into contact with our deep internal processes, it allows us to express what was previously impossible to express under any form. 2. The process of crystallization was studied by ancient people - they caught light, and therefore energy. This process does not occur on a subconscious level in many dreamers. Thus, dreaming about quartz means recognizing an evolving energy. 3. Quartz is considered both a battery and a transmitter of Spiritual energy.

    What does Quartz mean in a dream – internal changes; desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

    Quartz is a conductor of energy. Spirituality. Clarity.

    Quartz - This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates the effect of harmony.

    Dreams with his presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

    Transmitter. Conductor of energy.

    Quartz is a symbol of purity and spiritual attunement. The purity of the natural cut and transparency of this stone made it in ancient times an invaluable tool for the spiritual attunement of mystics and shamans.

    It is believed that, in addition to beauty, quartz has special psychoelectric properties that help with meditation and internal travel. The crystal has the properties of a psychic transmitter and energy amplifier. The base of this stone (silicon) is used to make microcircuits in computers that transmit impulses.

    Quartz can be a very important sign of entering the spiritual path and focusing your spiritual energy.

    Quartz is a reflection of spiritual attunement. The need to focus spiritual energy. The need to meditate.

    The reality and meaning of dreams

    The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

    A dream may contain terrible and frightening images. There is no point in interpreting them: they are empty.

    A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

    A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unrealized hopes. This is an empty dream that means nothing.

    Dream interpretation rose quartz


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    Dream Interpretation of Juno

    Our Juno dream book of 75 dream books has for many years been the largest collection of dream interpretations by different authors and peoples on the Runet. An interesting selection of interpretations.

    Many of our tests are exclusive. Accurately reflect the character of a person and relationships between people. We especially recommend the socionics test to determine your sociotype and the feng shui test.

    Our project is named after Juno - the goddess of marriage, motherhood, fertility and feminine strength. Juno is the patroness of women, true love, legal marriage, and guardian of the hearth. The goddess Juno in mythology is the respected wife of Jupiter, who has the glory of a wise advisor. Asteroid Juno in the horoscope indicates meaningful relationships, love and marriage. Juno also governs female attractiveness, a sense of style, the ability to be a decoration for others, the ability to create comfort and harmony in the home, in one’s soul, in relationships, and in life in general. Therefore, on the Junona.org portal you will find answers to questions about love, marriage, success and harmony, from the point of view of psychology and spiritual practices: esotericism, socionics, feng shui, stylistics, imageology, astrology, yoga, reiki, alternative medicine, religion and etc.

    Pink color according to the dream book

    It is generally accepted that the color pink is seen in dreams by people who have a fine mental organization and a vulnerable soul. However, it happens that this color scheme is also dreamed of by a brutal macho. The question arises: what does the shade of the “gentle dawn” symbolize? Dream books give many comments, explaining why you dream about something like this, but the first thing they advise you to pay attention to is what exactly you dreamed about in a similar color.

    As Miller explains

    The dream interpreter of a famous American says that the pink color you see in a dream indicates that you are a great dreamer. You build illusions, and then you yourself suffer because your expectations turned out to be illusory.

    Another interpretation of the dream is given by Miller’s dream book to those who like to dream about the unreal: if you do not come down “from heaven to earth,” you risk missing out on your happiness.

    Get rid of nonsense from your head

    The Eastern Dream Book offers approximately the same interpretations, deciphering the meaning of the dream plot in which you dye your hair with bright pink dye: by continuing to remain an infantile child, as an adult, you risk being branded a fool.

    Did you dream that you dyed your hair black, but it turned out pink? This vision means that the wrong thoughts are occupying your head. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, you have your head in the clouds.

    Do you see bright pink hair on your loved one in a dream? You should not think that he is unfaithful to you, the Wanderer’s dream book suggests, this person is sincere with you.

    Learn to be simpler

    It’s difficult for you to cope with your sad mood, so you go to great lengths, the Summer Dream Book hints, if in a dream you painted the walls pink. And Pastor Loff advises us to accustom ourselves to the fact that the world does not revolve solely around you, and also to the fact that everything that happens to us brings us good, even troubles - they provide invaluable experience.

    The dream books make the only exception when they tell a pregnant woman: if in a dream you painted the walls pink, then most likely this means that you will have a girl.

    You will be disappointed

    The pink color is pleasing to the eye if it does not violate the logic of the “picture,” but if you see something pink in front of you, which in fact should have a different shade, then this causes a misunderstanding. Dream books claim that seeing something like this in a dream is a disappointment. Here, for example, is what atypical pink people dream about:

    • plants - you will be disappointed in your partner;
    • food, drinks - you will feel falseness in communicating with someone;
    • animals - do not blindly trust strangers;
    • eyes - someone wants to fool you.

    From cute pranks to outright stupidity

    Dream books offer ambiguous interpretations, explaining why you dream of the color pink in clothes. If you dreamed of a soft pink dress, whether for a wedding or at home, then this is a sign of the romantic mood that hovers around you.

    Rating 4.9 Votes: 107
  • People see vivid images, perceiving dreams as if in reality. A sleeping person often has pink, interesting dreams. Although this always happens unexpectedly. Don't be afraid to have rosy dreams. Because they usually only portend good things in the future.

    Once upon a time, the ancient inhabitants thought that dreams are the message that the Lord God gives to a person, predicting the future. Unusual dreams were usually solved by elders or priests. Nowadays, a lot has changed, people began to use special dream books.

    You don’t know what a pink dream is?

    Pink dreams often visit romantics and dreamers. These dreams are an interesting phenomenon. Women dream of them, warning them only about a good future and reflecting peace.

    Usually it is seen by those people who are happy and healthy. If you are young at heart, then you will definitely have a dream of this color. For good luck and joy, you dream of bouquets of fresh pink flowers.

    In order to find out the exact meaning of your dream, you can choose a dream book that suits you.

    Your life will be good if you saw a rosebush in a dream. Give in to temptation when you see this color while relaxing. And according to the modern dream book, you will experience ardent feelings for a loved one.

    Did you have a dream from the second day of the week to the third?

    Look what is written in the books. Pay special attention to the first lines. Please note that every dream has its own meaning. How events turn out depends only on you.

    You can often see pink dreams if, in the evening, before you went to rest, you were thinking about something good or worried about something. If dream books do not give a clear answer to your dream, then you can contact specialists - somnologists. They will help you unravel everything that you dreamed about.

    Pink dreams have the ability to come true, you just need to remember it.

    If you saw animals in a dream, it means that you will soon find a new friend. I dreamed of a pink flower garden - the approach of a joyful event. For girls, it promises the loyalty of the chosen one.

    Poets and writers, seeing natural pink quartz in a dream, will know that everything will work out great for them. The light elephant symbolizes the highest spiritual power; you will achieve good luck in life.

    A dream about him means instability of character and the fragility of your position. A bad dream in which you will try to polish it. He indicates that you will waste your time trying to get out of a desperate situation. Grind.

    Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Quartz?

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    Quartz - interpretation in the dream book

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    It is a symbol of purity and spiritual attunement. The purity of the natural cut and transparency of this stone made it in ancient times an invaluable tool for the spiritual attunement of mystics and shamans. It is believed that, in addition to beauty, quartz has special psychoelectric properties that help with meditation...

    Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Quartz?

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    If you dream that you are playing bowls, this dream foreshadows changes for the worse in business and, as a result, heavy losses and losses. You will find yourself in straitened circumstances and forced to fight poverty. This dream also foreshadows insincere friendship...

    Dream book online - Quartz

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates the effect of harmony. Dreams with his presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world.

    Interpretation of sleep Quartz

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    You are dealing with stubborn people.

    What does the dream portend: Quartz watch

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    You will be late for an important event.

    Quartz in a dream

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    You're dealing with stubborn people.

    Why does the Stone appear in a dream?

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    Seeing stones means difficulties in business and illnesses of loved ones. Throwing stones - in reality, cause a dispute or serve as an object of gossip. Walking on stones means you will experience a strong fright. Walking along a rocky road means you will experience the torment of backbreaking labor. Lifting a stone...

    What does the dream portend: Clock

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    To the lack of a true clear goal in life. You have the gift of clairvoyance (prophetic dream). Chess clock - you need to hurry up. Quartz watch - you will be late for an important event. Hourglass - in a short period of time you will have to solve an important life problem.

    Author of the article: website

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