Home Horoscope for the week Feng shui fountain in the office Feng Shui: natural stones and water. Where can you put a fountain

Feng shui fountain in the office Feng Shui: natural stones and water. Where can you put a fountain

In the traditional teachings of Feng Shui, water is the source of Shi's life energy. Therefore, a waterfall, fountain or aquarium can serve as an ideal reservoir for living water, which will bring health, well-being and happiness into your home.

The murmur of water will not only have a calming effect on your psychological state, but will also improve the air in the room. Flowing water is soothing, it is good to look at it during relaxation, meditation, as well as rest after a hard day's work.

It is especially relevant to have fountains and waterfalls in urban apartments, which are made mainly of concrete and plastic. After all, in such rooms, energy imbalance very often reigns. A fountain, waterfall, or even a picture of water will help restore the balance between Yin and Yang.

Feng Shui fountain: which one to choose

If you decide to put a fountain in your apartment or house, then first you must decide on its shape and the pressure of the jet. The jet of water in the fountain must certainly beat up, while it can be of any height and force of ejection.

Fountains are both desktop and floor, in the form of bowls, columns or various compositions. Therefore, choosing the shape of the fountain, be guided only by your tastes and preferences.

Some decorative fountain firms sometimes let the customer choose the decorative elements and fountain stands. This is very convenient because you can choose the height and shape of the fountain yourself.

If for some reason you do not want to have a fountain at home, then you can replace it with a beautiful waterfall with crystal clear water.

Which waterfall to choose

The shape and height of the waterfall, as well as the fountain, choose based on your preferences. But the stronger the noise and the more powerful the flow of water, the more spectacular the waterfall will look. But even small, quietly murmuring waterfalls have the same calming effect as large waterfalls.

The film of water also looks elegant. It not only adds elegance to the interior, but is also a very good air humidifier.

And if you want something new and unusual, then get a waterfall in the form of rain jets. It can be of any height and width.

But if the room is not very large, then it is better to purchase a small waterfall, otherwise a large amount of water in a small room can lead to energy imbalance.

Feng Shui Aquarium: which one to choose

In China and many Asian countries, fish tanks are the most popular. They can be seen in almost every house in the southeast sector. Aquariums with fish are a symbol of not only living water, but also well-being, wealth and prosperity. In this case, the color and number of fish is of great importance. The best option is when one black fish and eight gold fish live in an aquarium.

Unlike fountains and waterfalls, an aquarium must be a certain width and height. Since the aquarium is supposed to bring power and wealth to the home, the appropriate size for an aquarium is: 38 cm high, 38 cm long, and the width of the ideal feng shui aquarium is 26 cm.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium, of course, are of great importance, but that's not all. You also need to choose the shape and place where the aquarium will be located. It is best to put the aquarium in the aisle, so you can constantly see it. Just do not put it in front of a toilet or front door, otherwise all your luck will go down the drain or into the street. As for the shape of the aquarium, it can be anything, but not triangular.

IN Ancient China there was a legend about how carps swam up the river, overcoming the rapids, and those of them that could not cope with the course became dragons. Since that time, the Chinese consider fish a symbol of determination and perseverance. And therefore, if you decide to start a fish, then in the aquarium it is worth putting a device that will create a current, and an apparatus that will saturate the water with oxygen.

Where should the decorative pond be located

A fountain, waterfall or an image of a reservoir should be located on the left side of the front door (if you are facing it), if you put the reservoir on the other side of the front door, then it will begin to attract not only prosperity and happiness to the house, but also other women to to your husband. It used to be in China that a successful man should have a large number of concubines. But in our time, the loving nature of a man can destroy a family.

Feng Shui Expert Tips

Remember that if your element is fire, then you should not abuse the elements and symbols of water in the house. In this case, waterfalls, fountains and water paintings should be small.

If you have completely healthy fish died in your aquarium, then do not panic. This means that the dead fish took with them all the misfortunes and troubles that wanted to fall on you. In this case, simply change the water in the aquarium and replenish it with new fish.

If you do not have time to fish, then you can grow lotuses or water lilies. These flowers, like fish, bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

If you have your own house, and there is a small garden on the south side, then Feng Shui experts recommend building a small fountain or waterfall in the garden. It is better if the waterfall or fountain is located near the front door. This will bring prosperity to your home. But, make sure that the water flows towards the front door, and not away from it, otherwise luck and prosperity will “leak” from you. As we said above, it is important that this “reservoir” is located on the left side of the door (when viewed from the house), otherwise women who want to beat off your husband will often come into the house.

Many people treat the science of feng shui as an oriental invention that has no place in Russian culture. But, if we look into the history of Rus', we will understand that our ancestors built and equipped their homes according to special rules, which are in many ways similar to the rules of Feng Shui. True, in our time no one remembers them. But many people know that the construction and location of houses, windows, doors, baths and wells were not determined arbitrarily, but taking into account orientation to the cardinal points and terrain. Our ancestors also paid great attention to water, because they knew that pure water It is a source of energy, health and vitality.

Fountains feng shui is the most popular product on the market dedicated to this topic. They are made from all sorts of materials, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They are placed outside and inside the house - on the desktop, on the floor, built into the wall, and so on.

In order to use the fountain as a feng shui medicine, it is not necessary that it be in oriental style. In fact, none of the feng shui medicines should look Asian. In order to create harmony in the house, it is enough to fit well into the interior and design of the room.

Fountains are very popular because they carry the energy of water, which, in turn, is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Another reason why you should put a fountain in your home is the fact that fountains spray negative ions into the air, which are very beneficial to health. Usually this is so lacking in many rooms.

Where can you put a fountain

The fountain can be placed in the living room and office.

A fountain can be placed at the front door, especially if it faces north, east or southeast. It can be put in the office and in the living room, also to the north. The best sectors for placing feng shui fountains are: east (health and family), southeast (prosperity and abundance), north (career and life path). The location of the fountain is determined by the bagua, in other words, the energy map of the house. As well as the interaction of five elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

Where not to put fountains

Fountains are forbidden to be placed in the south. The south is the sector of glory and reputation, and the energy of fire reigns here. If you add the element of water here, that is, put a fountain, then you will create a conflict of the elements. Fire and water are a dangerous combination. And bad feng shui. Water extinguishes fire.

Do not put a fountain or any other element of water in the bedroom. It does not matter in which sector of the house it is located. In the bedroom, the water element creates the energy of anxiety. Therefore, it is not recommended to put a fountain here.

You can not put a fountain under the stairs. This can lead to illness or failure in children.

Do not put a fountain in the bathroom.

It is forbidden to put a fountain under the bedroom. Sleeping over a fountain is bad feng shui.

You can not put a fountain on the right side of the front door. This can lead to adultery.

How to enhance the effect of the fountain?

WITH practical point of view, when buying a fountain, you should pay attention to its quality and to ensure that its motor does not make noise. Also, choose a fountain with a design that is easy to keep clean. Pay attention to the fact that the fountain has enough space for water for one or two days of its continuous operation.

Several minerals or crystals can be placed in the fountain.

Several minerals or crystals can be placed in the fountain. It will strengthen it positive energy. This energy is also called sheng qi. Not bad if you choose a fountain that can also be used as a diffuser.

Using and, as well as essential oils along with the fountain, you double the auspicious energy of this feng shui medicine.

The water in the fountain should flow and be always fresh. It is better to use distilled or bottled water, not from the tap.

Turn off the fountain at night. Its noise should not distract you during sleep. In addition, if you hear the sound of a fountain while in the bedroom, it is bad for your finances and health. If possible, put the fountain on a timer.

Fountains create a calm, peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home. Use them correctly and be happy!

The Feng Shui fountain will act as a talisman, depending on where to put it, the value will also change. The main meaning of the fountain in the house is a source of inexhaustible wealth, which symbolizes flowing water. Also, the fountain is associated with endless vitality. The water here is constantly in motion, due to which the energy in the water is activated and its stagnation is removed. Only moving water is able to bring good luck and success in business, according to the Feng Shui principle "up and forward."

The meaning of the fountain in the house

Pure flowing water attracts positive Qi energy, creates energy balance and harmonizes the space. The perfect place for life, there will be exactly where the Qi energy, symbolizing the life force, spreads in abundance.

The element of water in the home brings prosperity and wealth. If you awaken this energy in proportion to the rest of the elements, then a harmonious interaction is achieved. Thus, do not overdo it and make the water sector too active.

When the water element becomes uncontrollable due to the large number of water symbols, the opposite effect may occur: financial failures, you will become indecisive, insecure, too emotional and touchy. Therefore, paintings with a water landscape are chosen very carefully. A roaring waterfall, a stormy and raging sea can produce an undesirable effect.

Types of fountains

Fountains in the house can be installed in any shape you like. Today, there are many electric fountains in stores of different designs and sizes. There are fountains made in the form architectural structures, animals, with natural landscapes, abstract compositions. The decorative part of the fountain can depict a group of rocks, grottoes, a lake, thickets, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial stone, natural and artificial flowers, palm bushes, bonsai are used.

Of the architectural structures, you can often find mills on which water falls, jugs, Chinese pagodas, sea shells and copies of ancient statues. Someone will like a large fountain in the form of a column or bowl, for someone the best option would be a miniature fountain, which should be placed on a table or stand, or a fountain-picture. Living plants can be placed around outdoor fountains, as the green scale also attracts the energy of money.

Fountains are appropriate in the house, and at school, and in the office, and in kindergarten. Fountains are made from different materials: granite, ceramics, glass, marble, semi-precious stones. Here you are free to choose a fountain depending on the interior of the apartment, financial capabilities and your own preferences.

Where to put?

To attract material wealth and wealth to the house, one should activate southeast zone apartment, which is controlled by the energy of Water and is the main area for attracting finance.

A decorative fountain installed in the east has a beneficial effect on the family and the health of the household. If you put a fountain in the north, it will help you climb the career ladder.

In any case, a decorative fountain in an apartment will become a wonderful decoration of the interior and add sophistication to it, create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the room.

The water flowing in the fountain fascinates and attracts. The calm murmur of a slowly running living water will help a person relieve stress and fatigue. You will create a corner for a relaxing holiday after a day's work. In addition, the water in the fountain will humidify the dry air in the room, which will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the flowers and the health of the household.

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According to Feng Shui, water represents kinship, support, wealth, and the flow of life. It is able to harmonize space and is the most powerful means for transporting Qi energy, and with it favorable energies and financial well-being. Since ancient times, people preferred to live near water bodies, but at present, they, especially city dwellers, are deprived of contact with living water, which adversely affects the human psyche and energy.

Feng Shui recommends placing water sources inside the house or on the site. The sound of flowing water has a calming effect (a babbling stream), water flowing between stones and rocks (streams and waterfalls) causes the formation of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on people's health, making breathing easier, and instills confidence in a good future.

Fountains and waterfalls create new energy flows in the environment. You probably experienced feelings of surprise and sympathy if you saw a fountain when entering an unfamiliar house. When properly placed, it favorably affects the environment of any home. And precisely considering the power of this tool, which is a very powerful activator of energies, one should carefully and carefully approach its use and placement in the house. There are general recommendations for installing a fountain in a particular part of the house.

Firstly, this is the appropriateness of its location in different zones in accordance with the elements ruling in them: you should not place a fountain in the “Glory” zone of the Feng Shui Octagon (south direction) - this is a zone of the element of Fire, so the presence of a fountain in it will negatively affect reputation. But in the northern sector, which is responsible for the Career, the element of water rules, so here the fountain can be said to be “in its element”. It will also be favorable to place it in the zones of Family and Wealth, that is, in the east and southeast - the ruling element of these zones is a tree that feeds water, so the circulating water in the fountain will activate favorable energies and attract positive changes in these areas of life.

Secondly, recommendations for placing water objects in some rooms should be taken into account so as not to provoke adverse consequences. For example, it is better not to place fountains and other large water bodies in places of rest and sleep, that is, in the bedroom, since the active energies that will create water movements will not allow you to relax and get a productive rest, and can also introduce an imbalance in the intimate and interpersonal relationships of the owners of the bedroom. The same applies to the placement of the fountain under the bedroom, if it is located on the second floor of the house.

Some experts advise placing a fountain at the front door on the left, when viewed from inside the house, in order to enhance the incoming flows of Chi energy, while the location on the right can attract treason into the house. However, if the front door falls into the southern sector, it is better to abandon this idea altogether for the reasons indicated above.

In addition to general recommendations on the placement of the fountain in the house, one should also not forget about, which at different times change the energy potential in the areas of the living space, as well as about the Water Formulas in Feng Shui, therefore, before installing the fountain at home or in the office, it is better to contact a specialist for these calculations.

unfavorable there may be a placement of a fountain in the sector where the Flying Star Yellow Five flew in, as well as in a zone that is affected by the negative. In addition, some sectors for the coming years are considered unsuccessful for the long-term placement of large water bodies (large aquariums and fountains with active bubbling water) - these are the Northeast, Northwest, West and South. However, in case of short-term or one-time activations, it is possible to place a water body in these zones.

The best are fountains with a stream of water that does some work, for example, rotates a water wheel. The flow of water represents the financial flow, and such fountains symbolize not only the influx of money, but also their successful investment. To enhance the effect, you can place some kind of money talisman at the bottom of the fountain, for example,

Feng Shui fountain is one of the most famous and widely sought after talismans, which not only brings harmony and order to the house, but also looks incredibly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. If you are also thinking about buying a similar item for your home, read below and you will learn how to choose the right feng shui fountain and where to put it.

How to choose a feng shui fountain?

From the point of view of the Eastern science of wind and water, a fountain can have any shape, type and design style. There are no strict requirements for the materials from which it must be made. In addition, in order for it to bring prosperity and good luck, it is not at all necessary to buy a fountain that seems to be a truly oriental product. Thus, you have the right to safely buy everything that you like best in the store.

As for its location and type, it can stand both inside the house and on the street, be built into the wall or be a separate decorative element.

What is it used for?

The fountain is actually quite a powerful feng shui talisman used for many different purposes. However, its main advantage is the fact that it brings into the house the energy of Water, which has long been considered an ancient symbol of wealth and prosperity.

In addition, the continuously flowing water in the fountain fills environment negatively charged ions that have a beneficial effect on the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

Where to place it?

The most suitable areas for a fountain are:

  • East- located here family and health zone, and therefore a fountain placed in this direction will strengthen the well-being of its owners, and will also make positive changes in family relationships;
  • Southeastwealth zone. Here the fountain plays a role money talisman attracting the energy of wealth and material prosperity;
  • North- located in this direction Career zone, which can be easily activated using any miniature fountain and immediately observe the improvement of your own career advancement.


Meanwhile, there are 2 places in the house where it is strictly forbidden to put a fountain. This:

  1. South. Its control element is Fire, the energy of which any water objects (including fountains, aquariums, etc.) will actively suppress and destroy. Because of this, a so-called conflict of energies will arise, and therefore a bad Feng Shui and an unfavorable aura will be observed in the house.
  2. Bedroom. Regardless of which part of the house it is located in and which sector it belongs to, the fountain does not belong here. Being a water feng shui talisman, it will bring the energy of anxiety and sadness here, so it should be placed anywhere, but not in the bedroom.

From a practical point of view, I would also like to advise you to buy exceptionally good quality fountains with a silent motor for your home. And in order to enhance their effect on the bottom of the fountain, you can always put a few Feng Shui crystals or stones.

It is also worth paying attention to the fountain model equipped with a diffuser for essential oils. Due to the presence of the latter, the fountain will not only bring harmony to your home, but will also fill it with pleasant aromas and will have a slight relaxing or tonic effect on others (depending on the characteristics of the oil used).

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