Home Numerology of fate Intuitive energy. Awakening the Powers of the Soul. Decorating the main practice

Intuitive energy. Awakening the Powers of the Soul. Decorating the main practice

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated by 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the surrounding world for a comfortable existence.
  • A tool for gaining life experience through various lessons of fate and working off karmic debts.
  • A tool for fulfilling the soul’s program, its calling and purpose in the current incarnation.
  • A biological organism responsible for existence, vital functions and simple needs.

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is fueled by energy from the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

Etheric body

The first subtle body of a person is the ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Guardian and conductor of prana - vital force.
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps resist diseases on an energetic level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, and loses vigor.
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revitalize the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society.
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body.

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born along with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

Astral body

The astral, or emotional, body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything that concerns a person’s emotional state: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions.
  • Provides a connection between the ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to react to external circumstances with certain emotions.
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain.
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state.
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity.

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

Mental body

The mental essence contains all thoughts and conscious processes occurring in the brain. This is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. Everything that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body dies on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections.
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic.
  • Creating thoughts.
  • A repository of all information that penetrates a person’s consciousness from his very birth.
  • The repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that every person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for connecting emotions, feelings with memory and mind.
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and wants, to benefit himself and others.
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “turned off,” a person literally turns into an animal without reason.
  • Controls all thought processes.
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making.

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born along with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that remain from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of higher powers to “educate” a person, force him to go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn to work on your beliefs, control your emotions and train awareness (thought control).

Intuitive body

The intuitive, or buddhic, body is the personification of the spiritual principle of a person. It is by “turning on” the soul at this level that one can achieve a high degree of awareness and enlightenment.

This is the body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person should live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to complete the task required in that particular place.

Watch a video about the subtle human body:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the “composition” of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. “There is nothing but God, and God is in everything.” A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the entire vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the higher mind.
  2. The solar is the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth.
  3. The Galactic is the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy).

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: these essences contain a certain energy. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions fully and radiates the correct vibrations.

This is an immortal principle that accompanies each of us at all stages of evolution. It connects people with perfection, harmony, wisdom, love - with the spiritual and divine world, with the absolute.

Spiritual body consists of several body-structures: buddhic(intuitive-compassionate), atmic(bodies of will and spirit), monadic(single whole) and divine.

Spiritual body has two principles: Human and Divine. The Divine is the chief ruler of the Higher Self (“I am”). If the divine will coincides with the human one, this is a true Man. “Lord, let Your Will be done, not mine” - our spiritual beginning always knows what is best for a person. We ask for one thing and receive another, not because we are unworthy. It’s just that at this stage of development we need more what we don’t even know about.

The spiritual body is also called the essence of man. It is consonant with the higher consciousness (higher Manas) of man. If the consciousness is conservative and full of prejudices, the person is undiscovered and superstitious. If consciousness creates pure, creative thoughts, a person is liberated, light, creative, open to the new, the unknown. A spiritually developed person is able to transfer his consciousness into the spiritual body (insight) at least for a few seconds. Then it descends upon the person God's grace. Consciousness in the spirit brings holiness.

The spiritual body communicates with the physical world through the 8th, 9th (planetary) chakras, which are located outside the body, and through the open centers of consciousness: the heart, the “third eye”, the crown. The energies of a spiritual, divine nature have white, white-silver and golden colors that purify, heal and protect a person.

When dying, a person gradually sheds his physical, etheric, astral, mental bodies, and partly his karmic memory. However, the highest Manas, the spiritual principle, the conductor of light and love, the law of causes and effects, preserves the experience of the soul accumulated over centuries.

We constantly communicate with the spiritual world and - consciously or not - strive to become pure conductors of energies (in man is a conductor of energy) of divine peace, love and God's grace. Our emotions, feelings, thoughts are emitted into space in spiral, multi-colored streams, and the energies of the cosmos send us vibrations and information that we receive through the chakras - the centers of consciousness. Every second we have an intensive exchange of energy and information with a single universal information field.

The Almighty and the spiritual body of man

Emotions, thoughts, words, actions often disrupt our connection with the Divine world. But it is he who sends us knowledge, love, healing, support, advice, help and protection, and tests us if we act in dissonance with cosmic law. It is vital to re-establish and maintain contact with spiritual body.

This is the only way to find harmony, health, unity with the entire world around you, creatively self-realize, and become a conductor of pure light and love. We need to trust, open up to the cosmos, to the divine power that guides us through life. It doesn't matter what you call it: God, Allah, Buddha, Absolute, Prime Creator, sensations are important - there is some higher power in your life that inspires and supports you.

Open up to her - trust your intuition and the life process itself; help others, have compassion for them, and you will become a conductor of Divine grace; turn to God, to your Soul, to the Higher Self, to the Guardian Angels. Consult with them, thank them, wish them peace and goodness.

We all walk under God“. This means that every person, no matter what he is, is dear and valuable to the Almighty, and does what he came to this earth for. In the physical world we are divided into good and bad, light and dark. In the spiritual world everyone is one. Try not to judge, criticize, or even curse anyone. Everyone is equal before God .

At the physical level there is a separation of energies. An imbalance between them in the body leads to perversion of sexual energy. Ask your soul, your higher self, to connect, to balance these energies in the lower bodies, to balance the two yin-yang polarities. After all, at the level of the soul they are a single whole.

Enter a meditative state. Realize, feel your Soul in the present time. Talk to your Soul, breathe with it in the same rhythm. Let it guide your mind, spiritualize your life, strengthen your intuition, and in 5-10 minutes you will be filled with peace and a feeling of unity with the entire universe.

Feel the presence of the Creator of everything visible and invisible around and inside you. Remember that regardless of whether we see or not see, believe or not believe, God is always inside and outside of us. Simply realizing this will allow you to connect your bodies with your spiritual body.

Self-knowledge and meditation

In a meditative state, feel and imagine yourself, your soul, as a cell in the huge body of God. All people are cells in a single organism, where each performs its own unique function. Feel that you are working clearly, easily, harmoniously with other cells, your interaction is harmonious.

You are one with God and the entire universe, with all creatures living on Earth and in space. You are a part of a great, powerful organism. Unity, peace, joy, love, great vitality, creativity and creation - this is all of you.

Don't forget to harmonize your unconscious intentions with the Divine ones. Whatever you do, whatever you dream about, whatever you desire, be sure to say three times at the end: “This is my will. But let it not be my will, Lord, but Yours. You know better what I need at the moment.”

Meditate, then, consciously or unconsciously, you will be able to enter a state of spiritual insight (), and be imbued with the finest energy. It is advisable to use spiritual mudras in meditation - the gesture of supplication, the mudra of “Contemplation”, the mudra of “Inner Self”, the mudra of “Lotus”, etc.

Development Spiritual-Divine body will give us the opportunity to know ourselves better, to understand who we are, why we came to Earth, what is God’s will for us, how to always remain open to the cosmic consciousness (Christ consciousness).


The element of Intuition is the energy of premonition, predestination, prediction of sensory and behavioral reactions of other people and situational “connections” with them.

The energy of Intuition is initially present in both people and other living beings, especially mammals. In people, Intuition often atrophies in the process of life if it is not used because of disbelief, because of the preference for concentrating on external manifestations - actions, words, deeds, rather than on internal ones, that is, not on one’s feelings.

Intuition works and develops to a greater extent, the more a person is turned to his inner Essence, the more fully he realizes himself as a Spiritual Essence, and not as an organic form of life.

Laws of Intuition:

1) awareness of your own state and your own feelings - this is the only truth in every moment of life;

2) trust yourself, your premonitions, and not the apparent logic of external events and words;

3) the more a person trusts Intuition, the more he develops it;

4) without inner silence, it is impossible to deeply immerse yourself in the flow of energy of the Element of Intuition.

The energy of Intuition is the energy that connects our consciousness with our Forces, with our true Essence.

We are all socially conditioned to one degree or another. Intuition tells us what is what in the World in reality. Human societies replace each other, their laws change—sometimes to the opposite—and the nature of people’s social conditioning changes. What was considered honorable in the social structure of, say, our country just recently is now branded with disgrace.

But the World remains the same as it was, for it any processes in society are just minor local fluctuations of the streams of fields of consciousness. For many people, what is happening to us today seems like a catastrophe, since everything to which they were attached through their rigid social conditioning has collapsed.

But in reality nothing special happened. The social structure has changed slightly and the social scale of values ​​is adjusted accordingly - and that’s all. The eternal remains so. Social conditioning enslaves a person, violates the purity of his contact with himself, with his Forces, with his Spiritual Essence.

Socially conditioned people are very easy to manipulate. Intuition is freedom. A person is more intuitive the less socially conditioned he is. And vice versa - the more a person trusts Intuition, the freer he is and the less social conditioning he has.

Often people mistake their life experiences for Intuition, but they are not the same thing. In practical matters, life experience, that is, actual possession of information about certain aspects of life, is a good helper. But a person resorts to it through mental processes, through mental analysis. Intuition is something outside the mind.

Through Intuition, our Forces, our true Spiritual Essence, turn to our consciousness.

Intuition is not “seeing” through the “third eye” - the Ajna chakra.

The energy flow of the Element of Intuition works using the Vishuddha chakra and the Sahasrara chakra.

Initially, the ability of intuitive perception is inherent in any Essence. And only we ourselves have the right to decide what to do with it - develop it or abandon it.

Sherry Dillard, a medium with twenty years of experience, is convinced that every person is naturally endowed with a “sixth sense” and with the help of certain techniques can develop it as much as possible. The author writes that all people, from the point of view of the characteristics of their intuition, can be divided into four types: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual intuitives. Using the test, you can determine your intuitive type. Then the author leads to the next step - meditation exercises - specific for each type. Doing these exercises will be the first step towards developing your mental abilities. Guided by the author's advice, you will learn to attract helpers from the spiritual world - angels and mentors - and will be able to receive messages, warnings and tips from them. But the real gift on the path to developing intuition will be genuine spiritual growth, which will allow you to reach a higher level of awareness of reality, enrich your inner world and gain wisdom. Previously, the book was published under the title “Intuition and its types. How to develop your psychic abilities." The book was also published under the title “Types of intuition. Identification and development of hidden abilities.”

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The given introductory fragment of the book The Gift of Intuition, or How to Develop a Sixth Sense (Sherry Dillard) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Psychic energy and our interaction with it

Our original nature is such that we are able to be in constant contact with everything that is in life. We live in a world filled with energy. We ourselves produce this energy - flowing, connecting, addressed to others and returning to ourselves. What we call psychic phenomenon is this energy which is spread and held by vibration, understanding and emotion. It is the invisible, non-physical natural basis of all things. This is energetic matter that once was or is about to become physical. Biologically, we are equipped not only to connect with the invisible world, but also to build our knowledge of it. Our interaction with the spiritual world never stops. Even if we do not suspect anything about its existence or are skeptical, we intersect, encounter the subtle world around us and respond to it.

Often we don't try to become aware of how our physical senses function. Most of us have the abilities to touch, smell, taste, see and hear. It doesn't matter whether we touch a rough surface or a smooth one - we trust our sense of touch without thinking about it. We take for granted our ability to taste and smell, hear and see. Our physical senses are a part of us, so it is almost impossible to imagine life without them.

Our intuition is as natural to us as our physical senses, which is perhaps why it is often called the sixth sense. Intuition, along with all other senses, is integrated into our daily lives. Just as the five physical senses interpret the physical world for us, so intuition interprets the subtle world. With the help of intuition, we can identify the characteristics of our own personality and seek spiritual truth. It is through intuition that we realize that our goal is the soul.

Thanks to intuition, we learn to navigate the inner worlds and understand the subtle worlds. Our intuition has wisdom and power. We simply use it in a different way than our physical senses.

Our intuitive childhood

As Albert Einstein said, imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is one of the ways intuition interacts with the rational part of our consciousness. When we are young, intuition helps us realize a future in which we will be happy. Young children, dreaming of building houses and roads or singing on stage, are guided by intuition and try out different roles, testing different aspects of their personality. Children have the ability to imagine, play, and create. Through what seems to be fantasies and dreams, their souls intuitively guide them to choose a path in life.

However, as we grow older, logic and cause-and-effect relationships often take the place of intuition. We drown out the small, polite voice that encourages us to discover ourselves through imagination. But our intuition is not destroyed. It continues to operate - sometimes through gentle impulses that we call coincidence. We think about a friend we haven't seen in years, and then he calls us on the phone. We are looking for a specific job and hear a conversation on the subway or in line at a store about a job opening that suits us.

As we become more attentive to the small events of our daily lives, we begin to discover the silent presence of something that guides and helps us. We learn more about this part of ourselves. The search for this silent wisdom is as natural as the search for the truth that nourishes our spirit; both are necessary for our normal existence, like food and water. When we don’t have dreams and visions of happiness, we can wither, indulge in bad habits, become depressed, and develop all sorts of mental and emotional pathologies. Remember: the child inside us still lives, still thrives in the subtle world.

How does intuition work?

Where is our intuition? We have a nose to smell, a tongue to taste, and ears to hear. But what part of our body does intuition use? Is it our brain or maybe our nervous system? Our intuitive receptors are much more ephemeral than our physical senses. Our intuition is a complex and complex biological function. It begins in the energy shell that surrounds us, which is also known as the aura. An aura is an energy and vibration that is invisible to the eye of most people. The aura is a collection of energetic areas that can connect us to the life force currents of everything that surrounds us.

Our aura is intertwined with chakras - non-physical energy centers that connect us to different levels of consciousness. Each chakra is a funnel of connecting energy that connects our thoughts, actions, emotions, inspirations and potential. Chakras, like the soul, contain the energy of our past, present, future, the projection of our soul and purpose in this life. Our chakras are the gateways that Spirit uses to access the non-physical worlds. They connect us with our mentors, angels and many subtle worlds.

This complex web is woven by vibration. Each chakra contains a family of similar and related energies. We are a multi-layered system, more efficient than a cell phone or satellite. We are perfectly equipped to connect with all that is in life, and with practice we can learn to read and interpret energy. We can acquire the skill of tuning into certain energetic information - in much the same way as tuning a receiver to a radio wave.

In our familiar physical world, we initially use seven main chakras. I know about twelve chakras that are beyond the seventh and which we have not yet fully activated. The seven main chakras connect us to the physical world around us and to the various levels of consciousness, although we have not yet fully learned how to benefit from these multi-level components. Since each chakra interprets psychic energy differently and most of the time we are focused on specific chakras, everyone receives and interprets the flow of psychic energy around us in their own unique way.

The seventh chakra, located above the head, contains information about our spiritual purpose, life cycles, instructions, and karma. This chakra is usually clean, clear and is responsible for the overall scheme of a person's life. The energy interpreted by the seventh chakra will contain messages from guides, loved ones, and our higher self.

Our sixth chakra, called the third eye, contains the energy of the mind, thoughts and beliefs. She can also transform energy into dreams and thoughts. It is with this chakra that clairvoyance is associated. Our intuitive knowledge also comes from this chakra.

The fifth chakra, located in the throat, is directly related to the Bible, to the beginning of the Gospel of John, which states that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Musicians, singers, professional speakers, teachers use this chakra.

The fourth, heart chakra receives energy in the form of emotions. Love, hatred, peace of mind or pain - all feelings, both unpleasant and full of love, come to us through the heart. Our hearts can also receive divine love, and the heart chakra perceives intuition as empathy and compassion.

The third chakra is located in the solar plexus. For many people this is the main intuitive channel. We receive the energy of this chakra as a “gut feeling.” This chakra is often open without our knowledge, absorbing the energy of the world around us.

The second chakra, located below the navel, receives energy in a “more physical” way. Much like the first chakra, located at the base of the spine, the second chakra is responsible for our physical world, finances, relationships and career development. Intuition received through the second chakra often takes the form of kinesthetic experience and knowledge; what comes through the second chakra can be difficult to put into words.

Intuition and spiritual receptors, through the chakras and the world around us, transform information into words, images, feelings and impressions. Over time, as we gain practical experience and knowledge of using this energetic language, we gain the ability to accurately interpret not only our own energy, but also the past, present and possible future of others.

Our potential

Our bodies have a complex and beautiful system of energetic capabilities. We are multi-layered beings moving towards realizing our true potential. Our bodies are equipped enough to cope with the rush of life in the physical world. As a species, we have experienced hunger, heat, cold, disease and stress. Our bodies are also designed to meet spiritual needs, to adapt to and respond to the purposes of our soul in all the many challenges of daily life. Our bodies can help us achieve the purpose for which we came here.

By silencing our intuition by not listening to it, we do not use our full potential. For this reason, we become gloomy, depressed and self-absorbed. Of course, our “I” tries to convince us that we are the most important form of life, that we are the only ones endowed with intelligence and therefore are of special value. However, when we are separated from the multi-level flow of life, we feel lonely and without purpose.

There is an internal and external view; There is internal and external hearing. The difference between internal and external perception is not that one is “real” and the other is not. It lies in the fact that one means can reach the physical world, and another - the inner worlds. Both of these tools use the physical body as an instrument. Our body can take physical vibration and transform it into useful information; it acts like an ear that receives a sound wave, or an eye that transforms vibrations into color and shape. Becoming open to receiving information and guidance in ways beyond the physical senses does not weaken us, but rather makes us stronger. The energy body emanating from our physical body carries valuable information about our physical and spiritual health and well-being. Our chakras, or energy centers, contain the energy of our emotions, beliefs, and experiences in our lives. They can also give us access to healing, loving higher vibrations.

We do the best we can by going beyond our own limits. Transcending yourself doesn't just mean cultivating your own spirit. This means we are improving our ability to create the life we ​​want. The invisible network that surrounds us connects us to all the visible and invisible aspects of life. It connects us to infinity.

In its essence, INTUITION is one type/source of spiritual energy, emanating from levels above the mental and taking on one or another similarity/correspondence/variety, according to the individual development of his physical, etheric, astral and mental vehicles/bodies and centers/chakras.

In other words, whether we are talking about the intuitive body, insight, anticipation or special instinct, we are talking about one thing - intuition. It is true that it is worth noting that the same quality of intuitive vision and self-awareness was not inherent in humanity in different eras of evolution.

In the current era of the Aryan race, the Muan and Atlantean intuitive discrimination of emotional-mental nature is being replaced by straight-knowledge, enhanced by spiritual intuition.

It's time to lift the centuries-old veil from intuition so that intuitive abilities become our natural heritage.

But what is more important - to discover or develop intuitive abilities?

Let's try to understand the quality and property of our nature that does not leave us indifferent and attracts us to comprehend it and discover the secrets of mastery.


Intuition is the compass of the soul, which shows the individual the direction to follow in the endless ocean of preferences...

Almost every person in his life has encountered situations, the correct or the only correct way out, from which he was “suggested” by an invisible force, an inner voice, a certain presence, a vision, whose name is intuition or instinct.

Intuition is one of the most widespread meanings of our time, causing in many aspirants genuine interest and a desire to touch its omniscient ability. For the possession of knowledge that does not require reflection and proof is the acquisition of one’s own power and mastery.

Intuition has always caused many philosophical disputes and controversial judgments. Democritus and Plato, Plotinus and Descartes, Hegel and Freud, as well as many others, contributed to the study and understanding of intuition.

For example, the French philosopher Henri Bergson claimed that “The essence of life is incomprehensible to the intellect and is grasped only with the help of intuition, which is life’s comprehension of itself.”

In Duetik, intuition is viewed as an insight that makes our lives fulfilling and attracts us to further exploration of paths. Unlocking your intuitive abilities requires a connection between the heart and mind.

In turn, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believed that “the whole world of reflection (authentic reflection - turning consciousness to itself, thinking about thinking) rests on the world of intuition, as its basis of knowledge.”

Indeed, intuition still serves as the basis today for both contradictory research and all kinds of insinuations.


Let's try to give a capacious and concise definition of intuition, although, as psychology shows, this is definitely very difficult to do. Forin modern psychology, intuition is considered like knowledge without awareness, And almost instant search, And mental function that informs about the possibilities of the present, And illogical component of thinking, And unconscious possibility of "direct discretion", And unconscious insight.

Spiritual psychology considers intuition much wider and deeper, touching on the area of ​​the unconscious and subconscious, conscious and supraconscious (superconscious) levels, including instinctive and sensual, mental And spiritual intuition.

The key point in the development of intuitive abilities can rightfully be considered expansion of consciousness, How larger capacity capacity through removing perception barriers For acceptance of greater truth, which in turn leads to integral vision and understanding.

In the article “ I have discussed these aspects in detail.

As is the case with different levels of intuition, when the instinctive subsequently gives way to sensory and mental intuition,the main thing in the disclosure or expansion of consciousness lies in the evolutionary movement: from rudimentary consciousness- To feeling consciousness– then to mental-conscious and, subsequently, to divinely understanding in contact with the world of spiritual realities and possibilities, encompassing the fifth, spiritual kingdom of souls.

To establish a stable channel with the Soul, meditation, lucid dreaming, observation and, in fact, expansion of consciousness and the ability to calm emotions and mind are suitable.

And here detecting Light and enhancing its glow will require several different actions from us. For Light in our nature is mostly unmanifest light of the physical body, barely noticeable light of the etheric body And foggy light of the astral plane together with separate flashes of body-mind form the so-called auric glow. Accordingly, certain efforts will be required to detect it on the one hand and activate it on the other.

In other words, there are three types of light emitted by our body, which can be “discovered” empirically. But for this you need to know or, least, guess about its existence. So we have:

1) dark light of the body (cells)– photon light, which is reflected by the etheric body and conducted by the physical (can be detected through cell studies).

The apparent darkness of our body is only the shadow of the sun, which allows us to grow a beautiful garden of the soul in its alleys without the burning effect of its rays.

2) actually aura light(etheric or vital / vital body), which is colored by the thoughts, emotions and feelings of a person on the one hand and receiving / reflecting the light of the soul - is recorded / imprinted using the Kirlian method;

3) light of the causal/karmic sheath– the external body of the soul, transmitting it to the etheric body, is internal in terms of its exploration by a specific person. This is also the Light of the Soul or Spiritual Intuition. The Light of true Enlightenment, Illumination and Understanding. Light that eliminates all kinds of distortions and helps to realize, see and feel the nature of Unity.

“Through the light of the soul the soul can be known.” – Theogenesis.

The light of the intuitive body is the light of knowledge, which is transmitted by the Soul through the revitalization of the two upper centers - Vishuddha - the center of the throat and Ajna - the brow center. Thus the creative throat and the perceiving, spiritually aware mind come together in the act of self-construction.

The light in the head is partly related to the light that the intuitive body transmits, thereby producing changes at the physiological level.

Another step towards developing intuitive abilities isdevelopment of sensitivity, as an internal ability for greater vision and perception.

In this sense, sensitivity is the ability of a person’s internal representative systems, aimed at an internal response to the Soul.

Development of sensitivity- internal ability to perceive, becomes possible thanks to human representative channels: auditory, visual, digital and kinesthetic.

In other words, all our five senses, as well as the mind, are directed to the body as the main receiver, recorder and transmitter of sensations, which, together with mental images, associations and feelings, create an intuitive channel between the invisible world and the world of our sensory perception.

The “purity” of this channel depends on many components - the ability to abstract, independent thinking, sensory perception and that assemblage point that allows not only to receive the necessary “material” from intuition, but also provides the ability to decipher or decode it.


One way or another, intuition, which constantly “makes itself known” to the individual, leads a person to certain effective achievements, including various abilities of a sensual and supersensible nature.

Eg, results of the emerging straight-knowledge is ability To:

  • /recognition– the natural ability to accept or reject various facts or elements that the mind borrows through the channel of the soul.
  • Inspiration or insight- an incomparable feeling of mastering the inner space, as if suddenly the inner Voice of Silence spoke within you .
  • Revelation - a state when, like a vision, the Truth is revealed in all its radiant fullness and knowledge, which is achieved by establishing contact with the superconscious, through spiritual intuition.

“Spiritual intuition always touches true reality; it is the luminous harbinger of spiritual consciousness, or its radiant light itself; she sees what other powers of our being struggle to study; it grasps the solid truth of the abstract ideas of the intellect and the phenomenal ideas of the heart and life, a truth which is itself neither remotely abstract nor externally concrete, but something else; Why are these two different sides of its psychological manifestation for us? Sri Aurobindo "Synthesis of Yoga".


It is spiritual intuition that serves the heart and life, reason and feeling, being “ integral truth finder».

It becomes a unifying link between personal expression and mental life, reflecting universality and integrity, even a certain completeness, if the completeness of something exists ideally.

But, one way or another, truth is the knowledge of what is necessary or right at the moment of accomplishment and in its essence and expression it is always relative in the process.

In addition, the flower of wisdom does not open its petals of knowledge to everyone, and this is quite natural. Without a holistic picture of your worldview, there is always a chance that the truth you seek will not be your cornerstone.

In any case, the desire for knowledge does not go unnoticed by the action of the individual, towards whom the gaze of the soul is latently directed. “To him who knocks, let it be opened!”

And in this sense, intuition is the light of the soul in the dark kingdom of matter, breaking through and slipping out through the armor and shell of emotional and sensory layers and mental raids. Intuition is the truth that hastens to destroy and dispel all the illusory nature of external and rational life.

In the eternal search for one’s own meaning in life, intuition, which sublimates the intellectual and sensory-emotional sides of life and sweeps away the walls of conventions and restrictions, becomes the torch of the spirit, its messenger and exponent of the idea, which contains the ability to live creatively, consciously and with “ breakthrough into infinity».

Thus, intuition can be defined asanticipation, foresight, insight, clear understanding And awarenesssomething by a person at the time of her visit.


Intuition, as straight-knowledge, is the step that an aspiring person must initially climb, comprehending the evolution of feelings and discovering intuition in all its diversity, choosing the necessary instrument of cognition.

By using intuition as a tool for daily conscious action, a person automatically brings enlightenment and a sense of purpose into his life, without limiting his creative ability to choose the desired and preferred direction.

In order to achieve true and spiritual intuition, it is necessary to approach a crisis point when the cognizing mind has exhausted itself and all its resources.Then, having made your mind transparent, neutral, dispassionate and detached, consciousness is able to descend into the body, making it mobile and relaxed, ready to reflect all processes through direct sensation, without any change or distortion.

That is, direct knowledge will not flow from the outside, but will emanate, radiate from within, illuminating and revealing the true essence of what we are in contact with at a given moment in time, thanks to the illuminated revelations of our true psychic being or Soul.

This is how intuition manifests itself as a true guide and life inspirer.

And this remarkable ability of hers to emanate truth from the world of Spirit and Divine Ideas does not go unnoticed by the integrated personality, increasingly listening to the voice of the silence of the Soul, transmitting impressions through straight-knowledge.

Soon the personality becomes a full-fledged individual or Soul, manifesting itself through the personality through an incomparable life experience that allows one to discern “reality with clarity, free from the magic spells and illusions of the three worlds.”

Be that as it may, in order to develop intuitive abilities, it is necessary to reveal your own dormant potential.

And the sooner we direct our impartial gaze to this area of ​​natural science, the more significant the progress will be in our lives. The more conscious our life steps will be and the more obvious the path of suffering will be, which is “voluntarily” ready to relinquish its powers in favor of the path of love and wisdom.

And the best guide in this replacement and transformation will be our higher “I” or Soul, speaking through intuition. DOWING AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTUITION

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